"40 Years, 4 Decades of Marriage" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. & First Lady Trina Jenkins

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to first baptist church of glenard where we're developing dynamic disciples [Music] welcome to the first baptist church of glenn arden's online experience i am pastor duane dickens and it's my honor to serve as president of service we're going to ask if you would just uh invite your family and friends and loved ones to join us in this service and while you're doing that head over and share the link that's on your screen that others may worship the lord with us amen so let us now begin to worship the lord through singing to our choir amen to our praise and worship ministry may god bless you it's gonna be an awesome day amen come on all you gotta do is all the glory is yours now forever lord hear our worship all we can [Music] you [Music] you got a couple moments just to put your hands together with us [Music] [Music] all the glory is yours forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the one who [Music] come on let's get a little excited turn the volume up a little bit more in your worship let your neighbors hear you wake up your kids wake up your family let's go help us in this next part here we go if you don't come here we go we're desperate for a touchdown [Music] love oh we're just [Music] hey we need a touch from you let's just yes we sing [Music] yes we worship you are king we're here for you we give everything everything to the one who is worthy [Music] amen praise the lord for that incredible song amen what a blessing now if you'll grab your bibles your ipad your your electronic device turn with us in your scripture we're going to read the scripture from the word of god ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 to 21 ephesians chapter 3 verses 20 to 21 i'll be reading from the new king james version of the bible now unto him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us to him be glory in the church by christ jesus to all generations forever and ever let the church say amen amen let us look to the lord in prayer eternal gracious god we bow our heads and humble our hearts in your presence we're ever thankful and grateful for your grace there's something amazing about your grace about your love about your peace about the joy you give us the strength the power and in the service lord we ask that you would allow us and afford us and receive our worship as we rendered to you worship sufficient for the day we bless your name and we praise you you're so good just so amazing you're so awesome we asked this even now in jesus name amen amen and now the fbc news amen pay attention to these messages [Music] this is fbcg news for the week of august 23rd your source for the latest news and information at first baptist church of glen arden where we're developing dynamic disciples [Music] monthly fellowship will resume streaming online in september visit the church website for more details fbcgs institute classes gives you the tools to become deeply rooted and grounded in the word and the will of the lord in order to have a true kingdom impact the virtual fall semester begins sunday september 13th online registration is available now until tuesday september 8th take advantage of classes that will help you become a disciple of jesus in all areas of life like so you think you want to get married which is designed to assist singles in obtaining a solid understanding of marriage biblical leadership that will explore timeless leadership principles found in the bible and help develop personal leadership vision and church doctrine which will teach christians principles and doctrines of the faith emphasizing the importance to know what you believe visit fbc glennardon.org the institutes to register books can be purchased at [Music] fbcgbookstore.org ladies are you ready to learn how to pursue god relentlessly this year's virtual he loves me women's conference will help you connect with god and truly understand the depth of his love for you through master classes general sessions live chats with speakers and opportunities to fellowship with other women be empowered doing worship services with dynamic guest artists like national gospel recording artist and two-time stellar award nominee gay arbuckle if you're ready to be relentless in your pursuit of god join us on october 2nd and 3rd for the virtual he loves me women's conference visit fbc glennardon.org he loves me to register [Music] that's the news for this week you can find more details about these and other events at fbclnardon.org amen we hope you enjoyed those messages those announcements the fbcg news we have some exciting things that are coming up and events for you to participate in i'm honored to be able to teach in the bible institutes one of the classes that we're teaching this year so we have classes events we have services and we're just so thankful and grateful for your participation we solicit your support and at this time we're going to look to the lord and thank the lord and look to you and ask for you to continue to support the first baptist church of glenn arden it is through your giving that we are able to do all the things that the lord has enabled us to do around the world we have to review our tremendous givers and we're so grateful and at this time we're going to look to the lord and thank you so much there is a give button on your screen just simply click on that get button fbc glennardon.org give and we're so thankful for all that you do in jesus name amen let us look to the lord in prayer our father once again we're just blessed we're truly blessed now we ask you to bless the gifts the giving of your people enabled this branch of zion to do all the things that we do to your honor into your glory we thank you for our family lord we give you praise in jesus name we pray amen even while you're giving can we give god free with his love remains for us but he loves you so much i'm talking to you right now he loves you so much that his love will never fail you anybody grateful for the love of jesus come on let me hear you give god praise