"Among Us w/ Nice People" Full Stream | Disguised Toasts - Valkyrae - Sykkuno, etc...

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okay all right okay okay look look i've been taking l's all day all right um post i will print i'm done with my videos for the day i got you wait turn that game that uh ray was talking about into a video no the flame would be too much destroyed yeah we both got destroyed please don't kill me i'm doing my discord bubbles oh yeah the bubbles are in the general chat if you need them all right let's get started all right pokey and if there's no way both of you are faking gas right there's just no way there's no way abe is such a such a team player that's what i like about abe he won't run away from lies just to live you know i respect that i respect that okay that's such a weird lock that's such a weird lock oh god pokey oh god pokey pokey that's pokey you just triggered ten thousand susses okay you just triggered ten thousand susses okay [Laughter] what happened all right pokey you killed the wrong person what she was trying to chase me down i was using ava's body shield oh no oh god she saw me saw her fake gasps oh my god i'm so sorry i wasn't pushing the right button you're gonna have the same effect but no not at all it is not true at all it isn't true at all at all at all okay let me explain no no no let me let me explain okay me and abe did gas together at the start and toast followed us the whole time and then uh we all headed towards vitals together and the lights turned off i went to go do temperature so i lost them but i figured they were sticking together now it's vegetarian uh yeah beside lava because we are near vitals area and then um yeah lights turn off i finished doing my temp i had i head to lights and toast calls this dead body and i was actually not even sure if it was him at first but because he's trying to pin it on me and i'm nowhere near there i'm guessing it's him otherwise i assume he would have seen whoever did actually kill abe hmm [ __ ] he looks so confident no i'm actually inclined to believe her story now maybe it's not possible you convinced me pokey i have such imposter voice i don't [ __ ] know that that sounds so genuine look okay if you are imposter and you pulled off that performance you deserve to win like it's so obvious when i'm lying you didn't see her uh no it was the lights were uh i just know the three of us were like trying to stay on top of each other but eventually it all got lost oh okay well i'm gonna given the information that would be weird if i didn't see it wait did pokey is pokey telling the truth her voice her voice is so genuine am i being played look if pokey changed her impostor voice then i am i am impressed i am impressed is it pokey god i hope it's not pokey because she would have outplayed me then i'm getting played four oxygen one come to lab thomas okay calm left one is still laboratory i'm gonna go into weapons two weapons one weapons okay this laboratory guys been there for a while dammit uh oh my god that was spooky okay i was just walking through the bottom right here decontamination room i saw toast's body which side uh i'm on the right i went from the top right down and like outside the door i'm guessing whoever killed toast like killed him and then went inside let me help you guys eliminate two susses um and i met base again each other at the very very beginning of first round oh yeah i forgot we did that you're right i was only really gonna clear wendy and i was gonna hard cesare okay yeah yeah i remember all of a sudden yeah we did that yeah yeah oh my god wait are you guys lying no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're not lying wendy i don't think he kills wait what no no we're not sorry the way you don't said that it just slips up yeah i don't think it's box box because he reported this so by process of elimination i think it's ray and chris was there anyone in the bottom right because when i got there the door on the left of me was like locked um no i don't think so okay um wendy can you vouch for pokey or no you saw me saw her bottom left a lot yes this is true and i don't think are though box ray and chris so yeah the only the only sauce that i have a little bit was pokey because i me her and sid were together and then when i left now she's dead but i don't know like i just yeah is anyone together at the time and i actually have no idea where sid's dead body is and i don't think anyone else doesn't know i assume it's chris here because i really lose it safely i don't know what to say guys chris or ray please choose i'll go chris i'll be chris then because i did i already voted for chris but it's i know it's not me is it i don't know i think it's ray chris or box but i don't want it to i have no idea who it is that was just a guess for me hmm that's one thing pokey does is when she's unsure she never votes um because i think she doesn't want to be blamed for a loss like even though there once crew member went on chris it doesn't really matter oh nice all right we haven't lost but if you really wanted to i'm kind of down to still vote right because she's the most suspicious do you think yes yes absolutely um me it's ray or box that's all i got same but i'm just trusting him off of calling that body when he could have just gone for another kill that's true i don't he might be new enough to not like realize that he shouldn't i don't think albert's that new this is my fifth time playing oh yeah wait wait pause pause we have to go back to the first round i cleared it this was yes i cleared her yeah right that was nobody let her go and even toast believe me but like she was still at the crime scene like no i actually wasn't i had just seen them before the crime occurred i mean we could just skip here we're pretty sure we got one right so are we just scared yes there's no sabotage called was anyone at the button besides psychonauts oh no oh i don't know no no yeah that was that was a good call i just well look if we narrowed it down to ray or box as our guest right mm-hmm i think so i'm a week because i know it's not we could shoot here wendy and pokey are standing up for each other uh i'm like half maybe three quarter clearing pokey maybe wait wait okay are we voting here or skipping box who do you think it is who do you think it is i was by myself in like the top right area for a very long time i i if you guys really cleared each other then i'm like most likely gonna believe it's ray and then a little bit sakuno not sakuna they can't think when these scandinavia yeah we scan each other we're hundreds is pokey the one who did not get cleared yes uh wendy is half clearing if you guys are sure we can skip um sure but okay yeah be careful this morning okay that's big i have a lot of tacit if you guys want to follow me let's go can he clutch it out i don't think so i'd be very impressed he needs three kills that's from beginning to end that's the 40 second interval [Music] no no i just wanted to say that i have a lot of tasks i actually have my feet we could go to the right together okay yeah i have one in specimen okay so i guess we can just all start off going right together maybe okay should we go with five i got someone be careful like i don't have a button anymore but you guys should definitely check vitals and call meeting if you feel like people get split i don't have a button either all right i'm running low on you can't even remember i just don't want you guys to suss me okay so just so i understand this correctly we're gonna go we still have a lot of tasks to do so we're gonna do them together on the right side yes except for me i'm going to run off on my own no that's fine that's okay we don't we trust that because you'll know who split off right yeah we trust that cleaning up something like that you guys for sure checked each other for sure yes 100 yeah so i walked at the beginning of the round i walked in first he was already on it and then i wanted to get on it and he got off because i checked him and then i went on and he checked me and i finished my scan and then he finished his scan oh yeah yeah that sounds like the the story i think sakura just doesn't remember things what do you mean no i'm confirming it that's what we did right we did scandals yeah yeah i gotta like because he doesn't remember what i'm saying i'm not sure i'm just telling the truth we scanned each other we're clear right we're yes yes yes yes yes why are you asking for validation what do you mean i'm just making sure we got the same story correct i was spamming that report button oh god but pokey got it first did you guys see who it was because i went up to do the gas and i did not see who it was okay so we were all like four of us were together and i just spammed the report button in case somebody died i would that was so unexpected because the lights were on at that point that i didn't expect there to be a kill there but neither did i the reason why i think it's pokey is because albert just said he was spamming the report button the only way that pokey could get that report off is if she did the kill oh i didn't get the record whether you're gonna pin it on me or not then i think it's ray how did you get that report button so fast button i clicked no you were expecting a kill there the phone no i just saw the report and clicked no albert what did you guys not stop holding my apm against me ray if you really are crewmate you need a really sus uh albert here because it was between you two i was off to the side but i am almost positive it was rey that did it then again like the blood spotter so i don't know if that's the red that i'm seeing wait okay do we not vote on four we could vote on four we're pretty sure who it sure is i i stopped really surely someone must have seen right i could know i just know it's between you too you guys were both yeah we know was clear out of it i just yes yes the only way you got this report off is because you knew a kill happened okay i think we should i'm skipping i'm sleeping but okay it really it wasn't me it really really wasn't we have to stay together because yeah but also not stacked it's also wait how oh maybe it's everything before yes if we're in the dark race stay with me okay i can't remember when did i die is this game one this is game one right i feel like it died an hour ago yeah this is the same game from game one it felt like a separate game i'm like i'm trying to think once i die damn he got away with that huh [Music] um yeah if xbox can just find cycuno somewhere this isn't the last task right there's no way this is wrong okay yeah we still got five tassles you are giving me a heart attack okay no no ray it's good it's good i was with you guys for a lot of that no one's done that it seemed second years doing tasks right yeah i'm doing my tasks i have cleared something one two three specimens to go with one top right all right i finished all of my tasks how much more i'm that one person and the killer they're gonna kill me and do a 50 50 because i'm the only 100 cleared person yeah so if i stick with someone and i'm the only cleared person they're going to kill me in 50 50. right i don't have my button which is why i keep checking for dead bodies then you know what's like yeah it's like we know you just run around check vitals call meeting if one person dies and that's your job okay me ray just look for bodies albert we'll go to specimen together and go up through top right if a reactor gets called we all go to it i'm gonna spam the report button no the moment anyone gets killed there's gonna be a meeting why were you spamming the report button i thought someone was going to die right as the lights that's kind of fair huh like wow the pokey turn on albert's so fast pokey was sussing out ray wanted to do a 50 50. she can't just do a 180 on him so pokey and ray can essentially never do the task oh no now that that's not a good kill okay hello all right it's like you know you're the only one we know is fully innocent i'm just gonna let you vote whoever you want i didn't think aren't you gonna defend yourself for something no we're not okay saikuno so last round albert said he was spamming the report button for no reason when the lights are already on and there's a group of four of us why else would he do that i thought it was pokey but the fact that albert okay first of all he did it i left they went to the you saw you saw him do it no i left them together because i didn't think he would they'd kill each other i i thought oh my god i didn't think i should have stayed with them so i saw that there was one out of two on the reactor so i was on my way to the right one i was assuming you're on the left one so also i was on the right one okay well oh box what do you think i think you're the only cleared person i think okay we were just like basically going together i reported the body i i think you have all the information did you just make a choice like what i why aren't you saying anything he's not saying anything because he doesn't want to lie watch watch albert did you did you kill pokey nope did you hear that psych who knows yeah he made a little popping yeah he popped at the end what does that mean i don't know him well it means he's trying to sound innocent but he can't [Music] i would have if i was the killer i would have killed you oh wait did i vote for you i was spam clicking back and forth between them and then oh man did i do the wrong thing i'll spam clicking back and forth i don't know how it vote oh oh my god okay wait what happened what just [Music] i accidentally reported the body twice no no you did you did good good job funny [ __ ] i know rey is melding because she didn't press the play again button yet [Laughter] actually it actually like misclicked or something i don't know what happened albert high five good job albert you really pulled a fast one on psycuno i actually don't know what happened i was clicking back and forth and then it that was a good job albert i actually thought