"Running With The Horses" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. at The Potter's House (Very Powerful Word)

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pastor John Kay Jenkins is a senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Glen Arden located outside of Washington DC he started preaching at the age of 15 and 1973 and later went on to serve the Congregation of Union Bethel Church for three years in King George Virginia where he remained before he was called to Pastor his childhood Church the First Baptist Church of will Arden in 1989 under his leadership the church grew rapidly expanding from 500 members to over 11,000 attendees weekly and multiple campuses the church currently has over 120 different ministries that serve its members and the community and all aspects of life pastor jenkins travels extensively and regularly ministers throughout the country and around the world spreading the gospel he married the love of his life trina jenkins in 1980 together they have six children and three grandchildren he currently sits on several community and educational boards advises leaders councils professional athletes business people and congregants he also serves as pastor to a network of pastors both nationally and abroad pastor Jenkins walks in humility and considers it an honor to be used by God to do the work of his kingdom [Music] [Applause] good morning bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name I give God the praise and thanks for the privilege of being here at the potter's house in Dallas Texas while you're standing help me celebrate my pastor and the man of God who was celebrating his 61st birthday Bishop TD jakes no words that I know to describe my deep gratitude for what this man has done and how God has used him to impact my life I love him with all of my heart he's my big brother my friend my pastor and I'm honored to be able to stand here before you today and I just want to let him know how much I love him and I celebrate him so thank you you can't be seated god bless you and you know he wouldn't be who he is without the woman sitting next to him and we equally love first lady Sarita and thank God for her she's a wonderful jewel gift from God and we just love her and thank God for her I'm glad to have my wife with me of 30 this August will be 38 years we've been married my wife tree we have six children come on give the Lord a shout of praise right there lean over and tell your neighbor passage ingots like to do something other than being in church all the time [Applause] I'm trying to get church over here soon as possible you don't know what the Lord might have in store come on brother somebody know what I'm talking about good today I wish I could tell y'all that we've been together for 38 years because I've been the bomb.com husband but that would be far from the truth I'm jacked up Joker and one time she was gonna leave me so she went in the closets crying stop packing her clothes she said I'm sick and tired of this mess I'm leaving she started packing I didn't know what to do I went in the closet behind her broke out my suitcase I said I'm sick and tired of this rest - I'm going with you where are we going yes the Lord so that's why we still together because she know wherever she go I'm going with her [Applause] on another occasion we were driving I pulled up in front of her seventy eleven standing in front of the seventy levels one of her old flames he was drunk he was drunk and I started thinking about the things I've accomplished in life and things we've gone we traveled the world I've preached all over the world I've preached the presidents and governors I'm the pastor the First Baptist Church of Lynott in the largest church in the state of Maryland and I thought about I start to pat myself on the back and I leaned over to her and I said aren't you glad you married me instead of that joker right there she said if I had married him he would be the pastor [Applause] [Applause] so I recognize that I'm here today cuz I hurt right there and I love it my six kids are here give me a moment just to celebrate my six kids they're somewhere where are they after some so we stand up y'all and their spouses all on my six kids appreciate them let me just take a moment to talk about some product that I think will be a blessing to you a message we did on overcoming discouragement that's at the table in the back family under siege we have a series on helping you overcome the challenges of your family financial strategies for tough times and we just take a moment and talk about how god is I feel God has anointed us to help people with who are struggling with tough times financially God enabled my wife and I we got in debt when we first got married $34,000 applied biblical principles in two years we were totally debt-free and have been debt-free all at this time somebody praise the world for that our church built a sixty-two million dollar facility and we paid half of it before we had our first service in the building we're building a 25 million Family Life Center 25 million dollar the Family Life Center right now and we're moving into it in two Saturdays paid for in cash all I want to share with you principles of finances and then also hearing the voice of God is a series I believe I bless you we talk about 10 different ways God speaks talk about how to tell the difference between God's voice and Satan's voice how many you know that every voice you hear is not the Lord's voice this series will teach you the specifics of how to know the difference between when God is talking to you and when Satan is talking to you and it also talks about why God will stop talking to you so and there's other things out there that I think will be a blessing here's the blessing we have today we have my hat my pet my minister of music here today Stephen heard gospel artists and our assistant minister