How to Make Butter Last forever or How to Make Ghee (Clarified Butter)

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today we're going to make something I love to use in just about every recipe that calls for butter but the magic of this is that with a simple thing that we do today to turn it into ghee it makes it indefinitely shelf stable so we're going to do a simple process of taking regular unsalted butter turning it into what's called liquid gold which is just the ji-hae is from India and once we remove the water from this and the milk solids out of the butter it turns into a wonderful shelf stable extra rich tasting buttery ghee and we're able to use it in just pretty much any recipe because it's got a high smoke point and everything so let's go ahead and get started you're not going to need too many ingredients this is the only actual ingredient you'll need but you'll also want a good wooden spoon you'll want some cheesecloth but like I've got here and let me just let me just read the back of this I want to tell you this is ultra fine gourmet cheesecloth and it says it's long considered a staple in the kitchen for professional chefs so you're going to see us use this a lot in a whole bunch of different recipes so you might want to just go ahead and prepare yourself now by getting a little splash of this the next time you're at a whole food store or an Amish market or whenever you see it's not very expensive and most of the time it's made in China so I apologize that there's no homemade easy quick way to make cheesecloth if you know a way you just write in and tell us the rest of us and we'll be able to make that on a different video but you'll just want some of this you'll want a good strainer so we'll put the cheesecloth in and a little bowl to catch the liquid ghee when we have it all nice and ready to go and then we'll what some containers like I've got over here where we've just got several little sealable glass containers that will make this ready to go on the shelf for a good long while so let's get started so the first thing we need to do is turn our stove to medium heat and get us a good saucepan to put on it I'm using one of my grandma's Revere wear pants which I think are some of the best you can get unless you have a wonderful cast-iron pan to use but really you want a saucepan that can handle good heat and the Revere we're just have a wonderful way of spreading that heat correctly also you don't want anything that's like a nonstick coated pan when you're doing this all right I'm going to take my butter and I'm going to just literally take it out and put all four squares of it into the pan how easy is that like anyone can do this alright and I'm using unsalted butter you see that I hope make sure you get the best butter that you enjoy and you'll want unsalted I use a wooden spoon to stir it I wouldn't recommend a plastic spoon but you won't hear me recommend a plastic anything I don't use a plastic spoon or a plastic container to even store anything so we've got four of them in here some people like to cut them all up and you probably could if you wanted it to go quicker but I'll bet it will melt just as fast the way that I'm doing it right now so we're going to give this a few minutes and you'll get to see it here melted down in just a moment this will take about Oh two or three minutes to get all nice and golden and melt it down to liquid all right as you can see it has already melted down and it's going to have this interesting little phenomenon you might hear as we go what's happening right now is that settling slowly to the bottom are all the milk solids and as soon as this starts to have a little bit of evaporation going on it's the water that's evaporating but you'll hear these little tiny geysers here and there come and go throughout the next 16 minutes as this goes through its process of kind of separating the milk solids from the rest of it you can stir it every now and then with a wooden spoon like this and right now I stir it at the beginning of this but over time as I notice the milk solids kind of settling to the bottom I'm not going to scrape the bottom because you're going to notice very quickly that this is going to get clearer and clearer and bubbles will rise to the top but in the bottom we're going to see some little golden bubbles that kind of settle and actually attach to the bottom of the pan and that's exactly what we want so you don't want to scrape those off and stir them back into the liquid you just want to let them settle to the bottom so this is the process we're going to see and I'm going to actually set the timer for eight minutes now and just let it do its thing steering stirring it just periodically and then I usually set up for a second eight minutes because it's got to come to a bubble on top where it has a little film of bubbles settling on top of it and then those kind of clear off and go away and it settles quietly and then it starts bubbling again it's a very odd little process and it'll take about 16 minutes so we'll revisit this here in just a minute that you can see how it's already starting all right it's been going now for about eight minutes and as you can see it's got the very first layer