it was pokey yeah i thought it was between the two of you for a long time and then he snapped my neck i don't know why i've bothered even faking these tasks i don't even have them uh maybe just uh running away huh look look look if i go all the way here no one's gonna see me that means no one can kill me dude if someone starts walking over here i'm so screwed i hope they at least drag it out so they don't kill me too fast let's drag it out just got me like a pig come on i'm right here hey off the top off the start ran to the left huh and then what i should do is see where everyone splits off from at the very beginning i think that would give me a lot more information this is how i have to live by the way you guys think i want to live like a dog i don't like living like a dog i don't have a choice if i am putting myself out there i will die i eight fixing lights i ain't fixing lights oh my god i thought you died oh tina killed first back to back all right where is everyone i am at vitals with christopher i'm on admin what up big dub i saw wendy mm-hmm i wasn't how old was this corner i haven't run into anyone in a while so i checked the vitals and she was already dead when you reported this so it must have been a little bit ah so it's not an insta-kill self-report that's good um and for pokey huh why so silent oh i just think i should just say oh wait wait where is the body it's uh like you open the doors to the hall of electrical and it's basically in front of you okay electrical okay um i i don't think it was right because we opened the doors at the same time and i reported um however ray when we did gas you did go to left side because when you have because yes because i saw you saw tina doing gas right so i wanted she didn't okay oh i think at first maybe yeah so tina so i wanted to see if she was actually doing the left gas and she was that's why i double backed so tina she was doing gas so this kill hadn't been at least didn't i see you around camera like at the beginning of the round at the very beginning yes five seconds and yes this kill is like maybe 10 seconds old before this one oh okay okay so it's kind of kind of fresh i just wanted to say that at the very beginning of the round i saw chris top right we went down a specimen together we did task and specimen together walked out and we were there the entire time yeah i walked uh we passed by secundo as well in specimen side where was jealous where's box box i don't know where were you oh i was in the top right alone top right wait i haven't seen anyone in a while wait i was i was top right i was just doing my tasks you know well tina your death is gonna go unsolved sorry is no one gonna fix lights or what's up guys what's uh what's up it's a weird path to take sydney weird thing to do to just go into uh just go in there he's going out going around opening doors on cindy that's kind of like your new thing or what is the door opener now i think it's the open doors abe okay so i have weights on abe abram are you insane you're just killed right in front of me hey hey wait wait was that a miss clip wait guys like who knows literally straight line to you guys oh where are you guys we're in specimen and i literally just left rey where did you come just you must have i literally just left you and ray together in specimen i'm in bottom d content right now oh oh you are oh you're in bottom decontam sydney you see him wait um i saw a box box and i saw a box box coming we don't see no i didn't go out yet i'm i'm at the door right now oh see oh we're also there if you were in there oh no it's okay it's probably hard for him to see where he is with all of rey's blood on his head hey just oh you're digging deep hole man guys it's not me how are you spicy enough uh it's not me it's literally not me oh it's got to be abe or seikun all right yes but it's that seven so if you vote me off it's literally just not called reactor and it's gonna double kill albert when you you came through specie who did you see in there all of them i saw cycuno i was like if i'm gonna die i would probably die right here and then i didn't die and no i did not see abe i went from the top right down i took a lap i never saw abe did you see aid also albert you said you were top right last round but i ended the top right and i did not see you there isn't that really suspicious of abe then oh man maybe we should get so confused wait oh thank god no thank god thank god box meet me at top left reactor top left reaction i'm gonna go top right reactor top right reactor i'm just kidding i'm kidding [Music] reactor didn't even get called it's not it's not wendy wendy wendy look you and abe you guys are you know you guys know each other pretty well pretty close friends one might say right so i can understand why you want to skip and not kill him if it wasn't for the fact that every time you're imposter you love killing abe over and over again so you would never save him out of love you would only save him because he's your imposter partner your brain is about to explode because you're so wrong you heard it guys wait that's not what brain is just get her guys get her get her [Applause] one dinner wait instead who did you vote for i may have voted i skipped it's not albert really chris double down i voted for wendy doubled now my mind was set when she accused me it's not me but it's not wendy she's [Music] oh wait oh i thought she was the [Laughter] did i get a second pasta oh guys this is where we lose is this where we lose kill me kill me put me out of my misery now we haven't lost that's good no cindy knows me i can't i can't i can't i can't okay i guess there's no better time to start doing tasks than now oh so the city i don't have a button cindy you gotta check vitals learn to check every area you son of a this [ __ ] never checks all he has to do is do a quick check guys guys please guys please please just check oh that should that should be enough sydney was here when the door was closed they should know escort chris escort chris chris got it chris got it chris got it cindy should need to go for a kill here okay i get it what chris killed chris killed in front of me it was chris before you shoot your bullet because i know you're quick to the gun okay so we didn't fix the lights quick enough i thought yeah yeah that took forever i recognized that my ability to argue is very poor i did see sydney kill and report it that's what happened but i'm going to say this how great is that keyboard you know what you could use that key you can you could use it to type out the name of the imposter which is a capital n-e-y yeah i know right okay and then i made it among the theme too because it's really important got a little space man youtube break it up we're not doing that's like when you're the imposter and you get voted out but you're not you know see i was like trying to pay attention to am i muted that's true yeah so sydney why isn't it you then why isn't it you then because he's got a pretty good case here listen listen seikuna look he gave you a keyboard but what if i offer you something better saikuno you want to you want a mini pony i got what i want a mini yeah listen i'm trying to make sure that chris gets voted out here you know why jody else i could jodi right in front of me jody hates the color red and sydney's name is red no my name is not red chris's name is red he literally can't like he killed right in front of me and he's using the keyboard that he gifted you doesn't sound like wood kind of cycling you get one free pass chris one free pass for it thanks are you serious he killed in front of me psycho oh you actually voted for i thought you were gonna vote for me wait it wasn't you no it actually worked it actually wasn't he gave me a keyboard i gave him one free one for the keeper [Music] [Laughter] oh my god that i just watched because of that why i got a free i try to be spicy that was so funny he killed right in front of psychonauts wow wow give me a poster i actually oh god i miss being imposter remember the good old times the good old times i can't trust anyone anytime anyone the only person i can trust is psycho he's the only person that doesn't kill me off the rip yeah secret i don't like the fact that you didn't you didn't do keys like you know that's uh that's a big problem psycho now it's not me maybe i should say i didn't see it oh no wait who did you see kudos wait what'd you guys see wait what tell me i saw sakura walk away from wendy's body what me too oh wow you guys got good vision i couldn't see [ __ ] yeah well because the three of them are together imposters and now they're getting cycuno got down if two of you guys say that uh guys guys look i didn't see any i reported body i didn't see cycunos there okay i don't know how these guys there was i didn't see anything i'm just bitter oh wait i didn't see anything okay the body is outside i agree no guys guys let him live nobody saw anything all right cindy's just bitter i'm not sure how these guys saw anything the lights were off everyone has a positive vision they're all imposters you're all imposters i didn't because i didn't see anything i voted oh thank you guys it's actually him i'm not joking white red brown white red are innocent no brown white red are innocent because they motorcycle everyone else whose skip is kind of weird so i can trust brown white and red [Music] holy [ __ ] hello oh oh i'm gonna pretend i didn't see that what no why didn't you see the last person i saw with pokey was you uh oh once yeah i called brook yeah what albert if pokey was so insistent that i was cicuna in that previous meeting i'm down to like put suss on him and then the fact that i didn't know pokey died the fact that pokey is now dead brings extra reason to vote seikuno off what like i literally saw you with pokey last i l i said it out loud so it's like sakuno and pokey guys that's what i said and now she's dead we're on seven we're on we don't guys guys what guys guys skip on seven psycho wouldn't kill after i vouch for him i'm skipping i'm skipping too much wait albert we can talk about where did you find those bodies let's just talk about let's just talk about it more okay let's just talk about it more yeah let's just find anybody i just call them meetings i'll use my blog for it this is seven yeah is offering his buttons all right let's talk about it to make sure we get the right person i have voted i implore you guys to skip yeah i saw him with pokey we need to talk this out okay but what if you're so sure with all your heart yeah even then voting on seven is crazy guys okay fine but get out and then and then we'll vote don't worry you did the right thing you did you know you did here why is box rocks going to a little fridge albert what the [ __ ] call the button call the button [ __ ] he killed her right in front of me oh the green man it's 10 hundred percent toast in cycuno well it's ten hundred percent a hundred percent toast what [Music] you saw green kill but now it's 100 toast and only 10 green no no sorry i saw saikuno kill red right in front of me and then also toast tried to kill me multiple times during the reactor i like ran a lap around him and i'm very lucky that i ran into you guys guys guys i've been vouching for saikuno all game i can't i kept skipping to keep him alive so if i said to kill him you know i'm honest kill sakuno yeah i don't know box box look look he voted convince chris convince vote for toast because i didn't kill you guys okay like i'm i'm the killer okay i'm the killer but vote for toast cause i left you guys alive because you guys are my pals all right all right also i kept like live to see who'd skip i know tina's innocent the other killer is [Music] city oh he's gonna try and stop my button [Music] hello okay can we just kill sydney what is it what it's said for why are you saying why is it sydney because she voted for me in south side even though you're a thousand percent sakuno voted for you because saikuno was like okay how come sakura gets to do the thing with the keyboard and i can't listen to seikuno he says kill toast first because he left people alive i was like nice so i vote for toes oh my god oh really okay wait sydney re-explain why you voted for toast instead of sakuno because saikuno literally said hey i left you guys alive and i was being kind so vote for toast first and so i was like okay sure i'll vote for toast first because you're 100 sure it's both of them so i vote for toast chris uh what do you think uh i got no clue i only know uh i would like to ask you a couple questions yeah go ahead albert go ahead so it really looks like you were gonna kill me yes now i'm confused yeah sydney could have killed me if she wanted to i ran to her for like box box i could have killed you in that storage room and left your body in the freezer where no one would find okay yeah i knew seikuna was bad round one i kept forcing skip to see who else would skip because we had enough evidence to kill seikuna the only person who would skip on that situation is obviously his partner oh god okay wait but why would chris think about this with me why would cycuno tell people to vote for toast right the two imposters would not actually out each other is what he wants us to think jesus christ trying to analyze on a deeper level i'm trying to think how good is their friendship you know i'm just very confused because the entire time you're saying it's one hundred percent toast in cycuno and now a thousand percent like you know 100 yeah she was hoping someone would miss it 100 toast just means toast right and now he's trying to kill me for i don't know what reason look you guys can all just kill her or not [Laughter] good job boys we got him unless it's one of you two in which case congratulations i didn't vote i didn't vote i didn't know if you guys were voting toaster oh thanks that was that was fun i couldn't tell no one said they were keeping or voting toast and so then i panicked [Music] we need to stop listening to him we can't just