"How Is Your Love Life?" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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[Music] what's up family welcome to the first baptist church of glen arden online experience my name is reverend jonathan queen i am your youth pastor and executive director of the unashamed youth ministry i am here with my amazing co-host and her name is zania taylor hey guys good morning how are you guys doing yes listen we are so excited because today is an amazing day amazing day it's an amazing sunday it's an amazing sunday this is mix sunday this is our children and youth day we are so grateful for our pastor who allows us every month every month to empower and celebrate the young dynamic disciples amazing listen we got to find out who's watching us where are they watching us yes please tell me where you're coming in the chat you guys okay let's see who we got here uh if y'all haven't heard we want you to go ahead and type let us know where you're watching from yes and share this link share this link to your grandma your mom your aunt your auntie everybody want everybody to be in on this experience especially some young people because they need to be watching yeah y'all need to be well yeah all right who do you see here who we got here we got uh uh let me see i'm gonna have to check over here okay i see hampton virginia good morning thank you for joining us today everyone's watching from libreville gabon wow yeah i don't know where that but welcome good morning we got somebody from alpharetta georgia hey jordan yes we are so grateful to have you with us it is going to be an amazing amazing amazing service this is our pre-service this is the time where we get to you know uh get to know each other get to know everybody you know so go ahead and share some heart send some love to somebody who prayer hands some hearts please share this link let them know what we're doing today definitely it's gonna be an amazing amazing amazing service you don't want to miss it at all okay so listen this is remix sunday and a lot of people don't know what remix sunday is about so we want to show y'all we want to tell y'all we want to get y'all excited about the best sunday ever which is the children remix sunday we got a recap video yes we ever read that video we got to let them see what this is let's go go ahead y'all go ahead and watch this [Music] [Applause] and now it's time to have someone see their life [Music] i'm not supposed to be standing here today but i'm still here because of god's grace and god's mercy [Music] [Music] it's gonna be and most importantly we have to tell others about how much jesus loves them and share this [Music] message wow that was amazing listen i'm trying to tell y'all though remix sunday is something extraordinary i just i almost took a lap during the recap that's bars for y'all right yeah our young people are absolutely amazing they are they are so great you're one of the young people i'm amazing is the co-lead director of the youth leadership council y'all celebrate her in the chat let her know how proud you are she is leading a whole group of uh young people who get to push this remix in there and for those of you who don't know what remix remix is a great acronym also it stands for relevant engaging ministry it's incredible and it's an experience it is an experience yeah i did that through the x up the experience yeah because we got to put the remix we also know that y'all want to know who is worshiping with us so we have this great segment called get to know you yes get to know you and we got someone amazing with us can y'all please help me celebrate and welcome mr larry vaughn hey family how y'all doing it's good to be here good to be with y'all uh good to be hey it's it's a great day already it's an amazing day all right so larry this is our get to know you segment so we want the people to know who you are and what you do here at the first baptist church at glen arden uh well i am the children and youth music and arts director children and youth we got our own music director yes sir yeah so um i get the opportunity so all of the arts i get to uh be uh the director of them you know kind of look over and make sure that it's it's lining up with our overall vision for our music and arts uh so i i just deal with all the children of youth i have a great time with them yeah it's a lot of fun i love young people i absolutely yeah i used to teach for like what 13 years so until i came over here to the music side and you're still teaching i'm still teaching you yeah i'm still teaching we see you often leading worship with our young people and engaging with them and you that passion how do you instill that in our young people that passion and love for christ when you're worshiping uh what's important is it's the vision it's the overall vision uh of the house given by our pastor where we are supposed to develop dynamic disciples through discipleship duplication and discipline a little out of order so um i got it i got all of them right at least i got them so um so it's it's very important that what i have that we impart into our young people it's not just about our generation i mean i'm not i'm not as young but i'm not you know a little bit older you know as i grow older it's important it's important that i impart and and pour into them so they will become the disciples who are you know discipline others so that's that's very important especially at this church where where we are that's super important and it's great because it mixes in with the heart of our pastor shout out to pastor john kate yes sir best pastor everybody [Laughter] is to empower our young people in that that becoming dynamic disciples doesn't have an age limit so we are grateful for the partnership between children and youth and music and arts and we want to ask you i guess um how important is it as we empower our young people to be worshipers how important is that to not only our church but churches throughout the country and of course we are fbc international now so how important is that through churches for churches across the country and throughout the world to empower young people to be worshippers as well uh it's it's important because once again they're the next generation to come up so if we don't teach them it becomes this huge gap right um and then they become young adults and then they become parents and you want them to once again it goes to discipline um it's and then it's important because let's let's be real first baptist is also a model so other churches you know look at um what we do um and they see if they see our young people getting engaged then they're saying well why can't we engage our young people the same exact way so i think that that's so important uh as we spread and it and it spreads the gospel that's amazing that's the major thing it spreads the message of jesus christ well speaking of spreading the message of jesus christ we know that you gotta get ready because worship is about to start we are in the tent for those of you who are watching you are getting ready for our amazing service that starts off today this is remix sunday help us celebrate once again larry vaughn the children and youth musical directors thank you all for having me thank you so much for being with us man go ahead and get ready