"Encourage Yourself" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Unbelievable Word)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord has made and again we're rejoicing we planted it's so grateful that you've joined us wherever you are in the world thank you for connecting with us today I'm excited today for the word that God has given to me for sharing today it is a message about encouraging yourself there are times and periods in life where you can get discouraged frustrated with life and the events of life David found himself being discouraged but he encouraged himself how do we encourage ourselves what's the model what's the example that he set for us I want to talk about that today we're gonna be ministering on encouraging yourself god bless you thank you for joining us hallelujah father we honor you we worship you adore you we give you thanks Almighty God you're a healer and a deliverer and we we affirm in our ears in yours what an awesome God you are and we believe that your way maker and we pray right now for each other we called each other's name out before your altar casting all of our cares on your altar today because we know that you care for us and we pray and intercede right now in the name of the Lord Jesus father we pray in Annecy that you would work Menna me bind every live the devil rebuked the devil on every side and have your way in Jesus name spirit of the Living God have free reign over this service you'll be in charge you speak you communicate you make the word fresh real and alive and accomplish what you've already ordained before the foundations of the world and we give you thanks and praise ahead of time in Jesus name we pray amen amen and give somebody a quick hug all right don't sit down yet don't sit down get your Bibles come on y'all know we're gonna read the scriptures very quickly First Samuel chapter 30 I know that Reverend Pierson made it once already but y'all this crowd needs to hear it again you know kind of I gotta read this twice we got to read this twice to the 12 o'clock crowd y'all might not have accurately read it from the hangover from Rob last night First Samuel chapter 30 I shouldn't joke with y'all about that because I don't know whether y'all was at the club last night now what happened verse 1 when David and his men came to Zig like on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the south end Zig leg ataxic lack and burned it with fire and had taken captives the women and those who were there from small to great they did not kill anyone but carried them away and went their way so David and his men came to the city and there it was burned with fire and their wives their sons and their daughters have been taken captive then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices in the weapon till they had no more power to weep David's two wives he know him does jezreelite tests in Abigail the widow of Nabil the Carmelite had been taken captive now david was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters and but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God then David said to abiathar the priest the hymn Alexis son please bring the ephod here to me and abiathar brought that he fought to David so David inquired of the Lord saying shall I pursue this troops shall overtake them and he answered him pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all [Applause] I'm calling this message today encourage yourself tell your neighbor encourage yourself tell more both sides encourage yourself all right you can be seated now finally allow me for a few moments oh let me before I get into this let me celebrate you some of you notice already I'm so grateful for all the love that's been extended to my families for my daughter gave birth to her her second child me and my wife's third grandchild all the Windsor thing and I want to celebrate the life I don't know if y'all seen the kitchen she's maybe I'm just saying it's because I'm the green Papa but that's the prettiest baby oh my lord that baby so pretty she's beautiful beautiful she beautiful gorgeous so anyway thank y'all for your love I want to set the stage if you don't mind for this passage of Scripture this story David is a young man and he has done the unthinkable at the young age of 17 he goes out to the battlefield and kills Goliath y'all know the story David killed Goliath and has the armies of Israel marched back into the city the women lined the streets and celebrated David as a matter of fact they said Saul killed his thousands but david killed ten thousand Saul the King gets the level of jealousy in his heart and on a couple of occasions he seeks to kill David this is his servant this is the man who played the harp for him this is the man who got Israel to victory over the Philistines David David and he tries to kill him and David ends up running away he must leave his home and his family and he runs to escape the brutality of the king who's trying to kill him he runs and escapes and he runs into a cave unknown to him in the cave is a bunch of reject men it is the Bible says they are in their discontent in distress and in debt these are some troubled guys David joined to them and and actually they asked David to become their leader and David becomes barely der he joins to this this minute this group of rejects he becomes their leader and he leads them among other places they eventually get a job these discontentment get a job and their job is they become soldiers in the Philistine army now y'all should have been shocked by that because it is the