this streamer exposed me on my gameshow... | Mogul Money

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welcome to mogul money and here's your host ledway [Music] [Applause] like there's an audience clap right like it's just you threesome you come back three i feel like it's better in that case that we don't clap i was hoping it'd be like thundering welcome to mogul money everybody it is the finale of mogul money i hope you guys enjoyed our first five episodes cause we're here for the sixth and we're here for the final you might have noticed a replacement by the way welcome foosley instead of valkyrie new streamer of the year i figured out that ray was streaming the year last year so i was like get that [ __ ] out of here i was upset too all my material was on right now i got nothing i got no jokes how are you feeling leslie welcome oh oh uh good you're the leslie i'm great it's weird there's no shout out right now yeah i saw youtube you were right there's no chat which camera is looking at us if it has the red dot on it it's live oh so you just follow him around so it's this one now it's just you could turn it out and i'll start changing it's changing anyway how are you feeling about your chances here um i'm feeling good i'm i'm decent at trivia well i thought i i have been i've done some 100 thieves trivia and i do really well in those capital new hampshire cycuno welcome to the show now what's up you have the highest level of education of anyone to have ever appeared in mobile money doesn't help with you know stream in general you know i just do trevi as a hobby lottaway guy just you know i just know some things you know i think you have a good chance of winning here today i i really need a win today because ludwig didn't pay for my hotel or flight and i told them all right i told him don't worry i'll pay for it with the prize money if i win i was getting to it it's like you know what like my account has to go through oh no it's the prize money will pay for net 75 weeks and it'll it'll get there connor though connery pant welcome yeah no i had the same joke as secundo that i did right here it was a good joke it's a good bit it was it was gonna be like oh my god ludwig you didn't pay for my stuff oh my gosh shut the [ __ ] up anyway let's see what happens if you win mobile money let's roll the prizes first place will receive five thousand dollars pays for hotels a lot of money second place will receive a custom mobile moves bidet heated custom third place will receive three u double a batteries that's just really use those are look like they're going to explode they well you could harvest the energy anyway let's just start off with our first trivia board let's take a look at the categories and see what we're working with today we're getting right into it we're just going to know the categories look we'll get into it common bonds i'll explain that one yeah it'll i'll tell you three things you have to tell me which combines them all the common bonds i know that buying bonds doesn't make much money now covalent bonds in chemistry what did you guys study like connor what's your bond thing friendship oh he's been watching anime category 2 these are tailored towards them that means i'm in a disadvantage this is actually no this is canadian geography why didn't it say canadian geography well that's how you say canadian geography and it's not canadian canadian that's not oh oh thank god oh you know let's just gladly thank god for the uh the sub it was a typo i forgot the letter e it's broken on my keyboard just out the window just gone don't worry oh man it's so unfortunate ray couldn't make it thanks for watching hopefully you're watching at home right ray's probably very happy she's not here um uh-huh yes this is going to be all about different languages people speak hablamos very good spot the impasta fungus among us oh i know about among us this one's actually my favorite category i've ever seen i'm gonna tell you three italian words two are a type of pasta and one is a mafia term and you have to tell me which is which and when i say mafia i mean like the mob uh and the way we pick who picks the first one is whoever is the cutest so seikuni you get to go first oh we should start with an easy one self reflect a hundred this product that allows an individual to view a reflection of themselves was modernized in uh as an invention in 1835 through early ones uh the early ones have been found as far back as 6000 bce leslie what is a mirror that is correct we're playing a serious game she's like a taunt like a like an fgc character you're bored now you get to pick any category any point amount common bonds for a hundred common bonds for 100 i'm going to tell you three things i want to tell you tell me the word that combines them all baseball cricket vampire oh sakura wooden wood like wood yeah like wood can you explain how that works with a vampire baseball crickets you have a wooden stick to hit it and a vampire wooden stake i respect that it is incorrect it is incorrect oh god but you know it was not a bad guess oh god what is a weekend weekend no wait please walk me through this well we got a weekend of baseball uh-huh a weekend of cricket and then vampire weekend the only one that made sense is vampire weekend what's a weekend out of cricket well you play cricket over the weekend that's that's incorrect um i'm gonna try leslie's trying to sound just not saying anything leslie did you want to try this one i'm trying you could buzz in no but if i buzz in then i have to answer and then i risk losing points and i don't want to go negative leslie you're buzzing what's your guess baseballs are sports two of them are sports vampires blood but oh what is blood what you can bleed from playing the first two and vampires bite you you can bleed playing the first you can bleed playing baseball and cricket that is incorrect the correct answer what is bats you use a baseball bat in vampires it