for you late man you don't get no trouble then people go i'm ready okay go ahead okay um so before we get into service and before we get into what we have to do we want to make sure you guys are connecting with us wherever you are please send this link everywhere everywhere everywhere we want to engage with our online audience you guys are much as part of this as this experience in person and the team we're going to have an amazing amazing amazing service you do not want to miss it at all yes and and for those of you who want to get uh connected for those of you who want to watch make sure that y'all are uh staying connected with us through fbcglennarden.org uh make sure that you are using the hashtags fbcg online yeah and fbc so you can keep up to date with all the ministry events and all the really big things we have coming up in our church you do not want to miss it we're coming up with some amazing amazing amazing things yes yes well listen zania it is time to wrap up i want to thank you for joining me of course and we are getting ready for this awesome amazing experience so don't forget to join us we'll be right back at okay well hold on wait a minute i think uh i think we got we can't even say a guess uh can y'all please help me welcome and celebrate the shepherd the angel of this house uh pastor john senior that came in here good morning good morning good morning good morning how excited i am this is remix sunday sunday for the young people i'm excited for the young people and and this kevin you guys engaged and involved i'm very thankful it's all the young people watching today this is an incredible uh service today i'm going to be preaching a message that's going to be very relevant to you but it's going to be relevant to everybody to all uh people but for young people is especially relevant to you because it's going to speak to major decisions that you might be making in your life and you want to make sure that you're making the right decisions maybe i should tell them what i'm preaching about i don't know i i don't i don't know about that here's what i want to know monday i mean i know every sunday's your favorite i like all 52 sundays come on fashion we make something okay all right give us a hint then if you can't tell us i want to know how is your love life oh young people uh yeah that's what i want to know how is your love life wow i'm excited already y'all not ready i'm telling y'all y'all are not ready pastor jack has just asked a crucial question that's a very crucial question how is your love life so that's what we uh we getting prepared for that's right and uh i think it's going to be very very powerful and impacting so we know uh so thank you all again for uh joining us wherever you are in the world i'm so honored so south carolina i stopped by today uh just to stick my head in because i knew the young people were running the show today so i just wanted to stick my head in and they drug me in here to be able to talk to y'all but i did it willingly and gratefully but join us in the tent we'll be right there in just a few moments thank you so much thank you so much y'all show some love in this show for pastor jenkins in the chat with some heart self form and everything all right so i guess uh i think they're telling us we still got a little bit more time i think we should bring in one more person one more one more special guest this is one of my favorite people can y'all show some love for anthony brown [Music] word on the street is his remix sunday i had to stop by i'm like of course pastor jenkins is here samia's here wherever queen is here the chat is on fire yeah i have to come get you some of this yeah you won't be live let me come hang out on remix sunday it it the pastor james didn't say this but it is probably one of our most exciting services that we have because our young people take over they take control of the service and it's nothing like seeing young people give god praise nothing like it nothing like it he deserves it people always say you know if you don't have a church full of young people who are on fire for god your church is drying up it's dying you have to have young people who are engaged in service and i don't know about you having queen knows he is too young for this but when we were young they used to even have children's church where they would pull us up in front of the whole church and teach us how to honor god how to worship god how to read scripture and prayer and um that's important i think that is we are so grateful for you because we had larry up here and we know that uh you know your whole department has adopted this philosophy of making sure that young people know how to give praise and to worship and we are grateful that that that heart that y'all have for young people can you tell us um where does that come from i know you just mentioned being young and being a part but where does your desire to see young people uh empower the worship come from you know what i think it comes from just as a young person myself growing up in church i'm a pk okay so i've always grown up uh with the understanding that if you train them while they're young you get them while they're young when they get older they won't depart from me and so for us the impartation that you're making even whenever queen is the youth uh pastor of our church is so paramount because you're literally training the next generation church and people often say the church of tomorrow but really really it's the church of today the church of today these young people are on fire for god and so that's where my passion comes from because i was that little young kid in the children's choir um while miss janet my choir director was teaching us how to sing and teach you how to lead songs that impartation changed my life my whole life's path has been hinged on those monumental moments where i was being trained to do what i'm doing today is so powerful as a 16 year old who is doing this work um tell the people what it feels like to be in a church that allows young people to not only be seen but to be heard and to be included and what worship looks like i think it means everything um because like anthony brown just said our heart for god um it shows through all that we're doing um and i think it's so important that this church is so um it it's so leading us and guiding us that you know through the arts and through through the gifts that god has given us to give god the glory because you know god gave us these gifts so we have to use the gifts that he gave us to give him the glory because he deserves it he deserves everything right there that anointing that's the deposit that's being made here at this church and so once again you did it earlier queen but shout out to pastor john jenkins who literally makes it his focus his business to pay attention to the young people a lot of churches young people feel ignored he gave the young people a whole sunday every single month thank you thank you even though we're about to start serving today so just tell me for you on remix sunday which part are you most looking forward to i can't pick honestly i love every single part of remix sunday the fact that you know we get to take charge of service and give god the glory that he deserves like that's all i can ask for like i don't have a favorite part i love it