of music Anthony Brown of Anthony Brown of group therapy first lady Serena wants you to sing a little bit of worse and whatever first lady asks for she gets to have so can y'all welcome Anthony Brown as he takes just a moment to seem a little bit [Applause] you thought I was worth [Music] so you can achieve my life you thought I was worth [Music] Oh come on somebody listen up this morning you say Oh you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to him she [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thought I was worth keeping so you clean me up inside and you thought I was [Applause] while you're standing grab your Bibles and go to Jeremiah chapter 12 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jeremiah chapter 12 and I'm going to begin reading at verse number one I'm reading from the New King James translation righteous are you O Lord when I plead with you yet let me talk with you about your judgments why does the way of the wicked prosper while those happy who deal so treacherously you've planted them yes they have taken root they grow yes they bear fruit you are near in their mouth but far from their mind but you O Lord know me you have seen me you have tested my heart toward you pulled them out like sheep for the slaughter and prepare them for the day of slaughter how long will the land mourn and the herbs of every field wither the beasts and birds are consumed for the wickedness of those who dwell there because they said he will not see our final end if you have run with the footmen and they have wearied you then how can you contend with horses and if in the land of peace in which you trusted they worried you then how will you do in the flood plain of the Jordan I want to talk about running with the horses I want you to look at your neighbor and say running with the horses let's pray father I thank you for this opportunity I yield myself to you Lord uses me let me be your instrument prepare the hearts of your people to receive your truth somebody's life be impacted somebody gets saved and delivered rebuke the hand of the enemy and and bind every demonic influence and spirit put a hedge around this place Almighty God and allow your Holy Spirit to have free reign in jesus name amen you can be seated say that again running with the horses I want to tell you a little story to start off with my oldest daughter Sarah is her name called me one morning she had she was living in Florida had graduated from college and since she had graduated from college from Georgetown University she went down the basketball scholarship y'all don't know what that means that means that was $50,000 a year that I didn't have to pay somebody give God a praise right there fifty thousand a year she had graduated and moved to Florida and was coaching high school basketball and she called me one morning because she had been applying for college coaching jobs and the problem is no matter where she applied she never got the assignment so on this particular day she had been telling me about the fact that she had applied for a College in Jacksonville it was 90 miles away from where she lived but she was willing to make the sacrifice just to get her foot in the door and drive 90 miles and even take a cut in pay just to get her foot in the door to being college coach but she called me this morning because she had applied for in Jacksonville she was living in Orlando and she had applied for this job in Jacksonville and she felt pretty good about it she thought it was down to two people and she thought she was gonna get it and she felt good about it but she called me that morning because she learned that she did not get the job she was devastated she was devastated to the point that she she was immobilized she was frustrated mad angry she was tears as a matter of fact she was crying on the phone uncontrollably it was a devastating moment for me because I had counseled other people who had had devastating times in their life and I didn't know what to say to my own daughter who was devastated it's one thing to counsel other people it's another thing you have to counsel your own family I didn't I didn't know what to say to her she was she was devastated and I suspect if the truth be told sitting somewhere on your row is somebody who is like my daughter upset and angry with the life because things have not gone the way you desired y'all might not want to tell the truth you might not want to be honest I don't look pretty act like he got it all together act like you're so happy with everything that is going on in your life but if you were to be honest there are some things that have happened that have just pissed you off [Applause] if the truth were to be told you're angry with God you upset with him because you thought you'd be further along the line in life than you are now you thought perhaps you've been further along your career making more money maybe you'd even be married by now maybe your marriage or your family would have turned around turned out differently that he did and you're absolutely angry that life has not gone the way you desire that's the problem that's happening right here in this book of jeremiah jeremiah the prophet is the assignment of preaching to a people who are frustrated with life Jeremiah has the assignment of preaching to a people who have watched their relatives and friends get freedom while they have remained in captivity and they're upset they're mad and they're angry because they watch other people get free while they stayed slaves I don't know why y'all acting like y'all don't know what I'm talking about but I know there's some people in here that are upset cuz you didn't watch other people get-get move on in life and other folks got the promotion somebody else got the new house you still in the efficiency so you saw your girlfriend get married and yet you've been living holy and walking a holy life