Making HOMEMADE BUTTER with a MODERN twist.

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good morning everybody welcome to living traditions homestead my name is Sarah well recently our family bought our very first family milk cow her name is hope she is waiting very patiently to be milked we are milking her twice a day right now we're getting anywhere between 2 and 3 gallons of milk per day and today I wanted to share with you a little bit of the milking process and a couple things that we've been very excited to start doing with all of her milk but first we need to start milking so within our barn we have an area sectioned off that is just for milking our cow nothing else goes on in this area in fact none of the animals are allowed in here except for when we're milking basically what we've done is we've separated this area off of the cattle panel and just a normal cattle gate and then I made this milking stanchion for our cow to come up on this is just made out of two by fours and two by eights and then we have this rubber mat on the floor that helps her just be a little more comfortable and not slip if you were to go to the bathroom or if it's raining out this helps her so she doesn't slide on the wood basically what happens is she just comes up she walks right into the stand once she has her head over here and starting to eat I would just shut this there's just this bolt that goes through and then that just stops her from being able to back out while she is being milked we use a refurbished surge milking machine that is a from back in the 1960s they actually made these from all the way back 1922 up until the early 90s I believe but this one is from I think the fifties or sixties and that's how we milk our cow every day we wash her up really well before we start make sure she's nice and clean and we also squeeze out a little bit of milk from each teeth to make sure there's no bacteria up in there and then we'll get into our milk supply but I'll make sure to take my time and wash her several times before we get started lunch is all cleaned up we just turn on our Pope tinkoff these hoses and tilts and pressure builds up inside the milking tank and then these will go on and start milking [Applause] count have four teeth and they have four separate sections and their utter if they're called quarters and four quarters they're kind of like four separate breasts that are all one large utter and then milk out separately we start with the back two quarters and then when those are empty and milk stops flowing then we switch to these front two quarters we have this hook here that's holding these milking lines up off the ground it helps keep them away from her feet in case she moves around but you can't step on them so once we're all done milk you know we don't see any more milk flowing out we just take everything back on land hook our pump from the milk er all of this goes back into our cart to head in the house so we can strain it and get it in the refrigerator so once we're back in the house we're ready to strain the milk we basically have this big stainless steel strainer these are made just for milk and then we have a food grade bucket now down in the bottom of this funnel is we put one of these disposable milk filters and that just sets down in the bottom and then gets clamped into place with the spring and then we just pour our milk right through that and it ends up down in the bucket and then we'll put it into half gallon jars so let's go ahead and pour this milk in now the reason that you filter it is in case you know there were any like little hairs or anything that got in there while you were milking which would be pretty rare since we use a milking machine everything is self-contained it's a bigger problem if you're milking by hand but we still strain it just to be safe once that strains all the way through we're ready to put this right into jars and get it in the refrigerator so it can start cooling down all right so let's see how much milk we ended up with from just this morning's milking each of these jars is a half gallon [Music] [Music] so there we go almost a gallon and a half this morning so that is a good day for sure and then we'll milk again tonight we'll probably get another gallon or so tonight so that'll be perfect we'll get these in the refrigerator we always put a date on them put them in the refrigerator and then by tomorrow they'll be ready to get the cream off of them well now that we're done milking and done cleaning up I'm excited to show you how to make butter we have a lot of milk on the homestead right now which means we also have a lot of cream and we have started making our own butter and we absolutely love it I also love that I can stop buying it from the grocery store I love it when I can replace something homegrown or homemade for the things that we've been buying at the grocery store there are lots of different ways to make butter but there are some that are way faster and way easier than others so I'm excited to share with you today two easy and easier ways to make butter but first in order to make butter from your fresh cows milk you need the cream off of it now cow's milk is not naturally homogenized which means that the cream and the milk don't stay mixed together the cream and the milk on cow's milk separates after a while now this milk that I have here in this jar this was today's milk it is not separated yet it takes some time takes about 24 hours for a good separation this milk over here was yesterday's milk and you can see if you look closely that the cream has separated so all the way down here is milk and from here up is cream now we need to get that cream off because that's why you make butter out of butter is made from only cream so I'm going to share with you two