Craziest Butterfly Effect Happened to these People r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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what's the craziest butterfly effect that happened to you because of a small decision you made made a last minute decision to go to a friend's divorce party and met my wife under pressure from my sister you're young you need to have fun coma i went out to a concert and then to a bar after had this girl i barely knew wing woman me too a cute guy playing paul next thing you know i'm celebrating my three-year wedding anniversary i didn't want to go out that night but did due to pressure from my sister he didn't want to go out that night but his friend wanted to play pool and i literally can't imagine my life now if i hadn't had that random girl wingman me our paths never ever would have crossed otherwise of course it took me a long time to admit to my sister her role in the whole thing edited to clarify my existence when my dad was about 20 he needed a phone number so he called the operator from a pay phone she gave him the number he hung up and she accidentally refunded the money back to the pay phone she called the pay phone back and asked him if he could put the money back in which he didn't hung up again she accidentally refunded the money again and had to call back again to ask him to put the money back in he didn't hung up again she was so flustered she refunded the money again and called back again and my father got to chatting with her and got her number they set up a date which she stood him up for then she forgot his name when he called her again then they actually got coffee and four years later were married this coming august it'll be 50 years for them if my dad didn't need that phone number i wouldn't be here edit my dad still calls it the most expensive phone call he ever made my desire for pizza set off a chain reaction that destroyed my family one day got home from school and really wanted pizza family was poor so spontaneous food trips weren't always in the cards really worked my party face to my mom and begged to go to the local pizza place for dinner she said all right while chilling there i saw my uncle walk by and i was like duh fck uncle x is that you dart now you might say well he wanted pizza what's the big deal well he lived several states away so to arbitrarily be in town and not tell anyone was strange turned out he was having an affair with his sister-in-law my aunt on the other side of the family she was basically a money-grubbing wh ray and the family protested one thing led to another and everyone hates each other now and we haven't had contact in like 20 years i just wanted some pizza open bracket at a university career fair and just has a long day taking to companies and heading out when i see a honda booth designing cars would be awesome but there is a huge line it has been a long day and what are the chances but wait they are giving away hats and shirts and model cars so i talk to them a day later i get to call back for an online assessment i fill that out and don't hear anything back for a month or so the i get a call one night saying i was an alternate and someone cancelled last minute so they want to fly me up for on-site interviews i go and end up getting and accepting an offer after graduation i move about 1 000 miles away from home for my new job where a few years after i meet my now wife and we have two kids i never would have crossed paths with her otherwise so the entire course of my life was shifted because honda gave away good swag at their career fair booth i chose to rearrange the sequence of classes slightly before starting my education by doing this i had to commute to a different branch of the school in a different town than the one i was originally signed up for on my first day there i helped a girl who had managed to break both of her arms in a drunken shopping cart accident i learned later this girl whom i would absolutely never have met had i not changed my classes around is my wife through 14 years edit oh wow this blew up thanks so much for the badges and awards kind strangers i had to call my heart surgeon to give him my new insurance s i had only just gotten them because the person who had them had the flu and was not getting back to me as soon as i got my numbers i called surgeon the receptionist said oh hey we just had a cancellation for this friday do you want it of course i wanted to get it over and not wait another month decided to take the open heart surgery cancellation appointment a month before my actual appointment and well surgeon said that thank goodness i did because once he got a look inside he realized i would not have survived to the original appointment date so if the insurance lady didn't have the flu i would have gotten those numbers a lot sooner and never got in the offer to have the surgery when i did someone else's flu saved my life [Music] in afghanistan wasn't done with my coffee so i passed on a trip from one base to another there was another convoy a few hours later most everyone died who took the first convoy my second cup of coffee wasn't even cold when i found out edit holy sh t guys and gals back of the reddit community i just checked my phone and have so much outpouring of support that i well i'm overwhelmed thanks for caring trying not to tear up not working out of university looking for a job and exhausting all the online resources on a whim i looked in the career section in a print newspaper that was lying around in the house we never subscribed to that paper i don't know why it was even there got the job in a different city met someone who is now one of my best friends who introduced me to their friends who introduced me to their friends and so on until i was eventually introduced to my wife if i'd found a job where i actually planned on working there is absolutely no way i would have crossed paths with any of these people edit one i met my wife through a friend who i met through another friend who i met through another friend who i met through the first friend i made at the company edit too i guess i need to go watch early edition close bracket four