Robert Kiyosaki 2019 - The Speech That Broke The Internet!!! KEEP THEM POOR!

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read his book Rich dad Poor dad, 100% worth it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pemainpingpong πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Inspirational and an eye opener when he said about the fake teachers part. Really makes me wonder why did we learned all that stuffs in school back then when we don’t really use in real life today. Not saying everything we learnt at school was useless but when I think bout it some of it or most of them we hardly use in real life at all or even at work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gottmittuns πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

As much as I like Robert Kiyosaki but nah sorry. I'm a bit salty here but his solution isn't gonna budge especially when conducting it in a country like ours. Second, nothing against him as it is cold hard fact but he affirms that "the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer" slogan. I hate that bitter truth.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dsckhoa_NM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really motivational! You deserve a medal!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SultanReddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for this video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/okkootto πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] do the rich people cringe and say don't tell them that rock yes yes yes don't tell people with the what you know people poor my father was the head of education PhD all that stuff I go home and ask him said why don't we learn about money in school and he elected me says because the government doesn't let us teach that subject the government tells us what we can teach and what we can't teach and I thought that was strange and I said but aren't we going to school to learn about money he says no your job is to get a job I said but you get a job to earn money he goes no you're supposed to just get a job no no no no no this is the purpose of a job to earn money he goes you're correct I said so why don't we just learn about money I can skip the job part you know and he got flustered and he said why learn about money why don't you ask your best friend's father about money I said why that's Mike so I asked him he says because Mike's father is an entrepreneur and I said what I'm what are you is I'm an employee I'm a government employee I went Oh what's the difference this is the difference as an entrepreneur must know about money or they they're no longer entrepreneurs and it says an employee doesn't have to know anything about money because the government will take care of my company will take care of so I'm kidding I'm all confused but I took my dad's advice and I trundle over to Mike's father's office and knocked on his door and I said hey I'm here nine years old teach me about money he says beat it kid you know but that's where the story fridge ted portage started and finally through persistence my rich dad sorry teaching me about money on one condition and that condition was he would never pay me he says the moment I pay you you think like an employee he says that's the trap entrepreneurs work for free and now I'm nine years old my head's going cracking in half he says you never want a paycheck I understand that kid okay I got it and he says well how do I make money he says that's what a lunch burrowstrike around looks like so how do I learn about money so he would just break out I Monopoly game board so I would work for free I pick up cigarette butts and yet hotels and restaurants and I would clean and do menial tasks and as I got older I started getting into office work and marketing and accounting and I was an apprentice basically but I was working for free and he would teach me about money but the way he taught me about money was playing Monopoly and ice finally one day I got upset I said well when you gonna teach me about money is what I think we're doing we're playing Monopoly he goes no no no what do you think we're doing we're playing Monopoly so what do you think we're doing so I don't know I'm teach you about money and then that's why you know you have one green house you know he says there's many formulas for great success in money there's thousands of them but one of the best ones found in the game of Monopoly still as today for green houses one red hotel said what he says one of the greatest ways to acquire great wealth is playing Monopoly in real life for green houses one red hotel well is that all there is he goes that's it and he says what do you think I'm doing and I went I don't know so then he took me out he showed me his greenhouses and ten years later when I was 19 I was now in school in New York and I come back to Hawaii and rich debt had bought the biggest piece of land smack-dab in the middle of Waikiki Beach and when you go to Waikiki Beach today you'll see the Hyatt Regency Hotel that was his hotel just like the game of Monopoly just like the game of Monopoly acquired assets and they became bigger assets he just kept what's called an assemblage because that property wasn't that big at that time so he had to buy out all the small guys cuz Waikiki was a little dirt but a little town so he'd buy out this shop owner and buy that shop owner and it took him a while but he finally assembled this large piece of property and then he and he and Hyatt put up this giant hotel you know I just and it just sold for 800 million dollars so that's how I learned about money [Music] I've had financial crashes I've had people stab me in the back but they're all good because I grow from it that's spirituality you know people who are afraid of making mistakes like they teach in school they don't have a grow because spirituality is as good and there's bad the right and as wrong is up and there's down most people don't want to be right all I want to be positive well you can't have that that's not reality well I wasn't poor by most people's standards but I came from a family with a poor attitude if you know what I mean because rich poor middle class poverty starts with a fundamental attitude poverty has passed on it's taught in your families and middle classes taught in families and so the people right now who are sitting at home mmm who are struggling financially or worried about money or unhappy they may be making a lot of money but unhappy with what they're doing it was probably taught to you know your super-ego was taught get a job work hard or you'll never be rich or the rich or evil or whatever it's a school system will never teach you about money the school system was designed to teach you to be an employee which is important or a doctor or a lawyer a specialist but never about money and what most people lack is rael business knowledge like accounting you know like debt like taxes you got to know that stuff but they don't teach it in school to anybody so and then when people ask me how did your rich dad learn this when your poor dad a pH they did it and the answer is very simply my rich dad was okay my best friend's father his father died when he was 13 so his sore dad had this family business at 13 to run so here the drop out of school which was his blessing you know there's blessings and you know sometimes a blessing doesn't look like a blessing but it turned out to be a blessing and then his teachers became his bookkeeper his accountant his attorney his banker his real estate agents so he has what I call real teachers not these fake teachers in school you see most teachers in school they're out of ethics they teach subjects they don't they themselves don't practice I asked the teacher I said you know I'm in my third year of calculus now it was called it was called strength of materials I said am I ever gonna use the stuff he goes no you know said why do you teach it as I get paid so do you ever use it because no and that's why you know I you have to win in life one of the things I suggested people you're gonna find a rail teacher versus a fake teacher and a fake teacher if somebody doesn't do what they teach in a real teacher is doing what they teach every day so my accountants my attorney is there in it every single day that's how I learn because every day I'm solving problems in my business so I have I have accountants and attorneys and bankers and all these people on speed dial because I'm solving problems with my team I see you giving this knowledge out and yeah that I do the rich people cringe and say don't tell them that right yes yes yes don't tell people what you know people poor but you know unfortunately the poor wasn't the Bible I'm not real religious the poor will always be amongst us because it starts up here right it's that fear mentality it's it's in their words you know and the warrants become flesh got not really religious I flunked out of Sunday School also but when they say I can't afford it or I can't do that they go down they become what they say my PhD daddy says what do you think I am made of money I can't afford that and my Rich Dad would say that's why he's poor poor people say I can't afford it I can't do that I don't have time because this is escape it's an escape you know I mean it sees it as that can't afford and your rich dad used to say what instead of I can't afford it how can I afford it how can I do that you know what would it take or why should I do that he says that a question opens a mind a statement closes the might see when you say I can't afford it your mind shuts down you become what you say rugby is a team sport but so is soccer the rules are different and other people are golfers they play by themselves and so everybody's different so my game financially is business number one second is real estate so what I say to young people is you find your game [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 16,206,167
Rating: 4.8956108 out of 5
Keywords: Motivationhub, motivational video, eye opening speech, speech, success, robert kiyosaki, robert kiyosaki motivation, robert kiyosaki speech, robert kiyosaki london real, robert kiyosaki interview, 2019, 2019 robert kiyosaki, the shocking truth about your future, motivation, They don't want you to see this!, The speech that broke the internet, keep them poor, they want you to be poor, The Interview That Broke The Internet, robert kiyosaki keep them poor, broke the internet
Id: azq0S0DKS50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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