different ways to get the cream off of fresh milk now we have been doing this first way for years and years even though we just got our very first milk cow here on our homestead we have bought fresh cows milk from a friend for quite a while we do have goat's milk but when I want to make butter we buy fresh cows milk now we've got our own cows so we can get our own so this way I've been doing forever but then recently I discovered a trick that I'm so happy to share with you now I understand that not everybody has a cow in their backyard like we do you can make homemade butter from cream heavy cream from the store but it's not going to be as cost-effective generally cream from the store is more expensive than just buying butter but if you want an experiment or if you just want to try it or if you want it for a home school project buy heavy cream at the store and you can do it the same way okay so this is our milk from yesterday or some of our milk from yesterday and I showed you the cream line okay at the very top of your cream is what is going to be called heavy cream and there's a big consistency difference between the heavy cream and the kind of more liquidy cream underneath heavy cream sometimes is the consistency of sour cream that's how happy it is let me show you how thick this is this is the heavy cream look how thick that is it's almost like sour cream so the whole layer on top is going to be that thick that heavy cream and then as you get out from there if you get as you get more and more of it out then it will become a little bit more spin now as you get closer to the milk line you'll need to be more and more careful because the milk will start mixing a little bit with the cream the color of the cream and the color of the milk are quite different so when you start getting close to the milk line you'll see it starting to peak through a little bit and then you just need to be more and more careful and this is really how easy it is to skim the cream off the top of fresh milk so I pretty much have all the cream off of this jar that I'm going to use it was a pretty good amount of cream now if you don't have a lot of milk and a lot of a cream to strain this is a fine process like I said I've been doing this process for years but now we have a lot of milk and so this can be very time-consuming for me when I have you know three or four five gallons or 6 or 10 jars of milk in the house so I want to share with you a trick that we learned from a friend his name is hillbilly actually he goes by hillbilly and he taught us this trick and I want to share it with you because it is gonna save me so much time and if you end up having a ton of fresh milk on your homestead one day remember this and give it a try so we have a second refrigerator that we use to keep most of our milk and that is where I'm going to show you the new trick that we've learned to separate cream from the milk now that we have a larger volume of milk so let's go so we're out in the garage by our second refrigerator which is pretty much filled with milk right now and I want to show you this that we have here it's kind of like one of those iced tea jars that you can get at the store that has a spigot at the bottom we couldn't find any of those but we did find this which is supposed to be for hosting parties you can have a bunch of lemonade in there ice tea or whatever but it is perfect for holding lots of milk this has about three and a half gallons of milk in it right now and you can see that all the cream has floated up to the top all the milk is on the bottom so all I need to do is hold my jar up here open up the spigot and all that's gonna come out is milk but at the very end I'll have all of the cream completely by itself so I can just pour that out into a different jar and use it right away it's gonna save me a ton of time so out of all that milk that was in the container we got just over three quarters of a gallon of cream so now we get to move on to making butter cream should be out on the counter for about an hour to warm up a little bit before you make butter so while I'm getting everything out and everything ready these guys are just gonna stay on the counter and warm up a little bit so our cream has been setting out for about 1 hour warming up that gave me a chance to clean up a little bit and get everything else out that I needed so I've been making butter for a long time and prior to just a couple weeks ago I made butter in my KitchenAid mixer I have a video about making butter in a KitchenAid mixer and I will link to that right here but today I'm gonna show you two other ways to make butter my favorite all-time favorite way now to make butter is in a food processor it is so fast so clean there's not stuff flipping all over the place like in my KitchenAid mixer and so I want to show you how to make butter in a food processor I have a small food processor nothing fancy at all this food processor and a lot of food processors have a limit on how much liquid you can put into it my food processor has a maximum liquid level and the line is right here and it's about 2 cups even though it can hold more food than that actually the maximum fill line of you know other kinds of food is way up here so even if you have like a 10 cup maximum capacity you want to read in the owner's manual and see if there's a liquid level maximum and mine is way down here essentially they're preventing liquid from getting down inside where your bowl is and leaking out all over the place so that is a limitation that I have with my food processor so I'm just gonna pour the cream into my food processor up to that line and you do the same to whatever your maximum liquid level is put the top on and I'm just gonna let it go you're gonna see the liquid flip all over the place then you're