"I'm Still Here" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr (Powerful Word)

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[Music] hello praise the lord and welcome once again to our fpcg online worship experience i am so honored once again to be your host my name is anthony brown i serve as assistant assistant minister of music and creative director here at first baptist church of glen arden and i'm joined once again by the amazing the illustrious that would be me hello everyone today is the day of worship my name is barbara barbara holtstreeter and i serve as a community relations liaison here with first baptist church at glennard and i'm honored to be back with you hanging out with my brother anthony brown and miss bob you look amazing today well thank you very much just for you sir just for you and for all of y'all too for all of y'all too of course our online family we're so grateful to have you with us once again and we're excited about where you're checking in from so listen do us a favor right now and push that share share share button why because we want to get as many people as we can to join us today so that souls can be saved and lives can be changed if you're using uh the hashtag today i need you to do that so that we can see you we need you to use it it's hashtag fbcg online or fbcg live that's fbcg live you can use either one fbcg online or fbcg live go ahead take a picture with your family and post that and use the hashtag so we can see you and we can be a part of you and you can be a part of us yes look i see a lot of people checking in now let's see upper marlboro wait a minute do y'all live next to me because i live in upper marlborough too who's in upper marlborough i see you up in marlborough representing i see linda checking in as well from stone mountain georgia i see you linda lynch welcome to our service the rest of you all where are you joining us from we want to know put it in the chat real quick so we can see it and we can say good morning to you from wherever you are joining us so good evening or good afternoon never know what time it is because it's fbcg international and we are everywhere i tell you this has been such an amazing experience this is something new pastor wanted something fresh so we can stay connected to you all so this is an opportunity you stay connected with us we'll still connect it with you as well we will we will we will so listen guys we're coming right off the hills of an amazing three days of tent revival here at fbcg miss barb let's talk about this tent revival women which day do you want to start with we got wednesday thursday and friday come on now only thing i remember was the tent doing this whoa the debt was shaking it was shaking because it was just so much incredible praise and worship so much incredible word i'm still on the high how about you very much so very much so from the from the word to the worship to the music tell me this what was your favorite moment so far okay okay so um i know you got one i know you know when when when the bishop talked about the choices that just really stuck with me because i need you to know because i really felt it that you have a choice to make a decision for god you have a choice to walk the right way you have a choice to change your life so it was about choices is that going to be your first song because you told the people last week you working on some news well because i think you said you're going into you know going into the studio and i think i heard somebody else in the background i'm coughing i'm going to say reverend stephen heard he said i was gonna be on his project too that's all i'm gonna say y'all miss barbara's trying to get on somebody's project but right now at least she's making the choice to be here with us this morning and listen my favorite moment let's talk about mine my favorite moment my favorite moment i think it was the worship with israel holden you know what israel houghton is celebrated the world over for his praise and worship and he's incredible at it um and he just really set the tent on fire on wednesday night it was amazing to see he did and i felt like it was like back in the old days yes you know when we had our tent revivals and israel and he he just felt like it's time for worship absolutely no pretense no time just worship and i loved it how about y'all online what was your favorite moment of tempt revival this week for those of you all that tuned in and saw it we want to know what was good to you what was good to you what did you love what did you need what did god do for you and for those of you all that didn't see it shame on you shame on you if you missed it right it was incredible but just because we love you so much we thought we would give you an incredible look back at three power pack days of tent revival you want to see it we'll show it to you right now take a look we are in the house [Music] [Music] you don't get no closer than this i'm on stage right now with israel holding new breed and his band everybody's here like he's literally right over of y'all to there god praise in advance that by the time i pull up tomorrow night i'm coming back strong just praising god that i'm able to be in the house for the lord under himself you can describe fbc's homecoming 10 revival in one word incredible man amazing awesome is [Music] yeah i can get my family back i can get my child back i want you to air high-five somebody don't touch them just a half-hour and tell them neighbor tonight is the night where you get it all back [Music] blessed phenomenal triumphant awesome family [Music] so ended like the enemy to try to make your life messy so you don't see the miracle so maybe the miracle you prayed for yesterday is here in the tent tonight you better clap your hands and shout like the miracle is here i'm overwhelmed speechless magnificent phenomenal miraculous talk about an amazing recap that temp revival was absolutely on fire miss barton i told you all the tent was doing what it was shaking it was a lot of shaking going on well family every week we want to do our best to make sure you get to know your family we have over 600 members now online joining us every single week who we love so much big virtual hug to all of you all and as you're getting to know your church family we want you to have a chance to kind of talk to him a little bit and so this morning for getting to know you we have none other than the minister of music and the department head for all things creative here at first baptist church in glennardon he is known for his signature style of worship and it's very loud when he's really feeling jesus right there come on now he is none other than the amazing reverend stephen heard drum roll da da da da da da da da da he says shout to the lord that's what i love it you guys spend a lot of time uh imitating me it is a running joke we imitate everything he does but literally he has shifted the culture of worship here at fbcg for now over 20 years wow 20 years what a blessing 20 years talk about that journey with us a little bit actually it's been a real amazing journey um i'm excited because it was when i first got the assignment i didn't want it i i was i was done with church i was through with church and so when pastor called and invited me to consider working i was just like i don't want to do that i was convicted immediately by god i couldn't sleep i couldn't i couldn't eat i kept hearing pastor jenkins voice in conversation so i took a meeting and i said i made up my mind that in the meeting i would ask for ridiculous foolishness stuff that would never work and they would just say oh we're good and it never happened and 20 years later it's the best assignment i've ever wanted look at god he said the best assignment you never wanted yep family our online family if you have a question for reverend heard you might want to put it in the chat right now this is our chance to get to know him and his amazing style of worship miss barney you got a question for him i do you know when you said that what you didn't expect and and look how god moved during the season of colvin and pandemic what did you have to do to pivot in terms of our music and arts um because we know a lot was going on what did you do differently how did you bring your team together well one thing i did immediately