and you still single didn't submit with everybody and their brother and they got married and you upsetting man about it go ahead and preach pastor G because y'all ain't got to help me right here and so Jeremiah has the assignment of talking to these people he is their leader their prophet their pastor and they're upset that they have asked Jeremiah to talk to God about their status and this passage is Jeremiah going to God on their behalf walk with me for just a few moments I promise I won't keep you long I'll be I'll be finished when I get done I'm just started right here in the text listen to the conversation that Jeremiah has with God on their behalf verse one righteous are you O Lord when I plead with you yet let me talk with you about your judgments let me translate that into y'all mister that went over y'all here God you normally make some good choices but let me talk to you about some of your latest decisions why does the way of the wicked prosper why are the people who live so raggedy and jacked up seem to be doing so well Oh Bishop you didn't tell me you got a group of people who want to act like Dean man with God about some stuff from time to time they want to know why are the wicked people seem to be doing so well why are the people who are living jacked up raggedy devastating lives why are they the ones who seem to be prospering what why are they outside on Sunday morning washing their brand-new car and thinking about going to church and you hope and your hope do you gonna get you to church why today why do we have to stress out about paying our bills and yet they ain't put a dime in church we are tithing and paying our offering and we struggling damn put a dime in church and they find everything that they want to they were upset with God they thought that surely by this time life would have treated them better and they would be so much further down the road why are the unqualified work co-workers getting the raise and you still stuck where you are as a matter of fact they say they didn't stop right there they say why are those happy who deals so treacherously why are the people who are so nasty act like they so happy they're upset and mad and bothered and disturbed that there's a disconnect because they thought that the same sanctified holy those feel bible-toting tongue talking people would be happy and smiling but it looks like the Saints are sad while the sinners are celebrating as a matter of fact in verse at all that's just in verse 1 and verse 2 he said you planted them yes they have taken root they grow yes they bear fruit but you are nearing their mouth before from their minds listen to what they're saying to God here's the truth of the matter he's saying God they are planted because of you they got roots because of you they bear fruits because of you y'all know that's true any place any time anybody gets anywhere in life they get there cuz God made it happen you didn't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps God opened the door God made a way and he did it for them too and then he and then they said this tada can devastate really upset about this because these are people who have been planted and grow and got fruit they're prospering and they they're near it with them talking with God but their hearts are far from God y'all know we got people just like that who know how to talk church lingo and act right they love God but their hearts are so far away you hear them when you talk to them you ask them how they doing they captive Church lingo Dale they say that they are blessed and highly favored y'all know those people you know those Jokers but they'll cuss you out on the parking lot y'all ain't hear what I'm saying to you today they've got the fruits and the blessings but they failed to honor God with the lifestyle that they live they've got the right talk with the wrong heart but then they make a shift in verse three I'm almost finished all I'm not alone with the preaching I got a jump on board real quick he says in verse three but you O Lord know me and you've seen me and you've tested my heart towards you in other words listen here's what they say in the guy cuz you didn't watch me you know I pay my tithes you see me in the church I'm at Bible study I come to prayer service I'm in the meeting I'm doing all the stuff I go to Sunday school I do all the stuff I'm supposed to do you seen me and the question is God you've seen how faithful and dedicated we've been how come I'm struggling then they make an unusual suggestion to God pull them out like sheep for the slaughter and prepared them for the day of slaughter here the Saints are suggesting to God to kill them oh do y'all act like y'all ain't never wanted God to kill somebody or y'all perpetrating up in here today I can think of a few Saints I would like to have kill right now if I could think about fact they are making a suggestion that God would kill them and the problem with it this is a problem with their theology they have somehow concluded they have somehow come to the conclusion that the blessing that was meant for them has somehow landed on the doorstep of the wrong people here's what you need to get here today never be jealous of what God does for somebody else what God has for you is for you and he's never gonna deliver your mail to somebody else's house as a matter of fact you ought to give God a shout and a praise because if God blesses your neighbor it means he's in the neighborhood and you might say I might be nice it doesn't matter what they are saved or unsaved the rain falls on the just and the unjust if God bless my neighbor I might be next somebody how far your neighbors say I might be met all these people around me getting prosperity and all these people around me being blessed and all these people around me getting favored I might be nice it's a matter of fact they say in verse for how long listen to this is that they're