How I Went From Broke To Internet Millionaire In 1.5 Years (This Is My Story - Dan Vas)

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what's up guys Dan here and this is my story exactly how I went from absolutely zero how I went from $40,000 in college debt at the age of 20 years old with nothing but an entrepreneurial dream to living my dream life just you know being out here riding this beautiful motorcycle right here the most beautiful roads in the entire world this is out here in my home in Coober Canada just outside of Vancouver and so basically in this video I'm going to talk about you know for all of you entrepreneurs out there I'm gonna tell you guys my story everything like everything unfiltered how I went from zero to making multiple seven figures a year at the age of 22 and essentially becoming a millionaire at the age of 22 and also change the lives of thousands of thousands of people actually tens of thousands of people right now I have about thirty five thousand subscribers and so my goal of course is a lot higher than that to subscribe to the channel if you guys love entrepreneurship and if you guys really believe in yourselves if you guys are excited to be able to live your entrepreneurial dream life being able to buy what you want being able to do what you want for the rest of your life and achieving your fullest potential so it all started at the age of I would say eighteen nineteen basically I knew that I wasn't gonna work for someone for the rest of my life I knew that you know just going to school and then doing the 905 listen to my parents in seminole Society was not the right thing to do because looking at you know society looking at most people looking at the teachers that I looked up to and looking at you know even my university professors had gone to university or college at the time and so you know looking up to them I already knew that's not the life that I wanted to live so why am i being taught you know by these people who don't represent what I want to be doing with my entire life and I just knew I just knew that there was more to life out there and if it wasn't for that if it wasn't for you know young 18 19 year old me I mean I'm 22 I'm still young but if it wasn't for that I would not be out here I would not have you know this awesome motorcycle and you know it's just I would not be living my dream life so it all started at the age of 18 19 I started reading entrepreneurial books so I started reading Rich Dad Poor Dad that was my very first book that I read actually my friend recommended to me um you're probably watching this but you know huge thanks to you because just that one book changed my higher life and basically Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki talks about leaving the nine-to-five forever and basically how selling your time in your life for money which is what most people do they work a night of five invest through life and they get into massive amounts of college debt just to be able to sell their life for money and then not go on vacation whenever they want not have the money not make the money that they want right and basically they you know let their potential be restricted inside of them so that book is written by Robert Kiyosaki and absolutely changed my life and I highly recommend every single person you know to read this book but don't go anywhere yet there's a lot more to come in my story here so I started reading this book so obviously you read one book and then you know you get into self-development and you're like wow this is actually cool like you know I have control over my own life okay I don't really know if I believe this stuff I don't really know like you know it's kind of skepticism at first right you don't know if it's for you you don't know if you're able to do it right which is you know again we're gonna get to this later you know society just send you a bunch of from the beginning of your life that you can't do whatever you want with your life and it's the biggest I'm telling you it's the biggest that you know society has ever preached to you the biggest that you've ever heard okay you can do anything you want so you know my point is is that I started reading these these books so rich that poor dad and then I got to thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and I was just like fascinated because all these books made it accessible you know all these books were telling me that like hey if I was only willing to believe in myself I could actually do this that could actually you know be able to live my dream live I could become a millionaire right although as far as I can remember none of my parents none of my family had ever become millionaires actually none of them had ever you know made you know the money that they wanted to make and so to me you know although I did he grow up middle-class it was just kind of like it was kind of like I don't know I look I don't know if I can do this but I started reading all the books and I read and I read and meanwhile I was in college or studying business so I was using that time to read the books right and basically I read and I read and I read and you know like you guys right now you might be just watching endless amounts of YouTube videos right just like you know billionaire advice for millionaires and billionaires like you're probably watching like Steve Jobs Elon Musk you know it's all that stuff and that was me like that was me I was in your shoes at the age of 19 and the problem was is that I didn't know what to do like I'm like okay this is this is all cool and all like entrepreneurship is school but I'm still in school and nothing's changed and at the time I had gone a nine-to-five job actually by chance you know the company had contacted me on LinkedIn I had it like I made a LinkedIn profile and so basically end up working for one of the big banks in Canada and so I worked there very briefly and you know at first I was like okay this is cool like I wear a suit and tie or work and stuff and I have my own cubicle as it's pretty cool it's pretty awesome right but then I realized slowly like okay the first three weeks were okay and then suddenly every single week whenever I was getting in my car and it was just