What simple change in your life gave great results? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is that one simple change in your life that gave incredibly great results realizing I'm never going to be in the mood to do anything I would literally live the life of a cat if left to my own instincts and someone would feed me getting things done is ignoring my instincts and getting out of my mind activate yourself , yes actively deciding to make myself do things go for a walk go to the gym call up a friend has made a huge change in my life because otherwise I would just surf read it and play video games all day yesterday I made plans with a co-worker to go to the gym after work today this morning I spent 30 minutes trying to come up with a reason not to go before deciding to bite the bullet and go I'm pretty pleased with myself sleep more used to sleep for five hours a night couldn't concentrate exhausted my cycle was messed up three months between and I was sick all the time now I get seven eight hours a night I feel so much better I get seven eight hours of sleep most nights and I'm still exhausted throughout the day I don't know what's up I was the same way woke up tired not focused I could sleep it in a time all day almost fell asleep driving every day I got a new mattress a week ago and so far so good reading before bed instead of watching Netflix fell asleep quicker woke up feeling better until you read a really really good book and end up awake at 2:00 a.m. this is true for me about once a month reading before bed makes me sleepy very quickly so it takes me a while to get through even a short book use the two minute rule at work can also be one or five minute rule depending on what job you have everything that can be done in two minutes do it immediately I get a lot of questions daily some can be done fast planned the longer ones for later don't need to keep looking at a list and wondering where to start or how to get it done helps me to keep focus clear my head and work efficiently saying no it's incredibly liberating to add to this my dad gave me the advice that nine stroke ten times you don't need to give an explanation with your nose so many times people feel they need to give one oh no I can't go out tonight my wife is having friends over tomorrow so we have to clean the house blah blah blah you make yourself feel guilty or even feel like you need to lie he said it was incredibly liberating to just say no I can't tonight but thanks or no thank you I'm okay double quote putting a treadmill near the basement TV so many calories burned just doing what I'd normally do I also found that the length of shows affected how long I could go before getting tidal to saw if it was a 30-minute sitcom I'd be tired at the end one hour police drama I could go an hour I started making very small sports bets on baseball and football games that could often go two three hours and it gave me something to be invested in at the gym all my socks are the same brand and cover trying to match socks after a washes for suckers I did that a few years ago after realizing I had 11 different kinds of socks and most of them were raggedy bought two - twelve packs of the same style gave the old ones to my pet rats for bedding they're all the same style so I don't have to sort and pair them just dump them in a bin and grabbed - saved a few minutes here and there but also got rid of something that was more annoying than I'd realized every time I'm angry at someone for something I try to give it 20 minutes before I say or do something usually I cooled off or the situation has been explained if not my argument grievances articulated way better than it would have been this hits closer to home would definitely try this one it wasn't easy at first anger is a reflex so it takes conscious effort to control yourself but there's not better feeling than someone upon judging to you before you bring up what bugged you I started forcing myself to say yes whenever asked for something I was extremely depressed so anytime someone asked me for help or to go out I would immediately say no and just stay at home alone now I say yes within reason and have found that helping others gives me so much satisfaction and has helped pull me out of my depression I really like the movie yes man with Jim Carrey and it made me realize I needed to be more accepting of opportunities rather than my habitual or social self still a work in progress you should read the book it's even more crazy and funny and was written by the guy who actually did it himself drinking more water I started drinking more water but nobody warned me about how much more I'd pee my god it's like the tap you can't turn off same here I drink caffeine in the morning than water all day I pee a lot my friend started calling me an old lady just now I understand your pain can drink coffee all day long without going in for a pit stop but that first glass of water breaks the dam you're dehydrated f deleting my Facebook and Instagram app I did it as my new year's resolution and I can say the past four months without it has moderately improved my life my first week without it I didn't know what to do with all the time I had on my hands it was a strange feeling since then I have started a gun learned how to crochet and have read numerous books I think my self-esteem has improved as well on Facebook and Instagram you cannot scroll through without seeing someone showing off how great their life is here I'll read it I really don't see any of that from the subs I follow I have a DD I have a great memory but tend to get lost in thought meaning that I'm not good at remembering things unprompted the