How To Make Your First Million | Lesson 1: Beginning On Your Journey

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in 1969 humanity landed a man on the moon this absolutely crazy previously unachievable task took thousands of phds years of research and trillions of dollars in combined effort not to mention absolute faith and belief in the fact that it would work now imagine you making a million dollars earning it while doing what you love and being happy success when fulfilled is a life like this really that hard to achieve absolutely not we landed a man on the moon and you're trying to tell me that you can't make a million everything you've been taught is wrong hi my name is dan vass and today i want to welcome you to something incredibly special that i'm doing on my channel here today this is by far the best work that i've ever done and i'm calling it the how to make your first million course in the next 10 to 20 videos which are actually designed to be lessons i will be sharing with you a transformational system that will change your life forever this is a summary of all the most important all the most life-changing wealth and mindset lessons that i've learned in my own crazy entrepreneurial journey going from broke at the age of 20 to finding what i love finding my passion reaching success at the age of 24 where i am today building a successful multi-million dollar e-commerce and e-commerce trading company and i'm gonna be sharing all that with you through all the lessons that you're gonna learn i'm gonna share with you a way to position your life to place your life along the right lifeline for you so that you can achieve your personal destiny so that you can make your first million dollars doing what you love and the point of the course is not to just make a million dollars the point of the course is to align your life to what you're meant to be doing you know i can tell you right off the bat that it's not about making a million dollars right it's you know if you wanted me to actually make a course on like how to make a million you know step one step two step three that's the wrong mindset okay i can tell you going back to the beginning before i had made my first million dollars i can tell you that it wasn't about the money it was about the person that i had become it was about this new confidence that i had that i was on the right life path it was about this discipline that i've developed it was about all these lessons that i've learned of the most successful people right i didn't i'm not a product of myself i'm a product of learning from others from studying the most successful people in the world from reading over 400 books over the last several years that is what made me who i am today and the point here is is that i'm going to be sharing all of this with you i'm going to be showing you how to know exactly what to do in your life whether it's starting an online business whether it's starting a coaching business for example whether it's pursuing a specific career or job this is not even just for entrepreneurship the entire point of this course is to share with you all of these lessons that have helped me so much in my life and that i know will help anyone watching this course if you're new to my channel i want to give you a warm welcome i'm a successful entrepreneur and ceo of a company that helps people around the world start successful online businesses and this is exactly what i've been talking about for the last several years on my channel helping people become successful entrepreneurs helping people live better lives through entrepreneurship through online business you know and it's not even only about online business it's literally about sharing all of these lessons that i've been learning uh for the past several years in my own life where i've literally started from zero i didn't come from a wealthy family i am the product of continuous self-education and that is the entire point of this course i hope you're excited it will be truly truly incredible and life-changing one of the things that i want to mention is that it will only be as life-changing as you choose it to be it is incredibly important that you really commit 110 to watching this because there is nothing else like this on youtube there is nothing else i mean if i had this if i had this how to make your first million course when i was starting out all of these lessons in this step-by-step format i would literally give up every single material thing that i own everything like literally you know my clothes my i guess my watch my jewelry the cars that i own everything i would give up all the money in the world just to have this at an early age at the age of 18 or 19 something like that right because the earlier you watch something like this the earlier you learn the truth about success and the truth about what you're meant to be doing in life and like i said this is a framework for anyone watching this so that they can figure out what they should be doing and the point is is that when you actually align your life to the right lifeline that's meant for you that is where you will make your first million dollars that is where you will be able to make a lot of money doing what you love and at the same time it doesn't feel like work it literally feels like like playing when you're on the right lifeline every single morning you're gonna wake up with a spring in your feet most people in the world they wake up in the morning and they are just miserable i mean they don't want to you know they don't want to deal with anything they just want to go right back to bed you know they're waking up to this annoying alarm and they kind of realize oh i have to go and uh you know go to this job that i hate you know maybe they're with the person they don't like in a relationship right most people they haven't accepted the fact that they can become successful and they can become so successful that the life that they're living feels literally like a movie feels like a dream every single day for the rest of their life this how to make your first million course other youtubers would charge five hundred dollars a thousand dollars for this easily you know they'd sell it as an online course and maybe only 500 people or a thousand people would actually be able to uh gain the value that is in this course that you know only five hundred thousand people the people that buy the course would actually be able to learn this stuff but i'm releasing it for free and the reason i'm doing that is because like i said i want this information to reach every single corner of the earth i want as many people as possible to see this because i know how life-changing it is i've seen the results in my own life you know the fact that i'm even here right now in northern norway this is proof that i'm on the right lifeline for me and then i found the right lifeline for myself and you know now it's about sharing it's about giving back i can't every single day i think about how do i share these principles you know if only people knew what kind of life would people be living if only you knew this stuff a year ago or two years ago you know what kind of life you would be living it all starts with learning the right success principles which i'm going to be sharing with you here in this entire course now for some of you watching you might be asking yourself okay should i even make my first million i mean like you know why do i have to make a million dollars i don't need to make a million dollars money is not super important uh maybe if you've been watching my channel for maybe a few months or a year and you know you're really focused on making money maybe yes you want to make a million dollars you've already accepted that possibility of that happening into your life most people they don't even accept that as a possibility and i'm telling you it is very much a possibility very very much so um so if we get started with this question of should i make a million can i even do it is it even possible for me already right off the bat this is your old programming these are your old limiting beliefs coming at you and trying to block you they're trying to sabotage your potential if i told you that you could definitely make a million dollars a hundred percent if you actually tried would you we live in a world of money and whether you like it or not money does make you happier why because it gives you freedom and when you're making money and when you're making a lot of money i'm talking about at least hundreds of thousands of dollars and then millions of dollars you can only do that when you are living your life on the right lifeline for you when you are actually following your personal destiny you cannot make a million dollars pursuing someone else's lifeline pursuing a lifeline that's not meant for you and that's actually going to be one of the lessons here one of the most transformational lessons in this program so what i want you to do is i want you to commit to making your first million not for the money but for the person you will become we are living in very interesting times perhaps the most interesting times of all millions of people around the world have lost their jobs just in the last year they've lost their entire livelihood and everything that they knew relying on a safe cushy job relying on their government they've gotten that pulled from under them like someone pulling the carpet under you and now they're stuck they're lost they're unfocused and they're walking around with this massive weight on their shoulders because they are not on the right lifeline for them they are not following their personal destiny they are not doing the things that i will show you how to do in your own life where you can achieve success happiness fulfillment wealth health love everything you've ever dreamed of forever every single day i talk to people both online in person as i travel as i move around the world and i see the looks on their faces the question that i get most often from the thousands of people that message me because of my youtube you know they watch my videos and i invite people to message me to dm me on instagram at denver you know to send me an email and they message me and they ask me dan what am i meant to be doing with my life i don't know i'm lost and i'm broke and i'm walking around unfocused can you teach me can you mentor me can you show me the right way to make more money the right way to start a successful online business which is uh basically what i'm an expert in and i've been doing