Philistine army it was Goliath of the Philistines who David had just killed and now he's joining the Philistine army to be a soldier in the army that's that's unheard of that's it's it's a it's it's it's a cowboy it's a risk in joining the Cowboys by the way anybody know let last weekend was a wonderful weekend the the Redskins won the Ravens won and the Cowboys lost come on and give God a praise somebody look at God praise His name shouldn't talk so loud cuz I just heard that the Ravens lost already today in London but anyway they joined to the Philistine army follow me for just a few minutes I promise I won't preach too long and the general of the army they're about to go into battle again with the with the Philistine army is about to do battle with the Israelites and the general of the Philistine army inspects his soldiers and finds these Jewish boys in his army and he immediately fires them he dismisses them and tells them to go home making that fight film and so these felt these these Israelites these Jewish boys along with David leave and find their way back to the city that they created cause they glad it takes them three days to get back there and when they get there they are shocked to discover that the Amalekites have invaded their city and have kidnapped their wives and children and have burnt the city down with fire it is a devastating moment as a matter of fact the text says that when David and his men came to the city that in bed it was burned and that their wives and sons and daughters had been taken captive it says that the men cried verse four and wept until they had no more power to weep these men cried you know it's a tough situation when men cry and they done cried so much till they had no more tears to cry y'all might not want to admit it but at some place in your life if you haven't got that keep living you will get to a place where you were crying till you have no more tears to cry thank all 17 of y'all who can acknowledge the fact that sometimes life has a way of dealing your hand that's difficult to handle frustrating problem some you had not expected that you had thought life would be so much better and things would be so much different that they are now but now you're discouraged and despondent because it has turned out to be something much worse than you thought it was going to be go ahead and freeze past I'm doing the best that I can it is a frustrating moment for David and his men as a matter of fact it's got to be devastating that the men have cried these people cried until they had no more tears to cry and no more tears to weep no more power to weep Dave cried life has a way of doing that Davis two wives had been taken captives and verse eight says verse six I'm sorry says David was greatly distressed he was in a place of disappointment and it says he was distressed not only because of what had happened but the people spoke of stoning him these reject men talk about killing him you know you in bad shape when the rejects are rejecting you when you about to be rejected by the rejects he's about to be rejected by the rejects he's about to be put out killed by them and the text says says I could just talk about this for a moment they spoke of spawning him because the soul of every man was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters the king the NIV says the men were bitter they had become embittered because of they had followed David and David had led them they if they had not followed David they were still had their wives and their sons and daughters they wouldn't be in a place where their kids and wives would have been taken captive and and also they're bitter and they talk about stoning him what do you do this is all I want talk about because if you keep living you're gonna find yourself in a David light situation find yourself under the blow under the gun when that nothing's going right and everything seems to be going wrong and the people who should have been in your corner have now turned on you and they're talking about you rejecting you what do you do when life is just not going in your direction the scripture says but David strengthened himself in the Lord is God yeah y'all miss a great spot to say Amen I don't know who this message is for but all I know is that you're here and what you need to know right now maybe you're watching online or maybe you're watching a television or listening to the radio but you need to hear this right now you need to learn how to strengthen yourself amen King James says he encouraged himself new King James says he strengthened himself it is a Hebrew word Shahzad and the word that Hebrew word Shahzad means he talked to himself and that comes a time in life where you gotta talk to yourself y'all not hearing me when your finances are jacked up your family's messed up your chosen not acting right your wife not give me your none your finances are funny your friends are not talking about to you things that disillusion your being defeated and disappointed discouraged despondent depressed you down what do you do you got to learn to speak to yourself you don't have enough money to pay the bills and you got bills or do the sicknesses racking your body from the top of your head to the sole of your feet everything is looking bad sometimes you got to learn to talk to yourself your problem is you talking to everybody else and sometimes the people you're talking to don't know what to say sometimes they're telling you the wrong thing they're telling you like job's friend that it's all your fault you're the reason you're