let me hear you give him some worship he deserves the best that you have i see you i see you come up [Music] one thing [Music] we make [Music] never run down on me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through [Music] we may [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] oh yeah here we go [Music] one forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it never gives [Music] [Music] listen [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you for listening [Music] [Music] thank you for lifting me [Music] [Music] one thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on me your love never fails it never gives it never runs out on me i'm so grateful for your love [Music] i'm so grateful for your love i'm so grateful for your love i'm so grateful for your love never gives up never runs out never gives up it never runs out never gives up never runs out it never gives up never [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody give god a great pray for his love hallelujah never gives up never runs out hallelujah wow that's awesome that's great worship that's powerful his love never runs out on me never never and i think about so many times and i thought he would have it would have run out but his love never runs out his love never fails and i give him the praise praise the lord wherever you are today we're grateful to the lord for your presence for you being with us on this great day today is a special day today you see i have my beautiful wife first lady trina jenkins sitting here with me today today we are celebrating 40 years today is our 40th wedding anniversary 40 years oh my that is an amazing and amazing unbelievable one of the great achievements in my life to stay connected and married to trina jenkins for these 40 years they said we wouldn't make it right they thought we wouldn't be here today but we're still we're still here we're still here and i'm i'm i'm still in love may i interrupt please hello may i interrupt pastor jenkins first lady um we want to interrupt this service to congratulate you and to acknowledge your 40 years of marriage for you and first lady i am elder wilbur barham vice chair of the council of elders i'm here with my lovely wife deaconess sonya barham and we want to acknowledge and we want to show pastor jenkins and first lady that we love them that we care for them that our church is a better place because of them and because of the model that they have shown us in marriage for the 30-plus years that they have been here as uh pastor and first lady of first baptist and so pastor the council of elders did come together and we have uh prepared a letter that i would like to read to you because when i was reading the letter that was drafted by none other than elder featherstone but when i was reading that it expressed all of the things that i had been thinking of saying to you and first lady so i would like to to read that to you please amen god bless you dear pastor and first lady the council of elders on behalf of the entire leadership and membership of the first baptist church of glenarden take this opportunity to acknowledge and correct congratulate you on your 40th wedding anniversary we recognize that your marriage has served as an example for thousands of married couples within our church people within our communities pastors and leaders around the nation and the world with whom you relate and influence marriage is god's holy institution marriage represents god's relationship with the church marriage is the center of family and family is the center of communities and communities are the center of our nation when you model marriage well you glorify god and you give hope encouragement and strength to those with whom you interact and to the unknown multitude of persons who observe you you have not only taught us biblical truths concerning marriage but you have also transparently shared about your own marriage to help us to understand the skill and commitment needed to remain happily married your lives your marriage example and your devotion to the institution of marriage are so worthy of honor and celebration our church could not let this momentous occasion go by without recognizing the great testament of your godly union and the fruit thereof may god continue to grant you great favor and decades more of fruitful marriage and ministry on behalf of the entire membership of the first baptist church of glenard and i want to add not just the membership but the world that views us and that has been impacted by your marriage and your example this is from the council of elders myself wilbur barham is vice chair william o jones as corporate secretary uh elder thomas h sims jr elder freddie l sanford elder james johnson and elder stanley featherstone and we would like to present to you a bouquet of flowers to you and uh pastor we know that you're going to go and you're going to put it in a vase and so forth and we won't give it to you right now because we know that's what you do you're going to go and arrange them rearrange them but here's a nice bouquet we won't give them to you directly right now but after the service we will give them to you but we want to let you know that we love you that we honor you that we are thankful for all that you have done and um as we end i do want to say on a personal note that sonya and i have been married one year less than you all we've been married for 39 years and that you all have been an inspiration to us in our early marriage we had infertility issues and you and first lady were able to support us and coach us and counsel us and encourage us and since then with the classes that have been here the couple's ministry and all that is going on to support couples we have been impacted personally we are better for it we are better today than we were when you all arrived and that is in large part because of what you all have done so we thank you and we honor you uh for marriage and for the representation that you show on uh how a good godly marriage should take place so pastor jenkins and sister trina on behalf of first baptist church of glen arden congratulations on your 40 years and may god