this for several years and i also see this in person as i travel around the world i'm constantly meeting new people and i'm blessed to be able to do that because i am on that right lifeline then i found that right lifeline for me which i'm gonna get into this is your personal destiny which is so so important to find for yourself i'm gonna show you how to do that but as i travel around i talk to people and i've noticed this one pattern most people in the world no matter what country they're from they want more out of their life and you know most people they don't really like the job that they work in most people they think that what they're doing is not actually aligned with their personal destiny they're not living on that lifeline where they're almost living at like this level this plane of existence where their life is so amazing that they're making so much money doing what they love being excited about life being able to basically for example travel if that's what their lifeline uh requires if that's what their lifeline is about you know traveling for example for me it's traveling around the world making amazing content sharing all these uh amazing lessons that i've been learning in my life and also running my own businesses right so that is what my lifeline is but being on the right lifeline and having achieved this having gone on my own personal journey like it wasn't easy i'm telling you there was a lot of blood sweat and tears involved there was a lot of searching involved and i'm trying to cut down that all those blood sweat and tears i'm trying to cut down that time for you as much as possible and it will it will cut it down so drastically that you will be able to i mean you're going to look back in six months in a year and a year and a half and your life will completely be changed just from this course that i'm doing here on youtube most people want to succeed most people have this ambition and this desire to live a better life but they lack the steps and that's exactly what the point of the how to make your first million courses now before we actually get into the course i want to start off with a few very very important things to mention this is not a get rich quick scheme this is not an mlm this is not some kind of a cryptocurrency stock investing fad there are no upsells in this program i'm not selling anything this is real life this is my story and i know that all the lessons that i've learned along my own journey they will change your life if you allow them to if you let them into your life if you take this course seriously as seriously more seriously than you've taken anything else in your life i mean more seriously than you've taken your job more seriously than you've taken your school if you're going to school university like this is extremely transformational stuff right here i've made it my life's purpose to building the greatest freedom and success movement of all uniting people on the rise around the world people who are destined to become great people who want more out of their life people who want to reach this ideal lifeline for them the right lifeline for them the people who want to achieve their personal destiny people who want to succeed people who want to make a lot of money and people who want freedom for the rest of their lives so that's why i titled this course in this way i want winners now naturally there will also be people who are skeptical towards this and who feel they have like this weird feeling inside of them that's kind of telling them maybe this is too good to be true why why is he sitting and telling me all of this and it is natural to be skeptical i can tell you when i was starting out and i would if i was watching something like this i would be like you know just for my past programming just for my basically dysfunctional programming that led me to uh live a life where i wasn't happy where i was broke where i was in student debt where i was not doing what i love and where i was literally experiencing a quarter life crisis at the age of 20. that's what these beliefs led me to by the way and you have to understand you are the product of your beliefs right and you can't change your life until you change your beliefs so you know if i was sitting here and i was watching this i would have a degree of skepticism i'd be very interested but i'd also be like hmm i don't know you know what's what's the truth behind this what is he trying to do but it's also important to understand the upsides and downsides of things when someone who has been through certain crazy life experiences and who has gone through this journey of going from broke to finding success and finding his passion and aligning himself to his personal destiny what he's meant to be doing in life and he's making a tremendous amount of money doing it and sharing it with the world sharing these ideas it might be worth to listen to because i am doing this from my heart and i am doing this for free so as i said i want people who are on the rise i want people who dream big people who are ambitious to join the greatest freedom and success movement of all time the greatest movement of people of entrepreneurs who are all aligned fully aligned to that ideal lifeline so their personal destiny that they're meant to be living who are all just you know operating on this kind of like amazing frequency of life who are living life at the highest standard at the highest possible quality those that don't want that those that are not willing to learn these success principles that are not willing to commit to watching this entire course they've already closed the video and that's great because it's kind of like a natural filter so if you're still here then i assume that you are a person on the rise and you are ready to accept this into your life you know there's that famous saying of give a man a fish and he'll be able to eat for a day but teach a man to fish and he'll be able to eat for a lifetime and also of course that applies to women it's just an old saying that is precisely what i'm doing here in this program you know i can tell you right off the bat on my journey towards building a multi-million dollar company at the age of 24 and most importantly that's not even the most important thing most importantly achieving a life where i live literally like it's a movie i mean i help people around the world i travel i make content and i do what i love every day and i'm making more and more money and i'm making progress doing that along my journey to success nobody told me hey dan buy this stock hey dad buy this launch this product on amazon buy forex buy bitcoin no one told me anything like that you know and i used to think that success was launching a particular product for example on amazon if it was an e-commerce business or buying a particular stock or getting into real estate getting into a certain industry when that's the furthest thing from the truth that's what most people think what i learned the most was that it's a mindset and once you accept all of these success principles into your life the life that you will be living in the next three to six months and beyond is going to be so much better it is going to be so different than where you are today because you've basically downloaded this specific mindset that has created more millionaires around the world than anything else into your brain you'll start to see the world differently you'll start to finally accept abundance success into your life and you'll start to finally achieve your highest potential you start to let it into your life instead of you know kind of like screwing up your own life with self-sabotaging thoughts which most people have on a daily basis lack of confidence lack of self-esteem the truth is that rich people know things that poor people do not and that's the main difference you have to admit honestly that if you knew better you'd have already been living a much better life you already had money you've already been happy and successful and fulfilled there's a reason why you're here watching this it's not by chance that you got here it's not by chance that you opened youtube one day or one night and you found this guy dan vass sitting in this beautiful cabin you know in northern norway sharing all of these most successful principles that have changed his life and that you know he's shared with the world that he's seen change so many other people's lives and create more millionaires than anything else out there and create more successful people people that are living the good life people that are also happy and fulfilled and just you know generally on the right lifeline it's not by chance so i want you to understand that there's a reason why you're here so don't take it lightly i believe that everything we do that everything that comes into our life everything that we stumble upon everything that kind of just aligns and is there it happens for a reason and other people think you know and believe different things but that's what i believe and it's not by chance that you're watching this here today now if we look at the fact that rich and successful people and by rich and successful i mean people that are not only rich in money but are also on their ideal lifelines i'm not talking about ceos and people who are miserable and still making a lot of money that's not what i'm trying to teach you how to get to today that's not what i'm trying to show you how to achieve i'm talking about people who are happy fulfilled and on the right lifeline and they're making millions of dollars those people know things that poor people do not and the reason why is it's kind of like this framework of the levels of knowledge there are four levels of knowledge in the world the first level is you don't know what you don't know and you're living your life almost as if you are a sheep as part of a massive herd and you're kind of just seeing the things directly in front of you you're not really dreaming you're not really you know you're kind of almost on autopilot almost like a zombie as bad as it sounds right most people whether they like to admit it or not they're living their lives on autopilot mode like just a mindless zombie they're just like waking up in the morning going to this job they hate coming back home you know paying off debt that they don't even know why they have they only have it because you know they have to work a job so many people have mortgages for houses that they only need in specific cities where they have their job and so why do they have the job