"Keep Running" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Word)

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[Music] the one whom we adore come on family let's take it home i've seen the car [Music] uh [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to first baptist church of glenard where we're developing dynamic disciples hallelujah bless the name of the lord hallelujah good morning good morning everyone i'm minister alan c andrews and i'm going to be your presider for this morning for this service today i want to welcome our first baptist church family all of our guests and everyone who is viewing us around the country and around this world good morning good morning we would like to know where you are watching from so if you could text in the chat where you're watching from where whether it's from miami from upper marlboro from southeast or for the uk or from the ukraine we are so so excited to see you please we would love for you to share this link with your loved ones and with your family as well amen amen [Music] good morning family let's take a moment and spend some time in praise and worship if you wake up this sunday morning god has still been very good to us he's still our drinking of raising god and he still deserves a great and amazing praise you ready that happens when we proclaim your great name your great name your great names [Music] put your hands on this thing again come on we cannot explain one more time is [Music] there is power in the name of jesus [Music] there is power let's go oh [Music] oh [Music] i'm [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] i now [Music] [Music] from hallelujah when i call your name hallelujah we praise god that we can call on his name and he will answer amen our scripture for this morning is coming out of the book of hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 through 3. that's the book of hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 through 3 and this is how it reads therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god for consider him who endured such hostility from sinners against himself lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls amen now what we're going to do now is take a look at the wonderful things that are happening at first baptist church of glenn arden through the fbcg news amen [Music] this is fbcg news for the week of august 30th your source for the latest news and information at first baptist church of glen harden where we're developing dynamic disciples hey grace girls it's that time of year again this pandemic was not going to stop the party this year we're taking it virtual join us for our annual brunch and blush grace girls gathering whether you're brunching by yourself or getting together for a brunch watch party with a few of your relentless girlfriends we can't wait for you to join us we look forward to strengthening our relationship with christ and bonding with one another so decorate your table put on your tea attire and join us saturday september 5th at 10 a.m for information and to register please visit fbclinton.org brunch in blush the covet 19 pandemic took everyone by surprise however it also presented new opportunities for entrepreneurs the fbc singles ministry is hosting a business hot seat saturday september 5th 2020 at 6 30 pm three new entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to showcase their businesses discuss how they are making the best out of this pandemic and will receive critical feedback from industry experts to help ensure their success get ideas get inspired and join us on saturday on the fvcg website or on facebook live fbcg is fully committed to providing academic programs that ensure personal christian growth the institutes provide solid biblical foundations for you to have an effective ministry and true kingdom impact online registration is available now through tuesday september 8th the virtual fall session begins sunday september 13th take advantage of classes that will help you become rooted in christ in all areas of life like foundational principles for believers this course will cover the basic foundation truth for all believers in jesus christ as outlined in hebrews 6 1 and 2. topics covered include faith baptisms resurrection and eternal life minister's class prepares students for practical aspects of ministry required personal discipline and overall knowledge of ministerial responsibilities visit fbc glennardon.org the institutes to register books can be purchased at fvcgbookstore.org ladies in what areas of your life do you need to be relentless our he loves me women's conference offers master classes that will help you learn how to be relentless in a specific life area through focused bible-based study hear from dynamic guest speakers on topics such as relentlessly developing dynamic relationships evangelism in the new normal be a relentless financial warrior leadership innovation and entrepreneurship relentless wives relentless healing relentless focus to embrace the gift of singleness and relentless mamas this year's master classes are accompanied by on-demand training modules that will allow you to take in the information at your own pace these are difficult days that we're in and now more than ever you need to be relentlessly pursuing god because he is the one who will see you through if you're ready to become relentless make plans to join us online october 2nd and 3rd for he loves me 2020. to register visit fbcglynnarden.org he loves me that's the news for this week you can find more details about these and other events at fbc glennardon.org amen amen we're so excited about all the things that are happening here at our church and things that were shown to you through the news today and we're just excited for what god is going to do through all those different vehicles amen now first baptist we are so excited