years ago a kid i barely knew from school invited me to a six flags i was a bit of a loner at the time and i heard rumors about this kid being weird so i intended to not go on the day he wanted me to go i was feeling extra bored and decided on a whim why not dart so i went and met this kid and two of his friends i've never met at a six flags four years later and that kid is my best friend and i have three other very close friends i met through him not only that but i also met my first girlfriend because of the connection some of my new friends had it transformed my high school years from being alone to having an amazing group of friends i could do almost anything with i intended to ask my best friend to be my best man one day and i don't intend on ever getting out of touch with any of them i'm home from college now and we are going to have a lot of fun together best decision i've ever made i finished working half an hour earlier and i was sent home by my boss an old friend on holiday in our hometown texted me out of the blue and asked me if i could pick up her american friend because she could not make it in time and i was the only one who spoke english took a shower shaved my head picked her up and 10 months later i married her about 10 years ago there were no pc games to play so i tried using windows xp's movie maker out of boredom i didn't know that i'm going to enjoy it and take it seriously now i'm currently working on a tv film production as a video editor clarification i mean there's no games that is installed with our computer back then [Music] at 15 i decided to stay home to play a soccer match rather than go babysit for my aunt and uncle as a result my uncle went out alone took a shortcut home fell into a river and drowned edith thanks for the award and all the support it is much appreciated second edit thank you for the added awards the older i get the more i am constantly cognizant of the vast cascade of seemingly insignificant decisions and actions that led me to where i am for example a decision 25 years ago to change a refrigerator light bulb before going out resulted in my being at the wrong time and place so as to get mugged which resulted in my decision to move out of the city i had been living in which resulted in my meeting my wife and from there to having all my kids in the whole shebang i would have had a different whole shebang had i not changed that light bulb that afternoon but the path to the present led through that and a thousand other similarly trivial decisions was going to couple with my onto a family gathering at the last minute i decided to go by myself so i could leave early if i wanted it was a ways out of town and i didn't want to be stuck there on the way there she drove off the road into a ditch she was okay but the passenger side of her car was totally smashed in i have one for another person in 2014 i was coaching my twins mf rec flag football team my oldest player has a younger sister who came to watch a practice we will call it grace she saw my daughter on the team told her dad there's a girl on that team and the next week she was on my roster her and my daughter became fast friends while the flag football season was wrapping up i was putting together my roster for the upcoming wreck volleyball team at the end of one of my practices my daughter invited grace to play on the volleyball team together grace had played the previous season and not cared for it too much grace agreed and played from wreck to club then to high school with my daughter my daughter graduated last year and i watched grace as captain lead her team to a state championship and she has a d1 scholarship for volleyball next fall i was parking my car on the street and was about to shut it off but i noticed my car got pretty dirty last time i parked under that tree usually i don't care but i drove forward another space the next day i came outside and my car's rear suspension was damaged and tires were bent someone had smashed into it and took off i went on to spend about five hundred dollars in repairs and my insurance couldn't cover it unless i found out who did it i was very upset i couldn't go to work and the tow truck driver pointed out that a neighbor had cameras up i went as a last resort to ask those neighbors if they caught anything the next day they emailed me footage of a vehicle that hit my car and parked a few houses up they found the vehicle and took pictures of the damages too i ended up getting four thousand dollars from their insurance company watched who wants to be a millionaire and got so annoyed at the candidates not knowing a simple question about katy perry that i applied got in gotta play won a lot of money booked a holiday to a dream destination without money met my husband there we now have a one-year-old son close bracket i passed the test then written and in a large hotel meeting room for jeopardy one of only 20 out of 200. i never got called to be on the show but just making the cut was a huge confidence booster for me was it fun being on millionaire i sent a friend from secondary school who i had a huge crush on a message saying happy birthday a couple years after we left school did the whole wheel have to catch up soon thing not expecting much he replied with how about monday dart i saw him that monday for a coffee next month will be our sixth anniversary best thing that ever happened to me my friends joke i'm queen of escaping the friend zone edit wow thank you for the awards and upvotes loved seeing how many other similar stories there are makes me all warm and fuzzy inside stay safe everyone nah i had to renew the sticker on my license plate a couple of years ago and really didn't feel like sitting in the waiting room by myself forever so i told my mom i'd take her out to dinner after if she came with me the guy working at the counter turned out to be my mom's long-lost biological brother if she hadn't come with me i would have never known edit wow this really blew up i'll let my mom know that you all think her story is cool too cheers i made a dumb facebook post because i was bored like for a tbh comma a girl liked the post and i sent her a message eight years