trying my new 7500 IQ REVERSE marination strat...

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damn it's so hard for me to win a top 6 situation we played three games in the first game it was the top six and it's like you know we should just eat toast out just straight and then the third game it's the top six and it's like yeah we should eat toast out just to be safe oh my god that's messed up did you just see someone leave weapons area-ish yeah or am i mr remembering was it toes uh yeah i think so why okay well this skill is in now i don't know storage as i was walking to electrical so it couldn't have been corpse leslie i'm top left doing what right wait leslie i didn't i'm doing wires wires in the top wires in the top left there are no one is never the first wires that's a line that's not a lie wait leslie i didn't see you on the top left never the first one well that's where i was mentally no let's okay follow me then i'll follow i think we're on to something james i think we got her this guy's toast come leslie let's go to wires oh am i doing wisely why is this a little task i need to fix this first why did it take was it ray that took a millennia or leslie kills cycuno here lastly i swear to god if psychonauts dead she knew too much oh no oh my god wait what did she know she knew that leslie didn't do the water she was right outside of admin oh my god wait that clears me clears me i'm on cams what did you see well i just clicked the cams button it's loading up i came from reactor leslie yeah i did see leslie in reactor along with toes but that doesn't mean you couldn't have walked over there from admin true but i did both bottom and top oxygen it was like everyone ran when oxygen was going off and ray was like the only one that means i'm pretty innocent right yeah yeah i think great man where is where was poki's body pokey's body was right outside admin i've never reported a body before so please don't take this moment right on the cameras you can't see anything leslie i told you i was like that's weird because i saw pokey a few different times throughout the round in the beginning of the round and i saw her go into electrical and was literally said out loud like okay if she doesn't if she ends up somewhere else or doesn't come out but it's weird to see that she went she was somehow an admin so she must have went to electrical that went to the right through storage and uh it was um i don't think corpse did this kill right now i was leaving admin to go to top oxygen and corpse came with the temperature so the body had to have died before a reactor was done where it was like where were you guys it was toast and he was on the left side all right don't worry leslie i got you she i need her to trust me so she won't kill me the legendary reverse marination strat oh she did the little flick leslie i know it's not you don't worry would you kill me here um young did the little flick on the pad there she go she's innocent he's innocent why did leslie try and lose me leslie and corpse are in electrical together is it leslie and corpse oh okay what you see uh toast really the one that did uh admin oxygen no that wasn't me who did the atom in oxygen what was the body the the body's top oxygen i think meong did you add oxygen maybe if nobody's was it yumiya yeah yeah yeah i see you in there uh leslie someone walked out when we walked in uh toast yeah no no i crossed you guys in cafeteria is 100 clear oh the cameras i saw him like the whole time why are you laughing totally okay because he needs to do that because round one in round three i got eated out on six because i was alive so he needs to establish that i'm innocent so it doesn't happen that's true i was on the cameras because i finished my task already and i watched him he's just been walking around do you think toast is innocent yeah there's no way it's toast for the rest of this game i think oh yeah all right corpse is pretty clear to me as well we've been together for a good chunk of this however it could be a self-report oh wait which one is it i don't know wait leslie who do you think it is it's not corpse and it's not toast 100 leslie because she was with me for this last round and this round how is it not leslie yeah i thought it was lovely 100 leslie that's for sure burst marination still think leslie's an imposter i got that lunch too but you know if toast says she isn't then i'll just i'll trust him like she might be it but i think it's more useful to stress out the other one we're not sure i don't know i think it's i don't know who it is why are you guys clearing toes that's what i'm uh is it corpse why is corpse pushing so hard i can't tell if someone's pushing hard for a reason carf is doing upload someone's on cam what's the other one these kills are slow it could be breadman [Music] why are they why are they not voted out leslie you're unmuted oh my god oh oh that's fine he's wrong he's wrong oh no yes oh my god if it makes you guys feel better i called this meeting to vote yeah voter off anyways i'll be honest i thought