was almost like what was actually i think uh the best answer i heard anyway that was that look that was just a teaching example you guys lost nothing for that as a group goes back to me right it goes back to you you get the pic she's a spicy one 300 more like a hey for 300. only around a three hour drive north from seattle this city is sometimes called hollywood north what city vancouver saikuno you did buzz in and just just hey look everyone gets one just remember form of a question what is a vamp vancouver that was not yeah that is correct it is vancouver let's go sakura you're bored here spot the impasta for 500. all right remember i'm gonna tell you three italian words you tell me the one that is the impasta foglido olivo ochi de lupo modo horne leslie one in three chants right ochi lupo that is incorrect oh all right well now that it's a two chance there's only a 50 chance to get it wrong i believe a a foggily might be a pasta so i'm gonna go with uh wha what's the uomo what is uomo that is he has plot armor it's just not fair the other two are pastas inuomo is a man of honor it's another word for a made man in the mob so when you become a maid man you are an uomo dorne okay oh it's hablamos for 500 also ablamo for 500 let's take a look tell me what language this streamer speaks buster he's a streamer he's a streamer category is going to be all streamers you have to tell me which language they speak primarily well guys come on we gotta at least guest for the concept of peer pressure people are guessing this i am at 700 but i could just you could all just agree to not no oh uh what's a portuguese that is incorrect poop nuggets leslie you gotta guess nothing what is french that is incorrect connor it might just be english are you guessing connor i wanted to say i'm not no he's standing out oh wait leslie you're pretty far down actually leslie's in the dirt right now okay what what is english that is so wrong the correct answer what is russian this is a russian streamer of guests common bonds for 400. common bonds for 500. what okay you the producers are losing it back today that was a good question producers hearts and chat for the producers who clutch that one three words tell me the one that combines them all crow salad and candy uh pro salad and candy how do you combine them all grow salad candy let's see give you another five ten seconds here it's a salad work people just bite queen eating i guess you're cheating i can hear you whisper you're saying it out loud what do you time is i don't want to ask it anyone want to take it for funsies guess bowl no candy bar candy bar salad bar salad bar and a cream in a crowbar oh i would not have thought of that well you guys are jumping to the 500 you're like demoralizing yourself this is why you start for the hundreds back to hundreds it is still your board cycuno all right leslie leslie choose again eh 100 f for 500. what is this city guys the largest city in the capital of manitoba this city is sometimes called the gateway to the west what is a manitoba see if there was no penalty for guessing wrong i would guess here do you guys have a i don't think you guys know this is it like if we hear it we'll be like oh we all know that city 100 i have a crazed guess but i don't time's up correct answer what is winnipeg okay thank god i didn't guess but you knew that you knew that right conor no you didn't know you've never heard of winnipeg nope i think about america america we all know what we have to do here right there's only one left reflect for 500. when i'm done reading it this process in which someone examines their own thoughts and feelings is called blank what is introspection that is correct holy what connor you're a genius i'm back in it i was literally going to hit it and say self-reflect that would have been incorrect that's my variety streamer 200 for self-reflection let's let's do that we'll self-reflect this part of the mind represents a sense of self-esteem or self-importance ludwig has a very large one ego oof no it was p what oh no it is he going you gave it away with the last line you said that a little fast though huh but like you could have spent a little time being like what is like what is that maybe you know i mean you deserve because you're a good guy you're bored i said you're bored all right so the 300 reflect this species of ape known for its distinctive red fur was the first to be officially tested with a mirror test originally created to test self-awareness in animals what is an orangutan leslie that is correct how did you know that red curve i was like or a ring you ignored everything else you're like red for monkeys you think it had leslie it is your board now oh wow alpha practice 400. let's finish out self reflect no thyself is a principle famously attributed towards this early greek philosopher and has been a subject of deep philosophical discussion who is socrates leslie that is correct i didn't even know what i was trying to answer how'd you know that no she's the first philosopher that came to me it's like the only greek philosopher yeah great job you're killing it and it is still your board run the show for 200. and for 200 let's take a look the largest city in quebec known for its hockey team the canadians why did you do this is that how you spell canadian there's no way that's how you spell canadian no the team the canadians are spelled like that why do they do that is quebec on the right side quebec is on the right yeah that's the home of streamer xqc who's quebecois i have two guesses what is a montreal you son of a [ __ ] this is this is bad but the second you said the second you said x was from there i was like wait a minute you connected the dots is he from montreal no he's like from some city i think i i have no idea but that's what i would have he's such a juicer okay i hung out with him first time i met him he's like xcl man sorry we don't have those on youtube you're bored i say we just we juice