How I Went From Broke To Successful In 3 Months

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so I went from completely broke to successful in three months and I'm not exaggerating when I say this in three months I went from making $32,000 a year to making over $32,000 a month now this happened a few years ago now in early 2017 I was stuck in my nine-to-five job I absolutely hated it I was working at one of the big banks in Canada is called Scotiabank if you're Canadian you're familiar with that it's like you're Wells Fargo or you know Chase Bank and all I was doing every single day was waking up at 6:00 a.m. I was getting dressed I was fighting traffic to go to work and I was just doing that rinsing and repeating every single day Monday through Friday and basically paying off all the money that I made towards my student debt and it's funny because my first few weeks of getting a job I was wearing a suit and I thought to myself wow you know I'm respected now I'm successful this is what success feels like what was I wrong it was it was honestly terrible and after a few months of this job I was fed up I was so fed up one night after an experience with my boss who basically was counting the minutes he was counting the minutes that I took in the bathroom right it's honestly ridiculous I have another video I missed on my channel actually but one night I was fed up I came home and I sat down in front of my computer having no other choice I went on YouTube and I typed in how to make money online and then I typed in how to start an online business I would spend hours and hours watching these videos of all these people who were living their dream lives what achieved exactly what I wanted they were making passive income they had successful businesses they managed to quit their nine-to-five jobs and leave that life completely behind and replace it with a life of fulfillment and success and after seeing enough of these people online doing what I wanted to do I told myself there's no reason that I could not be like them I told myself at that point if they could do it so could I now if you're watching this video right now I know exactly how you feel you want success so bad you want to leave that shitty nine-to-five job behind so badly and you want to do it as fast as possible and so that's why through my own journey through my own story I'm gonna give you examples and a roadmap so that you can go and also become successful as fast as possible so that you can shortcut your way to success so you can shortcut your way to your dreams I assure you especially if you're broke right now if you're not in the financial situation do you want to be in I assure you that this will be the most important video that you watch this month and most likely this year so now let's rewind a little bit before I got into online business the very first thing that I started doing and this is step one of becoming successful at least in my book I started to read books and before you leave this video trust me I did not read any books before maybe when I was a kid I read some you know fiction books books that they made me read at school and so I kind of never picked up any other books other than college textbooks basically between the ages of like 14 15 all the way up to 20 and so I kind of realized that I'm like hey maybe this is why I'm not successful maybe this is why I'm stuck living in a situation that I don't want to be in right I can't read I know English you know so why am I not reading books why am I not studying successful people and so that was exactly where I started I started to read books the first book that I read was called Rich Dad Poor Dad and that book changed my life and when I first saw the title I honestly had no idea what it was talking about you know Rich Dad Poor Dad is intriguing and so when I started to read this book slowly I serve it's a piece together this whole lie that I've been told that I've been manipulated by my whole entire life this slide that put me $40,000 in college debt this lie that is putting so many other people in student debt that has put so many other students in crazy student debt right now we have such crazy student that it's honestly unbelievable and I'm trying to do my best to fight that so you know teach you how to actually achieve freedom how to live a good life in Rich Dad Poor Dad I learned that no matter if you're making six figures per year which obviously in our society is like whoa six figures per year you're successful you know you're pretty much wealthy and rich right I learned it from Rich Dad Poor Dad that six figures per year 200k per year four hundred K per year even if you're a CEO and you make let's say half a million per year you're still poor because your time poor because most likely if you're CEO you have an enormous time responsibility you have to you know put in those hours you still you're still selling your time for money and I learned in Rich Dad Poor Dad as long as you're selling your time for money you're gonna be broke forever and then I also read a quote by Warren Buffett the most successful investor of all time and he said if you don't learn how to make money in your sleep you're gonna be poor forever so that first book really unfolded kind of the whole nine of five thing to me and then you realize that hey you know I shouldn't be climbing up the corporate ladder I shouldn't be going to school what I was taught by society and my family was wrong then I picked up a book called The Millionaire Fastlane this one was written by MJ DeMarco and honestly I was hooked by the title Mikey the millionaire fast lane you know this book's gonna show me the fast lane the millions right and so obviously I knew it was that easy but you know I'm like hey you know what if I learn a thing or two from this book it's gonna be good and that book blew my mind today