How highest level chess players mess with each other

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do you guys want me to stack my queen for  content or not what do you guys want me to do   yay or nay no yes yes okay fine  for content for content oh but he   i mean didn't think i would take with the  knight he plundered what what was that he was stream sniping or what what the hell  was that oh he wants to play three one oh god   okay i'll pl i'm not gonna play a lot he wants to  play three one so i'm gonna like be very slow then   okay i think he's down belly i think mp sharky  maybe she doement for the 12 vivic p for the   nine okay i'm going gonna be very slow then three  one is not true three one is like too serious so   i'm gonna i'm gonna be very serious unfortunately  because it's not three one i'm gonna play a bad   order let's see if anish knows why this is a bad  order he doesn't okay let's go h6 just castle okay knight f1 now c6 is awesome but takes is fine  d4 are trinity d5b yeah yeah yeah i think c5 is correct here just  hit the juicer because of the pin yeah see this is the promise like when you  play 3-1 it's so serious like it's just too   serious for me um so now let me think  [ __ ] about five i can also just take this is so serious this is why i don't like  three one actually because it becomes like yeah bishop f5 is an idea here yeah b3 is  fine i think i just play like i can play   a4 maybe to lever i can also go with c8 but  i think rook d8 just looks logically sound   that's not a good move on each i go here and  now i'm going to smash you on the queensland   or the king's fight i should say queen side  yes obviously where the king is the queen side   bishop 83 is a very bad move and bishop  f1 d3 bishop d6 is playable for white   but it's still not great wow he goes for  it huh king h1 is just fine i guess somehow   if i take there's nothing i can also play a4 here  and also take on d3 yeah three one is very slow   like i don't i mean i don't have any big issue  with three one other than the fact that it's like   it's like playing classical chess  it really is because it's very slow   like you'll see like here i'm gonna actually  start thinking really really slow i'm gonna   not move fast at all because like in three one  the time is different he missed knight at four   yeah of course he missed knight of four because  otherwise you never go bishop a3 d6 i'm gonna go   d3 and act both my ops are really good on the  on the dark and light square so it's all good yeah that's i mean if we're playing through  one i'm not gonna play a lot i'm just gonna   play like two or three games now the question is  which rook do i put here this rook or this rook   it's odd because objectively i mean a4 is also a  move here but then a4 gives them some b4 square   see like this is the point like you see like  here i'm not even going to fret over the time   maybe very very slow and methodical in my approach  a4 does nothing it gives him time to play knight   h4 so i think i just go rook c8 the other rook was  also fine i don't know if it makes a difference   that does not seem like a good move somehow  that does not look like i'm going to go a4   because now i'm going to lever him with bishop  a5 threats too now if i take he takes and i take he can trade can i take i don't think this is  good for white somehow but it's not obvious why   i have rk1 rook f1 i bishop e6 also i think  it was actually this is why it was correct to   put this rook and not this row because this  rook needs the open line that's logical too let's think bishop h3 is again in play here it's  very much in play but it's probably not good   maybe okay four and push p actually k4 looks very  logical here just to go here and now there's all   kinds of pressure i'm threatening to jam that  pawn down his throat with d2 as well this looks   very good for me it's not clearly winning but  it looks good anisha stop throwing theory at him   okay anish okay my boy stop throwing theory  at you oh wait a second d2 takes rook d4 looks   strong wait a second d2 wait why is d2 not just  winning he's got no no squares right 92 rook d4 i don't understand but see like here it just was blitz like 3-0  i would have to move quickly because 3-1 i can   take my time like i can drink a coffee my  coffee and figure it out okay d2 is a move d2 oh yeah yeah this just wins ricky one just  bishop c2 i'm so bad at chess i'm missing all   these tactics i should just be spotting like  this so knight d2 rook d4 he loses because he   can't come up his rook has no squares all the  squares are covered my ops cover cover all all   these four squares and if he goes here i just go  bishop c2 and it's gg's i should have seen that   right away i didn't it took me too long to spot  that but it's 3 1 not 3 0 so