was i put us on a fast because i figured that god doesn't waste time or text so if something's going on there's something significant we're supposed to learn if something's happening he's something something significant he's saying to us and so i didn't know what god was doing i wanted to know from my personal life but i wanted us to know um as it relates to the worship experience i i leaned on anthony and the guys and the team because that's their lane that whole technology lane that's their that that's their passion um and i believe according to ephesians uh four that every joint supplies something and we have guys on our team who have amazing gifts um that help us to kind of catapult into the things that that will help people experience god oh i love that that's amazing remember tina's saying online that her gospel musical taste is much more broad now because of the worship that you present and the different kind of styles you present how important is that to you when it comes to uh the church of jesus christ today um there's a lot of fads when it comes to the music people kind of follow the trend of the moment but how important is it to you to have a sound that's a little broader for everybody to worship jesus too what i found out um well i like giving flowers and what i found out is that flowers are best appreciated when they're mixed roses daffodils begonias and all that stuff when they're the same thing it's you get the same thing but when you mix them together the aromas all mesh together to create a different kind of experience and the same thing with our music ministry and our worship i love it and flowers do you have any for me i'm sorry stay on point but i love that because you know what it also speaks to the diversity of our worship experience but also to the people who attend absolutely so we have from the youngsters to the millennials to our seasoned seniors absolutely so i love that you have to include everybody because that's what the kingdom would look like looks like that's so good yeah one more question for you just you know when it comes to the space that we're in now um corporate worship is different for people who are watching online um you know we're used to coming together being in the same space and that's where that corporate worship space lives but now people are worshiping in their homes and still trying to connect and feel corporate what is your advice to those who are worshiping at home about how to really have that god encounter even as they're tuning in and watching online well one thing i know about god is there is no distance in the spirit and so it's very important for us to be intentional about just loving god from our space loving god from our space call people up and and and have moments on the phone zoom people in and have moments because that's still corporate that's still bringing us together it's good for us to come together god commands blessings when we come together we command blessings and i love the fact i'm sorry that you do a facebook every sunday morning right every sunday morning together and that's part of that corporate experience and you're then inviting them to come worship with us absolutely reverend harris online said reverend dr heard will you ever put out a worship album absolutely um my life has kind of been inundated with stuff um from when my dad passed in 2018 to going back to school and finishing a degree and it's just been overwhelmed but i'm at a place now where i'm ready to to prepare that i didn't want to just do it because i was supposed to do it i want to do it because it was time to do it right and to have me on the on the project as well look at god's telling you why won't excuse me he said nothing not a love it reverend thank you so much for joining us today this is our getting to know you segment with our own minister of music reverend heard who literally honestly god has been the greatest teacher of worship here at fpcg and for so many of us he's been a mentor about how to worship god and we thank you for how you worship and who you are as a worshiper it's been dynamic for all of us thank you so very much thank you thank you for being here so family listen uh reverend heard us about to probably go because you know we're about to go under the tent and join them for service and we don't want him to be late since he's looking really really polished and and very worshipful okay y'all see that he's very worshipful all together we don't want him to be late so we're about to go back over to the tent to enjoy worship experience today but before we go once again if you can hit that share button share share share so that as many people as possible can be a part of our worship experience reverend heard alluded to a scripture just a minute ago psalm 133 and then where the spirit of unity is god commands a blessing to be there and so today that commanded blessing he said there's no distance in the spirit it can go out to all of your friends your family and your loved ones if you push that share button and as well you can also give it any time on the service there's always a button there right now it is and you know what we always say sow a seed reaper harvest but continue to stay connected with them that thing is really good to me you like that yes it one more time so a seed reaper harvest it will be on the next album of either one of them miss barbers are we going to be on her project short seed reaper harvest listen family i think it's time for us to go and be a part of the worship experience worship is already underway please go ahead get your hands free get your hearts open and get ready for praise and worship here at fbcg international we'll be back [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] my praise yes cause you alone deserve the honor hope we sing it so we lift your way [Music] yes [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Applause] glory for you [Applause] me [Applause] the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] just use your voice shout to the lord [Applause] uh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] wow wow wow we lift you high yahweh yahweh family welcome back we are part of the online worship experience i'm anthony brown assistant minister of music here at fpcg joined by my co-host the amazing this is me barbara holt streeter i serve as a community relations liaison here at first baptist church at glen arden praise and worship is already underway we're lifting jesus high because he is yahweh that's one of his amazing names i hope you've enjoyed the worship so far we're going to get right back into it in a minute but let's just start off this morning with scripture and with prayer once again if you're if you're using a hashtag we'd love for you to use it it is hashtag fbcg online or fbcg live that's fbcg live absolutely and go ahead and share that link as well so that as many people as possible can be a part of this morning's worship experience miss barbara what scripture are we reading on today please be prepared for your heart and mind for this scripture genesis 45 verses 1 through 5. that's genesis 45 1-5 so read with me joseph could stand it no longer there were many people in the room and he said to his attendants out all of you so he was alone with his brothers when he told him that who he was then he broke down and wept he wept so loudly the egyptians could hear him and word of it quickly carried to pharaoh's palace i am joseph he said to his brothers is my father still alive but his brothers were speechless they were stunned to realize that joseph was standing there in front of them please come closer he said to them so they came closer and he said again i am joseph your brother whom you sold into slavery in egypt but don't be upset and don't be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place it was god it was god who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives genesis 45 1 through 5. what a powerful passage of scripture stick a pen right there because our pastor the amazing pastor john cajun senior is going to deliver an amazing word just for you so stick up in the description that's really really good i almost want to say something about that scripture because i felt that last part you just said that first that last script was a chapter i mean verse five first what