How have you seen a person rebuild their life in a single day? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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how have you seen a person rebuild their life in a single day there was this kid at my high school he had no friends never talked to anyone but everyone knew who he was because he read the announcements over the PA system each morning on his last day he made a short but incredibly moving speech looking back on what his high school experience meant to him his successes failures and lessons learned and dreams for the future though he had some of the highest grades he said that his one regret was that he never made any friends everyone was touched by his speech it was honestly beautiful that day he made a ton of friends including myself he was a super intelligent and funny person and very interesting to talk to I went to the same college as him and you'd never know he was that nerdy kid with no friends in high school he had a big social circle and still got good grades an overall well-rounded person and super cool guy my mom is 10 years sober today I remember her opening another beer taking one sip putting it down and saying I'm done she checked herself into rehab the next day my dad joined about three months later both are completely different people and I can't imagine our relationship being what it is today if they continued to drink my mom went to inpatient rehab for her alcoholism three times failed out every time she was drinking like a liter of vodka a day for at least a decade she had to do supervised detox is at the hospital every time or she would have died one day I got an email from my dad saying mom had been a few months sober after randomly stopping one day she's still sober four years later my dad still keeps a few beers stashed away because I think he's still afraid of her detoxing or something I let a guy go two years ago he was a great salesman but very hard to work with and bad for the team I met him at a fundraiser a couple weeks ago and he told me Matty day he got he found some Indian website spammers offered to sell their services for half the revenue and his company selling outsourced to IT services has since then made him richer than anyone he used to work for he said that with his skillset he could have survived in any situation but was too scared and too brainwashed to leave the safety of a big corporation I'm probably in the same boat my ex GF sister was a bit overweight and a bit self-conscious about it and quite shy ish however also a great fun person anyway I remember one day she just has some sort of Epiphany she decided she is going to hang out with some people she met at the local university she met and she did and she went out more and more and had a lot of fun and really really changed her attitude and her social activities she dated married and has two kids with one of those friends and is today just as great a person as she was before but not kind of lonely or shy anymore now is that rebuilding I don't know it was a person who decided I know what I want I think I'll go and get it and she really did my brother was always getting in fights at school thought teacher even knocked out a cop once who was pushing his buttons stealing skipping school racing and just reckless I hated him and everyone thought he'd he in jail for sure and dead a little after got a girl pregnant immediately stepped up married her a few years later after he made sure he loved her house seventy kiss job sis-in-law good job second kid little to no debt and I liked being around him now not rebuild their life but my mother had a significant positive change in a single day when I was around seven years old my mother was diagnosed with manic depression now commonly known as bipolar disorder she was extremely depressed and angry and suicidal it got to the point where my brother and I were sent to live with my aunt while my father took care of her during that time she tried different antidepressant it's admitted herself to an asylum and tried a lot of things like prayer it was getting frustrating for her and my father one day she woke up and said she was better it literally was a Christmas miracle my brother and I returned home and life resumed as normal although life wasn't perfect we had the challenges typical families go through we did not experience that traumatic things she used to do when she was in her manic or depressed state obligatory not in a single day double quote but it was me I attempted suicide just three short years ago instead I survived went through intense therapy stopped drinking heavily rebuilt friendships and bridges that I thought were forever burned went back to school and I'm now soon to be graduating in a field I'm in love with possibly with honors you know a part of me thinks I had died that day and I'm now just living out some dying fantasy things are going too perfectly for this to be real my cousin was a total douche who one day tapped out of that life donated all his ed hardy to Goodwill shampooed every last glow about gel out of his hair and removal the shirtless pics from his personal ad he ended up getting a dinner date later that night and instead of acting the big shot he treated the waiter with respect his date was both impressed and independently wealthy and now my cousin is set for life I did I found proof my ex was cheating later that day I booked a ticket to Nashville to hang out with two of my best friends my ex never allowed me to travel or do anything by myself so this was huge Wendy got home from work that night I told him I was leaving him and going out of town I left in the morning feeling better than I had in years had an awesome time with my