6 Etsy SEO Questions you've never thought to ask - Etsy SEO Help for beginners in 2021

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let's do some seo questions should i just leave the hat on for the whole video let's do it let's leave the hat on for the whole video this is why i'm just the world's okayest etsy coach and not the world's best etsy coach what's up alphas today i posted in the handmade alpha facebook community link down below if you're interested in joining and hanging out with uh around i think we've got like 9 000 alphas now but i asked them what are your top etsy seo questions that you'd like me to cover in a video and today we're gonna be going over their responses so our first question comes from jessie and she says how to create enough variety to hit more points like i sell leather bags i end up with four extremely similar tags because i can't think of what else i should be tagging and then jessica chimed in and said this like i do badge reels and tumblers i'm having a hard time coming up with enough tags sometimes so i have a few that are super similar there is nothing wrong with having similar tags what you don't want to do is repeat the same word over and over again because etsy only really cares if you use those words once so if you're selling a gemstone necklace and the chain and the pendant is silver you don't need to say gemstone necklace silver necklace sterling necklace blue necklace you don't need to say necklace a bunch of times you only need to say necklace once so all of those places where you previously said necklace you can replace with other keywords that are going to allow you to cast a bigger net and get your products in front of more people so you only need to say necklace once but now what the heck else do you stick in your tags because obviously if you're using e-rank.com you might notice getting some flags in your grades section for using one-word tags now you can pair your tags together in pretty much any con combination that you want etsy's gonna mix and match those together so even if you put blue gemstone as one tag and then silver necklace as another tag etsy still gonna be able to say blue necklace silver gemstone necklace and mix those together to create singular words etsy is a smart cookie and the algorithm is smart so it can mix that stuff together now if you have a superstar keyword as we call them and you have a keyword that really represents your product the number one keyword that you want to rank for it is great to try to keep that particular keyword together that way it counts as an exact match rather than a broad match exact matches are going to rank a little bit higher than your broad matches but you can still rank for those broad matches you don't need to stress about it just try to get a good variety in there but that wasn't the question we just needed to get that stuff out of the way first the question was how do i come up with lots of keywords when i'm out of ideas well i usually encourage sellers to hold their product in their hand and try to think of as many words or descriptive words that you can to describe that particular product uh you could think about the materials that it's made out of the color um start trying to think a little bit abstractly about the product and if you are still struggling start thinking about gift terms who would this product be good for what type of shopper would buy my product we've got jessica says that i do badge reels what type of person uses a badge reel we could say gifts for nurses gifts for teachers gifts for college students anyone who's carrying a badge reel around might be interested in your products now obviously you don't need to reuse the word gifts over and over because we want to have lots of space but you could say gifts for and then put nurses teachers doctors or whatever those may be just make sure that you're doing a little bit of keyword research checking on e-rank.com looking in the keyword explorer and making sure that people are actually searching for the terms that you're using i know how hard this is i have been having to do it for years and years almost nine years now in my own etsy shop for jewelry and it gets really hard finding 100 ways to describe a skeleton key necklace but it's just part of the process guys start trying to think of some gift terms if you're struggling to think of keywords that describe your products my hat is starting to fall all right let's move on to the next question beverly asked if i see a couple of good keywords and tags that look to be just as good as the others how do i determine which ones are the best so there are a couple ways to see which ones are the best assuming that you're using erank.com to do your keyword research and you're looking at the monthly searches what i would really focus on is the trend graph that shows on those search pages when you're using something like the keyword explorer now what the trend graph is going to do is show you the popularity of those keywords over time so if you see that your little trend graph over the last few months is going up that's a pretty good indication that that is a great keyword to use however if you notice that that trend graph is kind of on the decline might be a good indication that that keyword is still pretty fashionable but it is quickly going out of style and less and less shoppers are searching for it every month so i would look at the trend graph see if those uh trends kind of maintain through the months or if they're on the up and up or if they're quickly declining and try to choose keywords that have maintained relatively high popularity and high etsy searches all right leigh is hitting us with a double question lee asks two topics harness your inner buyer to nail the best search keywords and single long tail or both how to balance your keywords so i assume you mean how do you harness your inner buyer to think of the best keywords this all kind of plays into your target market what type of person is buying your particular product if you're trying to cater your products to you know 19 20 year olds you want to make sure that you're looking at keywords that they're searching for so a really great way to really look at those high demand keywords i would say would be to think more about the type of person who's buying your product or the type of person who is giving that product to your target customer as a gift