did you say but don't be upset and don't be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place it was god it was god who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives something amazing is gonna happen with that scripture today uh it was god don't be angry don't be upset it was god that sent me ahead of you to preserve your life i don't know what our pastor's gonna do with that but i know it's gonna be amazing and you do not want to miss it so prepare your hearts and minds for that word and even as you do i'd love to pray for you because we believe here in the power of prayer i've seen god do miracles in my life yes me too with the power of prayer that's our vehicle by which we have access to heaven and heaven has access to us and so even in the chat right now if you can go ahead and throw in a prayer request if you have a request of prayer me and miss barb are gonna pray for you let me tell you why because the bible says we're two or three if we can just get two or three people together in his name he promises that he will be in the midst of that atmosphere yes i don't know about you but wherever god is there's healing there's deliverance there's breakthrough go ahead mrs bible would you no no i was just sharing some people are asking about the scripture again it's genesis 45 1-5 genesis 45 1-5 and just like minister anthony brown said mark it in your bible save it highlight it on your smartphone because it's going to be a word that you will receive later from pastor jenkins absolutely lady d already checked him saying she wants prayer for our nation of course we need to pray for our nation this day our nation needs prayer and i believe that god can do the impossible the amazing when it comes to our nation whatever other prayer requests you have going through healing i see healing for her mom kim and god healing for cancer prayer for dad who is sick in the hospital hallelujah healing for the husband and parents all right peace in the homes oh i received that with you yes yes marriage somebody's praying for marriages i see cynthia um whatever you're praying for today i see people going back to school we're praying for those who are going back to school as well for all of our kids and our our babies we're praying for them as well this is what i'm telling y'all right now jesus christ is real and the power of prayer is absolutely real there are people in the chat right now who even know you know for yourself that when you have prayed god has sent an answer yeah so here we go i'm going to pray for you really quick father in jesus name we thank you for hearing the hearts of your people all over the world thank you lord jesus first of all for waking us up this morning for getting us started on our way and into this day and we commit this entire day to you and we say thank you for letting us see it father as our online members are checking in all over the world we thank you lord jesus for each and every one of them you know them by name you know every hair on their head and you know what they're facing right now but we thank you that whatever they're facing is no match for the power of our amazing god we thank you lord jesus that everything they're facing has a name but whatever that name is it still has to bow at the name that's above all names so we commit whatever they're facing to you and we thank you lord jesus for coming through as you always have this week we're praying for them good news and good report be their god show up like you only you can and thank you right now for the testimonies that are coming from this moment right now we touch and agree in prayer in jesus name amen amen amen family if you receive that prayer then i'm just believing right now that whether you see it or not god is showing up in your situation this your hand because we know prayer can change things and sometimes it changes just like that but then sometimes you're going to have to wait you got to be patient that is true you know it may not happen overnight but trust us we know god is a deliverer of healer yeah he can heal things that you never even imagined i tell you i had many family friends and close people that i love dearly who had coveted last year but guess what this year they walking it on this year they got their one foot in front of the other yeah this year things have changed because it's a new day so kova did touch a lot of people but covert also changed the lives of so many listeners across the country so i want to i want to ask you if you've been healed from anything any diseases put your hand up raise your hand yeah i see your hands in the heart god is amazing you know what that is when we see those hands and hearts going up it is confirmation for somebody who's watching online who's in a situation right now but if god did it for us if he did it for those of you out there have your hands up in the air and your heart's going up right now that means he's the same god who can do it for every person that's going through something right now and miss barb just said it she said it might happen overnight and here's the other miracle that it might just be you he's going to change hold on to that moment we're going to head back over to the tent and get back into service as we welcome you and all of our worshipers online and in person because i know that you've got some plans for me [Music] [Music] [Applause] cause i know [Music] you make something [Music] you make something i don't know what it is [Music] that thing right [Music] for there family [Music] [Music] is [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] young adults join us monday september 13th at 7 p.m for checkpoint as we continue our blueprint series checkpoint is a bible study geared towards young adults you can watch on our church's website or facebook live first baptist family can you believe that we're finally back together again worshiping in person we're so excited to gather together under the tent and praise the lord for all he's done for us as a reminder today marks the start of our new sunday worship service times moving forward all sunday services will be held at 9 a.m and 11 30 a.m join us next sunday september 19th for our final outdoor worship services before we head back into the worship center sunday september 26th we're also hosting the first in-person communion service on the evening of sunday september 26 at 6 30 pm we hope to see you there to get the latest details about our triumphant return be sure to visit fbclinharton.org forward slash homecoming are you facing life controlling issues anger addiction domestic abuse or weight turning point can help you overcome it join turning point to help you overcome life-controlling issues in a safe environment classes begin thursday september 23rd at 10 a.m and 7 p.m to register visit fbc glennardon.org forward slash turning point [Music] [Music] ladies do you need to learn how to abide in certain life areas join us at he loves me 2021 on october 1st and 2nd to learn how to do just that enjoy virtual master classes led by dynamic women such as international speaker and best-selling author deborah smith puget nationally acclaimed washington post financial columnist michelle singletary and our own pastor kd g's online campus pastor these classes will focus on multi-life topics ranging from marriage finances entrepreneurship prayer and more as always you'll get to experience powerful praise and worship enjoy fellowship with other grace girls and much much more be sure to tell a friend about this life-changing conference and register today at fbclintarton.org forward slash he loves me that's the news for this week you can find more details about these events and others on our church website at fbclindarden.org [Music] there is your news family and like the old school church would say govern yourself accordingly that's what my grandfather said i love our fbc news guess what it's offering time in this virtual temple all of our online lovely family members you know you can give at any moment but right now they're giving over in the tent and so we're inviting you to give as well online yes you what we have been saying for quite some time if i can finally get it out of my words here you sow a seed and your reaper harvest sowa seed and reaper harvest whatever that sowing is if you tithe we know it's 10 but if you