friends came back pack my stuff moved out found a better job bought my own car wasn't allowed to have one and then bought my own house adopted way too many pets met my now fiancé got on the depression anxiety meds I sure have started years ago and life is pretty damn good all because I saw my ex's interns boobs on his phone and booked that ticket when I was in my late twenties I walked into an army recruitment office and said I'm in my 20s I've been living in my car for the last month and I haven't eaten in two days and I'm completely ashamed of all of this the recruiter took me to a diner for lunch made a few phone calls and for two days I slept on a bed in an abandoned office at an Army Reserve center in our city then I was on a plane for Fort Benning Georgia that one day changed my life and now almost 20 years later I'm married with kids I have a college degree in a stem field I own a house and I'm completely debt-free and I have some incredible stories from my time in the army as well as the time before I joined most of the stuff that happened afterwards is pretty mundane and boring and I'm glad of that earlier this year my son was unceremoniously dumped by a long-term girlfriend who cheated on him the whole situation just obliterated him further complicating things is a tight rental market which meant he had to stay with my daughter for a month while he tried to find a place to live but find a place he did and it was pet friendly so he got to take his pets with him the day he moved in he was like a brand-new person he'd had some time to deal with the heartbreak and in the meantime had taken a second part-time job on top of his regular job that lets him use his musical talent moving day was a great day for him but it was also a great day for me because it was something I couldn't have imagined in those awful days immediately following the break-up for years my sister had a super toxic friendship with a girl that epitomize narcissistic and manipulative behavior my sister was constantly down on herself exhausted from taking care of her and feeling depressed because she felt like she was a failure of a friend then one day after a phone call she slammed down the phone and said [ __ ] it I'm done with her I swear I saw wait sliding down her shoulders and shackles falling off of her she's just so much better off now don't stick with friendships just because you've known each other for a long time kicked my ex out of my apartment pack my own stuff the same day and moved back home until I could move again in just three hours I went from feeling hopeless and afraid to being in a safe place with constant security two big dogs at least two people awake at all times and he didn't know where it was close bracket I left an old ex who was worthless he had no job and I supported us both plus his son from a previous relationship with my entry-level job after graduating college we were in a thirty-year-old trailer with the lappet ated floors and no air-conditioning in the south he would spend whatever money he got on cigarettes and weed and it wasn't above him to steal money from his seven-year-olds piggy bank for cigarettes my self-confidence was in the dumps and I put up with this behavior for some crazy reason for a few years one day I confided in my best friend that how I wanted to leave him but was scared because I didn't have anywhere to go she showed up 30 minutes later and helped me pack all my things and let me move in with her for $100 rent I got a new job two weeks later that put me on my current career path met my now husband soon after that and now I'm married with two kids a house owner and have my professional certifications I credit nearly everything I have today to my friend and that one day that she refused to let me hesitate on making the best decision I needed to make I'm not a druggie an alcoholic or anything like that but I used to be someone who would judge and assume mountains of things about people and would bash people online for the stupidest of things I decided I wanted to turn myself around by making a new account to counteract all of the negativity I brought up that day was the start of a complete change in who I was once a drama starting ignorant hustle to someone who's been called an inspiration by many and is trying to show others that acting the way I - isn't going to get you anywhere hope this is enough to satisfy you my brother I am aware that to most people Wieters basically harmless but it wasn't Stellan due to different personal reasons we became an escape for him around the age of 13 - 14 I think he went into a depression around the same time he didn't enjoy anything and seemed to not care about any of us he became extremely anti-authority and would seemingly do everything he could to disrespect our parents he was addicted he smelled like weed 24 stroked seven after a few years he was grey in the face he looked tired all the time he became very aggressive and he was never home he just wasn't himself anymore a couple months after he turned 17 he came home he sat down with our mum and said I found a place I think I should go there he presented her with a place for troubled young people it was a liven place with access to counselors and every resident got a personal adviser he now has a wonderful girlfriend a stable economy and they just had their first daughter he's gonna ask her to marry him soon I recently asked him just out of curiosity what made him think about treatment and he told me that the last few times he'd smoked he'd found himself becoming extremely paranoid and that made him consider how else it was changing him I'm insanely proud of him and it just feels good to have my big bro back the day I deleted my facebook profile