I can tell you that that is in my top three books that I've ever read in my entire life and that's saying a lot I've read thousands of books at this point I read over 200 books per year I'm very lucky to be a fast reader but in the matter of fast lane I learned about the whole 9/5 scam even more and I learned about you know like the lie of the power of compound interest 401ks saving for retirement I learned that all this is garbage instead you can do solve all of your problems you can build a life of abundance if you build a business focus on building a business that provides value to other people the book just made it very clear that if I was going to follow what everybody else was doing what all the 9:00 to 5:00 traffic fighters were doing I was basically going to become like another trap 9:00 to 5:00 traffic fighter and when I was lying on my deathbed I look back and my life would have just been that you know working a nine-to-five working a shady job that I hated just for this illusion of success so as I read more and more of these books I was hooked and then I read thing to Grow Rich I read the secret I read the 4-hour workweek I basically read every single book on the subject of money and entrepreneurship that I could find now all this was incredibly important because as I was reading these books you know early on in my entrepreneurial career I could feel I could feel my mindset of my beliefs changing in one of the books that I'd read at the time and it was the seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey it's a fantastic book he said if you want small changes in your life work on your attitude but if you want big changes in your life work on your paradigms paradigms that's what I realized was the key I had to change my paradigms and what paradigms are basically to put it simply is beliefs change your beliefs change your life and that's what all of those books did for me and that's what all those books will do for you as well if you start reading these books and you start feeding your mind with positivity with success and you know not just all this in the closet if 'ti but actual knowledge actual steps that has made you no more millionaires many times over than anything else then how can you not succeed how can you fail I went and I changed my beliefs from I want to be rich to I am rich from I want to be successful to I am successful from I don't know if all this will work to I am destined for success and for wealth and for abundance and through all this my life started to change and change in a big way now step two of all this was actually figuring out the business right so I was kind of stuck in the space I was still working my nine to five drop at the bank and I was trying to figure out like okay what business am I going to start I'm not gonna start the next uber the next Airbnb in college I was taught that that was kind of the way that you succeed either you get a college degree or you go on to start the next uber the next therapy and be you know I'm like I'm not Bill Gates I'm not Steve Jobs I'm not gonna do the next Apple I'm not gonna be the next out right so what am I gonna do now through those nights remember when I was typing how to make money online on YouTube and on the internet I started to find out about different kinds of businesses the first business that I found out and this is while working at the bank was social media marketing I was gonna have local small businesses hire me to run their Facebook ads this is a business that you know it's very very popular nowadays it's a business that was actually popular as a few years ago you know a lot of businesses had no idea how to run their Facebook ads or even you know they don't even know what Facebook Ads was and so I took a basic course and I started that and my first niche that I picked was lawyers but that very quickly kind of tumbled on itself it failed because even though I landed a few clients I slowly started to realize that this business had a cap on it and even if I did land like eight to ten clients which by the way is an enormous amount of work imagine you know how much work it takes to get one client right like doing cold calling and cold outreach and then I'm like wait I have to do this eight to ten times and even then if I was charging $1,000 per client a month that only brings up my income to about eight to ten K per month which is basically 100k per year and so I realized that okay this business is definitely not going to allow me to live a passive income lifestyle and also I'd basically be at the mercy of my clients they could cancel anytime and then be hounding me all the time obviously because I'm still you know spending their ad budgets and you know spending their advertising dollars right obviously you know when you're spending someone else's money they're gonna care a lot about what you do all the time so that business went right back where it came from max I tried a business called affiliate marketing and what affiliate marketing is is basically promoting other people's products and offers so you can go on a website for example Clickbank comm it's the largest affiliate market place you can go on there there's a ton of products that are available for you to actually go and promote and then they pay you a commission and at first it sounded like a very interesting business model that I could actually do and I could actually make money and I wouldn't be at the mercy of clients or anything like that I wouldn't have to cold call anybody I just have to learn how to you know get the customers for the products and so I started to really watch youtube videos on this to research the Internet and very quickly I realized after about a week of watching videos on affiliate marketing I realized that the only things that these people were teaching me where to go and click on their affiliate links