English IDIOMS For... People Who Never Reply to Texts

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before we start I'm terrible at replying often I will say sorry I fell asleep and that's why I didn't reply to you so I apologize if I've ever said that to you because it probably wasn't true today's video is made possible by skill share improve your English the natural way by learning a new skill in English for two months for free by clicking the link in the description so the extreme version of not replying is ghosting this is when you disappear completely from someone's life much like a ghost so in conversation you might hear something like this bro she hasn't replied since we met up last week you think she's getting me yeah probably so ghost is mostly used as a verb he ghosted she ghosted me just notice that that object isn't necessary so let me know in the comments and be honest have you ever ghosted has someone ever ghosted you why what happened also do you think that ghosting is really really bad or someone told me the other day that they think ghosting is the kindest way to end a relationship sounds weird but go sometimes I kind of agree for me personally yeah I'm not proud of it I've ghosted girls have ghosted me however I live in London and to be honest I think it's to be expected in big city dating life so for me it's like me but what do you think let me know so some excuses or some reasons why you don't reply to someone hmm maybe the message didn't come through what does that mean to come through it's a good phrasal verb it means a message email text whatever was delivered and received by the person so you might ask someone oh hi yes sent you an email yesterday did it come through pronunciation practice come through say it with me I know it's difficult to do the through sound but with practice you'll get it don't worry from the sound look where your tongue is now you have to bring your tongue back in the mouth for the sound third third and then it's easy ooh through through come through say it with me come through mmm good another one might be your battery okay batteries they don't just stop working no it's more sad than that they die I know it I know it's sad so for example sorry my battery died practice your pronunciation with battery notice that in British English we say bat tree that tree American English battery battery British English battery say it with me battery whole sentence now my battery died good um you also find that style of pronunciation in other words like we would say military tree military American English military commentary commentary cautionary cautionary missionary missionary and we do the same with strawberry blueberry all of the different berries we make that every sound into just a wreath so let's practice both British and American pronunciation British first because it's best my battery died good American English my battery died um this next one this one's my most common excuse I fell asleep however it is often sometimes true when you get home from work and you're very very tired you just want to sleep yet you see a message and you're like I'll reply later and then you don't you just fall asleep I do that all the time okay we have a good phrasal verb for when you feel very very tired and you just fall asleep very very fast to pass out but be careful literally this means to lose consciousness for example you know when you see lots of blood and you that is to pass out or to faint to lose consciousness but when you're very tired and you fall asleep very quickly you pass out so when you get home from work and you fall asleep very quickly you pass out and if you want more sleep vocabulary I made a whole video about that you can watch it here as an example sentence you could say to someone I'm sorry I didn't reply I got home and I passed out okay you can say these things to someone who doesn't reply you are waiting for an answer from someone for example you made plans with your friend and now you want to confirm tonight we're going to meet right tonight we're going to hang out so you message them hey are we hanging out tonight or nothing you can't make plans you're still waiting for them to reply very annoying very rude what is this other person doing you leave someone hanging you know the phrasal verb to hang on right it means wait so if you leave someone hanging they are waiting for your reply I hate when people leave me hanging and I'm trying to make plans so you could say to your friend don't leave me hanging I need an answer are we hanging out or can I make other plans also you know when you receive a message and you read it the little symbols come up like on whatsapp is that or an Instagram they'll say seen now he knows that his friend has read the message but just didn't reply we have an expression for that situation too to leave someone on read they know that the friend has seen and read the message but they haven't replied they leave them on read so in a conversation you might hear this I told you I was pregnant and you just left me on bread I've I've turned off my read receipts for whatsapp I don't think you can do it for Instagram not sure not because I don't want to reply it's because I see the message and I'm like I'll reply to that one later and I never do I know I'm a bad friend okay what's another way to say reply to someone you could use the phrasal verb get back to someone so instead of saying or writing in an email thanks for your reply you could change reply to this thanks for getting back to me let's extend this to a sentence that you might use so if your friend says this hey let's do something tonight but you're waiting for your friend to get back to you about your plans that you might have could say this I can't make plans yet I'm waiting on John to get back to me about when he finishes work when you cancel plans how can we talk about that when you have to cancel you really should tell that person don't just leave them hanging or definitely don't ghosts okay here is an example template that you can use and then edit when you need to cancel it's in the description just copy paste it into a message and edit the relevant details hey sorry yeah I can't make it then the reason why you are canceling and then another sorry because can't have too many saris quick point when you say I can't make it that just means you can't go to the thing maybe it's a plan an event and meeting whatever if someone invites you to something or if you may plans and now you have to cancel you can't go you say you can't make it now when this happens to you you want to say ah this person they cancelled me they canceled me that doesn't make sense we need a preposition of course you can say he canceled but if you want to include whose plans were cancelled you can say he cancelled on his friend the preposition on now stronger than that if you are kind of angry that they cancelled change cancel to bail so if you want to add some anger to it you could say ah we had a plan and he bailed on me he bailed on our plans for example and yes again the preposition is on we could use this in other situations too like god this wedding is boring Shree BHEL BHEL it's a much stronger way to say leave whether that means cancel your plans or to leave an event that you agreed to be at also who enjoys wet who enjoys weddings I don't understand the party's fun this bit no one is enjoying your wedding your wedding is boring next we have an adjective to describe the person who always bails or cancels on someone usually last minute or maybe you just leave someone hanging you don't make plans and stick to them if that's you you are flaky that's an adjective you are flaky you can't trust a flaky person are you flaky be honest sometimes people tell me that I'm flaky and to be honest yep sometimes they can be flaky or as a noun I'm a flake also it can be a verb so in conversation you might hear this so are you coming this weekend well yeah definitely yeah really because you always say that and then you just cancel or you don't show up or you leave me hanging I won't I promise not this time every time we make plans you flake dude I promise I won't whatever flake oh and to finish you know if you have plans and for some reason you can't make it you don't have to cancel if today isn't good for you why not tomorrow or next week just delay or postpone those plans there's a really good phrasal verb to mean postpone delay the plan we say to put off something I mean if you're busy you're busy you can just say to your boss your colleague your friend whatever hey can we put off the meeting until next week or hey can we put off hanging out till next week whatever the thing that you need to delay is maybe the reason you're not replying is that you're trying to improve your Instagram skills and if that's you then I highly recommend that you take Brandon waffles skill share class Instagram where the photography shoot edit and share these classes are full of amazing tips and tricks to boost your Instagram photography to the next level you could learn and then use the same techniques that Brandon used to gain over 3 million followers on Instagram Skillshare is an online learning community which has thousands of classes on everything like lifestyle technology business it's really good yearly membership costs less than $10 a month but you watch this channel and that means I love you more than your parents do it also means that you get two months of premium Skillshare for free by clicking the link in the description plus that also helps support this channel you can choose from thousands and thousands of online classes and again I always say it learning a new skill in another language is the best way to learn that language and this premium membership gives you access to everything all free for two months so let's start this year by learning some new skills so thanks for watching and good luck bad textures flakes and general bad friends tell me your stories using all the vocabulary from today's class post it in your Instagram stories tag me at puppet teach me in those stories and I will repost the best ones for extra extra English practice you can join this channel as a member or join my patreon page and I'll see you in the next class I have to go do a thing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 98,460
Rating: 4.9743767 out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Papa teach me, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, English idioms papa, english idioms
Id: gAg3Hgr5kd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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