ANXIETY THE GAME | The Watson-Scott Test

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what is that my cranky crew what did the four crack gameplays today we're in the Watson Scott test sorry if the cameras a little bit weird I am going to go to the airport to go to Australia in about an hour and I already had my other camera sub packed away and some lights and stuff so sorry it's a little bit different but I did a little spooky stream maybe like a week ago or something that maybe maybe a little bit more than that if you guys wanted me to play this game but apparently also note to Kathryn keep an eye out for this it shows your IP address at some point in the game so I was gonna play it on the stream but since it was a stream I'm not gonna show my IP address on the stream so we're doing it here and you guys uh you guys wanted me to play it so I thought that I would record it it's supposed to be very spooky this test is designed to help you and understand your deepest anxieties and the understand relying causes of your darkest fears I don't know why I'm talking like that let's continue I need water so bad for each question select the response which gives you the best and most and most truthful answer at the end of the examination once you will receive your analysis and a certificate of participation also apparently this is very audio-visual base so like especially audio so if you have some good headphones to pop on I suggest popping them on but it's supposed to be very very creepy so let's get going please note that typically only 13% of participants are able to complete a test due to the onset of total body paralysis or unanticipated cardiac arrest I hope not resulting in death do you wish to continue well you know only the good die young so let's go if I die maybe that means I'm good I guess firstly some calibration questions I wish it would go a little bit faster Watson Scott learn to type quicker listen I've got a flight in an hour and a half and I need you to hurry up what color is the sky during the day I live in Los Angeles so it's brown it's blue let's go if I have one Apple and you give me two apples how many apples do I have you have one Apple I give you two that means you have three apples infinity apples no you don't have infinity are you playing a game right now I'm playing a little game called life and I am playing this game or is this more of an experience order to test but can attest be a game who knows are you sure it's a game yes maybe I should have changed my answer calibration complete I don't like this already your test will begin now great I'm already super sweaty if I'm packing my bags for the last hour and a half but running all over the house I am sweaty boy and now I'm even more sweaty because I'm scared it's raining outside and you're walking in your bare feet yuck you take one step forward and us and crush a snail between your toes you feel satisfied guilty jealous disgusted or nothing I would say I would feel guilty about that guilty and a little bit like oh I said between my toes there's a knock at your door I don't like that you open it to find an old woman in tattered clothes she says she's being chased and wants to hide inside your home Oh see I watch Halloween last night and in the movie she's running down the street banging on people's doors because she's being chased by Michael Myers I was thinking if that happened to me I don't know what I would do like if I was the person answering the door I'd be like well now the killer's gonna come in this into this house also I don't know you I don't know if this is a scam are you gonna get people are you gonna kill me tell her to seek help down the road offer to call the police while she waits outside quickly invite her inside say nothing in close the door in her face she's being chased and wants to hide in your home see I would invite her inside but also call the police and keep a very close eye on her I'll invite her inside oh I hate the sounds in this horrible you're at a farm ah you make eye contact with a cow who in the field the farmer says it's name is become US speed it up Samuel cows name is Samuel it's dinner time and the farmer serves you a plate of beef of ribeye steak you thank the farmer for the meal say nothing stabbed the farmer with your nice knife or politely request a vegan option I'm not a vegan I will not suggest or request a vegan option not gonna stab the farmer with my knife I'm going to thank the farmer for the meal because you know I don't know if it's Samuel for one twosies that's kind of what farmers do you know at some point uh cows are raised for their milk and or for their meat as long as it's raised properly you know thank the farmer for the meal I will now show you an image please study it the image will not move I don't trust you on that at all not even a little bit whole lot of I it's a whole lot of teeth clown people oh there's a bunch of like weird clown boys I have not a fan of that how did that image make you feel very anxious motivated afraid sad resentful oh I would say afraid I don't like oh my god I should have turned on more lights in this room I don't like it do you believe in ghosts I have you ever seen a ghost I don't think so I would like to not see a ghost I'm unsure if I've seen a ghost I do not think so thinking about the room you're in right now I never one ever died here I don't know and I don't like to think about it on the shore I hate it this is making me so anxious ow unconventional Oh yuck yuck I feel gross I feel gross I do not like it please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements ok I often think about where my hands are