continue to bless you thank you thank you both so much god bless you wow so sweet wow thank you amen we we are pastoring one of the we're pastoring one of the great churches of the nation and i'm honored to be able to be a part of this church and to lead such a great congregation yeah and i want to thank god oh man i'm so we're so grateful and so thankful so honored to be in the rolling position that we're in today uh and thankful that god has allowed us to survive 40 years and survive that was a good word that's right yeah you know 40 years could you know yeah a lot of lessons learned so many things could have happened that could have derailed us or destroyed us we've we've survived and made it through and so today is special it is a special day and i thought i'd invite my my bride to come and share with me today and i thought we could talk about some key lessons that we've learned uh just actually just three key things they're not the only things but there are three things that we have never talked about before that we want to spend some time talking about today uh we want to just celebrate the fact that god has uh blessed us to be together let me show you a picture of the what we looked like 40 years ago when we got married that's that's us right there in the backseat of my father and mother's cadillac broham uh car just just got married and now we're headed off to the honeymoon with great hopes for the future didn't know what the future was going to hold but in those eyes our eyes of hope that's right exciting eyes of expectation that god would do great things and just as ephesians 3 20 says yes we've had difficult moments and difficult days but just as ephesians 3 20 says god has done exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think yeah we have we have uh we have gone well beyond what we thought a dream we've had our challenges absolutely we've given birth my wife is giving birth i say i gave birth i didn't give birth to anybody um you just helped get them here yeah i i was i was the cheerleader i was the i made the deposit we have raised six wonderful children and they're all uh graduates of high school and college they've all graduated college they all are gainfully employed thank you jesus they all got jobs and we're thankful for what god has accomplished in them we've survived kids because you know kids children bring drama to marriage i don't know if you know that children bring drama and so we've had that we've had those challenges and we've had um the process of getting them through college and what that requires and we've survived and made it through the death of both of our parents my mother and father and her mother and father both have transitioned and passed and we've survived that those are difficult days moments challenging moments we've had our own health challenges health issues that we've had to face it we didn't know what the outcome was going to be that's right but today we're thankful that on august 23rd god has allowed us to still be alive and present 40 years after the fact and we give god the praise we give him the thanks amen amen so when it's all been said and done god has been incredibly gracious to us he has shown us some lessons and i want to say this is a message for for singles and married people right so i don't want you to tune off because you're single i want the single people to know you there's some things you can learn so that when that day and if that day comes in your life right for marriage that you'll you'll go in with some tools and information that some of which we didn't know when we got married we did not know we've learned it over these 40 years and we want to speak to couples i know that there are a lot of couples today who may be frustrated about your present marriage and the present status of your marriage and what we want you to know is that we serve a god who has the ability and the power and the desire to bring health and healing to your marriage so don't don't lose hope don't be defeated i'm going to ask my wife to open us up with prayer and pray to god we take what we're going to talk about and help us have make an impact on the lives of those who are viewing and watching absolutely lord we love you one today and we bless your holy name for this is the day that you've created and god that's why we are so glad that's why we are rejoicing lord we pray that you would take this time these few minutes and encourage lift up give hope lord to every single person listening now and then we'll hear this message in the future lord we pray that you strengthen marriages god give them your strength we pray o god that you would bless marriages and families with your favor of peace god and lord any listener that doesn't know you that hasn't been connected and married to you we pray oh god that you would draw them and that they would come in a vibrant relationship with you in jesus name we pray amen thank you first lady thank you honey you're welcome so um when we started talking about this day and what we wanted to talk about my wife made a suggestion i thought it was a great suggestion she said what would you tell your younger self knowing what you know today what would you tell your younger self when we got married 40 years ago i was 21 she was 19. yes i robbed a grave go ahead i know y'all want to say it i rob the grave um but what would we tell if we could go back and talk to ourselves talk to ourselves with what we know today what would we say to ourselves what would we say based on what we've experienced and what we've learned over these 40 years and so we wrote down three key things and we're going to give you some keys and some illustrations of these things that i wish somebody had told us but some of some mistakes we've made and some things we've done well that we want to talk to you about very quickly so i appreciate all of you joining us today and listening to us as we are celebrating what god has done in the course of our journey here's point number one here's the first thing we would tell you number one we would tell you to learn to laugh together and don't take yourselves so seriously i'm telling you today learn to enjoy