Client Portal Tutorial using Notion

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hello and welcome to my tutorial on how to use your client portal within notion so if you're like me and you're a bit of a nerd at organization and you get satisfaction from ticking off checklists then hopefully you will love this setup first of all i'm very excited to have you on board with me i can't wait to get going on the branding for your business you may be wondering though why use a client portal can we not just use emails for communication well emails are still a great way for us to communicate of course so we can still do that but the client portal is a bit different it's good to help us stay on top of things such as our project timeline design feedback and for uploading and downloading files and information as opposed to things getting lost and tons of emails and email threads it basically just keeps everything all in one place for you so if you don't mind just taking a few minutes of your time to watch this video then you'll be all set to use your client portal in notion for this project so let's get started so first of all getting notion itself what is great about notion is you don't have to download the notion app if you don't want to you can view it via the web but if you do decide you want to download the app you can it's is completely free so that's a bonus as you're watching this video i've likely already sent you the link to your client portal i've set the settings on here personalized to you and so you can edit and comment it's also only shared to you so no need to worry about the privacy of your project and data so right going into the client portal so this is the actual client portal template that i use to start everyone's client portals but this is basically a rough idea of what you will be looking at on your screen so i'll go over each section you've got your introduction and then your client portal is essentially made up of two columns so first of all i'll start with the right column at the top you've got the link to the video that you're watching now if you ever get stuck and you want to watch that again then we've got your project information so we've got the start date and the estimated date obviously the estimated end date may change uh depending on if we add deliverables or if communication takes a bit longer than expected but i will always do my best to give you a guide on when the project will end if we click on this toggle we've got your project deliverables obviously at the moment it just says one two three but depending on the package that you've chosen it might say logo design for example or social media assets for example so we can just tick those off as we go and it helps us to stay on track of what we have and haven't done throughout the project okay so then we go down to progress so the project timeline this is highlighted in yellow because it needs to be easy for you to find and it's the most important section of the whole client portal i will go back to that in a minute because i need to go through it with you properly but just to continue down the right column we've got my contact details in case you haven't got them already although you likely have and we've got my opening hours as well and then here we've got links to my social media accounts so if you want to be posting little previews of behind the scenes of us building your brand that you can tag me in which would be great for exposure and also i've added a little section for you here a to-do list so if you have any reminders or to-do's throughout the project you can literally just pop in your text here as you can see it's easy to type you can add more and you can tick off so it's very handy then i haven't missed this out but we've got useful resources i'll quickly go through these i've provided almost blog type posts for you so one for providing the best feedback if you have a little read of this it just helps you to basically give me the best feedback if you're not sure on something how how to get your ideas across um it's just a nice way of helping that out then we've got a guide to file types so i've gone through all the different file types and i've tried to explain how they all work as well then we have a guide to print finishes obviously if you are having print collateral i will go through this with you when we come to it but if you want to have a little read it's good just to get your your mind and the know-how of all the different terms and different styles you could go down it's just a to get you in in the loop basically then we've got a guide to paper so that's paper sizes paper weights paper finishes people tend to get really confused so i've tried to keep it simple in here for you as well okay so let's go back to project timeline as promised so the project timeline might look a bit overwhelming when you first see it but i promise you it is a dream to work with so first of all i do need to mention that i do usually require contact from you within two business days anything outside of this may incur a disruption fee this is all mentioned in the contract as well unless we communicate via email and agree to an ex to extend the deadline so if you need more time to look over or to think about something or you've got some things going on at home or whatever it is just let me know obviously i can extend the deadline if you need to i just need it in writing so it doesn't sort of mess with my schedule um but yes just bear in mind that it might that will probably extend the deadline date of the project the completion date i mean so to explain the table so we've got these different columns here the first column is your task description so i've literally labeled every single task from literally sign project contract all the way through to leaving me a lovely testimonial at the end so everything that it's going to take to sort of get your com your project completed so all the tasks descriptions are in here then we've got who the task is for so the green is client and designer which is something that you and i will need to do together so that might be a zoom call or sign the project contract for example then we have the purple tags which is client to designer so this is something that i will need you to do for me and then we've got designer to client so that is obviously something that i would do for you then we've got notes so when to expect things any other little