How I became successful: My rags to riches story | from dirt poor to millionaire 2020

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hi guys today is a special video I have officially been on YouTube for one month and for the special milestone I want to share my story on how I went from dirt poor in a third world country to now owning multiple successful businesses in the US and why I want to help women so if you're brand new here my name is Olivia Ansell my channel is all about helping women find business ideas validating those business ideas and ultimately turning those ideas into businesses so be sure to subscribe hit the notification bell to be notified when I post a new video every week I was born and raised in Kampala Uganda I lost my dad when I was 10 he had a lot of children from different women with my mother he had me and my sister now this is very common in Africa or I'll say Uganda - for a man to have a bunch of different wives it's very common if you're living with a man and you have kids you're automatically husband and wife so when my dad died because he only had me and my sister were both girls and in Africa in general girls are not really held at the same standards as boys so we were the very first ones to get kicked out we were kicked out of a house that I grew up in or basically given one week to vacate that house we had this house they had a bunch of different rooms in it and we had a storage room so they gave us one week to vacate our house for that one week they moved us into the storage room to make sure we would move out in the week they gave us so we packed everything that we owned and put it in the storage room and after we moved all of our stuff from the main house into the storage room they went and disconnected the electricity from that storage room I guess to make sure our would move at the end of that one week when we moved out we went we moved into another small house that my mom had we were in a slum every time that it would rain the house would flood and I cannot tell you how many times we were walking up at 2:00 3:00 a.m. because the house flooded from 2 a.m. when the whole house is full of water would have to stand for the rest of the night or find a place to sit because until morning to clean the water out however where we lived we were considered to be better off than other people because we did not rent we owned our home and that always gives me a perspective that things can always be worse fine the house is flooding but I'm not worried that we're gonna get evicted like some of the people that rented near us you'd work up on someone is the landlord has locked the door and this family has to move out so it always give me a perspective that things can always be worse things can always be worse and I'm grateful that I learned that at a very young age at the last funeral rites which is a second ceremony after the burial and this is a ceremony that's where the will is supposed to be read that was this heated meeting and I remember my mom crying to these auntie's and uncles and step-siblings that had taken our house from us and saying you took my house from me you took my source of income how am I going to take care of my children and I remember this one aunt who I had met for the first time at my dad's funeral telling my mom you gave birth to worthless girls they're going to move around the world aimlessly that does not even directly translate what was said or the tone or it doesn't fully translate it however it was a very abusive and condescending tone I remember it being the single most defining moment of my life I remember after it was said saying to myself I am going to make something out of myself I am NOT going to be a worthless girl I'm going to prove to this aunt that I'm not worthless I'm going to make my mom proud that she had girls this single moment has defined the rest of my life it gave me a goal and motivation to work towards - I had such a need to prove this person wrong that motivation that goal is a huge reason as to why I am successful now pretty much from when my dad died I've had to take care of myself from finding food to buying my own underwear and my tuition I remember this one school I talked to the school administration and asked them to let me help make the school canteen snacks so I would get subsidized to ition I would walk miles in the evenings after school and weekends selling popcorn and candles there were days I cannot tell you how many days there were where there was no food at home and I remember walking miles looking for scrap metal to sell being 1011 years old no one is going to employ you I mean adults come find jobs no one is gonna employees I used to I had to find something to sell I I used to make things to sell I would learn how to make cakes I sold fruit mention it I try to do it I remember asking neighbors if I could go fetch water for them so they could give me food all they would give me some money I remember even trying to sell this one Ugandan staple food I also feel like that was like one of the bigger defining moments of my business life it's a story for another day but I was trying to sell this Ugandan staple food it went really bad but it taught me a huge lesson that I am still using so many years later and I'll tell you that story one day in a future video to come going through all of this I learned that how much I worked directly helped how much I was able to eat and in my young mind I just wanted to be able to have enough money to buy food and to help take care of my family it helped me so much in developing my work ethic and being hungry for food also made me really hungry for success because I realize if I have food money I am able to eat it is one of those things that you look back and you realize my ambition my drive to go out and get that money directly goes back to those moments I was so hungry because I never want to be hungry again I never want to be poor again I never want to be broke again I learned that at an early age and it's something that I work everyday like I am broke manifestation now this is something I never I didn't know that I was manifesting I didn't know what it was I did not recognize it was what I was doing but my young mind when I would get so hungry it is something I used to do to comfort myself on average we would have one meal a day and there would