be fought fodder wait we won off that we got the second sus because of the skip or are we gonna oh yeah good job by voting off seven million rounds ago yeah but then i'd be [Laughter] down with who oh my god who knows like his ears are plugged thanks toast great friend second don't skip keys as impossible you make it too obvious thanks toast kept the [ __ ] alive just so he can play and to use him as bait for the second imposter so that's one of the nice things about not instantly out of imposter to use them as oh my god wendy why did it take you so long i don't like that wendy i don't like the fact that took you an hour to flick on the little node is it chris and wendy cindy's just standing there menacingly oh no feels bad this is kind of useless information now but i don't think abe's the imposter i was with him for a while what's the sitch what's the scene are you with him before he died i was in like 20 seconds before he died he was in the weapons south area location we need location um of the body the body is actually currently um right above electrical uh see abe's a light fixer so he died one for the team uh cindy when you check cindy when you check vitals what's he dead cindy what i didn't check vitals oh oh unfortunately what made you think that she was checking vitals oh she was uh on the card swipe and on downloads i thought she may have stopped by but clearly did anyone check it out nope nope okay oh i was near the vitals but i didn't check it thank you i don't know why i told you guys okay so at the beginning you weren't were you watching sakura do the keys no oh where are you oh no i didn't skip the keys no i know i was just gonna ask her if she also thought it was weird that you stood at the keys for like five minutes oh let me explain i was i was having a fit of laughter thanks to toast backing me up last game so thank you very much toast i was just laughing so hard i couldn't do the keys can we kill wendy why no you know what i'm all for it after last round pokey voucher wendy all right you can kill me if you well go for it let's say that i go into the body with her so i know she didn't report an insta oh or kill an insta report i guess she can live yeah i can clear tina for this kill but it's wendy [Laughter] use vote attack is that pokey and wendy no they can't be right they walked up on the body together there's no way it's when the end pokey right it might be poking someone i don't think pokey would vouch for someone if she's imposter and it's a free kill so i don't think it can be pokey and wendy there's no it's pokey and wendy right he now went down oh my god box box was a perfect position already it's cursed checking left side oh nice try wendy but i'm gonna live today i think chris is pretty innocent do you have the foresight to go back to doing gas where are you going crazy then this left part of gas though how did he catch up to me hey oh no it's host hey who who's in the light section i'm not there yet where is everybody right now i am headed towards where are you right now i'm right next to you right now how is that possible i don't see you at all oh she's got imposter vision wait you and i are in special what's with the bulk where am i if we're next to each other right now listen albert you and i went into specimen together and i'm on my simon says i [ __ ] up the first one so then i had to do it again and i'm just assuming that you're still there but i don't know wait it saves your progress now doesn't it no no yeah yeah it does save your progress but it's not because the button it was because i messed up the first like i messed it up i see so you are still interested about someone else i'm still on specimen wait where where okay so if sid and box are in specimen where is cycuno ray and chris i'm on i'm the place where innocent people are sign yeah anyway so who else was left tina guys the body is in the decontamination tunnel no no no the one that the the decontamination thing by electrical by lights by security oh oh by the left of security is what she means that's not contaminated right is what we're you voted for me i have no idea it's definitely not me i would never do something so silly can you not call the left side of hallway decontamination [Laughter] why can't i find an innocent person yes you're the best okay we gotta take the second shot because i totally guessed yeah yeah you guessed wait that means it's right right no no we don't we don't know because we had lights off so we really should take the shot i think okay so i don't know how long the kill cooldown is but i'm pretty sure like rey is clear just from what i saw there i feel like she could have killed me if she wanted to right there um yeah i so it's albert and i on the button so i don't think i feel like if he was killer he could have killed me as well i don't know how long the kill closed oh man so ray's the only one who didn't vote for chris i literally had no idea who divided anonymously voted for chris that was impressive because i felt like that was such a gamble why'd you skip ray or not skip why'd you not vote for chris i didn't know i had no idea i actually i think that there's i don't know if there's two imposters alive right now then uh we don't 100 of this right i think we voted correctly we have to vote because if we don't vote and there's two alive we lose and if we do vote and there's two alive we still lose so we should vote for a chance to survive because if there were two killers there still could be two killers because the lights were off because the only way for them to have a lower cooldown is if the reactor or something was going off so if there's two killers and we don't vote we lose and if there's two killers and we vote wrong we lose which means we just have to vote and hope we get it right okay i'm like 90 sure it's not tina i'm pretty sure it's not ray off off of what happened in that last round so i'm down to like coin flip person is it you albert guys you think i would randomly yell out my partner's teammate at the last second and get him killed i uh is it sydney it's sydney it's sydney guys get her it's not me i do feel like she i don't think it's sydney she could have killed me multiple okay i'm pretty pressured oh it's not her i only did it because it's guys we have to vote here just to be safe because we don't know if it was chris right and we got one killer for sure yeah yeah if the game doesn't end then we got one killer so so [Laughter] [Music] did someone die sydney died oh wait sydney died because we voted her off to be safe yeah oh we killed her yep oh so nobody knows the killer for sure sydney or chris i really thought that we were going to um like i really thought someone was going to die on the left so i ran over there to get ready to report a body because i were going to the top right one i'm like okay it's definitely not tina she'll just go to the top i wasn't going to the top right one oh wait where were you oh i was waiting by the button and i was like oh they've got it but then i was like oh the time is ticking i should probably go do it and then i ran back to the button with cycuno and albert i saw albert come in to check on me like later and i thought he was gonna kill me but he didn't anyways um i have my suspicions that it's albert hurray so i was really surprised nobody got on the left so yeah i was really afraid to like beat alone and i was kind of surprised it took a really long time but it made sense that tina was at the button i can say i was alone with rey on the left side she probably could have killed me she didn't i mean i did the left reactor yeah so was it cicuna who did the right one i saw tina unboxing i did the right one yeah i'm pretty sure you did it first wait where did sakuno go then i ran to the right side to check the right one because i saw you on the left i saw tina on box box both there okay oh okay i get it okay wait you think it's me yeah why because i was hunting like you thought i was like hunting for kills on the reactor or something because i was the only one not doing it oh we don't vote on no no it wasn't me i was just saying i wasn't hunting for kills because i was the only one not doing we can't vote on four we i still don't know i have tasks as well i need help wow that took me a long time [Music] oh i i need you guys to follow me to uh specimen that's where my life okay i need to go as well okay okay perfect perfect who still has a button left uh not me i finished all of my tasks so i can just like go with you guys and report a body if someone dies yeah you shouldn't have a guarantee to win here please follow me in specimen all right everyone go to it sounds like rain i'm done my last task is in specimen so everyone's only got specimen left i think i have button wait box why do you think it's me it's you i finished all my tasks like a good i'm loading you off no no i finished all my tasks like a good crewmate what do you mean damn why is this still three maybe four bars worth of stuff left there's four tesla sorted sort of sort of sort of sword no no wow no way oh wait what happened so i could just kill her right in front of me i didn't think he'd actually do it what wait where are you guys i wish you would have just killed me instead honestly what why because i hate being part of this situation ray you you supposedly saw me kill there isn't a situation for you you know it's me right yes so there's nothing for you to worry near us i saw you doing with my eyes mm-hmm why are you stressed out though if there's nothing for you to worry about it's only because now oh is this one of those like you guys are gonna vote for each other i get to choose who wins pretty much but i'll start the big 15 dollars i'll tell you this oh my god oh okay how many gifted subs albert what wait what see what you're gonna say i vote myself for five gifted subs i'm just well look i'm going to forget about this we're running out of time tell me the information the point like here's the information uh first of all though i have a question for you box um do you want to win this game yeah then vote for ray wrong what what do you mean wrong wrong wrong what albert i'll give you the facts albert you can ask me anything i will okay last round i was the only one that did left react you and tina did the right one saikudo didn't even try to do information okay [Laughter] i didn't actually finish most of my tasks i just said that so i could mix like a panic nothing you do like he had to kill someone right there are you insane wait why oh my god box you don't want to win the game [Music] [Applause] great you're so scary albert you haven't actually makes ray more incriminating because you have all the remaining tasks that means she can't have any task left yeah the task yeah it actually makes ray the guilty one that made me guilty because i think joseph me fake like i thought he was going to ray your acting has gotten good dudes [Applause] oh my god oh my god oh my god i was like i want to see her do it because of that scream chris you kill me first oh my god well played well played and then toe saw me fake like 16 times yeah i'm like good job she said she was stressed even though she's imposter i know oh god it's me and saikuno okay let's uh let's try play here let's me and saikuno hang out for uh quite a while but i think we have to separate a little bit buddy on the way to lights uh from um uh it's like between the left gas tank and the middle gas tank i was there and i saw chris do it okay oh my god wait how did you see it in the dark next to each other i was stacked oh wait wait [Music] wow wendy died like maybe like five seconds ago yeah we we were on the way to life did someone report a body or did someone call a meeting reporter pretty sure it's not like you know i think wait sakura found the body right no really foundation sorry where is the body good job right can anyone vouch for you we are literally it's not um we're admitted in can we clarify just exactly where the body is oh yeah where where's the body okay so i didn't see it exactly because uh it's dark but the body report button showed up it like between the left gas tank and the middle gas room like around i was running from med area to that direction where is everybody okay all right i'm in light there's a lot of people i'm gonna put on my british accent for this game you said they were with me yes pokey correct go on oh yes we were on top of each other right listen what are you guys voting for look oh my god i thought i was not joking i did not know abe said about that chris [Music] should me and cycuno try a fancy play hmm how fancy can we make this play i got the first kill psycho should get the second kill hmm okay how can we get kills if we're gonna be like i wonder if i should have got him there he's just staring at the cameras ray did you see that on yes i did before i disclose what a body is um there's a there's someone on cameras who's that person yeah who's on cams me smiley face that is true i did i was seeing if he would lie i was seeing if he would lie so i checked i saw albert was on camera and the body is right outside the camera room also i came up from the south south side and uh the door closed on me perfectly he got a lot inside of where right before i entered the like sec that section the light section no so i don't know how they could probably someone who saw you were there at some point so it's toast box box is on cans probably didn't see anything and toast just said yes i saw a box box there and then abe said there's a body there true it was like closer but the cameras were and she's purposely not doing it ray please all right guys we me and ray were there that's where me and rick i was right by it where ray before we move on please tell them we saw box box on camera they're gonna kill me red ray they're gonna kill me ray please [ __ ] you oh [Applause] it's not toast how did pokey suss that they she didn't even ask for alive from cindy all ray that's so weird i mean it's true i guess so he got another one lads