This YouTuber Challenged the wrong guy...

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it's the return of bro versus bro but this time against northern lion our games today that we're gonna be playing against northern line we'll go through them real quick this time we have northern lion games we have ludwig games and then we have neutral games a third category the largest category of games that will just stay static and it doesn't have any favor one way or the other those are our neutral games okay and then you have your ludwig games which is smash mario kart 8 and reaction time mostly because northern lion is old and then finally northern lions games are probably uh trivia and super auto pets or maybe uh uh tetris those are the games so basically whoever wins our first game battleship gets one point first of five wins the entire event and then loser will get to pick the next game they can either pick from their own category the other person's category or the neutral category i think this is a little bit better of a way to do it than how we tried it in the past while we wait for northern line to reply i'm gonna make a quick tweet that's great this is bullying am i a bad friend i mean northern lion friends hello hey how's it going man it's going well how's it going with you um i just i made a little um just a little tweet about our our games here if you just want to you don't have to run tweet or anything i was going to say you want an engagement boost on that yeah maybe just like a little reply okay who who is that what wait what i mean i think i i know enough about twitch is this not uh atrialc okay okay all right all right we're starting off we're starting off with some beef it's not beef is that not no i mean aatrox on his way to bald like give him a month or two i don't know this is it's slime it's my roommate's slime oh okay the thing that you put as a wager for this is a pair of your own shoes oh no really that's so much worse yeah we're playing for pink slips okay and like i if i lose i have to send them to you in the mail yeah oh my god lick a stamp slap it on your sneakers i'm assuming i'm familiar with the process thank you um is one of my hobbies are these the reeboks i have a pair of waterproof vesies which is very good because they uh you know it rains a lot up here i got some old new balances um i'll have to think about it yeah the idea is that i'll have a wall of all these gamers shoes that i beat hopefully okay yeah but you know if you win you get a nice pair of shoes what are you rocking over there little nos x satan blood nike 100s [Music] crocs all right let's boot up some battleship huh the one the only time i played this was in your battleship tournament i waited three hours and i got absolutely [ __ ] on by stands as the fourth round uh quarterfinal make sure you're not looking at my stream by the way i'm not i would never i mean come on it's battleship plus i'm i'm cracked like i think i got the perfect placement right here well would you look at that i recognize that people are predictable so i just let it fly like what a lot of people would do is after they hit this they would look around this and be like okay there must be another space here nah man now you mix it up you go e7 okay so you've played this before okay you know what i can respect but i can also scan [Music] so you're telling me you did actually have a ship on c3 oh you believe your radar oh well so you say i shouldn't believe radars maybe not your radar i have anti-radar technology william cars lake has stealth battle cruisers feels like you're just saying fouchy lied live on twitch look i wouldn't be caught dead i've got other revenue streams for that okay your signal's popping off exactly i'm i'm pretty i'm hitting it pretty big on telegram right now i'd love that for you we'll pick randomly letting the algorithm decide thanks for nothing wait what algorithm i would i close my eyes oh okay all right your brain is an algorithm uh i think this is a bit of a nifty play your time's coming to a close here i don't think so cause i'm thinking that you are thinking one step ahead of me so i just have to think two steps ahead of me which is you knew i was gonna go j10 but then you overlaid the z-shaped tetris piece perfectly flush with it to dodge the corner okay well like sometimes you just get red like don't be upset can you at least drop five gift subs while we were watching the stream okay now i feel like i've i've done the matrix multiplication and it must be here and here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait northern line think about this for a moment okay oh man you know what i put this in here i'm not particularly good at this but you are how do you say this with age so i would like to challenge you to a reaction test sure i am red green colorblind though is that going to be a problem yeah no that'll just be like gray and then different gray or something what's a good score i would say like 200 is what i average that's tough do you want to go first or do you want me i will go first how's that for being with age hey what do you have auto clicker on [Laughter] i'm gonna go in three two one go my first score is 164 milliseconds that's 163. that's even lower rude interruption 166. all right all right it is my turn then my turn 166 number to beat my practice score just about there just about there oh it appears i've made an error what is that like in the olympics when you fall start it's like an automatic disqualification i think well you get two right isn't that okay all right all right starting fresh now that was just as a practice is our first one okay all right are you are you doing something different are you like okay okay okay okay i shoot one really low one okay too soon too soon that's okay nothing wrong with that a long one huh just really taking my time here usually they seem to come out you know in like maybe two or three seconds yeah i'm just really taking my time i don't wanna build a momentum build a viewership here it's a marketing maneuver i just hit a 139. holy crap oh that was my average