it doesn't matter in 3-0 i would have had to play it  much quicker but in three one it's okay i might not like three one but you sure  well it's not the thing with three one   is it becomes very serious that's the thing in  3-0 it's not like you just chill you have fun   3-1 it's like you have to actually calculate  and play the best moves because you can't flag   your opponents in the same way so that's why i  don't love 3-1 um because for that exact reason   okay now i can take with the bishop i mean i'm  obviously winning i just have to be smart about   this rook t2 doesn't look right i think  i just take bishop c okay checks i go up i don't see it i just come back okay queen a1  with this that doesn't even do anything i just   go like here in rookie one and bishop f4 yeah i'm  gonna use the rook and the two ops to check me   everything is aiming towards this king anyway  let's go check let's go here i have bishop e4 i   have queen c6 also bishop h3 also wins um does  rick h1 even win maybe i want to do something   dirty here but i don't see it let's just be  clean with queen c6 resigns let's go again let's go here maybe okay anish and i love to play this line  so we'll just do it again let's go here actually   wait no this is the wrong uh it's completely the  wrong order but it's still a game okay queen b6 yeah i was supposed to play f3 first actually i can go c5 and take i know just i know 94 is not the right move here but  i kind of just want to play it anyway   i know it's wrong 100 wrong i think  i'll just go c5 bishop d2 is a move   misplayed this order i supposed to go f3 first  and then queen b3 um but see it's three once   that's why you know i'm down 30 seconds it  doesn't really matter um let's just do it just f3 i guess kick the bishop bishop d2 maybe  he'll go b6 i'll take okay let's go with c1   i mean he's definitely gonna go b6 at  some point no he doesn't interesting   let's just go g3 i'm i'm obviously gonna have to  take okay that's interesting let's go here i feel   like anish is actually kind of misplaying this  a little bit because okay now i assume i no but   i thought i had b4 but i don't think this is a5  i should have gone back to d1 now i have to take   takes yeah this is actually not what i wanted  to play at all but yeah whatever let's go here yeah very poor i was supposed to go queen d1 so  i could keep this alive instead i put the queen   on a force b4 a5 i know a3 x it just takes now  bishop h3 maybe i i don't love it but it's a move   he's going to play like rookie 89 f8 or  something at some point although i do have   knight b5 knight t5 tricks lurking now of course  i'm regretting my queen and i didn't go to b3 but   i was worried about c5 versus e5 um so maybe  queen b3 is better than queen d1 hard to tell   i'll pre-move 84. anisha's confused he's  probably confused because he knows like i   like we both know that i did something  wrong but somehow i'm not like much worse   oh i just wondered a2 whoops i was scared but  i do have two juicers here and actually from   magnus and alpha zero we learned that two bishops  are very good let's take and go bishop f4 maybe queen b3 is all queen b3 first was  better maybe just prevent rook a5   okay go for the double queen c2  is also a move wow really hmm just slightly worse but whatever that's life  i expect that okay now i'm just gonna go like queen c2 is the move but i think i'm just  going to go bishop b3 just take i'm i'm   worse but maybe not so much worse like i cover  all the right squares here um let's just take i can play queen c3 here i think i'm just going to  retreat with the bishop though maybe queen c3 next   to maybe just bishop one even i'm worse but the  funny thing is is worse as it feels bishops are   that much better than knights that's what's funny  about this position is that somehow bishops are   just that much better than knights he's really  trying hard to play c5 but it doesn't work because   i can just take and take and it's a draw very  strange anisha's probably confused here just   like i am because it's like this can't be right  but then somehow it's just like okay i'll take   i guess he takes the i mean i can just take  and draw unsurprised yeah um i just draw yeah it's very funny because i blundered a pawn  but my bishops are actually much better than the   knight so he has nothing better than making a draw  which is kind of strange very strange actually yeah it's just a draw i mean i'm sure anish agrees like  it's very strange so i blundered a   pond but even though i blundered the pawn  somehow with the two bishops against the   two knights it was maybe never that  much better i i don't think but yeah yeah there's just a draw yeah  or wait all right let's rematch strange game very strange um yeah minus five for a draw yeah i mean i'm