well they have the job to pay off the mortgage so it's like a vicious cycle most people they don't even know why they're doing the things they're doing right and that's because they're operating at this first level of knowledge where you don't know what you don't know now the second level of knowledge is you know what you don't know but you choose to ignore the things you need to do to basically act upon those things that you now know will improve your life that's the second level of knowledge and there are a lot of people that are also living that way those people that have closed this video already they know that their life can improve potentially but they refuse to actually take the action required to get there such as watching and committing to watching this entire uh course here all right so that's the second level of knowledge the third level of knowledge is you know what you don't know so now you're aware you're aware of these things that you need to learn for example success principles and things like that where they can help you achieve a better life and you know that you know you can adopt a certain mindset where you can't take action and you are doing it you are taking action you've adopted the mindset that's the third level of knowledge and finally the fourth level of knowledge is mastery and this is i mean i'm not even at the fourth level of knowledge i would say that i'm between the third and the fourth you know some things i would say that i've almost mastered other things i'm i've far from mastered i have an entire journey ahead of me and what i've accomplished so far you know i mean i can tell you that i have the life experience of probably at least it's like 10 40 year old lives you know 10 if you take 10 men who have lived up until 40 that's probably the life experience that i have today from the things that i've done just in the past several years by adopting this third level of knowledge where i know the things i don't know i know that there is this better life out there for me if i try if i take action now a note on the fourth level of knowledge which is mastery even kings i mean the greatest people of all the most successful and i can say kings and queens as well men and women people who are successful they're not masters right because once you say i'm a master you stop learning you stop improving and that's when your life starts to go downhill so kings and queens spend their lives between level three and level four certain things they've mastered other things they haven't mastered but they're on the way to mastery everyone watching this including yourself they start off from the first level of knowledge most people don't even know that they can achieve a better life for example they don't even know that they can make a million dollars doing what they love if they wanted to and that's precisely what level one is but the point of this course is as you're going to continue watching this program as you're going to continue watching the videos every single day right there's quite a few videos here it's not just this one there's a lot and i really made sure that it was detailed i really made sure that it was so deep and inspirational and so practical as well that you can take these principles and apply them in your own life effectively and in a transformational way as you go through the course you will find that you've you're slowly moving from the first level of knowledge to the second and then finally to the third at the end of the course you should be at the third level of knowledge where finally you know the things that you didn't know before and now you are taking actions actually achieving those things and getting better and achieving the good life now as i said before this stuff has never been put into one place like this this stuff has never been put into a system that anyone anyone can take and transform their life into basically making a million dollars doing what they love and achieving this amazing quality of life achieving that personal destiny achieving you know that lifeline doing what you love and what's meant for you we live in a world of 100 billion galaxies and we're just dust we're just dust we're so insignificant on this massive plane of existence that i mean it's mind-boggling to even think about how small we are compared to the universe right we're just dust and if you want to make something out of your life then you must build it there's no other way you must build it you must embark on your journey i want you to commit to watching one lesson every single day until you finish this program one lesson per day no more you're not allowed to watch more than one i know it could be tempting because it is very life changing there's a lot of very valuable things that i'm saying here but it's important to watch one lesson per day i've coached thousands tens of thousands of people i know what the best way for you to learn this stuff is so one lesson a day i want you to choose a time of day that's best for you whether it's in the morning before work before your nine-to-five job or whether it's after work in the evening you know before you go to bed just make sure that you watch one lesson a day if you skip a day that's okay just make sure you get back the next day you get back on track it's okay you know there's this famous rule called the 80 20 rule and basically if you nail 80 of it like if you get 80 of all this correct then the rest of it will take care of itself it's like we're human beings you know we're we're not no one is perfect and it's okay to miss one day here one day there but you know it's even better obviously if you watch one lesson every single day until you finish it because then it will stay fresh in your mind and then suddenly you know as you start kind of living every single day you'll start waking up in the morning with like a spring in your step because you're seeing all these new things that you haven't been seeing before it's almost as if stepping into this alternate reality where you are seeing patterns you are seeing you know how your friends are living their lives you are seeing how your family's been living their life and you start to reevaluate everything now that you've committed watching one lesson per day i also want you to write in the comments down below right now write in the comments down below i know how cheesy it is to you know write comments and whenever youtubers say oh like you know i want you to leave a comment you need to make sure that you do this because we live in a competitive world we live in a competitive ass world i mean i'm telling you there are so many people out there that want success there are so many people out there that want to achieve freedom they want to achieve wealth and in a competitive world you must put everything on your side you must put all the chances on your side i mean everything that's that could possibly help you you must put everything on your side so i want you right now to leave a comment down below i will commit to watching one lesson per day at breakfast for example if that's the time of day that you chose or you will write i will commit to watching one lesson per day before bed in the evening right or you can say after work you can say the afternoon you can even say a specific time right but you need to make sure you do this and and some people won't do it but you will not achieve success if you can't do the small stuff if you can't do a simple thing like writing a youtube comment how can you expect to live a better life let alone making your first million dollars i mean that's out of the question so be honest with yourself accept the possibility of success put all the chances on your side pause this video right now write a comment down below and then come back to it now this is a free course and the problem with free courses and i almost was thinking of making this as a paid course instead because i was like you know most people don't value free things if you give someone a course for free they might not even watch the course they might watch one video and then kind of like forget about it because you know we're human beings we operate by the same cognitive biases i'm going to talk about that as one of the lessons here in this program but you have to pay attention to when your mind slips okay if your mind told you nah it's okay don't leave a comment your mind slipped why because it's a free course if you paid money for this course and i usually could have taken money for this course but i didn't then you would have actually written the comment because then you're like okay i paid money for this course i have to put in the effort so treat this as if you paid a thousand dollars for this okay treat this as if you had a thousand dollars and it was your last thousand dollars and you literally gave it to me and now that's it like i you're expecting me to literally show you the world you're expecting me to give you all the most successful all the biggest secrets that i know that have helped me uh make millions of dollars doing what i love achieving the good life focus and consistency and actually putting effort into this is so important most people nowadays they can't even read a full book they can't even read five minutes of a book without going on their phone going on tick tock or facebook or instagram right that's the state of the world we live in today so it's actually not that hard to succeed yes the world is a competitive place but also at the same time you have to realize that you know in a world where the standards are so low where standards are so low you really don't have to push yourself that high that much higher above everyone else to succeed and i can tell you that honestly once i learned that i saw that i'm like wow most people really have low standards for their life most people really i mean they don't have any discipline they don't have any like commitment to anything like they can't commit they can't focus they can't really do anything except just get distracted on their phone and just like waste hours and hours of their day on tick tock for example this is precisely the reason why most people can't read an entire book or watch an entire youtube video so you know if you're watching this entire video you watch this entire course be proud of yourself because that's already more than most people can even do now even if you find it hard to focus even if you find it difficult to watch an entire youtube video for example just put five minutes in ten minutes in it's okay it's fine as long as