change I made is using my phone as prosthetic memory I set reminders for weekly tasks like taking out the garbage it reminds me at quitting time that I need to stop by the hardware store on the way home the notepad full of grocery needs reminds me on grocery day that I need them the calendar yells at me when something important is coming up this weekend this may sound really basic but it wasn't until I had a smartphone that all of this stuff was ER in one place and be always at hand it means that any I remember that there is a thing what needs doing I can set it so I remember that thing at the time it needs to be done it's made me a much more dependable person started using a lab you need a budget to track my finances I went from up I hope this coffee isn't about to overdraft my checking account not really sure what's in there and I don't get paid until Thursday to knowing how much I have at any given time and even saving towards the goals like vacation as opposed to my prior system of just paying for vacation on the credit card and thinking I'll and pay that off later somehow double-quote seriously if you're kind of a disorganized person with your finances like I was and if you ever over after your checking account doing a budget like this will really help you keeping up with the genesis was pointless I stopped wanting things for the sake of having stuff stopped worrying about things I didn't really care about and stopped pretending to be someone I am NOT it's great because I have so much more mental energy to care about what I really care about and much more money than I would if I was buying pointless junk to impress people buying a PC before I had a good powerful PC I felt useless after I built mine I almost instantly realized that how I really enjoy video editing game development programming and a whole slew of other things my computer has had a huge influence on my life in a really positive way I stopped making fun of people for just living their life I know it sounds stupid but it was a major turning point in my life I was about twenty six and one day I was riding the train home annoyed that this person was wearing bright yellow pants then I thought to myself why does this bother me it literally doesn't affect my life at all if those pants make them feel confident good for them why am I wasting energy caring about this it was like a restiess eh flipped I just stopped criticizing people even if it was just in my head not to say I don't slip up but it was a surprisingly easy change to make honestly I feel so much better I tend to be a more positive happy person and have felt just this weight lifted I can't even listen to other people do it now it brings me down for example I used to love Fashion Police but now I can't stomach it investing in a good mattress I actually sleep through the night now because I don't wake up due to pain discomfort I even fall asleep faster because I don't have to spend so long trying to get comfortable I honestly didn't even realize how bad my old mattress was until I got the new one learning how to detail dry specific goals objectives timelines ways to measure points of success visualizing what success would look like at its conclusion actively believing that I would achieve success knowing that persistence is required and makes success possible I've achieved every goal I have assets using this method it works barring some exterior catastrophe uncannily enough most of this was printed on a coffee cup someone gave me getting my DNA tested and finding out that I have a gene mutation that makes me resistance to sleep deprivation and that six hours of sleep is normal for me I've spent the last 20 years trying to trick my body into eight hours of sleep thinking that's what I needed so much less pressure now edited to add I feel like an now I poked all around 23andme and could not find any reference to this in any of my health reports so I went through all the surveys that I took and found one reference a high percentage of people that matched your answers have a mutation that makes them resistance to sleep deprivation something along those lines I searched online and it sounds like it's a mutation of the second of December Gein which 23andme doesn't test for so not confirmed but suspected by 23andme who doesn't test for that so they must be pulling about information from a different data source I looked around and can't find a lab lab test specifically for that mutation but I'm going to ask a friend of mine who is a geneticist will update if I get more info jogging getting up early and going for a run leaves you feeling great all day and then you're less likely to eat that bag of crisps or that chocolate bar because you look at the something with 300 calories in it and suddenly think that would undo about 20 minutes of my run double-quote started to make my bed every day I heard a speech on this by starting your day with something you'd read think of what you can achieve after changed my perspective completely simply making my bed makes a huge difference in my day getting out of my room I had to move back home for this semester of school and got into a bad habit of never leaving my room except for food and class now I'll leave my room for everything from working on homework or watching Netflix I feel much happier and less trapped in my day-to-day life when anyone asks me to hang out I say yes it doesn't matter if I don't want to go it doesn't matter if I want to sleep it doesn't matter if I want to do anything else I've found that I've really helped some friendships grow where a lot of other people seem to be losing friends out of their life as things get busy if you