not  going to play a ton against on each for that exact   reason because nietzsche can just be super solid  and just draw every game and he's going to win   like a boatload of the points is now the problem  is he's playing this line so do i show my prep   or do i just play something bunkieish how do i  play something random that's not just bad here   let's go here i shouldn't have said that  actually um let's just go here in here so he takes maybe just bishop d6 is fine here   let's go here there should be someone's probably  okay too but i'm just going to do this to trade okay uh i guess i go i'm gonna go here if takes  just queen f6 so i guess back and then bishop b7   e4 i mean i have g5 for example i don't know  if it's good but oh he's got d5 which i forgot   he had this other order um yeah i forgot about  that one maybe i should have gone g5 right away   wait 8595 g5 maybe wait what's going on here cause i have g5 maybe it takes a bishop i can sack my queen for  content do you guys want me to sack my queen   for content or not what do you guys want  me to do yay or nay no yes yes okay fine   for content for content oh but he i mean she  didn't think i would take with the knight   oh my god okay it's still it's still not it's  still not clear but obviously like wtf he took   with the knight because anish was sure i would  play bishop d5 i assume he must have been sure   that i was going to go bishop d5 and now he's  like i'm sure he's like wtf like he took with   the knight and now everyone's going to tell  him that like my chat said sack your queen   it's still very i mean it's still completely  equal in a normal game but i'm sure he's like wtf   with that thank you to b main guy for the tier  one thank you so much appreciate it thank you yeah his anisha's like he's like he's like excuse  me like what he's totally like he's totally   unhappy about that because he i mean of course  knight d5 bishop d8 has to be objectively bad   but it's not completely clear-cut i mean i sacked  my queen and he he pre-moved knight takes he's   like i mean i'm sure he's like he has too much  respect for me because of course i'm not gonna   play a bad move except i did play a bad move he  said i was stream sniping actually that's true   that's actually that he should actually that would  make a lot of sense objectively if someone does   that you're just like well must be stream sniping  that that that actually is very reasonable um   now i'm not actually better here to be fair to be  clear it's still equal very very unsurprisingly um 95 is interesting maybe actually what's  wrong i think 90 uh knight b6 maybe   i'm gonna do it anyway i don't know we'll see yeah because actually that's true like  someone who's stream sniping would do   something like that where it's like they  see you make the premium and they assume   that because i mean objectively i  i probably was supposed like here   i was probably supposed to take and then  play g5 and it's slightly better for white   but um but of course you guys wanted me to  sack it so of course i'm going to sack it   and actually i've got a really dirty trick  here 95 takes takes takes queen g6 and i'm fine oh he's oh aneesha wait why isn't he streaming on  a delay was he playing a match today or something   wait why isn't he streaming on a delay  that's actually kind of weird isn't it hmm strange i can play rook d8 here um i think i will play  rook d8 actually oh youtube has an auto delay okay it's been like what 30 minutes and  for some reason i need to piss again you're the one getting old getting old yeah getting old getting  old in that prostate yeah getting old but also   yeah i've been drinking i've drank i've had way  too much way too much caffeine also wait what's on   each doing why is he so deep in the tank what's  going on anish like what's going on dude dude   is he disconnected what i'm confu okay i mean  don't i just go c6 here take some bishop b4   i'm confused now i'm confused what's he wait i  have f5 wait what's going on let's just go here   okay i don't understand what's what's going on do i have knight d3 here also i also have  knight f3 i'm just a little confused by   this whole game actually um c6 was  actually i think a bad move by me um bishop c5 bishop b4 is i  think the move i'm gonna play oh i thought it was going queen b3 for some reason i mean it's still just very drawish let's go here i don't know what i'm doing it's  just very josh let's take let's take this is still very drastic i'm  trying to flag him go here here okay at some point there should  be like a c5 lever let's go back there is nothing that's just a draw also oh this just doesn't wait no it's guarded right um i'm gonna do this i don't know if it's good oh it's just ggs i didn't even see that i'm  sorry you guys i really do have to