uh-huh don't think it's abe how do you think it's you guys i have critical information about except i don't know why he didn't yes so i've been stalking him and abe is so okay so how i know he's innocent is that i saw the previous round the previous previous round i saw that he did the water jug bottom left and so i was gonna wait download yes and he did the water the second water jug in office in the dark so he has to be so innocent i don't remember seeing either of you okay it was dark to the first part oh wait abe doesn't remember i guess that's good enough for me to vote someone else [ __ ] both of you wait guys i watch you wait you people are voting people are voting and you guys are freaking me out right now wait a second right we didn't see saikudo when he said he was by vitals and we were both by vitals yeah sakuno where were you i was right outside on the right side by lava didn't you see us oh no i saw toast there wha what are you talking about like in the like early on or middle at the end last round like which like what's the timeline here i remember crossing you around my vitals near the lava thing are you talking about the ending the ending of the round at the ending we were like who checked we were like by the rock what are you talking about tell you i saw a toast by there guys i'm gonna be honest i'm pretty sure it's chris and box box wait no it's actually yeah i feel like we've been grilling each other except those shirts i'm pretty positive it's not chris i think it's like in box box it ain't dr watson all right get him i'll go with you next time i went i went in okay if we don't get it next time okay abe doesn't have button a design button you could kill people x button oh my god i think you just saved my life all right so i feel like pokey was about to kill somebody so i called the meeting you know she she was like no no no no no and i was doing simon ray you said i saved your life with that who were you with i went to do my last i've done now i did my last task which was the wi-fi thing and communications and cycuno comes in walking all weird right now and then i just did the download i was standing there walking all the way i'm not chasing you holy [ __ ] i know rey's innocent because hey i know rey's innocent because she hasn't killed me yet and that's how i clear her um if me and rey ever cross each other and i'm not dead i know she's a hundred percent innocent no i'm innocent because i feel you on that foster you've killed me every single day ray i still know you're innocent because you're you haven't killed me i don't know why you're voting on seven against your own rule [ __ ] the rules wait pokey who did you go for right let's relax guys it's with seven was looking at her weird i just instantly voted for him but really don't tell chris and box don't tell christian box what it is do not tell people what you did because they might stack the votes i don't know why you're trying so hard to throw this game okay guys i'm skipping i'm i'm skipping the remaining crew members please give before okay uh listen guys we are ninety percent done with our tasks and there are seven of us alive on cameras for most of this game yeah he's like two people with me just like escort me while i finish my tasks and we will win oh god jesus christ you guys are insane you guys are actually insane guys you're crazy please don't i'm coming i'm gonna i'm gonna die i'm gonna die please don't leave me we should do these sabotages now oh glad you understood the wiggle on that because yeah no none of you guys follow me wait the four of us went together and you went off a lot yeah yeah i was slim that was easy pickings i was at the button waiting for someone to fix like yeah you could call it but i tried to fix it all right i could kill that kuno good kill oh i checked adam and i saw there was was the body in med bay it wasn't med bay yeah there was two in there i was like there has to be a body there but i decided to go lights instead i thought it back to admin to see where they went when they didn't come out from the top side i was gonna go to med bay to report the body but i figured they would just kill me there nice job toast oh that was a that was a that's a stressful game oh god i could have protected me where are you going you're pretty ballsy huh tina and ray want to do oh oh oh oh crap we should find a body though well the tragedy oh [ __ ] the two where's everyone's locations yeah yeah for me like the imposters know where their bodies are so they'll never put themselves at the scene of the crime so you can just go ahead and say where it is chris's body is at a weather note that's like by the third water wheel the one that's like outside of the office and i will say i saw toast and saikuno holding hands and when the lights got called off they didn't go to the lights they they went somewhere else yeah only tina and i did the light so where was everyone else when the lights were up huh me and toast went to the vitals we were pretty much on each other the whole time oh on med bay alone wait that's not true because i just went into vitals and toast isn't there it's like oh uh i went to southside to find a body so i also say this um it's gone for like a split second it's not an insta kill and report because when i reached fidos like seven seconds ago they were both dead already i thought about hitting the button but i thought it was easier to find a body so i went to south yeah specimen for like a split second and they were already dead i want to soft clear pokey yeah i don't did you go to sleep yeah i i went straight to specimen i i was just like [ __ ] i'm not going to lie wandy and wendy yeah i was um doing the dropper and then i went to my base camp by myself lights went out i stayed there to finish it you're kind of crazy aren't you wendy too stand in the dark mean people killing me first so well wendy you're only going to die third this time okay chris help me off go for it kill me all right i'm just gonna go get her don't try it so our sauce is toast in cyclone oh i pokey and ray you know what you guys want the video so bad huh can't get the video alive in the game [Music] no it wasn't me there's no way it's secure for this kill there's just no way for either kill those two dead bodies should we really be camping vitals like a couple of vitals andy even ray tina and ray were moving together do you not i don't think she did the kill and then loot back around to report it i just i just find it hard to believe no oh no no wait where was i can't believe she died um so her body actually flopped over like as i walked up so i walked over i walked past it to see if i could find the person because they had to be close but i couldn't find them i think i saw i think i saw wendy going up into communication like but it couldn't happen here the body is right outside the body's right side right outside of weapons also it couldn't have been saikuno or toast wait what no squat elementary my dear watson all right tell them who it is all right ray what do you have to say about this one she was my only alibi i would not have killed my old which is why she was your alibi she was my alibi jolly well done what does this have to do with me it's sydney guys what does that have to do with me wait what's going on wait sid what wait guys the body is by communications yeah it's outside of weapons why don't you buy trash at the bottom of electrical or whatever and i passed that's very close she went up she went upwards yeah i did see her path upwards and then out by electrical okay wait so i know where to kuno and wendy are here where so cindy went up tina where did you go um i don't know if she like came down and killed somebody and then went back up though but she did go she did pad up that way like i did pass by her at some point and maybe we're being a trashy eating said just left the vital room to the right i saw toast inside okay i'm not saying anything so i'm assuming that they saw you hey guys literally just you just said my name but you didn't you said oh oh i can't explain let me hit a meeting okay no sydney you should have called the sabotage there to save yourself one more kill are we getting up i was counting the button oh really because there seems to be a a five second difference between the button number your countdown you're on my [ __ ] life i was counting don't you dare no it's okay ray counting's you know you said five seconds left five seconds why i think it's sydney okay all right so wendy and abe they said it's not each other um i don't mean said it's not each other it's sydney tina and rey no no no no no no i would not exactly so it's not rey right that leaves sydney and t and i told you literally two people if tina if tina saw sydney going upwards then no i saw sydney going wendy saw her yeah then wait upwards in like outside on the outside or in the room on the outside on the inside on the left side okay so then running from the kill no no no i told you i saw the body flop over so it was fresh so it's not it's not sydney it had to be rey if anything oh it's ray oh no i don't i don't think it's rain but by your logic guys i can't pretend like i didn't hear her count down from 11. oh that's true too toast i legit was counting down the button the emergency button i don't know what i think you're maybe trying to get a free kill or throwing stuff on me for that but i actually was doing that what that was was anyone else on the button was there no i was gonna push the button this is so frustrating okay you were gonna push the button to vote on seven oh wow even tina turner oh my gosh it's so frustrating [Music] i started to think it's rey plus someone else it makes me think it's right now because she's not laughing funny haha upset she's like frustrated upset and for me that indicates something i should wait for another kill i trust tina and i trust abe i hope one of them doesn't get killed [Music] okay sorry i had to take it for a second because i got really really scared i didn't know if we would have the time to like check and stuff okay all right huh pretend this pretend this meeting didn't happen huh no okay no i was just i was just worried somebody was gonna die and i didn't check vitals first no when did you do the right thing because now we can finally kill you for good i know that's why you're killing me when i gave you an eye one day literally okay let's see that's why she saw me and there's just i'm saying that all i'm saying is it doesn't make any sense listen let's listen all i'm saying is i saw her pass me by i'm not clearing her for not having enough time to kill she could have killed like on top and then walked back up no she could not have sydney could not have killed pokey okay so it's between tina and ray right tina so i am coming up i see tina by trashu and rey or not ray i see wendy um in the left wacky part right okay and ape is seeing that he sees it flop over over by it was by calms right uh-huh he said outside weapons outside of weapons okay and tina i passed tina on the way and she's leaving outside of the trash shoe i passed wendy going up so it has to be tina if he saw it flop the timing machine okay now toast and saikuno i knew you guys were vitals that's because i was there did you guys see me there at the end of that round if abe saw the body flop over it couldn't have been me i wasn't near where the body was look i'll be honest my memory is terrible maybe for a few gift subs my memory will come back oh yes the thing that i don't understand is that i'm a hundred percent clear so i don't know why you're tunneling on me you know at this point neither do i but no one's dying and someone's [Music] my i'm just going to pretend like ray wasn't counting down i can't i can't my sisometers i'm fully maxed out guys i've never been more obsessed with something oh that was spooky sid where are you raven no i don't understand it's definitely why did you kill the guy who tried to defend you last round that's true i didn't kill maybe ray did it then oh he didn't kill abe no oh you think ray did it well sorry where's the body right now where's the body oh it's in the entrance to electrical i was doing fuel and i saw sid pass me looking straight to electrical so unless someone was between me and her between that time as i was doing my second fuel do you like self-reporting i passed down to weapons and that is where i'm at right now and i don't think you did that oh cindy you're at weapons blind what i'm saying i'm saying she wasn't where you said she was i no no no i did pass tina she's thinking that i walked all the way to electrical i didn't go to electrical i pathed left correct but down towards weapons well then where's everybody else it's not you oh we're all hanging out at weapons sydney and i read yeah and i just and i just ran up on you guys huh i was in comms with wendy and toast i'm trusting my melon heart i think it's sydney okay you know what based off of wait wait it's a kind of psycho for you you know what i'm gonna yeah yeah go ahead and try but i'm tr trust me i'm tunneling like a dwarf in the minds of moria right now from the last one like she's the only one who could have killed okay well there's two imposters so what if it's toasted like [Music] you were so yeah it was sydney uh yeah i am tina you are so confident [Music] fire and smoke oh my god no guys call the [ __ ] button no no tina peter protect me jesus christ jesus christ either you never protect me come on it's so obvious [Music] oh okay toast ah what okay what do you mean what you have one [ __ ] job okay wait that's okay so it's definitely wait why is it not wendy why is it not wendy why is it me i was doing tasks who did the lights oh you were i'm blind tina and i were at holy [ __ ] why didn't we just hit the button and kill ray it's so obvious all you guys have to do is let me push the button four of them four innocent wait three three of them three innocent play all they had to do was stand there and we win and then they scatter like rats and then tina i was