the fault you're the drama you're the pain these these so-called friends of job discouraged him by the words they say and David finds himself where they want to kill him there's a little discussion going on among the men and his team among the men in his army and his group that they're trying to take a vote on stoning him and put it's disgusting it's discouraging but but I like the word but anytime you see a but in Scripture there's a shift that's about to occur look at your neighbors say God got a big old but I like when God puts his bunk but David's strengthened himself he encouraged himself it means to talk to yourself it means and now if y'all ever seen anybody who talks to himself but most of the time when I see people talking to themselves they crazy they've lost their mind something wrong with him you see him just walking around just talking you don't know what they're saying they're crazy but sometimes when you talk to yourself it's a good thing sometimes the question the problem is not talking to yourself the question is what are you saying when you talk to yourself some of you are talking to yourself of what you're saying to yourself is not the right thing to be saying to yourself you're saying all the negative things you're talking about how bad things are how troubled you are but sometimes you have to learn to speak over yourself and speed in life over yourself and you speak a word over yourself and speak over yourself and encourage yourself that's what David did he spoke he shows up he talked to himself others may not understand they may not understand where you are they may not comprehend the drama that you're in but it's okay get a heart and the mind to speak over yourself and encourage yourselves amen he didn't use his own words he wasn't arrogant in his own speak it says in the text right here he encouraged himself in the Lord his God he used the word of God to encourage himself and that's what I'm here to tell you you got to learn to use the Word of God to encourage yourself instead of beating yourself up about the mistakes you made and the things you did and the places you went and the people you hung out with instead of reminding yourself about your past sometimes you got to remind yourself about the God that's your sir okay somebody says hey talk to yourself about him tell yourself speak over yourself David began to speak over himself and I'm telling you to say quote the word over yourself sometimes you got to speak life to yourself Isaiah 54 and 17 tell yourself no weapon formed against me shall prosper tell yourself the first part of Deuteronomy 28 13 it says I am the head and not the tail tell yourself Psalm 18 and to the Lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer tell yourself Psalm 20 and verse 7 some trust in chariots and some trust in horses but I will trust and will remember the name of the Lord tell yourself the second part of Deuteronomy 28 13 I shall be above and not beneath speak Romans 8:37 we are more than conquerors tell yourself Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me tell yourself Joe 13:15 though he slay me yet will I trust in him speak the twenty-seventh song over yourself the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is Justice of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked came against me too my enemies and my foes they stumbled and fill the army man camp against me my heart shall not fear the war may rise against me and this will I be confident one thing if I decide in the Lord that I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple for in the time of [Music] trillion in the secret of his Tabernacle he shall hide me he shall set me high upon a rock and now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in his Tabernacle I will see ya I will sing praises to the Lord my god I wish I had a brave crowd with me just say the Lord is my shepherd I wish I had a breadcrumb with me I wish I had somebody who understood about the Mighty One of Israel the holy car that we serve who's got all power in his hands you gotta speak over yourself and tell yourself he's worthy to be praised you make the way he'll make the way out of no way know how he's gonna do it I don't know when I don't know where but all I know is he'll make a way somehow [Applause] y'all stew me that's so good I gotta high-five myself on that go ahead high-five yourself and say I'm gonna speak over myself speak life over my situation I'm not gonna go about when I look at cuz what I look at looks sad what I'm in the middle of looks bad what I'm going through is painful but where I am is not my final destination where I am is not what I'm going to it's what I'm going through to get to the other side of where God is going to take me I gotta speak over myself myself that the god I serve will and can make a way out of no way go ahead and speak over yourself go ahead and speak to yourself go ahead and cherish yourself tell yourself I'm gonna live and not die tell yourself I'm gonna be up and not down tell yourself I'm a victim or not a victim y'all excuse me tell yourself I'm a winner loser yourself what I'm going through is not my final destination I served the King of Kings and the lily of the valley and the right y'all excuse me and the bright and the morning star encourage yourself [Music] [Applause] sometimes the only person you have to talk to is yourself [Applause] suddenly Allah speaking to press words over yourself stop speaking suicide and depression over yourself stop speaking defeat over yourself stop telling yourself angle