life learn to laugh at each other learn and y'all need to know we laugh we laugh at everything we might have laughed at some of y'all sometimes we go to the airport and watch oh yeah we go to the mall does that we have found things in just in life in our marriage in our family that we just we laugh laughter has helped us proverbs 17 22 says a merry heart does good like medicine a merry heart does good like medicine a joyful a laughing heart a laughing spirit it's like medicine and so what has been like medicine to us has been the ability to laugh at ourselves yeah you know you do something stupid stupid i fall down out of the bed uh and stick my head up and say somebody's getting hurt somebody get hurt around here and we laugh about it but who does that honey the bed is here the nightstand is here and and you manage to fall in the middle of that little crack and then your little head comes up and you go somebody could get hurt like this who does that you're gonna keep me laughing could have got mad i could have gotten mad because she laughing at me almost lost my life and she's over there laughing hysterically you you keep the joy the laughter you got to learn to laugh you got to learn to laugh and i and i believe the reason we can laugh is because we've maintained a friendship most yeah marriages transition out of friendship they may start off as friends but they don't maintain the friendship and so over the years we have we have maintained a friendship matter of fact that's probably the strongest part of our marriage is that we're friends yeah and you know research has shown that the marriages that last are the marriages where the husband and wife are friends they have a strong friendship those are the ones that really last and are very successful yeah and a part of that friendship means we have to learn to repair the pain that we've caused to each other yeah because we have both done things that creates pain for each other i've done stuff that created pain child please i can't think of nothing you want me to break out let me see this right here no yeah but you're right yeah have to figure out ways to de-escalate the hurt or heal the hurting the person that your spouse absolutely and so uh laughter has been a diffuser for us we've done things that has been painful and but yet god gives us the ability to do something that will make make us laugh i've mentioned to the church on many occasions how um i remember one time you got mad and you started packing your clothes and you were going to leave you were crying you know you were sick and tired of this mess you went in and grabbed your suitcase start packing your clothes and i came in and started packing my clothes and we and i tell i'm going with you wherever you're going we bust out laughing just it broke the tension of the moment yeah the tension of the circumstance you got to learn to laugh so i would say that that's an important component even in challenging seasons in life you're going to have challenging seasons they're going to be difficult moments you've got to learn to be able to just laugh just just to not take yourself so seriously yeah it when you laugh it helps you just exhale and your your guard comes down and then you're open to hear what the holy spirit really is trying to minister to both of you you can just laugh it really is healing and i believe god uses that laughter like the scripture says has medicine for your hurt and your pain yeah however however a person hurt you or pained you it won't completely resolve it but will help move it in the direction of healing i agree with resolution so i would i would say number one you got to learn to enjoy life and yeah and and smile and laugh and what you're going through yeah yeah all right so that's that's number one that's an important element that i would say to all couples and if you're going into marriage you think about getting married or when your marriage they come if you can't laugh with that person yeah you better roll on to the next situation that is not the place to be going and if you're not good friends with the person yeah bro a lot of these relationships get started without friendship yeah and they start off wrong sexually that's right so they are attracted to the person sexually and void but there's no friendship there there's no ability to laugh or uh talk or whatever and that's the wrong way that's that's problematic yeah that's what leads to so many of the divorces it does because there's always going to be someone that looks better you know more attractive of course nobody more attractive than you and especially with that paul but but that's why friendship is so important because friendship i'm telling you marriage built on friendships will last so that's that's number one learn to laugh get in an environment to laugh i have a second one okay go ahead i have a second one if i were talking to us the younger couple i would say maintain a posture the a posture instead of gravitating towards the h posture so maintain an a posture and resist moving to the h and this really doesn't look like an h but i call it h but the a posture is you're together you know you're both seeking god you're pouring into each other you're meeting each other's needs and as you all are coming together where does the top of my two fingers they're pointing up so you're both moving upward together that's the a posture and and we all intermarriage in that posture because we're so busy wanting to do the right thing please god please our spouse and we are very intentional about doing all the right things but then what happens life starts happening right children start happening you get busy right careers start happening you may go back to school and before you know it you still have things in common like you talk about the children you talk about what's happening on your job right you talk about that new college class that you enrolled in but you don't talk about each other and you're even talking to god but you're not praying together so what happens is you start leading two separate lives like this when god always intends for us to walk like this so we want to resist the h and be intentional