like peanuts just stay on my body and she [ __ ] disappears it's obvious look look wendy i don't remember but i believe you okay i just i just don't remember so you were um in the other part of electrical this whole time i don't know i was with wendy apparently wendy where were we we were at the lake bottom of o2 i don't think you came up with me i'm asking you where were you i was at the tina why are you so sick he was on me the entire game and i'm dead so you know he's innocent i didn't see wendy i walked out he knows exactly where i'm going there's no way it's not ray oh i'm asking it sounds like me too stop do not wendy's insta voting it's either tina or wendy here this is not oh well i will i will give out some information why would tina i saw a toast and then as soon as i went to go at the emergency button there's no way she would that's true remember how you lost for voting on four before yes did it happen this time didn't happen this time and i didn't know but cindy why'd you kill abe because he was like vouching for you yeah i kind of do the sting where i forget everything that happened the round before just like mental wipe and stuff like oh person must kill i cannot stop thinking about the countdown yeah i swear i was gonna push the button i swear i was counting the button the emergency button the countdown was what no no i trust you but like i think if you're a crew member you would laugh about it but if you're imposter it's frustrating because it's like your chance at winning that you're going to get sucked out by such a dumb thing well yeah of course but as cool member you would just like laugh about it which is why the whole game felt like cindy and i were not in sync at all yeah it was just bad i killed your narration yeah we were like on opposite pages like i felt like we had a double kill they were stacked the whole cycle yeah and i don't think i came across them like the way cycuno was playing like they just had to they were just like wanting to vote for whatever that round on my part was just like mess up after mess up and i felt so wait so i wasn't i wasn't tunneling i was actually right with my crackpot theory then yeah crackpot i mean not crackpot i mean big brain theory yeah yeah and you got to um so good yeah oh my gosh like a kill toast was left with tina so i just kind of assumed that tina keep me alive i'm the worst bodyguard in the world okay listen toast i i knew that you were at the top the top right okay and then if they were at the bottom left there's no way that it could have been those two so then i knew it was right tina was not the emergency button and i pushed it right after lights go off so it fell right out that was impressive ray you we were able to kill and get to office yeah i believe logic doesn't work not with tina or sekuno all right if i'm stacked with cycuno people are gonna want to double kill us because that's the only way to get rid of us so if i ever see two other people hovering us second on the move second move second move it's like a terrible bodyguard if you're moving i'm gonna get drive-by oh god it's like on the right i wouldn't be surprised if i die oh pokey and ray are hard stacked oh tina it was low ave just randomly doing uh sorting [Music] there's a long simon says saikuno not gonna lie are you trying to shake me off huh like oh no oh that's interesting that's probably him then i swear to god if it's not psycho i'm gonna be pissed because he literally ditched me i just walked in and found the toast oh no guys i lost i lost toast when the lights went off in the specimen room and uh well this is besides the point the point is i found the dead body in the tree room um before i walked in what she's been dead for a very very long time because i have been searching for her okay what else is about forever ago before i walked in box and tina were in here wait no i wasn't in there i saw a box when i walked in i literally saw you earlier to me that oh that's right you know it's right in front of me that's true well sydney says the body was in there for a long time it's been wherever it is so most like most killers won't stay in the same room for that long that's probably true i can vouch for chris i don't think it's him yeah it's not albert me and albert been doing gas and i don't know everyone's favorite this doesn't wait it's like i'm kind of and then when you saw someone doing it well you think i killed toast wait when when the lights go off you guys are crazy wait a second when the lights go off don't you and toast usually just stops and stand still i mean not every time we were we were in the specimen room and then you guys yeah we were there we tried to wait did sakura say he saw me and tina that was very interesting because i'm pretty sure me and tina did not see saikuno i was definitely with him i walked in with him a little bit yeah we me and tina want to roll i saw toast and saikuno go into specimen together so it's really weird the toast is dead because honestly they usually stick with toasters they were both crazy i didn't but he exist crazy but it was actually he's impossible it's crazy i agree what it just killed him there are you guys crazy i haven't killed toaster anybody else [Music] yo thank you i think we should vote them off yeah that's what i'm saying anyway you guys are crazy we can we can afford a miss job but i feel like if toast was here which she can't be he would want us to eat you out anyways for not protecting him why i didn't yeah because you're a bad bodyguard okay i have a question for you yes when did we see saikuno uh i think near the end i think he was just like inspecting us and stuff i don't really know what he was doing you were at the wheel thing with me mm-hmm okay did you see him at like the edge of your range um or was he just pretty in there i can't remember i just remember seeing him a couple times like they could say that he was there okay i really do think it's him because i was like a reasonable amount below you and i couldn't see him at all so if you saw him at the edge of the range and he saw both of us i think it's impossible paul okay okay i see of course they don't stack when i'm grooming i know he voted himself so i think that's a confession i didn't kill anyone guys uh wow that thing is really going on this game no the one person i was gonna clear okay here's the thing instead of everyone trying to clear everyone and try and figure out who's not clear i can just tell you who killed him and hopped into a vent oh wait away can i guess yeah go ahead oh can i guess sorry wait you guys should oh let's count down and we all say a name okay okay we did a voice good call we did it one post one wow okay at any point once you guys are ready all right are you guys ready abe did it abe did it what abe i believe no [Music] all right yeah there's just no mystery here wait toaster was the body uh reactor so sloppy ape so sloppy come on come on man come on you gotta be sloppy i'm watching my uh video from today honestly i need to explain why you voted for me because i know abe is gonna get out anyway so if i was the imposter along with abe why would i vote for you that would make me stick out like in it yeah yeah you get it it did a sore thumb so but i was sticking out that's just speed running guys is this is a speed run this is a speed run or just keeps oh leslie damn i'm so i was doing the upload and then i just found the body all right the lights went off cool taikuno and ray were in their last wait yeah saikuno was marinating me it's like he already committed seppuku how did abe get caught so fast disgust oh that's funny all right i have to do tasks right oh door closing don't hit the button don't hit the button don't hit the button don't hit the button oh i just know it's sydney i just sense it in my little i i knew that someone was dead in here because i was on admin and i the bodies in o2 i was on admin i saw two people in o2 for a while and then only one person and this one person stayed in here for a long time so it was a dead body i checked on vitals one chris was dead so i went to press button but i had no button left so i came to o2 to report the body and then it does line up with what i saw i was wondering when i uh saw the kill happen on admin panel or when i think it happened uh three of you guys were at electrical at the time i believe that was great tina showed up late though non-stop from the i showed up from the the right side though that's free again yeah so i was with abe three three of you were together well okay so i think i think first priority cindy i think second is albert i also want to say that when i walked up to electrical the doors closed in front of me yeah that was i laughed at that and pokey and ray were inside so maybe they were trying to create a little a corpse fest you know i don't know were y'all hiding bodies or what what's going on i know there's one killer it seems like pokey and ray are both like very suspicious of me and so you guys came with me to do my task top right um and that was my last one so i finished it all i had to do was like click the red button um i've been running around i've checked on youtube i checked on abe and boxbox who have been together i haven't really seen tina like at all i don't think but i know that abe and box are grouping and uh rey and pokey are grouping it's not me i'm just doing my tasks and then following people around vitals admin vitals admin you know i'm not a hundred percent sure who should i use my greatest success i think second wow will you kill me anyway i think i think i think it's possible that it's also box box [Music] either just walked around i i could tell it was your imposter duo that killed toast and you were like oh yeah all right so no we won't all right it's like we won't stack so that it's easier when idol first is imposter protect me i'll stack yeah we shouldn't stack i think it just oh oh oh wow that's just a speed run oh wait i thought that was you ray never mind oh no oh my god you cried for me i cried for you if it sounded like she was laughing if i'm being honest oh [Music] at the top right i don't remember who it is this person killed them in like the middle of everything so where's chris huh yeah he's talking hi where's abe huh i'm in communication oh i just left communication wait why what were i literally i literally do this every game if i have the reset router task oh i hate that task yeah and where's box box i am by the spawn doing the gas how can you tell you have reset router and not upload because i didn't download it it's one of these [ __ ] trying to trick him all right who do you guys want to kill indiscriminately dave or box box wait egg on lads hang on hey god look look look rey and pokey just doesn't want me stealing this thunder babe i don't think it's you right right all right let's ask him and let cooler heads prevail ray and pokey have gone crazy wow even box box if it's even box box i'm still putting this in my video i'm still porting this in my video hey me three is it even box fox ah it's not even boxing damn it who is it yeah ray and pokey like killing me fast because um they don't want to share the spotlight like they just insta-voted me like um three games in a row but it's fine because i think that's the first time i worked if it happens every game obviously it's annoying but i think as a meme it's fine yeah it's not pokey though who is it oh sydney or tina i'd like to let you all know um toast was innocent wait how do you know i met me and i accidentally canceled and i went back off and then started waiting for toast so why'd you why'd you kill him then what well just because i thought it would be funny honestly but also because it helped us catch the other imposters abe and boxbox wait it's it's not me i don't how are you clearing me how are you clearing me yeah how are you clearing it how and why are you clearing me oh i'm not sure what why'd you say it's not just saying it's not him you feel like it's not you where's the body great's a question it is in the gas thing part two part um definitely not chris you're the last person i saw in that area uh wait a second can you say that again what did you say i said it's not chris for sure oh my god you never said it i just needed i needed a clip thank you she came out of specimen right so oh no what i'm currently okay never mind it could be chris wait let me tell you guys no it's actually not crazy i think it's not me and i don't understand why albert is like clearing me i think it's not you i also think it's not chris i think who do you think it is who the imposters and crewmates are i don't know speed run speed write speech i think it's not chris because he's the first one who walked over to the keys i'm gonna vote for ray because she keeps saying speed run i think it's albert i saw albert doing gas early unless he was faking sayings oh you're lucky albert hey but you do wait there's no possible way that he can clear me i didn't see him at all this game [Music] um [Music] yeah yeah yeah oh my god wow if only you guys didn't eat out your best detective round one no we just needed someone to call it good job or don't eat yours my goodness whatever honestly we randomly died i was i felt like i was crewmate with how much i was just hanging i didn't do anything like nah nah don't worry that crewmates did most of the work done does anyone have to pee okay perfect you're back what a perfect time to run a three-minute adventure i like your style ray oh i don't know where all this energy came from it's the bloodlust adrenaline good one good one right good killing [Music] mm-hmm all right should we make a truths no more hard stacking what does that mean so like two people hold gay two people holding hands the entire game i mean don't you get a double kill there i think it's kind of hard to coordinate i think if it's two people it's okay yeah okay okay if it's like if you can't double kill two people stacking that's not that's not impostor yeah that's very true okay okay because i'm holding