of kind of a frothy foam that kind of settles to the top sometimes it's more frothy than others so don't worry if yours looks slightly different than this but you're going to let it come to this point that you're going to see here and then it's going to settle and kind of clarify and then it's going to boil up again and make kind of a little bit of a frothy bubbly top on it but we've got the first one going here which is great the milk is solid they're going to the bottom just like we went to see and we're going to set the timer for somewhere close to six to eight more minutes before we're ready to call this good and done second eight minutes is about up now and the bubbles have come to the top a second time it's reduced in volume oh I would say maybe a fourth so it's a little bit less volume here in the pan now and getting much thinner you can kind of see through it like a liquid that is not as cloudy as it was and I'm not stirring to the bottom now like I said where we're keeping it right in that medium heat range somewhere between four and six on my stove and everybody so dippers just a little bit so even though our second eight minutes is up we're actually giving it just another minute or two we don't want it to get too burned that would be bad but right now it smells really nutty and just like a strong yummy kind of movie buttered popcorn a smell which is wonderful and that's just what you want if the wonderful yellow color that we see here starts turning to a brown we we've ruined it it's too late so don't let that happen you just want to keep it nice and gold but watch it really close and don't stir to the bottom right now here just for the last couple of minutes while we let those milk solids settle to the bottom and kind of attach to the bottom of the pan and then we'll be ready to strain it alright you can see it's done and as I pour this you'll be able to see better the golden little nuggets that have kind of attached to the bottom there in that corner we've got a few floating milk solids that are in there and that's just fine you can see it's much more clear liquid that's going on and I'm just going to quickly set this spoon aside and I've already prepared this muslin cheesecloth in the strainer here and I'm going to just carefully pour it well first I'll turn the stove off and I'm going to carefully pour it through this and you just go carefully with me and we will see if we can keep from burning ourselves beautiful beautiful clear gold liquid you can see the milk solids all gathering there in the bottom of the pan that's just what we want to see it's not beautiful that is some perfect II the cheesecloth catches every bit of the last milk solids that we don't want in the rest of it look at the look at the bottom of that pan any variation of this is what you do want to see just make sure you don't scrape that in with it some folks have said they had a grandmother or someone who made special little desserts with what you see in the bottom of this where they scrape that out and make almost like a little caramel yummy nugget to eat we're not going to do that with this but that's what it should look like and you see also in the bottom of my pants my strainer there some of the little bit that it caught and here looking that beautiful bowl of clear strained ghee exactly how it should be ready to go and we are going to pour it carefully into each one there's one and the neat thing about these is that they should be able to fit on a shelf I will probably keep mine in the refrigerator but if you keep it on a shelf you'll notice that it just stays soft continually and we'll have a wonderful extra rich butter flavor so that was about the simplest recipe you can possibly make and I'm going to let them just set up a little while there they're very hot right now so before I close them up and seal them for the pantry I'm going to just let them sit on the counter until they come down to about room temperature I'll go ahead and seal them at that point I'll tuck a couple of them away in the pantry and if my grandchildren one day need butter I will have it ready for them unless I want to have something yummy to eat before then and I might go ahead and just use them this one will be just for me right now in the next day or two and it was that simple to make ghee I strongly encourage you give it a shot if you ruin one batch it's not a great loss it's so much more expensive to buy it in the store than it is for you to make it even if you ruin a batch and make it a second time it will be worth it and even save you money in that event than going and trying to buy it at the store but give it a shot let me know how you like it if you don't fall in love I'll be surprised this is wonderful deliciousness that has a reason that it is called liquid gold I totally am in agreement now that I've tasted it so we'll make some ghee and let me know how you like it and how yours turns out [Music] you
Views: 754,509
Rating: 4.9164186 out of 5
Keywords: Prepsteaders, Prepsteading, Ghee, Clarified Butter, Christa Swartz, Homesteading, Survival, Pantry, Forever foods, Butter
Id: RA88W8c9GK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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