"Dealing With Discouragement and Depression Pt. 2" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Outstanding Message)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord has made and I'm rejoicing and glad in it it's a beautiful day here in the DMV and I'm so grateful that you joined us wherever you are today I am ministering today from first Kings chapter 19 about Elijah and his discouragement and depression as a matter of fact it's part two of a message I started several weeks ago about how to deal with and how to overcome discouragement and depression I believe it is a message that will help you I know in my own personal life I have wrestled with discouragement and depression and I I believe I know some of the keys that God has helped me to overcome it and you can overcome it to somebody that you know can overcome it and I'm gonna give you some clear biblical principles of how to deal with it thank you for joining us have a great day Oh God how excellent is your name and all of the earth how marvelous are your ways how man if magnificent are you you're an excellent God how excellent is your name in all of the earth we humble ourselves before you this morning and we pray and intercede for one another we pray and then receive our brother our sister call out their name before your altar knowing God that you incline your ear to our cries we cry out for whatever the circumstance whatever the need the situation and we pray Almighty God for our brother our sister not only them but we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are not physically here but join us through technology we pray father that they would sense and feel your presence even through this broadcast father in the name of the Lord I'm praying for somebody to get saved today somebody to be reclaimed to your kingdom somebody to be restored in their hope and their faith that father the name of Jesus would be elevated and magnified and put a hedge around this place bind every distracting spirit every demonic spirit the hand of the enemy Almighty God accomplish your will that the Saints be strengthened and edified that your name get the glory in the honor let us be your mouthpiece and your instrument for these next few moments God not because we deserve it because we don't but by the blood of Jesus God let us be your conduit for your truth to your people in the mighty and precious name of the Lord Jesus we pray amen all right you can be seated this morning and open your Bibles to first Kings chapter 19 first Kings chapter 19 and what I want to do today a few weeks ago three or four weeks ago I did part one of a message called handling depression and discouragement and today I want to do part two I hadn't planned on talking about part two but the response to it had been so tremendous that I thought I'd do part two because the person sitting next to you or somewhere on your role look like they got it all together but they toe up from the floor yeah church people have learned how to mask over their pain act like everything's great and when in reality it's not and I want to talk about overcoming or how to handle how to deal with discouragement and depression and I myself in the course of my life have wrestled with that and God has taught me some principles to apply to my life to help me and I'm so much better than I was amen [Applause] so first Kings 19 I need to give you the background I need to rehearse part one with you quickly I'm going to take a few moments take about five or so minutes and talk about part one and did I want to dive into part two and all of the points come from the scripture first Kings chapter 19 let me give you the background in chapter Beca I think in chapter 17 God sends the prophet Elijah to go to the King Ahab and tell the king that because he has led the people down a path to reject God and do their own thing and follow a false God that God's gonna sent a drought on the land and there is a drought in the land for actually three and a half years there's no rain and no do so no crops growing no and the animals can't feed it's a bad situation and so when the King Rick realizes that the prophecy of Elijah came true he sends out a search team to find Elijah and when one of the servants comes across he lives he said hey man the king looking for you dude you in trouble prophet Elijah say I beat him right here tell him come on tell him to bring it on and so eat a hab and King King Ahab and Elijah meet up and a and King Ahab says to Elisha you're troubling Israel you're causing trouble in the land Elijah said I'm not the one that's chosen trouble but you and your father's because you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and then he lied you says to him this you get your preaches together and you all call on your God and I'm gonna call oh my god and let's see which God answers with fire so they built two altars the 450 prophets of the King Ahab build their altar Elijah builds his altar and he tells them to go first so they those 450 line prophets begin to call on their God and they call on him they started in the morning they go through noon they go through the evening no answer they start the next day early in the morning call him under God around noontime Elijah say what's up what's the problem is your God busy is the owner journey is he preoccupied the Living Bible says which is a paraphrase maybe he's on the toilet when the evening time comes Elijah takes his altar dumps it with water twelve barrels of water gets on his knees cries out to God and God answers and since fire from heaven years ago when I preached this message I titled the message who that who that trying to