all i love it all too we only got one minute we gotta get ready to go uh listen we want y'all to make sure that y'all are engaged in the chat y'all getting ready for fbc glenn arden first baptist church at glen arden the experience the worship experience which is about to happen right now y'all join us in the tent for the rest of service remember you have plenty of ways to give throughout the service make sure y'all hit that give button make sure y'all join us at fbc glen arden slash org.org y'all know what it is we love y'all thank y'all and join us back here for the post show show when we're done it's gonna be crazy let's go remix bye praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody i was glad when they said unto me come let us come into the house of the lord do i have any grateful people come on do i have any grateful people i've got it it's great i've got a strong our god is mighty and we lift you and we lift you and we lift you up come on zach clap your hands on your people and shout with the voice of triumph father we lift you up father we lift you up father we lift you up we come with a grateful heart we open up our mouth and we say thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah somebody give god a great praise in this room [Music] come on we came to declare that our god is great and he's strong [Music] come on let me put your hands together father we love you and we bless you we enjoy you and we thank you for being a great guy [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] god is greater our god is stronger lord you are higher than any other our god is awesome and power our is you're ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh could ever stop us [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] right there [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us then what could stand against and if our god is for you then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us then we could stand against and if our god is hurt then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us then what could stand against and if our god is for us then who could ever stop us if our god is with us then what can stack y'all say what's up and if our god is for us then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us then we could stand again and if i kind of us then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us [Music] this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it [Music] god is still doing a new thing for our church and for you and me too good morning everyone and what's up my name is karis hilton and i am blessed and grateful to be the presider for this amazing 9 a.m worship service and today is a great day because it is youth sunday also known as children and youth remix [Applause] [Music] and let me send some love to our online worshipers too hey y'all and don't forget to share this link with your family and friends so that they could watch church with you too and now it is time for scripture and prayer we will have scripture by my boy tristan irvin and prayer by my girl kayla rawls [Music] when they had eaten breakfast jesus asked simon peter simon son of john do you love me more than these yes lord he said to him you know that i love you feed my lambs he told him a second time he asked them simon son of john do you love me yes lord he said to him you know that i love you shepherd my sheep he told him he asked him the third time simon son of john do you love me god's word for god's people [Music] good morning you all may be seated please bow your heads and close your eyes for a word of prayer dear lord we thank you for this day we thank you for waking us up this morning we thank you for everything you do for us we thank you that we're all able to be here on today thank you that we still have the activities of our limbs lord god i pray that you will please forgive us of all of our sins all unrighteousness please cleanse us of all of our impurities i pray for the pastor and his family i pray that you would just bless this service and i pray for those who are unsaved or unsure they may be backslidden i just pray for anyone whose relationship is not right with you lord god in jesus name i pray amen [Applause] we are now the time when we welcome our guests we are grateful that you have chosen to worship here with us today at first baptist church of glenarden where our vision and mission statement is developing dynamic disciples through discipleship discipline and duplication if you are a first time guest please stand so that we can wave at you and give you an air hug and for our online guests please let us know that it is your first time by typing first timer in the chat so that we can show some love to you all too and now we will have another selection from our amazing praise and worship team church we want to declare that all things is working for your good all things is working together for your good anybody believe that all things is working together for you good if you believe that would you put your hands together with me come on come on come on come on [Music] for i know that all things work together for my good for i know that all things work together for my good shape [Music] [Applause] foreign is [Music] [Music] here we go and i know that all things [Music] together [Music] [Music] everybody everybody [Music] it [Music] joy foreign [Music] everybody [Music] somebody give god [Music] [Music] first baptist family we have an important update regarding returning to indoor worship our return to indoor worship services has been postponed until further notice all sunday services and communion services will be held under the tent through the end of october as a reminder our new sunday worship service times are 9 00 a.m and 11 30 a.m we're also excited to announce if you miss the morning services we will rebroadcast the service online at 6 30 pm and you can always re-watch our services at your convenience on facebook youtube and our church's website for the most up-to-date information be sure to visit our website fbclinharton.org forward slash coronavirus on sunday september 26 at 6 30 pm we'll be having in-person communion services under the tent we hope to see you there but you can also join us on our virtual platforms for our online participants please have a cracker and grape juice ready as we take part in this sacred service are you facing life controlling issues anger addiction domestic abuse wait turning point can help you overcome it join turning point to help you overcome life-controlling issues in a safe environment classes begin thursday september 23rd at 10 a.m and 7 p.m to register visit fvc glen arden dot org forward slash turning point hey fbcg family unashamed youth ministry is back youth ministry is not canceled and we are still focused on the mission to see youth become unashamed dynamic disciples wait what's youth ministry without you we're seeking volunteers especially mentors who have a heart for youth and want to join our amazing ministry family so potential leaders students parents join us for an information interest night i night friday september 24th via zoom at 7 30 pm eastern standard time for more information and to register please visit fbclintarton.org forward slash inite unashamed real people doing relevant ministry in a relational way