freezing like it was freezing you know I'm from Toronto Canada originally that's where I grew up and if you guys are from the east coast of anywhere in North America you guys know that it's freakin freezing in the winter and so just getting in my car in the middle of the winter at like 6:00 in the morning right and having to go and spend an hour and a half in traffic bumper-to-bumper traffic you know at the age of basically I was 20 I think by this time and so at the age of 20 I was like this is like ridiculous like I can't like I was just slowly you know I kind of made myself like push through and I was like wait wait a second day like this is what the rest aside he does like this is what you're supposed to do like just suck it up right this is what you're gonna do professed your life that's it and right how absurd does that sound now like looking back I was like Dan like if I can tell him I'd be like dude wake the up like quit right now and so slowly I started to gain more and more motivation to pursue entrepreneurship and basically I was reading more books I was in a more podcast all the free time that I had I started to value my time and I realized like even talking to people talking to my family talking to my you know my co-workers they were just not like a lot of them had broken dreams you could feel it a lot of them had already sold their dreams for a you know a a meagerly paycheck and little do they know like they're stuck for the rest of their life and to me interests out of me I was trying to tell people like hey get out right but the thing is that I realized one of the biggest things I realized the most is you've got to help yourself right god only helps those who help themselves and by the way I do believe in God you know you can also say the universe or whatever it is that you want right but you know if it wasn't for you know God and faith I don't think that I would be here right now being able to live my dream life and being a millionaire and just being able to do this for a living so you know it spread the message so I was at this job blowing every single day and so basically that's when I started researching online like how to make money online and I had started to see all of these youtubers and all these guys like you know from different parts of the world I had started to see like all these influencers pop up and I was like whoa like this guy making like 30,000 a month from you know just like selling stuff on Amazon or like whoa this guy's making 20,000 a month from Shopify and you know whoa this guy's making seven figures here I don't even know what seven figures a year was at the time right and then obviously I learned so basically I started to see all these guys doing it and what I noticed was that none of them had a college degree none of them had any kind of experience when it started and they all had a story to tell and they all basically started you know where I came from so I slowly started to you know the gears started to move in my brain and I still you start to realize wait a second like I have literally have nothing to lose right at the time like I said at 20 years old you really have you know you're probably in school and if you're working a job you can just quit right you can just quit and there's no risk and so I saw that right away I was like this is the time right now to pursue my entrepreneurial dream what am i doing at this job what am i doing getting myself instead I had been paying for school myself and so you know school is obviously very expensive if you're from Canada or in the United States it's a little better in Canada but it's still extremely expensive so basically I started to look for things online and now there's a little flashback you know at the age of about 18 before all of this so before like I think I was just going on university I had taken a huge road trip to from Toronto to the west coast and I did this solo and you know my friends wanted to come so I'm like you know what you know it I'm just gonna go solo and so I went to all the national parks and I was basically living out of my car just traveling the United States was always my dream to you know go on this massive road trip because I have never seen that the rest of Canada my own country or the United States and so you know Toronto like I said is on the east coast so basically I just got in my car I was like you know my mom and dad I'm going and so basically I you know I was on my own for like a month and a half I was just road tripping and I went down the west coast was the most amazing trip of my entire life and I was completely broke dad somebody saved up but one thing I realized one thing I realized on that trip was that I cannot come back to society and I cannot just do this for the rest of my life I cannot just you know like function as part of the 905 as part of you know mediocrity and it woke me up like I was in Yosemite National Park if you guys have been there haven't you probably does probably should go you guys should see it at least once in your life is in California it's the wallpaper probably if you have a MacBook you know I was literally staring at that for you and I was there camping alone at night and at sunset and I was like wow like you know if it wasn't for me going out on my own on this trip I would not be able to see this probably in my entire life because I'm gonna get into the night of five and you guys know you're probably the 9 to 5 right now or you know you're heading there right without you even knowing it basically you know you have to request a vacation if to request time off it's extremely hard so basically on this trip I realized I can't keep doing this I have to go back home and I have to change something and even on this trip I was researching like okay like how do people make money while traveling there's gotta be a way there's gotta be a way so that was the initial goal and that's essentially what got me it's entrepreneurship so let's flash forward for a second so now I'm at this job at the bank job and I started to research you know ways to make money online and I started to read more and more books and then I read a couple books I read a book that really changed my life called The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco and essentially basically it's a guy who became an Arab I think in the 90s he created a website called limos comm and he was just they broke limo driver in Chicago and basically he just like talks about a story and he hated the cold weather and he almost like froze to death one night in his limo in Chicago and so basically he you know he said this like he had this like what's called the this moment and he says like if you're entrepreneur you're not gonna do anything until you have that like this moment and so he basically just said you know this I'm moving to Arizona so he moved to Arizona and he went all-in on entrepreneurship and that was so inspiring to me I was like love the fact that he just went and moved alone note that knowing anybody if you guys don't know Arizona is beautiful I actually have lived there now so we're gonna get to that part of the story but you know it's just amazing weather compared to Chicago or even Toronto so yeah I read this book and this book talked about like scalability and so scalable online businesses and ways to make money online because that's how he made all his money and he's basically retired I don't know at what age exactly but really earlier throughout society and so basically you know I'm like okay screw this I'm gonna figure out something right now that I can do so our researchers online so at the time the summer was coming up and you know I was researching like ways to make money online and things like that so me and my friend we started a social media marketing agency because I started to see this guy named ty Lopez on YouTube and ty Lopez probably one of the most controversial marketers that ever exists um I can tell you at first I definitely thought it was a scam you know just like everybody but guess what what I realized one day was that everybody who thinks that ty Lopez is a scam is living a shitty life like that's just what is just an observation that I made and you know I'm like you know what maybe this guy has something to say like maybe I can just instead of trying to be negative about it and you know shut off his opinions right maybe I should just try and understand where he's coming from so I sort of watch his videos and at the time I had taken a program called the Tai Lopez 67 steps which is life-changing we're gonna get to that and it's just like a series of podcasts where you teachers through the lessons of billionaires of millionaires and it's 67 episodes and you can just you know play it in the car and stuff and so I got that program and I also got a social media marketing agency program which basically taught you you know he was saying like hey you can start a social media agency because if you're young you're internet savvy and basically you know you know how to run like Facebook ads it's really easy to learn and so I was like okay awesome so me my buddy started and we chose to pursue a niche and we chose to do lawyers and so we got a couple clients and basically we did it right but it was only like you know a couple hundred dollars a month but we were like this is awesome we're making our own money like we're doing this on our own terms and I could tell by the looks of people's faces when we were when we were like in the lawyers offices and stuff they're like wait these guys are younger than us and they're working about like on their own you know they're making their own money so I started the social media agency with my buddy and basically I quit my job my bank job I'm like screw this and at the time the reason I quit my bank job right and this is actually my this moment was I was like I was considering quitting but I was like I don't really have any other income you know right now so how am I gonna quit my job just like a lot of you guys are in right now the same position right so that's why you know I know this relates to a lot of people out there so basically you know I requested a vacation because I knew I'd wanted to go on a road trip you know / - like Burning Man you guys know it's a big festival and across Canada crushing that stays with my friends so I already had I already went on a road trip solo this time I wanted to do with my friends and this was in 2017 this is only about a year ago last last summer right so one year ago and so I requested a vacation I requested it in February you know because if to request to time off and I requested time off and basically I requested it for the month of August you know and then it's like well in advance it's like February March April May it's like six or seven months in advance right so I was like you know they've got to give it to me right and it wasn't within my paid vacation all that stuff it wasn't like I'm doing something unreasonable and so basically I waited and I waited and I waited and I kept asking like are you guys gonna prove it you know yeah yeah we're working on it so one day I come to work this is like a month and a half later it's already March and you know I sit at my desk and I open the computer and then I get a chat window that pops up and it's my my boss and he's like you know come to the meeting room like it was meeting room too you know so I went there and of course got to wait like 15 minutes for your boss to freaking you know get off his ass and show up right and so basically I'm waiting there and he's like you know we're unfortunately we gonna have to decline your vacation and I'm like oh okay like why and they're like due to business fee right which is a polite way of saying you right so I was like wow okay I'm quitting there's no way I'm gonna work and not be able to you know spend my money not be able what's the point of making money that's when I realize a support lesson what's the point of selling your time for money if you can't even enjoy your life you can't even enjoy your money so right then I was like okay I was really like I was really pissed off he went back to my desk I was like well what do I do now and so basically a week later a week later my boss he's that's the same thing as I come to meeting room two I got a meeting room to of course I have to wait another 15 minutes for my you know freaking fat boss to get off his ass and get over there and he's like he pulls out a piece of paper and