about maintaining the a posture excellence ecclesiastes chapter 4 verses 9 and 10 says this here's ecclesiastes 4 verse 9 10. two are better than one yeah because they have a good reward for their labor for if they fall one will lift up his companion but woe to him who is alone when he falls yeah for he has no one to help him up i like that because it says two are better than one yeah and it says there's a good reward for labor here's what that means it means marriage is work so maintaining that aided first lady is talking about my wife is talking about requires labor and work sometimes people don't want to work they don't want to put in the work it takes work it takes work to listen it takes work to communicate it takes work to serve it takes work uh and matter of fact what i have taught and said to people is marriage is skill based making marriage work is skill based yeah it takes skills and there are skills that you can learn you can learn you got to learn those skills you got to learn those lessons you have to put in the work and if you put in the work the two are better than one you'll have a good reward for the labor that you do you got to put in the work yeah you got to be intentional putting in the work means being intentional intentional so let's talk about intentional what does that mean in your perspective what would you say to your younger self how would you looking back on 40 years let's say 35 years ago how would you be more intentional yeah i would actually plan out a time that's time for you and i you know we learn that later on in our marriage but um you know a time where it's just that we focus on each other because i was always so busy with the children i would tell myself as a wife to make sure you map out time for your husband you know and not fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow amen hello hello i i tell myself can you add to that did you not wear the grandma clothes and you don't when you go to bed can you put that right can you add that to intentionally no rollers all of that i would be intentional about that so if that meant that i needed to leave something go for around the house housekeeping when the kids took a nap i would say take a nap you know to have the energy and to be intentional about that us time okay that's what i would tell you i think that is profound i think it's powerful and important and uh i say amen to that point now you also mentioned as a part of this uh a term you said learn how to lean into each other which i think is important and talk about yeah maintaining the a posture so you're both leaning in and that is so symbolic of what we have to do behaviorally so leaning in means to empathize to understand your needs to seek to understand how you're feeling what you want so can i give this example yes you can give that example so the other day we went to visit our son our two grandpa we really go visit our grandbabies but it's they live at our son and our daughter's house but we're going to visit our grandbabies we went to see the grand babies and um after we left i wanted to go to just look at some houses a housing development for 55 and older i just wanted to go see you know the architecture how they laid the house out i didn't want to go in the house i just wanted to go drive by the house well we had come from a funeral in roanoke and my husband had flown us down and flown us back so he was like tired and stuff and i didn't think about that all i thought about the signs say that the development is right down there all we got to do is make a riot let's just go by and see what those houses look like you know what he said ain't nobody got time for that and so we didn't go so how would he have leaned in how could we you have leaned in for that let me apologize to you right now in front of everybody since you put me out there all blast i asked first i got permission from you you did and since we already discussed this that i should have been a little more tolerant and patient and just made the right turn and went down to look at these houses that i have no intention of buying you know when when women go you know when women go shopping they'll go into 10 stores and they they go in there they ain't planning to buy anything they take stuff off the shelf take it off the rack pull it up next to them and spend all that time and they have no intentions of buying it my thing is if you're not intending on buying it why go there we that's valuable time wasted that's you know i could be at home in the bed sleep resting uh but if i had to do it over again matter of fact i told her today i told her i'll take her today i'll i'll drive back down there and look at the house and yeah so that's leaning in to something she's interested in because actually she has leaned into things i'm interested in she has done that on multiple occasions uh when i started taking flying lessons when i got my license the day i got my license the day i was a private pilot with a license that same day she got in the plane with me talking about crazy she got in the plane with me on that day on that day leaning that's more than leaning uh i have to applaud her for that that she did that i mean if it was me i said i'm gonna wait for you to get a couple a couple flights under your belt but she actually came and got in the plane she has leaned in with me on multiple occasions yeah so let me give you another example of her leaning in because she's been great with this i've been the one that hasn't been great i'm doing better i'm learning how to you are lean into her world and watch home and garden channel and go shopping with her and and today i guess i'm gonna go by this 55 plus community even though i already by the way i already have a house don't need a house happy with my house i don't know why she want to go look at her 55 cause we all she has she has leaned in not just personally with me flying she's leaned in with the church as a matter of fact with ministry when i first became the pastor of the first baptist church glenn arden she was busy with the kids so she couldn't do a whole lot of things so uh when we would go to church on sundays when servers were over