MrBeast Thought He Could Beat Me...

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[Music] boys what is up hello today we are playing chess against mr beast here's what happened earlier today mr beast tweeted at me and i he said hope you don't mind me taking your king today and i said i'll give you 10k if you do mr beast is 1100 are you serious oh come on oh i don't want to do this i'm nervous now okay let's just practice and if i beat mr b's spot then i'll have a pretty good chance against mr beast in real life capture check capture promote with knight checkmate whoa that was [ __ ] five head dude i promoted tonight to mate that was the only way i could mate there damn that was goaded mr beast is talking [ __ ] oh is he he said darn it why would you do this to me we'll go to shot mr beast and i'll forgive you oh he's on the i'll go more in depth but i i do have a game plan we'll see if it falls apart um he does the same opening basically every game he just yeah he's a one-trick pony get me in this broadcast on my rate so are you know i know it's all in fun and chess oh my god there's the man hello oh i thought we were about to end uh-oh okay first of all um can i call you can i call you mister instead of mr beast oh sure mister whatever you want what if you want these clowns okay and let's just call them what they are feeding content hit me in the dms they go hey do you want to hop on to talk [ __ ] on mr beast and you know me the bigger man i said no no this guy look he's a little bit nervous like come on busy man i don't want to do this to him come to find out you're on here talking [ __ ] calling me one trick pony all right at one point what is this what is this mister i thought we had a thing going on i thought this was like a there's a friendly mouth what i didn't call you one trick pony they called you a one-trick pony and you didn't call danny dumb and stupid for it which he is i mean to be very yeah we'll see okay what so so like out of curiosity like what's your real rating because like your account you don't play a lot of games on is it like like 500. uh somewhere probably between 500 and 600 i don't know wait is it actually let's see you're debating you're baiting i don't want to give away too much i thought you were busy this was supposed to be my freebie match i thought you had like [ __ ] work to do or something like 17 youtube channels in like a food facility have you been playing chess all of a sudden we'll see i don't want to give away too much the more i tell you it's the more competitive advantage jimmy this was the one match i wasn't supposed to stress about i came in here it's a [ __ ] meme well look i'm ready i played your bot and let me tell you i i stunted on your bot like you [ __ ] on it i [ __ ] on your bot i i checkmated your they purposely made him suck wait why to bait me what is this misdirection you're doing okay that's fine i feel good about this i bet you move uh your pond in front of your king first he's gonna psyche me out and this is maybe his game plan he's gonna make me play some dumb [ __ ] now i'm gonna play a terrible opening line because he's in my head this is like that one time donya you'll remember when tall laughed at world champion bobby fischer when he wrote down a move he was going to do and then bobby fischer decided to not play that move and tall ended up winning the game yeah it's whatever oh jimmy didn't even know did you not know about that jimmy it was just a little bit of chess history i'd been brushing up on might not be um the most accessible i've read actually i've read bobby fisher's biography i i find him very interesting i listened to the audiobook and i got bored halfway through what i didn't think you had time to do stuff i thought all you did was youtube well you gotta turn your brain off occasionally it's like 90 percent of my life is youtube and the other 10 i'm like struggling to bring you three youtube channels like what do you call that a place where all right calm down you have a girlfriend you got wait how do you okay i'm over it i'm over it i'm over it we'll just have to get into the plane can we just play some chess i'm a little nervous now i didn't i didn't think he i knew his account and i looked at it and he only played like 20 games but now i know he has a secret account that's way higher rated and he also studied my openings and so my 10 000 easy clap w might become another financial disaster i just have to make sure i put chat in a good place that i can cheat from that way if i'm in a tough spot i can just look over right now kidding closing out of here right now just a joke just a meme just a meme is all just a fun little joke come on guys you know me just a fun little meme amongst friends okay we're in well he was right about me mr beast was i do go e4 because i think e4 is a strong opening move now i will be curious he said he had a plan for this but he decides to push out which is the scandy which i feel fine about because i take and then i get to develop with a bit of tempo by bringing my knight out to c3 and the queen has to go back decides to go there a reasonable move we're gonna bring out our bishop just right here for a castle just nice gameplay chill he's laying a lot of pressure here typical scandy fashion he does decide to castle queen side uh i am going to push up this pawn now i i don't know but i think jimmy was feeling good we we we had him off camera before but he was smiling when he played e5 and kind of rubbing his hands so we'll try to listen into him i think i'm good not worried no cares in the world let's do it okay have i have i blundered yet am i have i lost the game taking some time he's really thinking here taking a bit of time in the first nine moves no cap but so is he so i feel pretty fine about that he clearly had a a pretty well thought out scandinavian defense i think i've done a decent job defending it so he lays down a pretty thick attack here i could go and capture this knight which threatens this queen so they would have to recapture i'm just gonna capture here that was my plan i'm sticking to it i don't know if opting to castle is too [ __ ] made i could also do this move i'm