it's okay dad and he had to like bring someone else I don't know it's like corporate crap you guys know what it is right and so he was like hey Dad about this paper right here and on this paper you were away from your desk for like 12 minutes between the time about nine thirty eight and nine fifty you know why is that and I was like oh like I was in the bathroom or something like it was with my break I think and so he was like okay like is something wrong with you like why does it you know why does it take you 12 minutes to go to the bathroom and I literally told them I was like it's ridiculous is like an invasion of privacy but I was like you know I was literally like number two like I was like in the bathroom like guys it was nothing not the short kind of bathroom so he was like okay well you know you definitely have something wrong with you you have to get yourself checked out because if you keep doing this I'm just gonna you know have to let you go I was like wow and that was my this moment the fact that someone told me that something was wrong with me if something was wrong with my intestinal system I was like this I quit and so I quit right then and there I was like I'm gonna figure it out and I started my social media marketing agency got that going God got a couple clients but then summer was coming up and me and my body would thinking like Kayla get this social media stuff isn't really it's not really going up like what can we do right and we're just like hustling we're just trying to make money right we're probably that position or try to make money at all costs and so that's when we got the idea of cleaning windows so it was out of my car at a Volkswagen Jetta 2015 I'll probably you know get a picture right here and you know it was long enough where you can like put like poles and stuff in there but not a ladder and I figured out a way we found it on YouTube just like you guys are learning anything right now everybody's learning we've learned how to clean windows on YouTube and we literally went out we went we drove to a neighborhood like a wealthy neighborhood and we just you know the whole time I'm away like I was just like shaking because I was like you know there's no way that someone's gonna you know like give us money for this like I just like I had this weird like I don't know I something within me I was like there's no way like I just felt guilty about taking people's money and so me and my buddy we just strobe out and he was telling me like hey dude like don't worry it's gonna be all good you'll see we're gonna sell at least one house and if we saw at least one house that's it that's the goal like okay we can probably get one house but maybe not that was like my self-doubt getting to me and so we went knock on door no tell my first rejection basically enough sales rejection and we just didn't order door-to-door and we just knocked on doors and I was extremely nervous right just like anybody would be at the beginning and you know eventually I see my buddy like from across the street he's like super happy and he's like run across trees like dude I got a sale I got a sale I'm like no way he's like I'm like how much and he's like 120 bucks I'm like 120 are you kidding me like we just made you know that much money and we still granted we still have to come back and actually clean the windows but the fact that we were gonna make this money was just mind-blowing like that $100 was like life-changing money I would say one of the most life-changing you know things in my life probably the most life-changing money in my life because at tabhi they gave me the self-confidence to pursue my own thing and to believe in myself and to be self-reliant that I could go out there I could knock on the door and I could get you know some window cleaning sales so we just kept doing it and basically we just you know we're doing like $1000 days obviously we went to the wealthy neighborhoods and we actually did a great job and at the time at the same time me and my buddy found Amazon FBA now Amazon if you guys don't know guys probably familiar with it it's gotten really popular recently and so basically on Amazon Amazon allows third-party sellers so Amazon allows anybody in the world with an internet connection and a product to sell to sell their product on Amazon's platform essentially leveraging Amazon and the massive amount of customers that Amazon has so you know without paying for paid traffic with that Facebook guys anything like that so you know all you got to do is pay for your inventory for the product that's it me my buddy like okay well we have a source of income we're cleaning windows so you know we're making 500 bucks a day eat just about a thousand a day and you know I still have like videos from my channel at the beginning on my journey from us cleaning windows right here playing right now you guys can see there's us just cleaning windows like it's just looking back it's just honestly like it's just nostalgic but we're just hustling out there and so we took our money and basically put it into our own product essentially and so at the time me and my friend we were researching online like we're watching YouTube videos and stuff like Honda make money on Amazon like how to do this how to find a supplier all this stuff and we split a bunch of courses together because we wanted to have access to the best information right this was last year so a lot of things have changed and so my first product I'm not going to get into my Amazon you know my very first products because there's a video right here I'm looking somewhere exactly how I went from 0 to 30,000 a month on Amazon and so basically essentially my first product failed my second product failed my third product was a massive success and it only took like about two or three months and we had started Amazon I would say started like found out about it in March of 2017 and then basically I was already successful making more money than I ever thought I would ever make about like 30,000 a month by the month of June and so we're like holy crap and we're both successful at it we were like let's do this let's do this we're just gonna go we booked a trip to the Bahamas right then and there and you can see there's even