Using DRY ICE to make an EPIC Product Commercial!

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all right this right here is solid carbon dioxide also known as dry ice dry ice is very useful because it is incredibly cold most commonly companies will use this to keep food products fresh when they're shipping it to their customers but today we're going to be using this for something a little bit different the cool thing about dry ice is that if you put it in a container and then pour boiling hot water on it this is what you get [Music] now if you know me you know i'm gonna have to try and find a way to incorporate this dry ice into a product commercial the problem is that i haven't yet found a product that fits with this dry ice theme until today the sponsor of today's video commentary asked me if i would like to try some of their flash frozen specialty coffee that's right flash frozen at negative 321 degrees fahrenheit to be exact you see what cometier does is they use top-tier beans from the world's best roasters they grind and brew the coffee fresh with incredible precision and then it's flash frozen to lock in all of those delicious flavors and aromas of that freshly ground and brewed coffee now to make the coffee at home all you have to do is grab your little frozen capsule open it up and then pop that frozen puck of coffee into a glass then take your hot water pour it in there and congratulations you have yourself a fresh cup of coffee like your coffee's iced no problem simply pour a melted capsule into six to eight ounces of cold water and ice for a delicious rich iced coffee similarly for an iced latte you can add your melted capsule to six ounces of milk or a dairy alternative of your choice and these are just a few of the many ways you can enjoy your commentary coffee so go to daniel shiffer to get 16 free cups with your first order all right so here's the plan we're going to be creating a product commercial for this little frozen coffee capsule here and i want to make it extra dramatic we've got the dark backdrop we've got the props the ice tongs the black latex gloves all these little details are going to really add to that dark and mysterious mood that i want for this video now very important is we're also going to be using that dry ice effect we talked about before to really drive home that flash frozen cold aspect of the product but i also want to give this video a little bit of a secondary theme because the name of the product is cometeer and if you go to their website the front page has the slogan a new day has arrived on earth for coffee i'm getting a lot of space vibe so i think if we go with something kind of out of this world apollo 11 inspired that will just add another layer to this video to really tie it all together as always i've got my shot list here that breaks down the steps of preparing the coffee and i think we're just gonna go for it all right so first things first we're gonna close the curtains because we want full control over our lighting and we're gonna be starting with our widest shot of the sequence with the sony a7s iii and the zeiss bat is 40 millimeter so the idea for this opening sequence is to have the cooler in hand we're gonna place it down on the table here i have the remote in my pocket for the light so we're gonna start with placing the cooler down on the table in the center of our frame after that we're gonna be opening it up and then finally using our tongs we're gonna pull out the coffee capsule from the cooler now my hope is that once we add the dry ice to the cooler it'll give us that smokey effect that resembles a spaceship either taking off or landing with all that smoke billowing up so that's what we're going for with this first shot now because the label on our coffee capsule is that purple color we're going to be using an aperture mc light also set to a similar purple color just to give us a little bit of an accent light on our subject the next step is to add our dry ice to the cooler when you're working with dry ice you do need to be careful you can actually get frostbite or burn your skin from how cold these pellets are which is why you need hand protection and ideally some kind of apparatus too you're also going to want to make sure that you're using this stuff in a well ventilated area that isn't enclosed and the last thing i'll say is if you have pets at home like a pet dog you want to keep them away from the dry ice because the fumes can actually be toxic or so i've read online so all we're gonna do now is make sure that everything is centered in the frame and in focus we're gonna hit record and we're gonna add our hot water looking good let's shut this but not all the way and grab our handle and we're just going to place this down in the center of the frame as best as we can in three two one one more time and three two one i think that was good and now without moving the cooler i'm very careful gonna put the handle down and open it up oh yeah that looks good and then finally we have our commenter capsule in our tongs mix this around a little bit three two one i think that was good so that should just about do it for the 40 millimeter so we're gonna switch over to our 90 mil macro now for our next shots so right now i'm just going to set focus with the capsule in the middle of the frame and the idea is to just move it around in my hand and twirl it the objective with this shot is for the capsule to appear like some kind of really important or precious item now sometimes products like this are labeled with some kind of stamp and they'll have expiry dates and things like that and if you want to get rid of it all you have to do is use a razor blade and you can simply just scratch it right off so i'm just going to hit record and start twirling this around in the frame i love that the light is only on one side of the capsule it's almost like the dark side of the moon now fun fact these capsules are actually sustainable and 100 recyclable because when you're done with the product there's no leftover grounds and residue inside the capsule so you can toss it straight into the recycling bin which is pretty cool all right so i've been doing this for a couple of minutes now and we should have something in there that works so i'm gonna end it there alright so the next step in the process is to get a shot of the label being peeled back on the capsule and we're going to cheat this a little bit by having the capsule pre-peeled and emptied and what i actually want to do is get some dry ice inside of there so that when we peel it back we get that smoky cool effect and we're just gonna drop that in there gonna hit record and make sure everything is in focus gonna add a little bit of water not too much and i'm just gonna wait for it to calm down a little bit and i'm gonna try and seal this as best as i can and pretty much what i'm going to do is i'm just going to start peeling this back until we get a take that looks pretty good and believable it wasn't bad just fix that there try a bit slower i should also mention that all of the shots we've gotten so far have been in 4k at 120 frames per second because i do intend on slowing most of these down and our next shot is going to be the shot where we use the tongs to extract the coffee puck out of the capsule so we need a coffee puck so what i'm going to do here is just remove a puck from another capsule [Music] i'm just going to add some water there we go we're just going to move this up and down oh that was cool nice okay one of those should be pretty good so we're going to end it there and move along to our next shot [Music] just gonna move this out of the way and now we've got our beaker here where we're gonna take our coffee puck just very gently plop it in there now i do want this a little bit further back so i just have to adjust my focus hit record don't really need to move the camera and we're just going to scroll this around [Music] that looks so good just got to keep doing it because you never know what's going to be in focus and what's not when you're going this fast let's end that and get our next shot now for our final shot of the video i'm going to move the camera back a whole bunch because we want it to be wider to get the whole beaker in the frame that looks good just going to make sure this is centered all right we've got a couple more pieces of dry ice here we're just going to pop it into this container and we're going to make sure that it is not in the shot that looks good we're gonna pour hot water on it awesome hit record double check our focus and make sure everything is centered now for this shot we're shooting in 240 frames per second in s and q mode we need that extra slow motion for that final shot to really see that coffee bubbling so now we're gonna go ahead make sure that this is looking good that looks cool all right so now comes the point in the video where i'm going to totally embarrass myself by attempting to record a voiceover for this commercial because we're going with an apollo 11 themed video i'm going to try and do a mission control style voiceover and we're just going to go for it 15 seconds clear to initiate the extraction process we have successful extraction please prepare for melting so i'm going to add a lot of effects to that like a walkie-talkie and a vintage radio to really disguise my horrible impression of a transatlantic mission control of voice but let's put on the video and see how it goes [Music] 15 seconds clear to initiate the extraction process [Music] we have successful extraction please prepare for melting [Music] so which version of the video did you prefer personally i think the idea of the voiceover was cool but i don't think i could fully execute that style of voiceover at least in the way i envisioned it but let me know what you think down in the comments below which version you liked better but that is it for this video i hope you enjoyed it if you would like to get 16 free cups on your first comment your order then go to the link in the description below or go to daniel schiffer don't forget to like subscribe and follow me on instagram daniel.chiffor and as always i will see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 258,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: product commercial behind the scenes, epic b roll, Daniel schiffer, cometeer coffee, product video tutorial
Id: 9icSMQEl2ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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