later we are now married just wanted to try a cigarette when i was young now i'm barely surviving without it no you're barely surviving with it two years ago i was in a hospital for a week due to acne and was extremely bored the wi-fi was slow so i asked my mom to bring me a sketchbook and pencils so i could draw i am now starting a career as an artist animator there was this rainy day that flooded a small piece on the street on the way to my now ex-gf house she had to stay over the night now i'm someone's father in high school i read house of leaves and one day was trying to explain the concept of the book to a friend my drama teacher overheard said it sounded a bit like pale fire by vladimir nobikov on his recommendation i read that book which sparked an interest in russian literature then i branched out from there always seeking out new reading opportunities my quest to find more reading led me to major in english and become a teacher myself being a teacher at a title i school has had a huge impact on my political philosophy as well so basically i am who i am today because my drama teacher suggested a book to me edit i also suggest everyone read pale fire very good read i sent a message to a girl in high school just asking if she was all right which led to dating her for almost three years during which time she convinced me to try the drama club she went to which convinced me to take drama class the following year which made me take it the next year where i met my next girlfriend who introduced me to the friends i have today and if i hadn't met them i wouldn't still feel sick from drinking on saturday night moral of the story never message a girl you'll wake up four years later with a hangover years ago i picked up a hitchhiker who turned out to be a pretty philosophical kind of guy one thing he said that resonated with me was why would somebody want to do the same thing every day dart 15 years later i still think about that guy every day as i'm commuting to the office again about a year ago i went to a study group with some people in my major now i have the closest set of friend i could ever ask for they helped me when my my car was broken and i couldn't get to and fro from college when i didn't have enough money to buy myself food now i have a good job and two of my friends and i are getting an apartment together in a couple of months [Music] right before freshman year of high school i was interested in trying out for the tennis team i was lukewarm about it and the morning of tryouts my dad came into the room and asked if i wanted to go i was leaning towards no one just wanted to be lazy in bed but my dad asked do you think you're regretted if you don't double quote the answer was yes so i went and tried out i ended up meeting my absolute best friends rekindled my love for tennis was on varsity for three years and it completely dictated my high school career decided to try weed in high school met a dude through weed connections became roommates roommate talks me into trying world of warcraft meet a girl through wow years later date her year after that move states and marry her got kids now my children are a direct result of weed a certification exam by one point that saved me from a dead end job now my company is paying for me to move to a new country i decided to invite my chain lab partner to lunch on the first day of college just to be friendly and try to make more than one friend at school we met up with the only other friend i'd made at school so far he thought my lab partner was cute invited himself to hang out with her and then fell in love with her roommate instead he ended up married to the roommate they've been together for 22 years and have two children not really a small decision but a few years back i had the opportunity to do a research internship at a university in liverpool decided not to do it and a few months later i got an internship in chicago my supervisor mentor there was the best i'd ever worked with and she now got me into a phd program where i'll be working with her again close bracket the first man i dated after i divorced was my soul mate i couldn't handle being in a good not perfect but very positive relationship so i moved 1 200 miles away butterfly effect kept in touch with soul mate often on relationships for three years finally came to realize he was the one told him i was moving back to be with him five days later he died alone i hate myself for not being there my friends took me to malaga in spain for a long weekend to cheer me up after my mum died and four years later i'm still here and have never been happier i owe them everything for that spontaneous trip after years of dealing with and being embarrassed by my mom's temper tantrums i called her out on her behavior when she flipped her kid that my roommate at the time q5 loom years of harassment hate and general chaos however it led to my dad finally divorcing her and marrying someone who loved him myself experiencing a lot but pulling the trigger on moving and finding a wicked job added bonus without her in my life i had way less stress and drama to contend with decided i would rather use my bathroom than a porta potty found my wife cheating she attempted suicide i moved multiple states away in the seven years since i have made nothing but positive changes and went from 18 hour laboratory a well-respected person in my profession making six figures i'd probably still be working that dead end job aside from that without recounting all the details i went to see a doctor about a splinter from chopping firewood six months later they removed most of my kidney with renal cell carcinoma without the splinter i'd likely be dead from kidney cancer a few years ago my friends kept asking me to go to the city with them for this restaurant they had been to and loved one time finally say fine and go that day by the end of the night i had eating korean food for the first time had my first cigar driven a brand new mustang was in a car accident not the mustang was detained for several hours for drunken behavior and peed in front of police not my finest house toward the end but most of it was good edit accident wasn't my