i'd be talking to people meeting with people she'd be sitting out in the car waiting on me to come wait for me to come out to the car to go home now 40 years later i'm out in the car sitting with the car running waiting on her to come out from her meetings and her talking she has gotten involved she's the head of the women's ministry she runs the office the pastoral office she has dived in she has leaned in and those leaning in helped to drive us to be closer together yeah and couples have to figure out what you need to do to lean toward each other right and that often means you have to engage in something you're not interested in or excited about but that your spouse is yes so i would if i had something to say to myself 40 years ago 35 years ago that's what i would say yeah lean more into her her world get engaged in what's interesting of interest to her and i think that's the heart of god yeah that he wants that to happen and many couples are not able to do this and it it's the thing that starts them to go from leaning to doing separate lives separate tracks separate directions yeah so and and you know the thing about the age and i don't want to talk about this i know we don't have that much time but the thing about the the age when you move into this posture you're still talking to god and you're still talking to god so you still have maintain this communication with god but you don't maintain the communication with each other and that makes god sad so all right here's number three we're running out of time here let me hit number three uh here's the third and final point we want to make which is value your spouse value your spouse appreciate your spouse value who they are the way god made them psalm 139 and verse 14 says i will praise you god because i am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well the way god made everybody their gifts and talents and and skills that he's put in each of us and sometimes people resist their spouse's gifts yeah or they resist the way god made them but i'm i'm here today that if i had to tell my younger sister i would tell my tell myself to value what she brings to the table and appreciate what she brings to the table don't be uh don't bring contempt or disrespect or disdain or don't devalue what they do value what they do that they have a word yeah now now trina jenkins is brings so much valuable value to the table she's a valuable person to our home she has built a beautiful home our home is lovely and wonderful and that's her she's the interior decorator that she and she brings that to the table she's um the homemaker she's raised our kids uh what whatever our kids have become along with our nieces and nephews who live with us because we've raised more than just our kids she deposited in them she shaped their lives she she did a whole lot to help them become who they are today and i i can't take no credit i wasn't around i wasn't there participating in it like i should have been but she did and and you got to learn to appreciate and value what your spouse brings to the table yeah and not to forget it you know it's so easy to start taking each other for granted but trying to intentionally remember those things about your spouse that you know caught your eye or helped you to fall in love with that person i say fall in love but something caught your eye and you said um that's the one for me just be intentional about remembering those things like your compassion for people i think you're so compassionate and you care so much for people and you will go the extra mile of the way of the way to meet a need and that speaks volumes to me that you're so compassionate you know so when you get on my nerves i just think about how compassionate you are thank you for those encouraging words i appreciate it but that's what we have to do in marriage right when when we get to situations and we start getting really frustrated with our spouses we have to remember why we fell in love with them the first place you know why we made a decision to love them and really loving a person is an act of your will you know something we saw what i saw in you i made the decision that i was going to love you well it's so easy to point out the failures and the bad in a person all of us got something bad and wrong and jacked up about us we all jacked up jokers and it's so easy to make that list and make a long list of the bad things yeah and a little tiny list of the few good things that we found out about a person but the reality is you have to learn to look at how god made that person yeah god made my wife to have a passion for interior design i mean that's that's what she's that's what she does she watched home a gun channel all day all day every day until christmas time then she walks watches the hallmark channel where she where she watches the same movie different actors but it's the same movie all christmas season long but she that interior design part of her i had to learn to appreciate i had to learn to put value to it she i don't understand why we need a house full of flowers i just i don't understand why there's one flower strategically placed in the house can't work for the whole house but she got flowers on the steps flowers in the living room fire was in the dining room and i said to her why do you got this big set of flowers in the middle of the dining room table and when we talk to people we're having dinner we try to talk to people we gotta lean over to the side to look around to see the people i just don't but because i have two two arrangements one arrangement is just for every day looking beautiful on the table but then i have another flower arrangement that i put on the table when we actually sit down with guests so i just have two i switch them out you know i had to learn to appreciate that and still learn it still learning because she like the girlfriend like to spend money on stuff around the house the house is beautiful yep and i don't we don't need another we'll need no more flowers in the house we don't need we'll need another nothing in the house it's fine the way it is i'm happy it's beautiful gorgeous but i value what she brings to the table if