How to Preserve Eggs The EASY WAY!

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[Music] welcome everybody welcome back to homestead heart and this is the second part of how I am going to be preserving and storing my farm fresh eggs yes so let's go ahead and get right to it okay if you haven't seen the video of how I pickle my eggs I'm gonna leave that card somewhere up here but it will also be included in that food preservation playlist that's going to be somewhere down in the comment section below now before we get started go ahead and give this video a thumbs up share the video and subscribe to our homestead channel so let's go ahead and get to the next part of preserving these eggs all right you all the way that I'm going to be preserving these eggs is super simple and it don't take long now if you don't have farm-fresh eggs and you have store-bought eggs and they won't want to sell and you're trying to get eggs because of what's going on you're just trying to collect them and best you well I'm going to show you how you can preserve them okay so what you're gonna need of course your eggs I have two muffin tins right here and I also have these little silicone muffin thingamajiggy right here okay and I will just be taking these and I will be putting these inside of my muffin tins yeah these are so easy because the eggs peel away from them super simple and I don't have to be trying to get them out of the muffin pan so I'm just gonna get all of these lined with the silicone buffing thingamajiggy and I'm also gonna spray these with a little cooking spray yep all right y'all let's do this I've got my pans line I've got my cooking spray just gonna give them a little hit don't even require a lot not long and then from there it's easy-peasy just take your egg crack your egg these shells are hard jeez maybe use a spoon but I got it did I drop it back in there oh all right you all I didn't realize that I wasn't even recording this part but that's okay I've got another trade that I can do now what I am doing with slide this one to the side and you've already seen that I do spray my tins with just a little bit of oil and then I just start cracking the eggs and getting the eggs inside so I do this you guys because we have we get so many eggs that we have to be able to properly preserve them without them going to waste now I can sell some of these eggs right and that wouldn't be a problem but this is the start of the spring right these are the first eggs of the spring and truth be told we want to make sure that we have enough eggs to get us through those months when our chickens are not laying quite as many eggs okay so we will take them and we will store them and preserve them and they will turn out just fine now because I use a lot of eggs by the way I use a lot of eggs for baking I use a lot of eggs just eggs you know sometimes you have scrambled eggs you know and so fried eggs or whatever but for baking bread and cakes and pies I will use a lot of eggs so I need to make sure that I save enough eggs just for us okay and then once we have enough eggs preserved and store it for us then we can think about selling what we have left over yes so now all I'm gonna do now is get these eggs put in can y'all see that yeah oh I'm just gonna get these eggs put in the freezer and then let them sit for about four hours or so and then I'll come back because they come out of these little muffin things so easy then I'll show you what I do with them now before we get started if you have a ton of eggs and they're not let's just say you want to go out and buy eggs and you don't have farm-fresh eggs you know you just want to go buy eggs you can still store them this way okay you can still preserve your eggs this way and they will turn out absolutely fine all right now I'll be honest nothing beats farm-fresh eggs that was laid this morning nothing nothing beats that all right but you get what you can get and do what you can do with what you have so let's go ahead and get these babies in the freezer and I will see y'all back here when they are no longer Oh Wiggly and stuff but when they are frozen someone get these in the freezer y'all stay tuned okay you all while we are waiting on those eggs to freeze I decided that I would take two of my eggs out of the freezer bag that I'll frozen maybe two weeks ago three weeks ago something like that I froze them and so I decided to take them out and we're gonna scramble them up and we're gonna have a look at what they look like while we are waiting for those to come out of the freezer those are almost ready so let's go ahead and have a look and see what this is going to fry up and look like when it's done I'll show y'all it's gonna be good all right y'all so this is what they're looking like the yolk is still can a little bit of frozen this too it ain't quite unthought all the way yet but that's okay I'm not gonna wait I'm gonna go ahead and just mash that yoke down yep and loosen it up so I can down and get the rest of that ice out of there so this got some ice in it sure do I could have waited but I just didn't want to wait to show y'all cuz the other ones are almost done so I'm just gonna mash that yoke down now if you let it on fall all the way it won't look like this again I'm just gonna add a little bit of salt a little bit of taking season here give that a whisk up that's what I'm alright now already got my skillet over here heating up a little bit of butter let's see y'all all right let's get this add into this pan get out upstairs get this fire turned down on low now but the moment of truth let's do this he's hot they're pretty good y'all see we eat them on camera they do mmm-hmm these are really good these are really good and these eggs have been frozen for about three weeks or so okay our eggs are out let's have a look at okay you all so as