How I Went From Broke To Successful In 6 Months

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my name is jt franco and this is how i went from broke to successful in six months now i say successful lightly because of course there's more to success than money but for the sake of this video we are talking about money when i say money i mean having literally none zero to making a thousand dollars per day in six months now i'm gonna tell you the story but it's not to show you how cool i am and how awesome i am for making money it's actually the complete opposite to show you how average i am and if i'm being honest probably below average i am when it comes to some of these success metrics uh so you can see how possible it is literally for anybody to do this so it all started when i dropped out of high school so i was 17 i dropped out and i was kicked out of my house so i have no education i'm kicked out of my house i'm broke of course i went and i worked at minimum wage for a couple of years and then eventually i got this brand new job now super excited right it was an awesome job it was a sales job and i was bragging to my friends i was telling them like yo this is awesome i got to go to an office right i got to wear a suit they gave us business cards i was like yo i'm an adult now i'm going to make it in the big world right but what i didn't know is that being an adult you came with you know waking up extra early to beat the traffic sitting in that traffic every single day in my beater of a car that didn't have ac so i'm sweating buckets but still i'm hauling ass to get to work on time i get there on time and my boss yells at me jt on time is late and early is on time you gotta know better whatever dude so i hustle i work my ass off for the next couple months of that job and you know i'm working really hard i'm good at my job i'm like i'm a good salesperson and then one day i yawned i yawned in the morning meeting get the f out of my office you got to take this job more seriously he passed me up for promotion so for the last six months i'm busting my ass i'm i'm going to work early i'm i'm you know i'm helping i'm helping clients after work i'm working weekends i'm helping the new hires all so i can elevate my life i'm doing the best i can to climb that ladder and in an instant it was crushed because i'm working for this guy he doesn't appreciate what i do he's a tyrant right and i realized like i'm never gonna get ahead this way right i'm working it's all this guy's decision so i went home that day i was pissed off like this is whack dude i've been up all night thinking about this and i decided i'm gonna quit my job so i look for other ways to make money and i came across this book that my dad has been telling me to read for years and i read it it's called rich dad poor dad right now i know a lot of people um credit this book to being the catalyst for their success and there's a good reason for that right it's a good book like when i read i listened to that book on audible um i i learned like what it was to be in the rat race i've never heard that term until that book and the rat race is where you know fear and desire run your life so if there's fear of not having money so you work and then the desire kicks in and you spend it and you increase your spending you make more you increase your spending you get into more debt so you got to work harder and then it goes in a cycle and a cycle and a cycle then you die right that's the rat race i'm like wow okay i also learned in that book that to be successful to be you know to make money as an entrepreneur you didn't have to be the next mark zuckerberg which is what i thought right i thought being an entrepreneur meant you have the startup and then and then you go on shark tank right you get venture capitalists you get investors and all these crazy things you gotta have the next world-changing idea but i realized from reading that book that that wasn't true you just needed to have your money work for you right your money work for you so i read that and it totally changed the way i saw the world totally totally changed my perspective on things and then so from there i went into business right long story short i launched a catering company and that failed and so i failed the catering company and at this point now i'm like i'm close to moving back home with my mom and my dad because you know i'm close to being broke so i go out i try i'm still trying to better myself and i'm at this conference this real estate conference to try to find different ways to make money to try and find different avenues and when i'm at this conference i met this guy and this guy is who introduced me to the world of amazon the world of e-commerce right i'm sitting around it's this lunch break we're drinking a coffee and he's showing me these sales on his phone and he's just refreshing them and he's making thousands of dollars a day online i'm like what the actual f like i've never heard of this before what is this and from that moment that moment meeting that guy changed my life forever and that's what i want this video to be for you so if you're sitting out there and you're looking for a better way to make money i know exactly how you feel okay and this is it you just have to believe because you know what happened when i went home and i told my friends my family hey i found this guy who makes millions of dollars on amazon and he's showing me the ropes did you think do you think they said woohoo go for it awesome you're you're gonna do it no of course they said stop that's a scam don't be an idiot that's too good to be true there's no way that's possible right and you are going to meet these people these people they're your friends they're your family people online probably people in the very comments of this video are going to say that's impossible as a scam it's too good to be true and i want you to know that these people are not trying to help you okay these people are not even talking to you they're talking to themselves because they're seeing something they're seeing someone that's doing something that's amazing and they don't even believe that they can do it so they project that out onto you right