break bad I hear say who that who that yeah that's that's all cheer years ago was new young people don't know that about that and now you know in other words he's standing up saying y'all talking about you here to real God but you didn't have the real God I'm serving the real God and he in fact did answer my father he then takes the 450 line profits of Bill and slays them kills them King Ahab runs and does what any him peg man does and goes and tells his wife [Music] his wife sends a message his wife jezebel sends a message to Ahab says a message to Elijah I'm sorry Elijah and says tomorrow about this time I will do to you what you did to those those prophets and Elijah gets scared and runs and hides in a cave anyway as a matter of fact he gets depressed he gets discouraged and depressed that he matter of fact the scripture says this read this real quick chapter 19 this is him on the run these first four verses can I read that real quick and they have told Jezebel all that Elijah had done they have told Jessica all that Elijah had done also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying so let the gods do to me and more also if I do not make your life has the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time Wow so verse 3 let me just go ahead and read verse 3 while I'm here and when he saw that he arose and ran for his life and went to bear Sheva which belongs to Sidon and left his servant there but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down on a juniper tree a broom tree and he prayed that he might die and said it is enough now Lord take my life I am no better than my father so y'all with me so far I confuse you so let me just review the points I made in point 1 this is what created a level of discouragement in Elijah's heart the first problem was that he listened to the opinions of other people and that's the same thing you do sometimes you you you more concerned about about what other people think about you than what you think about yourself there's some of y'all are buying clothes and redoing your hair and training it all kind of colors and pushing yourself all over the place and changing the color of your eyes and so you can impress people who when it's all said and done still don't like you I'm praying that God raises up a spirit in our generation and in our culture and in our church of people who learn how to accept themselves exactly the way down he became discouraged because of what Jezebel said her opinion that she was going to kill him and he responded to this threat from Jezebel and y'all need to know just Abell can't hurt you some of y'all got some Jezebel's in your life and you scared of what somebody gonna do to you when you're under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ King nobody hurt you not only not only did he get discouraged because of what she said in her opinion her threats and verse number four he said something that I want to smack inside his face if I could he said he went a day's journey verse four into the wilderness came and sat down under a broom tree and he prayed that he might die here's what he said it is enough what caused him to get depressed too is his own opinion about his circumstances because he believed and thought to himself something that really wasn't true as a matter of fact I want to spend it just to let me spend a couple minutes talking about this because some of y'all are discouraged and depressed about what you'll be telling yourself you be telling yourself I can't take it you'll be telling yourself it's too much it's more than enough and anytime somebody come and say that to me I want to punch him in their face I want to smack the I want to smack you [Music] because you're telling yourself you what you can't do and you're making God a liar because the scripture is clear that God never allows more than coming to your life than what you're capable of handling you go ahead high-five yourself high-five yourself again at that point yeah yeah multiple times yeah stop telling yourself what you can't take stop telling yourself that is more than you can handle yeah God if God allowed you to come into the domain of your life he knows that he's already prepared you to be able to handle it if you couldn't handle it it wouldn't come into your life if it was more than you were capable of dealing with God would've crossed the line made the line drew a barrier and it wouldn't have never come into your life but because it did come into your life God knows he's already prepared you to be able to have him lean over to your neighbors that he preached it better than you're saying amen go here tell her lean on other side how come you ain't saying amen to the very few points in the fats the same don't you know you can take a lickin and keep on tickin don't you know whatever coming in your life God has already prepared you it didn't catch God by surprise he's not gonna let more coming to your life than what you're capable of handling I can take it tell yourself I can take this I'm gonna make it through this I'm gonna survive I'm coming up out of here I'm gonna win hallelujah I'm gonna be victorious God is not gonna let me get defeated you're to change something I can't move I can't lose with the God that I choose to serve I'm going to win [Applause] [Music] tell yourself I'm gonna win take itself I'm going to win give that a keep telling yourself I'm coming up out of here I'm going to win I'm going to be victorious it might be tough it might be [Music] that's an important deal it's important to tell yourself that because the devil will have you depressed and down and frustrated and discouraged if you only look at