videos from us in the Bahamas and we're just like we're just like holy crap like we're sitting on the beach we're living the dream and it only took that like this you know a couple months because we followed you know an income stream that other people were making a ton of money with right and that they all started with no experience so that means that we could too and so you know we were in the Bahamas we're making like a killing and so we were just like this is absolutely unreal this is like what real life is about and you know I was so like I was so amazed that's the right then and there I started a YouTube channel and I had actually already started while we were cleaning windows because I knew that one day I knew that one day I'm gonna look back just like I am today being able to live my dream life being a million at the end of 22 I look back one day and I could just see that like hey this is where I started from like this is proof for everybody out there that I wasn't afraid of doing some manual labor and really getting dirty and so like make my dreams come true and so you know I'm just like I'm so happy that that's there for you guys to see and so basically sort of my youtube channel and you know I was like okay this could be another income stream but also I want to spread the word I really want to share my success and I want to show people like I understand why nobody else is doing this like the fact that I who basically dropped out of college I had dropped out of college by then because I was already making a ton of money from Amazon I was like anybody could do this I didn't understand and I wanted to share the success and so at the time I was reading so many entrepreneurial books I was listen to podcasts I'm like I have knowledge to share I have something to say and I want people to hear it and so I started the YouTube channel and I was sharing I was creating videos on what was working for me in my own Amazon journey and you know I was doing that all that summer and I was working on my Amazon launching new products in just a little flash back here at the age of 15 I had a youtube channel one of the biggest gaming YouTube channels back then and I was making $1,000 a month in passive income just from ads so I always knew it was in my blood so do something so do something on my own it to make passive income I had 50,000 subscribers on PewDiePie I think had like three hundred and fifty thousand subscribers PewDiePie is now the number one most subscribed gaming channel in the entire world so basically I just knew and I was killing myself from the inside I was killing me the fact that I went to college and I was like I fifteen I was making a thousand month of passive income and now I'm a slave to not to the nine-to-five at the bank so you know I just couldn't my identity was in a clique in a clash and so let's fast forward to my youtube channel so the YouTube video started gaining traction and I was like this is the perfect like this is my passion now this is the perfect way for me to start you know becoming an influencer I noticed the time that there weren't a lot of young influencers out there young you know guys and girls who were talking about entrepreneurship and so I wanted to share it with people because I knew that there was no way that I could let the rest of society just you know work the nine of five for the rest of their life I just wanted to share and I had something to say you know from my own journey and so I started to make videos and I was consistent with it I was consistent with it because I've gotten this from you know me working out so I went from like pretty scrawny kid to you know pretty jacked and fit with working out and you know the one thing that allowed me to do that was consistency so I just took that consistency and I applied it to youtube and my Amazon business and so I kept making videos and you know people were loving it people were watching it and I was just like this is awesome I'm making videos and it's just incredible and although you know at the beginning nobody was watching these videos especially the window opening ones right like I was getting maybe two or three views I had like 10 subscribers every single subscriber I got I was like this is absolutely unreal like I'm so happy and so basically coming into videos and then you know I knew that that summer last summer I was really inspired by that book I was talking Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco and I knew that I wanted to you know I'm not gonna spend another winter here in Toronto I'm gonna go and move to Arizona and so I'm like I don't know how I'm gonna do this I have no idea although I'll still make you already make you money from Amazon right but just from Amazon still like if you're a 21 year old guy you don't know anyone and just to go and move it's pretty crazy to a different countries so I went and I moved and I literally waited and waited and you know a month of October November I basically got in my car and I went so I basically packed my bags and I said okay that's it it's getting cold here in Canada I'm moving at the same time people were asking me on my youtube to make a course talking about you know my knowledge sharing my mistakes so that people don't make my mistakes and so just sharing my whole experience what's working for me I'm like okay I can do that you know I can I saw it was out there and I'm like I can create an awesome course an accessible price point that people can go and just learn everything they need to know and so I did that I released the course and it was a hit like BAM was a hit it only took a couple weeks for you know for it to gain traction and fast forward to now the Amazon freedom course is now one of the biggest and most successful courses with the most amount of successful students in the entire world right so far over 2,500 students have gone through the course with many hitting multiple six figures a year six figures a year and you know just absolutely killing it and I get every single day I get success stories like every single day I get scream shout Stan thank you for changing my life Dan thank you so much if it wasn't for you I would be still my nine-to-five job and now I'm enjoying time with my family