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welcome everybody welcome back to homestead heart today we are canning rice yes we are grab your supplies yo jars and some rice and let's get to canning [Music] oh okay so before we get started let's talk about the rice that i'm canning today now in yesterday's video if you haven't seen that video i will leave it in the card somewhere where i took my own canned goods and made a meal in under 30 minutes okay and that was a lamb stew over rice with some homemade purina or cream of wheat bread i say farina because that's what it is but if you go to the supermarket it's it's uh it's cream of whole wheat or you might see cream of wheat something like that or you might just see farina you know but i'll leave the link on how i made that in the cards okay but today we are canning rice now the rice that i choose is a parboiled rice and parboiled rice is just rice that has been been boiled while it's still in the husk okay while it's still in the husk and then it has been dried that way right so now it makes it a to me the rice is stronger and it doesn't like mush as easy now look at this that's it parboiled par boiled or pre-boiled rice is all it is okay so let me interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you a very important message the national food preservation or something or other does not have an approved recipe for canning rice okay they do not recommend that you can rice just like they don't recommend you can butter anywho you're not going to find it in the ball book guide to candy okay you will not find this recipe what else they got i don't know some other books you ain't gonna find it in there okay so if you decide to can some rice please note that you will be doing so at your own risk mrs h is not telling you to can writes mrs h is simply showing you how she does it that's it so message sent hopefully received now we're going to give back to our regularly scheduled program so i said in the video when i did the lamb stew that i like the jasmine rice i misspoke it's not jasmine rice it's basmati rice that i love okay not jasmine even though i have jasmine rice but i love basmati rice all right i love it when i'm uh eating it with like a chicken curry or lamb curry or or something like that i just love that rice it's really good you know but it's not fit for canning because it will mush the jasmine rice will mush the basmati rice will mush now what about regular long grain rice that you might see with mahotma or i don't know just any any rice you know i don't know because i don't eat that so i wouldn't i haven't i haven't canned it the rice that i did yesterday i've canned it and i've tried it and i like it so i stick with it so again it's the par boiled rice okay and we can do this several ways and i'm gonna show you so let's go ahead now and get to it all right you all so the first thing is is that i have my rice already in the pot before you put this rice in jars you must wash this rice okay rice has a lot of starch and you don't want to just put this rice in a jar with water and can it don't do that the rice will become hard just don't do that okay it's not a good product when you don't rinse it first so we're going to take this over to the sink and i like to wash my rice about four or five times to rinse off as much of that starch as i possibly can okay so let's go ahead and get this over to the sink okay so i have my pot my rice in the pot and i'm just gonna put water in this pot as much water as i can and i had to grab me a strainer so i got my strainer right here now in this rice you're just gonna mix this rice around in the water and you can see how immediately how cloudy the water gets look at all that starch right so i'm just going to swish this around in that water for just a second or two just a few seconds look at there there's milky water now right now i am going to drain it the goal is you do not want the water this color when you are ready to put this in your jar so we're going to rinse this as much as it takes to get that starch rinse stock okay look at that look at how i'm just coating my sink okay i'm gonna do it again [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right this is the fifth time and now you can see the rice right you can see the rice in the water it still has a little starch on it you're not going to get 100 of the starch out but do you you do want to get the majority as much as you can yes the roosters are under the chicken under the kitchen window but anyway you want to get as much of that starch off as you possibly can so this is my fifth time rinsing and for this rice that's how many times i feel is necessary to rinse my rice but as you can see it's looking good the water is not as cloudy as it was and if you want to you can rinse it a couple more times it's up to you but i find that to be okay i'm gonna get the excess off get that rice back in my pot now we're ready to get it jared up all right we're ready to get started so what i have here for my rice because i'm doing rice multiple ways today okay now i have 18 pints because my canner is going to hold that many pints so i have my pint jars they have been washed and cleaned and i sterilized them in hot water i know that they say that you can sterilize them in the pressure can do in the canning process but i just i think for me i have a problem with that i prefer i want it all sterile that's me okay now i have my rice the rice has been [Music] all washed okay now and we're gonna season these as we go and i'll explain it as we go so we can get the show on the road so now the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to grab my half cup measuring uh my half of my measuring cup that measures out one half cup okay all right so i'm going to measure out one half cup of rice now let me tell you this is important okay do not measure out a cup in 10 more grains don't measure out a half a cup and 10 more grains of rice exactly one half cup okay all right so now that's gonna go in the jar and the rice because you know it's a little wet and that's not a lot of rice in there right but y'all know what rice do okay so what i'm gonna do first is just plain rice i have my water here this is room temperature it's not hot okay it's just room temperature water and what i'm going to do in this batch i'm going to add [Music] one half teaspoon of salt to this jar okay one half teaspoon and then i'm going to ladle in there we go then i'm going to