notes in there as well regarding the task and then here we've got the deadline date so i don't normally fill all of the deadline dates in we'll do this as we go because you might get back to me quicker for example or i might be able to complete something quicker or it might be a bit longer whatever it is so it's usually easier to do as we go but this is something you'll need to keep an eye on throughout the project so we're we're on time with things and then this is the best part this is where we'll get the most satisfaction because we will be ticking things off as we go and when it gets to the end it will just be a dream basically so that is your project timeline obviously it might look a bit different depending on if you're having branding on a website and a collateral or you might just be having branding and collateral for example but those are all ready for you okay so then moving on to the left column so we've got these lovely colorful sections i've created for you here again this might look a bit different but these first two sections or three sections are generally the same for everyone so we've got phase one onboarding so in here i've got my prices and packages brochure if you need to refer back to it at any point you would have got this at the beginning when you inquired but if you just want to go back and look through my packages and prices and things like that then you can do so let's go back to notion then we've got your initial inquiry so obviously if you came through my web form then this is where i'll pop the link in for you if you ever want to go back to that and see what you answered some of the questions um to your to the web inquiry and then we've got the project proposal so that was the pdf that i sent you before we started this project so if you ever need to refer back to that that's in here as well okay then we go on to let's get started so we've got the discovery questionnaire which we'll go into first so the discovery questionnaire is root is really important actually so there's a section here if you want to add in your pinterest board so i know you've been pinning away and you've probably been dying to show me your ideas so you can add in the link there then this is the important bit that i was just talking about so if you click on this it will take you through to the web page where you need to download this pdf so that's really important make sure you download it first so it's on your computer so this is the questionnaire all the fields are editable and it will be editable still when you um download it as well but make sure you do don't fill it in on the web otherwise it won't work you have to do it on your computer so fill in the questionnaire as thoroughly as you can don't worry if you can't answer everything so if we just head back to notion once you've filled in the questionnaire make sure you save it and just drop it back into here i'll re-upload it into this section here and if you have any other comments you've got a section here to write some stuff as well but that's basically the discovery questionnaire section so let's go back then we've got your client contract so my client contract is done using an online software so i will pop in the web link to your contract where you can view and sign and it will always stay there for you to refer back to you throughout the project if you need it the same with invoicing and payments everything's done on my software online the same one that's used for the contracts so i'll pop in the links here for you to view and pay and if you ever need to refer back to them as well and if we end up with any additional invoices they'll be popped into here as well so i've got some notes in here on how to do the uh on how the payment works but obviously this is all in the contracts and then there's a little section here so we can keep on track with if the deposit's been paid and final payment and things like that so all very organized isn't it um okay then we move on to brand three brand discover phase three even the brand discovery so i've probably already told you about this but before we sort of start we'll have a brand discovery session which will be an online video chat probably via zoom and it's basically going to be a workshop it usually takes a full day actually to do i've got different sort of tasks that we go through together and some fun activities and we just get to the bottom of your brand so all the discovery session notes from your discovery session will be popped into a pdf on here for you to refer back to if you need then usually two to three weeks after the brand discovery session you will receive your brand discovery brand discovery document so obviously after i've done all my research everything will be collated into one pdf for you then if you have any notes and feedback regarding the brand strategy i do have one section here where you can pop in your thoughts and there's some questions here as well so you usually only allow one sort of uh revision on the brand strategy purely because it is sort of a starting off point to your brand identity um so there's usually any sort of one round of amends on those on that for you um okay then we move on to the fun stuff so phase four the branding so similar sort of concept really so you'll have your first draft so once i've done your initial concepts i'll put the pdf into here for you so the same concept as before you can pop in your notes and feedback in here there's a bunch of questions they may vary on the different pages if you're getting stuck and giving feedback again i've got a link to the post about providing the best feedback if you need it then you're entitled to two revisions on your branding so again i'll pop in the pdf here and you can leave in your notes and feedback in those sections once you have uh once we've basically got to the bottom of your design then your final draft will be popped into here for you okay so then we move on to brand collateral so again if you have if you've chosen a package that allows for the brand i think you get two design collaterals in the brand strategy package but there might be some different ones as well so there's a list of all the things that you're entitled to so it might be a business card design for example there's two sections for the two different class roles so let's say for example you'd have business card in here and then you might have instagram highlights here so you'll have first