the circumstances and that's all you can see is the circumstance it will frustrate you you got to look past the circumstance look past the lawsuit look past what the boss said look past the performance evaluation y'all ain't hear what I'm saying look past all of that and say greater is He that's in me than he that is in the world tell yourself it looks bad now [Music] [Applause] can I get a witness anywhere in this [Applause] God didn't bring me through all the hell he already brought me through to a bath he didn't bring these those tickets in to leave me and so on this for me to lose [Music] so he got discouraged about because of his own thinking that's the point I'm making his own thinking tell your neighbor you got to think differently you gotta think tell him you gotta think differently now here's the last third point of last times message was he verse 9 and 10 of the same chapter says that he verse 9 says and there he went into a cave and spent the night in that place and behold the word of the Lord came to him and he said to him what are you doing here Elisha why are you here where was he in a cave by herself isolated y'all let the devil make you think that you don't need nobody but that's not the way God designed us to function God made us to deal with other we need other people I need other people in my life you need other people in your life some of y'all are disconnected you want to know why you're so discouraged and so down all the time it's because you disconnected you need to be connected with some righteous people out of claps get lower I can't tell them trying to figure out we are we are created to be in relationship with other people I can say that boldly and strongly and you need other people some of y'all come to church and leave right out the door soon as the church services over it some of y'all even leave before churches over you just get up and leave out don't fellowship don't talk don't meet with anybody don't fellowship with nobody that's something that's not how God designed you to work function you're never gonna win trying to function based on what you think Elijah took himself and then Elijah took himself into an isolated posture and you're never gonna win being isolated it's gonna keep you depressed and down Amen pastor all right now for the last few minutes that I have let me talk about God's answer and it's verse in chapter 19 Elijah is discouraged and down and here's the answer here's the first thing verse 5 then has he lay and slept under a broom tree suddenly an angel touched him and said y'all see that here's the first thing he did that helped him regain his strength he laid down and slept my first point is you got to learn how to rest well rest well yeah I know you're not clapping cuz y'all right and that's fine I want you to get this point some of y'all work seven days a week you're not designed to work seven days a week god I want you to learn how to to get rest amen y'all sit hit it so we clap was just week in 2005 I got sick got in hospital when I got out the hospital the wonderful fine elders that we have told me to get some rest and thanks be to God I had enough points to get on a plane and a member of our church had a nice house in st. Thomas he told me I could stay in the house and I went there for a week oh I feel the Lord called me back the same time I had a I had enough points on US Airways then it didn't cost me anything as I was I didn't realize how I was I slept for five straight days all I did was get up to eat all I did was get up to go and eat and go back and lay down and I didn't feel like doing anything until day five and by the time this time didn't come back so I need to go back to st. Thomas somebody say go back faster go back yeah but it's what I needed I needed the rest some of y'all the rest you depress all the time cuz you rest well God designed us to work six days and take a day off work six days take a day off it's a cycle you got to work at regular so I've worked it into my schedule now that I've learned how to get rest I've learned how to take care of myself and let me tell you something getting rest means learning how to tell people no [Applause] because you know people will have you doing everything they have you doing all kind of stuff and be every place and and I decided because when I got sick and they were rolling me they had to move me from one hospital to the other and while they were rolling me out and I saw my kids lined up crying and couldn't I couldn't get to them outside them did the Lord call me to sacrifice my life and so my kids don't have a father and my wife don't have a husband for people you know what the call y'all something else bags I'm good I'm not I'm not gonna do it it might be important to you but it's not important for me to lose my and the same is true for you you need to rest you need to have a period of rest let me set this point here right here because somebody came to me after the early service and say the Lord told them to rest and stay home on Sundays [Applause] I rebuke that spirit from all for her coming to church ain't work its worship let me tell you something especially if you if you serve in this church they need this say let me to say something here right quick let me just throw this in for free what I try to teach our team and our staff that work here I don't want anybody working every Sunday to where they don't have an opportunity to do worship my thing is okay if you have to serve on Sunday serve but at least one of those hours you need to be in worship where you are not serving that's I met that don't mean nothing to y'all because y'all come and receive the benefit of it