was a huge step out of the dark I was inundated with bad news from around the world in losing respect for even my closest friends because it was 2016 and you couldn't hit the space bar without running face-first into something political I started to hate the people my friends were on Facebook even though I knew they were so much more than that in person leaving Facebook stripped an unbelievable amount of negativity from my life and allowed me to be much happier in the around me with my friends and in general similarly a friend of mine just stopped drinking one day he had to do some medical treatment for DTS but he managed to just quit cold-turkey and his life has gone off like a rocket self-improvement story here I quit my oppressive boring job that was literally eating me from the inside out and got a new job within 24 hours totally new career new outlook on life and the people I work with now don't feel like they have been sucked dry by what they do with their day instead it seems to fill them up and even when it is tiring we are all working as a team and we hold each other up through the tough bits a job ice and everything in life but when you get up in the morning and you don't feel like your job is killing you it really helps set a better tone for life my parents both quit smoking cold turkey back in 1980 they were three Packard a smoker's each my mom had gone to the doctor and gotten a long x-ray that showed us spot at the D our thought was lung cancer they had to do a further test to determine if it was they quit that night and according to them they never smoked another cigarette why they are now in their 80s and play tennis three or four times a weeks and are in great health turns out the lung spot wasn't cancer and it had cleared up the next time they went to the dr I always wondered if that dr had an old x-ray that he kept around just to show heavy smokers to scare them into quitting if so I want to thank that doctor not exactly in a day but in a matter of days my old Dutch teachers husband committed suicide she was crying the whole hour during our lesson about it she was devastated she didn't eat cheese for fifty years because her husband wouldn't eat it it was heartbreaking hearing and seen her talk about him you could see in her eyes how much she loved him she came back to school one week later she said pretty encouraging stuff like maybe I'll start eating a bit of cheese a little by little making baby steps and stuff like that I've never met a stronger person than her my cousin while a good lad in heart he has been troubled for some time dropped out of high school started drinking and was hanging out with the wrong crowd since his parents refused to support such lifestyle he went on and found the most basic manual job he could get something like bricklayer or more like bricklayer [ __ ] something way he could show up late and drunk one day for no apparent reason he had enough so he walked up to the boss of his boss and asked whether there is a position with more responsibility and there was he transitioned to some other position at the building site until about a month he was running his crew found new house and moved out from parents found great grillfriend still drinks but only occasionally and does not get wasted managed to save his relationship with parents moved up even more in the company now he is in charge of chosen which crew gets to go to which building site took up Moortgat and he is looking to buy our house still with the same girl there is a talk of having kids the whole package really glad for him and to think that this was mainly due to him completely without any consideration walking up to his boss to ask for another job I was in a terribly destructive relationship nothing actually violent but it was so poisonous it was just grinding me down bit by bit it really wasn't healthy for him either I was only 21 as well and this was my first real relationship we'd been together for 3 years and I'd moved about 1,800 kilometers away from my family and friends to be with him and X 200 B I tried breaking up once he threatened suicide I stayed a couple of months longer but in secret I looked for a new apartment once everything was done and I had the key a friend came with me and I told him then I left the first few nights in my new apartment all my possessions were an inflatable mattress and for some reason an armchair a blanket and a single lamp I eventually got my stuff from the other apartment further on we actually even became more or less friends again I remember the terrifying freedom of oh [ __ ] I'm actually completely on my own for the first time ever though taking a leap of faith with no idea what would happen exhilarating it felt as if I was alive for the first time in more than a year it wasn't really just a single day but a moment that really changed my life for the better my family was destroyed BC my father must managed a lot of our families financed we lost her home and my mom and I moved to a small apartment while my brother went to college I was working at a crappy job no benefits with less than 20k gross salary a year my mom and I was struggling to just feed ourselves and I was trying to drink my depression away then a close friend suddenly passed away and I was at his funeral I said my final goodbyes and realized life really is too short I found the courage to finally confess my feelings to the person whom later I married I worked to get a better job became debt-free and we are happily expecting our first child once you really let go all your hang-ups and allow yourself to be vulnerable good things can in do happen that point was really the point of no return for me in the best way not completely but the first