One Product Dropshipping Guide | The Fastest Way From Zero To $10,000/Month With Shopify

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what's going on guys Dan here and in today's video we'll be talking about the best way to get to ten thousand dollars a month with Shopify drop shipping and that is one product drop shipping so it's actually gonna be a complete guide to how I'm making actually much more than ten thousand a month but this is gonna be for all you guys out there just getting started because ten thousand dollars a month is life-changing money and before I want to get into the actual you know video I want to show you guys exactly where I'm staying here in Greece so check it out check this out it's insane look at this insanity I mean Shopify is cool and all but a view like this this is why you to start a profitable shop by business so I've been hanging out here for the past week and it's been amazing so the matings just for lifestyle I but I'm still working on my shop and I'm still working on my e-commerce businesses on my Amazon FBA actually just launching products this morning and so anyway let's go ahead and get to the video I'm gonna show you guys everything you need to know in order to become successful with one product drop shipping and to get to ten thousand dollars a month with Shopify let's go alright guys so the fastest way from zero to ten thousand dollars a month with Shopify and so for this video it's gonna be a one product drop shipping guide and I'm gonna be explaining everything that you guys need to know to start a profitable one product drop shipping store so what is one product drop shipping one product drop shipping essentially is just the shop buy store that only sells one product maybe two or three but usually it's one I would say like 80% of the time or 90% of the time it's only one product and I know that sounds crazy because they're probably like Dan how is it possible to make so much money right and I'm talking about way more than ten thousand but you know for the purpose of this video I just want to give you guys an achievable and predictable goal which is ten thousand dollars a month but you might be wondering like Dan how is it even possible to make so much money with just one product on Shopify and that's because you are actually creating an e-commerce brand versus just doing simple drop shipping so this is I found the best and quickest way to start a profitable shop buy business and it's honestly a lot easier than you think and it's much simpler than you think to actually starting one probe drop shipping store because you're not constantly testing products you're already looking for one product stores out there that are already you know doing well that are already making a lot of money and it's very very obvious when a store is already making a lot of money and also general stores which by the way is like the idea that you go out there and start a store and then put a ton of products on there and then just basically you know keep testing product every single day I don't recommend that because even if you do find a winning product then you're not gonna be able to build a brand my whole purpose on this channel here is to give you guys the real information on how to build a profitable business that will make you money not just you know today this week but every single month for the next years and I'm talking about multiple years you know five to ten years and so for that you know you want to build the brand you want to build something that has staying power something that you know won't just be ruined when somebody else comes and is better ads than you and just basically you know let's say the trend dies down for your product something like that so this is the best way to make money on Shopify 2018 I firmly believe it and I am living proof of this because I actually went out there I tried general stores I tried one probably drop shipping one product optioning for me turned out to be the Kaveri clear winner because I've made much much more than ten thousand dollars a month actually my store right now is that over two hundred thousand dollars a month in revenue I'm gonna show you guys that right now so this is my e-commerce brain right here and I know it looks crazy but look at this I've been making six hundred seven thousand dollars since February first is how much I've made since the 1st of February today is May 13th so this turns out to be about like two hundred thousand a month or something like that so February March April so as you can see this is how much the daily figures are and in here I really really scaled up and here I focused more on profit so I really you know once I got all the data once I really found out what's working then I really started to you know optimize and really got down to you know lower revenue and making more profit which is the key so yeah so basically this is this is it and this is exactly what I'm doing it's a one product drop shipping store and it's actually one product plus one complementary product and right now I'm focusing on adding other products as well but I know that my first product the main one will still be the highest seller by the way by now I'm on European time it's 4:17 p.m. and this is actually European time and my stores running on La time Los Angeles so that's why the sales right now it's a $7 made today but if we look at yesterday's sales it was $4,000 as you can see and then the day before was $5,000 so I mean guys I can tell you like this isn't hard and you know this is just something that took me actually a quite a quite a time because I was trying to figure out like everything what to do you know which ads to run whether general stores are better than one probably drop shipping stores and so I finally cracked the code and I finally found the formula and for me the most important thing for this bread one of my personal goals is to sell this brand right here and by the way I just launched this brand products today the two products on Amazon today and so I already got like five or ten orders today for that product with zero reviews or anything like that which shows how powerful a brand is because I know that people are already googling for my brand on Google and that's how they're buying from Amazon and so as you can see you can then expand to Amazon and I'm gonna show you guys some amazing examples on other a one product drop shipping story so you guys can see just how powerful this model is if you have nothing else but a computer and an internet connection and a willingness to learn and also obviously the right information and guidance so that's my case study right there went from zero to over 