my new 9910 IQ evil impostor scheme: STEALING ALIBIS...

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never even missed a beat somebody's alone over here i think [Music] i thought i saw somebody come up here is that music no i'm saying pew pew pew pew oh broke someone just closed the door on the left come come come come come why did someone close the door on the left and only the left this is sus this is a f i'm fixing lights with toast if i die you know what happened south africa [Music] look yeah i was in weapons with brook and i saw the doors to oxygen closed but the weapons door is open the comms door is open this was a targeted door closed and the only person in that area charlie was charlie why would i be doing strategic door closes cologne yeah this is that is a good question and answer it charlie why would you be doing them alone because now it's perfect bait for this conversation yeah charlie he knew we'd ask listen we'll remember that sus toast will remember the son of a [ __ ] [Music] you're a fellow big brainer right yeah yeah me too me too mia you believe my theory by charlie right oh uh yeah i believe your theory that charlie's super smart and good at this game i'll see you soon he called me big i will get him mark my words i will get him corpse can i talk to him here for a moment no you can talk to me though why me why do i have to live his cruel life i want no one to say a word and i want you to vote between me and grease ball right now on who you think the imposter is all right well i'm trusting toast oh wait i just said words oops oh i said it this guy's toast guys i think i have the imposter bug oh yeah you don't enjoy it [Applause] [Music] oh my god the luck oh come on come over here i went to vitals i came back and you guys still are fixing it i'm trying but someone's someone's messing with this is for the rest of this game yeah okay edison i was okay i had confessed i was messing with the lights okay who was fixing the lights i was ruining them okay who's fixing them um so i'm sorry this looks really bad so i had the first shift to mess with the lights um and i was also messing with the lights i took the second shift because i thought edison yeah guys what happened all the lights are still off i'm so sorry we are innocent i promise yeah listen i was just helping edison out because i thought he confessed but he's dead so i'm real it was once we don't know anything all right john what did we do all right all i know you're like i can also clear myself because i was on trying to fix the lights the whole time because she was following me in complete darkness it's not me abe where did you vote for i skipped wow how many people did you clear abe i thought there was somebody ray and john it was it was very obvious that there was at least two people like like messing with the lights yeah because she was just following me in the darkness the light is still not fixed i'm fixing the lights if i die it's me if i die it's me i'm fixing a little if i die it's me if i die it's me what does that even mean yvonne let's go to a remote corner somewhere okay wait time straight on posture this time right i'm sorry i didn't mean to kill you i want you i want to ask you do you know how much money i make from a youtube video no i'm here to protect you avon thanks step away toast step away i know you're trying to lure yvonne into a dangerous trap not on my watch who will i listen to taylor swift with you know what i'm saying you know i tried telling toast that evermore was like hella relatable to me and he just laughed at me today i was trying to be like hey look at the lyrics this is good wait leslie yeah are you willing to die for yvonne what the uh well that's a strong you're willing to die for yvonne in real life but not in among [Applause] tell us we know you're not the imposter ah he's gonna do it just dude let's just test him let's see if he kills me yeah i'll report it instantly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and if i kill leslie report until instantly yeah are you going to report instantly yes yvonne if i kill leslie first i'll let you live but you have to not report it instantly okay okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want killed no it wasn't me whis one of you [ __ ] did it right why you trying to hide them bodies you know okay so ave and i were having a casual discussion by the vitals to see you know and i kept checking it and then bam double kill and that means abe is a thousand percent clear in my eyes correct i was thinking okay i asked i was like we should either find the bodies before the next kill or we just push the button and i didn't know how long it's been how do we know to trust you and abe though because we were messing with the lights yeah we were on the lights the entire that's what i was gonna say for the first round you know the first round i feel like that's a crewmate thing to do oh no i was gonna say with suss to flick with the lights because you guys always started no no no but if we were on the lights i'm messing with it the whole time then no me and yvonne have been together the whole time isn't that right yvonne and edison and edison died yes okay right in my eyes right now i'm here pokey plus johnny you saw me right it's not me well if it's between pokey john yvonne mead then it's pokey john because me and yvonne i don't think it's john i'm voting pokey it ain't me y'all yvonne please vote john it's not me oh sh i skipped oh i skipped oh scared why why would you skip wait who's the skipper ivan and john both said that they skipped oh perfect but only one of them one person skipped listen listen listen tell us it's not you right we no it's definitely guys well if we're wrong then even ray would win here in about three seconds they're gonna cause sabotage yeah you guys stand still charlotte call it and kill us oh