you can see I did throw a pans three pans of these eggs and I'll show you all how fast they come out but before I do that this is what else you're gonna need you're gonna need a freezer bag I have I used two of them but you're gonna need a freezer bag and a Sharpie and all I'm gonna do is simple I'm gonna write on this bag today's date which is no no March 24th of 20 eggs and that's it so this is what I'm writing on my outside bag okay let me sit that one to the side and that's bag I use for my inside this is the bag that I'm going to fill with these eggs okay but look at how easy they just pop out of these little silicone cups here see that that's it that's one egg beautiful right now just take it and put it inside of this cup and we're gonna get them all out and get them all in this freezer bag like so again as you can see they come out so easy just pop them out pop them into this bag and doing it this way you don't have to worry about separating them later like if you just dumped to their you just dumped a bunch of eggs in a bowl and froze them or something like that then you would have to figure out how you're going to separate them later but doing it like this man this is so much simpler and then a way if I only if I need three eggs or if I need half dozen eggs all right this will have one egg then all I have to do is just come in this bag and pop it out of the bag the amount of eggs that I need right and that's all I have to do beer all right that's two dozen eggs right there sit that to the side grab my last pan and you all can do you I can pop these eggs in like real quick when you heading out the door to do go to work or do farm chores or whatever and then when you come back they're ready to come out of the freezer and go in the bag and you have just referred your eggs and it didn't even take a lot last one popped it right on out of there in the bag is gone I'm gonna wash my hands all right y'all as you can see what do they have dozen eggs ready to go in the freezer I'm gonna seal this bag I'm gonna get all of the air out okay get all of the air out and then I'm gonna seal it just like so now this is the first freezer bag and for me because I like to be a little redundant with things I guess I just like to make extra short that is safe right so it's going inside of the bag that I marked with the date on it and that's where this bag is going can you get the air out of this one - just fold it over to get there I push the air out and seal up the bag and there we go there we have it I have one and a half dozen eggs frozen and ready to go and as you saw when you get ready to scramble it up its gonna be good now I would say really and truly that egg should probably come out of the freezer and sit overnight in the refrigerator okay if you're gonna use it the next day for baking or something you want to take that egg out overnight overnight and put it in the bottom of the refrigerator just to get it ready and then that day you can take it out and sit it on your counter and let it get room temperature and it'll be ready to go for baking so store in our eggs this way this right here allows us to have eggs to go throughout the winter when our chickens are not laying that many eggs and our chickens this winter got down to Lin about five or six eggs a day and that was okay but if I was baking a lot of bread and tea cakes and things like that that would've been enough that would've been enough at all so storing our eggs this is a way to preserve them so that they will last a long time and they will last in the refrigerator you know about a year yeah about a year and so by the time I store all of these and I'm gonna store enough I don't know I'll make that decision like how many dozen do I need to store to get me through from winter to spring like they might start slowing down somewhere around October November right and they start picking up again in the end of March so how many dozen eggs do I need for that four-month period to get us through so that we don't run out of eggs right so that's how I calculate that so y'all I hope this helps you all I hope that this is made somebody's day like oh yeah I can do that okay so I hope so I hope this was a help to you all as I bring you along on our journey of food preservation how to preserve and store your food so that it will last long term all right so that's the end of how I store and preserve my eggs now there are many ways that you can preserve eggs okay many ways especially like you know back in the olden days they didn't have the methods of freezing them and being able to store them in a freezer or something like that they need other things with other stuff putting it in jars with think lime or something and I'm not doing that are you doing that right now alright y'all so that's it that's how I store my farm-fresh eggs thank you all so much for joining me today in this food preservation miniseries thank you for watching homestead heart don't forget to give us a thumbs up please share this information the playlist will be in the comment section below on food preservation how you can preserve your food so don't forget to check that out don't forget just imagine that like button in that notification bell so you don't miss any videos we upload to our Channel so again thank you all for watching homestead heart store your fresh edge all peace and blessings to each and every one of you I'll see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Views: 149,007
Rating: 4.9845424 out of 5
Keywords: how to preserve eggs, how to can carrots, how to can green beans, how to grow vegetables, how to start a garden, how to grow squash, black farmers, black homesteaders, livestock Guardian dogs, how to start a container garden
Id: gauBXkR6ZXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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