gonna see it turn into whipped cream and then all of a sudden you're gonna see a huge difference you're gonna see a spattering of the really watery buttermilk and the thick fat the butter starting to stick together so let's show it so it's done let's take a look you can see the butter has completely separated from the buttermilk and so now we need to strain the buttermilk off of the butter and then we'll wash the butter I know that sounds weird but we need to wash all that buttermilk out from the butter so that it doesn't go bad very quickly so first we need to get this out of here it has a strainer over a bowl the bowl is going to catch the buttermilk and any butter that accidentally gets through there will be caught in the strainer okay so inside there that's all of our butter then we're gonna put this in a separate bowl we're gonna wash the rest of that buttermilk out of there in a minute the second super easy way to make butter is in a blender and this is actually how I make all of our butter now and I'll tell you why I really like the food processor but it doesn't hold a lot of cream it won't make a lot of butter at one time maximum two cups of liquid at a time I have a lot of butter I have a lot of cream my blender will allow me to use four cups now again every blender may be different but the instruction manual told me that I can use four cups of liquid without really stressing it out okay so this is what I choose to use to make all of our butter here now in the home step now you can use any blender you have at home so use what you have don't go buy anything new okay so I'm just gonna show you how easy this is I can put four cups in here well that was perfect so I'm just gonna put the top on here and let it go it's all done let's take a look pretty easy now we just need to strain out the bottom milk now again we're gonna put the butter from in here into this bowl so that we can wash the buttermilk out of the butter so all of our butter is in this bowl and I'm going to start adding ice water ice cold water I'm just gonna add I don't know a cup or two of water the cold water will help the butter harden and kind of solidify anymore which will end up making it easier to work with I'm just folding the butter on top of it itself and kind of working my spatula down in it pressing on the butter to squeeze out the buttermilk into the water mixture I'm gonna keep doing this over and over I'm gonna dump out the water mixture into the sink because we can't use it at this point and add fresh water and I'm gonna do that over and over until the water stays clear at that point we know that all the buttermilk has been washed out of the butter okay I'm gonna dump this in the sink and add more fresh water I'm done with all of the washing I did about three or four rounds of fresh water and squeezing it dumping it fresh water about three or four times will do the job it's at this point now that I'm gonna add salt salted butter will last a little longer than unsalted butter the ratio of salt that you put in is determined by the amount of cream that you start with so put in 1/2 teaspoon of salt at this point for every 2 cups of cream that you started with so I started with 6 cups of cream so I'm gonna put in 1 and a half teaspoons of salt I'm just gonna sprinkle this around and then I'm gonna work it in with my spatula at this point if it's easier for you to use your hands and to knead it in you could definitely do that you definitely want to take your time and really work in it well so that you don't have like one bite of butter that is just filled with salt hope it'd be terrible I'm just gonna work on this until I feel like it is all mixed in okay guys our butter is done we just need to store it I prefer to store the butter in these widemouth 8 ounce or 1 cup jars they're fantastic it's easy to get the butter in and out of I use these to store them right in the freezer and then when I need another cup of butter I take them out well I'm all finished we started with 6 cups of cream and that made about 1 and 2/3 cup of butter I have a lot of cream so that proportion doesn't scare me at all but when you think about buying your own whipping cream at the store to make butter it may not make sense but if you can get a hold of fresh milk from a friend or if you have your own cow this is amazing for your family and amazing way to use up some of your milk I want to say a special thank you to our friend hillbilly who gave us the fantastic idea of the easiest way on earth to strain your milk separated from your cream it's amazing I'm so glad that I'm doing it that way also I want to know from you if you had access to unlimited butter like we probably do now what would you make give me ideas that are some fantastic recipes to make with tons of butter because we have tons of butter now which is fantastic you guys thanks so much for spending some time with me today if you enjoyed this video and if you're enjoying our Channel please hit the subscribe button the best way for you to help us out is to share our channel share our videos with other people who you think would enjoy them and until next time thank you so much for stopping by the homestead take care and God bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 717,223
Rating: 4.9059052 out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing, jersey milk cow, family milk cow, how to make butter, how to make sweet butter, how to skim cream, how to strain milk, how to milk a cow, milking with a surge milker, surge milking machine, making butter with a blender, making butter with a food processor, separating cream from milk, making butter, making butter at home, homemade butter
Id: Ze68XiIrvC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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