it was john jonathan what are you all talking about where did you go i was in admin listening to you guys um all right there's there's five dead people wait there's five people dead let's let's be respectful of people's time are you sure okay you're confident it's not yvonne like i was with yvonne the entire last round and like if you were wrong then we would have lost here so we doubled down if it was me and yvonne we would have called a sabotage and killed one of you no tell us knowing you you wouldn't cause advertising if it was me and avon proven who switched their votes at the last second you're welcome wait is that two imposter left what oh no there's pastor left toss what wait ray why did you flip your vote like that no i voted john oh who voted me then oh it was wrong okay yvonne really i give you a youtube video and you do this you're really gonna take this win you know this one's tainted right now you're really gonna take this one all right [ __ ] it what so it's me yvonne and leslie at the top right and yvonne asked me hey toast if i killed leslie you're not going to snitch right [Laughter] i know we've got uh one of pokey and genre because i know yvonne was the other one it's toast wait why don't you say that last round because he said he was gonna kill me okay he basically said yvonne if i kill leslie and not you will you not report your body you literally just took my story and replaced it with kyoto it's plagiarism the reason why coach said that was because wait you guys are saying the same story twice yvonne you could have at least came up with a different story of course you knew the story because you were the one that cute you said it okay but i actually legit don't know who i actually don't know i i think i need you we're not gonna those stories make sense just just kill toast if you want just kill me after okay i think you guys just make your decision now okay and if not we do a 50 50 in the corner oh 50 okay who wants to do the 50-50 no wait why did you think it was yvonne i don't know i'm down not me me and leslie we're talking about okay rey and abe you guys discuss okay don't leave me with him actually you know what you actually leave me with him he won't kill me you're not gonna kill me toaster so just vote for the other person yeah that's what i thought he was so confident it was john not one of us he trusted them look new huh you have to oh that's right wait wait toast isn't gonna kill me because if he kills me then he would be obviously yeah you can't kill her he can't kill anyone i can't kill her because she's the pastor okay so all right should i just do my tasks i could yeah yeah no no like pick one of you two to do the 50 50. ray ray go through i have not done my tasks i'm just gonna i'm just gonna chill here oh no yvonne this doesn't work you guys are right there all right someone now we need to check rey's body every every 10 seconds that's true let's go check okay i don't know if yvonne will kill fit though tell us it's not you right no assistant you know i'm worried he's gonna kill abe i'm worried she's going to kill you kill anyone ray ray what the fact that you're not worried about your vaughn is very off because abe abe is worried about me that's normal the reason why i'm worried about toast instead of bond is because when you were saying your story you were you trusted abe and i entirely and you're confident it was john you're confident with john and then you're like wait well i think it's because you and i were watching for each other right yeah yeah i forgot i knew john was innocent wait how do you know john was innocent because we had a discussion about the light and then he was doing a task in the dark as like a roommate tap i was like you wouldn't fake that in the dark as crew me or imposter would you it's because i was trying to keep yvonne alive i for the last four i just didn't can you guys just kill me and like let eve decide no okay we can do that all right all right eve you're the 50 50. you've on come on you got to do it all right come come come speed all right right here devon do it i'm ready okay let's do it yvonne do it before even do we report it then if you don't report it within 12 seconds i'm gonna okay abe this is on you now ah dang it ray all right no we're just voting earlier to make it easier for you yeah yeah yeah no pressure take your time abe you know who it is yvonne i'm leaning more towards you no what do you mean what do you mean you know who it is not me the other person other than me look at toast i had the last second big brain play it's underneath it i was trying to hover on top of rey so yvonne had a small tiny chance to kill me i was the one hovering you can't you can't keep saying no you okay i literally stood behind right on top of events so that he would kill 50 50 but you could highlight the person right so you highlight the right person right you're gonna do it hey if it's yvonne i was letting her live until the very end because leslie and her did the same exact thing where they killed in front of each other nope you did that last round hey vote hey vote he was like leslie would she what did she say well i just died so i just cut off oh it's like for theatrical of it ah wow that was so funny you i just said what happened from yvonne's perspective likely story i couldn't hear you at all were you apologizing for killing me oh yes i was it was an accident and um [Music] what's going on i don't know you don't know why you whispering because you whispered and then i just whispered oh yeah can you smell my breath oh my god i uh all right what'd you see wait tina are you oh this is real this is interesting i was running to hoffa saying i'm going to kill you i'm going to kill you i heard you remember that i heard that you heard that yeah i remember tina hunting her down like a maniac yeah that's crazy sakura told me to go