20,000 a month in revenue with a product that is great quality a growing trend with nothing else other than Facebook ads Instagram ads in some very little influencer marketing and by the way I went from zero it's a ten thousand dollars a month which is the gold I'm talking about in this video because I think it's a great goal and it's an achievable goal for you guys out there for you out there who is just starting out with Shopify and with e-commerce and so I went from 0 to 10,000 a month in less than one week and that's because I filmed great ads which are called scroll Stoppers and so what a skull stopper ad is it's like you film and add that basically gets somebody to stop scrolling their Facebook feed or their Instagram and they're like whoa you know and they're really like blown away by the product and so I'll talk a little bit about more about that later here but I also looked at what my competitors were doing in the in the niche and so I saw that my competitors weren't that confident they were really putting a lot of effort into it but I noticed that they had some great ads and so guys my like my formula for success has always been like look at what's working out there because there are there's information out there that isn't creating millionaires every single day there's information out there that is creating massive success for people and massive abundance every single day with Shopify with Amazon with everything and all you have to do is figure out what that information is whether whether it's free whether have to pay money for courses or whatever it is once you have that information it's all up to you and you know kill the internet like a fast internet connection and a half working laptop then you can make it to I mean that's how I did it from cleaning windows and you guys know that if you've been watching my channel for a long time I used to work at the bank quit then you know started cleaning windows and I mean now I'm here and I'm filming this from Greece which is absolutely crazy but so I got a custom logo on the product after the first month which by the way is a huge goal you want to have a custom logo on your product after the first month I would say as soon as you have a proven demand for your product that's the reason I waited a month so at first I was drop shipping with a packet and drop shipping with a packet is just simply you know you're using the Chinese it's the fast shipping method but it's not that fast that's two to three weeks and so that's why at first you're just drop shipping or drop shipping but then after what I did was I quickly switched to bulk orders and I started using a fulfillment service in the United States because then I can start offering two to three days shipping on my store and about bulk orders you might be wondering Dan like what's the point of doing buck orders you know then you have to go and pick up all that money up front we're doing drop shipping so isn't that the whole point like you want to lower the risk and you don't want to invest any money well let me tell you if you want to build a dependable ecommerce brand at first you don't have to do any bulk orders you actually never have to do any bulk orders you can just offer a package to the three weeks shipping and that will be fine you will get a few people who are you know complaining about lost orders and things like that so that's why since my goal is actually sell this brand for you know a hundred million dollars in the few years I really believe that this brand to me the leader the number one in this trend in this niche right now because I've seen other private label companies and companies that started out drop shipping do this in other niches so I'm hundred percent certain that I can do it too so for me that's why I wanted to start offering two or three and shipping because it's more professional and so I'll talk about that more later I covered that in other videos on my channel as well about using fulfillment services and things like that and then about the ads at themselves guys you don't have to make them super fancy look at what your competitors are doing write down exactly you know how they're like what the scroll stopper is how it catching the attention you know how they're going about the ad does the ad show like the problem and then they're solving the problem right away and they're like they're having a swipe up just really dig into your competitors ad and just write down the things that pop out and I use nothing other than my iPhone's to fill me ads like you don't need some special crazy camera I to have a camera that I was using for my YouTube videos so I use that also for the product photography for my product so I actually got a sample and then I also had to redo the product photography once I got my other logo on my product which is no problem it's really easy you just take some nice pictures edit them a little bit you can even use like regular filters and so yeah that's exactly how I went from zero to over 200,000 a month and you know now a large part of that's a profit and so that's why I'm very very happy about it so now let's look at some examples of million-dollar what product drop shipping stores and I know it sounds crazy like a million dollar you know trust me guys you're gonna get there eventually but right now I just want to show you guys this because if you have an endpoint and if you kind of have a vision of okay look this is what I need to do based on you know how these brands became successful then you know at least then you'll have like the guidance and you'll understand what the target is here so the first example is a product called hey silky skin a brand called hey silky skin and what they did was they built a one product store around a laser hair removal device and obviously something like that laser hair removal device they'll be incredibly hard to sell on Amazon or elsewhere because you know there could be medical restrictions FDA certifications that are needed right for Amazon I've been selling on Amazon for years and I can tell you Amazon is very strict with things like this and so that's why it's perfect for Shopify you can go and sell whatever you want obviously you know you know what you don't want something that will have some customs restrictions or something that is illegal but this is something that's amazing it's perfectly fine to sell it because it's legal its laser hair removal and that's all it is and this brand is making over a million a month like guaranteed I've been on their website and based on their site rank based on their site rank in the world on the Lexx I saw that they're making a ton of money and plus the product cost