pokey's hand so you guys get a taste of your own medicine i mean you won despite being the imposter and she's been crew member i'm mad about it check us out check us out nope moonwalk wait does it look like i'm moving on your screen yeah yeah yeah like it doesn't look at my feet are moving because to me i look like i'm just sliding albert wait wait albert have you been on the elevator wait elevator or escalator oh all right are you i'm back all right good luck oh i hated jennifer because it's so cool oh look have fun we're all friends in the end right hmm let's freaking go she's getting a little too good let's how about popping that fence but uh luckily cooler heads prevailed [Music] yellow okay uh did anyone see where cycuno died uh oh wait boxer why'd you cuddle meeting did you see vitals yes and well they both did when you called it albert yes albert i feel as though he's thinking very hard himself yeah he's like is this just gonna look figuring out how much information i should give i mean imposters know the truth and only innocent people don't know the truth so you should give us okay they'll get to everything okay uh i saw brown die on vitals about 10 seconds ago and then green was still alive so green must have died very very recently okay then we can probably clear for this one if it was instant i see wendy and abon electrical right i think someone else was there yeah i fixed electrical as the first one there i came in late can i ask you a question toasted ray why were you guys doing the two step into the lab the two step yeah i saw you guys like you know one two one two the other way one two i like like because i could see you guys walking slow oh i i think we're i'm trying to like group with rey because i don't want a group of sakuno this round yeah this is actually really unfortunate that medical center but i swear i thought maybe i saw rey there where there were so many people wendy there too everybody was in the hospital what hospital these are new names i'm in specimen by myself right now but i remember seeing like a lot of people in hong kong i remember seeing arena as well there were so many people here hospital anyways the dead bodies hmm i want to do [Music] sorry can we get uh more information out and also a question toast yes why'd you why did you say why did you check vitals before doing uh boarding pass i don't say i just want to look busy [Laughter] you know busy hands means busy hands [Music] are memories stored in the brain [Music] right now i'm closing my eyes i see i see nothing i see purple white god i don't know dude all right purple and why would you guys have to say for yourself i mean no idea what you're talking about because i wasn't there i was at the other two side is she lying i'm not lying maybe you're thinking of blue i can't remember there was so many people in that room i did skip lights yes it's true i did skip lights and then did you look cycles dead and i'm not gonna let his killer walk free all right how was that light wendy was that light it was that light [Music] but i don't know where the bodies are because then i'm gonna call a meeting yeah yeah first round okay i showed up to lights but late and and i ran i honestly don't remember it so long ago but i ran into toast left to right honestly i think left convenient did anyone else come from the left it was also the fact that one body was like 10 seconds before the meeting wait so i could wait it couldn't happen albert because he was getting vitals right i mean he's saying it's true chris ray and chris ray tina and maybe cindy if she's lying it could be hiding wait actually please don't do this never lie the day in my life okay so what i can do is maybe call a body on six for some big brain play like when you have six people left you just go for a double kill but maybe if you just call a meeting [Music] hmm huh where's ray box fox is on cam oh good thing you found the body i was actually just on vitals and i saw that orange is dead you were so weird he not just died because i just passed her okay where where did you pass her uh she came out of uh labs that must mean it's chris i mean no no i don't think it's chris because wendy first volunteered the information that the body's been dead for a while and i saw chris just walk there somewhere i don't know that's a while it but when i checked it um right before this button was called she was dead who's on cameras books books oh wait box box you would have seen something right yeah do you see me you saw me pass uh tina right mm-hmm i saw abe and tina because i saw the red blinking light and then that's i passed that and then i saw tina's dead body so then you know that it's not me it's gotta be like there's a different it's a different camera you could have been not looking at it you could have killed and self-reported it's gonna be one of those i saw the blinking red light on and then i saw tina's dead body that's the thing i don't think it's wendy or chris because that about coordination for impossible dining communications is kind of insane i think they're both telling the truth you think both who are talking i also feel like abe had a really easy winner to kill me earlier so i'm like more inclined you gotta stop using that to clear people man you're ripe for marination this is true this is true where's sydney actually i said wait i know i saw her bottom left what'd you go after uh i've been doubling i did trash oh water i'm pretty sure it's i'm pretty sure it's not sydney i hear i see her opening doors i'm obsessed with chris and ray i think it's chris and ray no but no it's not me because i saw the light on why would i have killed if i saw the camera on that would have been like ballsy as hell well the camera would work you said the camera wasn't where it was right well it was on where i was hmm [Music] oh oh thank god that was spooky oh toast huh oh um so i came from the bottom left the bottom water wheel like the third one that separated from itself and then i went to admin and i'm pretty sure that toast came out of that vent that's in the office area oh i walked in from the left did you see him wendy um i was on vitals and then lights were out and then i walked away how could you tell us and the lights were out because of the way that he pad uh it looked like he was coming up from the vent like it didn't look like he was coming in from the door unless i'm i hate this part because then you start gaslighting yourself how do you how do you aren't the lights out uh it was either before or after no yeah it was before the lights went out because i think if anything wait is someone dead yes yeah yeah okay so i'm pretty sure that happened okay so what i'm pretty sure what happened is he killed uh albert and his kill was on cooldown and that's i wait i was camping button and wendy's next to me because i was gonna call to say that toast vented i'm pretty sure he i swear to god i just walked in from the left side i went to vitals crossed the bunch of you try to hit the button but then lights were called okay i don't think it's abe abe is protecting lights i don't think it's said cause i've seen her go out of her way to open up doors so really i still think it's either chris or ray but rey suspicious thing is first round when i asked about um where people were uh ray didn't offer information you know what look if it's ray or me i'm good out i'm down to vol ray what the hell if that's okay with you guys you know what what if okay okay okay all right first christmas christmas albert saw that he's like pretty sure oh my god what the [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't think it's you but ray was being laughed why did toast skip sorry i panicked i panicked i think it's totally fine oh no i [ __ ] up so hard i [ __ ] up so hard oh no i [ __ ] up so hard i [ __ ] up so i [ __ ] up so hard i [ __ ] up so hard i [ __ ] up so hard i [ __ ] up so ray's gonna yell at me ray's gonna yell at me yell at me guys can't kill me because ray's gonna yell at me she's gonna yell at me she's gonna go i'm so sorry i was gonna vote you and i'm like oh if i switch to the last i get the crazy guy looks super serious but i realized that he's given us also very soft look guys yeah okay look guys if we drag the game out she'll stay muted because she can't yell at me guys please guys chris chris chris chris chris chris how bad can ray yell oh she's gonna rip me a new one because it's a textbook mistake to skip on there all right so you are you skipping here are you voting me which one do you go uh i'm down to skip chris that's okay just let me live one more round [Music] just one more round guys but i don't think i do justice uh [Music] [Laughter] look guys look look guys i will gift you however you want whoever you would okay okay okay so that's it so between you and i how many thousands no no no no no it's like a bidding war oh it's a bidding war that's what i was thinking i was thinking we're gonna have to battle it out here for a second all right let's start the bid at 50 subs do i have to take it for 50 subs all right all right sydney will vote with me against wendy for 50 subs can we go lower 40 subs wendy will you take it 45 45 subs is the lowest bid right now all right listen listen to us i will vote wendy for 44. 44 subs 44 i'll go for 40 two 42 subs is on the table all right listen i'm really pushing it here 40 40 40 subs for a wendy vote right now okay all right 40 subs going once 40 subs going twice 35. 35 subs against sydney for 35 subs you're running a really hard bargain right now man all right okay all right listen listen listen i can make 30 work okay 30 subs a hundred and fifty dollars on the table 25. 25 subs we oh my god wow ray how does it feel to have such a great partner i can't believe he pulled that off oh how happy are you i'm just gonna pull down all right that's such a toast that's such a recommendation because this was a reverse auction you guys should have charged more he's going to make [Laughter] toast can you explain yourself look i was like trying to throw you under the bus but then realize if i vote for you it's bad but if i don't vote for you it's bad i should have committed on chris because they confused them long enough my bad my bad i was like toe skipping because he panicked but we never would have had that bidding war that's true i can't believe what i just wanted i would have done it for less subs uh that's such a that's like the reason why i'm like i feel so bad it's such a rookie mistake to skip out some posture because you're instantly out yourself so like i'm like ah that's a rookie mistake such a rookie mistake which is that why i'm like just kill me just kill me oh god yeah it's like the worst thing to do as imposter to skip on six because it just like makes it so obvious oh yeah but honestly like on paper we lost that game because i screwed up that's my phone oh my god ray passed me in the dark and i'm not dead chris pass me in the dark and i'm not dead i feel like a real chris saw me there they would have gone for it hello wow hello oh my god three deaths there's so many dead people um because there's so many dead people we all know it wasn't me right i know who it is wait this is this is clearly the handiwork of wendy what it was wendy it was wendy right yeah i was like fix the lights it's when you get her guys it's not me it's not wendy no it's not wendy oh who's the other killer fast killer ray she loves killing people it's wendy and me andre it's wendy andre mr man what i'm just kidding oh wait kill wait ray we have more guys here than girls yeah the girls are being killed off what's up with that guys okay okay so albert is innocent um so okay we saw chris was in there wait who'd you report chris i just pressed the button oh wait why'd you did you check vitals not at all just so much time yeah that's so weird so the reason the reason i pressed the button wait that's not weird with all the time that's passed abe you're throwing yeah yeah that's not weird all the time okay okay okay okay look it's not weird with all that time wait that is cool why would you wait no that that's hella weird why would you call button hello without checking bottles when there's three dead bodies that is weird yeah that's so weird how can you say that that is weird giving me so much time feels weird man and then you push the button i'd be like okay that means the reason i didn't check it is because i saw seikuno and toast come in and i panicked because i didn't know if they were killers and they were like walking away from dead bodies and maybe their cooldown was up and we're not killers as you saw right well you ran onto events like that weirded me what no no i didn't i like how many people died and we have zero information wait can anyone vouch for each other besides uh i think i saw toast in specimen you are toast you are you are not a specimen i have no idea who it is i think one of those uh probably abraham though ray's doing download [Music] hmm you guys are like conjoined twins oh my god so fast we didn't even vote off a single person we didn't vote wait that's a good video yeah we just had no information it was very clean very clean i'm sorry okay okay all right what last mine two okay mine three mm-hmm girls like you run around with guys like me to sound down i come through i need to grow but you yeah yeah [Music] all right who's gonna show up to labs if i play ring around the rosie with them i can keep myself alive right and it's getting dark that's my turn turning off and so we're going to stretch it through the seas tina you did that task real fast why are you running tina why are you running why are you running oh god no thank you no thank you i prefer to live no you did not kill pokey three rounds in a row wait where's the body the third time where it is it's on the med bay side i saw the body [Music] i want to know why you came down in the specimen and then when you were about to leave and i started my doing my tasks you just stayed there you went back because i thought you were