ladle in the water okay and you are going to leave a one inch headspace on this rice all right one inch head space take your de-bubbler give it a stir yeah you want the water to get all in the little grain rice you don't get a stir my lids are over here simmering where's my magnet bam okay so i got my lids over here put that lid on grab me a ring put this on fingertip tight and that's it see that that's it in the counter it goes all right let's do another one like this half a cup of rice y'all i'm even using my knife to make sure now y'all know i'm i'm always the one talking about a heaping cup of this in a heap no exactly half a cup of rice okay all right half a cup you understand i'm gonna pour this in get every grain out i'm gonna add half a teaspoon of salt you do not have to add salt to your rice if you don't want to add salt okay i'm gonna now ladle in my water and i'm gonna leave a one inch headspace on this okay one inch if you have a head spacing tool and you're not quite sure use your head spacing tool otherwise you can just look at the jar and that first ring right oops that first ring right there is your one inch head space so i'm a little short so i'm going to put a few more drops in there i'm going to take my de-bubbler and i'm going to give that a stir because i want the water to get in between every grain of rice okay yeah now y'all i forgot to wipe my rims okay i'm back now i got me a paper towel with a little bit of vinegar i'm gonna go over the lid or the rims of my jar then i'm going to grab my mag my grab me a lid with my magnet and put it right on top and grab me a band fingertip tight that's all to it and in the counter it's gone now that's three pints i'm gonna do nine pints of regular rice okay all right let's get to it okay so so [Music] [Music] so you so so one [Music] so [Music] so um so so okay all right you all now we are going to switch gears yes we are now i am going to make a yellow rice you know how you buy that rice in the pack with the little yellow stuff would you be all yelling stuff well that's what i'm about to do so let's go ahead and do that rice all right you all so now for the yellow rice i'm going to take my rice and again we are measuring half a cup perfect half a cup okay in each one of these jars ain't adding five more grains okay five cup i mean half a cup [Music] all right now on top of this now on top of this i'm still adding my half teaspoon of salt okay and again if you don't want the salt you don't have to add it what i'm going to do next is add an eighth of a teaspoon of turmeric just an eighth of a teaspoon okay you don't want this to be overpowering okay eighth of a teaspoon of turmeric next i'm also going to add half a teaspoon of basil right over the top okay you want to add a little less you can or you don't have to add the basil at all okay now i'm just going to ladle in my water and again we are leaving a one inch headspace this uh okay now that i have the water added to all of my jars i'm going to take my little debugging tool here that i'm using i'm going to give them all a stir i'm going to get that water in between the grains of the rice mix all of that in together basil it all give it all a mix okay i'm gonna wipe my rims if you don't have vinegar you can just use water okay the goal is you just want to make sure that there isn't one grain of salt or any piece of an herb that can get stuck to the top of this jar put the lids on and my bands fingertip tight that's what that looks like okay the herbs are floating at the top but this will start to mix together okay oops too tight all right now the last one i'm going to do is a cilantro and lemon rice so good so let's go ahead and get started i'm going to grab my jars and yes i do have some white now but if you run out i have regular mouth too they work the same okay wide mouth is just preferred because it's easier to get the rice out but that's okay they will all work just fine all right okay get the rice in [Music] okay now that we have our rice in the jars actually what i should have did was add my lemon juice first mm-hmm okay now i'm going to add one tablespoon of lemon juice per pint yeah we're gonna be extra limited okay now i'm gonna come back and add my rice there we go all right now i have my rice in now what i am going to do is go ahead and add that half teaspoon of salt [Music] to each jar and i'm going to slide that out of the way now what i need move these things out the way is my cilantro i have some cilantro left here that i have been using okay so now i'm going to take my cilantro i got it all curled over here and i'm just going to give that a chop as fine as i can and then i'm going to come back this way let me turn my cutting board around and give it another chop okay one more time all right now we love cilantro ranch hemp so i am going to take a full tablespoon and i'm just measuring this out to show you what this looks like i wouldn't typically do this but a full tablespoon of cilantro is going inside of each one of my jars okay like so and you can do a little more you can do a little less it's up to you we'll go ahead and paddle out with this on here and that was going in the jar all right so now we have lemon juice rice salt and cilantro in the jar okay next we're just going to go ahead and add the water all right justice has finally found a way [Music] all right let's get the water in y'all remember that song i go ciao the children straight y'all remember that justice has finally found a way y'all listen to jimmy cliff i love jimmy cliff okay let's go ahead and get this filled up one inch head space now ain't gonna be able to get that song out of my head be singing that song all day [Music] yes all right now take my little night spatula here and give that a nice twirl okay now that that's done lemon juice rice man that smells good i'm gonna go ahead and wipe my rims one in chess face don't forget all right y'all lemon and cilantro rice i got one right here got some rice in there with some salt gonna add me some water [Music] justices finally found a way all right perfect give this a stir wipe my williams i got bands everywhere i'm doing a lot of candy finger tip type plain rice see how much rice is in the bottom of that jar let's just give it a moment okay now i have all of the rice in the canner okay and i'm gonna go ahead and get the lid on the camera okay and then i'm going to crank the heat up to high yeah once this once this starts to build up pressure in