over $20 so I'm gonna show you guys them right now so let's go on their website a silky skin calm and as you can see it's a one product store and so I don't know whoever said that one product stores aren't good I mean look at this it's just one product and you know they found it on Alibaba Aliexpress I'll show you guys really quick here Alibaba calm where they found it and I'm actually in the process right now of building a store that is with the same product but I'm gonna really improve on it and so I mean this is a tough competitor because I mean they're killing if they got reviews they've got all these celebrities and influencers promoting their product but for me someone was many years of e-commerce experience it's not a problem and also by the way for you it's not a problem they're like you don't need many years like you could do this from zero having no experience I became successful with the e-commerce in three months from zero to thirty thousand a month with no experience and that was me at the age of twenty-one so you don't need any special you know knowledge like these videos aren't enough so I'm gonna show you guys this right here it's called a laser hair removal handset so I have actually have it right here probably laser hair removal by the way how does searching of products reusable cute tips I'm not even kidding why would anyone buy that I don't know I found that it was a bad product but yeah use little q-tips that's disgusting okay laser hair removal handset actually laser hair removal IPL that's what the product is cost so they're kind of clever about it and they're so there you go this is it right here it's about forty forty seven dollars apiece and look they've got their logo on it one probably dropshipping a vital part of it which is exact when I talked about you want a logo and they're offering free one two three three day express shipping through a fulfillment service like the one that I personally use is ship Fusion Calm it's really great shape you can calm as you can see this is the fluent service that I use you can go contact them but that's only when you already have you know bulk orders coming in you've got a proven product so right here I mean we saw it earlier but that's the product it's as simple as that and these I mean this store whoever started it they're making well over a million a month in revenue and it's just a one product drop shipping store so amazing example they've got like you know a 90-day money-back guarantee they've got a ton of reviews I mean it's nothing nothing's hard about this you know and so it's something that you guys can do and hopefully it really inspires you as well because anybody can do this like there's no reason to be worked in the 905 the second example here is blend jet so they built in one product store around a portable electric blender targeting moms and young busy people and I don't know how much they're making but I'm pretty sure they're making for sure over 500,000 a month maybe even a million a month and that's what the low ticket product and both of these stores by the way sell nothing other than their main products nothing else so they're just purely one product drop shipping store so I'll show you that right now this one's called blend jet okay so let's take a look most powerful portable blender I guess in the world and then there they have gents two over here so the Gallic influencers and their branding it as the original portable blender so boom it's just one product and everything is about this one product they really niche down and so you know it makes it so much easier don't have to go out there and market and create ads for all these different products just focus on making amazing ads where there's just just this one product that you're gonna choose right and you know if you're wondering whether this product is soo competitive by the way this is a great product like anybody who wants to go do this you're gonna make a lot of money but you just have to have the right information you have to kind of you know figure out how to run ads and things like that that's where of course would help out so there you go they even have customer support which is a 184 for a number which is really easy to get but you know eventually you don't need at the beginning but eventually you can get that and you can you know hire virtual assistants and things like that so as you can see another amazing example of a multi-million dollar want one product drop shipping store and I want to talk about a few things here that are key so with hey silky skin may we're selling a product for two hundred dollars I was about two hundred ten dollars and so with that price like it's more of a high ticket product if you're selling a high ticket products so it's like two hundred hours in the Bob or hundred hours in a Bob obviously it's gonna cost you more to acquire the customer but you know you could also be much more profitable than looks like it off it really depends everything works you just have to choose something choose one product set a goal for yourself which by the way ten thousand dollars a month broken down into per day right then we're gonna do ten thousand a month / 3000 three hundred and thirty three dollars in revenue Ryan we're talking about revenue here now about profit that's part of your calculate with shop buy because really depends on your Facebook Ads let's say that it costs you for let's say you're selling like this blend red right here and let's say that it's about thirty nine ninety nine US dollars it's as euros right here's I'm in Europe right now so let's say it costs you about fifteen dollars to acquire the customer let's say it's $39.99 - seven dollars that's how much it costs to - 15 which is the ads cost $17.99 and so to have $7.99 per unit profit we have to do 10,000 divided by 30 divided by $17.99 you only have to sell 18 of these a day to hit ten thousand dollars a month in profit and of course that depends on your Facebook ads and things like that but it's a very realistic and a very doable goal and if something very very quickly once you really start applying this information and here's a quick step-by-step guide that I wrote down so you guys can actually get started implementing the strategy in this business model so step one is to start doing product research and how you do that is my favorite way is to just find a great product with a WOW factor so you want to make sure your product really makes people go WOW when there's going through their Facebook or their Instagram you also want to make sure it's a growing trend and so for that just go on friends it's an amazing website I use it literally every single day to check