use the   restroom like this is ridiculous  but i'll i'll be right back sorry okay let's go again um plus uh wait how do i challenge him uh let's let's keep going okay okay i challenged him again i challenge janice  again is he wait i can't he's not accepting   challenges for some reason so he's got to  challenge me but i'm ready to play more with him   and he said i was pleasuring myself in the  bathroom wait no no no i want to play 3-1 i   want to play 3-1 though i want to play three  plus one with unniche three plus one is fun   no no we let's play three one dude  i'm enjoying three one actually   now now that you now that we're in  it we're in it to play three one   i want to play em three one i'm enjoying the  three plus one no what what is that what is this ah there we go okay let's go okay we keep going  you guys keep going yeah i don't want to play   3-0 um let's play anisha's dutch so let's play  the dutch i'm enjoying myself in the bathroom   that's a good one let's keep going  okay let's just castrol here uh b3 let's castle let's go c6 here okay let's see i can play knight  e4 here there's queen a5 this is   ancient stuff i think 94 is fine um let's go here d5 is completely reasonable knight d7 is not good  let's go d5 this turns into the stonewall jackson   opening kind of like a reverse stonewall  jackson so it's it's pretty dry i mean f4   all right goes knight f3 okay interesting very  interesting they just i wants knight d3 maybe   i'll take and i'll just play like bishop e6 here   let's go kha bishop g8 of  course an idea knight d6 an idea definitely i want okay goes there i'll go back   okay now he i guess he's trying to play  e4 i don't really believe that that's a   move so i'm just going to queen c7 in  rook e8 and that's good enough for me let's go here knight f7 is actually i'm going to go  knight 7 to e5 i wonder if he plays   e4 i'm actually going to chop the whole  center and then come back he does it okay see so i can go knight 26 knight  of 5 here i can also just play e5   as well i guess which is reasonable  knight g5 is the reason what queen   d8 is also probably quite good i'm  gonna go queen d8 to hit the juicer   if knight c5 would go knight g5 and then bishop  d5 or b6 even to remove the lever and then play e5 and we'll see it goes knight of fours  knight g5 is obviously moved here e5   is knight g6 a threat no right   knight chief i mean i can go knight g5  and e5 and i'll just go e5 i mean this   is very dry and drosh so i'll go e5 he takes  we trade i take not exciting it's just a draw take engine ceiling on the wall yeah exactly  guys because i the way i approach chess is   literally the exact same way beth harmon  approaches chess let's play knight e5 here   um literally exact same thing i literally  see a board in in my head like that's exactly   what i see they do kaiser associate for the 20  flectrix for the two thank you joestar for the uh   for the two thank you so much thank you water  maia for the three thank you dokley for the prime   brain guy for the tier one see our sergio  for the prime george for the prime and de   zheng with the prime thank you so much dude  appreciate it yeah kaiser soze i don't have   drugs no i don't do that stuff but um but 100  when you see me look up like that i'm literally   seeing a board in my head the difference is  i'm not seeing some fancy graphical you know   special special voodoo stuff i'm just saying a  normal chess board this is obviously just a draw   takes takes rook d7 or f7 trade and it's  just a draw um i just see like a board like   this although i think i see normally i see the  traditional board um not not this one um   there's not gonna be a season two of queen's  gambit you guys and the reason there won't be   is because the thing with chess is and i can even  say this from personal experience the whole ride   up to the top is like really fun getting to the  top level events competing against the best guys   that is a lot of fun but once you get to that  point it's like after that it becomes very boring   like you enjoy getting to that point but then  after you get there it just becomes like the   job it becomes the work and then it's like the  fancy locations all that stuff it's still fun   but it's just not the same it's just not the  same in a way um so that's why i don't see how   they could there could ever be a season two  because like for me like when i first broke   the top ten i got these invites to major events  kind of like in the show that you see um like uh   um one second let's go here so like kind of like  when when that happens like um you're like oh wow   it's really cool it's fun you get to meet all  these great guys but that but then it's like   after the first first year of that it becomes same  location same people are like okay it's