but I'm talking about the people who work but know the the you some of y'all are both are frustrated and defeated and want to leave and quit because you don't get yourself in a posture to be refreshed let me tell you when I get in worship I get refreshed when I worship God being in this presence gives me strength being in the middle of the presence of God gives me the ability to take to get up and get back in the fight that's what worship does for me now if all you do is come and watch you ain't gonna get refreshed you got to learn to be jolly whoo you got to learn to be a participant in the worship of Almighty God don't watch anybody else raise their hand raise your head and open your mouth what God refreshed you worshipers ooh is a way to rest that's a part of rest so that's what the Elijah did he rested he slept matter of fact twice it says in the text verse five he says he lay and slept in verse five and verse 6 the latter part said he laid down again so he was worn out he was he had just matter of fact psychologists tell you one of the one of the ways to deal with discouragement and depression is to get rest and I would say to you it's important that you you work into your system of life your routines periods of rest God didn't call anybody to work seven days a week look at your neighbors say God didn't call you to work several days I can tell you a whole ton of scriptures about this in math and Mark just shot these down jot them down I don't have time we're not gonna turn to a mark 6 verses 7 through 13 and and and verses 30 through 32 of march 6 jesus told his disciples to go away and rest Isaiah 58 verses 13 and 14 tells us to have a regular time to rest and rest without feeling guilty I used to I used to couldn't rest cuz there was always something beckoning for me to do but I so learned I have learned took me a long time to learn this not to let guilt drive me to being crazy I can't get no help right here trying to give some help did you hear what I said what did I just say don't let the guilt of something something somewhere can go ever get done Susan get done there's something else to do lay your behind down somebody say lado behind lay your butt down here's number two is it verses five and eight you gotta learn how to eat right I know y'all don't like this kind of preaching some of y'all don't eat right verse 5 says he's layin slept on the broom tree got an angel touched him and said horizon eat the angel said then he looked and there by his head was a cake baked on coals and a jar of water so he ate and drank you gotta eat right and drink drink right some of y'all are drinking wrong which I'll be drinking Tito what is Tito I'm asking about the Tito you just say war in carrot cake okay all right what's Tito somebody text me after the eight o'clock that the drink of the day is Tito and I'm trying to get some Oh on the hona first of all he didn't know what it was and I say is vodka pass to him right here the onions him tell me he didn't know what to know uh all of a sudden he came to your recollection [Applause] that's why you discouraged [Applause] you drinking the wrong stuff eat and drink right Ethan we got to learn to eat and drink better seriously I'm very serious about this you gotta eat the right foods and you got a drink the right stuff here's here's number three I gotta hurry you busy LEM o'clock lord have mercy what was my first point number two his number three you got to have the proper perspective somebody say proper perspective look at verse 13 then we read verse 13 14 and 18 so it was verse 13 when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the interests of the cave suddenly a voice came to him and said what are you doing here in other words God was asking Elijah why are you here in this spot of discouragement and depression it's important that y'all don't go there and he said verse 14 here's what he lied to see it I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts because the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword I alone and left and they seek to take my life here's his perspective and it's not the right perspective I'm in this all by myself I'm the only one I'm left alone that's his perspective but that's not the right perspective verse 18 God responds to Eli just words he said I have reserved 7,000 in Israel all whose needs have not bowed to bill do y'all see that right there and every mouth that has not kissed him hear God's response to him you ain't the only one and here's what you need to know whatever you're going through you ain't the first one you ain't gonna be the last one you're not only one and guess what somebody else has gone through what you're going through and guess what they made it out of it they survived they got the victory they came out on the other side God didn't abandon them or leave them and they still worshipping God they still survived and that's what you got to tell yourself you got to have the perspective I might feel alone but I'm not alone I'm not the first one I won't be the last one I'm not the only one God Steel's got seven thousand servants who haven't powered down to Bill God's got many who ever risen up and I live until the king of kings and the Lord of lords and if they can make it so can i chat yourself if other folks have survived so can i if they made it through thick and thin so can i if they're more than conquerors so can i if they win so can i you gotta tell yourself I can take it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look at your neighbors say you can make it point your finger in their face grab a bottle caller say you can come up here you can stop lying to yourself