out the canadian ones because we're gonna get those all wrong right juice them out f-400 all right and for 400 this is the capital canada keep it simple stupid capital of a country right yeah first sister of course we know that one right now capital of canada yeah like capital who does leslie wait i did not buzz in i did it oh oh connor what is wait what was when we said first we said winnipeg what is toronto that is incorrect oh good process of illumination alberta it's alberta no it's not yeah leslie yes alberta it's got to be it's got to be quebec alberta vancouver um toronto we're saying things randomly did i say the capital any point you said cities and then you also said total can i double down alberta's double down do you want to double down yeah can we double that can we have him double down i think it's i know but it's conor [ __ ] eats pants yeah okay you can double down you can double down what is alberta please probably please wrong please oh no no it's so incorrect it's not even a city oh no i'm sorry i thought that was right i was pretty confident i said that's a not even a city he literally gave you the answer connor do i get points if i can sing the candidate national anthem yeah please okay canada so far our home and native players so flat taking the life out of canada that kind of count for something in this category guys you're out of time i am so sorry to all the canadians who are watching you got a point the correct answer was ottawa ottawa empire umpire i don't want to do this anymore am i right i don't know it's yeah hey all right where are you going f for 100. all right let's wrap this up category the largest city in canada home to the raptors of the nba toronto toronto that is love that you switch to the form of question it is toronto we're both negative oh connor's got a bigger number just going to say it's like who goes to the bank and he's like 100k and he's like barely according to his friend that's actually me and gta actually uh where are you taking us it's your board here man connor you you need some points what do you think you can get here i don't think my help is going to help anybody i think you can do spot the impasta 400. again three words two are pastas one is a mob term spot the mob turn and it's our daily double oh my god no it's a monthly multiplier [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm sorry can we just redo it can we pull can we go back out which one did you want to go to saikuna the spot the impasta 400 okay let's take a look at that one i guess it's our daily double monthly multiplier that's right for the monthly multiplier you are the only one that gets to answer cycuno that is your award you can wager as many points as you have or you can wager up to a thousand if you want it's up to you major 700. again you're you have to answer so you will lose all the points if you get it wrong yeah you son of a [ __ ] you're so cool um what could go wrong three words tell me the mob here it is i'm going pidgeotto because it sounds like a pokemon no way that's the name of a pasta this hurts my feelings so much that's correct what i knew it i knew it yeah they would never they would never name a bird pokemon after a pasta true they sounded like pizza did i wonder if they so so if you guys don't know means young man it's like a new hire think of it like a pledge for the mob they also would never name the bird after it i wonder if it's cause like you know it's the second evolution that's crazy that would make sense they do sound really similar like they sound really similar oh my god 14. wait do i choose again it is you actually yeah let's do something easy spot the impasta 100 oh 100 here we go finally three words tell me the one that is the impasta you just swear to my mother what this beautiful one any buzzers is the hardest one yet i have no idea so there's only one reason why this would be a hundred is because it should be an easy pattern cappaletti and cavatappi letty and taffy both end in like two letters and then an i so that must mean those are pastas which means what is a cappuccino that's correct but nothing you said made sense that adds up this is why math teachers make people show work it's cause people like you she's right a capo de china is a [Music] which language does this streamer speak goal what is brazilian that is incorrect poop nuggets oh god careful there language leslie he's nominated for streamer of the year that's true that's how i know him oh you don't like twitter i don't check twitter french french that was a great great preamble into super [ __ ] wrong incredibly incorrect you made it sound like you knew what you were talking about connor you got this i'm abstaining all right can i guess one more time would you like to double down that means i lose twice about yeah you would go to just the same as 1 000. see what it's like take it go what is portuguese that is correct oh my god you said brazilian brazilians speak portuguese it's yeah it's slightly different slightly different yeah hurt me to take away those points i want to know 300 ablamos oblamus 300 what language does this streamer speak or on play i want i want to guess the same thing but what if i'm wrong i think it's right go with your gut my gut says it might be wrong this time and don't do that connor i think you guessed this one i don't know anything is that good brazilian doesn't count as a language no portuguese no no man i said go with your gut you said that you're good for another one all right the spanish the spanish say it in question that's correct oh thank god second question but that is correct or implied does speak spanish i actually switched it it was ebuy but i switched it because oh my god that is a little too obvious your guys is bored uh common bonds 400 three words tell me the one that combines them all let's take a peek hermit spider genital hermit spider genital hermit crab no it's a hundred percent not spider crab genital crabs