it was her after the first round yeah i was doing something called the reverse marination yeah i'm like yeah you're definitely not an imposter i've also ah sorry i was gonna kill you this round toast and a half i was kind of wondering why toast dessert i was wondering too i was like why everyone else was just like it's leslie that's okay [Music] i just switched my mute toggle i think that's why that's what happened last night i'm so excited i totally wanted it it happened everyone knew already feels bad like okay so the fact that cycuno and rey picked up on it pretty easily means they're innocent um yeah like the advantage of sussing out an imposter is that you can use them as a test to see how people react to when that person gets pushed like are they getting defended by someone are they getting piled on by someone right i i feel like the other one's corpse though yeah it's the other one's corpse oh what's up um the the body was in uh the upper engine i think it's the what it's called like the top left side yeah mina was following me and then i guess we lost track of each other she stayed at the upper engine i saw seikuna oh man i should have stayed on cameras but i saw ray and corpse like standing together and then corpse's name disappeared and i thought he died how do you see that on cams i only saw your names and then i saw his name disappear and i thought he died but it turns out he just walked down a little bit no corpse could not have done this kill yeah corpse and ray are clear so that would leave in a storm and if toast inside kuno are paired right wait brad didn't you say you're going potty i had to but someone didn't [ __ ] kill me i think the person meant to kill me i'm so confused that wait totally i was there what up it's either brett right or where is the body at um upper engine i believe uh i think weapons okay well then i don't think ray could have done that yeah corpse are clear as far as i don't think toast would have made it up there and why don't you think it's me i just ran first the only other person that i saw coming down was saikuno but he was to be psycho or brett he was in cap well i know it's not corpse or ray i was in the cameras and then i just ran down i didn't just come from that direction yeah that's when i saw you all right i i i have to vote right here right it's like the i don't think it's it could have been me it definitely could have been me that's the right thing to do right now no no no what do you mean i'm innocent i i could have been the killer i just came from there remember these are innocent it could have it could have yes i could psycho is a cold-blooded killer you get him psycho you guys are really convincing you guys are really convincing i thought that was such a good play to self-report there yeah i was actually really confused oh my god leslie i am so so so excited [Music] all right i call this the edison clear there's no way someone comes back to kill me right because that'd be uh that'd be kind of messed up edison come do your keys task oh edison come out to play oh no wait oh it's alive all right where's the body lead so i saw i saw the body on vitals pretty much actually left of it actually like in that room though um i just saw the report button and the only person i i don't even want to say it the only person i passed was seikuna oh oh uh i could actually clear cycling for this okay yeah thank you okay is i just abe um yeah i think it popped up then i think abe might be dead it was not a double kill i don't know is there anyone in med bay in las vegas oh me i'm at uh the spawn area corpse where are you um why well i've been looking for a [ __ ] planet that entire round [Laughter] i finally found it i'm proud of yeah corpse thanks all right um okay i'm in specie by myself it could have been her then right true yep because it's a double kill this round so we have two imposters um right side and the left i thought wait who's the left side people stopped with me wait two i think it's right side i think that people left side were me right pokey are you you're using your imposter yeah yeah i'm clear i'm clear oh okay hmm wow oh man i feel like pokey's using her imposter voice fixing wiring all right protect me right protect me from the inequities that is the world really protect me from the inequities this is the world protect me right protect me together we'll live together we'll live all right we gotta go ready we gotta go all right we gotta go ready ready no rey come back [Music] i'm actually glad nobody's died smiley just doing this as a reset and also to say that i'm pretty sure lud was chasing me and wanted to kill me but i escaped him luckily wait wait wait wait wait wait first of all i'm a doritos champion so to think that somehow you escaped my clutches if i wanted you dead you would be dead pokemon make no mistake i really hope that you're impossible so that i can hold this against you having said that i did chase her down and i was giggling the whole time but i'm not imposter so i couldn't kill you so it was mostly just for fun we