fault i said hi to the new kid in fifth grade turned out he lived in my neighborhood so we decided to hang out fast forward to now we're best friends been through crazy ups and downs i've made friends through him that helped me through my coming out and a lot more we've just started to fall out because of quarantine but i know he'll be there for me no matter what i talked to the guy in the queue after we both tried to get the last pastry in this shop turns out a new batch was done so i got the stale one he got a fresh one turns out we had a mutual friend and a month later we started dating two five years later we're getting a mortgage together grew up in a small hick town mostly white people so i stood out like a sore thumb most melanated folks in that town were dumber than boxes of rocks and i had no reason to think otherwise for myself so throughout elementary and middle school i made good grades but never thought of myself as smart one day in eighth grade there was an announcement that there was a researcher visiting from the university and he'd be conducting iq tests for a limited number of students who signed up most of my friends were [ __ ] all over it but i thought it would be fun to try it i scored extremely well and the examiner asked me what advanced courses are you taking i was like well none that set into a chain of events where he went and spoke to the principal and guidance counsellors to make sure that i got put into the advanced placement courses next semester i never knew i was smart until someone told me i was ended up getting multiple degrees in physics atmospheric science and excelling in my field all because of a whim to take an iq test i went out for a beer with a co-worker three years later i am a convicted felon who did 13 months in a state prison court ordered a meetings difficulty finding work cannot buy a house for me and my gf because i can't drive anywhere can't have kids for same reason miserable depressed suicidal horrible nightmares dui folks don't drink and drive all from a beer grudgingly sold a 300 cost item for 310 dollars because my dad wouldn't let me counter offer to the client this client then got me another client that very day in the exhibition that gave me over 50k in business and that client recommended me to another company which again in that very exhibition resulted in 500k cash sale all three are still my clients with well over five million sales in the last three years dad taught me no matter how small the deal or the client give them importance and it worked wonders not trying to make that 50 extra in the start probably resulted in net profit of well over 1 million dollars i skipped class to go smoke a cigarette in the parking lot while i was in high school on my way out the air force recruiter who was setting up for lunchtime stopped me on my way to the smoke break i was the only person in the halls at the time because lunch wasn't for another 30 minutes so i talked to him because i didn't want to be a dck and ignore him seven years and going strong i've been all over the usa had a deployment to kuwait living a career and on my way to germany next maybe with korean gf future wife idk yet been one hell of a smoke break so far i saw a sandra buttock movie where i think she lived on a houseboat and thought that's nicer than living with my parents so i bought a houseboat later i bought a sailboat in driving the sailboat up the intracoastal waterway it broke down during repair requiring multiple free dives underwater i became infected with barnacle bacteria no one could figure it out at first so off to the hospital for a few weeks i went few weeks later i am telling this same story and a girl says sounds like mycobacterium marine which apparently it was i required lots of antibiotics so obviously we got married and later divorced but now i have two kids i play factorio with and i like that during middle school i asked the pastor of my parents church if i could practice piano on the church's grand piano on my way home from school each weekday i walked and it was on the way he heard me playing bach beethoven mozart and chopin and asked if i'd like to try the church's large pipe organ which i did and was thrilled by the experience dart not long thereafter he asked me to become the church's interim organist after their musician died unexpectedly a position which lost it until college began the 20-year-old bachelorette all-inclusive mexican resort 10 tequilas and i'm ready to charm the ladies decide against the beach party and head to the sports bar a gaggle of german women seem to be celebrating a birthday time to shine blackout meat puts on the charm and using my ramstein lyrics i managed to impress the birthday girl back to her room jpg run six of the from shower sex eggs we awake she forgets my name but i remember hers oh yeah [ __ ] smooth ass gentleman over here 12 years later i'm sitting on the toilet writing you this in the house we built together never choose the beach party went to a club's open house in college for the free pizza joined the club then that led me to joining a camp for work met my wife at that camp and also some of my siblings met their significant others after i convinced them to work there too the connections i've made through that camp have lasted longer than any hs or college connection all bc i wanted some free pizza long time ago i was in college and learning about unix the talk command the finger command etc i did a finger and saw a list of students at a university across the country from where i was studying one student who happened to be logged in at the time had the exact same first name as my mother's name which was an uncommon name i tried the talk session and she accepted i just wanted to tell her that i loved her name because it was the same as my mother's name and we started talking from there eventually met then ended up getting married and still married 39 years later i was living in london and was offered a job in dubai so i sat in a bar and wrote a huge list of pros and cons of taking the job and moving to dubai in the end it was pretty even so i flipped a coin head i go tails i stay it was heads fifteen years