oh my god wait wait why didn't you but i did everything what are crabs that is correct yeah answer wait that's it yeah i did everything spider crabs i'm not gonna ask what part are you confused by it's surely not the genitals right so kind of the genital part crabs this is the disease it's like an std i don't get those connor eats pants practices safe sex yep leslie um congratulations on getting the crabs one right taking all the work from someone else you truly are reactionary i was on that wavelength i was really close i was about to get it i think you did great for what it's worth and you're in the positive now yes and it's also your board common bonds for 300. all right you're the master of this category common bonds 303 words what combines them all book inch glow what are you guys thinking oh he's going in what is a worm oh that's what i was thinking too nice worm connor you're back in this game i didn't know a glowworm but i still went for it that's fine and that's the thing it's two for three is pretty good you know what i mean the two categories on the right i hate with my whole beings i'm gonna go with common bonds for 200. duck dollar buffalo bill uh what is a bill that is correct duck bill dollar bill buffalo clicked together your board's like the the imposter 300. what is soldato that is correct how did you know this guy i met on gta named benji and his rap song has soldato in it oh my god that's random it it does it means soldier it's one of the soldiers of like a mob army you'd send out some soldatos to take care of you know you're bored of your seikuna uh impasta 200. all right final one let's clean it up cappellini [Music] yeah that's correct oh you got it what led you there no i didn't i didn't say that once i said the first one the first one and got it wrong which is why i started saying uh wow i pronounced that so wrong that you thought i answered a different one you have a point though and that means something i'm in the positive i'll take it i was really hoping that category had like more like among us references instead of just italian you really just wanted me to be like what do you call the imposter and then you go i don't know what it says do who's that pokemon with our custom among us characters dude with a little hat and a mustache in the shadow of it we have to guess it's no free advertising our names are here let me feel like for others you guys can get free advertising 200 ah vamos hablamos 200 the streamer speaks what language sal dosh uh one more time what is french that is correct he is a french speaking streamer italian and a slightly worse chess player than me oblamos 100 obama's 100. final one what language is this streamer speak tim the tatman what is english that is correct why are you saying it like yugi moto whipping out his dark magician down in defense mode sorry we're just gonna we'll glaze past it all right guys well that's the end of trivia board one we have a second trivia board coming up with double the points you know so if you're in the negative you can go all the way up if you're in the bottom you can go all the way down there's also a multi multiplier hidden then we'll do our final trivia but all that will be right after the break we'll see you guys in a little bit enjoy yourselves [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey how's it going guys welcome back to mobile money it's your host lovely guy i'm back here once again on that youtube live stream going on what's going on guys you uh you edited my image and you ruined my oh my you look like a demon i do you did connor and me both so dirty in that how did you dirty i'm basically cropped out i mean you're at it you're like mike wazowski i would prefer to be like mike wazowski than be a demon really i thought you were devious bro i thought you went demon mode no no this is ruining my image i'm supposed to be qt minecraft boy this is like this is a little too edgy for you a little too hard i'm going family friendly now actually what i've changed my brand i decided right here swear oh sorry i didn't mean to push it's not like me all right let's take a look first category before and after names the same third category is words category four game of the year in our final categories who's that pogemon that's right words it among us this one this one's the one people get confused on i need you to tell me the answer and the answer has to be a word that you can use with the letters in among us oh specifically among us okay sus actually wouldn't even work because there's only one s as an example anyway and then names the same i'm gonna tell you two people's names you tell me the the name that combines them and before and after is hard uh anyway it's your board connor because you are on last or comeback mechanic mario party you've been chosen well i'm gonna hope that who's that pokemon is who's that pokemon not blobs because you're on youtube now if you type kappa in youtube it comes up with a moon emoji they had it six years ago they just have a moon that floats around i don't know what that is about i'm going to go with 800 for who's that all right home man when you know it here it is what is that emote connor what is not like this connor that's correct no let me explain this is this is gonna be horrible i just see the emotes now so i don't really hover the names anymore so i've forgotten a lot of emojis yeah you just called them emojis so i think this category is a whole l for you oh man he's already caught up leslie connor is already caught up connor this is your comeback by the way let's take 600 and who's that pogba oh no he's going to clap us in this category here it is 600 leslie leslie smile what is smile that is correct you could have done it you could have done like frown i could have debated oh that's true but but smile was more popular i didn't trust you i didn't bother you i don't know what you would have done you're bored who's actually uh run the whole section