in establishing who the primary buyer is are you trying to appeal to people who are gifting the product or are you trying to appeal to the person themselves and that really giftable moment and i know that that's really confusing but here's a great example from one of our own handmade alpha academy students derek derek sells mugs for men but it's not the men who are buying the mugs it is the girlfriends and the wives of the men who are buying the mugs for the men so derek has catered his entire brand around this very cutesy little men little lumberjacks for his branding and it's very cutesy not something that you would see men necessarily gravitating towards but when women see it and they see all these cute little lumberjack guys they are the ones who are buying they are the ones who are derrick's target customer they're the ones he is trying to appeal to and one of my favorite quotes by derek he says i'm not in the mug making business i'm in the gift giving business so start thinking about your products in terms of who's actually receiving them who's actually using them and not just trying to niche down on exactly what the product is who's buying it why are they buying it what's the event what's the occasion what's the holiday and then for the second part of your question single long tail or both how to balance your keywords the thing about single keywords we call those head keywords the thing about single keywords is that they can be paired together to create long tail keywords so etsy's gonna pair them together you don't have to worry about using single keywords on their own etsy's gonna pair them together in your tag section it's good to try to pair keywords together but they don't necessarily need to make keyword phrases because etsy is still going to mix and match them so in terms of what's better long tail keywords are absolutely better there is no disputing that customers who are using long tail keywords while searching on etsy know exactly what they want to buy and there's going to be less refining process as they're searching if i don't know what type of necklace that i want i'm going to type necklace into etsy look at the first page of search look at what's presented to me get a better idea of what i want and then i'm going to refine my search and get a little bit more precise with my search while shopping maybe i saw that whole first page of necklaces and realized oh it's the silver ones that i like and then i type in silver necklace and then i see a search page of silver necklaces and i think oh i like the ones with gemstones so i type in silver gemstone necklace and then on that third search query that's when i find the product that i want so long tail keywords are gonna target the buyers who are more likely to convert right we want them to convert we want them to actually make that purchase so long tails are better but even if you've just got you know necklace as a single word keyword in your tags and then you've also got sterling silver as a tag etsy will put those together to form sterling silver necklace or blue gemstone sterling silver necklace etsy knows to put those together it's all about mixing and matching it's like a little game all right next up marsha she asks how do you find tags when you have an edible product herb seasonings it doesn't matter what you make guys keyword research is gonna be the same whether you make seasonings whether you make jewelry whether you make pillows whether you make prep products it's all going to be the same i recommend heading into erank.com going into the keyword explorer or the keyword tool which is going to show you the most popular tags used by other sellers type in one word the core of what your product is for you might be herbs might be seasonings just type in seasoning or herb and go down into the related searches that erank recommends they're going to give you a list of long tail keywords that are associated with the short head keyword that you just typed in and then you can start sifting through that list exploring a little bit more clicking into those keywords looking at their monthly searches and finding good strong long tail keywords associated with whatever it is that you sell whether that be herb seasonings or dog biscuits it doesn't matter the process is exactly the same all right next up we have a very long one from melissa melissa i sense that you're very stressed out let's see if we can help you melissa asks i've been watching videos yours and pams shout out to pam duffy go subscribe to pam duffy she works at erank with me and she's amazing back to the comment and i'm confused about tags as you can mix and match words and tags yes but exact matches are stronger for relevancy yes it's not best practice to repeat words in tags but without repeating words it seems the relevancy score would decrease yes that is also true so you don't need to repeat words but if you want to have a bunch of exact matches you can you're just casting a smaller net that's all there is to it you can repeat those words you're not going to get any penalization from etsy if you said silver necklace gemstone necklace sterling necklace necklace necklace necklace over and over again in your tags but what you are doing is you're casting a smaller net because you're using some keywords over and over again and therefore you are reducing the size of the net that you're able to cast because you're not using as much variety in this case what i recommend doing is picking your superstar keywords i know that it's really tempting to go in there and make sure that you're getting all of those exact matches but odds are you're not going to be ranking on page one for every single term that you're trying to rank for anyways so choose the superstar keywords choose the keywords that you most want to rank for the ones that are the most relevant the ones that have the most searches and the least amount of competition because regardless etsy is gonna mix and match them and you can get a bigger variety of keywords in there so it's kind of one of those things where you just have to decide what's more worth it to you for me personally i like casting a nice big net it's worked amazing for my own shop but it really just depends on your products and your competition levels try it out test it with a few different listings use erank.com change tracker tool that way you can see how the changes that you make to your