Phrasal verbs with "Get"

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ladies and gentlemen is welcome i'ma teach me yes hello welcome thank you for coming yes it's new it's a pleasure to be here in 1953 most of all because I wasn't born then now now I know English is hard it is a hard language to learn there are so many questions like why aren't phrasal verbs just called froze hash tag frogs you don't know what hashtag is wait 60 years we'll know well ladies and gentlemen get excited because today's lesson is phrasal verbs using the verb get what it's good step you need to learn this stuff it's fine it's not difficult I promise Jesus we'll start easy maybe you know this one but maybe you don't know the little details of it for example get on or get along with someone you don't need the with but if you use with you must have an object the other person you probably know this you know it as having a good relationship with someone a romantic relationship no it just means that when you're together you don't hate each other for example if you're together and you hate each other you would say we don't get on or we don't get along how would I use it with this what were the object be I don't like him he doesn't like me we don't like each other so we'd say we don't get on or we don't get along with each other with each other it's not necessary but if you use with you must have the object and in this case it's with each other or we could say he doesn't get on with him he doesn't get on with him it's fine so that's if they don't have a good relationship right but these guys are they're not best friends but they have a good relationship when they see each other hey it's you it's me in this case they get on they get along but that just means that they don't hate each other what if I wanted to say when we're together when I see him when I see her we laugh we joke we play xbox we're very happy in this case we could say you could emphasize it and say we really get on or we really get on well same for a long we really get along we really get along well it's fine or we get along well you want to say we're good together nothing special yeah we get on it's fine you want to say with best of friends wow we really get on but if you want to say hmm yeah I don't like this person yeah me here we don't get on another phrasal verb forget number two Kandra buzzes sorry this is the one that everyone is confused with when do I use get in or out and get on get off for a bus you would say get on or get off let's get on the bus that means to enter the bus and to exit get off another way to use get on is this one you know when you're studying or you're at the office or somewhere and someone comes behind you and they're all like hey how's it going ah I just want to continue with my work don't bother me I want to continue that is how you use get on it can mean continue with something continue with work so he would say um I need to get on with my work sorry face so just remember that in this case get on means continue but continue with work again notice that we've got with that's an option so just to clarify two options I need to get on or I need to get on with my work for the next one will do now there are two main meanings the first one means to connect with someone when you're trying to call someone but maybe they're listening to music and they don't hear their phone so it goes to voicemail or maybe the phone is busy they're calling someone else so he can't connect with her on the phone so he's thinking hmm I can't get through that's one meaning of get through the other meaning is when you have a difficult situation that you're trying to finish for example the difficult exam maybe his friend comes to visit him because he's studying so hard and she's a good friend and she wants to ask this how's uni how's university and he's really having a difficult time so much to study oh my god it's too much as a dude difficult I want to cry it so hard so much studying but remember she was a good friend she wants to reassure him so she wants to say it's a difficult time but you'll finish she could say this she's gonna say don't worry you will you'll get through it no problem you'll get through it you'll finish the difficult thing so there you have one meaning is finish something difficult the other meaning is if you remember from before connect on the phone how are you doing you confused I know it's annoying and English is stupid but don't worry together we're going to get through phrasal verbs with get next one to start a conversation you could say which TV shows do you like a good answer would be this oh my god I go into Game of Thrones last week what does she mean by get into Game of Thrones well it means to become interested in something but more than a little bit for example she could say I watched Game of Thrones it's okay I watched two episodes yeah it's okay but if she gets into Game of Thrones now she's a fan now one very important thing you need to know about get it can mean become so that means the start of being interested in something I started to be really interested in Game of Thrones last week I get into Game of Thrones now no that doesn't mean I am interested we've getting means start so it's only correct to say I got into Game of Thrones now I am interested you would say I am into Game of Thrones I am into Game of Thrones without last week I am into that's right now you could use this in the past if you're not interested in something anymore yeah I was into Game of Thrones but then Persia her died so now I'm not into it anymore so going back to this question which TV shows do you like a more common question to ask someone which TV shows are you into so if you meet someone the good first question is which TV shows you into another one this time with over get over if a boyfriend and a girlfriend break up and he says in this relationship is finished how is she gonna feel very sad right she has a good friend and she wants to reassure her she wants to say he's an idiot don't worry soon the bad feelings will finish when you want to say finish with bad feelings you can say get over don't worry you'll get over him those bad feelings you won't care soon it won't be important to you you'll get over him now can I say you'll get over no with this you must have an object you'll get over him or you'll get over it the relationship you'll get over it it's fine also if you want to tell someone ah okay three months you're about your ex-boyfriend get over it already so just to clarify get over means to lose negative feelings about something or someone or to generally stop caring about that situation and say ah I did care but now I got over it I am over it next one will do get by let's imagine someone offers you a job and you want to ask hmm how much is the salary how much money does it pay and they say this yeah we'll pay you three pounds an hour now if someone offers you three pounds an hour for a job at least in London you can't survive on that you can't survive on that money so if you want to say survive but financially survive you could say get by three pounds an hour I can't get by on that money I can't survive what am I going to do buy a sandwich probably because I'm British survive financially living in London is difficult but if you have the right job you can get by next 1 1 maybe you haven't heard of is this one to get around doesn't have a positive feeling to it it's kind of negative let me give you an example girls you probably know this situation if a guy comes up to you and says you you're the most beautiful girl in the world probably you are not the only one he's saying this too right but don't worry she has good friends friends who know better and she wants to say don't trust him I know him he gets around what does that mean to get around well it means to be with lots of people sexually so you want to say this person is with a lot of people they get around well ladies and gentlemen you've been fantastic thank you so much for coming to see our lesson click here to subscribe click here to watch another video I'll see you all in the next class - bye
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 434,683
Rating: 4.9630113 out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, phrerbs, phrasal verbs, get, verb get, phrasal verbs with get, the verb get, aly
Id: AsspZcwurwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2016
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