never change the situation you'll never children oh no speak those things as not as though they are tell yourself I'm coming upon in here this this ain't gonna stay like this for my family ain't gonna be down forever I'm not gonna be broke for him I ain't gonna be sad forever marriage bus of God and a mighty God and he's got off bowing his head huh coming up out of him coming about [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're gonna win gonna win gonna win going gonna win might be behind now but I'm about to get out on the front sometimes you gotta chill some pipe and rejoice why you up now cuz I'm about to take your place you the boss now but I'm about to buy the company in a few days you don't work for me I don't know who I treat you to a nap reason of somebody today something's about to shift and it starts with encouraging yourself what you say to yourself sweet light over yourself sweet hope over yourself speak victory over yourself David and carrots himself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hey [Applause] I don't know what David said to himself but I imagine he said my wives are gone now but I'm gonna go get him back my children have disappeared but I'm gonna go get him back I'm gonna encourage myself this is just a temporary situation that I'm in right now hallelujah matter of fact I believe he said to himself I'm crying my last tear over this situation come on tell yourself I didn't cry my last tear over this situation I ain't crying no more you gotta be like soon you gotta be like Papa I've taken all I can take and I can't take no more somebody say enough is enough it's over now I'm coming out I'm coming out I'm gonna be victorious I'm gonna be a winner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Holley moon who am i preaching to right now here okay so make sure I got the right crowd I'm almost finished [Applause] he encouraged himself but hold up can I read him over I'm gonna read another verse here in verse 7 David said to abiathar the priest a hymn Alexis son please bring the ephod here to me and abiathar brought the ephod to david now somebody say well pastor what is an ephah I'm glad you asked the question when the priest went in to do his duties he would put over his vestiges and his garments a garment called an ephod it would hang on the shoulders and would hang down just below his waist but he put it on over top of his vestiges David said I'm not a priest but I'm gonna put the priestly garments [Music] you're missing a great spot to shout what you're saying pastor what I'm telling you is is put your ephod on what that means is you might not be a priest but you carry a priestly anointing that means I don't have to have the pastor pray for me I can pray for myself somebody have fire somebody will say pray for yourself put your own ephod on put your own garment on guard your heart and have a mentality to say I don't need to pass it away from me I'm gonna pray for myself y'all stop asking people to pray for you and pray for yourself you have just as much authority just as much access just as much power to pray for yourself stop acting like you need somebody else to pray for you [Applause] the tragedy is people come to you and say pray with me child please pray for me I got drama I got a problem pray for me and then they come back a week later and say child God worked it out and I know it's cuz you pray for me and the whole time they talking you realize you forgot to pray [Applause] that's why I'm glad I don't have to depend on y'all to pray for me I could put my own evite on and pray for myself and get my own prayer through you don't need to depend on nobody else to pray for you pray for yourself got my own walk with God got my own relationship with the King of Kings and the Lord of lords I can pray for myself and in the sea for myself no life for people to come ask me to pray for them not obey for yourself you have your own personal relationship with God pray for yourself in a seat on your own behalf talk to God you don't need nobody else to pray for you amen matter of fact I think I appreciate y'all a few weeks ago he and climbs his ear to our crime he'll hear your cry didn't matter what your journal situation the devil wants you to think God ain't heard you but God hears you and he might not come when you want him to but he will come in time do I have a witness anywhere here that knows he'll come on time and so he put the ephod on and then he prayed and the Bible says in verse number eight that David inquired of the Lord saying shall I pursued this truth shall I overtake them and he answered him God answered him and said pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all somebody better get ready to recover all everything the devil took from you God's about to give it back to you everything you lost you bout to get it back Stephen hurry come to come hear this pretend something about taking from you and it's walking along life God says you will pursue and it means force that word means to overtake and grab hold and take back what it is that the enemy took from I don't know who I'm preaching to but you better get ready God is about to power you and a nun - Turner cover you gonna get your marriage back you go get your children back you go get your joy back you will get your peace back you're gonna get your life back you're gonna get your anointing back you're gonna get your car back your ministry back your walk back your sanity back you're gonna get everything that the devil has taken away it's coming back you shall without fail