just why not run the whole section everyone's getting it okay fine just do it a thousand a thousand a thousand all right a thousand heroes god she did it i don't know who's that pokemon what is it i i know it but i don't actually know the code before i've seen people use it lately tell me what it looks like no i'm not going to say what it looks like because then they might get it just go for it i see the turkey underneath if i know like half of it can i get like something i'll give you a point okay well it's partly debated but it's the turkey one i give you a single point for that correct answer what is gebasted that's funny i can't believe that's nemo um i'll do 400 pokemon pokemon for 400 here it is connor what is uh easy that's correct oh my god he's too good easy clap baby your board still we'll finish it with 200. roll through here final one what is it what is correct this is actually the only one i knew chat when you were singing the canadian national anthem oh even if it was actually no they weren't because well leslie you're bored all right uh let's go words and among us for 400. just to test out the categories yeah let's just test it i like that i like that again it has to be in the letters there this super smash bros melee professional is recently ranked number one of all time and is considered by many fans to be the goat who is mango connor let's go i i don't know anything about super smash bros oh my god look at that board i've gotten zero points this entire time i know of mango how long have you been sub the mango leslie i've watched his streams and i know he was on like c9 and stuff and um he played plays fox well he did like a long time ago i played super auto pets with him once true that's all i got connor you're still doing great here by the way you know we'll do uh wards and among us for 200. all right let's make it a little even calmer most negative adverbs and determiners in english derive from this two-letter word negative two-letter word conor what is on no no no it's wrong in english still you're bored though conor before and after for 800. this popular christmas song about a young boy in his drum is an american sitcom following the everyday life of corey matthews leslie what is little drummer boy corey in the house i mean sorry sorry stuff please point me swirled you already said it it's wrong no any other guessers i don't want to lose 800 points i mean connor well she said it she kind of did should i should not count it do you want to be i'll be yeah you want to be respectful because i'm going to be honest i was going to say corey in the house me too yeah he's not an actor he's a character on the show boy meets world so the correct answer was what is little drummer boy meets world and that's before and after is the clues always have a word that combines okay but you get it now though i get it and that's then that's worth something okay um we'll do game of the year for 600. game of the year for 600 here it is game informers 1997 game of the year was this jrpg produced by square for the playstation where the protagonist cloud attempts to stop shinra corporation from draining the planet's livestream to defeat sephiroth what is kingdom hearts what final fantasy thanks for watching guys what is final fantasy oh my god the only thing worse is she said super smash bros ultimate what is a final fantasy vii that is correct conor i'm so sorry i'm so sorry it was one or the other i'm sweating i'm sweating the worst you know the worst part was kingdom hearts like you said it so emphatically wait can i get my points uh yeah conor that is correct we'll throw you throw you some points there connor with that you are within 100 points of first place top two get to move on there is still a final trivia question with a thousand points you could wager because you're in the negative to come back there's a whole bunch of thousands on there i'll do uh names the same for 800. names the same for 800. here it is two names tell me the one that combines them fisher marbles jenna what is jenna correct jenna fisher from the office jenna marbles oh never saw the office you're bored here name's the same for a thousand names the same a thousand big one mcavoy earl jones what is james leslie is back who are these people what is this i actually don't know who james james earl jones is he is the voice of darth vader and the voice of what's a massive boy james mcavoy is an actor james mcavoy come on oh the guy who played scar from lion king oh all right name's the same 600. name's the same for 600 here it is two names tell me the one that combines it wence davidson who pete what is p p mario you're running this category duff swank connor who is hillary that is correct i'll do words in among us for 800. words and among us for 800. this word is a british slang for kiss sakuno snog how do you know that you dirty dog harry potter he's snogging under the bleachers oh i'm barely backing oh jesus this guy snogs you're bored king words in among us a thousand thousand biggest 1 000 multiplier huh this is our monthly multiplier sikuno you can wager as many points as you would like you will lose everything you wager if you're incorrect you will gain the same amount if you are correct what do you want to do 2 300. [Music] you have to go all in every time right i mean what's the point must be spelled with the words in among us you're the only one that can answer show us the clue first name of the chess goat and my good friend magnus what is a magnus that is correct i actually watched i watched him because i was in one chess tournament against quackity and i watched him in hikaru to try and learn and i learned absolutely nothing the least helpful thing you could have done it's like watching an f1 racer to learn how to parallel park that's great with this would you have known that would you have known magnus yeah i would have known good job magnus it's your board sidekuno uh well i'm feeling pretty safe game