there they're talking to God and they're spilling out their erroneous theology in verse 4 they say how long will the land mourn and the herbs of every field wither the beasts and birds are consumed for the wickedness of those who dwell there because they say it he will not see our final end they have a theology that has permeated our country and that theology is that God judges a nation because of the wickedness of sinners and that's the theology that our country has adopted the church has adopted that God is judging our nation cuz of the jacked up sinners come on be honest y'all you know they're sinners don't have a choice but to be sinners God does not judge a nation because of the wrongness of sinners they have no choice but to live in sin you can't live wholly without Jesus you can't get come your miles or be honest your life didn't get change until you got a hold of Jesus in your life you tried to stop your sinning you tried to stop drinking you tried to stop smoking you tried to stop drugs but you couldn't change until Jesus came in your life their theology is that God judges the nation because of an air of sinners I'm here to tell you God does not judge a nation because of the sin sinners God judges the nation because of the wickedness of the so-called Saints oh I knew y'all won't go like that right there I knew y'all weren't gonna be pleased with that judgment begins at the house of God God judges a nation cuz the Saints are shacking together and the Saints are living in morale and the Saints of using the drugs and the Saints are watching pornography gonna preach pastor that that's when God judges a nation because the people who call themselves righteous won't do the right thing [Applause] I got some good news for you though when you sell out to Jesus he'll break every chain in your life when you give your heart to the King of Kings he'll bring you out of whatever struggles you have whatever problems you have whatever depression and anger and issues you have our God is a chain breaker he's a burden bearer he's a God who will deliver you no matter how deep in sin you are he will make a way out of no way he will bring you out all right y'all don't like that kind of preacher [Applause] I'm almost finished there's a shift that occurs in verse 5 in verse 5 God gets tired of Jeremiah talking and God starts talking [Applause] and listen to the questions that God asked if you have run with the footmen and they have wearied you then how can you contend with horses now what kind of question is that here's what the question is you see back in ancient times when one nation attacked another nation when one people attacked another people they would start the war off with what's called foot soldiers the foot soldiers would be not the strongest not the fastest not the best-equipped but it just would be a whole lot of them they were sending hundreds and thousands of foot soldiers and their sole responsibility was to attack the people that they were coming just to thin out the army that they were attacking it would be a whole bunch of them and and and God says to them y'all are complaining about foot soldiers here's what God is saying the foot soldier would come first and then after the foot soldiers would come the better equipped the stronger soldiers on horses y'all miss a great spot to shout amen so here's what I'm trying to tell you let me make this clear to you God is calling their issues that they're complaining about about light compared to what's coming in other words they these are foot so y'all are complaining we gotta say y'all are complaining about stuff that don't even matter you crying and complaining and whoopin and and all of that because of foot soldiers but here's what you need to understand the stuff that stressing you out now is nothing compared to what's coming down the pike you come you come you complaining about your electric bill what you're gonna do and God gives you a business and you got to pay the electric bill for the whole company what he is saying is the problems that you're crying about is nothing but foot soldiers my Cayman is to tell you to suck it up tell your neighbor suck it up stop crying stop complaining stop moaning your problems our foot soldiers foot soldiers can't pay your bills foot soldiers not being used foot soldiers being overlooked foot soldiers being misunderstood foot soldiers can't find a husband or wife foot soldiers can't get a contract foot soldiers wife won't give you none foot soldiers this is just foot soldier can't get the job you want foot soldiers disrespected by people you want to respect you foot soldiers can't get a promotion on your job these are foot soldiers [Applause] you getting weary over stuff that ought to be sprinting you for your future all the stuff you're going through now is preparing you for it God is about to take you as a matter of fact not only did God call your problems foot soldiers foot soldiers are indications that you are headed in the right direction y'all didn't hear what I say it right there when you've got issue after issue and problem after problem and hurt after hurt and issue after issue and challenge after challenge it's an indication that the devil is trying to stop you and slow you down it means you are headed in the right thigh right stop somebody how far your neighbors say I must be headed in the right direction all this hell I'm going through I must be headed in the right direction all this criticism all these lies all this talking I must be headed in the right direction [Applause] the devil wouldn't mess with you if you were headed in the same direction he's headed in here's what I've discovered in my life I'm gonna be 60 years old in October I've been in ministry for 44 years all of the time I've been in ministry I've discovered this before I get to a significant milestone or shift or all hell breaks loose so when all hell breaks