How I Became Successful In 34 Days (Ecommerce)

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you know what is going on guys welcome back to another video so this video gonna break down exactly how I was successful in like the first 34 days of me starting an online business I'm gonna break down exactly what that online business is how it works and like I said how I was successful in the first 30 days I've told this story before on my channel if you guys don't know i grossed like something over 5,000 it was like five thousand two hundred or five thousand four hundred dollars or something like that that's what i grossed the first month of this business and I'm gonna just explain how I did all that break it down and I'm gonna tell you my story and all that so there's gonna be a lot of information in here and maybe I could actually resonate with a lot of people watching this because I think that most people watching this were probably or are probably in my shoes when I started my first month so I think that if you just pay attention and listen to what I did and how I found my issues and fix them maybe you could fix your own issues as well and start grossing more with your business or profiting more with your business or whatever the case may be so I'm actually just gonna pull up my phone really quick I didn't clear my notifications from last night I'm not gonna put it too close to the phone because you guys will see my store and I don't want you guys to see it but if you see I didn't clear my notifications from last night and these are all my Shopify notifications so there's one for $30 they're $18 another $30 notification they're a ton just another $32 right there I'm still scrolling down 25 25 so that was all just from the short night that I had I only stopped for like six hours and there's just a ton more so I literally get paid to sleep now and I have multiple stores running I have three stores running currently and so it's great to just wake up two to multiple sales and multiple stores running all the time I want to show you all that it's possible and that you can get paid to sleep and drink Starbucks coffee anyway so let's get into our won't waste any more of your time so I love this story and I've told it a couple times but here we go my first store that I ever started if any of you guys know the store or the website this is why I'm broke it's just a website with a bunch of stupid gag gifts right it's just like a bunch of things like a five pound gummy bear or some just some dumb things that like people would get for their friends or for people that they love just to make them laugh or something like that I knew about that store and it always made me laugh because I would just browse through their products and I would I'm gonna buy this Aria I'm gonna buy this but I never actually bought anything but they made me laugh so what I did with my first Shopify store was I actually I actually modeled that store off - after this is why I'm broke so like I had a product that was like it look made you look like you were naked like a towel I had a bunch of stupid products on my first store and I was super proud of it but at the end of the day it was a completely terrible idea and that's not how Shopify works at all but I showed it off to all my family and all my friends and they're like oh yeah this is so stupid you're never gonna make any money and I was like whatever like it's not a big deal but anyway moving on so I did that store I realized very quickly that that was not going to make any money so I actually I'm very quickly before I even ran any ads just completely took down that store and then restarted so I found other youtubers on YouTube that would talk about Shopify and would say hey you should start a niche store so for those of you that don't know in each store is just more specific towards like a collection of products like maybe watches bracelets maybe leggings maybe hats maybe like Buddha items I don't know but that's niche so it's just a specific group of collection so my second store it was a nice store I uh it started with men's fashion so I sold watches bracelets sunglasses I found a couple of other people selling this this same thing successfully and all I did was I actually just modeled their stores as well so I saw their stories and it was really attractive and I was like yes I would probably buy something off this store and I wanted my store to look similar to their store because if I would buy something off their store then I was pretty certain that other people that saw my store would feel the same way so I was like okay I want other people to look at my store and say I would buy something off that so that's all I did was I modeled like three or four of my competitors in terms of products and in terms of just like the color and the overall layout of the store I just modeled my competitors that were doing well so moving on from there I started with influencers I didn't run any Facebook ads I didn't any do any Twitter I didn't do any snapchat I started with only influencers first time I ran an influencer ad I ran it for a bracelet now most of you guys know who Rory Gannon is he talked a lot about the lion bracelet he blew that up that product was super trending like a year ago but that's one of the products I had in my store and what I did was I actually took that line bracelet and I went - a lion page on Instagram and I tried promoting it and I think I got to sales but I was still in the negative I think I made like I think I was selling for like ten dollars and I spent like $40 on the shoutout and I only made like two sales and then I went and I found another influence or another line influencer and I did it again and I think I spent like $60 and I only made like three sales maybe like 30 bucks and prop there were like $32 or something not profit $32 of gross so at this point this was like the first week and a half I was like okay this like obviously I can get sales but I'm not profitable and I don't know why so I was starting to get confused but I decided I was like okay well maybe I'm just not gonna sell this product I'm just gonna go and try something else so I created a whole new ad for a watch this time and then what I did was