listings affect your views your favorites and your sales just remember don't ever ever ever edit your best sellers because if your best seller is a table with four legs and you accidentally pull one leg out from under the table the whole table could collapse so don't edit your best sellers don't edit a bunch of listings all at once because once again that can mess with your listing quality scores and end up reducing your overall visibility in search make sure that you're making your changes in small increments and monitor everything that you do over the course of around three to four weeks usually is enough time to give etsy a chance to really catalog those changes and place you in search all right last question from aliyah and this one's kind of related to some of the things that we've already talked about but aaliyah asks how to find different keywords for similar listings i've been told not to repeat keywords on all my listings don't know who you heard that from but that's actually not true we'll get into that in a minute but that's hard i sell name name tags for bridal parties you choose the color and the saying it's hard enough to come up with 13 ways to say bridal party name tags let alone do it differently for dozens of similar listings i don't know where you heard that you shouldn't repeat a keyword among several different listings but in my experience that's absolutely not true etsy likes to recognize shops who specialize in a thing if you are repeatedly using the term what is it bridal party name tags over and over again across all of your listings and someone on etsy is searching for bridal party name tags specifically etsy sees that you are a seller who specializes in bridal party name tags because bridal party name tags are all that you sell etsy is more likely to rank you higher if your listing quality scores are high and show you to that person who is looking specifically for bridal party name tags now i know this from experience being someone who creates skeleton key necklaces very specific product and every single one of my listings i use the term skeleton key necklace and if you search skeleton key necklace on etsy assuming that your personalization isn't super wonky you're gonna find at least one of my products or more on page one for the term skeleton key necklace as he knows that that's all i sell they know that i have high listing quality scores and a high customer in market experience score and they know that i have claimed keyword authority over the term skeleton key necklace which makes it really hard for other shops to catch up to me because i have been able to maintain that first page positioning for so long so own that keyword use it for every single bridal party name tag that you have if that term is bringing you a lot of traffic if that's exactly what your product is own it put it everywhere everywhere that etsy is actually reading tags titles you could even put it in your shop sections because that is an area that etsy also reads almost as its own individual landing page if you can get a couple keywords in there that's fantastic just like i said previously don't go in and edit all your listings at once because that's not a good thing to do right before the holidays alright guys i think we're gonna go ahead and cut it here if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you are new here and watch for my husband and i every friday live on the friday being at noon eastern 11 a.m central and nine nine a.m nine a.m pacific time and if you are one of the many sellers who are preparing for the big black friday cyber weekend we've got black friday small business saturday and cyber monday all crammed together make sure that you get my black friday toolbox down below which is going to give you 30 different marketing phrases it's going to include checklists and cheat sheets and calendars and a breakdown of your schedule that you should use to plan out your black friday sale so that you can make sure that you're actually spending time with your family on thanksgiving rather than stressing about or stressing out about running a sale there's also a marketing graphics pack full of holiday graphics that i personally created for you that you can use to decorate your marketing photos and there's even a training in that pack that will teach you exactly how to use those all of those resources are free for you guys i try to do a big holiday gift for my alphas every single year so this is our 2020 present since this year definitely sucked for most of us enjoy let me know how much you love it and make sure that you use the hashtag handmadealphas so i can see all of the great photos that you create for black friday using those graphics packs and lastly guys handmade alpha academy will be opening on december 1st through december 10th so if you have been waiting to join my self-paced nine module training program to learn how to bring yourself to the top of your niche on etsy we will be opening doors in just a few weeks there is a waiting list link down below opting in for that does not obligate you to buy however what it will do is ensure that you get a notification right when doors open since our enrollment window is very tight and it's going to guarantee that you get a thousand dollar enrollment discount just for being a community member we have 500 amazing students and you can check out testimonials from those via the waiting list page if you're interested if you want to learn a little bit more about it and we're going to be having tons of opportunities to hop on with us live and ask questions if you need to know whether or not haa is right for you so hopefully we see you on december 1st guys in the meantime have an amazing week and we will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 3,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy seo, how to do etsy seo, etsy search engine optimization, etsy listing seo, etsy seo 2020, etsy seo 101, etsy seo algorithm, etsy seo erank, etsy shop seo, understanding etsy seo, etsy seo for beginners, etsy sales, etsy boost sales, etsy more sales, etsy no sales, etsy sales 101, making etsy sales, handmade alphas, starla moore, etsy seo questions, etsy seo in 2021, etsy seo help, etsy titles and tags, erank for etsy, etsy seo q&a, etsy seller tips
Id: DrT2FmveuJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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