and what they're touching I often think about where my hands are and what they're touching I don't really think about it I just know most of the time wait I disagree I would god I hate everything everything is spooky I often thinks about ghosts inside my house oh I would strongly agree because I've been watching a lot of spooky stuff recently so I've been I've been and thinking about it other people would say that I'm a liar I would disagree I would I would like to say that I strongly disagree I don't think that people think that I'm I don't I hope that people don't think that I'm a liar I am often unaware of the things that are right behind me oh I am often unaware of the things that are right behind I mean true I would agree I am because if I don't know if I don't if I'm not looking at it I don't know what's right behind me all the time I would agree Oh get out of there don't just stop knocking on my door there's an unexpected guests in my house oh oh I hate this question oh I want to disagree but I want to disagree but does that mean that there will be a [ __ ] guest in my house sometimes I think that where there might be squatters I'll just agree for the sake of agreeing I don't like it I'm about to leave for for two weeks so you know Catherine I'm so sorry Oh nobody would know if I went missing I would strongly disagree many people would know if I meant missing my parents check-in lot I live with a great friend of mine I have a lot of people that chicken and mate on me regularly including you guys if I who if I just stopped interacting with anything for like more than like a week or two I think people would be like hey where where are you poetry is the most intelligent form of artistic expression [Music] I would I would say right in the middle I think it's a very yeah okay I'll agree it's the most it's one of the most intelligent I'm not correct I've designed a new algorithm for generating insightful poetry here's one I just wrote I think that the one of the most the question that I would just ask about poetry I think that's an opinion thing I don't know if that's much of a fact thing I don't know here's one I just wrote roses are red silent as a mouse our door is unlocked I don't like that I'm in beside your house oh all the sound oh the sound I hate it oh I hate it congratulations only 41 percent of participants typically reach this point in the examination great from now on the questions will be much more intense great do you wish to continue [ __ ] I guess so dude I [ __ ] guess so let's go how far away is the closest police station honestly I have no idea less than a 15-minute walk more than a 15-minute walk I do not know I think less than a 15-minute walk I think how well do you know your neighbors I don't know my neighbors at all I do not know my neighbors at all I don't even I can't even name all of my neighbors I think I know the name of the guy that lives a prot across from me and that's it how long can you hold your breath underwater I hate all of these noises less than 41 seconds but more than 0 seconds exactly 4 to 1 seconds more than 41 seconds oh I hate the noises it's so bad I would say I think more than I think I can hold my breath for about a minute if you were being tortured and I said that I would end your suffering by sawing off one of your arms which arm would you like me to remove my left arm I hate my right is your right my left your left I would like my left arm because oh there's like a [ __ ] face in the corner of that I hate that oh yeah my left I do everything else with my right hand it's never brush my teeth so I'd have to learn how to do that with my right hand I don't know why I do that with my left hand which arm do you think I'd actually cut off I'm going to dynamite tonight in my own home and there's something I can do about it I hate that I hate it a lot I think that you would sawed-off I'd like to say that you would you would you know keep your promise you and your second closest friend are stranded on a remote desert island after your plane crashed in the ocean the nearest ship that can help you will arrive in one week you have one more day of food and water before you will both die of starvation great there is no other food around oh do you it's gonna ask me if I want to eat my friend murder my second closest friend out of boredom and then wait to die what the [ __ ] wait until the food runs out then murder my second closest friend out of spite ration the food and attempt to survive against all odds walk ceremoniously into the ocean and drown ration the food and attempt to survive against all odds is what I will do I will try and do that as best as I can i hate those eyes in the [ __ ] corner i will now show you an image please study it the image will not speak will not speak but it will move oh it's so many spiders yeah oh so many spiders so many eyes how did that image make you feel well to be honest I didn't like it calm terrified anxious violent it made me feel anxious made me feel very anxious I don't like the creepy crawlies I feel so itchy now I feel so itchy ask this one more time are you playing a game right now I hope so I got it on Steam the main seller of all games in the world probably I don't know if that's a fact or not but it sounds like it do you know that I'm a good person no I don't I don't know you at all whoever you are are you lying to me right now I don't know I don't know I don't know who you are I can't tell you anything dying is forbidden I don't know man a please select any of the following sports that you have played great boxing nope jujitsu nope my car hi hi cuando energy about none of the above I've done