we'll see you at the u ladies we have an important update about this year's he loves me women's conference he loves me 2021 will now be completely virtual join us virtually on october 1st and 2nd from the comfort and safety of your home to learn how to abide in christ from a powerful lineup of dynamic guest preachers speakers and artists we're also excited to announce that still award-winning artist and worship leader casey j will join us and he loves me our general sessions will be led by inspirational and encouraging preachers pastor pushy watson of south africa pastor donna passani from capital city church located in the washington dc metropolitan area and dr medina pullings an international conference speaker preacher teacher television host and ceo of medina pullings ministries in addition to our general sessions you'll get to enjoy our master classes which will help you abide in various life areas ranging from marriage finances entrepreneurship prayer and more these classes will be led by spirited women such as international speaker and best-selling author deborah smith pugh nationally acclaimed washington post financial columnist michelle singletary and our own reverend kishia dixon fbcg's online campus pastor be sure to tell a friend about this life-changing conference for important he loves me updates and to register visit fbclinharton.org forward slash he loves me that's the news for this week you can find more details about these events and others on our church website at fbc glenarden.org [Music] hey everybody deacon doug smith here from project manhood it's children and youth day we want to thank uh pastor jenkins for giving us this opportunity to present character awards to the boys of project manhood project manhood is a ministry that is designed to focus on developing boys in the area of spirituality entrepreneurship socialization and their academics let's get right to it and present our first character award emmanuel barclay manny is being recognized today for the character trait of diligence he's been working all summer at being the best version of himself he's been volunteering at the family life center learning new skills serving others and engaging virtually over the last 18 months manny has a big heart he tries his best and wants to do the right thing with the help of his family and his project manhood family we know manny will continue to do great things more confidently he's been drumming he's been in in person school and working with confidence please join me in congratulating manny on being recognized for the character trait of diligence next we have nandi no urem for the character trait of availability nandi is in the 8th grade at washington christian academy nnamdi is 13 now and he's recently moved on from project manhood but his impact leadership and great example of generosity and availability continues to be felt in our ministry and certainly throughout the children and youth department he's served in many many ways and is always showing himself to be ready willing and able to serve he's recently been elected to the youth leadership council and i know he's going to do a fantastic job he's super talented he has his own youtube channel he represents christ and his family well in everything that he does he is an excellent example to his younger siblings especially his two younger brother joshua and nathan proverbs 22 29 says see a man diligent in his business he shall stand before kings once again please join me in congratulating nandi for the character quality of availability thank you all once again for this opportunity to present these boys character awards god bless you all wow that was awesome i want to shout out all of our amazing awardees and i want to shout out you first baptist church of gun arden for being such generous givers it is because of your giving that we are able to beat the hungry and still hold events and even support my ministry unashamed thank you for your faithfulness in the giving of tithes and offerings [Music] we are encouraging all of our worshipers both in person and online to give any time during the service at fbcg.glennardon.org give and for those of you here under the tent there are giving stations all around the service which you can go to anytime to give and now let us pray dear heavenly father thank you for this day lord thank you for gathering us here to celebrate and worship with you lord i pray that you would bless those who give lord and i pray that you will let the tides and offerings sow a seed into somebody lord i pray that we are able to help somebody we are able to feed somebody lord and i pray that you would bless everyone in this tent lord and those who are watching online and this i pray amen and now amen and now it is time for the word of god after this song praise and worship [Music] praise the lord god we believe and we receive the new thing that you're doing in our life lord god yes lord jesus you're not done with me you're doing a new thing you're doing the new thing [Music] for all i've seen i still believe that you're doing a new thing you're doing a new thing and these are the days that we prayed for a stirring of faith has begun and i've seen so much still i'm certain that the best has not yet come so we're gonna declare this together jesus you're not done with me you're doing a new thing you're doing the new thing for all i've seen [Music] [Music] you're doing [Music] i still believe that you're doing a new [Music] come on jesus [Music] you're doing a new thing come on jesus [Music] you're doing [Music] [Music] not done with me you're doing a new thing you're doing a new thing [Music] for all i've seen i still believe that you're doing a new thing you're doing a new thing [Music] jesus you're not done with me you're doing a new thing you're doing a new thing and all i've seen i still believe you're doing a new thing you're doing the new thing would you help us welcome our senior pastor pastor john k jenkins senior [Applause] [Music] help me celebrate these young people leading us in worship today [Music] give the lord a shout of praise real quick today [Music] all right you can be seated going to have you stand back up get your exercise in in just a few moments i want to be clear about announcements one of the announcements that came up that you might not have heard so uh we're not going back in the building next sunday unfortunately we're gonna uh we've we've applied to the county to let us keep the tent up through the month of october so we're waiting we're waiting to hear if we'll be able to do that and we're going to be monitoring the weather and the numbers so what i want to encourage you to do before you come to church on sunday log on and find out where we gonna be [Music] because we may be out here we may not so once we get that approval from the county we'll let you know it'll be on our website first thing that'll pop up it'll let you know did y'all get that lean over and tell your neighbor check the website before you could show up tell them on the other side make sure they heard it twice [Music] somebody said well pastor how can we not go in it back in the building we're not going back cause we're trying to be safe [Applause] we are trying to protect you and look out for you best we can but it sure is nice to be back together with everybody i'm