want to get a little bit more you're more than welcome to do so as well let me tell you why cause literally if you give the bible says it'll be given back to you it'll be pressed down yes it'll be shaken together you know and it'll be running over yeah got that shake from you i know you did that and i just know there's so many testimonies in that chat even right now of people who understand the principle of giving i've seen it work in my life i know it can work in your life as well oh very much so very much so there are many times that you're trying to figure out how should i give give but just give you'll see a difference i have friends who never tied before i got a call the other day and one of my girlfriends said i've been watching and listening to you i am tithing and i'm watching how god has changed my life listen that's all you need to know you need to know that okay and so we're gonna invite you to do it now you can go to dot org fbcglendarden.org give or you can click the link at the bottom of your screen and that'll be your way to connect with us in your giving and just know that your amazing giving fpcg members is what helps us to do what we do in ministry so well all over the world and also here locally so thank you for being such amazing givers i guess we need to pray over those of you all who are giving right now i know y'all have done it i can see y'all clicking the button right now in the spirit so i'm gonna pray over you now as we prepare to give our offering and our tithe to the lord father thank you so very much for even giving us what you've given us so that we can give you are in fact doing a new thing like the worship team members just sung over us you're doing a new thing thank you for doing that new thing in our finances so right now lord jesus for every obedient giver i pray that you would bless them in ways that money cannot even buy whether you add to them financially or whether you add to their health or to their well-being or to their peace or to their family thank you that you are the god that does give back to us as we give to your kingdom and so father thank you for the opportunity for the blessing it is to be able to give and for every person that is giving lord jesus let this week be a week of miracles for them we thank you and we praise you in jesus name amen amen amen amen when you mentioned about giving we shared this past week in terms of back to school we gave thousands of backpacks away school supplies you know why from your giving so the giving that you give can impact us locally as well as across the country as you mentioned absolutely and then every year we we typically do a thanksgiving we do um um basket giveaway we give away food to those who are in need in the community all those efforts like ms barb said those efforts can only happen because of the amazing giving that our church family does and we've always been a church of givers always right think about this um a few months ago when covert hit we're trying to figure out what would happen next our pastor sat down with university of maryland hospital center as well as the county and what happened we transformed our family life center to a vaccination clinic at one time a day we were serving over 2 000 people really that's how we impact this community thank you jesus and so we know we've impacted your life so if we have put it in the chat tell us how we have impacted your life through first baptist church of glenard because your your giving has made a difference absolutely and for those of you that have a giving testimony i would love for you just to give hearts up and hands up in the chat as well or even tell us how god has added to your life because it's no it's there's no way for us to tell your story for you for those of you people who are online i'm trying to figure out you know how do i get into this giving thing or i don't know about it i would love for those of you all that know that jesus christ is real even when it comes to your giving to put that testimony in the chat because your words bear witness for those who are kind of in a valid decision about giving i'm telling you miss barb when i started giving the way that god instructed us to give it changed my life and i know it'll change yours as well so even as you give let's go back to worship at fbcg international here we go [Music] father we love you and we honor you so much for loving us back for giving your son to us so we thank you [Music] [Music] he reckless me down fights till i'm found leaves 99 i couldn't hurt it i don't deserve it still you give yourself away it's all the overwhelming neverending reckless [Applause] [Music] here we go oh [Music] i don't know about yourself [Music] let's get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh come on one more time oh oh oh [Music] call me [Music] recklessly [Music] [Music] amen amen remain standing if you if you can please stand certainly have this great honor this tremendous privilege to uh i would say introduce my pastor but he really doesn't need an introduction you know who he is he's one of the greatest pastors in the world [Applause] amen amen on friday on friday as they were having the service pastor jacobs had the mic and uh he said if i get here on sunday i may just preach all day long first baptist church of the night will you make sure that he give he gets an audience that makes sure that you let him know how much you've missed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the lord everybody everybody give god some glory somebody say we here i'm here we're here [Music] i'm here you here and the lord jesus is here [Music] wow i'm so excited i'm so excited and i just can't hide [Music] you can be seated thank y'all for coming out this morning i wasn't sure many first baptist folk were gonna show up but y'all always exceed my expectations thank you [Applause] [Music] i got a word that it's been brewing in me that i can't wait to give to you but before i do that i'm so honored today to have our county executive who is a member of the first baptist church of glenard here today and i want to invite her i want her to come up [Music] she is doing an outstanding job and i want her to know how proud i am of her and how i support her and i wanted her to greet you all this morning i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the lord the humble will hear and be glad oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together i am so honored to be here this morning and so grateful to be here as a part of our homecoming and i have to tell you an open secret our flock has the best shepherd how many of you know it how many of you know it our flock has the best shepherd and the best first lady they are absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful can we hear it for them please and i have to tell you that our shepherd not only leads our house but what you probably may not know is that he has also been tremendous in our county he's a tremendous leader in our county over these last 18 months when our families have struggled i have to tell you that the first baptist church of glen arden has stepped in in amazing ways to help us feed clothe comfort vaccinate provide rental assistance they have just been tremendous and so i just could not be any more grateful to be a member of a church like this church but i also have to tell you that in spite of all that we have seen i have good news that i wanted to bring to you this morning i know that we have struggled i know that we have suffered i know that we have been frightened but guess what this is the moment that we've been waiting for it is the moment that we have been waiting for the opportunity to do all that god has planned for us the the kingdom that we are building we're building it right here in prince george's county over this last year and a half we fed over three million prince georgians who went without food it became so beautiful but that that those who work for the department of public works and transportation who generally collect your snow drove meals to our seniors 1.6 million meals they drove to seniors gave up 41 million dollars to smaller minority businesses during that time we broke ground on eight new schools in prince george's county this summer alone to be able to teach our children and guess what we're not done yet you know