about how you have been such wonderful obedient faithful givers and we want to we want to just thank you once again for your giving we also see you all those people who are out there via chat we see you from south carolina we see you from west virginia we see you from dubai praise the lord we see you from upper marlborough and we are so excited that you have taken your time to come and join us this morning now one of the things that is very very important again is for us to be givers for the word of god that is better to give than to receive amen amen now if you reference our website there is a button there that says give if you go on the site at first baptist fbc glennard.org you can reference the button that says giving and just what says give i'm sorry and just press that and we can go from there amen let us pray father we love you and we praise you we magnify your name we thank you for just who you are for your grace and for your mercy you are awesome and magnificent and you have covered us through these difficult times and we are so thankful for that father we just asked that right now that you would bless this offering that's coming forth we thank you for the opportunity we thank you for the resources that you have provided for us to offer and lord we just thank you again for your covering your blessing and everything that you have done for us and it's in the name of our lord and our savior jesus that we pray and give thanks amen now after this song the next person that you will hear will be our senior pastor of first baptist church of glenard pastor john k jenkins senior amen [Music] family is your giving let's worship god together with all that's going on it's easy to lose sight of the fact that our god is still great but the truth is the fact that you're still here to watch this that you see it that god has been keeping you and providing for you and making way up the way is evidence of his greatness that this pandemic as crazy as it may seem is still not more powerful than our god but our god is still the greatest thing that ever happened to us can i tell me worship god for a moment he's still the greatest thing that ever happened even in your homes if you can just worship him he's still the greatest thing that ever happened to us and so we lift him and we magnify him and we give him glory and honor and we give them glory and honor come on i know you at home but can you still worship him can you still lift him up for a moment he deserves a great praise he deserves our worship hallelujah hallelujah you dissolve the glory and the anger i lift my hands in worship and i bless your holy name you deserve the glory [Music] and [Music] come on let's demonstrate [Music] oh every time you get a chance you should do it [Music] let's go [Applause] oh [Music] come on every time we get a chance we do it oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] that's what we're coming to this morning [Music] i [Music] foreign just hallelujah when i come into his presence [Music] [Music] myself [Music] [Music] [Music] is remembering what he's i done [Music] [Music] last time [Music] yes me hallelujah hallelujah [Music] led by anthony brown for leading us to the throne of god thank you all this morning it's tremendous i feel the presence of god this this hour this day this time i'm grateful thank you for joining us wherever you are joining us from around the world i'm thankful for your presence grateful that you're with us here today and pray that god would minister life to you and give you hope and answers today as we prepare to dive into the word of god i pray that it is an encouragement to you that it speaks to your heart and we pray and thank god for your presence and for your uh joining us wherever you are today i want to just real quick before we pray i want to mention uh two things first of all you saw in our announcements about the institute so we have so many classes and so many opportunities for uh you to develop yourself and be the best that god wants you to be and so we want to encourage you you know in in our normal environment you we only have so many seats in the class we're limited in how many students we could take but because of this pandemic one of the benefits has come out we can now let you stream our classes and i believe the classes are unlimited so i don't think there's a limit to that so um i want to encourage you to join the class secondly i want to highlight something that we should we didn't have any announcements that we should have that tonight at 6 30 at our 6 30 service this evening is a young adult service they they we got some young adults here today who uh matter of fact this is a young adult this is the young adult race team god bless y'all i'm proud of y'all this morning um they're going to be in charge of the service tonight there and they've they they got it all planned out they're going to show us old folk how to do church so i'm excited so join us tonight at 6 30 right here uh however you're watching this uh through youtube or through our website or through face face time face facebook you know i can never get these things together facebook we want you to join us tonight and we have a guest preacher one of my sons is going to be preaching tonight one of my spiritual sons uh dr bobby manning and he's gonna be a blessing to you tonight as well well it's time to pray we haven't stopped praying we don't stop praying we're still praying for souls to accept jesus people who have become confused and lost and if our country ever needed prayer and jesus to step in right now is that time so we want you to just take a moment and call out the name of people that you know need jesus in their life call their name out ask god to turn their life around turn their heart around we want to believe god to do a supernatural thing in their lives so let's let's pray hallelujah thank you father glory