later i'm still here with wife and child boyfriend planning his whole summer full with work study stuff i didn't want to be dependent on him for my holiday fun so i decided to take a vacation by myself figured i speak spanish and like dogs so why not volunteer at a dog shelter in south america for a while long story short we now have a dog from south america i can't think of two small choices that have heavily altered my life the first was an older member of my fraternity inciting me to attend his wedding it wasn't a huge event and we weren't and still aren't particularly close i thought it was odd and i really had no desire to go something i heavily debated met my now wife there and i can't imagine life without her second i asked a guy to join my dnd game while we were hanging out in a big group he is a typical sports guy and i knew it was a long shot but he ended up deciding to try it on a break during one of our sessions he told me about a job he think i'd be a great fit for sue long story short i'm now working at that company he referred me to and for the first time in my life i'm not dreading monday mornings and i'm financially stable i was applying online for a large national internship i could apply for 10 different positions between september march and they were rolling admissions for different departments i decided at 11 45 pm in early march to apply for one more position turns out the whole national application process closed at midnight that day that last internship i applied for was the one i got five years later i'm still working there moved halfway across the country and i've gotten to go to grad school because of it it's likely that i'm going to make a career of it all because i decided hey i've got some time i'll submit one more i was doing the typical post uni backpackers trip through europe and decided to change my path to visit vienna in the hostel i stayed at i met a girl who had taught in south america for a year and i thought it sounded really interesting a month later she emails me a job opening at a school in ecuador that had been passed to her with a saw this and thought of you type message i applied interviewed got the job and moved to ecuador within three weeks several months later i met the love of my life i am now in my seventh year teaching in ecuador and sixth year with my girlfriend with plans to move together to china to teach next year life crazy dog walking to work nick waiting on the corner for the light to change light says walk and as i step off the curb a woman crosses in front of me and right across the top of my feet irritated i accidentally lightly kick her one ankle into the other she glances back angrily amd i say oops sorry we both keep walking and she turns into the theater where i work later find out she works in wardrobe in the basement while i'm upstairs running lights she asks everybody who i am and tells them all what a dck i am they tell her i'm not so bad and after a couple of weeks we end up in a group together going out for drinks just celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary i love seeing all the comments about how a small decision led to someone meeting the best people in their life i remember one day i asked to join my lab partner for lunch and met some of my best friends and we've stayed close for the last four years life is crazy man in 2016 i agreed to go hiking with a friend after not really hiking since i was a kid i was obese and not loving myself for many reasons i had recently graduated college and started a career i wasn't terribly happy with four years later and i'm hiking every other weekend i've dropped 70 pounds and a lot of emotional baggage and i'm gearing up to through hike the appalachian trail next year before i make a career change that one hike in south carolina sparked something in me i can't explain but it's been amazing in 2001 my wife and i took a 10-day vacation to paris at the end we didn't fit everything in we wanted so we reserved a new flight home two days later to have some more time at the last minute we decided changing the tickets was going to cost too much and the connection home through new jersey was just gonna mean a long tiring day of travel so we cancelled the change and took our original flight home on the 9th of september the flight we almost changed to was hijacked and some friend semi-gate crashed an acquaintance's birthday party at 15. we knew most of the people there from school but one person we didn't know was the daughter of the birthday girl's mom's best friend only spoke to her briefly and cocked up exchanging numbers she found me through a friend on msn a few weeks later fast forward to now being 27 and we've been together 10 years and lived together for five extremely hungover on a saturday morning my ex convinced me to go to the gym while at the gym started small talking a guy who was looking for a short-term lease and we happened to have an extra room his fiancee ending up introducing me and my best friend to our now wives professor recommended that i apply for my university's graduate program with her recommendation even though i was struggling to pull up my terrible gpa was accepted and now i'm in my second year of phd program in chemistry in school some of my friends played hockey and i thought let's just go and see what the deal is it can't be that hard it was f king hard comer and eventually grew interested and loved it went on to play hockey at national level for four consecutive years i joined a christian ministry to help me become a straight man and spend 15 years married to a woman attempted suicide and lived a generally pitiful and painful existence essentially ruining a good woman's life and my own simultaneously i'm course correcting currently and it's a [ __ ] last year i was at a festival in a city a couple of miles south from the village i live in at around 1. 