because i did 40 milliseconds on the last one you got a 40. um i didn't know i didn't know the way that we were going to play this i thought it was a gentleman's agreement i thought that we were going to have white gloves on and we were both gonna turn it ten paces and shoot to miss i'll take care of the whole arrangement at hamilton all right i'm not playing clean here i'm playing dirty i'm playing a w how do you feel about a little all right let's do it so i accept i'm not trying to sandbag chess should be my game however you got you've got some grand master training you did beat me in a hand and brain twitch rivals do you know how to deal with the dutch i don't know anything about openings do you know the leningrad um i'm telling you like the average streamer they are like 1800 in openings and then they have to make their first move at like you know 11 minutes into the game and it just is a disastrous it's getting a little stressful for me i could understand this i could understand this have you passed the need for stress because you have a child no no that i don't i think it uh it changes your threshold i i let the small stuff go now much more easily than i used to but there's still stuff like every once in a while i'll be driving back from dropping my off my daughter off at daycare and i'll be like did i drop her off at daycare or was that just a stranger who looked like the daycare provider and i just like gave my daughter to the mob or something like that so just just completely rational stuff along those lines so like the the feeling people have when they like oh did i forget to lock the door but it's like did i let my kid get abducted by the mob yes [Laughter] precisely more stressful what a delightful position quite interesting do you just have to say father things like is this a contract like is that a father thing to say what a delightful position yeah all right fair enough you got me there oh [ __ ] [Laughter] oh i think i got i think i got a little lucky on it i think i got a little lucky how to analyze a position i feel so like it's cheesy that when someone has two seconds on the clock maybe they got a pre-move and then you give them a check it's bm but hey is it as bm as uh getting 17 false starts in reaction time so that you can get a 40 millisecond uh get on your final one specific example oh just speaking in the uh hypotheticals yeah casual it was actually a dead even game at the end you know hey it's a it's a it's a two two two one game now you're up uh a full point again so i have to figure out some way to scam you out of another game i think my best bet is taking you to the realm of the switch for a little bit of smash all right i just so you know in solidarity i am playing with the nunchucks no way in solidarity yeah you're not using the nunchucks for real are you i am that's insane like even i i was big into the gaming in the in the wii era when i was in college even i never use the nunchucks for anything except i guess that's right oh you're using like a wii mode i'm using the the switch oh joy cons either nunchucks who's of age now oh now that's a hit to get him off the top there there we go there we go okay one all right we're fine now we're fine thing is i'm a momentum based player all right yeah holy it's disastrous there we go that's why it's classy get your gyromite charged up start playing the mind games jesus nice try nice try mister a little gyromite for you can you not gyromite she can i get into you oh my god a little side b little laser little gyromite for you i hate the gyramides i'm not a fan of the gyromites oh okay i thought my recovery went a little bit higher than that no no no the gyromite [Music] beautiful hit you gotta respect it you gotta respect it okay you're playing mario in smash bros is everything okay it's look at mario bros it comes from him it is i mean is that i never thought about it is he the the bro from smash bros yeah he's the pro i thought it was the 17 sword characters oh cheeky little cheeky that was you cheeky is this cheeky does smart smart play i gotta respect that how you getting up how are you getting up with the gyro might there it can't be done no the gyro might kill me that's [Music] that was a good game it was a three stalk that was a bad game oh he perfectly read it nice good hit most most people get tagged by that most people on wi-fi not at lands i have never been to one all right i see that we're in quiet gaming hey hey hey hey why are my moves so much slower than your fast moves ek's are heavy which means he's a character for whom it's very difficult to kill him uh and he hits hard but his windups can be kind of long sometimes what are you reading the prima guide brady games i've always been a brady games guy you'd be stunned at how well that works on wi-fi that was a honestly high gamer iq move there oh you know what [Music] come on hard hit oh yeah what an absurd percentage should be alive at what are you talking about oh what an absurd percentage oh [Music] okay let me let me take a look at this list for a moment i'm trying to remember what we got going on in there we got quite a few uh so far we gotta go super auto pits i think it's just that simple i was a little nervous you would recommend this for a couple reasons mainly i haven't downloaded the game yet i'm sure it's a quick download though it's like probably four megabytes now i've never played this game yes do i have the privilege of conferring with someone just for basic information who is the person stance i would prefer if you did but i do also think okay all right twitch chat twitch chat that's very funny okay sure yeah twitch chat's information is fine right yeah yeah why not okay chat what the [ __ ] do i do ludwig chat is spamming no help no help i love to hear that we love to hear this my team name is called bald people right i see that bald people rule how the [ __ ] did i get rolled okay let's see what we're going up against here okay i thought we were doing three only i thought that was like a thing it's an interesting uh idea oh my peacock's [ __ ] you honestly like i