to your excellent name how marvelous are your ways how excellent is your glory father thank you so much for your loving kindness and your tender mercies thank you for being a miracle worker thank you for being a god that solves and answers our prayer thank you god for salvation and deliverance and healing and breakthroughs and miracles thank you heavenly father for all that you've done that you saved us and reclaimed us for your kingdom i'm thankful i'm thankful that you have brought us out of darkness into your marvelous light and we give you the glory the honor and the praise your name is marvelous and wonderful and excellent how excellent is your name and we give you the praise and glory has we come before you today father we are praying for your will to be done in our lives we're praying that your kingdom would come your will would be done every day in our lives right here on earth we're praying that that which you've decreed will become a reality we're praying for lost souls and unsaved people we're praying for backsliders who strayed away from you we're interceding and praying god that your holy spirit would arrest people where they are and bring them to you father into a loving living relationship with you we're praying for our sons and daughters our mothers and our fathers our friends and our relatives our co-workers and our cousins baby and them we're praying for everybody god to get their life right with you we come confessing acknowledging our iniquities and our sins and our failures we know that we've sinned that we've missed the mark and we pray father in jesus name that you would step into our domain and let your perfect will prevail in the name of jesus now father put a shield around us today put a shield around this place around this word we pray that you will speak life deliverance and healing in the magnificent and marvelous name of the lord jesus i pray that you would anoint us to be your mouthpiece your conduit and let your name get the glory and the honor in the significant name of the resurrected savior jesus the christ we make no apologies about calling out his name we pray in his name we stand in his name we live in his name we preach in his name and we pray father that your will will be done saints will be edified strengthened let us be your mouthpiece for these next few moments let your name get the glory and honor in jesus name and everybody said amen amen and amen praise the lord god bless you amen thank the lord for that all right i want to invite your attention tonight today whatever time it is wherever you are i'd lose track of whatever time it is it's morning right now actually uh this is live coming from the first baptist church of glen arden uh hebrews chapter 12 i want to read to you hebrews 12 i want to read these first three verses of the 12th chapter of hebrews therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking under jesus the off and finish of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god for consider him who endured such hostility from sinners against himself lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls wow what a profound passage i want to hang a title on this message of keep saying keep running keep running that's what i want to say to you keep running i wanted to that's what i want to talk about today i i faced a challenging situation in my life this week i faced a challenge that made me want to seriously quit something i was engaged in something that i had embarked upon but i got so frustrated i had reached a point of frustration that in my mind i said i'm done as a matter of fact i not only said it in my mind i voiced it out loud i said i'm done i'm over it i can't i can't do this anymore i thought about a million reasons why to just walk away quit forget about it let it go i thought about it a zillion different reasons why i didn't really need this it wasn't necessary for my life it wasn't anything i absolutely had to do and so i i thought about quitting it recall when i went to that moment when i felt that way i i did go back in my mind to an experience in a journey i had several several several years ago 30 plus years ago i was watching people run and i had decided that i was going to be a runner too i didn't know what was so joyful about running to see people running all the time running in the heat running in the cold and the snow and the rain i decided to give running a try myself went out bought me some shoes and some running clothes and i decided to run and i got out on the track to run and when i realized how long a mile was i almost quit before i got started but i determined that i could do this i said to myself i can do this no matter how difficult and frustrated it might be i said to myself i i can get it done uh but when i got on the track and started running there's several things that be quickly became apparent to me it became apparent to me that there were other people on the track who were running much faster than me i also noticed that some of those people were passing me and made it around the lap again around the track again and passed me again and so i i thought to myself as i looked at these people running faster and quicker and they just they didn't seem to get worried and tired i ran a half a mile and i had to walk a while and then i'd run again and then i had to walk again for a little bit i i just got frustrated and i stopped running my running career did not last long i paid for those shoes and those running clothes and i didn't i didn't keep them long i thought about that when i faced my crisis this week of running i'm sorry this crisis what i was doing this week it was actually dealing with something that i have a passion for something that i want to do uh i thought about my running days and i said well i think i'm going to quit and i wanted to talk to you today about it because i know and i felt the spirit