gonna i don't know if i'll regret this i really don't but i'm gonna go with the castle because i'm wasting a lot of time okay regardless of what happens here east has already impressed us right donya i mean i mean this is this is a high level game here and i'm impressed not only with mr b's preparation but how he's followed that through he centralized his queen fundamentals now this is the pivotal moment danny i really think that the next couple of moves are going to decide the game will mr beast understand the area of the board that he has to play on that is the king side he's got to start attacking white's game he's got to do it quickly both players now down to five minutes but i'm really really not liking this this time consumption and he's done look at him go that is really impressive danny he decides to go down here um not that big of a threat this knight is not doing much oh wait it is a big threat if i move it's mate okay that's the idea so if i move this knight it is checkmate oh and you almost didn't see that wow almost walked into a checkmate for mr beast if i go here he'll almost certainly go here but that's fine whatever okay we did see this coming we're gonna go here attacking the queen removing one of the defenders on this guy what a precarious position though huh honestly i don't even know if it's that bad to go takes takes takes that might even be good for him to be totally honest oh did i blunder no huh okay i'll do this that way i'm attacking if he goes here i take this exposing well it should give him confidence right regardless of what happens in the match um that was an awesome start to the game and he was playing quickly a fantastic middle game and i think uh you know it budwig did the right thing when he started kind of getting aggressive he played c4 even if it wasn't objectively the best he started attacking uh mr beast and uh and that was the pressure he needed so i i don't think that ludder is going to blow this at this point he's he's improved so much as well a lot like charlie from pogchamps one right i just don't think that lubick doesn't win this game now well beast grabs the pawn here oh that's such a good move that's a beautiful move let's listen in on bubba and see if he actually saw the pin that he's going to mate him if he takes the rook king can't move oh wow he did so i actually pinned his bishop to a mate oh my gosh [Music] and then i'll just do a little doubled up file and i'll still go for a big it's a killer wallop dude i'm super impressed by lovely i obviously i do as much as i can to bag on him on a regular basis no you got to take your hat this check now he has to take i take with check pretty irrelevant we just check the rook look at the confidence now and now there is very little threat for us to lose this game [Music] we fork [Music] all right game one win this is oh my gosh this is just nastiness what a nerve-wracking opening though stressful as [ __ ] no cap anyway uh how's it going let's double check there's only one real reason that you try to beat mr beast and it's for those sweet sweet subscribers so let's get a live subscriber count real time ludwig versus mr beast what do we have here shirley shirley i am catching up i have to be let's take a look any moment now you're about to start seeing this number on the left just rocket ship away ludwig versus mr beasts you know it's it's like pewdiepie versus t series pewdiepie versus coco melon pewdiepie picks a lot of fights this is this is my moment i think the website's a little slow does anyone get to like refresh or something it's because you need a diss track okay all right all right yeah [ __ ] yeah i got you um rappy copyright free [Music] eat [ __ ] [ __ ] you are bad i am really good i'm so happy i didn't really think too far into it i was that's kind of a one bar song oh i'm live on again these [ __ ] got no content on god hey [ __ ] at what's up it's ludwig you ever notice how they always go to break and run ads and then they use me for entertainment well you can help out how so easy uh let's talk about making your own hours [ __ ] that nine of five [ __ ] let your money make money how do we let our money make money introducing mogul moves that's right if you twitch prime to me right now i'm gonna be your friend what does that get you some perks friends with me means you're friends with cycunam corpse slime what do those three have in common not much actually but you'll be friends with all of them and all you gotta do is twitch prime that's right click the subscribe button see if it says subscribe free and purple and if it does you're golden ponyboy anyway let's check on who's priming right now oh [ __ ] it's my friend willis hey willis can't wait to grab lunch later catch you on the flippity flip anyway back to the chess content you guys have a good one see you later i got like 200 primes that was the [ __ ] smartest thing i've ever done in my life i have so many twitch primes now all right game two let's [ __ ] go let's beat his ass boys what are they saying on me what are they saying what are they saying smart [ __ ] well i called him a one-trick pony and he delivered right no i'm kidding but he did he did also get the win is lovely jokes aside he handled uh beast's prep and then and then and then cleaned up nicely that was impressive from loving shows his experience and where he's come which is really why we do the event it's awesome oh wait i'm in oh [ __ ] oh god why does this always happen to me okay okay okay hold up hold up hold up god damn it god damn it wha uh okay uh okay okay close out of chat okay um chill should everybody chill i need a good song i need a good song [Music] uh he plays queen's gambit i ignore the gamut [ __ ] that gambit no cap i don't already know what to do this dude's so cracked i could play maybe this move it might allow him to do something like this but i think that's fine i'll play a6 play a little more defensive i do have to realize that i used a full minute on my clock for that and now he is firmly ahead in terms of time and that's part of the reason why he lost last game knight e4 played by blood so he moves a piece twice in the opening instead of developing