out trends for new products and things like that and you also want to look at existing competition if there's a visiting competition that means it's a good thing and that means there's money to be made right so you can also for like an amazing product research technique you can also scroll down here Facebook newsfeed or your Instagram feed just like literally scroll through spent some time and look for shop buy stores and great products I guarantee that you'll see so many amazing ideas just by doing that and you know the problem is not finding a product the problem is actually you know getting the right ads for Shopify it's all about the ads the Facebook ads running paid traffic and converting a customer in the backend right and that sounds all like daunting and stuff like that it sounds really kind of a little bit complicated but it's not as long as you're willing to learn and so step 3 is create a beautiful-looking store minimalistic that's the trend nowadays you know you don't have to make it look super fancy but make it really look premium and clean and don't make it look like Shopify default you know use some custom coding in there and I explain a little bit more about that in my other videos as well and so you know you're basically just instead of having like default fonts and things like that you can just hire coders on or anywhere else I talked more about that on the Shopify freedom course but the next step is you want to film ads that stop people scrolling and catches their attention with problem solving type ads so you know scroll stopper in the ad and then boom shows the problem and then after solves the problem instantly with the product you know so you should have someone like using the product solves the prom' and then a swipe up so a call to action or click the link or whatever it is usually be a swipe up and then you want to start actually running your Instagram and Facebook guides you want to optimize in the scale and then move over to bulk orders and then getting a logo and the reason for that is because we're actually building a brand and then we can offer two to three days shipping and we don't have any risk because even if we're doing ball quarters and we're investing money to our product well you know we already know that the product is selling well there's no risk and then we also have bigger margins because then we're not per-unit we're paying in hundreds of thousands of units and lastly some very very important things that you need to remember before we go here you will need to find a product with a la factor preferably a growing trend I talked about that so transfer cool calm so for example coffee ok coffee this is like an iced cappuccino or something that's a growing trend right now you know like obviously people more people around the world are drinking coffee because you know people are more tired that they're working more harder so coffees huge just as an example and you know you don't want something that's like a fad it goes up and down and then that's it next running profitable Facebook Instagram ads is not easy you need to be ready to learn and I have many amazing free Facebook ad videos on my channel as well as Instagram ads so you guys can go check them out I mean it's just my channel is a goldmine of resources for you who wants to start out and who really wants to you know start living their dream life and who wants to make passive income part of their life and really you know start a profitable online business now you need to also be ready to run away as far away as possible from copy paste on Express style drop shipping and I know it sounds crazy but that's what I call it you know everybody else just kind of copy paste stuff I'll Express and that's not what we do here we're on a whole other level we're about building an e-commerce brand and it's all so much easier than you think if you have the correct guidance and mentorship and while talking about mentorship here a few days ago I finally released the Shopify freedom course and this is every single thing you need to know to build a 6 7 and 8-figure Shopify drop shipping business and e-commerce brand remember I said we're about not just building simple ecommerce you know businesses where you constantly have to do work but we're talking about actually you know building an e-commerce brand something like movement watches Jim sharks something really really big that will change your life forever and so the link for the shop life rate of course is below and you also do get my mentorship I already had a ton of students that have been joining I already have over 225 students in the course so it's been amazing but I will be closing the course here in less than one week because I want to make sure that the first group of people that I have in the course is gonna have my complete and undivided attention and my mentorship as well because I'm answering your questions every single day on my personal Facebook profile and I mean look at this like there's every single thing I mean this is the best like possible course that I could have created like every single they need to know as well as a mind-blowing Facebook Ads module on pixels laser focusing on the most proud audience scaling and then also an entire scaling Facebook Ads modules so if once their marketing and everything so as you can see everything needs to know so the link for the shop life reading of course is below and make sure that once you join there's gonna be a link below the course videos don't forget to click there and that will you'll be able to message me on a personal Facebook profile to get started with the mentorship so I hope you guys enjoyed this video subscribe to the channel for a lot more amazing Shopify content and let me know what you guys want kind of content you want to see on Shopify up ssin what guys are struggling with and I'm gonna try my best to create videos about that so we've a comment below I hope you guys really enjoyed this one and I'll see you guys soon subscribe
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 43,718
Rating: 4.9141273 out of 5
Keywords: Hayden Bowles, Arie Scherson, Beast of Ecom, Jordan Welch, Braden Wuerch, Juan Valdez, Tristan Broughton, James Still, The Realistic Entrepreneur, Trey Cockrum, Malik Mufasa, The Real Zaki, Sebastian Ghiorghiu, Kevin David, Flying Start Online, James Beattie, Markus Evers, Franklin Hatchett, private label, private labeling, private labeling for shopify, shopify one product store, shopify tutorial, shopify step by step, how to start a shopify store, dan vas
Id: rJ6jTSrFx4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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