of god used that instance to say to me that there are people you are ministering to to who are frustrated with something something in their life something that they're doing something that they're engaged in there are people who are frustrated and they want to quit and i want you to tell them john jenkins don't quit i want you to tell them to keep running and so that's why i've come today because while i thought about it and contemplated walking away from what i was doing the thing that i loved and i'm passionate about flying that's what it was it was about flying when i thought about it as a pilot i know i had to do this recurrent training every every year i got to go back and get trained and the train is trying to put you through scenarios and frustrate you and they were successful but when you're flying you can't get frustrated you got to fly the plane you can't you can't decide i'm gonna quit you can't just get out of the plane when it's in the air and say i'm done no you can't you gotta figure out how to land this thing but i got frustrated and god said to me i want you to talk to the people to whom you have responsibility of ministering to and i want you to say to them and tell them don't quit but to keep running i want you to tell them i want you to preach it i want you to declare it because some of you today are frustrated frustrated with your job frustrated with your ministry frustrated going to school frustrating with your marriage frustrated with reaching your goals frustrated with your hobby there's something that you frustrated with frustrated with raising your kids frustrated with buying a house frustrated frustrated with getting your finances together something in life has frustrated you and the spirit of god told me to tell you keep running keep going don't stop as a matter of fact i i think as i look at this passage today the writer of the book of hebrews is also speaking to to you i thought ought to talk about it this passage here was refreshed in my mind and i thought i ought to spend some time talking to you about it today i want to talk to you today because it's right a matter of fact let me let the hebrew writer talk to you today we don't know his name he never tells us who it is he never identifies himself but what he does do is identify who he's talking to he's he's ministering and he's written this whole book of hebrews he has written to some christians matter of fact they are jewish christians they are jews who have converted to christianity they have they have accepted jesus in their life they have they have embraced the faith in christ and they have hit a bump in the road and they become frustrated they're bothered they are they are frustrated with their journey and they are contemplating returning to their jewish religion the book of hebrews is a whole book written all of the chapters every passage is written to speak to some people who have contemplated and wrestled with and thought about quitting and so he he gives us some points i want to give you four four words today four words that i hope will help you in the midst of your frustration and in the midst of your challenging moment in the midst of what you're going through whatever you whatever it is just hear me out that's all i ask you to do before you quit before you write that letter before you turn turn it in before you walk away hear me out here's the writer telling them this writer from hebrews who encouraged me when i felt he encouraged me here's what he says let me look let me let me read this verse number one listen several things in verse number one here's what he says therefore also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses there's the first thing right there he says we are surrounded by a great cloud not just a cloud but a great cloud of witnesses we we are we are we are surrounded by so great not even great but so great they're witnesses we got witnesses there's my first word my first point i got four words for you today we have witnesses he's saying i've got some people who have walked the journey who've gone through the challenges of life and they've survived and they've made it and they press through i've got some people who have gone through stuff he said here's what he's saying some of them you they didn't have what you have they didn't have the spirit of god they didn't have a written text to read to go back and be encouraged they didn't some of them didn't have any of that some of them didn't have uh examples to look back and say they encouraged me to go forward he says we have witnesses therefore wait a minute therefore we also since we have such a great cloud therefore when you see therefore you gotta ask what it's there for therefore it's saying what i'm about to say is tied to what i've just said here's what he's saying you got a great cloud of witnesses and in chapter 11 just the chapter before chapter 12. go ahead pastor you're so deep today he gives us a list of witnesses he goes through and mentions some people who have have journeyed and walked with god and had experience with god and they are in fact our witnesses they they are in the grandstand of glory having completed their journey and they're cheering us on they are witnesses to tell us to keep on running they're in the stands of glory they have lived their life finished their course and they're in the grandstand of heaven cheering us on and the writer says they are a he said they're not just a cloud of witnesses they are a a great cloud so great a cloud incredible people he talks about abel who offered up to god a more excellent sacrifice he talks about ana enoch who walked with god enoch walked with god and was no more because god took him away because of his walk with him he's an example no ability in art and nobody wanted to hear what he had to say but yet he built that ark and preached the sermon that he preached for the