I went to a men's fashion influencer now this was completely like out of my thinking nobody told me to do this I was just like okay if the line bracelet on a line page isn't working I'm gonna take a watch to like a men's fashion page and see what happens so that's exactly what I did I took it to the first men's fashion page that I found on Instagram I literally typed in men's fashion in the search bar and the first one had like two million followers I think I spent $80 or something like that are 70 something dollars just under $100 and I promoted the watch and I made like two or three sales so I was like for some reason I was convinced at this point I was like okay this is like this is so weird I just it's it's like working but I can't make money like obviously the the process works but I can't make money and I didn't realize that the time the reason that it wasn't working was because the influencers were saturated because it was the first influencer I mean how many people have searched men's fashion and ran an ad on the first account that pops up like probably hundreds of people so it was already saturated I didn't understand that at the time but before giving up I decided I'd give it one more try and I went to a smaller influencer like 350 K so I went to the smaller influencer I didn't ask any questions as I just said hey like how much for a 24-hour post I think that he charged me about 50 or 60 bucks I think it was $60 and so this is where the famous story that I tell a lot of people when I'm speaking at events when I'm doing all these things I tell a lot of people this story so at the time I was working as a caregiver making $10 an hour from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and I would make $10 so 12 hour shifts or 120 bucks today after taxes probably like in 90 or whatever so work was a 10-minute Drive in the morning the night before I talked to the influencer and I scheduled that post for early in the morning early the next morning so basically white right when I woke up is right when he posted it like 10 minutes after I woke up is when he made the post go live because um a lot of the people on his page were from East Coast it was three hours ahead so I will go back the six am I the post went live and a lot of people saw that at 9:00 a.m. and on the way to work which was a ten minute drive I actually made $60 and so I was driving my Ford Fusion and I was like I was just in the car and I just heard that sound the King and then I was like okay what like I mean that was quick I came in to another sale and by the time I got to work I had already made like $60 and I think that was like five four or five sales I'm a couple people a couple people were buying more than one product and while I was talking to the people there right before I was starting my shift I made like another one and then I made another one and so basically throughout the entire day I was making sales in Manoa and I cannot tell you how happy I was so by the end of the day by the time I stopped working by 6:00 p.m. I had made like like I said a hundred bucks from caregiving and then my Shopify store actually for the first time grossed $400 in one day so that completely blew my mind for the first time I was profitable because of that day like I caught up with all the other bad days I have and like I think maybe I broke even or something at that point I was just barely profitable but I immediately caught up all my stuff and I was just either broken even or barely profitable I don't remember but throughout that entire day I was writing down every single order what they ordered what time they ordered it and I you know for the influencer I would write the influencer at the very top of my page I literally had a notebook and the notebook is filled with pages now sorry I had a notebook it was filled with pages of different influencers and different ads and different copies and different offers and I wish I could find the notebook I can't find it and if I do find out one day I'll show you guys and I'll make a youtube video about it moving on so I started to post on him every single day I bought like five shoutouts in advance because he would give me a deal if I if I bought five and that would just make the advertisements cheaper which would make me more money he would just make my margins bigger so I bought five more shots and then I kept on going and I kept on going and that influence has started to get a little bit less every all day because that's what happens if you promote the same offer and the same picture in the same product daily is that people will start to get annoyed and I didn't know that at the time but the way you should be doing it is you should be promoting like maybe two or three times a week different pictures different offers different products just so that you don't saturate or annoy all the followers that are following that influencers so moving on um I decided to start looking for other influencers and I found one with 800,000 followers and he was charging $100 for 24 hours and I immediately said no and I waited a couple days and I'm you know scheduled another post with that old one and it didn't do it as well so I came back to this guy and I said all right you know I'll give it a shot I was like let's do it for 80 bucks for 24 hours see what happens so that's what we did I did it for $80 24-hour posts and I think that day I made like seven hundred and eighty dollars off that influencer so that was insane I remember I was actually on my way to play volleyball with my brother-in-law and my two friends in the back and I was literally just getting sales and they were all so confused and I was like I was like dude seven hundred and eighty dollars it was like 7 p.m. and I was on my way to play body puffs but anyway at that point I realized how to isolate variables and that's a very important thing that I preach a lot that most people don't talk about but I was able to figure out that the influencers was one of the most important things and the reason I was able to find good influencers is because I talked to them and I would say how long have you been advertising for and if they said not very long at all I knew that they would not be saturated and I could make