telling you oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i want somebody to say we're going to worship as loud as we can together while we are together while we can we will amen keep standing father in the name of the lord i pray in jesus name that you would anoint these next few moments that we can be your mouthpiece i pray father in jesus name for hearts to be receptive to the word of god that somebody who needs to be saved would get saved somebody who needs to rededicate would rededicate i'm praying that our commitment to you would be stronger and mightier and our obedience to you would be more fervent and i pray in the name of the lord jesus almighty god that you put a hedge around this place right now rebuke and bind every demon and every distraction and allow the holy spirit to have free reign in jesus name we pray amen and amen all right let me give you my subject real quick how is your love life look at your neighbors and say how's your love life don't answer here don't answer right now you can be seated i was uh watching i turned my tv on the other day and the tv came on on a channel that it had already whatever channel was last one and to my shocking surprise came on tv what was on the show that was on was the maury povich show y'all know maury povich and he was in he was doing dna dna testing for men to determine if they were the fathers of these these girls these women babies they had either denied it or was claiming assured that they weren't the father and of course moby would bring out the dna test and say and you are the father and then the woman would jump up and run over and jump in his face i told you he was a daddy i told you he was a daddy [Applause] and i thought to myself what would possess a woman to give herself to a man who would deny that he was the father of her children [Applause] why would you lay down in the bed i'm preaching whether y'all saying amen that they're not i want to tell the young ladies be don't lay yourself down to nobody but your husband i wish i had an amen right there [Applause] you need to make sure the question i'm having today is and this is what i want to talk about so much is how much i want you to make sure that before you get married that the person you marry really does love you my wife and i were having intense fellowship one day that means we were having an argument and she said to me john jenkins the problem with this marriage is we are both in love with you [Applause] don't encourage her foolishness [Applause] what i had come to recognize and thought to myself why would she dare say such a thing i'm providing for her she ain't never been put out come on brothers help me out don't leave me hanging out here by myself [Applause] she ain't never had to come and have hope for move her front our furniture out onto the street never she ain't never not had food in the refrigerator she ain't never not had clothes on her back come on say hey man baby you you don't shake your head like that's right you ain't never had huh yeah come help me preach can you help me preach no i don't want you to help me preach right now she never had no issues like that and i i thought to myself i'm demonstrating the love that i have for you for how i take care of you and provide for you come on brothers why are y'all leaving me hanging y'all must not be doing what you're supposed to do the problem is i was not loving her in the way she wanted me to love her that's that's what the problem was she wanted me to demonstrate my love in different ways and from time to time over the course of our marriage 41 years thank the lord miracle i've learned that over the years how i demonstrate love to her how she wants me to demonstrate love this is why it's difficult sometimes marriage can be difficult because the way she wants me to love her shifts it's a moving target come on somebody say man it's ever-changing it's always moving i i thought if i put a roof over your head and clothes on your back and food in the cover that the heat is on in the wintertime in the air-conditioning only preach pastor and the air conditioning is on under somebody i thought i was demonstrating love but no [Applause] i learned a new thing yesterday brothers i learned a new way i didn't know [Applause] yesterday we had a installation service for a pastor we installed and when the service was over she drove to church i drove to church she said you want to go get something to eat initially i said yes you know i thought about it i got to get ready for the day i got school work i got to get done i got emails i got it right i said no no no let's go let's go so i want to go get something to eat so i said okay well pick me up something when you on your way back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bad choice somebody say bad choice [Applause] i miss the mark i am human i am a human being i'm not jesus [Applause] and the problem is i put my stress and my needs over her desires are y'all listening to me [Applause] hence we had another intense fellowship moment i'm just trying to brothers if she ever say to you she hungry your answer must be where would you like me to take you to get something to eat [Applause] i'm going to take up an offering after service for the brothers to sow a seed into the argument that i just saved you from having [Applause] [Music] because i recognized at that moment that i did not respond the way she wanted me to respond and in our text today john chapter y'all got your bible john chapter 21 jesus is having a dialogue after he has been crucified and died on the cross and we got buried and rose again from the dead after that all happened jesus is having a dialogue with peter and he raises a question with him he says do you love me look at it i'm sorry i should read it shouldn't i john chapter 21 verse 15 so when they had eaten breakfast chapter 21 verse 15 jesus said to simon peter simon son of jonah do you love me more than these he said to them yes lord you know that i love you and he said to him feed by sheep stick a pen stop right there he asked him a question do you love me now i need to tell you this real quick because in the in the days of jesus and in that language of the greeks they have multiple ways of defining and describing love we use the one word love for everything we say we say i love my family but we'll say the same thing use the same word love when we say i love to shop or i love to eat but i would hope that your passion and commitment of love is different for eating than it is for your family the greeks had had five but i'm gonna deal with three for just a moment they had different ways to define love the first level of love is called agape somebody say agape a-g-a-p-e agape and the word agape means sacrificial it means giving it looks it means i give with hopes of getting nothing in return it means i'm being sacrificial and and i'm i'm i want to make you happy that's what agape means i want to share and give so that you're happy that's agape somebody say agape one more time this is the level of love that jesus asked peter do you agape me do you love me this is the question that i want to raise with you today do you love jesus do you do you love him are you are you committed to him are you sacrificing for him are you committed to him it is a very serious important dynamic question that