distance of time 120 years and yet uh he built the ark and even in the midst of him building the ark nobody listened to him but he built the ark and saved mankind he's a witness abraham obeyed god and went to an unknown place left the comfort of where he lived to go to another location into another place he went to another place not knowing where he was going just to be obedient to god sarah had a child well past her childbearing age she believed god even though she was past the age and time of having children but yet she believed god and gave birth to a child isaac bless jacob and esau jacob bless joseph's sons these are people who walk moses chose to live with the afflictions of life rather than living the prosperity of the egyptians here's here are people who who because of their belief and walk with god lived an extraordinary life trusting god they had challenges and moments but they didn't quit but they held on and held fast and kept going they were witnesses for us they're in the grandstand cheering you on as a matter of fact joshua and the children of israel walked around the walls of jericho till they came down rahab received the spies all of these people made choices and decisions gideon and barack and samson and jephthah and david and samuel all of these people mentioned all of these people mentioned in chapter 11 people who went through the journey of life and went through the challenges of life and didn't quit while i sat down in this training session of pilot learning how to fly uh developing my flying and re getting this recurrent training while i'm flying and i felt so frustrated because i couldn't get it right sitting next to me was my flight instructor who when i said i'm done i can't do it no more sitting next to me was a witness who has already gone through the training y'all don't hear what i'm saying already completed the test already got the certificate has done it himself before who leaned over to me and said don't stop john keep going you can do it he cheered me on he was a witness right there sitting next to me said come on we can do this thing and sure enough i kept going and got it i got it done i got it completed i got it finished i i kept going because i had a witness we've got the witness of scripture and this is why church is important you need to have people around you who when you're going through frustrating times can cheer you on i know people say you don't need the church i know people say you don't need to go to the church you can be at home by yourself no you need the church because you will reach the season and time and moments of frustration and you're going to need somebody to cheer you on my flight instructor said you can do this and i kept to faith and i kept going and i completed the journey landed the plane and simulator by the way not in a real plane a simulator i'm so glad i kept going i'm so glad because at the end of the class they gave me a certificate with my name on it that i had completed the course if you keep going there's something waiting for you on the end you know one of the reasons i stopped running 30 years ago is because i didn't have anybody to cheer me on i was out there running by myself i was out there running with nobody who cared or was concerned about whether i kept going or not nobody everybody was doing their own thing everybody was doing their own thing but if i had some witnesses there if i had some people there to cheer me on i probably would have kept on running and i'm saying to you today you need to be surrounded you are surrounded by witnesses even if you don't have physical people in your life we've got the spiritual testimony of chapter 11 of hebrews but that's not the only thing he says that we we've got this testimony of these amazing people who walk with god and finished their course held on to their faith and kept going but not only that here's the second thing he says right here in chapter in chapter 12 of hebrews he says let us verse 1 lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us you see that right in the middle of the verse right in the middle of the verse he says let us lay aside every weight here's my second word is weights you got to let the weights down you got to you got to release the weights you can't run with weights you can't travel and get the accomplishments done while you're weighed down some of you got some weights in your life weights and sins you've got weights and sins he says let us lay aside every weight and the sin which tells me when it says weights and sins and the sin is that a weight may not be a sin matter of fact it probably isn't a sin it might even be something good a weight but it's it's it's not good for you and it's not good for you at this juncture and season of your life is slowing you down when you engaged in the race you got to let the weights go they might be good for training they might be good to prepare you for the race but when you're in the race you got to lay it aside and i think that's a a significant point that there's some things you can't hold on to there's some things you got to push it to the side you don't run a race with the rates with the weights you let it aside don't hold on to it put it to the curb it may be a good thing or maybe a bad thing i don't know what it is whatever your weights are this writer says to you and i lay it aside get rid of it don't hold on to it and the sin which easily ensnares us it says the sin that captures your attention the thing that captures your call that calls you out everybody got something that tempts you don't you act like you ain't never tempted by sin everybody in here got something that if given the right circumstances situation you might look at it a little bit longer than you should you might you might engage you might talk to it you might email it facetime it you might skype it you might you might do something with it that