in their YouTube videos are under websites and so that business also failed and went right back where it came from no affiliate marketing so that lasted about a week after that I tried a real estate I tried stocks I started to read all the best stock books like the intelligent investor which is a famous one fantastic book by the way if you ever get into that world but also very quickly I realized that I needed a ton of money to actually make any kind of good decent money especially six figures in profit with stocks and with real estate especially it's so competitive and you know I need a lot of money for the down payments for the houses I also realized that you know all this zero down payment buying houses when it's too good to be true probably is too good to be true with stocks I also realized after reading the intelligent investor that it was incredibly difficult to beat the market and the market rises at about seven to eight percent per year annually and so I'm like okay you know seven to eight percent if I invest 1 million it's already incredibly difficult to you know get back 1 million and 70,000 but that's even if I had a million to invest back then I had literally three dollars then I found out about e-commerce specifically about starting an Amazon FBA business I also started watching about Shopify but the one that I said to start with was specifically Amazon FBA and it all sounded very realistic to me although it did sound a little bit too good to be true at first cuz I'm like wait like it can't be this easy you know you just put in a little bit of money and then you know you sell products online on Amazon and suddenly you're making 2030 kmf but after I started to watch more of these videos and I started to do more of my own research I realized that this was a real business and it was the same thing as me going out and opening my own retail shop as you know if it was like the 1960s except now I'm just doing the 21st century version I'm selling my products online and I'm building a brand out of it and this business was the only one that I found where I could start with a relatively small starting budget about $1000 you know it's a $2,000 and I could put that in and potentially start making 5k per month 10k per month you know 20k even 30k per month in some instances as I was seeing online and the whole thing seemed very real to me you know selling real product I was ordering real inventory and I had full control over it you know if my products weren't selling that's up to me I could have make my listing better on Amazon I could rank it better things like that not like stocks where you have zero control a real estate which is basically at the mercy of the market so I quickly took action and I lost my first product which was teeth whitening charcoal however that was an epic monstrous fail what happened was was I'm actually Canadian and so I decided to launch on Amazon Canada because I thought that at first I thought that you know what Amazon USA is already big Amazon Canada is the next frontier and so what I didn't realize was that there were a lot more regulations and things like that than I thought especially in Canada so what happened was when I first branded my product and I ordered it it got stuck in customs in Canada and what ended up happening was health can that I just destroyed my entire inventory which is basically like the FDA in America and they said you need to have French on your label or something like that and so I took that as a lesson you know and I said I'm not going to sell her name was on Canada anymore then I launched my second product and this one was something called a barn door roller guide honestly I had no idea what this was I just found it using the product research techniques that I was learning at the time and so with this product what happened was was that there simply wasn't enough demand for it it's like basically like a roller for barn doors I think at the time they were trending I think they're still trending but it was just like an accessory for the barn door and so what happened with this product was that I launched it and then it just wasn't selling very quickly but what I realized was that if I just left it on there I still got a few cells every day so I got like two or three cells per day and eventually I sold out my stock and made back my money even with a little bit of profit and then I launched my third product and this one was a massive success this product was a Jade roller and yes I launched the Jade roller before it exploded I had no idea what the product was actually it's funny because my mother she has I guess a good luck intuition a good sense and she told me that you know what the Jade Roller great idea because I had like you know showing her my list of products I was thinking of doing and she just said the Jade Roller it's gonna be a great product for you so just launched that one and watch it's gonna succeed and so that's exactly what happened shortly after launching the product it very quickly started to make 32k per month in sales and I was on top of the world I was like I am finally successful you know I'd already quit my nine-to-five job by then I was actually cleaning windows on the side you know through my failed businesses I was like you know what if I clean windows I can make money this way to find my amazon business and so that's what I did I booked a trip to the Bahamas I was on the beach and I was like you know I'm having the passive income lifestyle but after that you know what came next I decided to keep growing my brand scaled to other products I went from literally stuck to happy and successful in three months now I want to mention the importance of writing your goals down every day through this journey I was running down my ghost every single day and I did what's called begin with the end in mind I learned that also