innocent and i needed a bodyguard you need someone you needed someone to marinate huh no i've never marinated you once that's a lie it's him i wonder when did i marinate you it's toast okay i watched you get marinated by every tom dick and sally in this among a scene but i never did it to if you were a crewmate right now you would be so proud of me using my best judgment poor sticking with my gut but because you're an imposter do you think that toast would do that to pokey i don't think this post would have killed house pokey know that she's died three rounds i am very aware i thought about going with her to keep her alive too yeah i i was gonna stick with her too but we didn't and now she's dead and now she's dead [ __ ] i think we should come back because you killed her toast no we speed run so pokey can play another start killing people what someone someone who's not like you know i think it's raven i think it's it's toast i don't i really don't think let's go you guys are insane [Music] don't listen [Music] damn it nice nice i was also pushing the button all right it's toast why because you're his accomplice no because i i don't i really don't think toast would kill pokey i thought a lot of times backbone tina and also tina do you did you go did you go to specimen from um my baseline uh no from admin and where did toast come from med bayside yep yeah like i know did you do did you do a test there well toast was about to leave right and as i was going to do a task and then toast came back for me so i think that he was scared that i was gonna go to med bay and instead of doing simon says so that he could lower his kill cool down i just ran straight to med bay because i had a special tingly feeling and lo and behold there's a body so you know it is what it is wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you guys know it's not me save the bullet and shoot okay listen listen this is why i don't think we have to kill toast if it actually was toast then he'd just be he'd just be a dick yeah like i would get an earful from pokey what if the kill was just too easy too succulent even if i was imposter i would not do it i don't okay i think i won't let you emotionally wait but then who else could have done it i don't know tina why didn't you why didn't you tell me wait who did why didn't you offer yourself i'm just voting randomly i regret voting toast all right it's box box remember that it's box [ __ ] tina i don't blame you don't live with guilt live a full life don't let the guilt define you better [ __ ] team for killing me any less words albert what keep failing that one task all right okay why does toast think it's me well i guess i don't know i don't know i guess that was his dying wish though so he kind of has a hunch why was it albert [Laughter] things are happening so fast there's no evidence i'm down to vote randomly and if i get back let's just i understand that that was just part of the game it's just but it's windy are we not gonna talk about how egg was literally smooching toasts but when i was hard accusing you earlier are we just gonna ignore this what is that weird wait you know what i'm saying my behavior all right shoot me all right wendy i'm voting for the ugliest dude oh yourself [Laughter] all right so open fire again yeah wait why did you call it why did you call your own death okay kill me okay i don't think it's funny [Laughter] i think it's tina when i die then you will realize that you want to because of your ways imposter a lot i'm voting tina what dude it's definitely abe by the way it's abe i actually how much out of that tina how much on the bed huh no i don't want to get anything i just i just have a gut feeling and you don't trust your gut how have we not lost yet because i don't know my brain interests well no because it's still sick [Music] see tina it wasn't toast wait was this sydney it was sydney because imposters can't vent and kill well chris where are you going wait chris chris this is actual last one actually yes yeah if pokey's the imposter just trying to be really difficult for her all right tina look either you're the imposter or you're gonna keep me alive all right you know what are you gonna do what are you gonna do tina tina come on come on let's take it right here can you take a ride with me oh hey if you're my new you're my new bodyguard okay i can just follow his little thingamabobber oh jesus christ jesus christ why is box box coming from the bottom there okay guys guys uh we'll raise that we are protecting ourselves how did this happen uh um pokey you can have one bodyguard you gotta pick one between wendy and tycoono no she had like five bodyguards yeah much like all right who knows the bodyguard wendy get a new job all right fine i'm leaving also ray's just dead somewhere oh yeah she's been dead for a while oh no no no this is kind of awkward i have no information but i also have no information pokey's alive which is what yes thank you poor ray thank you yeah we got you pokemon oh no we're sorry ray all right all right what's that one vote he always does that oh gut feeling what did i kill it be christine says everyone was stacking a freaking mothball of human beings i think one should be kristin when i become so bad at sweating cards man i used to be good at it back my day i was the best card swiper on the side of the mississippi two guys in laboratory [Music] he's the smartest boy you've ever seen but did he blows his experiments to smithereens hopefully his kill cooldown is enough by the time i get there but it just might be y'all hiding bodies in here or what dead in labs oh hello another round another saved pokey we're we're still clean guys thank you great psycho no you're doing great all right who's the [ __ ] doing gas in the middle of the map i'm doing the i'm the [ __ ] doing the gas and okay i think it's not wendy because she had no one near her and i don't know if she was fake just doing gas by herself no i did all of it and then when the reactor went out i was still finishing the top left one when people were walking by to do the top left reaction all right all right takuno where'd you go with pokey just walked around [ __ ] ever actually we stood at lights because i thought maybe we could turn on the lights real quick but then they [ __ ] called reactors i tried to stand like this [Music] yeah i did write or what did wendy and i do right uh so yeah you two did right yeah i did right well i didn't i think i just walked up to it you did it and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i walked from the left side where is that tina i was walking on my way to do the right reactor well but before that tina i i don't remember because you scared me um don't remember don't remember i was in weapons weapons and then i did i did my upload and upload and then download it you're starting to piss me off with your bad alibis you're making this real hard for yourself tina no i just lost everyone i literally said to myself well how do i keep leaving everybody tina you can't do the upload before the download it's the other way around oh well i did the one in the weapons and then i did the one and finally where is chris i where am i oh i'm on keys i'll try to keys keep you didn't do keys at the beginning i remember that strat i used to oh oh i left let's go oh sorry i i didn't get my vote in place oh wendy i picked up it's not done um i actually have no idea what it is if i had to guess i probably gets chris but i'm going off very little right now um so who are the people no i knew it it's chris in sydney isn't it should be christmas city i can't imagine it being anyone else so oh it's not chris oh my my bad good thing i'm dead oh my god it's been a hot minute wow not a lot of people died sydney oh pokey's still fine what explain protected what would you like me to explain i really wish i actually went in the specimen but i have a very creeping suspicion that you killed toast and decontamination and then vented into the medical center i'll be honest it means like you know did doing a heli tasks at the beginning so oh okay yeah i don't know if she went elsewhere but just at the beginning well the body's in decontamination by admin so it's it's right there contamination by admin i saw did you i saw chris going down into that area up from whoa crazy into the meeting room area well like from the bottom where you saw me go away i never went to the right oh wait i never went there i didn't actually see you i never i was never there actually though who's lying which one of them well i don't tina what do you think i don't think it's wendy i don't think it's abe because i saw you guys a lot like i don't think it could have been said uh i saw sid top left a bit too i don't i don't know how the vents work on this map so i don't know where the vents they can only go to places nearby yeah i mean like who do you think it is on campus if i die believe whatever she says because i'm trying to tank the bullet for her by standing in the front you know how like this time wait i is know it would be me it'd be really messed up if you were marinating pokey right oh my god that would be nice no no guys these have been like single kills right i wouldn't do that yeah i wouldn't do that guys these are the ones okay she's clear if i died trust whatever she says because uh what's it called because i'm going to try and tank the bullet for i've been standing in the front like in the front i still think it could be sick make sure i die first i think that's tina no hmm i guess i don't know i should do my task or something uh hmm oh god i just saw tina's body um oh the lights went off wait so tina's body's at lights no no no it's on the bottom left area i saw pokey run at the top right i i i didn't follow her because i saw the body here i'm sh then this one has to be said i'm at the fender it was the bottom left by the yeah okay by like you know the oxygen tree or right outside yeah chris and wendy you literally saw me come from the right as you guys were running right now we've been together the entire round the entire rounds i was with him and if pokemon were together the entire round then it's sid 100 well it's not me i think uh and also tina's tina's dying words is she thinks it's still sydney so that's tina's dying words yeah yeah and i i honestly don't really know why she thinks it's me because i wasn't where she said i was or where she thought i was um chris kind of cleared me for that me and wendy were waiting at lights for them to be flipped wendy did wait why did they take sewing to get back on then um no it was instant what oh well the lights went out twice that round yeah i know i meant the first the no at the end it was interesting we were at least instead the first second the first one took a long okay for me there's kind of like two options okay what if what if wendy and chris what if it's poopy inside you know report because he said they they said that they split yeah all right guys let's go guys i think we should skip right wendy wendy what do you think [ __ ] i don't know saikuno just one thing to me but another thing to just hard through with the skip there i don't know why he didn't just vote sydney he could have still seemed for pokey like venting in front of him to see if he'll cover for me oh no oh my god you know there were some suspicions there that was really good there was a little suspicion it feels so good to have like a game of sim kuno that's all great thank you thank you no problem my god that was so funny i thought they were gonna try and kill me because they i voted yeah i thought you guys were trying to write unfair to anyone but i hope that's just fun no that was hilarious it was pretty cool that was so good that was something like every single kill except until the end well i i knew i had to too i was wondering i have to get everything up until the last two i was thinking those are kind of slow that's why there's another one i mean i'm in the [Music] like you know i'll lobby you twenty percent of my youtube rev on that video always wow i know that's your love life no no no it's okay it's okay it's it's okay you know pokey if it made you smiled and that's enough for me oh wow damn you trying to date or something what no no i was just trying what oh no we're still missing someone i i i i thanks for playing chris sit down and ask john yeah yes okay okay bye guys thanks so much okay this is my actual last one i can feel my body melting oh yeah but what if we didn't even know so we were sure that we were um satiated satisfied can you stand like along this box yes wait wait uh just like stand as far up as you can okay okay okay a little bit more here like right here right here yeah we can like combine at some point hang on like you see yes this is me oh my god you slowly get on my outfit and thicker wow yeah this is the strat that i've lost oh we look like a horse you kind of do oh you do because the little kid's body that's the child my son oh the games have been so fun today yep i thought i'd seen everything in among us until today i'm loving the little episodes that was a first action i can say i've never seen that before that's why yeah yeah yeah that's how government contracts work people like actually lower less and less money to get yeah that's bang for your buck yeah yeah you guys need to uh extort him for the win like yeah someone else for a hundred subs no yeah smart thing would have been to take the 50 and split it i've been here for 12 hours um when charlie did like an among us tier list he put toast like i think s cheer eight here and he was like you will see toast in one room alone with someone and he'll kill someone and he'll still convince you that this guy like suicided or something i was like that's what i saw you guys were bitting down oh my god oh my god obviously true should we pull it nine is it true that you're proud of my read oh yes good job on the silly reed that's exactly she killed me in decontamination i invented two bathrooms smiling oh the kill you did on me