of the year a thousand eurogamers 2008 game of the year was this playstation 3 platformer where the player controls sackboy to progress through the online user created levels sakuno what is littlebigplanet that is correct i was gonna say great big world thank god thank god thank you game of the year 800. the game developers choice awards 2004 game of the year was a sequel set nearly 20 years after the events of the original game where the players must join a resistance movement to defeat the alien oppressors of earth the combine just gonna put my buzzard down because i don't want to accidentally hit it uh 2004 game of the year sequel is that the covenant or the combat yeah are you sure about the end the combine yeah i'm pretty sure it's not by halo that's the only thing this is the most common category i could imagine is up the correct answer what is half-life two oh that's a pc game that's for me i never i don't know i never played that one either don't you you can't just connor if you don't know something you can't just say it's for nerds if it's a mouse and keyboard game that's for nerds oh that's canada that's for nerds i think i was too young when it came out i was like i don't even know if i knew how to use a keyboard yet you definitely i was nine i wouldn't you don't know how to use a keyboard i don't know i'm a slow learner crazy game here it is time magazine's 2006 game of the year was a sports game that came bundled with its console and sold over 82 million copies to become the fourth selling uh highest selling game of all time what is connor that's right oh i was gonna say fifa are you not a gamer i'm a gamer no you're not if i wasn't a gamer would i be nominated for content creator they're at the game awards yeah the content creator they're not gamer of the year right there's this it used to be trending gamer then they changed it did it yeah so that leslie could be involved all right you got 100 points above me and now you're talking [ __ ] connor i'm feeling good i'm feeling good all right we'll take game of the year for 200. game of the year let's clean it up game awards 2017 game of the year was this action adventure game for the nintendo switch where link fights to save the land from the calamity can't say it before what is the breath of the wild because you just say it all out you so confident he's giving us and he's making us fight i'm trying to spice it up spread the wild lock it in that is correct great answer there what's up connor she's dancing on you right now the latency on the left podium is just a little off it seems it is farther away it is a little farther away the pink might be doing it it's like ultimate it's not they don't have rollback you're bored here leslie before and after for 600. this famous singer-songwriter was the front man for queen and is an astrological phenomenon where a planet appears to reverse its orbit often being blamed in astrology for misfortune what is connor freddie mercury retrograde that is correct never guessed that's actually really actually that's cool because i now know what that means mercury is in retrograde is that a real thing does it spin the other way it just spins the other way sometimes yeah how does that happen how do you what is it well i think it's like an illusion right like in super monkey ball where you're going really fast and you actually start to look like you're slowing down it looks like yeah yeah i get it you're bored here connor take uh before and after for 400. let's make it a little easier here this all-star team of dc superheroes is the most popular esport in south korea connor what is justice league of legends that is correct and with that connor has a firm lead above foosley and it is your board i'll do uh words and among us for 600. goddammit connor to repeatedly complain or criticize often with the intention of getting someone to do something they avoid it sounds really like you're nagging someone but what is it i don't know for sure wait come on you could have hit the buzzer that is correct you know and i was actually i already didn't buzz i'm like well he just said it well i was just talking out loud i i didn't i you know what he's doing he has so many more points than you guys that he's just playing puppeteer he and it is your board leslie name's the same 200. final one let's clean up the category sandler savage at connor who's adam i i spam too fast adam sandler adam savage one a thespian the other blow stuff up you're bored let's do 200 before a thousand yeah the last one is the spiciest right all right here it is this american playwright famously known for writing the musical hammer hamilton is a prolific actor best known for roles in the television series drake and josh and icarly can i think do you have five so you have a few seconds probably yeah i see his face in my head um i follow him on twitter too need an answer his name just break it up what's the answer for the second part okay for the second part a prolific act of both nodes reading it again oh miranda oh my god that helps me with the first part miranda cosmetics and then it's five four three he's so iconic too i'm honestly offended by my the fact that i it's it's um out of time connor lindman lin manuel miranda cosgrove yes he's right that's correct yes and manuel miranda cause the pressure leslie if you get this one you're in the lead again okay how does this category work again this category works like you just did on the last one oh oh okay okay all right and you want these thousand points because then you would be ahead of conor by a hundred you would connor you have to understand conor also wants these points we'll just say the answer out loud i'm gonna fight for this one for sure this biographical film about frank abingal living a life of a con artist on the run from the fbi is a hit song from disney's the lion king detailing simba and nala's budding romance i'm just gonna put my buzzer down and came out in 2002. this is a