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I don't know this is my friend Jeff while he was in New York I renovated his apartment so he would feel right at home I did a little bit of a makeover your apartment what you do you're hiring a personal trainer you got friends like this do you want me a personal trainer yeah yeah I kind of worry that it's a friend I'm documenting your progress I'm am comfortable chapter and I just feel like I'll be too comfortable with Jeff doing it what friend is gonna be as comfortable with yelling at you as I am you know the last guy was pretty and I can train you here at your house because I've learned how to workout with no weights when I was in jail I mean I'm down let's try it out yeah I'm not committed to it that's I'm not a personal trainer I got to make videos to have the brain photoshoots modeling that were modeling yesterday we might not even be friends after the next [ __ ] jail prank you do to me alright so we got Joe here Joe is David's right-hand man hi this is weird normally he keeps me in the closet he doesn't like me being seen that a lot of in front of the camera time maybe he could help us out give us a few ideas for the revenge prank that we're working on yeah I thought this is just a regular haircut no no we'll work it on a revenge plan I don't have anything yet but I was hoping you could help me out I need a little time to set up because I haven't given a haircut since we remodeled from the prison there's just a lot of cleanup people don't really see that aftermath david dobrik videos you should be honored that he even lets you in their videos because some of us has been trying for two and a half years so it's kind of cool that you got to be in it you know you see we repaid it but you could still see the dark past I know he's a super sweet guy grant guy sweet hands loving talented tender lover he gave away cars to all his friends not off let me just put her in the room because he's making too much noise all right that's good cool well he'd be a great haircut perfect I'm sure you got to remember this one we've got a picture of something he landed you like I want the rich and successful haircut I like that he brought a printout you know how David likes to tease me about my ex-girlfriends billboard hey king of pranks do you think her billboard would be enough to remind him every day if I paint that in your bedroom oh man this is a touchy subject huh he could just repaint it it's not as much cleanup and aftermath like you would what he did here why would you want to do that to him why not he David I didn't want to put a prison back in his house because one it cost a lot of money takes a lot of time you need a lot of people and plus he's never been in jail so it's not gonna have the same effect that it had on me mentally there was this one of the situation I joked around a little bit about this photo David's ex-girlfriend and an Aquaman hmm big muscle man what a hunk he is he's no Navy chair he was in a movie but what do you mean is the biggest hunk in Hollywood does he even have a YouTube channel feel like you should just get him a car you think I should get David a car after he turns my house into a prison and were you working for man technically nobody I'm not employed all right Joe if you won't help me with the David prank at least I'll give you a good haircut huh huh oh you're gonna love this I think you're gonna love the low maintenance look Oh Aquaman or just Liza Koshi on demand I still thank you to get him a Ferrari just when I thought you'd say all right we're all set that was the fastest hair crop we've ever done is that a good thing good for me what do you think holy [ __ ] I look good I'm just kidding oh holy [ __ ] that was great Jeff Wow it's man's insane oh my god that bad luck yes yeah I need some help you know obviously you're a lot closer with David I want to get revenge on him and everybody around here all these LA guys these wannabe actors that are in his crew I asked them what I should do for revenge and they're all just like oh I wouldn't mess with they man they're all a bunch of [ __ ] look at this guy hey so far all I got is paint something in his room her and Jason Momoa like oh yeah I went to jail nine years ago cool so he wants us to go Jason Momoa Aquaman is today's the day when we're gonna get our revenge I think can we give him a little taste of his own medicine we go with painting the mural on the wall unfortunately I can't even put out a post on my story to say hey I'm looking for a painter to help me do a prank because David would just see it and then the prank will be blown so basically there's no point to get a lot of followers because it doesn't do [ __ ] for you I did find this one girl though that's showing off one of her paintings I think she I think she definitely knows what she's doing there's another one of her paintings that she's showing off as you could see the painting is is great I think she's the one for the painting for it I think she's the one to do the painting so Scott and Todd have their final show tonight here in LA it's about 15 minutes away from David's house so I'll be able to bounce back and forth Natalie said that they just left the house but she had to lock the door and David closed the gate so I'm gonna have to hop over the gate and break into his house piece of cake good Jason Momoa up here it's because he's everything that David's not he's a man's man he's tough he's muscular he's a badass deep voice he's a huge movie star now every day when David wakes up and when he goes to bed at night he'll get to see his ex-girlfriend with the biggest hunk in Hollywood I think David's gonna love it all right so this sheet here that I just slipped onto his bed it's a sheet that's made for little kids that pee the bed when David goes to bed tonight we want to make sure that he's reminded first thing in the morning with the ice-cold bucket of water that Aquaman is watching and we're gonna get him started with his new workout plan hopefully he's inspired to get some new muscles like the guy that too his ex-girlfriend from him yeah just you know hypothetically in our mural this is just imagination this is all just for a good fun guy so before you you tear me apart in the comments oh that's messed up - Liza that's messed up - David the guy put me in jail all right he [ __ ] shot me with enough paintballs to [ __ ] make my body look like a cheetah I just wanna point out that it's 7:55 right now the only time I ever saw David cry was in his breakup video David's most viewed video actually was when he got his heart broken on camera and when I saw that my eyes lit up alright David is inside here we got to keep them here as long as possible Jason Momoa you guys are hanging out it's on pains in that picture but a little exaggerated maybe he'll be shirtless in David's bedroom oh my what sauce we're doing here five just chill out look except paint we both met or going through pretty nasty breakups and you've done so many nice things for me I just wanted to return the favor for you yeah this is good this is unexpected your ex-girlfriend real man Jason my [ __ ] Jason my Ma's her celebrity crush and she's dressed as Jack that's one that's what she's my favorite I know I know you're most attracted to it with the mustache this has never happened to me so I don't know how to react what nobody's ever painted your ex-girlfriend who broke up with you on your wall I do something nice for you it was the worst moment of my life and make you feel at home this is so sad I'm so bummed out now he came over tomorrow oh thank you for all the help I'll sleep with you here tonight you want hit the Liza jet in chase him amor you did this Danny struck you booked and make a whole room of prison we had a slum sense right now that you've your ex-girl of he's coming out of the ocean he'll pick her up like that no problem he's probably not even breathing heavy perfect timing for the fitness motivation how are you not mad about this well you never get laid so it doesn't matter in the factory oh I've never seen him look so defeated at his face damn that's funny I'm terrified now that he's gonna [ __ ] shoot me with a real gun while I'm sleeping a seven-foot you know what it feels good to get him back at 6 a.m. right now that's up one hour ok truck last night [ __ ] up I don't give a [ __ ] [Music] let's go why I wasn't wet what I slept on the couch snake is my entire bed was soaked Oh actually gonna work out trained you did you enjoy it I regret it yeah well Matt you're up and you're about to pack on at least 10 15 pounds of muscle I thought I wanted to know it about that's a great [ __ ]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 6,984,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david dobrik, jeff wittek, liza koshy, vlog squad, prank, we broke up, todd smith, painting, mural, jason momoa, aquaman, jeffs barbershop, haircut
Id: C3pDQGeU5D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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