fun but   like uh i'm like like uh what's i mean what more  is there too it kind of that's that's the thing let's go here and target the juicer that's the problem that's why i don't see how  you can have um how you can have like a season   two of it i thought i'd be six but he takes i  take and he takes it's no good night g4 is also   quite interesting here i think um what's wrong  with knight before i don't see anything wrong do i think a woman could become world champion  um absolutely i think it's possible completely   okay now i thought again i have b6 takes  and i take i play rookie two b6 takes   b6 takes how good is that end game i don't  actually know if that end game is good   um actually wait why did i not just take and go  b6 i'm i'm stupid okay let's go no not rookie two v6 bishop c6 yeah i know i'm on time you guys i  don't really care i think i just go here because   i'm just guarding i'm gonna kick the knight  at 93 still time doesn't matter because it's   3-1 it was 3-0 time matters but it's 3-1 and  i'm kind of just enjoying the vibe from the 3   3-1 here i should have gone rookie five i think  could have taken two okay bishop f3 that doesn't   actually look like a good move because now i go  here i hit this i have b6 to remove the knight   i hit the pawn knight e3 was also wait oh  this is just good for him it's a good g4 let's just pre-move takes and again this  is a difference this is a safe premium   see anisha's premium was not safe this is  a safe pre-move because he can only capture   so if he does something else it doesn't  matter because it's it's completely safe   so um yeah let's see okay it does that four  knight f3 looks quite dangerous too for example king f2 that's a weird that's a very  weird move um let's just go here i feel like there's going to be tricks like  let's go um whatever let's just go here in here i should have kicked the knight  first okay but now i have here knight v5 you've got an ip6 i've got 94.   white's still okay here but this  is tricky let's go here here i'm not sure this is drawing for white honestly  go here i mean this is not clearly drawn   i assumed it was a draw but  now i'm not sure knight c5 b6 my king runs in comes king two i go 94 i  eat the juicer on g3 and i win the game   okay what's that do i just check just takes  ah 93 is better actually let's just go here here c4c3 this game over so again um  yeah let's play knight f3 oh let's play e3 again new york c1 okay now i'm gonna play queen d1 and knight g6  this time so i think this is more precise i could   have actually i should have just taken because i  give them this option but i don't think it matters okay anisha's deep in the tank okay does it so obviously i take he takes  now the question is can i go b4 i think i   can i don't know how good this is but  he's gonna go a5 i go a3 it's pre move it's gonna go e5 i'll play like bishop  d3 and knight e2 a very i mean balanced   position kind of let's go here i'll take  i'll go knight e2 okay i think i just castle   i didn't blunder something right no i didn't okay   i'm not really concerned so i just go  knight e2 i consolidate i can move my bishop   i also play bishop c3 i think i'm gonna move my  bishop back because if he takes i just take back   i think this is completely fine for me have a good one i need hope you're doing  well thank you jesse duke for the five   soccer for the 400 peter sodi for the six  thank you so much peter so dee appreciate   it again big shout out to 12 000 you guys who are  watching today i hope you guys are having a great   uh great veterans day um again big shout out to  everyone who there probably are some people here   who are serving uh thank you so much for keeping  our country safe thank you for serving and um   and uh thank you for all that  you've done for the country   i'm gonna go rook b3 because i bishop  c3 and i'm doing very well i think anish isn't saying anything at all just playing  with his earphones and partly with the sheik well it's unniche he's a really  cool dude um wait a wait a second   wait a second okay i go here any trades i  take yeah it's always funny how i'm i'm very   rarely serious and it's been told a million  times that like i'm i'm hardly serious but   everyone else is like super focused on the  game it's always amusing when i hear that i can move to bishop i mean i don't know if e4  is a threat i don't really buy that it's it's a   good threat so i'm gonna go here and queen c2  um i mean because e4 take six bishop c4 looks   good if 94 i take and i just i don't know i don't  really believe in it aha so anish comes up with   an idea he wants to go for f5 here he wants to  be a very serious man an attack i don't really   want to go g4 i don't want to go e4 knight t7 is  a very good move um well whatever let's just go   