kill her and so i went to go kill her yeah and then you killed her just dead somewhere but i didn't kill her jack what do you think is it tina this is a sick turtle am i just getting special treatment because it's thankfus happy thing what do you want i mean i did kind of say tina go kill hafu and then hafu died so i kind of want to study it's true clearly you i would never what the heck no tina i appreciate it i didn't think you'd actually do it just because i teared you know i was trying to cause uh you did you killed somebody you did you killed it caused a lot of chaos you killed uh it's 100 you know i think it's cycuno wait you think it's me tina who'd you vote for i voted to skip no one i forgot tina who did you walk for what you guys are crazy oh okay hey corpse corpse i heard about this cat called bingas bingus corpse you can do it i do know what hey what's up ray um you are gonna sacrifice me again i'll spare your life you might wanna no no no you yeah because it's it's quiet now babushka okay that seemed very mean i was trying to troubleshoot with him so sorry no you're not i i'm not you're right i heard the code i think i know what happened here worth it corp said babushka which was probably supposed to be a double kill sign but she was a little too good the biggest so nobody else does their tasks by the way charlie just me and you nope oh god okay toast and i'll stay back shawn go fix it oh god one of you is gonna die oh i'm staying here and the other one is charlotte come on don't don't i'll block the i'll block the bullet you're such a [ __ ] hero come on come on kill me kill me [ __ ] me [ __ ] nobody had to die oh all right oh elite thingies huh i think we know what to do he said the b word he's out of here huh of course carps yeah look let me explain to you what happened right you've boost your lash okay go ahead okay i was i was with valkyrie yeah sakuno comes up and she's mad at him i don't say the code word she kills him and i'm like all right you know what that's [ __ ] up i'm gonna make you killing a crowd now so i walked up to the nearest crowd and said babushka so she'd have to do it and so we'd vote her out so it's like a winter soldier thing but the fact that charlie jumps so quick on me being the second one makes me think that this is him sean can vouch for me i was near him and felix that whole round toast what do you let hmm sakuno gets murdered in front of you yeah and you don't report the body okay it's toast never mind i changed my mind it has to be toasted everybody has said each other's names all right let us all hit the skip button while jack does his task no i've already voted for corpse just a heads up oh that would have been helpful yeah i mean i think it's pretty clear but i'm all on board for this strat too [Music] it's i actually don't all right go ahead jack okay okay all right all the way up here boys all the way ta so you guys want to do it do a thing i've only done two tasks well i guess if it's one of you you could just do the thing right now all right no it's gotta be charlie right i guess we'll find out i think it's charlie i was thinking it's charlie look if i had to guess and it was up to me i'd vote on charlie i'm just going to snack on toast and whoever he kills the other shall know i mean it's just a three of us yeah holy [ __ ] just do it just do it don't be shy look i i found a tense person for the lobby i agree with you any moment now all right how about we we change things up a little bit toast okay what's up oh this is an interesting this is this is this is dark it's real dark in here all right oh okay okay okay huh i wasn't charlie jack you have to believe me what happened it was dark and it was scary where were you like to fix it because you guys wanted 50 50 me why didn't you stay with us who makes the better argument go i didn't see you run towards lights i saw you right now me wait how'd you see jack i saw his his legs in the dark for a second i don't where at the top of the map i don't know if you're getting there down right after but for a second you went up i'm in storage wait you think it's jack maybe corpse killed charlie now he's blaming me huh i thought this was just of course you wait huh shouldn't you be blaming me this is this could be a big you guys all together this could be a big brain play by corpse no i already voted him you know what i i this could be a play by toast but i'm going to do the safe thing and skip those those wow games really made me really tired all right corpse got your z's stay at the button stay the button i'm going to fix lights oh okay okay jack you thought you would did a job this this is what i do jack i torture [Music] all right he didn't kill me i don't know if his cooldown is up all right he didn't care because he can't what was that what was that last thing you said before that that round handed jack yeah jack you said something at the end you should have got more sleep toast or something like that yeah that was kind of what you mean by that jack yeah because i'm worried about your health like not getting your sleep is bad for you and then like waking up going to bed at 6 a.m like your internal clock is just gonna be all off i see that it was looking out for you that is true also jack i also saw you up there too [Laughter] i was like doesn't toast know it's me [Laughter] sorry everybody that you had to witness that oh it was jack oh wait nice try johnny they weren't talking they thought it was everyone else but you yeah yeah really yeah no obviously me no no but then i saw your legs in the dark you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,748,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, corpse toast among us, penguinz0 among us, jacksepticeye among us
Id: 7IMTpHx9nHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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