you or not be doing that devil will bring something your way that easily ensnares you and the text says let us lay aside every way and the sin that so easily so quickly captures your attention that easily ensnares us that's what he says it's important and significant that you figure out and you know what you'll think you know what your thing is you know what your thing is you know what you are attracted to you know what captures your attention you know what calls your name out you know he says lay it aside you want to finish the course you want to win the race you want to be everything that god has called you to do you want to fulfill your purpose you want to reach your destiny you want to accomplish what it is god has called you to accomplish you need to identify what that is that easily ensnares you and stay away don't play with it don't mess with it don't tweet it don't facetime it don't call it don't email it don't tweet it don't don't do anything leave it alone leave it alone figure out if you're serious about your walk with god and serious about your destiny and serious about fulfilling your purpose let it alone lay it aside that's what he said lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily be sets up but there's a third thing he says it's right here in verse it's still in verse number one he says and let us run with endurance it's the latter part of this verse let us run with endurance the race that is set before us i wish i had a w for this one but i don't my first two were w's when i talked about witnesses and weights but i don't have a w for this one this was just run you gotta run you gotta get into the battle get into your assignment and run run engage this word run it's not a walk if the word meant walk i would have used walk because the walk would have been another w but i looked up the word carefully to see what it meant it don't mean walk it means that you in fact uh it's not it's not even a jog this this word run means that you have extended energy you you are putting forth energies you are you are going forward with exertion you you you are you are pushing it and pressing it that's what this word run means you're running hard you're going at it hard that's what it means you ain't lollygagging you ain't skipping you running some of you are skipping you're walking you're strolling along this ain't a stroll he says you gotta run with patience with endurance run with the mindset that i'm going to keep going no matter what that's what endurance means i i'm going to run and go fast and go hard for as long as i can that's what it's run with endurance means king james says run with patience i'm i'm running with a mindset to go to see what the end's going to be i i get frustrated when i see people who don't have a mindset to say i gotta press my way and i'm telling you today you got to press your way through criticism through being lied on being talked about you got to press your way through rejection through misunderstandings do whatever it is you got to go through press your way on you got to go he said let us run with patience and listen to this let us run with patience the race that has been set before you run your race don't worry about running somebody else's race or doing something somebody else did or see our big mistake is we compare ourselves with other people i got frustrated with my my job my running career because i was looking at all the other people and i couldn't keep up with them and i couldn't run as fast as them and i couldn't go as long as them and i got frustrated because i compared myself with them here's a big problem in the christian church people are always comparing themselves to other people you can't compare yourself to anybody else don't compare yourself to anybody else god didn't call you to run somebody else's race this text says run the race that has been set before you you run your own race you do the things of what god has called you to do you you you reach the assignment that christ has put before you what did he what did he what gifts did he give you what talent did he give you what assignment did he give you what did he call you to do let us run with patience with exertion with heart do it hard run with patience with endurance the race that is set before you run what god has put in front of you you're gonna get in trouble when you try to compare yourself to other people you're gonna miss out you're gonna miss the mark you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna fail comparing yourself to others and this is a trick of the devil because the devil always wants you to compare yourself to others you'll call call somebody else's situation in mind to you and say see this what they did you ain't doing that that's what the devil does that's the voice of the devil don't listen to that voice that causes you to think smaller of yourself when you compare yourself to others comparison is not a spiritual gift god did not call you to compare yourself to others what he's called you to do is to just do what it is he's assigned to your hands to do let me close this message that is if they mention to you i'm ministering to me i told you they're witnesses i told you not only are there witnesses but there are weights to get rid of i told you to run his number four i call it watch go ahead pastor watch watch look look at verse two looking under jesus the author and finish of our faith look to him if you want to compare yourself to somebody look to him put your eyes on what he did and follow in his footsteps watch watch how he endured watch how he went through it watched how he he's this he is the author and finisher he he started it and he finishes it watch uh watch him how he can do it all that he endured matter of fact here's what the text says looking under jesus the authenticity of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross because of the joy