so clearly like you know for all ages everybody everybody is like you know the message deserves to reach everybody and so basically with the course with my youtube with my personal brand and then I also been doing affiliate marketing on the side and with my Amazon business I became a millionaire at the age of 22 actually right after shortly after my birthday and so obviously you know it's just the beginning like a couple things that I realized once I did hit that 1 million mark was that like wow that wasn't as hard as I thought and all it took was some consistency and belief in self and a huge thing that got me to where I am today is the law of attraction and everything you see here like this bike this like these mountains everything you see here right now I visualized it and I've manifested it into my life and I'm telling you that it's gonna be the most powerful thing I've got videos on it on this YouTube channel and you know it's just it's just such a great thing and essentially if you believe in something enough if you visualize it enough and if you don't let self-limiting beliefs get in it and you're constantly thinking about it then you will get it as long as you take action because gotta be pushed to take action so of course the road didn't come with you know roadblocks there were so many obstacles along the way like the failures that I went with my Amazon products you know even like cleaning windows like those days were rough I mean it was fun as hell just working outside but like it's like everything like we were doing everything and just like there were days where I'm like I don't wanna like I don't wanna do this like this is crazy and so basically you know looking back I'm so happy that I just you know one thing I want to tell you guys is that wherever you are right now right you don't have to know how to get exactly how exactly you're gonna get to let's say if your goal is to become a millionaire if your goal is to become a billionaire or whatever it is you don't have to know how to get there as long as you know you will get there if you know you will get there the way it will unfold and there's always something you can do for today to take action on your goals like it doesn't matter if you literally live like I don't know like under a bridge or something right there's something you can do ok the universe or God or whatever you want to call it I would say God God has given you everything you need right now in your present situation to go and to pursue your dreams so you know that's my message to you and obviously this is just the beginning my goals are to absolutely become the greatest entrepreneur youtuber like to ever exist teaching showing people to get out of the nine-to-five showing people to get away from you know the rat-race mentality from mediocrity and really getting people to go out on their own and I want to make as many people as wealthy and as happy as possible so that's my goal and I know I will get there because it's literally like God's work so anyway that is my story so I mean just going from like zero to you know multiple seven figures a year a millionaire at the age of 22 that's just that's it that's my story and I mean as you can see I'm a normal guy who just had you know a desire a belief and a dream that I acted on the dream and if you act on your dreams you'll get there too so yeah I mean now I'm living here I have lived in Arizona for the winter but now I moved to Vancouver Canada one of my favorite places in the entire world and my home now as you can see is just like it's just incredible out here and so you know just loving the dream and to me being able to help people every single day through the Amazon freedom course right and by the way if you're interested in that if you're interested in being mentored by me and the Amazon freedom course the link is right down below I still have open spots for students and so basically you'll get to know everything you need to know to launch a successful and profitable Amazon FBA business and escape the nine-to-five forever so but yeah at this point my goals are to become the you know the biggest youtuber influencer entrepreneur and also by the end of this year to reach 150,000 subscribers and so that is my goal and next week I'm launching a podcast the Dan Bass show so I'm super pumped for that and I'm also getting into a bunch of other income streams like shop buy drop shipping because I really want to show people the best ways the real ways the no ways to actually make money online and to escape that I'm five and be able to live their dream life because in my opinion every single person watching this video if you're not entrepreneur if you're not working for yourself you're not going to be living your best life period so anyway guys I hope you guys enjoyed my story and I hope you guys can see that anybody like as long as you and as long as you believe in yourself it doesn't matter where you're from doesn't matter who you are with the internet and it's a nice day and age anybody can go in entrepreneur and a very successful entrepreneur alright so go and you know just follow your dreams go out on your own take the road less traveled and if you guys enjoyed this video subscribe to the channel and then also follow me on social media Instagram and snapchat links are below DM me and I'll try my best to answer although I get a lot of messages but I will I will answer okay I promise you so go ahead and DM me and we'll talk and yeah thank you guys so much and go out and live your dreams [Music]
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 35,726
Rating: 4.8164186 out of 5
Keywords: Broke to rich, broke to millionaire, how to be successful, I want to make money, how to change your life, how to make money, how to make money online, make money from home, young millionaire, can you be a millionaire young, amazon millionaire, millionaire secrets, entrepreneur, money, millionaire, wealthy, success, motivation, inspiration, millionaire lifestyle, how to, Dan Vas, Tai Lopez Dan Vas, luxury, Lamborghini, lifestyle, rich, how to become a millionaire, how to make money fast
Id: Vqf92-cK0jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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