be days we would go like three days with no food at home and you'd have to figure out where you're gonna get your next meal especially in the nights because I would have one meal a day at night you're like getting your back to getting hungry so I would lay down and I would daydream I used to call it daydreaming I would lay down and think about my life think about how I would start with being hungry whatever was the most pressing thing and most of the times it was hunger and I would dream about one day I'm going to have so much money that I am NOT going to be hungry and when I have all this money I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna eat all the chicken it was like you'd have chicken if it was maybe Christmas like I like in the u.s. how most of the time say you have turkey on Thanksgiving Day it was kind of like that for us to have chicken so I would always think it would be like months since we last had chicken and I just always and I love chicken and I loved rice I would always just lay and think about when I make money I am going to have so much chicken that I cannot eat chicken anymore and I'm gonna have so much rice but then it would start it would go into something else something that was more I would start from hunger and then I would go from hunger and then I would go to something else for a long time I had two dresses I actually put one of those dresses in the thumbnail I had that dress on another dress so I would wear one and wash the other I would just basically alternate wear one today watch the other when they when it's dry I would wear that and then watch the one I was wearing for that day and then I would think about how one day I am going to have so many dresses and so many shoes that I can wear something new every single day and it's so funny because now I own a very high-end store in Uganda and I have all the dresses I could ever want I have all the shoes those are things that I used to think about and but I would go from that and would think about the car that I was going to drive I would think about my mom's house where we were living in this one house and we all slept on a mat covered our souls and there would be like five of us who laying on this mat and I would think about how when I build a house when I'm older and I have money I'm going to build a house and I'm gonna have it it's gonna be ten bedrooms and it's gonna have this and it's gonna have that I would even go as far as thinking maybe I will have three kids maybe I'll have four kids and I will make sure my kids always wore matching clothes and they're gonna have all the toys that I don't have a thing about all these cool toys I'm gonna buy them dolls riding cars and all this stuff and then when I would finish thinking about all that stuff I'd think how much money do I need to be able to do that and in my young mind I thought if I can make 1 million dollars by the time I'm 25 I can be able to buy land I can be able to buy a house or build a house I will buy a car or build my mother a house I'll build my sister house I will start a business I'll have capital to do that so from then I just kept thinking I want to make 1 million dollars by the time I was 25 I always knew that if you had one dollar the dollar has always been huge and America and whatever and I would dream about being in American like if I'm in America if you want have 1 million Shillings Ugandan shillings you can buy you know you can do a lot with it but imagine having 1 million dollars in America and I used to daydream about all of these things however every single thing that I day dreamed about I have achieved more than 90% of it I have achieved and now that I'm an adult I know that I was manifesting having done that I got used to doing that that now as I'm an adult if I have a goal are you obsess about that goal I visualize that goal I I can see how I'm going to watch it even sometimes when I don't know how I'm gonna achieve it I know that Goul is there I just obsess over it until I achieve it setting goals so we all have different goals and we all need different things to consider ourselves successful I reached my first goal when I left Uganda as a teenager I got a job and I started a side hustle and I remember feeling like I now have the means to accomplish so many of the goals that I had set when I was younger and my very first goal my main thing was to make sure my family never lacked again so I remember the first money I ever made I sent it to my sister and I asked her to go stock up on food buy 50-pound bag of rice and whatever I remember after doing that I remember this feeling so proud that goal that I had for so long of making sure my family never lacked again that I had just met the first step on achieving it and I knew that my family is going to be set they're never gonna luck again it made me feel so accomplished if they have everything they need to survive the bare necessities it gave me the feeling of accomplishment pushed me to want to do more the second goal I remember when we were moving to the US my kids were 2 years and under and I knew we're gonna be having more kids I remember thinking months before we even moved that once we move to the US I'm gonna need to adapt to the new country and learn where I'm going to be living of course the kids are still really young and we're gonna have more kids if I can start a side business that can give me $5,000 a month all expenses paid that would be like $60,000 a year I would be pretty happy now my husband had a good job once we moved we bought a nice house and I immediately started in my side hustle 30 days to the day that I moved to the US and a few months later almost a year later I accomplished that goal I was making the money that I wanted after I accomplished it obviously I upped the amount that I wanted to make but what achieving that goal did was it made me feel like I was successful I had my kids I had my husband he had a good job we had a beautiful house I had this side hustle that was giving me the money that I wanted I got comfortable I just told you my story you think about this girl that grew up in us in the slums of a third-world country and now I lived in a half a million dollar home in the United States and I didn't need to worry about what I was gonna eat my family was taken care of I had bought some investments back home I didn't