for the kids watching that's a no-no right don't do that get your pieces developed get castle but let's see what ludwig is saying and how he justifies his current behavior on camera dear god i think this is a [ __ ] wee ball situation your honor your honor i demand we [ __ ] it in ball because if he takes with pawn then this knight kind of blows now or this bishop but i imagine he takes here let's just go for it i mean if we're gonna pop this [ __ ] open let's pop this [ __ ] open oh damn i didn't see that this motherfucker's giving me the work okay i think we still have to do it though obviously i don't want my rook captured and this is the only square that that won't happen we're gonna we're gonna take an impromptu listen in here i could do a tactic though that's the kind of awesome things we do on the fly my team letting me know that cutie's cheering on her man and my producer that's right making it happen look at that look at that this is so embarrassing i'm not wearing makeup and i'm eating cheese this is not please go away i'm not wearing deodorant i have no sausage though please please go away now are you gone can a girl just hang out by herself i could do a tactic though um with check when pawn oh he can also interpose um tactic number two chat i check if he captures i win the rook oh he finds bishop takes g3 even better the rook is hanging wow i mean it's just crazy that is just devastation being wreaked upon black sting that was the whole point of queen h4 check and you can just tell by his eyes he has his eyes are aimed right at white's king right at white's king's side and despite the best efforts of mr beast i mean blood is just he's earning this one dan we gotta take our hats off yes sir time to put on the victory theme [Music] so now check king has to move because if i go check and he goes back i have rook check but i guess if he goes over there then i oh easy rook check rook defended defended here must interpose pre-move it because i think it's forced oh my god it now goes too much when the queen's removing it we're checking again here next level stop and we'll check again here grab pawn like i said too much among us who is this imposter uh we're going for a mate there's a bad fun for you how's that [Music] wow instant chest wow i'm mopping it up here oh my gosh um holy [ __ ] sick oh my lance oh let's go dude never have i felt so good on a chess board i i felt so calm today that was great that was good chess oh easy money okay chat let's keep it a buck mr beast should not pay me out i totally baited him into this this is entrapment like this should be illegal i feel he he should not be spent he should spend his money on charity i just put that 10k towards his thing this is literal entrapment like i've been grinding chess this [ __ ] got three youtube channels a girlfriend right like a full ass company just i'm just gonna have him donate the money straight into a bank account called mogul moves incorporated [Laughter] my money now [ __ ] [Laughter] yes sir yes sir yo yo yo yo yo what up you're actually good at chess yeah well dude you first off just dumpster dive dove me just [ __ ] all over me so thank thank you for doing that but i don't know yourself enough credit look you had a winning position i think in both games i think i just beat you with two tactics which is mostly just um geez yeah well the thing is uh you're obviously like way better at me at any form of end game so i just like the only reason i was in good positioning is because i just studied your your games for like an hour last night and i literally i was just going down and i was like um okay what did he do this game and then i watched your next game your next one was like oh he does the same thing every time wait but that's actually hype that's a hype thing to do that means you're that means you're cracked that means you yeah exactly so i i knew you always um every single time someone moved their pawn in front of their queen you always matched it and then when they um you know put the pawn beside it like i i knew exactly what you would do the problem is i had no idea how to capitalize on it you're literally out your first like six moves i was like i was literally like he's gonna do this this this and this this if i do this and you did it exactly and then i literally said i'm like okay he's right where i want him but now i don't know what to do i know everything he does but i don't know how to beat him after he does it exactly he's just that good also also 10k bet 10k bet mr beast obviously i don't want your hard-earned money i want mr beast to keep giving money to charity so i think you just throw it there just throw it there okay i'm just gonna just give it to someone random in your chat but if you want charity yeah give it to charity my chat's gonna be so sad right now yeah well they probably just poggied out of their mind no [ __ ] them on god they're good they're good they're good for you you heard it here first folks [ __ ] his chest [ __ ] my chat hey they know i'm the one who says it to the most anyway now that you followed me on twitter i'm gonna dm you daily for advice on thumbnails let's do it what what's your next video or actually i probably probably don't want this on a chest stream youtube strategy my next video is how i beat mr beast for ten thousand dollars uh oh that's a banger he carves most viewed videos him [ __ ] on me in chess wait really for you yeah yeah interesting interesting ten thousand dollar things happen let's bring it up you want to put a picture of me like about to cry in the thumbnail because then people will think i'm like pissed off all right yeah we'll help carl bully you for a while well you guys uh you added the stakes and um i know it's a lot of fun and games but seriously i mean it's another ten thousand dollars of charity big reason why we're doing this you guys are awesome thank you um all right good luck [Music] thanks [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,009,016
Rating: 4.9796247 out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: lvPmEmDJmh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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