none of them I did karate once as a very small child please select the following industries but you evoke you you have occupational experience with all right give it to me law enforcement no private security detail no mercenary no military no none of the above oh you bet that's my answer I've worked at a restaurant and have played video games there are false an IP number allows a hacker to approximate home address oh I do believe that that is true see I don't like this please please please Catherine you're at it in this one please do not expose my IP address I believe that is my IP address I'm gonna say I don't know but I believe that is my IP address a is to be a C is to I will die tonight he is to be okay so we've got a figure we got to really figure this one out a is to be as C is to uh it's the only other letter it must be that your recent answers indicate you're exhibiting a fight-or-flight response it may be at risk of an acute stress reaction ASR is that similar to ASMR need you breathe slowly and calm down press Continue when you are calm I [ __ ] feel like something's gonna jump out at me only when you are calm I'm so calm right now but I feel as though you're gonna play some [ __ ] trickery please take the moment to look away from my boobs your know anyways I said I hate that so it is make sure you could run or something what will happen do this now I hate this I hate this now well you go up for me oh did you look away from your screen uh-huh I did [ __ ] you no I'll just say yes I like to follow the rules do you think I can tell when you look away from your screen maybe I'm not so sure but I did look away I didn't look over there you feel safe in your house right now oh no not really I don't like I don't like the way this game is going are you having fun I would say in a certain sense you know there's something happening I've heard it please ignore any external stimulus oh but I got a pee really bad concentrate only on the screen there are no unexpected guests in your house there are no unusual sounds coming from inside your house do not take your eyes off the screen but they do you understand I mean I guess it's gonna give me a bunch of I do understand do you understand yes I understand what you mean and I'm moving you made a music and help us I'll relax I hate this every day when I go at the monkeys on the table take a stick pop goes the weasel dude Oh pop goes the weasel I do I feel something coming up and down the state of Road in Eagles pop weasel boy Jimmy goes bull hopping and Timmy got the measles pop goes the weasel I don't like this there's [Music] oh I don't even [ __ ] have my headphones on coz I'm a little bit but I hate it I can sort of hear knew it dude I [ __ ] knew it can't trick me [ __ ] I knew it I could sense my fight-or-flight responses were like Ethan there's gonna be a [ __ ] dude that comes out of the thing there's gonna be a [ __ ] guy that jumps around and makes you piss your pants my bladder is incredibly full I've been drinking water and I've been drinking water and I've been drinking coffee all day long had a glass of milk as well very thick my bladder is full it's all my [ __ ] my [ __ ] is elder's people remember my face I'm okay so I'm easily manipulated I guess that's true I'm respectful of elders I would like to think so people remember my face I think that's true too when I'm an old woman know when an old woman comes to my door I quickly invite her inside I'm most afraid of being beaten to death with a hammer ah yeah that sounds pretty horrible I don't know what I'm most afraid of though the main test is complete there is a bonus test available would you like to take it not now maybe another time I would but I don't know how long it'll take and I have to leave in like a half-hour so I'm sorry if there's another test that I should have that I should take let me know and I'll take it next time but I litter I have the time to do it because I don't know how long it'll take so I'm gonna say not now maybe another time all right well I am going to end this here that was super creepy I'm such a [ __ ] though like I can't keep the headphones on it's just too much I do not like it I do not like it especially what I know something's coming I'm just like I have to I don't know I don't know even when I'm in like a movie and it's starting to get spooky all like cover my ears a little bit Oh [Music] but that was pretty creepy it's it's all in the atmosphere with that too like the sound is it's basically all in the sound design which is really cool and that was something simulacra if you guys remember that game there was a knock sound in the game that happened randomly and it was really well done and it sounded so real and I was freaked out because I wasn't expecting it and so I thought that someone had actually knocked on my door and I [ __ ] [ __ ] myself but that was very scary I like games like that where it's all atmospheric just very very creepy so if you'd like to test this out for yourself go in the link in the description you can check it out so thank you guys so much for watching hope you enjoyed if it did make sure to slap that like button right in the face and I will see you guys in the next video love you all stay cranky bye [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 102,514
Rating: 4.9864616 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, watson scott test, the watson scott test, scott test, watson scott, watson scott test steam, horror, horror game, steam horror game, steam halloween games, indie game
Id: xNeVaHwvx4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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