you're putting in effort every single day as long as your life is getting better every single day there's a famous quote i forgot who said it but if every single day you do something that improves your life every single day i mean the change in your life will be massive because it compounds over time right so if every single day you read a part of a book you learn some success lesson you really put an effort into improving your life in a in a year and two years and three years you'll look back in hindsight you're like wow i live such a better life than i did before now as you're watching i also want you to take a notebook literally take a notebook like a real you know pen and paper notebook and i want you to take a pen as well and i want you to write down all the most important all the most life changing lessons that you're learning from these videos here in this course and there's something real about you know just using a pen and paper it don't do it on your phone don't do it on your ipad or on your iphone or anything like that believe me do it with a pen and paper because then it's it's physical it's not virtual right and it's also important to be consistent with everything that i'm saying here even with watching the less the one lesson per day whenever i say leave a comment you know take action on that you have to put all chances on your side everything i want to see how many millionaires come out of this in the future i want to look back in a year two years three years five years and i want people to tell me hey dan i watched your how to make a first million course and i became a millionaire i changed my life even if they didn't become millionaires you know i'm not even talking about the people who become millionaires now i'm talking about all those people that just achieve their personal destiny whether that involves making a million dollars or not it's not for everyone right it's not for everyone some people they want to live lives of more i guess not meaning but like you know they want to live lives where money is less important and they want to focus on other things like spirituality and things like that that's also awesome but i want to see how many millionaires come out of this how many successful people come out is people that have turned their lives around and i want to assemble this tribe of people and one day i want to form a mastermind i want to get together in the world and i want to basically just communicate collaborate and share all these ideas together because you know success is not reserved for the select few that's what i want to fight here i don't want i want to fight this notion of like success being reserved for the select few because i am the prime example and i'm living proof if i did it anyone can do it anybody like i said if i could go back to 18 years old 19 years old and i could watch this exact how to make your first million course i would give up everything everything i have everything like all my money all my physical belongings all my material things everything everything that i have to have this put together in such a nice way for me that is how significant this is and the reason why i say that is take away my money take away my cars take away my my jewelry you know this watch whatever like take away my clothes take away everything take away my youtube channel take away my subscribers my views my business you know this business that i built to over 15 employees changing tens of thousands of people's lives thousands of successful students you know building into a multi-million dollar company take away everything but you can't take away what's in my mind the things in my brain will remain there forever and that's the point that's the point here that's what that's what the entire point of this course is everything you will learn here will stay with you forever and all you have to do in a year is look back in two years look back and three years look back like wow that one day i found dan vassa's course on youtube and i saw it and i committed to watching it everything changed for me so that was the introduction to the how to make your first million course and now that you've learned all the things you need to actually be fully ready both mentally physically spiritually in every single way to accept all these transformational principles into your life now i'm actually going to begin with the first lesson and i want to start off this lesson by saying that success is entirely a mindset all success is is a mindset which is a combination a blend of ideas that are worthwhile pursuing that's all it is and if you learn these ideas you adopt the mindset you will become successful there's just no other way there are no ifs no buts you will achieve success some people might say okay dan okay you know what like you keep talking about this mindset thing just teach me how to make a million dollars just show me the steps teach me how to make the million because that's the answer to all my problems and that's a very shallow way of thinking that's not the right way to go about this that's not the right way to you know achieve success and bring it into your life whether you're a man or a woman from the u.s from canada from europe from china from australia from germany from norway where i'm at today this system will work for you we're going deep into this program it's not those shallow layers it's not all those other youtube videos that talk about you know how to make money in five easy steps how i made a billion dollars in three seconds it's not what this is okay we're going into the most transformational system this perfect assembly of ideas that i'm presenting to you here will be life-changing you will come out of this a changed person and your life will be tremendously better i guarantee it this is my personal promise to you so to answer the question of will this help you make money of course it will help you make money but not by showing you exactly what you should do actually i will show you exactly what you should do on the you know on the life side of things that's the most important that's how i'm doing it i'm presenting to you this new success mindset all these principles all these secrets of success that will allow you to start rewiring your brain and most of all most importantly allowing you to align your life onto that correct lifeline that you should be pursuing that you should have always been pursuing that most people can never get to never even get to and they die right and that's the saddest thing i mean most people they live and they die as if they never even existed but no longer you will not be one of those people you will be someone who lives an amazing life who lives a life of freedom of success happiness fulfillment no matter where you come from no matter what your past circumstances are i'm telling you believe me it's only a matter of time richard dawkins said the brain is what makes humans more special than any other species on the planet and that's the thing as humans we're able to learn new information and process it and apply it into our own life and all the information is out there everything is there nowadays with the internet the fact that you're able to watch me here and i'm in this cabin here in norway and i'm you know transmitting this literally like a broadcast transmitting this and putting this together into this how to make your first million course and the fact that you can watch this from anywhere and apply this into your own life that is the result of humans being a superior species because our brain is so advanced because we're actually able to learn new things and apply them in our own life all the information is out there everything is there with the internet today but you must embark on the journey you must commit to making that first step of setting on this journey up until now most of you watching this have not embarked on their personal journey yet maybe you already have maybe this is part of your personal journey of course it is but what i'm talking about is today you will make the decision you'll make the commitment to embarking on the journey and where this journey will lead you is to that ideal lifeline so that lifeline of success where you are making money doing what you love you'll make your first million dollars and it will feel amazing and it won't feel like a constant uphill battle so what do i mean by embarking on your own journey to success and why this is so important why i made this the first lesson of how to make your first million course well i had a quarter life crisis i guess that's what it's called i didn't even know that was the thing but i had a quarter life crisis at the age of 21. i was lost i was broke and i thought that you know there was only such thing as a midlife crisis where if you're like 50 years old and you know your kids have have kind of left the house and you're wondering what i what i should do like whether i should start a new career or something like that i thought that only people in their 50s you know 40s 50s they have that but i was having a full-blown quarter life crisis at the age of 20. and believe it or not this is actually very common nowadays over 75 percent of people in their early 20s from their early 20s to their mid-30s have experienced or are experiencing a quarter life crisis right now which is crazy it's insane so what specifically is a quarter life crisis if you go on google you get the definition i got it right here it's a period of insecurity and doubt that many people in their mid-20s and early 30s go through surrounding their career their relationships and their finances and basically you can sum it up in one sentence it's anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life and i certainly was experiencing that at the age of 20. so how did i get out of that how did i manage to figure things out quote unquote some people tell me you know you seem like you figured things out and yes i have i absolutely have figured things out the sooner you figure your things out the better your life will be and the more aligned you will be to your personal destiny that's the point of embarking on the journey how i did that was i embarked on the journey and how that started for me was one day i decided that this life that i'm living is not good it's not suitable for me and i have to make a change i decided that no matter what through thick and thin through blood sweat and tears like literally through a concrete wall i will figure out how to achieve the good life because life is too short to live any