so you can either decide to listen to somebody who's done it or you can listen to someone that doesn't even believe that they themselves can do it okay so what did i do right the first thing i did was i made the most important investment i realized i didn't have much money i didn't have many resources so i made the investment in myself right learning taking up all the knowledge taking up everything i could because of how powerful rich dad poor dad was i went on this journey of exploration and really trying to see what else do i not know what else have have i been not taught all my life going through high school right so robert kiyosaki killed it with richard a poor dad so i read um the invest the cash flow quadrant the cash flow quadrant that's when i learned the difference between being an investor and being a self-employed and being a business owner someone you know self-employed is someone who owns a job right so you're running your own show you're doing your own thing but it's still a job you're still time poor because you're locked down you you can't scale because you are stuck to this job and that's when i realized you know my catering company is not going to work so you know i moved on from that and i kept on reading it so i read you know rich or no think and grow rich sorry thinking girl rich and i learned the power of manifestation really believing and calling you know it's the law of attraction basically is what that book is about believing that it's done writing your goals down as if it's already been accomplished and i read you know the 10x rule by grant cardone where he talks about massive action it's not just about thoughts and and goals it's about actually taking 10x actions um then i read the one thing by gary keller and that book was amazing because that showed you you know you think about success what it takes to make a million dollars let me ask you right now what do you think it takes make a million dollars your mind goes into these you know you see the big picture you see us it seems so complicated it seems overwhelming but in the one thing they talk about how success is sequential and it's about knocking down one domino at a time right what is the one thing you can do today that will make everything else irrelevant or not important so i kept on learning i kept on bettering myself and then i jumped into amazon so amazon fba basically for those of you that don't know it's where you own your own physical products brand right it's tangible it's real products you brand it as your own um and then you listen on amazon and you sell to amazon's customers and that's basically the gist of it and it's really cool and simple because amazon handles most of it they do the warehousing they do the storage they do the shipping to the customers you know amazon prime one day delivery they manage the you know returns and everything like that so i'm like okay this is it this makes a lot of sense it's a real life thing um and i knew this was the way to do it so i wanted to committed to it i knew this was the way so what i did was and i don't suggest or recommend this necessarily because i went into debt for it right like what i'm also related to i had no money all i had was credit cards and i believed in it so i i dove in so i launched my first product right this was called the same penis forever banner yes you heard that right it was a banner that you hang at bachelorette parties and i thought it was gonna be a great idea and i launched it and it failed i'm like okay you know that kind of sucks i lost like 600 bucks on that i was a little bit nervous but you know what it's okay it's one failure it's bumping the road right they always say success all these books i read i was so motivated so i went out and i okay second product let's go this second product was a wall mount for uh shelving units you put on the wall let's do it so i go out i launch this product i'm super excited time goes by maybe a few sales trickle in and then failed so i'm starting to sweat i'm like oh boy okay now i'm in debt right now well and i say a loss i i i made some of the money back but still i'm i'm in a negative so third time's a charm right third time's a charm i did more research i did as much work as i could and i launched this product it was like flame bulb or flame bag one of those products you know i failed i failed a lot of product let's just say um and then the third product goes out boom three for three and it's not working right and now i'm really nervous at this point i'm like you know maybe there's a guy i met this nick guy maybe he was lucky maybe it's all maybe it is a scam maybe my family is right and you know i have debt to pay off like what the hell am i going to do maybe i should give up right that was my thought process and then it struck me i realized that it wasn't the model right i looked at amazon i said this business model works there's people that are doing it there's it's a trillion dollar company and the majority of the sales come from third-party sellers like everyday people like me and you so if my products are failing it's not amazon's fault it's my fault right i took ownership and by the way another great book extreme ownership um it's where you just something goes wrong it's your fault don't blame anybody else take ownership for it so you can correct the mistake and that's what i did and i said you know what this is it i'm gonna i'm on the edge of crawling back home to mom and dad if i don't make this i failed at school i filmed my caring company i failed at my sales job i didn't get the promotion i'm failing at amazon like this sucks right i'm terrible at this i'm not very good i'm making money but i gotta give it one last go i gotta give it my all and i went for that fourth product launched it made a hundred dollars a day two three hundred dollars a day i most ever made boom making a thousand dollars a day in six months period and since then i've had you know 30 70 100 000 days but it wouldn't have been possible if i didn't believe i didn't go through the journey of bettering myself and then executing and i realized that success was not about the tactics it was never about the learning ppc learning product research