mean we draw these you gotta you got a good squad let's go that's a draw let's go yeah okay chad what do i do now what do i do now oh chad's giving him good advice now need to start packing the stinky shoes uh we got a garlic the otter oh is garlic the otter that's day one [ __ ] you garlic the [ __ ] tell me that what if i garlic the peacock oh look at that garlic the otter garlic the peacock i'm a little bit nervous about that fish i don't want the [ __ ] going on with this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you're saying okay damn your fish okay yo so one of the rounds i love three coins because i thought we were doing that so if you don't mind doing that as well wait you're using p pay to win pay to win is is people will not believe this people will display pay to win is worse it's mr 101 getting involved with a little pay-to-win scam that makes a lot of sense it's worth it is worse i'm telling you no i get it it's basically the canadian healthcare system pay to win damn that caterpillar what the hell why does he have a hat on oh yeah that's uh i have a one of one uh hat in this game i don't mean to boast yeah but uh it's unique to me only pay to win head ass where's my other sheep there they are how am i getting so many sheep holy crap oh dude you oh i was so close to winning that one you're one health away do i still do i still win yeah this game's exhilarating it's kind of it's kind of sick this is a rush all right i've won this game point for me huh i think it is my god oh you got he's got the meta build i uh somehow ended up with the meta build what is happening how on earth did you get get fly turkey who in chad told you fly turkey you know what it was a community ah i'm not even gonna win still that monarch butterfly's insane and you got melon armor on it you got melon armor on the monarch dude honestly though you're you might win this i hate these flies dude i hate these freaking flies we draw oh my god do i win this those freaking flies man holy crap holy [ __ ] how many flies do i get drives me insane these freaking flies man i think i still lose them there's another fly okay there's ways around this we have ways around [Music] i gotta admit you had me sweating a little bit there is it over mosquitoes it is over more mosquitoes more mosquitoes your honor are you being swarmed or something gg eg gg that's a great game dude it's it's taken twitch by storm many people are saying this it's taking twitch by storm it's just you and stan's really man you gotta no hey and you know i would love to take you in a battle of type racer do me a favor nope you're so lucky i don't have a you're so lucky i don't have a def and key yeah uh uh never mind i'll find someone like you i wish not this is messing me up more than him oh i knew that was from lord of shadows i was just reading that last night just kidding wouldn't that be funny though doing out here busts in a goddamn 115. it is game point but to mario kart should have just i just i should have done mario kart off rip i just didn't wanna i thought i was nervous about the timeline i i wanted to go to a different game i think we could do a best of three for sure all right best of three in this let's make this a b of three maybe after eating my dust you feel differently are you the type of guy who turns on the radio when you park uh no i engage in conversation like my wife she likes the deep conversations while we're driving like i'll be merging onto the highway and she'll be like what do you think happens after you die and like well i'm trying to wedge myself in that highway speed so i go like uh geez i don't know i hope this guy's gonna let me in and then i think it's just the vast expanse of nothingness that's um kind of beautiful in a way i'm a like a guy who does well with distraction i think like a best of one would be fine best of three best of three best of three of course i need to move this camera coin me point me whoa what the oh i knew someone's i didn't know where i didn't know that existed that's a thing you can do you know with enough practice patience understanding love of god start the narration okay what do you think happens after you die um i i don't know i think like what what really determines what happens after you die is what you know you die twice once when you die once when nobody remembers your name anymore i fired i fired my red shell backwards and uh i would like to congratulate you on a race well run oh you're so far away oh you've been aroma i have never stepped foot on mainland continental europe i've been to sweden iceland two times and england once what a weird thing to start with by saying i've never been to continental europe i've been mentioning several european countries you've been to i've only been to gauntland are you serious somebody up there likes me ah no shot that was all calculated are you dead ass please tell me you got like coins or bananas ah i'm sorry hold up can you break for a moment i'm just gonna drive my car a warrant oh he's got a star though i don't know i don't know the scaling mechanics in mario kart i feel good but i'm a little scared i feel pretty i feel pretty solid i feel pretty solid [Music] looks like i've got a an ill-fitting pair of crocs with my name and address on them i can't believe i lost you tomorrow all right all right you know hey i did scammy on one so i can take a loss on this give me one week i will destroy you in super auto pets i would love to see it i would love for the competition in super auto pets to get to that level you in this bro verse bro i will send you my shoes which does require you to give me your address or a json address close by um i will show up in person i'll just do what i normally do and uh give you my neighbor's address and then steal their package that you know what that's fair and i respect that [ __ ] he's a phenomenal gamer [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,371,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: qa2lfpHlWSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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