Make Friends with PHRASAL VERBS! - Learn English

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You want to be social meet new people and talk to them in English you'll need these phrasal verbs first I feel like every one of my example starts with so you're at a party but you're at a party and you're feeling confident and you want to speak to this person so you approach her but we won't say approach no that sounds too formal and we don't like formal yuck we will use phrasal verbs which phrasal verb means approach go up to go up to means approach someone or something and remember it's always more common to use the phrasal verb in this example he go okay clips he goes up to her now go up to that's general and it just means approach but you know how phrasal verbs work the preposition shows you what happened and the verb shows you how it happened so if that means he approached her this you know how phrasal verbs work we can change this verb he didn't go up to her he maybe he walked up to her maybe it was fast he ran up to her or maybe maybe he danced up to her you know if he's a creep but again phrasal verbs the preposition shows what happened the verb changes how it happened so be creative change the verbs say how you approach someone or something now maybe he loves her so he wants to ask her hey let's go to the cinema let's go get food let's go get coffee let's meet in some kind of romantic way what phrasal verb do I need ask out you like them you want to meet them more than friends you ask them out but how do you ask someone else that's really hard it's not it's really not hey um do you want to go out with some time that's it that's all you need to say so he asked her out and she said I don't know you decide tell me in the comments what did she say also tell me what is your perfect idea for a perfect date my pancakes then drinks okay this next phrasal verb come across this has two meanings the first one means you meet someone by chance or you find something by chance for example the party continues and Mary wants to introduce Peter to this guy oh my god Peter this is client can't you kind of look like Superman I don't know have you ever met Superman I I've never come across him before it means to meet someone by chance accidently not just meet someone but also find something by chance usually in the comments of my videos people say oh cool I was looking for videos to learn English with and I came across your videos I found them by chance let me ask you as a question how did you come across my videos after you meet someone you now have an opinion on that person based on that one meeting what impression did that person give you well another meaning of come across is exactly this it talks about your opinion what impression did they give you so Mary Jane wants to give her opinion about what impression Clark Kent gave her he really came across funny and not like funny haha but now funny weird so yeah oh so there are two different meanings of the word funny you know one meaning funny haha that is so funny but there's a second meaning when someone is acting strange different a little bit weird you would say they are acting funny or they are being funny how do you know the difference if it's the same word you know through intonation and through context example you are so funny you're being really funny today see you can hear the difference but yes in a text message you can't hear anything and any intonation or sarcasm is lost so if you're writing this in a text message it's best to be absolutely clear in what you she can also say he came off as funny I don't know he came off as a bit funny they both mean the same thing in this context similar to that is this phrasal verb to give off this is so similar but this is talking about the impression that you give to everyone in general the vibe that you give people think of the word emanate or emit maybe those words translate to Latin languages a bit more easily let's do an example yeah he really gives off this unfriendly vibe like maybe he hates everyone next you're all as a group you're having a conversation I'm just saying I think this Superman is more handsome than spider-man totally and then a different person joins and interrupts your conversation hi nice to meet you I'm Batman I totally agree what did Batman just do he interrupted he he butted in the phrasal verb to butt in just means to interrupt usually a conversation this is not a very formal phrasal verb so if you say that someone butted in it means they were not being polite they were kind of being rude I can't believe Batman just butted in our conversation now they're fighting something bad is happening and she wants him to interrupt it to intervene in this bad thing to stop the bad thing what phrasal verb can she use are you gonna step in so remember to step in it means to intervene to interrupt something bad before it happens or in this case to stop something bad which is happening now like a fight she wants Batman to intervene no I want to see what happens now of course Batman is going to step in of course he's going to intervene and end the fight now when a situation doesn't involve you that's not your business but you involve yourself anyway you include yourself in to the situation you big stick your nose in this is not a positive meaning this is not your business this doesn't involve you but you included yourself anyway so in this case Batman stuck his nose in you know this wouldn't have happened if Batman hadn't stuck his nose in now we want to talk about the feeling that you leave a situation with so if you want to say after that this is how I feel you'll say this phrasal verb come away with after that I'm gonna come away with a very bad impression of Batman the common way that you might want to use this is you meet someone and after that meeting you feel good about yourself or you feel good about something because of the meeting you can say well I came away feeling really good I came away feeling really confident so yeah I think they both came away with a bad impression of Batman but also of each other they probably hate each other now a few days later and they meet in the street by chance complete coincidence they didn't plan it it's just by chance when you meet someone completely by chance you bump into them or run into them so if you meet your friend on the street you could say wow I wasn't expecting to bump into you today or run into let's try the past tense today I was just walking on the streets and I ran into an old friend so here are two ways that you can practice all the vocabulary from today's lesson one retell it to your friend retell it to someone in your class what happened at that party try to use all of the phrasal verbs or I have made a worksheet for this lesson that's up on my patreon right now links to join my patreon or join this channel as a member or in the description you can get the worksheet if you're a member of this channel or of my patreon both support this channel thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next class
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 101,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Papa teach me, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, social phrasal verbs, making friends phrasal verbs, spiderman phrasal verbs, superman phrasal verbs, superman vs spiderman
Id: Bfjp2ypNwX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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