step six years ago I told my mom that she was dead to me my kid was getting old enough that she had real memories and I couldn't let her experience what I had with the constant promises to quit broken also she got sicker and sicker every month and she would do nothing to actually take care of her health I had tried everything I could think of I offered to pay for her to go back to school pay for rehab therapy whatever will actually help and it wasn't enough six years of trying up until that day and I just couldn't fix it I felt like a terrible person for abandoning her but I couldn't do that to my kid I fully expected a call that she was actually dead in the next six months she's sitting on the couch across the room she stumbled at times but it's not the same and she's mostly tout her boundaries on what she can and can't do alcohol wise she'll never be the person she was but she's worked her ass off to change and to be a person worth my trust I'm sure many people have the same stories but I figured I'll share mine a year ago I thought I looked awful was overweight and thought everyone was out to get me I went to the doctors and after he told me I was obese I knew I needed to make a change I watched videos on YouTube on workouts and found a fitness trainer who prioritized animae workouts named Jax blade this dude helped me so much with food planning and getting the motivation to workout within a few months my happiness with my body started to allow me to be in a better mental state and learn that my friends were always there for me now I'm the lowest weights I've ever been in the happiest doing better in school and loving my friends more than ever all due to a doctor's visit and a youtuber I somehow graduated from a great high school with no knowledge in my head I failed every test at a community college and had to start over from literally elementary math English and science while at the college I had my high xual friends with me too we partied a lot cut class did anything beside get educated anyways I was passing my English classes doing okay in science and just bombing elementary math I noticed that he reason I did poorly in high school and now in college and especially I my math class was because my idiot friends were in it anyways I took the math class over again next semester but without my friend I passed and moved on to algebra I never applied myself this much javis hard but I found studying fun anyways I moved up the classes and got out of Community College and transferred to a four-year my friends were left behind sadly we lost contact but last I heard they were still there now years later I think they all majored in things that didn't require math I had five surgeries in a year followed by a possible mini stroke worked so much I wasn't really home a lot and when I was home was too tired to really interact with my wife or newborn usually got called in on days off and got so bad I'd have a panic attack when my phone rang was hooked on hydrocodone because my abdomen hurt from the surgeries and the doc said I need to de-stress my life for there won't be much longer to it I was 33 at a time one day my boss is doing a walkthrough with me and asked if I really wanted to do this job and that I needed to commit to it and work harder and really put in the hours and effort I told her actually I don't think I do which surprised the crap out of her and I wanted to step down going home that day was like a giant weight was lifted off of me I'm back in school spend lots of time with the famine within a week of stepping down all the pain dissipated and I kicked off the kado like nothing a year later I view that as the day that saved my life I mean I rebuilt my life but it wasn't that bad all things considered I was struggling with my depression and had attempted to OD on sleeping pills the couple times my parents had no clue how truly unhappy I was a manipulative ex of mine got pregnant like a month at most after we started dating there was a lot of manipulation I'm cutting 90% of all the sh t down for the sake of fitting it here but I found out in recent light it wasn't mine even and she was just looking for someone to take care of her kid and support her financially but he aborted the child after realizing I wasn't gonna work my ass off for her to sit at home that hurt the hardest at the time and it wasn't until five months later I realized I need to change my life for I'd be dead within the year moved out of that town to a bigger city spent two years in college and now I have an amazing girlfriend a great career not just a job that I love and we just signed the papers for our own house and none of it would have happened if I didn't decide to move 800 kilometres away to make the biggest change in my life still don't have many friends but that's a small price to pay to be alive I'm not going to say rebuild but at least get up going again my brother was a dabbling artist and worked a medic job to actually be able to live and all that stuff we gotta do he'd paint when he could but it probably wasn't as often as he'd like I guess he ended up not being on time to work one too many times and got fired so he just spent all his time creating and he started selling things like crazy Plus no job meant he could book any weekend for a gallery show and not have to worry about another schedule in the way some of his works go for 5k dollars and to him he gets to just create and make money from it he draws paints and travels around to art shows to sell things he seems extremely happy so the day he got five years ago was the day he finally got to start living the life he wanted to live I spent the first 18 years of my life stuck abusive parents they came back from holiday mother