other way the first step that i took was i started watching youtube videos just like yourself of course nowadays it's the most accessible platform and there's something about connecting with someone over video there's something about you know seeing someone talk and sharing those experiences with you and so that's how i started i was watching youtube of course there was no such thing as like this this course this how to make your first million course no one had created this is something brand new that no one has ever done especially for free on youtube and i'm so happy to be the first person to do it but at the time i just used what i had and what i found and for me that was books i actually read my first book which was rich dad poor dad and that's by robert kiyosaki so if we kind of look back at how i embarked on this personal journey first i decided that my life was not good enough and then i have to make a change and second of all i decided to take the first step which however that would present to me and to me it presented in this book i actually got a recommendation to read this book from a very close friend of mine who also got this book recommended to him by a relative me and my friend matthew were actually together at the gym at one time we were working out together and he started telling me about this book rich dad poor dad that he had read and you know i was asking questions and the first thing the first thing that he told me was how life changing it would be if i read it and of course my ego came out and all the all these like limiting beliefs that i had and the way that i was programmed to live my life i told him i'm like listen you know the author is the only one getting rich from this if it was that easy everyone would be rich okay and so that was kind of my attitude towards self-development even though i had already embarked on the journey right i didn't know that the first step for me the first step to success was to actually read this specific book right but as me and matthew kept talking and as i kind of saw the spark in his eyes from the things that he learned from how much his life changed from reading that book i decided you know what it's worth a shot i'm gonna read it and i decided to go on amazon that day and buy it you know i was so i was so stubborn that i was even afraid of spending nine dollars to buy this damn book i was so stubborn that i was like you know what i have to go to the library and borrow this book and all this because at the time my previous programming taught me that buying books is a waste of time for me why because no matter how many books no matter how many self-development books i buy i'm not gonna get rich so what's the point it's just the waste of money which was completely wrong that's how most people think so i literally was like okay i'm gonna go to library and borrow it but then i sat down and i remembered about this this um this concept of my personal journey i remembered that okay i decided to make a commitment to improve my life and now is the time i will go on amazon i will buy this book by the way i'm going to be referencing a lot of different books a lot of the most life-changing books that i've read and that will also change your life in this course here and how to make your first million course all these books you can find in the links in the description below as well as a bunch of other useful links it's going to be an amazon link so you can just go get it there and then also i of course get like a small cut from amazon i think it's like a few cents or like a few dollars something like that it's nothing significant amazon has like this sharing affiliate program where uh you know if you recommend the book to your friend or something like that or if you recommend a product then you can generate a link and send it to them and then they'll be able to use the link and then you'll get like a few cents or a few dollars it's like literally one or two percent i think but as i've said this is not you know this i don't even know where this money goes to be honest uh this is more for you i want to make this as simple as possible for you but i do want to be transparent so those links are down below you can easily access it it's going to be an link and you'll be able to buy any products that i reference here and i also want you to make the commitment to buy books because buying books investing yourself is never a waste of money on the day that you die you will not you know be in your deathbed and you will not be thinking about wow i should not have spent all that money on those books i regret spending money on books you will look back on your life and you will look back at the quality that it that it's been like you will look back at how good it's been the things that you've done the potential whether you've achieved your potential or not whether you've truly done everything in your power to embark on this journey of success what you're doing right now so those are things you'll be thinking about so please you know make the commitment to yourself buy the books i'm not it's really not for me it's for you so how did rich dad poor dad change my life well specifically robert kiyosaki who's the author he was talking about how there was his biological dad which he called his poor dad and there was his friend's data which he called his rich dad so he basically saw his friend's dad as another father figure to him and he noticed how his own biological father who he called his poor dad was perpetually miserable he never had enough money he was always operating from like this scarcity mentality you know and he was basically i think he was a professor in uh university and he was like on uh tenure and you know he basically did everything that society expected of him you know the classic nine-to-five job go to school and then he actually went even further and he actually you know became a professor in university so he looked at his dad and he said that's not the life i want to be living then he looked at his rich dad and he saw how his rich dad which was his uh friend's dad he lived life completely differently and the way that he saw life was from an abundance mentality not from a scarcity mentality he was an entrepreneur which was the first uh green flag for him it was kind of like this first light bulb he was like okay you know maybe i should become an entrepreneur he owned various businesses and he was living a life of luxury he was living the good life and he was always like he always had a smile on his face he was always enjoying his life so that was the essence that was the main idea of the book they're comparing the rich dad and the poor dad and the difference in the mindset between the two that generated much different results and a much better life for the rich dad than the poor dad and when i read that i mean my world changed it was like wow you know if success is really just a different way of seeing life if it's really up to just learning this success mindset i can do it too and that's how it opened my mind for most people who get into entrepreneurship it really is the first book that they start with so i really recommend reading that book as well make sure that after watching this lesson you go on amazon you order the book because you know it will change your life and by the way when you're reading books make sure that you're also taking notes i love using an app called evernote for actually taking notes from books because then i can have it on my phone or on my ipad as i travel around the world you know carrying a notebook with me is not the most practical because i you know i lose the notebook and things like that sometimes you lose like luggage you know your luggage gets lost whatever so evernote is an amazing app there's also going to be a link down below you can grab the app there and i recommend taking notes i could literally sell my evernote for probably a million dollars today because of the fact that i have over 400 uh notes from books in there and literally all you have to do is read those notes that i made those 400 books and i mean you will your mindset will completely change and success will just come to you you might be probably wondering hey dan you can just send me that um just send me that you know that whole evernote that you have no absolutely not this is something that i built myself and you can't shortcut you can't shortcut success you have to pursue it on your own and the things that will stand out to you will be different than things that stood out to me so that was how i started with rich dad poor dad it just you know i one day decided that i will embark on my personal journey towards success in a good life and then shortly after on this day with matthew where we were at the gym i got this book recommendation and i decided to because i did embark on my journey i decided to come out at it with an open mind i bought the book on amazon and i read it and my life changed forever one of my favorite quotes of all time it's a quote that perfectly represents this you know action of embarking on your own journey to success ask and it will be given to you seek and you shall find knock and the door will be open to you and i don't want to get into religious beliefs in this program you know this program is meant for all people you know no matter who you believe whether you believe in god whether you don't believe in god whether you're a christian a muslim whether you're jewish you know no matter what religion buddhist um this is for you this is really to show you that anyone can succeed but at the same time as part of my own journey of success i've learned to have an open mind and for myself i've studied tons of books not just self-development but also you know i've read the entire bible and i've learned many lessons from there many life-changing lessons and i got some favorite quotes as well from there uh which like i said ask and it will be given to you seek and you shall find knock in the door will be open to you that is such a powerful and motivating quote because it perfectly represents this personal journey that you embark on if you ask it will be given to you if you go and if you actually try if you actually try imagine if you started a year ago where would you be today imagine if you started two three years ago where would you be today think about that and then the quote continues for everyone who asks receives everyone who seeks finds and to everyone who knocks the door will be opened that is so powerful you know and i know that maybe some