that don't nobody care stops we can to see and start speaking hope [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah I feel a shout down in my sanctified soul when I think about all those days when I was growing up thinking that nobody loved me and nobody cared for me and I had no purpose and I had no assignment and I had no future and I felt depressed and suicidal and I was down and frustrated the devil was lying and I bought into it but I thank God I heard a word from God they said I did have a purpose and I was loved and I did have an assignment and God did love me and God will bring me out and he did and if he didn't for me he will go on Miguel Shakespeare for people's hand and tell them you shake their hands so you ain't gonna lose you coming up you coming out great is he to send units in the world detail Victorian the victim [Applause] hallelujah cheap ha-la-lu I feel a shout down in my sacrifice when I think of the goodness of Jesus and what he's done for me when I think about weight broccoli [Music] [Music] Oh that devil loses that devolution you will love it shall we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi somebody help me shout and give God praise for me [Applause] today [Applause] the devil thought that he can defeat me but he didn't realize that when Jesus died on the cross and he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh let me tell you something later on the night later this week some of y'all gonna need just work right here you gonna need to remind yourself of what this message said to you [Music] and I say to you once again you're a winner not a loser you ain't the only one you have to first you're not the last the others have survived and so will you mana fact say this practice this say this I'm coming up out of here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I got we got to stop I wish I could keep going somebody needs Jesus in their life somebody needs to get saved they need forgiveness you have missed the mark of God and you need forgiveness come real quick come right now somebody's back see that you need to rededicate yourself to the Lord come right now come somebody's unsure matter of fact hold on hold on y'all sit down for a minute sit down I need to do this just y'all stay where y'all are administer stay we just were it was for you you depress and discourage stand up I need to pray for you you did scare ashore depress stand up I need to pray for me [Applause] I want to speak life over you that you shall live and not die you shall win and not lose I want you to get rest go home lay down go to sleep stop scheduling every seven days a week working all day you need to rest you need to eat right learn what you need to eat to keep yourself healthy then you need to change your mindset stop telling yourself nobody cares about you you have no future stop listening to that voice that's telling you that stop listening to the voice that tells you that you're going to be defeated that's a life from the pit of hell don't you know you have already won you already Father in Jesus name I operated you break the spirit of discouragement and depression right now in Jesus name I pray God that you would rebuke the demons that attack these these sons and daughters of yours rebuke it in the name of the Lord Jesus I pray that you fill them with your the joy that only you have to offer in Jesus name help them God to be and do everything you've called them to do give them the right way of thinking help them to think and the right way that you are with him in Jesus name Amen hug hug hug hug hug hug show some love whisper in the ear you gonna win you're going to win your child of the Most High God whisper there your Victor not a victim telling the Navy of godheads you under his control in his life you shall live huge now win you shall beat up you hallelujah Gold Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord whoo glory glory glory I feel a breakthrough in here I feel a miracle in here going world I feel deliverance in the camp hallelujah I feel somebody has that spirit of suicide has been broken today in Jesus made we break it we find it in Jesus name Halloween Oh somebody need to get saved come on right now you need to rededicate come right now come this moment you need to rededicate come you need a church hall you already say but you need a church home walking with God come on right now don't be ashamed come on make your way out and come on down here right now the Lord Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Wow there is a counselor behind you they're gonna take you in the back sit down talk with you find out why you came and they're going to minister to you you'll leave this building differently than the way you came I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you heaven is shouting you're dancing a solo week that you'll come and father I pray that you touch every one of these lives fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit break every stronghold in their life plant them in your vineyard father and be glorified in their life in Jesus name Amen [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 51,626
Rating: 4.8491859 out of 5
Keywords: john k. jenkins sr., first baptist church of glenarden, bible study, FBCG, bible, gospel, Dealing With Discouragement and Depression, Dealing, Depression, pastor john k. jenkins sr., depression and obsession, mental health, anxiety, Discouragement, discouragement sermon, discouragement motivation, jesus, motivation, discouragement td jakes
Id: _jR9TdUX8d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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