there are still many many challenges we have we've hired a new police chief we are moving forward but you know what we have found if god can stop the whole world over if he can stop it there's nothing he cannot do there's no job too hard for god and so i'm looking forward to all that god will continue to do in prince george's county and just want to ask you to continue praying for prince george's it is the crown jewel of maryland and it is a crown in the world but it requires our prayers and our commitment so thank you so much for your prayers oh pastor jenkins how could we thank you i just love this pastor and first lady they have been there for me also praying with me texting me calling me and so i want to thank them so much for their love i love all of you all and guess what the best is yet to come god is great thank you so much give her give the lord a praise for her while you're standing we're going to take just a moment to pray we pray every year we pray every time we come together we're going to pray we're going to spend just a moment in the city i want you to pray for this somebody that might be on your road that don't know the lord jesus who may be frustrated defeated disappointed angry in pain i want you to pray they might be on that's probably i know there are many online watching us i want to thank the lord for our online congregation and viewers and worshipers thank you for joining us online some of you are all over the world they're all over the world people view the first baptist church of glen arden and i'm super excited to have you we want you to pray too let's take a moment and call out the names of the people who you know need prayer and need deliverance and need help let's go ahead and do that right now let's pray praise and worthy to be exalted we humble ourselves before you we decree and declare our utter need for you that without you we're nothing and we acknowledge and confess father our desperate need of you every day we pray and cry out to you today for your for the souls of lost broken bruised people we're praying for the salvation of those who are unsaved and don't know you we're praying father for backsliders and those who've drifted out of fellowship with you we're praying almighty god for those souls today who are uncertain about their destiny and uncertain about their future we pray in the name of the lord jesus that you would touch their lives and draw them to yourself in jesus name now father we pray now that you would anoint this word i pray that you will let lives be changed and impacted in the name of jesus get all of the glory and honor let me be your instrument and put a shield around this place rebuke every distracting spirit every demonic attitude and holy spirit have your free reign in this place today in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen [Applause] okay you can be seated [Applause] i hate to tell y'all i might not end preaching this service till tonight lean over to your neighbor say this gonna be a long one here today he got to get 18 months out 18 months [Applause] i'm preaching a little bit different today than i normally do i am not going to give you my text or my subject till the end i'm doing a moonwalker michael jackson i'm preaching backwards i want to tell you a story it's a biblical story i want you to open your bibles to genesis the book of genesis i'm going to be looking at multiple verses from the book of genesis go to chapter 37 i want to start off in chapter 37 of genesis this is a narrative message for those of you who know anything about preaching it's a story that i'm telling so you just have to take and write down the points and i'm not i do have a couple of points but as god speaks to you during this message you write down whatever the spirit of the lord says to you but it's a story it's a story about a gentleman by the name of joseph i want to talk about joseph joseph happens to be he's the son of jacob he is one of 12 sons that would later become the 12 tribes of israel but joseph uh has a problem he is his father's favorite child but at the age of 17 he encounters some challenging issues at the the young age of 17 he encounters a problem and the problem is he is hated by his brothers his 11 brothers couldn't stand them matter of fact chapter 37 verse 4 just does i'm going to call out these verses to y'all as i walk you down through this this message and i want you to read with me i want you to find it so as i give call it out to you you can find out in verse number chapter 37 verse 4 it says but when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him they they hated him so much they couldn't even talk to him 17 years old how does a 17 year old young boy handle rejection by his own family they hated him but i needed to tell you something as i walked through this story i need to tell you first of all rejection is a sign to you that god has a special destiny for you y'all missed a great spot to say amen i wish i had understood this when i was growing up i wish i had knew this as i was a young man being rejected at school and going through all of the stuff that i went through i wish i knew then what i know now that when you don't fit in it's because god doesn't want you to fit in god does not want you to think or to ponder or to to consider or to even discount yourself when you get rejected by people that's god's way of saying i got something special for you so some of y'all are a square peg trying to fit in a round hole and you didn't you done shaved off your corners and done everything you could to try to fit in but god told me to tell you he does not want you to fit in why because if you fit in when you get to where god's taking you they will try to take credit for what god only god can do for you let me thank all 17 of y'all for that rousing don't don't come don't you johnny b lately come now no no no you're too late to join me now i'm just trying to get somebody i don't know who i'm preaching to but there's somebody in this camp somebody under this tent somebody online i'm preaching to right now to let you know that god has something special assigned for your life and you're not going to fit in joseph got pushed to the corner they hated on him and they wouldn't even speak to him by the time we get to verse 18 of this 37 chapter slide down to verse 18 it says this it says now when they saw him afar off here comes joseph to the brothers coming here he comes to check on them and it says in verse 18 now when they saw him a far off even before he came near them they conspired against him to kill him they wanted to kill their own brother and i need somebody here to know today that somebody is plotting for your demise they want to destroy you destroy your name destroy your reputation destroy your career destroy destroy your family they want to take you out that's a sign i'm trying to help somebody understand that's a sign that god's got something special for you slide down to verse 22. i'm i'm just going through my introduction and reuben said to them she had no blood but cast him into this pit which is in the wilderness and do not lay a hand on him that he might deliver him out of their hands and bring him back to his father one of the brothers reuben told his brothers appealed to his brothers and said to his brothers he said uh don't kill him just throw him in the pit because reuben had a plan to come back and get joseph out of the pit and take him back home are y'all with me have i lost you yet when they had tried to humiliate and ignored him and and and didn't want to celebrate what god was doing in his life here reuben decides i'm going to come back and get him verse 24 then they took him verse 24 and cast him into a pit and the pink was empty there was no water in it so they threw the man in the pit look at your neighbor say somebody's trying to throw you in a pit that was a nice little soft thing you have to have an attitude and tell somebody they're trying to throw you in the pit they're trying to get rid of you they're trying to kill you they're trying to destroy you they want to mess you up they want to cast you out and so they casted him they cast him in a pit they did not only do that verse 23 says so it came to pass verse 23 when joseph had come to his brothers that they stripped joseph of his tunic the tunic of many colors that was on