must be asked because here's what i discovered i've never met anybody who does not want to be loved wives want to be loved husbands want to be loved children want to be loved everybody er everybody wants to be loved everybody wants to be loved i've never met anybody who does not want to be loved and jesus raises this question with peter but peter's answer is troubling because while there are three different levels of love there's agape is the top love the second level is called phileo somebody say phileo phileo love that's a friendship love it is a an exchange love i'll do for you if you do for me i'll buy you a gift if you buy me a gift that's what phileo says at christmas time what did you get me for christmas i got you this it's an exchange then there's a third level called eros it's erotic it is selfish self-centered it is looking only for looking at uh what you can do for me look at your neighbor say that's the kind of love most people have it's an eros love i said look at your neighbor and say matthew ask them is that the kind of love you have is arrows what can you get out of it what's in it for you see y'all y'all got mad at me because i wanted to go home and get my message finished and my work that i had to do yesterday for my wife y'all y'all booed me and awed me and sided with her one of us was operating in eros i didn't say nothing i'm just saying it might have been me but then again it might have been somebody else looking for our own self needs satisfaction that's what arrows does and when peter responded to jesus look at this verse right here verse 15 he said do you love me peter responded and said you know that i filet o you jesus said do you agape me peter said i fully owe you jesus said will you give up everything in your life for me said i'm going to do for you if you do for me as quiet as it's kept that's where most of us situate ourselves in our relationship with god we will only be obedient to god provided he does something for us and i'm trying to drive home a point here today to tell you god has already done enough for you for the whole terms of your life that he shouldn't have to do another thing for you in order for you to say i love you i'll be obedient to you i'll be submitted to you he shouldn't have to do another thing [Applause] he shouldn't have to open up another door he shouldn't have to answer another prayer janet jackson asked the question what have you done for me lately that's the question that many of y'all are asking jesus what has he done for you lately but i'm here to tell you and all of the things that god has already done for you he's worthy of your commitment of your agape of your sacrifice of your obedience to him he's worthy i suggest that one of the most disappointing moments in a person's life is when they discover that somebody that they agape don't agape them back after all the stuff that you've gone through and all the things you've done and all of the sacrifices you've made and yet you find somebody who doesn't agape you it's challenging it's troubling when you when you make all of those givings and and do all the things that you do to simply come across somebody who doesn't love you i want to ask you the question how is your love life look at your neighbor say how is your love life jesus said to peter do you a god pay me then jesus said this matter of fact as a matter of fact he said do you or god pay me more than these what are the these the these are the other things that you put in front of god in front of christ are the these it's it's how you adjust your schedule and manage your schedule uh to do the things you find to do of what's more important to you above jesus you put your aerobics class above jesus your meetings your all the stuff you got to do you you can't make it to bible study because you got this to do and that to do and you can't you can't get this done because you got to do this and that you can't come to church on sunday cause the game is at one so unless i go to the early service i feel some tension in the room i'm just simply asking you what is it that you have put above your love for the lord jesus when i think about all of the blessings he had provided and the doors he's opened and the prayers he's answered and the miracles that he's wrought and the things he has done on your behalf should there even be a question of your commitment and obedience to him should there be a question but if you were to tell the truth many of us have found ourselves allowing other things to take priority in our lives and jesus has had to take a second step a second place he's had to take the back seat rather than him being in the front seat in the driver's seat he's in the back seat trying to call the shots go on and preach pastor i'm doing the best that i can you love your job you love your house you love your car you love your lover you love your children you love yourself you love everything else above jesus you follow him while you agape everything else there are some things that you will sacrifice for and it ain't jesus [Applause] here's what jesus says to him in verse 15 he says peter says lord you know that i i fully owe you then jesus says feed my sheep my lambs that's an interesting answer feed my lambs that word feed that he puts there he's an interesting word it means to to to to feed to take care of to nurture nurture take care of provide for he says provide for my lambs this is important hear me out i'm almost finished he says nurture feed my lambs here's how i interpret that here's how i see that here's what i believe that means i believe jesus is saying to peter if in fact you are a lamb in other words if you are not even a sheep yet see a lamb y'all a lamb is a sheep that is not quite grown up yet it's still a baby it's less than a year old in other words jesus is saying you are operating you're responding to me like you are a lamb and so if you are a lamb i'll take that if you haven't matured if you haven't become seasoned yet but make sure that you feed my lambs in other words make sure that you nurture and take care of the lamb so the lamb can become full grown and become a sheep what you talking about pastor here's what i'm saying to you he is saying to me and you if you are still at an immature baby state make sure you do what you need to do in order to nurture your love for god and make sure you get to a full-blown grown up individual feed nurture your yourself now how does that translate to you it translates into this it means that you lamb peter since you are responding that you file you haven't fully grown to a place of maturity to be able to agape me if you are just a lamb here's what i want you to do i want you to make sure you nurture you yourself in that lamb condition so that you get to a place of becoming grown up so make the choices and decisions to feed and nurture your inner man so that you can become a full-grown sheep in the flock thank all 17 of y'all for uh uh it's too late too late for the rest of y'all i think this 17. i i found that amazing that jesus accepted him in his lamb condition he in other words peter if you just the lamb that's that's what you responded to make sure you nurture yourself here's what i'm saying to you today even if you're new to the kingdom if you just got to church if you just got saved nobody should have to follow you