ran around pretty much a circuit okay isn't she using her imposter voice i'm crazy somebody's dead so i guess not much on this meeting okay uh anyone remember myself just in case i did like the first time alone the second time i didn't but it's [Music] [Music] are just gonna kill her and you're gonna die oh wait i just know ray should be innocent but then again i was with her and she didn't kill me but then again no one died in the time two three huh isn't that pokey let's just kind of been looking at people that's the crazy thing all that's been doing is that is looking i haven't seen this dude do a single [Music] task man that you're the most sassy saucy saucer sassy wordis oh hello um hello i saw that corpse was dead during lights out and i checked admin i saw there was one specie one weapons i think one electrical i went to check weapons first and that's when i found corpse's body okay specimen okay but ludwig was also last seen in weapons oh yeah yeah no that's true that's true toast and ray were doing uh weapon and then i did weapon and then i'd fix lights but i fixed i was at light storage it's in there no i i did it when you guys were there but then you guys wait toe straight you guys left weapons so but corpse was not there to be very clear this was maybe 45 seconds ago we're talking about corporations okay okay so we were i was doing it toast was watching me love wig pops in and then leave huh and i didn't leave i did it you guys left oh you were there the whole time yeah you guys left i did it lights turned off then how did you not see corpse then how'd you not see that wasn't there did you guys see corpse wait where's his body he is in weapons guys this was literally a minute ago i went all the way up to lights all right i open the door so lights i think it's not looking too good for you because uh i checked vitals right as lights went off and nobody was dead and i don't think it happened until like later on very much yeah no doors did close okay yeah doors did close right as i was trying to enter a weapon so i don't know if he was sitting in the vent where it was just hitting the vent nope i finished my test last round done my wires i'm running around doing laps toe stamina oh you guys just believe me when i say life come on guys that's blood wait why i believe it but he how i mean he didn't lie about weapons kill me lud kill me do it you gotta was peter trying to kill me or is ray trying to oh kill me look he seems pretty legit whoa oh me no okay um his body is right in front of vitals toast where did you go two lights and i got two vouchers baby okay okay so who is that lights janet and toast okay and psycho nowhere you're muted you're muted can you unmute yourself this is a different strategy than i've seen if you don't mute yourself i'm going to vote you go on right now okay so uh ludwig where did you go if you why are you not at lights i was in med bay in indiana and uh yeah i went there i went up with you and then you just like did ditched me yeah i went i ditched you because i'm sassy you and i went okay well regardless you ditched me and i went to med bay because i haven't been there all game and i was mid task and then the lights went out and then i was leaving and then it got fixed and bungalow called this is this kill is either ludwig or cicuno and i'm stressed because hikuno is not talking wait it's me um um oh second were you in the bathroom where are you yeah i was in the bathroom so i said do you think it's lunch i don't know i just came back i was hiding behind that little pillar to the left of weapons oh oh oh gotcha i believe that i actually saw him go left so this is rey or lud i think i think it's safe to push lead here i think what do you think like a lot of people are piling on me at once okay so so the the fact is there are two imposters and five people are piling up against me and so who's the other imposter if i'm imposter because everyone has accused me yeah i don't know but i heard it's between me and lud and uh you know i gotta everyone voted me okay well i want you guys all right i'm on left reactor cycle get right reactor okay okay oh okay this is my lg by the way in case you need to replace oh we got him boys yeah we got it probably right listen if there's two imposters still in here i'm sure what do you think like i let you guys live so i could get a big brain play and get you to kill yourselves because i look innocent i think leads lied about weapons mm-hmm i really do because you don't think it's me after it was between me and lud and ludd died right well i'm confused because i really have no idea who the other one is yeah me too actually um i think toast is innocent by the way oh i think rey's innocent i don't know no way because i think you're gonna kill me i just i just cleared you yeah i'm clear you're not oh my god the safe place would be to kill both of them wait toast you know which one now wait wait hold on we're i think we're both innocent why aren't we both innocent wait i i'm actually just down to play it out okay yeah let's play it out