in one of the books that I was reading and so I'm like okay I'm gonna start with the end so what I did was at the time I was 21 22 and so I wrote down exactly what my life would be at 25 and then I just reverse engineer from there and I created goals that basically led me to my dream life and so I was running down those goals every single day every single morning every single night as if I had already cheated them now write your goals every single day I cannot stress this enough imagine when you're writing your goals like every single morning and every single night that they bring you several steps closer to success like physically imagine that even today I make it a priority every time I wake up to write down my goals every single day now look I don't know how long it's gonna take you to become successful I'm not a fortune teller but I can give you some absolutely golden advice my first piece of advice is start to take responsibility for everything in your life every single thing and you have to conquer the victim mentality I still see it in people you know people that watch my videos unfortunately a lot of people they just allow the victim mentality to really take over their thoughts and their beliefs and what that exactly is is I am a victim of my circumstances I am a victim of the world you know I'm poor because of everybody else I'm poor because of the government because of my president because of you know everything Amazon sooo competitive shop by soo competitive all this stuff it's the victim mentality right if you just went up and took responsibility for everything in your life where you are today is because of the actions the decisions that you made before then you'll see that your life will slope completely change and it will change fast my second piece of advice this one is golden stop hanging out with losers stop hanging out with negative people really just run an audit of the five people that you spend the most time with and you know just think about the people think about you know where they're going in life where do you see them in five years where do you see them even next year and ask yourself you know do you really want to associate yourself with these people so if you don't cut them out of your life it's that simple you want to be successful cut those people out why would you hang out with people that are constantly pulling you down now my third piece of advice is pick one biz and stick with that business until you succeed until you have your first win don't focus on anything else I can tell you you know start 10 businesses but that's not true stick to one business then so you're making serious income until you're making great income and you've quit your nine-to-five job and you have freedom and once you have that first way once you have that first profitable business at that point you can do whatever you want you can start three businesses five businesses at that point you have freedom and you have something that's working for you even when you're sleeping now you might be asking me all right Devin what are the best businesses that I can start today in 2020 and I can tell you there are three best businesses in my opinion that I would start if I was just starting right now the first business is Amazon FBA the second one is Shopify and the third one is consulting so I'm not involved with consulting but I am personally involved with Amazon FBA Shopify these are two income streams that make up ecommerce ecommerce selling products online like I like I said it was my first successful business that you know actually allowed me to quit my nine-to-five job forever and so the reason why I'm saying these businesses are the best with Amazon FBA and with Shopify you can start with a relatively small amount of money and you can really just build something of value you know you're selling real products of people you have total control and it's not something that requires an enormous amount of time money or effort also it helps that right now we're at the beginning of the e-commerce revolution you know stores like Sears have already gone bankrupt but tons of stores have gone bankrupt and will continue to go bankrupt in the future because everything is moving online forever21 just went bankrupt - so the other business that I'd recommend is consulting that's basically social media marketing however with consulting you know you can go and pick a niche and then figure out how to solve a problem for a specific niche for example you know I help chiropractors get more clients or get more dream clients right because there's clients that are more valuable than others in terms of the services they sign up for finally act as if act as if you are already successful act as if you are already a millionaire act as if you're already someone who has gone through all those obstacles and who has risen above on the other side act as if you're already successful and force reality to catch up with you I do have two amazing videos on both Amazon FBA and Shopify so you can go and check them out right here they're honestly amazing and they'll tell you everything you need to know to actually start making money and actually start making sales thank you for watching subscribe to the channel leave me a comment I try to respond to every single person like the video click that notification bell I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 434,458
Rating: 4.9059696 out of 5
Keywords: broke to rich, how to become successful, how to go from poor to rich, poor to rich, from broke to rich, how to become rich, how to make money online, success, success story, rags to riches, rags to riches story, broke to successful, broke to success, how to go from broke to successful, how to make money
Id: hbFv7zpwwo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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