of you you know the fact that i mentioned a quote from the bible you might it might be almost like uncomfortable for you and that's okay but i really ask you that you come out at this with an open mind to this program because this program is not about you know religion at all it's not about anything like that this is literally only about showing you and getting you into the success mindset and then once you're on that right lifeline you will see that the things that you truly connect with they'll be natural like they'll be natural for you and then you'll make that choice this also goes into one of the most common questions that i get dan what should i be doing with my life and by the way i get this question like probably over 50 times a day in my email in my instagram dms you know on facebook i get this question from 18 year olds all the way to 55 plus i mean even 50 year olds they're asking me dan what should i be doing with my life what should i do they say i've tried tons of businesses various businesses and nothing seems to work for me and what i tell them i tell them the same thing is that you have to embark on the journey you have to keep going and if you've already embarked on the journey if they're saying that they've tried various businesses that means that they've already embarked on the journey you have to continue seeking you have to continue searching because if you search you will find if you persist you will succeed one of my other favorite quotes is that if you never give up you can't possibly fail at the same time the answer is not just going to magically drop from the sky you know one day you're not going to be sitting on your couch and then suddenly ah i should buy bitcoin it's not going to happen an important thing i want to mention is that part of embarking on your own journey to success is you have to forget everything that you've been taught up until this moment here today now how do you know how do you know that you should do that because it's very simple you are where you are today if you knew better you'd have already been in a much better place in your life have the humility to acknowledge this like be honest with yourself i had to do this for myself i had to reinvent my identity you know i had to really forget everything that i've been taught to allow this new success mindset to enter my life and to start to improve my life if you're young and you're watching this and by the way this is transformational for any age for anyone watching but if you're young the younger you watch this the better this is because the more the information compounds over time right it's like downloading a millionaire's brain into your into your mind right now and then obviously the way that you live your life every single day when you wake up in the morning everything everything just becomes different because now you're actually doing the actions subconsciously that will take you to success to that lifeline where you are happy successful rich and wealthy there's a concept i call the two parallels of life and the reason why i call it that is because i believe that there are two parallel lifelines that run for everybody the first lifeline is the lifeline where you don't choose to venture out on your own personal journey you don't embark on your journey out of fear out of fear of you know what people think of you out of fear of failure out of fear of basically the unknown and this is the journey where you never begin you never start and you never achieve the good life right this will not take you anywhere this will only take you to an equal or worse place a worse place than where you are today so that's the first parallel of life the second parallel of life is what i call the freedom lifeline or the woke lifeline where now you're literally woke like you're you know you're achieving freedom you've embarked on your own personal journey to success and whether you like it or not whether it takes you three months six months a year two years five years 10 years 20 years you will achieve success no matter what you will achieve the good life if you're feeling fear and you're feeling like you know i'm afraid of embarking on this journey and taking the necessary steps taking the action because i think that i will fail i don't think it's possible for me i want to ask you this question would you rather live life knowing that you've put in your all you've embarked on the journey and you've really tried everything in your power to achieve success and you will by the way you will there's no other way there's no other way like do you really believe that in a year two years five years ten years you would have made zero progress with this new framework literally having all the success principles of the most successful people in the world right you must i mean only a fool can believe that they would be at a worse off spot than where they are today like you will achieve success what i'm telling you right like i said imagine where you would be if you started a year ago or two years ago or three years ago right so would you rather live knowing that you've put in your all you've embarked on your journey to success or would you rather live with the pain of regret of not starting peter drucker said and he's a famous author he wrote the book managing oneself i'm going to leave it linked down below as well he actually wrote that now everybody has to embark on their own personal journey to figure out what they need to be doing in life in the past you really didn't need to know your destiny you really didn't need to embark on this epic quest to figure out what you're meant to be doing because if we look at how society was structured probably you know 200 300 or 500 years ago if you were a smith for example your last name was smith and you were born into a family of let's say you know cobblers or gunsmiths or carpenters right then you already know what you're going to be doing you already know that okay as soon as you uh reach working age you will continue in the family lifeline and you will also be a carpenter right and that's that was very common back in the day like you didn't have to go and embark on this epic quest to figure out what your ideal lifeline is like how to achieve your personal destiny but times have changed now you really have unlimited choice you have the freedom of choice and it's exactly why people struggle because they don't have someone they don't have someone who's successful and who who's wealthy who has achieved that good life put together the system of ideas that i'm putting together for you here for free so they never venture out and they never even begin as i mentioned before the world is a competitive place and there's something called a five percent rule where if you want to achieve the good life you want to achieve success for the rest of your life you have to be in the top five percent of your chosen craft and you know you might be saying dan i'm good at lots of stuff you know i'm good at many things and the truth is no you're not like no one is good at lots of stuff i can tell you i'm not good at lots of stuff i'm good at entrepreneurship and business and i'm good at creating content and you know doing this like life-changing content and sharing my ideas on youtube this is part of my natural signature strength but if you put me on a basketball court i would not be good at basketball like i would get absolutely like just wrecked okay so i'm good at a few things but i'm not good at most things that's the exact same thing as most people you have to have the humility and honesty to acknowledge this when i first embarked on this epic journey to success on my own personal journey i was basically what you call a jack of all trades master of none you know i was doing many things and i guess i was saying yeah i'm good at you know a lot of things but i really mastered nothing and then i learned if you want to achieve the good life you have to become a master you have to basically achieve the top ranks of a particular industry a particular skill a particular profession you have to be in the top five percent of everybody in the world to basically have a chance at getting the good life that's just the truth there's a story of michael jordan who was an absolutely epic basketball player right like one of the best one of the greatest in the world uh he decided one day that he would try out baseball and he thought that okay i'm good at basketball i'm good at sports you know i probably will be good at baseball as well well he was terrible at baseball like absolutely terrible he got destroyed by everybody else and you know he got a really nice surprise he realized that wow i really should be honest with myself just because i'm good at basketball does not mean that i'm good at baseball anything else now about the five percent rule like you might be wondering okay dad but i'm not really a master at anything that's okay part of starting out on your own personal journey to success is you will eventually find that industry that craft where you will basically start to reach you'll start to learn and achieve that top five percent and the best way the best industry how you know what the best thing for you to actually do is to achieve the top five percent um of that craft is to play on your unique signature strength everybody has a unique signature strength whether they know it or not so what peter drucker says in managing oneself is to match up your unique signature strength with what you're meant to be doing with a particular business or a particular industry for example right and that way you will have the highest chances you'll put everything in your favor to achieve the top five percent and to really follow that five percent rule which will allow you to achieve the good life and achieve success it all starts with this one question are you worth the damn because we live in a competitive world i mean you really have to ask yourself if you are not rich if you're not wealthy and you are not living the life that you've been dreaming of right you're not living this amazing life that you've always wanted to live just ask yourself am i worth a damn i asked myself this question at 20 years old am i worth a damn and at the time i honestly said no i i'm not worth any damns at all right so basically if you want to achieve the good life you have to deserve it and you have to be worth a damn like you have to actually be worth something you know you have to give some kind of value to the world right charlie munger warren buffett's right-hand