more money off them so that is something that I really stretch so go find influencers that haven't been advertising forever because your chances to be profitable are a lot higher and then I found very shortly that the product I promoted on that big influencer with 800,000 followers that specific watch was just a very good product so I know I had a good influencer I know I had a good product a good offer and basically just doing those things building up those influencers and having a notebook with all my successful influencers and all my unsuccessful influencers it was very easy for me to isolate all the variables that are bad and good and take the good ones and make them work so when I eventually moved over to Facebook and Twitter I already had a good product I already had a good offer I knew my website was good and it was basically easier it was like 50 percent easier for me to go to Facebook and work because I wasn't completely blind you know if say for example you started with and you have no knowledge at all it's going to be harder because you don't know if you have a good project and you don't know if you have a good offer but the way I started enabled me to go into Facebook not 100% blind which made it easier for me on Facebook as well so I've told that story multiple times and like I just kept my own with that influencer and I think the first month like I said I made I grow staff I've brand and overall like this I just really love telling the story because it's super fun like it's super motivating and I like seeing people's reactions to it I remember on Black Friday I ran the same the same influencer with the same product and all I did was change it to Black Friday sale and then I gave like a higher percentage off and then that day I gross like $1300 on that first store that I had so it didn't take me more than 30 days to start seeing some pretty cool results and I think that the reason was because I was so dedicated and so like I'm going to make this work no matter what I literally just wrote down every single minut detail and I planned everything and I mapped out everything and I just had like an entire drawing board in this notebook of what went well and what went wrong and how to focus on the good things and it was just crazy it was just a really crazy experience but I would say that the reason I was successful and how I became successful in the first 30 days is because I tested because I tried so many different things and everything that I tried I wrote down and I was so dedicated to to get resultant to see results that I didn't care about anything else I was just like I'm going to test test test test absolutely everything I tested like ten different products like ten different add pictures I eventually ordered those products and took my own pictures and I tested those too and it worked really well different copies different influencers I tested everything and I wrote everything down and I think that's what enabled me to be successful and I think that most people don't do that I think most people don't put in the effort to write absolutely everything down I mean I had like I had an entire book basically with just dates and decimals and numbers and money and and profit and gross and how much I made I literally had like an entire book it was like a notebook filled with stuff and I just don't think that most people will go through the extra step or take the extra step to do that and to put in that much effort so if I were to say what if I were to say that one thing that made me successful in 30 days I would just say that that the the desire to have it the I will do anything I will test anything I didn't care I just wanted to get results was more than anything and then I would say another thing was just writing everything down not making the same mistake twice anybody that does something does the same thing twice and expects a different outcome is insane according to Albert Einstein so I didn't do the same thing twice I was always trying new things and I think that's what enabled me to do well my very first month so I'm gonna cut it at that guys I hope that you enjoyed this video just recording this video I made another shop of myself from from this store and it was $48 so I just like that and it's even going slow right now it's been 15 minutes I only had one but I just want to show you guys that it's possible I just want you guys to be aware especially that Black Friday is coming up right now and I think that it's the perfect time to get into it because it's q4 and if you're ever going to learn it's going to be easier now than ever until next q4 but other than that guys I'm gonna end the video there if you guys want go ahead and check the description for some juicy stuff in there there's a couple of links I added that's new there's a couple of PDFs that you guys can download for free and then some other links to some other funnels that you guys may be interested in so make sure you guys go check that video if you enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like because that's how I know that you like the content I judge my video by the amount of likes and dislikes it gets so if you like it like the video and if you don't then subscribe to me make sure you subscribe anyway it's free it's literally free and I give away free value that could help you make money so I don't see why you wouldn't subscribe so make sure you click those two buttons like and subscribe and I will see you guys all in the next video Happy Thanksgiving and I'll see you guys in like three days
Channel: Sebastian Ghiorghiu
Views: 2,008,235
Rating: 4.9054918 out of 5
Keywords: shopify, drophsipping, sebastian ghiorghiu, how i was successful in 34 days, ecommerce, ecom, shopify dropshipping, hayden bowels, shopify store, shopify 2019, dropshipping 2019, shopify q4, my shopify story, sebastian, shopify for beginners, shopify tutorial for beginners, shopify drop shipping, shopify case study, Shopify success story, how to make money with shopify, Shopify success, Sebastian georghiu, online business, make money online, how i became successful in 34 days
Id: aG6UR8dbYPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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