loose instead of me crying and complaining I start shouting and I say to myself something being about to happen God's about to do something significant that that was trying to give me to quit and I'm going to shout cuz I know God is about to take me to a mother somebody high-five somebody say I'm about to go to another level [Applause] [Music] yeah I'm giving him praise I'm giving him the glory I'm giving him a shout I'm dancing I I should be crying but I'm dancing I should have a nervous breakdown but I'm dancing I should have cut somebody happened but I'm dancing because all this hell breaking loose all these issues and all these challenge something about to happen up in here do I have a witness anywhere in this can somebody give God a shout somebody give him a holler give him the praise I'm headed in the right direction I'm moving in the right direction hold up God calls them foot soldiers foot Minh that's all they are and I'm celebrating that I got all these foot men in my life and I'm still hanging I'm still in there I'm still in the game I ain't cuz nobody out today come on praise Him [Applause] I can't say we're gonna happen tomorrow but I'm thanking God that's so far today ain't cuz nobody out yet halle-loo shout not only because of that but shout because footmen are precursor to horses that means the horses are coming I didn't think you're always shout on that somebody say well pastor why should I shout if it's only gonna get worse why should I give God a celebration if things can only get worse here's why because I discovered the heart of the trial the bigger the blessing [Applause] somebody give God a praise right there no just somebody on a shout and say God I thank you I figured that something big is about to drop in my life there's a big door that's about to open there's a miracle that's about to occur there's something that God is about to do that's beyond my expectation the horses are coming now let me close I'm almost finished I was hoping somebody was gonna say take you time but you didn't say it it's okay it's too late it's too late it's too late you say why should I be excited about horses why should I be thrilled that soldiers are gonna be coming in with horses but let me talk about the horses for a second because the horses are coming and God says if the footmen here worn out what you gonna do when the soldiers the horses come what you gonna do with the horses horses are strong they're fast they can endure long distances they run in the heat and the cold weather does not hinder them and they're coming and you're saying the meal that I should be excited about it as a matter of fact in the natural a man cannot contend with a horse if you put a man next to a horse to horse go when every time some years ago I was preaching in Indianapolis Indiana and I was right in downtown Annapolis Indiana and they had a big old fare going on they had police officers on horses I had never seen a horse before had never been a postal horse when I stood up next - who's that horse was humongous I asked the police officer why don't you have these horses here he said we can use horses to control the crowd he said when we backed at one of these horses up against a crowd we can control hundreds and thousands of people why because a human being cannot 10 with the horse as a matter of fact if you put a horse and a man side-by-side and tell them to run the horse is gonna win every time the text here blows my mind because God says if the if the foot soldiers have worn you out how are you gonna continue with horses that has blown my mind that God has said this but here is what God is suddenly saying somebody tell your neighbor get ready it's gonna blow your mind right here tell them on the other side get ready it's gonna blow your mind right here here's what God is trying to tell them it is his expectation for them to continue endorses but how can a man continuing horse he can't in his own abilities that went over y'all hey I gotta back it up and give it to you again here's what he's trying to say that he's going to give you a power that you don't have to be able to do what you're not qualified to do he's gonna help you have the strength and the ability and the know-how and the anointing and the power to do what it is you cannot do in your own strength and power [Applause] I'm running with horses I am doing in my life what it is I'm not qualified to do I don't have seminary training I don't have college training I just did get out of high school I didn't graduate magna [ __ ] laude [ __ ] laude summa [ __ ] laude I graduated thank you Laurie [Music] do I have any other thank you lord ease up in here I am the pastor of the largest church in Maryland I'm not qualified to be doing what I'm doing I sit on Bank boards I'm up in the bank making decisions on who go your loans I said on hospital boards authorizing doctors to operate and do their business in the hospital that's it on the border y'all not hear what I'm saying I'm the chaplain for the Washington Wizards I preached to governors I've preached to presidents I'm not supposed to be there I'm doing what I'm fired to do I'm running with divorces [Applause] I have priests the presidents I've preached to governor's I'm creating the potter's house today [Applause] I'm not supposed to be here but God made a way out of no way I'm not qualified to be here but God open up the door somebody have fire your neighbors say it's time to run with the horses [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I saw some of y'all running around here a few minutes ago it's just a precursor to where God is about to take you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know who I'm preaching to I don't know who it's for but my job is just to tell you stop complaining about the footman in your life and start celebrating and giving God the praise because the horses are coming and the god we serve will