man warren buffett is the most successful stuck investor of all time he said this is an amazing quote to get what you want you must deserve what you want the world isn't yet a stupid enough place to reward undeserving people there's nothing more true than that so you have to really ask yourself the question like have i deserved the good life and the answer is if you're not living the good life then no you haven't deserved it yet all you have to do is figure out a way to deserve it you must achieve a state where you can describe what you're doing in one sense and what i mean by that is whatever you're doing in your life like your chosen craft and you'll eventually find that like your way there right even right now it's okay to not know what you're meant to be doing obviously you're just starting out you're just embarking on your personal journey right now it's all about just learning those valuable success principles but eventually you will get to the point where you will be able to describe what you're doing what your major life purpose is in one sense if someone asked me what are you doing with your life or what's like your life purpose i respond helping people live better lives that's all that's what i've made my life about and the best way for me to do that is through entrepreneurship and business and obviously you know then i ask myself any business that i'm thinking of entering and i've entered multiple businesses any products that i'm thinking of launching anything that i do in my life i ask myself does it fit that one sense helping people live better lives and if it does i do it if it doesn't then i don't do it and when you're in that state when you reach that state where you can really describe what you're doing in one sentence the whole world will change for you most people nowadays i mean we've all seen those entrepreneurs you go to silicon valley or something and you ask you you pull up to some random guy you know in any of the buildings there on the street and you ask him uh what are you doing right now with your life or what's your major purpose and you'll get this answer of like oh i i am using the power of ai to help leverage social media and like all this crap and then you know by the time that he finishes his sentence you've already fallen asleep so that's not a good example of someone who found their life purpose or life mission it has to be simple the simpler the sentence is the the more you know that you're aligned to your life purpose the more you know that you are more worth the damn and people actually value what you are doing for the world okay because uh anyone can say i leverage the power of ai and social media and cryptocurrency and they can sound smart but in reality are you worth the damn and the biggest thing to ask yourself right now is when you wake up in the morning do you wake up with a spring in your step like are you genuinely excited about life are you excited to go to the job that you're working at are you excited to be with the person you're with are you excited to be spending your time with the friends that you have i want you to rate your overall life right now and the excitement that you feel towards your life when you wake up in the morning rate it on a scale of one to five most of us are not at four to five stars like i can say that for me i'm definitely at a four almost a five right always you know there's always getting better and and um kind of like learning how to live life better and achieving high and higher levels of success and achievement and fulfillment uh but even i myself can tell you i'm at like a four approaching a five but when i was 20 years old and if you asked me this question i could tell i was at a one if you rated it below a three if it was like a one or a two like i did when i was starting out which was like a one then you are not following your personal destiny there's this amazing book called the alchemist by paulo cuella this is actually a fiction book and it's the story of how this guy goes on this epic journey uh to find his personal destiny they call it the personal legend in the alchemist fantastic book i highly recommend it it is so inspiring it's so amazing to go through that journey and see how i forgot his name but how the guy went around and he met this alchemist and you know he eventually kind of found his answer to life and that's what you're doing right now henry david thoreau in his book walden said the massive men live lives of quiet desperation and i mean this really hits his home right like it's it's true most people they live lives of quiet desperation it's nothing i mean their lives are so boring they're so mundane that any kind of excitement they're looking for any kind of escape out of their boring mundane routine life people who are not on the freedom lifeline who have not you know consciously embarked on figuring out their personal destiny and achieving success what they tend to do is they tend to fill this void that they have in their life with things like money possessions accolades you know fake friends fake rewards uh fake status symbols things like that and they think that all these things will make them happy when in reality they'll they'll just you know they might make them happy for like a day or two right it's like when buying a ferrari you're gonna be happy for a week or two but after that you know this is the truth i mean most people they don't realize this but if you buy a ferrari after two three weeks that initial happiness will disappear because then it becomes your new baseline and the void just becomes bigger so that's why you know to avoid living with this void in your life you have to embark on the journey you have to achieve the freedom lifeline for you embarking on your own personal journey which ultimately what it is the journey to happiness fulfillment prosperity success and wealth is what will allow you to find your personal destiny which is exactly what i've done and how i have achieved mine on that first day when i met matthew at the gym and he recommended me the book of rich dad poor dad and you know how i decided consciously to embark on my own personal journey to success if you ask me hey what are you gonna be doing in the next four years like what are you actually meant to be doing to be successful i would not be able to tell you it was to become an internet entrepreneur running a multi-million dollar company helping people around the world start successful online businesses achieve success you know and also make videos talking about success on youtube i would not be able to tell you that but because i decided to embark on the journey and because life works in this cause and effect way where it's like the first choice that you make leads to the second choice leads to the third choice it's cause and effect things kind of work in a in a sequence it's not like the answer fell from the sky now i know you know i should be making youtube videos and i'm going to do that today that's not how it happened right it was trial and error that's what you have to do you have to be ready for it too now i know a lot of people are asking what about leonardo da vinci what about elon musk right these guys you know they've mastered multiple things and yes every 500 or so years a person's so great so great that they can actually succeed and become a master of multiple things they tend to come around but that only happens once every 500 years and you know you're i mean if you believe that you are that person awesome but very likely you are not that person you're not lyron davinci and you're not elon musk you are you and just like most people you have a unique signature strength and it's best for you to stick to one thing and really master that because that is how you'll achieve that five percent rule and you'll be able to secure the good life for yourself so remember just focus on one thing and find your signature strength and create big goals around that that's how you'll be able to achieve the best life for yourself forever so okay how do i find my signature strength then how do i actually go about figuring out what i'm good at so there's actually a very simple i broke it down into four simple steps a very simple process the first question is what did you grow up around that's very important right so myself i grew up around reading books i grew up around you know i was constantly reading and i was really kind of um i guess gifted a lot of books by my parents and i grew up around that so you know it's only natural for me to have books kind of part of my career right i always recommend books and you know i've got like a reading list and things which i'm going to put a link down below and i've gotten millions of people around the world reading books especially my age where if you ask most like 18 year olds 20 year old 25 year olds even 30 year olds you ask them you know when was the last time you read a book they'd probably say like oh back in grade 11 high school class i read some shakespeare or whatever right like some book that i didn't even care about the second question is what do strangers tell you you're good at and this is called stranger feedback strangers won't lie to you they're not gonna you know allow you to make you feel better they're not like your mom or dad they're not gonna tell you oh yeah you know you have an amazing voice you sing amazingly and you know you look amazing and all these these things they're not gonna tell you they're gonna tell you the truth okay and so for me the the the biggest um kind of like piece of stranger feedback that i've gotten was that i'm amazing at speaking i'm amazing at communicating and kind of like putting together my thoughts in an inspiring way and that's what i've been told uh over and over again and so obviously i found my unique signature strength and i am practicing it in a in an environment where i can do it through business and i can also share and apply in a way that helps millions people around the world including yourself the third question is what have you been doing the last 10 years so even if whatever you were doing you hated it i don't know maybe you were like oh you know i i've been working at in the restaurant business for the past 10 years and i hate it i've been a waitress for example right so even if that's the case don't discount that you've learned a lot of things in those 10 years and life is way too short for you to just kind of take those 10 years and chuck it in the garbage right now this applies more if you are above the age of