rook b1 and queen b7 i guess he gets f5 and  e4 i'm not really that concerned about it   objectively because i can always play f4 myself  and clog the king's side and then it comes   down to this whole queen side structure of the  kinect 3 versus what he has he also has bishop   f6 maybe but i don't think that's in the spirit  i think f5 e4 is more likely to be played here actually this is a safe pre-move  again so i'll make the safe pre-move   why do i ever sack pieces for attacks because  i play chess like a professional chess player   like a mechanical robot like a proper soviet  professional um in queen's game but that's why let's play queen 18 take yeah i'm  actually i'm trying to i i tried   to drop my jaw so i look a little bit  more like uh like um like borg up like okay yeah totally my bishop is guarded by my night  night holds everything this is probably just equal   um because black can't really target the the  base of the pawn chain anymore um king f2 is   fine queen d2 is also completely fine um i think  i'll go king f2 this actually might be dangerous i   think it's okay though it looks like everything's  holding the glue is holding together here why are   russian so good at chess because chess has been a  part of the russian culture for a very long time vorgov's not a real player but i think it's  mainly based off of like spasky type people okay so he's trying to do something i just gotta  not blunder if i don't blunder like queen b1 is   fine here i think right there no nothing's  hanging okay good okay he plays queen a7   i think i just moved my king i'm not really  that worried queen a3 is a move but it doesn't   do anything at some point i'm probably going to  play f5 and attack it's just a question of one   let's go here now i hold everything look at  the bishop the bishop everything is holding   it's very critical that i hold all the squares and  i'm going to go f5 and go after him he's got no   time so i'm definitely going to attack him g4 is a  move h4 is also a move and i'm gonna play h4 here   okay now he's asking me to attack him and i will  attack him soon i just need to find the right   breaker is it f5 no i think i'm just  gonna keep it chill let's go here okay see now anish is  starting to crack a little bit   f5 for example looks good g5 also  is good but i'm gonna do this okay knight f4 i don't know which i'm  gonna go this way maybe not h5   i feel like what i've done is not actually  that good even though i thought it was good   let's go here maybe so i have  knight h5 also let's go here let's go here okay so i can  obviously take but we'll go here i think i'm gonna try to rotate my bishop now   ah bishop d it's a good move  by anish no i've misplayed this but he's misplayed it too let me get the  bishop to e5 you shouldn't have done that   um let's go here oh my blunder97 but  i've got f6 and knight of six no i don't   i just blundered whoa he trades this way  well anish is insane he should trade the   other way now he's going to probably lose the  sun game no anish is insane he's gonna i mean   he's probably losing now let's take  let's go here i gotta guard the juice i go here here he's gonna lose he loses i think  that's good that's good that's five games it's   very slow i think this is losing though because i  get knight before let me see what the evaluation   is let's see let's see is this actually losing i  wonder let me change um there we go let's see um i mean somewhere around here is just equal  right and they he i mean a niche loses his mind   he should just play bishop takes bishop and put a  knight on f6 and it's just a complete draw but he   does this and yeah now it's bad it's just actually  it's just lost yeah i wasn't wrong it is just lost   it's just lost here already wow i mean he can go  yeah he goes here i take which is apparently bad now i found knight f4 and   and he's losing yeah he's losing i can tell you  why he's losing he's losing because this pawn is   on white so even though he's up a juicer these  pawns are dead forever because the bishop can't   touch the white pawn um and my knight can come  here and he's going to lose both of these pawns   so it's like for example let's say he goes here  any place here i just take and the problem is   that i win this because basically this pawn  dominates a double stack double stacks going   nowhere and then i just use the two juicers on the  queen side to um to win so that was pretty good you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 1,214,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, Hikaru vs Anish Giri, hikaru vs Anish, Hikaru Nakamura vs Anish Giri, Nakamura vs Anish, Nakamura vs Giri, Nakamura vs Anish Giri
Id: WLmmEEzWtD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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