anoint you and give you power to do what it is you're not qualified to do go ahead and tell your neighbor I'm going around with the horses hey I'm running I started off telling you about my daughter who was crying because she didn't get a job then she thought she was gonna get she was about thirty years old at the time she said I'm getting too old nobody's ever gonna call me to be a coach one year later she calls me up dead I got a call I know I've never coached in college but I got an offer to be a coach in college at the Georgetown University [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hey [Applause] hey the power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that's gonna take you to places that you never dreamed you never imagined you never thought that you would be able to go to one with the horses [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Who am I talking to go ahead and give God a shout say I accept the challenge I receive the mansion I'm gonna run with the horses in Jesus name now go ahead and give him a shot of her [Applause] homonym [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you will run through fruits and leap over walls God's gonna take you to places you never dream to imagine is that open up doors you never thought would be open for you stop complaining about where you are the stuff you in now is preparation for where he's going to take the hills of West Virginia was preparation for Bishop James to God bringing him to the potter's house and not just the potter's house but his worldwide ministry it was preparation he endured and he went through it and that's the deal for you get ready God can't take some of you because you're too busy complaining about where you are and crying about where you are and my assignments today that's why I came here that's why God brought me here today to tell you he's getting you ready for where he's got but it requires a sellout to Jesus if you need Jesus in your life but you haven't given them your life this ain't gonna work for you you need to accept the Lord Jesus if you hear today you don't know him come on down here accept the Lord right now if you need to rededicate come right now come say yes to him right now if you're not sure of your eternal destiny come if you want to join the potter's house come on right now if I lived in Dallas this is where I'll be right here to Potter's house this is my pastor right here come on and say yes to Jesus right now best you come don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed Jesus died on the cross so you can have life and have it more abundantly he died so you could have life that your sins could be forgiven he has made provisions for your sins to be washed away come on and say yes to the Lord Jesus right now while the blood is running worming your veins come on I see come on right now come come that's right come a men come come at this moment come today come right now come [Music] I have waited for this and I won't let it pass me by [Music] right now is the moment today is the day I see you come on praise the Lord amen I have waited for this a little either Jesus take your lorry to Jesus right now right now two days the days [Music] I've changed thank you Jesus nothing changes I have waited for this moment [Music] for your friends escape hallelujah Jesus power oh wait between your friends [Applause] hallelujah Jesus and all right now I've changed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] your brand [Music] hallelujah give the Lord a shout for these souls at the altar [Applause] the Angels rejoice over one Senate every turns their life over to the Lord alright praise the Lord I pray for them let me ask you to do this I want us i I know I'm a guest here today but I want us to bless Bishop Jason today it's his birthday this is this the day to celebrate him and I'd like you to get a gift I want to appeal to you to get a gift if you're making a check you make it out to the potter's house but let's give a gift to the bishop to express our gratitude to him and to the Lord for his life and his ministry how many of your lives have been changed because of Bishop to you James amen make that check out to the potter's house the soul to express our deep appreciation to the Lord for him and sew it into him this is a great opportunity for us to give him a birthday gift hallelujah if you need an envelope that raise your hand the ushers have one for you make your checks out to the potter's house let's bless him on his 61st birthday I thought the other day to experience the Ministry of a life like this is a once-in-a-lifetime deal we won't see another man like this in our lifetime and yet we get to live and experience this man's life and I want to ask you to bring like bring that gift up here bring it up here so that they're going to pass the plates in just a few moments father bless these gifts that we're giving multiply it give back to the persons who give thirty sixty a hundred times what they sow has we sow into your servant to this man of God in Jesus name Amen praise the Lord thank you for your gifts I give our expression even on behalf of Bishop Jake's thank you for sowing and being a blessing to him Amen god bless you Potter's House I love you thank you for receiving [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 629,135
Rating: 4.7670426 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Bishop T.D. Jakes, John K. Jenkins Sr., Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., Running With The Horses, FBCG, First Baptist Church of Glenarden, The Potter's House, Td jakes 2018, The Potter's Touch, Powerful Word, Sermon, Sunday, Church, Baptist Church, Anthony Brown, Anthony Brown & Group TherAPy, Anthony Brown & group therAPy - Worth, Worth, christian church
Id: vrGu1L0xCfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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