you don't have to be we don't have to be happy that is true that is i think we vote here i mean there's probably at least okay which one i don't know between either zacuno or rey i just vote for one there's no way it ties right that's true but it's not me and i don't think it's ray actually like it's not me why would i push for a lovely i called him out on lying about weapons i've got him voted out like why why am i even stuck here yeah and if i was just with me if i was the imposter i would have won the game i think it's because it was either between you or oh god but yeah but guilty so i mean i'm clear right right true true toast toaster but he did [Music] i'm worried i'm getting real worried i'm getting real worried i'm getting real worried i'm getting really worried now i'm getting really worried i'm getting really worried i'm getting really worried oh my god i tried to button but i have none i pushed it already i don't want to i also don't have one okay i don't want to be here the three of you are roommates it makes sense for the three of you to be in the top three situation no no no i'm the odd man now i'm the husband oh no yeah yeah that's why the impossible i just want you to know that the only reason i voted for you is because you cleared rey and i was more clear of janet in toast that's the only reason janet what do you think it is shocked that you're not clear me because it was only between secundo or rey i feel really good about you i s literally listening to me okay okay well okay so i actually have like reasonings why so you say you push lead but i feel like i i also really push lead too and the sus was on you so obviously you'd want lud to go instead of you and even when he did like get heated out he said that like um one of the impostors is voting for him or something of course because yeah i think it's you okay i am most clear on janet so me ray and pokey we're going in the corner toast what in the world we're going in the corner okay toast and i have been together this entire game no no no right listen ray that is the actual reason why i'm sussing you because you were separated from toast on a few occasions kill me kill me kill me i voted for myself kill me because because you guys are wrong i would be left to do a 50 50 and you guys are wrong toast is not vouching for me which is awful because he knows i'm innocent okay okay i'm gonna skip janet you stay a button me ray and pokey we're doing we're going we're gonna have a little chat in the corner you want is it you ty isn't it no i just i just for no no do like you guys know i'm the most cleared one i'm the most cleared one janet stay at butchen what no that's right right okay what are you guys doing what i'm on the left reactor liar okay you saw your left reactor yeah she came late that's so well played that's amazing hearts pounding right that's actually amazing i got fooled so hard is it the guilt dude i'm voting you rey i saw iman on the right reactor i know it's not her iman yeah [Music] i don't think we've ever been in like a top three scenario us three roommates and before anything happens i just want you to know that i love you both a lot okay okay okay nice i'm just kidding i'm just kidding all right i'll tell you guys my perspective real quick and then we can discuss okay i'll say my piece and then you guys say you're a piece yeah so yes initially i was most cesare because i feel like she would uh not and this would be more i know where this is going wait wait wait wait wait what did you say so yeah yeah because i i know she hasn't been with toast like 100 of the time we're like 90 and i feel like she would set some more but me and ray did both go to the same reactor and we double backed a bunch and then i do believe she headed left side so that's why i feel like this kill was you but no no no i had to leave i i buttoned before remember when we took out i don't have a button anymore so that's why i'm going to fix the left one that's why i didn't read that button what happened i went to left cleared me remember toes cleared me i know but also none of us died after ray so you went directly to button did you see janet did you see janet no i don't have we finished left we please i'm so sorry ray was i wrong sorry pokemon [Music] in my mind people went right right the kills were so slow i thought you were marinating me we would have just been three people in the corner you guys all right oh my god i love you guys okay okay next time i should have just killed her out the vibe panic oh my god toast is causing chaos he knew i was in his no i just thought your play gets slow the kills are so slow wait you actually thought it was me yo jen just because it was too slow right it was like one kill one kill one kill yeah that was a great ending the three roommates i thought you were big [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,453,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, james charles
Id: ghB9wB-oKAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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