around and beg you to come to bible study or to read the word or to pray nurture yourself nurture your spiritual condition the truth be told many of you don't nurture yourself you don't read your word you don't worship god you don't pray on a regular basis preach on pastor you don't do the things you're supposed to be doing in order to nurture yourself spiritually nobody's responsible for your spiritual maturity but you yourself you know what most people do they don't pick up their bible till next sunday and on sunday they pick it up and expect the pastor to feed them i'm telling you to feed your own self get in the word of your own self read in your own self and let the holy ghost open up the scriptures to you [Music] [Applause] you read about your favorite football team [Music] i feel tension in the room what what do the ladies read what do the ladies y'all getting on my nerves right now cause y'all got your stuff that y'all my my i was uh watching football with my son the other night college football and nfl every player he know their names oh that's so-and-so he got drafted and such he he used to play at southern central college he he hadn't done the research he know about it all i was shocked how much he knew i wonder if he knew about any of the bible characters in the scriptures like that [Applause] i feel tension in the room he said yeah he's on my fantasy team he said that such and such is on my fantasy team what fantasy how about how about some real people in the bible who have the ability to give you life or give you some stories that will change your life what about that i'm sorry i don't know what the sisters be reading and studying like that let me see if i can find a sister who can tell me what the sisters be reading can somebody tell me what the sisters be reading studying researching the bible yeah right don't clap on that don't clap y'all know y'all don't oh i know what my wife she reads cooking books i mean she don't cook but she be reading the cooking books i'm in trouble i'm in trouble [Applause] security security i'm gonna need an escort out of here i'm gonna need some help security where is security i'm going to need you when the service is over calling security anybody got a room i can stay in tonight anybody got a place i can stay [Applause] jesus asked peter the question a second time verse number 16 he said to him again a second time simon son of jonah do you agape me and he said to him lord you know all things he says you know that i file you he said to him tend to my sheep somebody say tend my sheep that means to shepherd this he says in the first one he said feed my lambs the second one he says tend my sheep the difference between the lamb and the sheep only difference is their age you see the lamb is subject to getting lost and trapped and has to be rescued i don't know who i'm talking to today sometimes you got to go and rescue a lamb but guess what sometimes you got to go and rescue a sheep also sometimes the sheep gets straight sometimes even those of us who've been in the kingdom a long time sometimes we we we stray and get off pat get off the track and get in the wrong place go in the wrong direction make the wrong choices but i'm so glad we serve a god who will come and rescue us even when we're lost i don't know who i'm preaching to but there's some sheep that are here today and there are some lambs that are here today who have strayed off the path and gone in the wrong direction and made the wrong choice and done the wrong thing there are some that fall in that situation but i got great news i don't care how far you have fallen how far you have strayed how low you have dipped it doesn't matter how ugly or how bad your sin might be there is a bomb in gilead there is a savior there there is a deliverer there there is a net there is a god who will pick you up out of your mucking maori clay and turn your life around and free you from your strongholds [Applause] i don't know who i'm preaching to today but somebody's in here today that has strayed away from god but he loves you he cares finally jesus said a third time i'm finished i'm coming to a close i'm bringing my plane in for a landing he said to him do you jesus this time says do you fully owe me do you love me do you follow me he said do you do you since you can't reach the agape state will you at least make an exchange with me will you file me and and by that time peter got frustrated and upset and mad and verse 17 says he was grieved because he said to him the third time do you love me and he said to him lord you know all things you know that i love you and jesus said to him feed my sheep he said feed my sheep take care of my sheep in other words here's the bulk of the point i'm trying to make to you today nobody's responsible for your spiritual maturity and growth but yourself you can't get to heaven on your mama's walk with god your daddy's walk with god your pastors walk with god nobody else's you got to know jesus for yourself and i want to preach to somebody here right now who's in the wrong place who's drifted away from god who's lost and frustrated i want to make a word to you right now that you can get in a right place with the savior that we serve right now jesus loved you in agape way he loved you that he gave his life and died on the cross so you could be forgiven of your sins [Applause] he died on the cross he shed his blood he was wounded for our transgressions and he died so you and i can have eternal life so you and i can have a personal relationship with the eternal god he agaped us stop looking for people to love you and look at how much jesus loves you how is your love life [Applause] i'm trying to preach to you so you get to a place that you'll be able to say i am madly in love with jesus for every door that he's open i'm in love with him for every miracle that he's wrought i'm in love with him for the doors that he's opened and the prayers that he's answered and all of that's for leo but i'm looking forward to the time that you get to a spiritual level that you can say i love him just for who he is i love him because he's god eternal i love him because he is the eternal god and he gave me an opportunity to have life i don't know who i'm preaching to but if you don't know love jesus if you don't know him let me invite you to come and receive him right now let me invite you to accept jesus right now let me invite you to get saved right now let me invite you to rededicate yourself to him right now whoever you might be unsaved backslidden not sure of your eternal status or you say but you need a church home this here is a great church for you to be a part of step out and make your way up here right this moment while the blood is running warm in your veins while you have the activities of your limbs do me a favor and ask your neighbors look to the person next to you say are you right with god are you right with the lord are you saved do you have a church home are you obedient to god are you in the right place say i walk up there with you you don't have to walk by yourself come on right now and say yes to the lord yes to the jesus come while the blood is running warm in your veins come right now right this moment i see you amen somebody else come on come don't be ashamed we're going to shout and give god the glory and give god the praise [Music] you didn't try to love other people but now you can love jesus that's right [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord amen that's right come don't be ashamed don't be ashamed [Applause] [Music] let me say this one more time if you have never accepted jesus now's a good right now is the perfect time for you to come if you are backslidden you started with the lord but you know you're out of fellowship with god right now is the perfect time to come if you are unsure and you need assurance right now is the time to come [Applause] i see you amen come on [Applause] [Music] if you are saved but you need a church home everybody needs a church home we'd love for you to be a part of our church family come on right now just step out and say you know what that's me i'm gonna get right with the lord i'm gonna get in the right place i'm gonna get right with god come on amen come on come on i see you come on come come come come come give the lord a shout for all these souls i'm so proud of you y'all have made the right choice the right decision i'm so very happy that you made the choice to come how you doing i'm so proud of you didn't matter how long it took you to get here we would wait for you to come [Applause] the person behind you is a counselor they're going to take you to a tent over here they're going to talk and minister to you talk to you about your why you came and they're going to minister and give you direction they're going to pray with you your life is never going to be the same after today all right let's pray father i thank you for all of these that have come today i know you love them and care i pray that you fill them with your spirit break every stronghold in their life plant them in your vineyard let them accomplish what you've destined for them to accomplish in their life in jesus name amen praise the lord [Music] that's a nice patty cake for me but give the holy ghost a great little shout amen all right thank you for coming today i appreciate it appreciate it what y'all gonna do for next sunday [Music] check our website and we'll let you know if we're going to be here and that'll be true for the rest of time on out okay i love you in the name i gotta pay you good night everybody good day everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i can't wait to see for me [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm not worried i know [Music] is [Music] [Music] i don't know what it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't do it [Music] [Music] i've got this [Music] [Music] it's working for me i've got joy [Music] god's doing a new thing yes he is that was amazing listen what a powerful powerful message powerful service listen online family we do not want to leave you out of this part pastor jenkins extended invitation and that invitation is for you as well i don't know if you've ever fallen in love with jesus or today is that day maybe you've been backsliding and you want to recommit and rededicate your life maybe you're unsure uh maybe you're looking for a church home and as we said this is first baptist church at glen arden international so no matter where you are in the world you can be a part of this family there's information on the bottom of the screen and if you uh want to make today that day for you uh just say that's me someone in the chat someone one of our amazing online hosts will respond to you and connect with you or maybe you just need prayer uh just ask i dare you i triple dog dare you to be bold enough to say that's me i want to get saved i need prayer and i promise you you will be a part of a family that loves god loves the word of god amen and takes care of his people yes amen was that a great service the service was absolutely incredible mr patrick said how's your love life i mean he already gave us a preview and a pre-show yeah he did he brought it home um what was something that stood out to you uh about today's message i think the fact that he was just stressing agape love and when he was saying god doesn't have to do anything else for you and you know when he was talking about i thought about what he did on the cross for us god doesn't have to do anything else in our lives but every he took care of everything on the cross and so just because of that right there we need to give god the glory and everything and everything we do in our lives should lead back to him because he deserves it i know that's right listen i'm about to take a lap okay no i'm not going to take a lap i'll just say listen that that also one of the things that he said that stood out to me is he said that most of us love god from a posture of uh what he was saying was the fellow love like what can you do for me right in order for me to love you right and i think that that's something that many of us needed to hear today because we've been operating out of uh what can you do for me type of love when god has already done enough he's already done enough oh when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries out yeah hallelujah i'm still in praise listen today's service was amazing that's why we get to do it again we get to do it again yes for those of you who have uh been paying attention y'all know that y'all can uh join us online of course y'all can use the hashtags if you're gonna be posting you're gonna take pictures with your family and say i was there even if you weren't there first take the pictures at home i wanna see you in the living room living room in the kitchen wherever you're at and use the hashtag fbcglive or fbcg online that's hashtag fbcg live fbcg online that's right we want to see we want to see y'all we want to see y'all so listen our time is almost up did you have you have a great time i had an amazing time listen i think i might bring you back i don't think i might bring you back too you might bring me back to see i love it we empower our young people they're in control i'm just here so i don't get fined uh in the name of jesus we love you we want to shout out once again pastor jenkins the entire leadership of the first baptist church of glen arden and at this moment we are going to pray you ready yes go ahead you pray dear lord thank you for this day thank you for this moment thank you for the service lord god lord please let um the words that pastor jesus um gave us today and service lord please let that motivate us to be better for you to love you with agape love to love you with everything in us and not putting you off to the side or in a position where you know you're giving us things and that's why we love you but lord just loving you because you're you loving you because of what you did on the cross for us so lord please let us love you with everything inside of us and lord please let me let us um take those words today and really apply it to our lives so you could get the glory love and honor amen in the name of jesus amen we love y'all we will see y'all back at 11 30. back at 11 30. we'll be back amen first baptist church of glenn arden it's been a pleasure disciples amen amen [Music] you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 8,406
Rating: 4.9162302 out of 5
Id: hFgOTY7soew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 51sec (5451 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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