him his father had given him a multi-colored tuning his father had put on him a special coat with multiple colors it was a signet it was something that represented he was special and they stripped the tunic off of him you all need to understand that the death somebody is trying to pull off of you the anointing and the power and the might that god has put on you [Applause] somebody tell your neighbor they trying to take your tunic off of here they're trying to strip the call and the anointing and the power and the might they're trying to mess you up they're trying to tear you down oh i'm so glad don't be surprised when they try to strip you of your gifting and your anointing and your call don't be surprised and then it says this in verse 27 and 28 it says come and let us tell him to the ishmaelites verse 27 and let not our hands be upon him for he is our brother and our flesh and his brothers listened that's what judah said to them the then then media night traitors passed by so the brothers pulled joseph up and lifted him out of the pit and sold him to the ishmaelites for 20 shackles of silver and they took joseph to egypt they sold the brother into slavery and then they did and then they concocted a lie go down to verse 31 they concocted a lie are y'all with me are y'all reading with me i'm just trying to i'm let me go ahead verse 31 so they took joseph tunic killed a a kid of the goats and dipped the tunic in the blood then they sent the tunic of many colors and they brought it to their father and said we have found this do you know whether it is your son's tunic or not look at these jokers these deceivers and he recognized it and said it is my son's tunic a wild beast has devoured him without doubt joseph is torn to pieces can you imagine these brothers have concocted a lie and told their daddy your son is dead they brought this this the the the coat that they dipped in blood and brought it to their father so their father would draw the conclusion that his son was dead now joseph been sold into slavery his his his life looks to be spiraling out of control go to chapter 39 i'm almost finished actually chapter 39 in verse number 20 it says this then joseph's master took him and put him into the prison a place where the king's prisoners were confined and he was there in the prison he was uh oh wait a minute i i skipped something very important i forgot uh to tell you about verse 20. let me go back to 39 verse 20. joseph the bible says is a nice looking man and in verse 20 joseph that's not the verse i want wait a minute hold up anyway let me tell you the story i didn't write it down joseph ends up in the house of a captain of the army by the name of potiphar he runs potiphar's household and while he's in potiphar's house joseph is approached by mrs potiphar and mrs potiphar tries to seduce joseph because he was a nice looking man come back look at look at me say you're a nice looking man pastor [Applause] when he when he didn't succumb to her seduction acts or attempts when when he refused to sleep with her and honor or obey what she wanted she got angry and told her father that joseph tried to rape her somebody look at your neighbor and say they'll concoct a lie on you y'all not hearing what i'm saying to you today don't be shocked or surprised when people tell lies on you they'll concoct a lot they told a lie on joseph and that's in verse 2 now in verse 20 a joseph master potiphar took him and put him into the prison a place where the king's prisoners were confined and he was there in the prison he ends up in prison this man's story goes continues to go downhill how many of you recognize that for the past 18 months it looks like life has been going downhill looks like we've been people have lost their money lost their jobs lost their careers lost their homes lost their health it's been a downhill crime it's been a downhill fall but i've got some great news for you joseph while he is in prison he interprets some dreams i need you all to get this his gift and his anointing still operates even though he is in uncomfortable circumstance [Applause] air high five your brother or your sister air don't touch them just air high five and tell them my gifting is still good even though i don't like the circumstances that i'm in the call of god is still good even though i'm not where i want to be the anointing of god is still functioning and flowing even though i'm not in the place i want to be i don't know who i'm preaching to tonight today this morning i forgot what time it is but i need to tell somebody be not dismayed whatever may come god's anointing and call is still on your life [Music] he interprets a few dreams he's a dreamer but he also interprets dreams and he he he interprets the dreams of two of his cell mates the baker and the butler they both have dreams the same night and he tells he interprets their dream he tells one of them you're gonna die he tells the other one you will be restored to your position and sure enough it comes to pass that one gets gets hung i started to say hanged but that ain't good english one got hung and the other one the other the other one got restored to his position joseph had said to him when you get to your restored position will you remember me and of course the scripture says when he got to his look at verse 23 yet the chief butler verse 23 chapter 40 chapter 40 verse 23 i'm sorry chapter 40 verse 23 says yet the chief butler did not remember joseph but forgot him you all need to know the folk gonna forget all about you all that you've done he forgot about him but then the pharaoh the king the number one man in charge has a dream that nobody else can interpret are y'all still with me i'm going somewhere if y'all just hang with me for just a few moments the k the pharaoh has a dream that nobody else can interpret and so the bible says that he tells uh the the butler remembers finally and tells the pharaoh that there's a joker in jail somebody said there's a joker in jail who can interpret your dreams he calls joseph ford he interprets the dreams when he interprets the dreams he tells the pharaoh there's going to be seven years of plenty and seven years of of famine he says during the seven years of of plenty you gotta save up and store and get prepared for the seven years of plenty that's a sermon all by itself don't have time to go into that right now but there they are and he and he tells pharaoh i'm gonna put you in charge of controlling everything and so uh joseph is elevated here's the man he goes from jail y'all gonna hear me right here he goes from prison he goes from being incarcerated and god elevates him to be the number two man in all the land somebody tell your neighbor you better get ready to be elevated you might be at the bottom of the barrel but getting ready to be elevated nobody might even recognize who you are what you are the gifting that's on your life but i bet i'm coming to prophesy and preach and declare to somebody here today get ready for your elevation god is about to elevate you he he's about to lift you up he is about to promote you somebody say i better get ready for a promotion get ready for a promotion somebody ought to give god praise say god it ain't happening yet but i'm thanking you for it i don't know how soon is gonna happen but i can i don't i'm the kind of person that doesn't have to wait until i see it to thank you i can go ahead and give you thanks right now thank god for your promotion you might have lost your job you might have lost your bank account you might have lost your health you might have lost a lot of things but god told me to tell you tonight get ready for your promotion [Music] he is elevated to ride in the second chariot [Music] that's pretty high the second chariot he's in the second chariot he's in a keeper god is this man went from being hated by his brothers god took him from being despised by his family to being the number two man in the whole land who am i preaching today oh i'm trying to prophesy and declare to you something i'm almost i'm almost finished i got five minutes i might be going overtime today [Applause] the famine there's there are seven years of plenty prosperity plenty of crop and joseph's put stuff away and saves it and puts it in barns because he knows that following the seven years of plenty they're going to be seven