draft and again you're entitled to two revisions and you can put your feedback and then the final draft will be popped in here as well same goes for the the other collateral okay so then we go on to the website design so if you if you're going for the web design the first thing you'll need to do is fill in this website questionnaire so looking at this you'll need to pop in your the pages that you want for your website you're entitled to five pages in total obviously if we have discussed that you need more pages um at an additional cost then you can add those in as well but for example you might want to add in home page about page services or blog or whatever it is that you need for your website then there'll be other questions here about what kind of contact details you need on there do you need any special features on there such as social media contact form so you just need to go through and fill that in okay so then once you've filled in the website questionnaire that's going to allow me to be able to create your website wireframe so this doesn't involve any design per se it's more just it's literally a wireframe of your website so you can leave your notes and feedback in there and then once that's done we'll be able to start putting together your copy and images so usually that is something that i need you to do for me um unless obviously we're doing your copying writing services and images if we've agreed that but just to show you what a page looks like obviously for example this could be home page this might be introduction section this might be introduction to your portfolio whatever it is that you've decided to have on the website so you can add your copy in here for me and then you can add your images here to add images you can literally drop a drag and drop your images from the desktop into this section or you can forward slash type an image and you can upload your images that way which is also very handy okay so then what will happen is we'll move over to the home page mock-up so the home page mock-up will be the does your branding basically put into one page so i'll come up with a design for your website i'll only do one page for now until you're happy with the design and then i'll move on to doing the rest of the pages so you can leave your notes and feedback for that once you're happy with the homepage mock-up that's as i mentioned i'll do the whole website for you still in pdf format you'll have two revisions on the pdf documents um and then once that's approved that's when it will move over to the what to the live development so once you have received your live website which usually takes about two to three weeks afterwards after you've approved your website mockup you'll have one week in total to give me all the amends for your on for your live website basically so that will be uh where you can leave your notes in there for that so then i've added a link to your website here and you'll see there'll be a password as well to access the back end of your website because you'll likely have a coming soon page for example then as promised we've got the website tutorial section obviously there's nothing in here yet because i film the tutorials for each website depending on what platform you've chosen so we might have felt that squarespace is best for you or wordpress for example so like this video i will film some tutorials on how to upload your blog and upload your portfolio piece and make changes to your website if you need to so as mentioned briefly before if you are struggling to collate content for your website we do have extra services for you so we have website copywriting service and we also have brand photo shoots as well that we can offer for you so i have prepared a couple of pages ready for if you need those services but obviously if you don't then we'll remove that off the client portal for you okay then we move on to the final process um which is basically your final files so we'll have in this section will be a link to your brand guidelines then you'll have a link here to your brand assets usually your brand assets are too big to send via something like we transfer or email so i'll probably send you a link to my dropbox where all your files will be and you are more than welcome to always go back to this link if you need to to download all the files from my dropbox link as and when you need them just keeps things easier that way and it's not taking up loads of space on your computer then we've got collateral artwork files so obviously for example if you did go for a business card this is where i'll pop in the link to that um and i don't know social assets for example that will all go in here and then this is the last section you don't have to do this but obviously it'd be really appreciated if you did overall feedback and reviews for the whole project and service so i've given you some ratings out of five you can rate me on my customer service discovery session prices and it just really helps me moving forward to create a better service for my clients okay and then this section here we've got an area for you to actually write a full-on testimonial which i'll post onto my website on and my social media so it will also help you with a bit of exposure as well because i'll be sharing your project your brand and your lovely words will be in there as well and if you're feeling brave i would absolutely love it if you could upload a testimonial video for me just on your whole experience how much you love your brands i'll use it for my social media and maybe even my website um but if you do that i will actually knock 20 pounds off your final project payment so i really hope you you do that as well because it will be amazing if you could so that pretty much concludes the client portal again like i said it might look a bit different to you obviously if you have any questions just let me know i'm happy to go over it with you but otherwise that is pretty much everything so hopefully you can see the value of it and how it's going to help us moving forward and to keep this whole process smooth but otherwise that is all for today i'll see you on the other side and i can't wait to work with you thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Pascale Ricchetti
Views: 3,488
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YAZmgSf62P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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