want friends make the effort always say yes and always go to everything you're invited to cooking my own food instead of going out to eat not only do you save money you'd feel much more accomplished cooking your food I don't mean to toot my own horn but I never realized that I could cook up a mean pan-seared salmon or carbonara pasta I colored my hair neon purple two days ago the confidence boost has been amazing I'm disabled my whole life people have looked at me and smiled I'm the kind of person who always thinks the best of people so I never saw the most pitying smiles till now the smiles have changed people arrant looking down at my wheelchair and smiling sadly they're looking up at my hair and grinning widely I walk into stores and want to pull my hood down I smile wider and I find myself looking at shiny things in the stores with more confidence I feel more able to be myself seriously if you've always wanted crazy hair go do it hundred and eighty bucks including the Colorstay shampoo but 100% worth it letting go of simple stresses that shouldn't stress you out such as getting bent out of shape over the news extra personal stuff for more than a few minutes it was like clearing the malware out of my brain I just think faster and smoother when I don't overthink inconsequential things like how I'm gonna word this comment a great quote gave me a new insight on my day-to-day activities let's say you have a bank account with $86 400 in it and someone was able to steal ten dollars out of it would rather spend the rest of the $86 390 just he gets the $10 back or just lets the $10.00 go there are 86400 seconds in everyday don't let someone who ruins 10 seconds of your day ruin the entire day for you making a conscious effort to try and be more positive I'm quite cynical and I've recently tried to be optimistic positive rather than leaping to the worst conclusions I do this by making a list of potent your solutions when I have a problem rather than just Welling on the fact it happened if I'm having a bad day and people ask how I am I don't reel off all the bad stuff so I just say I'm not having a great day but I think it'll get better and ask how they are instead I pick out good things and try to learn from stuff when it goes wrong rather than just feeling I failed it's been quite tough but I do feel happier and more hopeful it's not a fix all for all my problems but it's really helped adjust my attitude set yourself a personal letter of going to bed every night being a better person than you were when you woke up stick to it and be serious about it look for things in your daily life you can improve and always try to do good for your life the people around you and the world it's a change as simple as asking what goals did I accomplish today and how did I make my life for the world a better place when you don't have an answer you need to make one tomorrow stop drinking booze one week ago I was drinking nearly 750 milliliters a day I was sick for days but I already feel better about myself edit still on the wagon my friends thank you all so much for the support I woke up this morning and felt great like my new life has started and I can do anything I am going to keep this up hey I'm glad you did that but stopping drinking at that amount which is where I was can be lethal you can get strokes seizures etc from stopping drinking cold turkey I know a guy who quit cold turkey went out for a drive had a seizure and plowed his car into the back of a truck 0% blood alcohol 100% dead those can not only kill you when you're drinking it it can kill you after you stop get medical advice when stopping thanks for your concern I have been consulting my doctor through this whole process so I feel pretty safe I have been so tempted though as I live near so many liquor stores have even had very vivid dreams every night last week a guzzling whiskey it was just time to stop before it kills my career or well me getting up early like 5:00 or 5:30 and putting some time into exercising like planks or jogging this makes my day better and gives a fresh start getting up at 6:30 is torturous for me even after getting seven stroke eight hours of sleep what are your tips for getting up so early without wanting to cry edit thanks for all the advice three I never snooze my alarm and always get up on the first ring I just can't bear that instant oomph of exhaustion the moment I open my eyes from the moment I wake up I'm already fantasizing about going back to bed and after nap when I get home from work just to stay awake until a normal bedtime I have orig about seven five hours sleep per night and I've tried all sorts but I can never shake that torturous waking up sensation that lasts all day sometimes my body's ideal wake up time is around 8 a.m. but sadly work and life don't allow for such luxury making a habit of tracking my calories 7 months ago I was 305 pounds and now I'm 239 - 241 on my way to a goal weight of 180 pounds I've tried special diets and all the kinds of exercise but I mostly end up stopping about a month or two into it now I eat what I wanted but I just eat less of it I started at 240 and got to my goal of 180 for a while fell back to 190 but have been there for a few years at least I was shocked to see just how much I was eating without realizing it I stopped the calorie counting after a year or so of doing it now I feel like I have a much better idea of portion sides [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 340,378
Rating: 4.9411426 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: kBr7MNSu5CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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