that was set before him see see here's here's what you got to learn here's what you got to get he was able to endure all that he went through being crucified being whipped being a crown of thorns on his head having uh being pierced in his side and nailed in his hands and feet and and having uh the sins of eternity of the world put on him he endured the cross hating the shame that he had to go through he hated it despising the shame why did he do it because of the joy that was set before him because he knew when it's all said and done he would be seated at the right hand of the father he knew that though he died on the cross that god was going to raise him up out of the grave he knew that regardless of what he was presently going through it wasn't going to last long i'm preaching to somebody here right now what you're going through will not last long you're coming up out of there god's going to bring you through it's tough you crying tears today but you're coming up out of there you're frustrated now it's not going the way you want it you wish you had another way to go through it but you're coming out of here and remember the joy in front of you my wife has had six kids six she's gone through the pain of bearing children six times six times she had those labor pains six times six times she's gone through it six times somebody said why would she keep doing that because of the joy of holding that bundle of a baby in her arms the joy that it brought to her it has brought to her she got joy when she had that baby in her arms all the pain she went through meant nothing to the joy of giving life to a human being and taking care of that baby to see that baby smile and laugh and grow up the joy that was set before him the momentary pain can't compare with the lifelong joy we've had with these six kids what you're going through today is light and minor compared to the joy that it shall bring to you so so the writer says watch jesus he endured the cross despising the shame but right now he's seated at the right hand of the throne of god right now he's in the presence of the father right now he is he has all power in his hands right now he's where he's supposed to be but yet he kept running my assignment is to tell you keep going keep running keep doing what it is god has called you to do i don't know who i'm preaching to when i'm preaching to you and telling you right now keep going keep running lift up your hands all ye gates be lifted up yeah relax the door the king of glory is coming in keep running keep your eyes forward don't stop don't quit don't give up don't walk away don't do anything but keep doing what god has assigned to your hand to do keep running even in uncertain moments jesus kept running he didn't stop even in the face of hatred and persecution and being misunderstood and lied on and rejected and even in the face of death he kept going he kept going because he knew if he finished the course he would bring joy to me and you in joy and peace and a relationship with the father to you and i that's what he did my assignment today is to tell you to keep going don't stop don't walk away hold on hallelujah praise his name and i've made it in my mind i'm going to keep going i'm going to keep doing what it is christ has called me to do i'm going to keep doing it i'm not gonna let a momentary frustration defeat me i'm not going to allow my flesh and its desires to defeat me i'm going on i'm gonna finish the course i don't know who i'm preaching to today but you gotta keep going i don't know who i'm preaching to whoever you is you can't stop i know you've been thinking about walking away i know you've been thinking about quitting don't do it the spirit of god told me to tell you keep going keep running he's still with you he hasn't forsaken you you might feel like he's walked out but he hasn't he's still there he still loves you he sees you he got his eyes on you he just wants you to keep going maybe you haven't started the race yet i want to invite you to meet the lord jesus and give your heart to him call that number hit that commit button email us accept the lord jesus christ today this is the right time the right moment come on [Music] what a moment you have brought me to such a freedom i have found [Music] i'm not going back [Music] all things are made new surrender my life to christ i'm moving hallelujah that's the one of the lord for you today forward [Music] i'm not going back [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] forward come on [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey oh [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh so i'm not going back i'm moving my head i'm here to declare to you your past is over him all things are made new just surrender your life to christ and let him move you forward god wants to move you forward it's time for you to move forward right now just do it forward [Music] all things are made new just surrender your life to christ and let him move you forward it's time for you it's time for you forward it's time for you it's time for you to go forward it's time for you it's time for you to go forward help me my god we're going forward [Music] [Music] a new future new relationships new opportunities you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 33,872
Rating: 4.9250937 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., John K. Jenkins, John Jenkins, FBCG, Church, Bible Study, Powerful, Powerful Teaching, Powerful Word, God, Lord, King, Gospel, gospel in bible, Worship Center, Ministry Center, First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Bible-based church, Developing, Dynamic, Disciples, ministry, Worship, Praise, Praise and Worship
Id: 5gm6H4h9f9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 18sec (4458 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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