thousand point question for a reason time's up guys we have to call it correct answer great movie by the way if you're like i keep scrolling i can't buy anything catch me if you can you feel the love tonight if you can no but i still don't know what that is it's just about it's literally as described it's a really good movie though our second trivia board let's roll through it in third place we have foosley with two thousand seven hundred and one points second place we have connor eats pants with three thousand six hundred one and in first we have cycuno with five thousand six hundred butts it is time for final trivia the way this works you guys can wager as many points as you have you have one question you will answer and everything will be on the line top two move on now let me tell you guys the category oh no history this is my worst subject guys pull up your phones you're going to message in the chat labeled with your name not the general chat the chat labeled with your name how many points you would like to wager in this history final trivia remember top two move on you get it wrong you lose the points you get it right you get the points all right you guys have your wagers put in we're not going to reveal them now we are going to ask the question you guys have about a minute to think about it you're going to put it in the same chat with your name make sure it's not general with your name in it let's take a look at our final question here it is in 1914 this european heir to the throne was assassinated by a bosnian terrorist an act that lit the fuse to a great war good luck i'm in [Music] classic history question i can't change the points anymore cannot do that that makes it sound like you know the answer it makes sense i think the opposite actually actually makes it sound like she's a cookie you think you know me connor but you don't all right i have an answer i like it i'm a huge bartender leslie finn i'm watching all the time oh god i know he knows he's like reverse connor's in my head i know that i don't know um are all your answers in mine's in no one's gonna see the answers we put right no for bearing with me for the first couple trivia boards here it is the final trivia question to make it to quick money we're gonna start with you leslie first up we're gonna take a look at your answer don't look at it don't can i explain oh yeah explain explain let's take a look you put napoleon but apartheid i know that he gave the us the statue of liberty as a gift that was the only history fact and once fact was in my head i could not think of anything else but that's what i'm saying i know jfk was assassinated so i put him in it has nothing to do with it i know but it just sounds like 1914. napoleon bonaparte was not assassinated either he was he was he was shipped off by france and he went to corsica and then they he convinced them to come back then they ship them off again they exiled them anyway how many points did you wager let's check that out well she had the all-in right logically she had to all it could have put one yeah because connor could have got it wrong you are at zero points sikuno perhaps you wagered all your points and it's a draw and we go to a tiebreaker let's see you put in the answer bob all right please say you went through that i don't know the answer is incorrect bob's wrong let's see how much you wagered wagered a hundred you're a genius not much wagered a hundred i figured i'd get it wrong when i saw history so you are down a hundred percent camel leaves us to conor connor what did you put in archduke franz ferdinand connor that is correct [Applause] how do you know that history was like the only somewhat entertaining subject the archduke franz ferdinand we still do not know who assassinated him to light off this war let's take a look how much did he wager 600 600 a classy 600 that won't be enough for first but it's enough to push him on a quick money congratulations connor congratulations you two are moving on a quick money leslie you got destroyed but thank you so much for coming on i mean she did what she had to do guys hearts in chat for leslie we're gonna go to a quick break we'll be back with quick money dramatically shout out to leslie please check her out on all her socials she's trending on twitter i know she's a celebrity these days get it thanks guys guys [Music] hey what's up oh i got to hang out with seikuna before miz kim eat [ __ ] mizzy eat [ __ ] anyway how you doing doing great welcome back to mogul money everybody it's the final final part of the show quick money where we separate the 5k from the bad day it's like who knows i'm gonna ask you five questions you need to answer these questions as quickly as possible you have 30 seconds total basically i surveyed 100 youtube chatters i asked some general questions and you need to tell me what is the most likely popular response okay make enough sense yeah you know for example like what's your favorite fruit what would you say the the kiwis but i wouldn't say that because not everyone's going to say that kiwi apple there you go there you go is your favorite fruit of kiwi that's probably peaches actually okay uh that's pretty much it i got five questions for you you're going to rapid fire through them if you get more points than conor at the end you win 5k if you get less you get a bidet and that's pretty much the whole show custom custom custom and muggle moves it says it's actually like i don't want to leak too much here but it's it's even more custom than that they showed a picture wait it's more than the picture no it's the same it's heated it has its own light it rises when you walk into the room okay it rises when you walk in the yeah i made a custom so like the i i dubbed over so like when it when you're done it's like thanks for pissing okay that was a big [ __ ] you took anyway let's get to it 30 seconds on the board we all good does it pop up on the screen or you just read it i'm gonna