it was just me by myself the house wouldn't be as warm and friendly as it is and i had to learn to a lot resources that's what appreciation means for her allotting resources for her to decorate and fix up the house because that did not come naturally to me and i didn't want to spend another dime on nothing but anyway let me bring that to a close if i get i feel i feel i'm about to get myself in some trouble oh don't don't get in trouble but when you talk about the value seeing the value in a person and then you see their their worth the opposite of that would be the contempt that um when you don't value you can very easily go into feeling contempt about you know really despising that person and that comes from devaluing a person the contempt that you start to feel and the content can contempt comes from these negative thoughts that we learn to have about our spouses you know so we have to deal with those negative thoughts because if you have all these negative thoughts you're not going to value your spouse because you're going to be so busy focusing on the negative amen well the the main point here on this point is learn and look for ways and things to appreciate in the person that you chose yeah to be your spouse you selected that person uh you said you said i will i do you said it and so continue to celebrate because consider to continue to honor them and give god thanks for them yeah that's an important thing to make marriage work that you see that they're fearfully wonderfully made they're wonderfully made there's something good about the way god shaped them and made them yeah and um that i would tell my younger self to focus on you being a creation of god and that god loved you so much he created you and if god is your creator and god made you the way that you are and god god loves you who am i to have negative thoughts about a creation of god who am i you know almost like i'm putting myself in god's shoes um so i would tell myself to always honor you as a creation of god and that god loves you and who am i to find fault in what god loves i would tell my younger sister gloria hey glory so that's a good point yeah matter of fact everybody who's watching this today everybody who's viewing this message needs to know you're valuable to god you're special to god he has made you with special gifts he has created you for his purposes and his assignment and he loves you yeah and we're called to love each other our spouses especially but god's called you to understand that you are loved and you are special and you're called and gifted there's a talent god has put in you there's an anointing god has put in your life and that in spite of your failures in spite of your mistakes yeah and in spite of how long you did what you did and where you went where you went we serve a god who still loves you unconditionally he loves you he cares about you yeah yeah you made some bad choices but he still loves you yes you went down the wrong road but he still loves you yes you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god but he loves you you've fallen short but he has made provisions he has made provisions for you to be forgiven and have a relationship with our heavenly father and that's what we're excited about that the god we serve has made it possible for you and i to have a walk with him yeah that's the most amazing thing in the world that he'll forgive you he'll wash you he'll cleanse you he'll break every chain in your life he'll make you a brand new creation if you want to do that today now's the time you can do it right now right this moment you can call that phone number right there on the screen you can you can send us an email you can click the commit button at our website and fill out the form somebody will get back with you almost right away because we desire to help you get a relationship with the lord maybe you have backslid and drifted away out of fellowship with god it's important for you to know that he has made provisions for you to be restored in your fellowship with him or maybe you're not sure you want assurance you serve a god who's made provisions for you to have assurance our prayer today is for you to come or you might be a couple might be two of you today watching this you might be a couple married having troubles and challenges and you can't understand each other we serve a god who who's able to do exceedingly abundantly above which you could ask or think with your marriage but you got to make the right tune you got to reach out to him god will never force himself on anybody's life he's beckoning and he's beckoning for you to come by virtue of the fact that he brought you to this broadcast father i pray right now that there's some people watching who need you today move upon their hearts move in their spirits to make the right choice move in them lord to say i'll make the call yes i want jesus yes i want forgiveness of my sins yes i want to walk with god yes i want him to help me with the raggedness of my life yes please father speak to them today and draw them to your kingdom in jesus name i urge you today to call god loves you and there's nothing you can do to break the love of god that he has for you he loves you with a reckless love amen [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] coming after me [Music] [Music] tear down [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] breathlessness [Music] hallelujah somebody give me a way for his amazing love he is an amazing guy and he gives us amazing love [Music] you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 18,742
Rating: 4.8745646 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., John K. Jenkins, John Jenkins, FBCG, Church, Bible Study, Powerful, Powerful Teaching, Powerful Word, God, Lord, King, Gospel, gospel in bible, Worship Center, Ministry Center, First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Bible-based church, Developing, Dynamic, Disciples, ministry, Worship, Praise, Praise and Worship
Id: CUBRP6uocrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 22sec (4162 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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