years of famine and so he's savings look at your neighbor say you need to always be thinking of the light times when you got rich times another sermon don't have time for that today [Applause] that's another financial message right there and so during the seven years of famine the famine stretches across all the lands not just in egypt but the famine spreads throughout the whole land and the bible says that his father jacob said to his 11 sons y'all need to go to egypt because i heard there's some food in egypt and so they go to egypt to get some food and they end up at the foot of joseph asking for food [Applause] tell your neighbor y'all ain't got it y'all ain't got it [Music] you see earlier on in his childhood joseph had a dream and this is one of the reasons they hated him he had a dream that his brothers would be bowing before him and they hated it but now here we are 20 years later 20 years after they had despised him and sold him into slavery 20 years later his dream comes to pass and they are at his feet begging for food [Music] the problem is they didn't recognize him somebody better get ready what you look like now is not what you're gonna look like when they see you next [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you get to where you going you ain't gonna look like you look mad and somebody might not be able to recognize you but he recognized them and i don't have time to give you the whole story but the bottom line is he sends them through a series of accounts uh and and things he wants them to do go home and get your younger brother because they only came with 10 of the brothers go get your younger brother then they then they come back with the younger brother then he says go back and get your father and so they go through a series of assignments i'm almost finished this brings me to my text for tonight today this morning i keep losing time at a lost time chapter 50. here they come back to him and here they are in front of him but they didn't know who he was and he finally reveals himself to them and tell them who he is and in verse number uh in chapter 50. are y'all with me chapter 50 uh uh verse 20. he says oh hold up maybe i should read uh except uh verse 17. look slide up to verse 17 um it said thus you shall say to joseph i beg you please forgive the trespass of your brothers and their sin for they did evil to you now please verse 17 forgive the trespass of your servants of the god of your father and joseph went when they spoke to him then his brothers also went and fell down before his face and they said behold we are your servants joseph said to them do not be afraid for am i in the place of god verse 20 but has for you you meant evil against me but god meant it for good [Music] y'all excuse me for just a shout out you plotted against me you planned to kill me you tried to destroy me you meant it for evil you were trying to mess me up let me tell somebody here today covet meant it for evil colby tried to kill us koben thought he would close us down the devil thought he could use coleman to mess the church up but we are coming back stronger than we've ever been fist bump your neighbor fist bump your neighbor and say i'm coming back i'm coming back the devil targeted you the devil knew this see the devil knows something about you that you don't know about yourself the devil thought that if he could get covered in this community he would mess you up destroy you tear you down and just just just mess you up but he didn't realize the gifting that's in you and the call that's in you he didn't realize that when he did what he did and said what he said and and and put in place what he did he didn't know you were gonna come back stronger who am i preaching to today [Applause] he said he said you meant it for evil but i like this right here verse 20 but god meant it for good y'all don't hear what i'm saying you today god had plans god had a will to be done god had intentions the sovereignty of god shifted the enemy's intentions y'all's missed that right there the sovereignty of the god we serve took what the devil meant for evil and shifted it and made good come out of it that brings me to my subject my subject is i'm still here through thick and thin i'm still here through pain and trouble i'm still here i'm still worshiping god i'm still praising god i'm still shouting to god i'm still glorifying god i'm still here [Music] hallelujah i'm still in the kingdom i'm still praising god i'm still giving him a shout i'm still giving him the glory i still got my hands lifted i still gotta dance in my feet he's worthy i'm still here [Music] [Applause] [Music] they said i wouldn't make his feet they said i would never amount to anything they counted me out but i'm still here i'm still preaching the gospel i'm still giving god the glory i'm still here [Music] i'm still here you're still here you're still in the house of god i'm still here when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me i'm still here [Music] [Applause] [Music] six hundred thousand didn't make it but i'm still here [Music] and the question is why are you still here you know what the latter part of verse 20 says he spared you for you're going to be used to save lives oh don't patty cake that god will sir go ahead and give him some praise somebody give him the glory you have a call you have an anointing you have a gifting you have an assignment and the devil tried to take you out but oh devil i'm still here [Music] [Applause] the devil thought he could kill jesus but just like joseph got elevated after they put him in the pit jesus got raised from the dead after they put him in a grave there's some joseph's here today where did joseph at there's some people your surname is joseph they counted you out they hated on you they lied on you they tried to destroy you but you're still here and you're here for a purpose and a reason god has an assignment for are y'all hearing what i'm saying to you today am i making sense i'll try again at 11 30. maybe i can do better at 11 30. father in jesus name i thank you that you spared us for such a time as this that even though the enemy has tried to destroy us you spared us and oh god i thank you from the bottom of my heart i thank you thank you father you took us and spared our lives i pray for somebody here today that needs you lord somebody online watching this that is in their room tears running down their face because they need you draw them right now in jesus name draw somebody here right now to say yes to you almighty god to say yes to the lord jesus who died and rose again from the dead that they might have life that we might have life and have it more abundantly in jesus name amen come somebody you need jesus come you need to be saved come right now you need to rededicate yourself to the lord get out of your seat and come to this altar right now don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed don't be afraid come to the altar right now say yes to the lord yes to jesus he's waiting with his arms stretched out wide for you amen and nobody gonna be upset we're gonna give god the glory we're gonna give god to shout the moment you come come come right now come this moment come right now to the lord if you need a church home you're already saved but you need a church home come right now don't put it off that's right come on come on i see you come on passengers said don't put it off what a powerful powerful word we just got just now ms barb you know right before we came back to you all we both said what we're still here we're still here we are still here and guess what that means you're still here you still have time absolutely time to say god receive me god i want to be with you god i want to be your daughter your son you're still here for a reason you have a purpose an assignment an appointment from god halloween today is the day yes today is the day to change your life hallelujah for those of you all that are that are in need of a savior jesus christ is that savior for those of you who are looking for a church home this can be your church home we would love to have you and for those of you all who have backslidden and need to find a reconnect place with jesus christ god ordained this moment just for you you're still here for this moment right now you know this amazing thing about jesus christ he