like 24 25 if you're about 18 that's okay like you can just ask yourself what i've what have i been mostly doing the past four or five years right and if you have any unique skills or experiences from that that you can apply in a business format and like i said it doesn't matter even if you liked it you hated it just don't discount those years because life is short every single day counts right it's a lot shorter than we think we think that oh the average life expectancy is 80 something years old that's a long time it's not a long time at all right there are billions of galaxies in the universe we're just dust okay we're just dust and kind of like floating around in the sky it's up to us to use the time that we have to build the life that we want so those are the three first questions the final question is what can you talk about endlessly and effortlessly on a friday night when you're out with your friends when you're just you know relaxing right so if i were to answer this question for me it would be business i could talk endlessly about business i could talk about online business specifically so like making money online the best kinds of businesses uh to to pursue online i could also talk about working out so the gym fitness and that's also a reason why i'm also incorporating fitness in in business together in the future i will be making a fitness videos i would making a lot of fitness content and potentially i'll also be launching my own revolutionary fitness products because you know for me the gym is a big part of my life and for me i'm always striving to achieve a peak physique like literally like a viking spartan physique and i think it's so important right so that's something that i also could talk about like all night without getting paid to do it with my friends that is the best way to find your unique signature strength now what's also as important is to actually combine your unique signature strength once you've found it with an actual business that you can apply it into it's not enough to just find your strength to do nothing with it like what we're trying to do is generate an income and if you you know if you don't actually apply it to a business you can't generate an income right so that's obviously very important the best way to describe success in any endeavor is all about the fit between your unique signature strength and the actual business okay and how you'll succeed is by combining your unique signature strength in the right business that's that actually has the potential to generate you an income a business that's on the cutting edge a business that is kind of being pushed up by the tide of technology and of society so for example for me i found my first initial success in e-commerce i started the e-commerce business at the age of 21 and for me it played along my unique signature strength of communication because i was able to brand my products in a unique way where you know it basically was way better than any and all my competitors i mean it was just people you know customers went on my listing on amazon and they were shocked at how good it was and i can tell you that honestly because i know that that's my unique signature strength based off of stranger feedback based off of all the questions all the answers to the questions that i um talked about now one thing that's very important to cover is we've all heard the saying if you want to make money do what you love and i'm actually against that don't do what you love do what you like instead you know when i started out and i found out about e-commerce kind of e-commerce came along my journey to success when i embarked on my journey and i started trying various businesses i thought about this quote like do what you love do i really love e-commerce and at the time i was like you know what i don't love it i might love it in the future do i like it i definitely like it and can it make me an income absolutely if i was doing what i love i would probably be a pilot i had this childhood like dream of being a pilot and i never ended up doing it because it cost too much money to actually pursue the pilot licenses but i'm way happier to you know to have gone this path instead today because i would have been stuck working as a pilot and you know with the ups and downs the boom and bust cycle of the industry right and now with the lifestyle that i have i can literally just any day get uh pay for my flight training myself buy a plane and fly whenever i want that's just something you can do when you are on that ideal life path when you are following your freedom lifeline everybody is unique you know people work in different ways for some people for example you know some people they don't eat meat and it's the best for them like they operate the best and they feel the best in a vegetarian or vegan or pescetarian diet and that's fine but for someone else like for me for example i tried vegetarianism for a little bit and it was terrible i felt absolutely terrible and when i was going to the gym i felt super weak i felt like like a celery stick trying to lift weights you know and so for me vegetarianism didn't work so everyone is unique and you have to be honest with yourself don't just follow blindly what works for someone else really you have to that's the one thing that's so important to understand like most people they operate with this herd mentality like sheep they just believe what the mainstream media tells them and they just mindlessly believe what's kind of taught to them right but successful people rich people people that are on their freedom lifeline they are not operating like sheep they are thinking for themselves so find what works best for you know thyself and match up your personal destiny or personal legend to that now at this point hopefully i've convinced you of setting out on your own personal journey to success to achieving that personal destiny to achieving the freedom lifeline where you are happy you're successful you are wealthy you're rich and you're doing what you love and making a lot of money doing it and you probably already feel more excited and that's an amazing sign that's a good sign it means that you are on the right path when you are on the freedom lifeline and you're pursuing the freedom lifeline as you're getting closer and closer to what you're meant to be doing how you know that you are on the right lifeline for you is your emotions and your instincts like your gut and you just feel excited you just feel power empowered you feel motivated and if you feel that way that's amazing you know when i was experiencing my quarter life crisis when i was about 20 years old i sat down and i was living with my mom at the time with my parents i sat down and i told my mom mom i want to live a life of adventure and you know what she told me she told me you'll get it that's exactly what you have and for me that's when i got like this almost like this shiver of excitement going through my body because you know i it meant that it will come true i will become successful that everything that i'm doing is not for nothing and now looking back have i been living a life of adventure absolutely even more than i could ever even dream of i mean you know i've gone i've gone around the world i've done things more at 24 years old than 10 lifetimes of 40 to 45 year old men combined so if you're feeling excited and you know you've got like this feeling in your body that you know you're motivated you're inspired and you're you're ready you're ready to start the most important thing to remember is you must commit you must go you must embark on your personal journey towards achieving your freedom lifeline towards achieving your personal destiny because it's calling you and you must take the actions that you are pulled to do you must continue life is cause and effect you can't just jump to the million you can't just jump to you know 80 years old and say okay you know i'm done you can't do that okay everything is causing effect in hindsight and we always say hindsight is 20 20. everything is clear but if i looked the other way around from 20 years old when i was starting out you know i couldn't just jump to here i couldn't just say oh the way that i'll be successful is e-commerce and youtube and running a successful multi-modal company you know i couldn't just do that i couldn't just jump so you must commit to setting out on your personal journey you must go you must start now what's incredibly important i want to mention a few things here subscribe to the channel to make sure that you're not missing out on any new lessons that are being added to the course because i'm adding lessons here right now and also leave a like leave a comment down below tell me what the most impactful thing you've learned from this video was and i'm going to be in the comments and i'm going to respond to comments you know i get a lot of comments right so it's a little bit difficult to respond to everyone but i will try my best to respond to as many comments as i can if you want to talk to me if you want to actually communicate with me you can also go on my facebook page danvas there's gonna be a link down below and you can like my facebook page i'm constantly posting daily wisdom on there new lessons that i'm learning new life-changing topics that are pushing my own life to higher and higher levels and that will push yours to higher higher levels as well this is like life wisdom things that i'm learning from my own journeys so you can like my facebook page and you can also respond to those lessons that i'm posting and then that way you'll be able to communicate with me as i reply to the comments that i get on my facebook page and remember what i said about commenting how important it is how important it is to follow everything that i mentioned in this program step by step so leave a comment down below thank you for watching the first lesson and how to make your first million course my name is dan bass and i will see you in the next lesson
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 54,687
Rating: 4.9049726 out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, success, mindset, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, wealth, success principles, mindset course, how to make money, how to get rich, how to make a million dollars, how to become a millionaire, how to make your first million, how to make your first million course, dan vas, investing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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