learning these little things and the strategies it was about the mindset it was about the way you think about yourself and the way you think about success is what it really took the resilience to believe in the thing even when you fail three times in a row like i said in the beginning i don't believe that money is the be all end-all right but it's about the things that you can do with it right it gives you the freedom gives you the time to spend with your family i was able to take my mom who had me at a young age was never able to travel the world i was able to take her on a four-month vacation to asia it was one of the best memories of my life right i was able to buy cool things and have really cool dinners and have really fun experiences and travel with my girlfriend i was able to do all this awesome stuff because i was able to stick with it with amazon fba now what do you do now right so here's my advice step one write down your excuses now this one's gonna come naturally because this is what happens when you see videos like this or you hear stories like this you say wow that's awesome that's really cool but i can't do it because right i'm gonna stop you right there write that down what's your because because i don't have enough time because i don't have enough money because of this or because of that look at them all down write it down i mean and look at them and really think about it is it really gonna stop you are these things you're writing down really what's stopping you or is that just a story that you've sold yourself on number two look at your options okay you're gonna look at the paper you're gonna think about your options you're gonna feel like you have a lot of options but at the end of the day you really only have two options okay number one you can do nothing right you can say oh this is too scary it's too risky i'm not going to do anything i'm going to listen to all the people that told me to scam i'm going to listen to all the people that told me it's too good to be true that really have never tried it themselves right and you do nothing or you take action you face your fear and you go after it right those are the only really when it boils down to it that's the only two options you have but at the end of the day when you're 80 years old which one are you gonna regret not doing right because if you do nothing nothing will change and if you want change you know what you got to do okay number three i want you to realize that this is real and this is not easy i'm not i didn't tell you the story to make it seem like get rich quick i didn't add the six months because i made it to make it seem more enticing right that's just my story that's how it played out but if you really listen to the story it's not easy right it was scary as for me to go through all this risk to go into debt to really risk my whole life savings and everything i had and my credit on it it was tough right but it worked out i'm not gonna i'm not promising it's gonna work out for you but you know that's the reality right i want you to know the reality because a lot of marketers there's a lot of gurus out there who try to make it seem super easy and super simple like getting rich is gonna be a walk in the park and i'm not to insult your intelligence like that because i obviously you know that's not true but i want you to realize that this is a possibility if you take action and move towards it and number four the last thing that you would need to do is do what i did my first step which was investing in yourself right get the knowledge get the know-how sacrifice your time in the now to free your time in the future now i want to remind you i dropped out of high school i had no money i was kicked out of my house i had no friends i had no education i had no background in this i had no knowledge of how to do it i had nothing and i was able to do it because i took action right because i realized and i had the paradigm shift to realize what it took to get there i believed in it i stuck with it and i achieved it and i'm not the only person that's done this of course there's thousands of people that have done it there's thousands of people that will continue to do it whether you do it or not right the person beside you that's you know telling you it's not possible that says it's too saturated it's too hard now in 2020 someone will be rich in 2021 someone will make it happen in 2022 it's going to continue to happen amazon's going to continue to grow ecommerce is going to continue to grow and that's just the plain old fact of it whether you're on the ride or not that is up to you so hopefully this video was helpful to you hopefully i reached that just one person out of all of you and that would have been worth it for me if i could have been the that person for you that opened your eyes to it that put you on to that put you onto the opportunity to put you on to you know amazon fba or ecommerce as a whole then it would have been worth it for me now if you want to start with number four step number four and take action i'm gonna put some videos up on the screen here that are gonna show you exactly step by step the process the actual nitty gritty in my screen how to do it amazon fba step by step a to z from xero to actually selling products online i gotta click that video now and i'll see you later okay i'm jt franco the no amazon seller i want you to remember that if you do what everybody else does you're gonna get what everybody else gets i'll see you in the next [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JT Franco
Views: 4,284
Rating: 4.9096775 out of 5
Keywords: amazon FBA, jt franco, amazon fba 2020, how to make money online, make money online 2020, fba, amazon, change my life, how to make money, how to make money online 2020, how to make money online fast, how to make money on amazon, nicholas bosch, entrepreneur, success story, $1000 a month, $1000 a month online, make money online, make money fast, make money online fast, how to change your life, earn money online, e-commerce business, change your life, how i changed my life
Id: VD-4Zr5a9Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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