orchestrated this moment i mean he left you here he provided a way of escape for you he gave you grace gave you mercy just so you could be here so that myself and miss barb can talk to you right now through the unction of the holy spirit to let you know that jesus loves you and he wants a relationship with you you know there probably many times doing this covet pandemic that you cried late at night you were watching tv and you were thinking of your family and friends and just like anthony said and like pastor said you're still here throughout it all you're still here and think about the dreams that you had you have a reason to keep moving but when you give your life to christ it opens up so many doors and opportunities and god is whispering in your ear right now right when you didn't think he was speaking he's speaking right now yeah just come on you know what i thank god for our pastor preaching from that that that word today about joseph because so many of has so many of us have a joseph experience you know you know you you do your best and and people turn their back on you but the beautiful thing about it is what the enemy meant for evil god has turned that thing around for your good the fact that you're even in the chat right now we see people in the chat who are checking in right now with hearts and with hands lifted who can let you know that what the enemy meant for your evil god is turning around for your good and if you don't know him you need that relationship that connection that fellowship with the true and living god yes and right in the chat we have an area that says i commit my life to jesus yes raise your hand yes we have ministers on staff ready to speak with you ready to chat with you even online you're not alone you're not alone we're right here to wrap our arms around you cause we know one day we may see you right here on the campus but until then we're gonna love on you right where you are whether or not you're in nigeria upper marlboro around the corner we love you i want you to be a part of us our family push that commit button raise your hand and our online team is waiting for you they're waiting to accept you with loving arms to walk you through the plan of salvation and even if you're joining us you want to be a part of our family we'd love to have you push that button and your life will never be the same and for some of you all you might want prayer there's a request prayer button at the bottom of your screen as well we will pray for you this church is here to love on you i want to pray over you now i want to pray that god will absolutely arrest this moment for us we have an opportunity and those of you all that are already saved in the chat i need you to join me in this moment there's no distance in the spirit like reverend heard said earlier let's touch and agree that god will save the lives of the unsaved that he will help those who need recommitment to feel his love and his presence and for those who want a church home they'll join us in that moment as well let's pray father thank you for your amazing word today thank you lord jesus for showing us that what the enemy meant for evil you are turning around right now for our good for every member in our online worship experience for every visitor for every soul that's online right now with us we commit ourselves to you right now for those who are in the valley of decision who don't know about their their eternal status put their hearts in this moment to push that commit button for those who are looking for a church home let them feel your love your warm embrace here at fpcg international and for those of jesus who have fallen away i pray right now in the name of jesus that you will reconnect with them that they will feel your love that they will know that you are a loving father with your arms open wide ready to receive them back unto yourself we thank you lord jesus for your saving power this world is crazy it's hard it's it's hard to do it with you i can't imagine doing it without you so right now lord jesus let somebody's heart be pricked let somebody's life be saved let somebody's life be changed and we thank you that we will never be the same again from this moment right now we thank you and praise you in jesus name amen amen amen amen thank you for that prayer hey ladies and gentlemen we're going back into service for one last song stay tuned here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey fade away [Music] [Applause] jesus is [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah let all the other names fade away whoa that was good to me over there let all the other names fade away until there's only you let all the other names fade away jesus take your place jesus take your place o lord hands up hearts open wide as the sky [Music] as we cry god we lift your name high [Music] let all the other names fade away yes i know you're worshiping with me online i can feel you let all the other names fade away until there's only you let all the other names fade away jesus take your place jesus take your place yes yes yes if nothing else jesus took his place today i know he did he took his place in the tent yes he took his place online with us and for those of you all who are just meeting him he took place in your heart just now yes yes he did while you were singing and i was praising god i was watching the chat and there was a young lady from uh who's here but wants to relocate to north carolina and what she said is that she can still stay connected with fbcg because of online experience i love it i love you trust me family we're not going anywhere god is in fact doing a new thing here at our church and so you have us well some part of us every single week we will be with you we will not leave you our online members were committed to you our online worshipers we're committed to you because you took the time out to join us for worship today we're so honored and grateful to have been in your presence and had you in ours as well this week i pray that every other name will fade away and that jesus himself will take place in your life and over your life we speak blessings over you we speak blessings over your family we speak blessings over your finances we speak blessings over your job we speak blessings in your home we speak blessings over your family over your friends whatever you touch this week we'll be blessed whoever you touch will be blessed blessings are coming with you they're going after you grace and mercy are is following you i feel jesus even right now in the online church because he's real he's real and we feel his presence even now yes yes and while you were speaking i was thinking about the students yes every student whether or not you're here in maryland or across the country i pray blessings over you that your eyes open up to receive the information that has been given to you whether or not it's virtual or in person i pray that every mass that you put on it will protect you from every covert and every disease i pray blessings over every teacher or ever every administrator that is opening those school doors i pray blessings over the parents who i still have to teach virtually and the ones who are home school we pray blessing because this is a season that education is going to go to a whole nother level see the enemy thought he could look at ways to reduce our scores for reading uh-uh because guess what those students still had a chance to read even during virtue so come on you all take those scores to another level and be prepared students to be able to receive what god has for you everything is going to a new level yes and we pray that you will join us for the journey that god had us all on yeah for my pastor pastor john k jenkins senior for my online pastor pastor kd all the leaders the ministers the elders and the members of fbcg thank you for joining us today for the online experience we will be back services at 11 30 don't miss that one and we'll be back next week same time same place for more of fbcg international we love you we love you see you next week god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 2,938
Rating: 4.8558559 out of 5
Id: OfoxOezZarM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 50sec (5750 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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