need to work because my husband had a good job but I had a side hustle that was giving me five figures a month while I stayed home with my kids so what that did it made me feel like I had accomplished everything I ever wanted in the world I was I felt like I was successful I had accomplished all my goals and it got very very comfortable I wasn't really striving for anything except you know raising my kids to be good human beings but everything else I would travel whenever I wanted I was living a good life but what that did is it killed every ounce of ambition that I had the drive the ambition I had growing up it killed it I felt like I had achieved everything I ever wanted and my drive my ambition went down the drain but then like life is always there to remind us to chill us out like calm down sister like calm down at the end of 2014 I got this huge wake-up call now granted it's a decision we made for my husband to resign but he lost his job I would say that was the second most defining moment of my life I realized that I had gotten comfortable I had dreamt too small I realized that our family was depending on my husband I realized that my side hustle I actually had three side hustles at that point that I was not really treating them as sources of income that could take care of my family I was doing it to not get bored I'm an entrepreneur I always like having something going on I always have some kind of side business it woke me up - I realized that whatever success I thought I had achieved it was all in my head it was not my success I was depending on my husband my husband master's degree my husband's job good job that was the success that I thought I got I I thought I was successful but I wasn't I was depending on someone else's achievement someone else's job someone else's education in my head I thought I was successful those two defining moments of my life one when I was a child and another when I was an adult taught me that success is an ever-evolving goal that we should all always strive for for a very long time I considered success in monetary terms and I know it is because of my childhood growing up poor I never want to be broke again my main goal for the longest time was to create financial freedom was to have that financial success and that's how I always defined success but now where I am knowing I own multiple businesses making seven figures I still have goals to grow this business - eight nine figures but I've gotten to a point I guess having gone through that monetary success for a few years now I am now at a point in my life where I am starting to completely look at - success differently now it is probably because I have achieved the monetary success and I am actively working on growing that those businesses that monetary success to grow but now I have more things that I am considering successful thinking I have spent so many years developing this entrepreneurship knowledge my experiences that I've gone through now I feel like success is if I can help someone else that could be in my situation that was in my situation or they could be that wants to reach that financial freedom now I feel like success is where I'm heading that that's where my new goal for success is all the businesses have started in the past were completely money driven and I will say if you're just starting up if you're an entrepreneur that is just starting out you need to follow the money first I will always say that that is what I did all my businesses followed the money but now I'm at a point in my life where now I'm starting businesses that I'm passionate about my latest business I absolutely love I love the people we serve I love the people that I work with I love the work that I do I love giving back now I started this where I want to help more women start businesses I mean it takes me oh I don't know a few hours between trying to find out what I'm gonna talk about on YouTube recording the videos that is time I'm not spending with my children that is - time that I'm not spending on any of my businesses but it's something that's worth it for me I know if I can wake up one day if I help one person if I help one mother set up business I have one woman realized you know what my husband having a job it's just a safety net if something were to happen to him now what would I do if I can hope one woman figure that out I am successful I've gotten to a point where my definition or view of success has changed now I'm going to do this goal I'm going to focus on helping as many women as I can learn how to start businesses and maybe in the future once I feel like this is going and I've done enough and I have a really good process in how I can help everyone I will maybe start something else maybe up a point I'll start a non-profit because my first goal of success was completely monetary and now those businesses have grown and they are making so much money that I can take some of that money and start a nonprofit I don't know what it would be about but that will be my next goal and at that point I am also helping a lot of other women level up they we all define success differently if you're watching my videos you know that I'm all about starting businesses definitely follow the money first and once you reach that financial freedom then start looking at other parts of your life that will help you feel successful maybe it's becoming a better mom maybe it's investing in yourself I feel like success is a forever evolving thing you should not reach one goal and feel like you've made it like I just told you my story you should always work on success as I reach this goal it feels amazing now set another goal that you can be successful
Channel: Olivia Ansell - ANSELLVANIA
Views: 37,417
Rating: 4.9118328 out of 5
Keywords: How I became successful my rags to riches story, setting goals, how to set goals, how i went from broke to successful, how i went from dirt poor to millionaire, how i went from broke to millionaire, from rags to riches, how i became a successful woman, how to be a millionaire, How I Went From Broke To Millionaire In Less Than Two Years. This Is My Story - PART ONE, law of attraction, my rags to riches story, success story, olivia ansell, rags to riches story, rags to riches
Id: YvGaqoabsC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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