read it out to you okay complete the phrase first blank first base who is the hardest person to get a gift for uh myself name a food or drink that can be consumed either hot or cold coffee name an adjective cool what is your favorite holiday song the the the the the christmas something ginger holiday song jingle bells jingle bells no that's good that's good that's good okay you're close to the time there on that last one oh god i think you did pretty well i don't think i did very well you don't know okay we'll see we'll see we'll pull it up in just a moment here i i think i think you're you're selling yourself short that's that's some hard ones i snuck that in there name and adjective is actually like the hardest question we've ever asked that's the one with the most replies we've ever had the largest variants so we'll see how it goes i think cool was a pretty good answer consumed you said coffee i think that one's pretty good that's pretty good are you ready to pull these up here oh your mom's a [ __ ] what the first question was complete the phrase first blank no you said first base like baseball like baseball makes a lot of sense survey said eight points it's out of a hundred total that's not a lot but it's split usually between like 10 or 15 answers so this is this is decent trust second one who's the hardest person to get a gift for you said myself this one is true but i don't know if it's a good this is hashtag deep right here okay let's take a look at like a zero okay survey said it's true but it's not true who's the hardest person to gift it's yourself third one name a fruit or drink that can be consumed either hot or cold you said coffee this is this is the one i have confidence on well you should because it was the number one answer how many is that 26. oh that's a lot that's huge that's more than the rest combined times three name and adjective you said cool [Music] survey said seven okay okay it's 44. and then you said what is your favorite holiday song i panicked chose on this one it sounds like you just thought of a holiday yeah i just thought i'd like christmas people like christmas and then that was a long time there's no way you're in the car going jingle bells yeah yeah yeah yeah all right you said jingle bells survey sales one right maybe one maybe two how come it's not changing six that's not not terrible not terrible and you've got one number one answer let's see look it's gonna be harder for the person in second you guarantee yourself a bidet but there's a real chance for first place let's bring in conor reed's pants conor hello he did decent okay but i want you to know this is the hardest quick money we've ever had okay truly the most difficult questions time will start after the first question complete the phrase first blank first case who's the hardest person to get a gift for your mom name a food or drink that can be consumed either hot or cold coffee try again water aim and adjective gig what is your favorite holiday song rudolph thornton's reindeer i told you it was hard right yeah name and adjective you're like what yeah there's many adjectives i think you did pretty well do you think yeah i know as a fact you got one of the one of the better answers okay in there and uh and so we'll see how you did for this sakura if you want to come up this is the grand reveal hardest person to get a gift for was your mom you said first kiss name a fruit or drink you said water that one's the one i think i'm the shakiest on yeah cause yeah i mean you can't i couldn't think of any i was i i was focusing on drink because i thought coffee yeah here's the reveal cicuna got 50 points so your big number is 51 that will push you on 49 or less you're out 50 we've never had that happen but it would be kind of funny okay first one up we asked complete the phrase first blank you said first kiss [Music] survey said thirteen points one he's he's up this is a speed run you'd be up in the first section that's true first what's good what's good that's green that's green by the way number one answer first place something leslie wouldn't really get oh come on oh she's catching straight with you who is the hardest person to get a gift for you said your mom i assume you weren't talking about mine just like proverbial york survey said 2052 that was the number two answer the number one answer was your dad they're a little pickier moms are a little more open about what they want and it's hard to get my good yes they have a food or drink that can be consumed hot or cold you said water people drink hot water they're weird survey said six i'll take six oh man he has to do so bad on these next ones number one answer was coffee so i couldn't have got that i feel like big is gonna give me points i i will get you enough we'll put you over i feel like rudolph is better than jingle bells i think i don't think so i don't think it is i don't think so now rudolph any adjective this was the question with the most answers possible of any mobile money there's over 20. you said big feel that hey big survey said [Applause] number one answer was pog pog of course the classic term from chatters rudolph the red dover's reindeer got you one point so you barely thought okay it was within two points oh my god it was the myself crazy anyway the number one answer all i want for christmas is you and all you guys need to do is subscribe while you're here thanks for hanging out i appreciate it i hope you guys enjoyed the show thank you cycuno thank you connor thank you bruce lee you can follow them all she's here she's here too the camera's going away you guys can see her thanks for watching guys we're on the other side see you later guys so [Music] promotional consideration provided by coinbase
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,365,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: 6K013MfZQBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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