recover everything Hey somebody oughta shout say I'm getting it back I'm getting it back somebody sound getting my dance back I'm getting my shout back I'm getting my joy back the devil took it but I'm getting it back getting my family back getting my job back getting my car back getting my ministry back whoever I appreciate you today [Music] you get the back i prophesy to you getting it back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the rest of the story says I'm almost finished the rest of the story says David pursued stop going in the direction see somebody got to start making a move [Applause] and listen it is while he was headed in that direction who got a Bible why is your Bible closed oh so david verse 9 so David went he and the six hundred men who were with him and they came to the brook basore where those stayed who were left behind stop stick up in there 600 of them of his men went with him but when they got to the brook basore when he went from there only 400 went 200 Joker's had to be left behind so some of y'all need to recognize everybody can't go with you where God's trying to I ain't getting no help right here I can't get know how everybody came everybody can't go with you everybody can't travel with you you gotta let some people go you gotta let something you got let them go let it go let it go that's our problem you trying to drag everybody with you everybody can't go with you they holding you down now let me make some clarity here somebody I want to go home and say baby the pastor say that you can't go with me I ain't talking about your spouse and then it says read the rest of the story and you get an opportunity they came across a soldier who had been in the army that attacked Zig leg they come across this soldier and he he had gotten sick he had gotten sick and they left him to die so they went on on and now here comes David and his men and they come across this guy and he says to them I was with the company of people who attacked Ziggler and I got sick I felt sick and they they they wouldn't wait for me they wouldn't Merce me back to health they left me to die and so they went on so David the Bible says David fed them gave him some food and water and then David said to him show me where they went y'all not hear what I'm saying here's what I'm saying God's gonna put somebody in the path to take you where you need to go to get what got stolen from you know I'm not here what I'm saying God is gonna put the right relationships at the right place at the right time that you want to need so you can go where you need to go have I got a witness anywhere in his care ooh I feel a shout coming on me right now and the rest of the story let me close out the rest of the story says he would back recover at all and David recovered all y'all see that they send the text read the rest of the story verse 18 can I read it real quick I can't see go ahead I was reading so David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away and David rescued his wife somebody HiFi your neighbors say something's about to be rescued somebody's about to be recovered something is about to come back somebody ought to go ahead and give God a shout Sam get me back I'm getting myself back I'm getting my life back I'm getting my marriage back I feel like shouting up in this camp today you shall recover all some of y'all don't lost your kids your a loss your sanity you don't lost your mind you gonna get it back whoever I'm preaching to today I'm telling you right now go ahead and give God a shout coz he's about to give it back to you you gonna get it back it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back you haven't lost it forever it's coming back hallelujah praise the name of the Lord bless his holy man glory to the king of kings and the Lord of lords he's worthy to be praised worthy to be on it and you're getting it back by the power of a man named Jesus lily-of-the-valley bright and Morning Star the devil thought he had defeated Jesus but he got his life back he gotta find the grave on Sunday morning with all power in his hands and that same Jesus will give you life and give you joy and forgive you of your sins and wash your sins away I don't know who you are but you're here today but you're not right with God you need to come on down and get right with God you're backslidden you need to rededicate get on up and come on down here God is calling you to get your life back get your sanity back come on get up and make your way down here your unsaved come gets a backslidden come on and accept Jesus he'll forgive you it doesn't matter what you did how often you did and how frequently you did it he'll forgive you of whatever has happened in your life you need a church home come on right now this is the appointed time while the blood is running warm in your veins just come on this is not an accident that God brought you here it is his Providence that you're here [Applause] to yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 221,411
Rating: 4.8120027 out of 5
Keywords: pastor, john, baptist, church, jenkins, jenkins family, baptist church, baptist preaching, baptist songs, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., Encourage Yourself, encourage, yourself, singers, donald lawrence encourage yourself, pastor john k. jenkins sr. 2017, pastor john k. jenkins sr. 2016, pastor john k. jenkins sr. family, first baptist church of glenarden pastor john k. jenkins sr
Id: n2Tojj_rckM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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