last round wow i feel like i can always count on toast and abe and rey actually to be at admin so i just keep going back until i can kill one of you oh my god have matching hats is this entire thing a spaceship yeah yeah i believe hey i'm delirious i got one yay jonathan all right hi john you have christmas hats oh my god they're so cute are they out there no they're not i'm time hacking yeah oh my god ah christmas needs to come sooner christmas eve is there other stuff this is not a snowman oh my god it's so cute is [Music] hasn't even happened yet hey where'd you go i think he's also traveling like my game crashed oh he's trying time travel he's time travel doesn't it uh where's the code you know two sounds like a really good compromise for everyone involved okay okay i like it two more cool again okay two more and then done okay i was supposed to get off at 12. what is this how's it almost won thank you hey oh wait my game actually crashed this time sure buddy oh yeah and time skipper are you guys on public beta yes yep friend friends network oh we gotta remake maybe remake the room remake it is okay maybe we can [Music] baby oh john just got in here oh new code no new code no yeah [Music] i have discovered the body outside oh my god where's everyone going oh new new lobby oh a new lobby abe had some uh connection thing i may have leaked the code because i was trying to hide my cam to pick my nose so please get but i would rip a fart in front of you why not the nose oh know [Music] all right yeah i gotta pick my nose hang on dude all i want to do is pick my nose was that so much to ask and now i gotta deal with okay ray came back up wendy that felt real slow gotta say wendy that was uh that was that was a fast down that felt really fast sorry man she is just doing her task like a speedy goddess huh and wendy's doing her task real fast no did you do it right no no no no i okay um well why did you turn around like that that was awfully suspicious wait turn around where you're directly above office correctly correct correct correct how do you select me kind of so i said correctly okay basically i came out of um top right uh i got through the door and tina's dead body is right there and rey is walking towards the dead body and then away from the dead body and i definitely think she was in report range how do you know how old these kills are no i don't know yes i was with toast for a very long amount of time like a minute so tina died as soon as the lights got turned on i'm poor tina i was kind of wondering what you guys are doing poor and tina right where is everyone at can we get end locations i'm with box boxes yeah i just fixed like i'm wearing sydney said i was i speak slight yeah i don't know where is that anthony it's directly above office on the right side of office like on the outside of it there is no way that's where it is because i didn't get a report button that's interesting what's interesting about it john toast abe were you together in the bottom left i would have seen you coming and i would have reported the body if that was the three of us are together in the bottom line the gears are turning guys because this is weird and i were an admin together he did download task i was on the vitals seikuno walks out of admin two seconds ago and now he's dead all right up where rey and sydney are oh that puts you at the place of two bodies we can kill me no no no she's okay with it she gave us permission we have consent to kill her oh no you guys yeah right this is the problem with the american election people don't vote poetic what's up all right let's uh let's just speed run this who do we think is the most us here what we can do is she did run up to me at light so i don't know if she like killed me i ran up no no i ran up from oh two which is where i left i had eyes on wendy yeah i don't think it's here wait sydney did you find seikun's body or tina's tina well why would she oh round and not just straight up huh what do you mean i did go straight up tina and tykuno all right let's just get on this it's a assuming it's not me i think i i think it's wendy wait isn't it what do you think it's made here because assuming because i saw toast and uh it is it is and cindy cindy called out ray if if we assume rey is correct then the only logical choice that are left is either wendy or pokey what about johnny yeah it could have been me but like i gave you all the info to find the killer yeah john gave tina died tina died as lights turned on and seikuno just left admin two seconds and died two seconds ago and died oh you're right could be john let's kill abandon kill john why are you killing me i already loaded john unfortunately but i gave him away if i didn't pause you saw me on the bottom left why would i try to like pinch right with all the info if you also saw her get to the body yeah yeah no i i believe you i just oh i already voted well you just still voted we just gotta kill someone got you got you yeah done yeah nothing personally are you sure it's not toast leading i wish i played like this as some posture people always listen to me when i'm crew but never imposter wait what did you do they listen to you when you're imposter who dragged me into this who dragged me into this amongst lobby again so don't vote me oh you you're so [ __ ] lucky son of a gun let's call a meeting and do it right this time that's a fast light cause someone's scared why is it so fast huh [Music] alright we speed running sure go for it sure does that mean we can leave guys we can't let toast keep getting away with this okay i'm pretty sure wait wait it's not me laughing toaster games like it's impossible for me to be for it to be mural but for the rest of the game oh me too me too no you weren't abe you came later it can't be me yeah but but the kills were on the other side and there's the timing doesn't match up there's no way i could have killed them and ran all the way over there with like with what john said john says like who knows just nine look why are we voting on seven again because we're pretty we're pretty confident with rey and we're speed running so we can get this how are you all confident there's been no proof that it's only one imposter i don't get it oh because of like all the evidence that was pointing towards ray yeah i think we kind of caught ray red-handed it's either cindy like hard out playing or it's ray um well yeah so then shouldn't we vote sydney man that's boring we made a choice i was on cams i saw sydney walk up to the body so i don't think it's her but yeah thank you we made a choice we live with it okay now what we killed it's nice no no no no no look listen it's either wendy or pokey i voted mommy i'm telling you it's either wendy when do you want to vouch for pokey i mean i saw her at the lights that's it yeah no one's like we met at that lights that's it and now you converted so guys it's in your hands i'll do whatever everybody else says you converted me okay who did i vote kill pokemane we killed oh okay let's just do our task people clearly are on the same page on who to vote well naturally i would be inclined to trust sydney right because i didn't trust her word against ray what are you not gonna slice me neck are ya oh me lucky charms me lucky charms pokey went out the right side off the rip so what does that mean i don't know but i'm gonna go fix lights because it's been a while wendy fixed it huh well wendy seems clear actually going back to finisher pew pew oh passed by pokey and i'm not dead is dead oh no no no oh the shame the shame trying to hide a body imposter not today not on my watch i'll find your body abe don't worry and i can't find his body i just cannot find his body this guy is just gone his body is just disappeared into the ether hmm huh huh where is abe's dead corpse jesus christmas so i mean wendy checked to see if there's two dead bodies and still didn't call meeting you i was trying to go and find the bodies with you and you ran away because i have i don't have meeting oh i no no i thought we were going to like find the bodies who's the toast you were oh was it the body is um outside electrical doors who's pink yeah pokey okay three deaths or two deaths two deaths so it could have just been one imposter killing two people uh i believe that is the case because abe is dead an hour ago yeah yeah yeah abe's had been dead for a long time i've been searching for his body yeah who'd you vote for the imposter ah i'm gonna vote for the imposter as well i too vote for who you think the imposter is albert come on imposter oh maybe i'm wrong goodbye no i think she was innocent you monster there's no way wendy could oh [Music] i'm sorry all good and then you killed saikudo and then i was just in a position where i was with water that's so funny no it's okay wendy why didn't you kill me i thought you would have killed me at some point oh thanks for trying pokey but i thought you wanted me to leave so i was like you died oh oh wait wait wait wait wait oh all right oh that's awkward um and you code in chat what the heck randomly no identity theft here okay they try to be sneaky all right about that and also nice work on getting back into the lobby so fast you guys oh that was true right right green orange green orange green orange green orange green oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord honestly i feel like if they wanted me dead they could have killed me there spoopy mane is stopping the drop pop why did it take fall take her so long to start the drop oh yep that explains it that would explain it honestly [ __ ] could just guard body at this point yeah once pokey took like five seconds to start the drop i knew something was a little a little sus just a wee bit i'm surprised you know what for that kill that was ballsy let's go right all right toast his body is like rotting by now i don't know where his body is oh abe just died i called the meeting because i saw two people were dead yeah so toast died before the lights went out and abe died after the lights went out no no no they were both when i checked battles they were both dead what really yeah yeah yeah oh so an idea was right after you got off oh yeah okay um i went looking i was uh i was also looking but bottom left i was gonna check top right but then the button was called um maybe i just maybe i saw wrong maybe they were both dead button here right the thing is ray could be lying here to save imposter's ass oh in regards to it being at the same time or not i don't well regardless we didn't find bodies so this is a meeting so i don't think it does anyone i have no knowledge i have zero information oh hey sakura you're alive oh my god it's like your life right i used that secret spot you showed me about right oh it works i also think cycuno's innocent because if he's hiding that spot then like he's in us thanks man what about sydney tina poopy john what's up albert we're alone for most of it just uh i'm currently i saw you know spock's doing water in admin saw some other random stuff on camps same oh yeah there was someone on cams it was me me too did you see anything tina you guys got anything nothing i fixed the first line i fixed the first light and that was about it you think albert did uh called it to hide the body clear the bodies maybe i i don't think albert uh two [Music] [Music] [Music] um i knew it i knew it okay that's so sad yeah that's unfortunate uh tina pokey yeah he wants to die first do you know where we were that was really important yeah we were all stacking on the lights because we thought someone would fix it no one was fixing it so we were like running in circles around each other and then two just double colors specimens specimen yeah lights oh sorry specimen yeah okay so the thing is the lights were off for so long and the four of us were in specimen i just assumed they were doing that thing where they kill on lights camp the bodies so yeah nobody came and we found a bomb no one came yeah so i was just spamming i'd like to die first wait who who do we see i want to die first i mean if there's four people stacking there's nothing we can do we can't say yeah it wasn't even something that's just it was unlucky times albert and i were in specimen and then ray and wendy ran into yeah we went we were doing attacks wendy and i were gonna die because i wasn't supposed to why are you two hiding in the corner john and albert were just stacked with each other in the hallway i was waiting for lights to be fixed doing here yeah i was trying to gain albert's trust because i because no one just fakes watering can when there's like a camera on him and i assume that he didn't know the camera would see him at watering can so i wanted to gain albert's trust by stacking on him during lights wait who are we voting off uh pokey imagine if we tied it here yeah double kills are kind of uh challenging if people are together for sure [Music] i think if you guys fixed the lights and dispersed it would have been a little bit like where was the body the whole time yeah that was unlucky yeah just happened to be the bodybuilder we ran into unfortunate yeah yeah yeah nice try but that initial double kill was clean [Music] take five seconds with the dropper i'm like something's not right something's not right [Laughter] that's so funny it was a good effort good double kill thank you guys for the games that was my two all right [Music] great friends
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 715,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, disguised toast among us, disguised toast, among us imposter, among us gameplay, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, funny moments, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent, valkyrae, pokimane, among us impostor, full stream, imposter pro, among us pro, toast pro, pro, pro toast, vent pro
Id: whGzY9XgXTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 17sec (11777 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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