decided that I either could pay her you acute 210 a month I was on UC or find somewhere else to live I walked upstairs decided it was the last straw messaged a close friend that I needed a place to stay he asked his parents who knew me quite well and what my situation wasn't agreed packed a small bag that night asked if I could go out to meet a friend left for my friend's house his mother answered the door and welcomed me in I sent a text to my abusive b tch of a mother saying I was moving out 24 hours later I had all my stuff moved in that was three years ago the 31st of May everything has changed for me for the better I swear before then I never truly felt so damn happy that I pretty much danced down the street I am so damn grateful for what they've done for me honestly I'd say myself I tried to commit suicide just over a year ago and I found myself in desperate need of change not just help for my mental health but just my environment I started working extra hours in the hopes of moving out I started meditating I started taking walks just to experience nature and see something new every day my life has completely changed since then I found myself with my hair down everywhere I went now my eyes are glued to the sky hoping to find something new I'm still depressed but I haven't had thoughts of suicide in months and I haven't acted on any of my impulses either I'm genuinely a much happier and bright individual yep had a friend from college find out his fancy was cheating on him I got a call at around noon from him telling me he was gonna bail for a bit to clear his head and would probably be back in a few weeks booked a flight to Hawaii and was in the sky before the Sun set two weeks later I got an email asking me if I wanted any of his stuff then I should contact his ex fancy because he wasn't coming back he'd moved into his new apartment earlier that day a few years later he moved to Europe then Australia and then we lost touch I haven't heard from him since in retrospect I don't doubt that he had this set in his mind already whether he knew she was cheating and had time to think about what he was going to do or whether he'd just never wanted to be living here to begin with and she was the only thing tethering him a friend of mine in secondary school started dating this guy about halfway through the year we were meant to have GCSEs really important exams he was super emo but also really bright and had good grades she was a theater girl and struggled academically she used to spend most of her free time with him or on the phone talking about his depression not judging and started spending less and less time with us or studying her grades fall down with spiral first exam rolls around and she's a piece of work absolutely convinced she's going to fail and plans to go home without sitting it and start looking for a job had called a taxi and everything a mutual friend tells her very sternly that she's going to sit be f Iong examined every single one after that and that it was going to suck but she was going to do it anyway she sat them all did well enough to get into sixth form next level of academia past a-levels went to university is sitting her first year exams right now is in a much healthier relationship with a different guy now perhaps not the starkest turn around but if she hadn't sat that first exam english-language pass required for pretty much any job I'm 100 percent sure she wouldn't be where she is today I feel as though IRA built my own life in a day unfortunately it started by me cutting my arm open a bunch and finding myself in a mental hospital for two weeks the month after that was also [ __ ] but I was in an intensive outpatient program with lots of support then one day it hit me I was walking home from session and the Sun just felt so warm on my skin the leaves were just so green and breathing in the air just felt amazing I realize holy [ __ ] it is worth living I don't know how to describe it I just had this feeling wash over me that everything was going to be okay I went from rock-bottom constantly thinking about killing myself to appreciating what I have and what was to come I'm so glad I didn't end it when I wanted to my life is so good now I have an amazing boyfriend I'm getting a degree in something I love and I have a job lined up for when I graduate when I think about it the day that changed everything probably isn't as magical as I need everyone to believe I think it was a culmination of a lot of hard work and small decisions made over the course of a few months if you're in a similar position as I was it seriously doesn't get better I know that's the worst thing to hear when you're down but just keep on living one day might change it all for you close friend was addicted to drugs and alcohol had his first kid but BM wouldn't let him see her kicked out of his house by his parents and was labeled a creep by a lot of ladies on social media when one of them finally publicly called him out and all the others who he would message at 3 a.m. while drunk and coked out called him out on it posting the nonstop messages then one day BAM stopped drinking stopped doing drugs stopped missing work it was so sudden and out of nowhere and he hasn't drank a beer or done anything bad since he is going to try and get visitation rights for his kid and has a place to live that he is slowly fixing up I see him here and there but we just go out to eat crazy how quickly he changed I thought he was long gone [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 100,364
Rating: 4.9256849 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: tXDjxtNNpq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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