the canner it's going to start venting from this vent pipe right here okay now once it starts to push out that air or that steady flow of steam for all of my newbies when you're canning and i have a 23 quart presto pressure canner i'm going to use that all-american soon don't worry it's coming i've been studying i don't want to mess that up but anyway this is a 23 quart presto and it does have the dial gauge with the vent pipe and the pressure regulator okay so once it starts to push up air out of it it's gonna sputter a bit here and there and this is for all my newbies okay it's gonna sputter a bit here and there you know but what you're looking for is a steady flow of steam just constantly coming out of this pipe okay once you see that you're going to start a 10 minute timer because it has to bent like that for 10 full minutes after that we're going to come back and add our pressure regulator okay all right let's give this baby a moment y'all stay tuned all right y'all to all of my newbies my canner is now shooting out a steady flow of steam don't know if you can see it but i'm sure you can hear so now it's pushing out a steady flow of steam i'm going to go ahead now and start my timer start my timer for 10 minutes this is going to vent like this for 10 full minutes after that 10 minutes is up i'm going to come back and put on the pressure regulator now once i get the pressure regulator on for my altitude i'm going to bring this up to about 11 pounds of pressure okay for my altitude okay now if you don't know what your altitude is in order to know how much pressure you need to process your foods for you're going to have to research that for your self okay do your research look up your altitude and if you have that bald book guy ka canning it tells you if your altitude is this then you process at this many pounds of pressure i think it's on like page one or two or something it's right in the front of the book so if if you have uh that ball book got the canning you should be able to locate how many pounds of pressure you should process your foods for okay based upon what your altitude is all right now this is going to vent for 10 minutes i'll come back put my pressure regulator on i will bring it up to 11 pounds of pressure from my altitude and then i will process these pints for 15 minutes that's it 15 minutes is it okay so i'm gonna bring y'all back after 15 minutes and we'll be taking up well it won't be right after because this got to come down from pressure but we'll be back the timer has gone off now i'm just going to simply put on my pressure regulator that's it [Music] now we'll start me another timer it literally takes my canner roughly about three minutes to come all the way up to pressure and that's just because i'm used to my counter i know what how long is going to take it roughly about three minutes maybe three minutes 10 seconds or 15 seconds but three minutes right so in about three minutes this will get up to about 11 pounds of pressure i will gradually reduce the heat and then i will start me a 15 minute timer then and only then am i going to start a 15 minute timer okay and after that timer goes off after they have processed for a full 15 minutes i will simply come back shut off the fire and don't touch the camera let it sock right there okay okay all right y'all i'm back the timer is going off it's up but i allowed the jars to sit in the counter for an additional five minutes just to let everything settle down okay so what i'm gonna do first is take this off right and then i'm gonna open the lid loosen the lid i mean now all my newbies when you take this lid off turn it away from you you do not want that to you know make you unrecognizable so we're going to pull this up and turn it away okay just like that now set that to the side now oh they sealing already time to take them out all right i know which one this is let me move this out the way you move that one back some yeah i know which one that is yes i do that one too all right now i'm going to remove my rack because i did have to double stack my jars in the pressure panel [Music] okay so now let's look at what we have all right so let's have a closer look this is my cilantro infused rice with the lemon juice and a little salt okay i love this one i love this one okay all right this one is my yellow rice that's the yellow rice the yellow rice has turmeric salt and basil that's it yeah that's it right there and last but not least that lid pretty loose but not bother that one all right hold on here's one it's not quite as loose white rice plain cardboard rice that's it now this is going to sit on the counter just like this until tomorrow okay now this right still has a little bit of water in it just a little bit but by tomorrow there will be none okay there won't be any any liquid floating around in any of these jars all right so that's it that's how you can rice um what i'm going to do with my next batch is i will be making a broth and i will be adding the rice and filling the jars with my broth all right and no extra anything else just the broth not even salt because the broth is going to be seasoned so i won't need to add salt directly to the jars it'll just be rice and broth and whatever broth you want chicken vegetable beef turkey okay whichever one use that make your broth and then use that to fill your jars and you will have some seasoned rice yeah that would be so good all right so y'all that's it that's how easy it is to can rice okay all right y'all that's gonna do it if you like the video like the video share the video thumb it up thumb it up right don't forget to subscribe to our channel hit the notification bell so you don't miss a single video that we upload to our channel thank you all so much again for watching homestead heart peace blessings and parboil rice to each and every one of you and i will see you in the next canning video [Music] do [Music] you
Views: 70,274
Rating: 4.9656348 out of 5
Keywords: How to grow Cushaw, When to harvest CUSHAW, BEE KEEPING, BLACK BEEKEEPERS, Homesteading Channels, Black Farmers, Black Homesteaders, How to make pineapple jam, How to store Dry Beans Long Term, How to can potatoes, How To Can Carrots, How to make homemade Jelly, How To Can Green Beans, How to Process Chickens, How to grow watermelon, How to Raise meat birds, how to can meat, how to can butter
Id: Ksf51QQxOPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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