20 in the morning me and my two friends had to rush to get the one 30 bus home because if not we would have had to wait about her hour and were getting tired on our way to the bus i decided to run down an alley and take a piss this lead to this missing the bus me and my two friends had an argument and one of us stormed off into the mcdonald's beside the bus station he was in there for longer than we expected so we called him only to have a girl answer the phone saying he was sitting with them and that we should come in we went in and saw him with a group of five girls and we all sat there drinking cans of henny can until we got kicked out i got one of the girls snapchats and this resulted in texting back and forth eventually we met up and starting dating three months ago we broke each other's hearts the pain i'm feeling right now is all because i wanted to take a piss when i was 17 we would always hang out at the local denny's the day before christmas eve my friends and i were hanging out there like normal when our good friend who moved about an hour away about six months prior walked in turns out he was in town looking for a toy for his nephew because his small town didn't have it he was driving home and thought he saw my car which was a very common red escort in the parking lot so he decided to come in we all hung out a while as many of us hasn't seen him since he moved he died in a car crash that night another driver fell asleep at the wheel we were looking at moving like an hour away but i made an offhand comment about going farther and my parents took it seriously so we moved 5500 kilometers across the country the day we got here i went into a david's tea and flirted with the girl serving us five years later we're married during a pandemic i suggested having a study group at a friend's house nearby my university spent the best part of three years of university at that house with an amazing group of friends culminating to most of us moving to scotland for a final year of study it was quite an adventure idk if this really counts but someone i met in a discord server for a minicraft mod invited me to another server there i met my best friend who got me to meet a lot of amazing friends and even my girlfriend [Music] when i was 14 i went with my friend to a lan party and there i saw someone wearing a band t-shirt so i looked up the band and got into it then i found a forum dedicated to that band and joined it and i started to really like forums so i joined the forum for a different band and four years later someone joined that forum who became my friend then two years after that i had totally f ked up my life and i was planning to leave everything behind and stopped over somewhere else and i asked that friend if i could live with her for a few months i ended up not leaving but a few months later she told me she had been thinking a lot about the idea of us being together and that she was in love with me so she came to see me and it quickly became romantic after a few days then we were long distance for four years then we got married and have been married and together almost five years so basically i wouldn't have met my wife if i never went to the lan party which was quite likely because i'm normally very introverted and prefer to be alone decided to audition for a musical at my local community theater i had never been in a musical and wanted to gain the confidence to try out for a different musical later that year i made the show got dumped during the rehearsal process and eventually started dating and married the lead we even got married on the stage me met on because of that small decision to try something new i gained some of the best friends i've ever had gained confidence in myself and met my husband i was forced to take a theology class and i hated it so i went and talked to every dean i could to take it another semester and they wouldn't let me then i went to change class sections cause i couldn't stand the professor and the person changing my schedule mentioned there were two sections available sabbath over an hour and a half long twice a week i randomly picked one and ended up finding my partner there and we've been dating for almost two years now i decided to go to my friend's cosplay club meeting in college i wasn't doing much so it was a nice way to spend an afternoon further along i ended up the secretary of the club and helped to set it up as an official club at the school i ended up being the vp in my senior year just two years later during my senior year one of the members decided to do a makeup tutorial for everybody and asked me to help out and be a model for her that session made me realize that i was trans and here i am over four years later celebrating a year with my boyfriend and happiest i've ever been more than 10 years ago i had finished an exam in uni and decided to take the lesser used exit from the building to go home on my way out i met someone from my secondary school and we started talking i mentioned i was looking for a student room for the next year and she said she was going to leave her room and gave me the address and contact information of the lady i ended up moving in her old student room i met my current boyfriend of nine years because he lived in the room next to me if i had taken the main exit i would never have met the love of my life moved from chicago to houston in the early 90s i was happy great career choice wife was not happy she set up a weekend in austin by the time we left on sunday she said i want to move there i did not want to leave my job but figured i could give it a shot facts to resume on sunday night phone screen on monday morning they booked a flight for me to interview on that friday the following tuesday morning i have a fedex dothal letter and started two weeks later that company exploded in growth early internet explosion now i am 55 and have been retired for a few years living the dream in austin and i bike every day told a tiny throwaway white lie at work and some job worth office rat told the boss they ran searches on me and found i'd accidentally searched my name into the database a month earlier entirely unrelated i was sacked within the week and i'm now unable to work in the field i guess i deserved it though i said yes to a door-to-door salesman i'm not gonna specify what it was which eight years later resulted in me teaching at a university where i met my partner and mother of my child same person smart asses a co-worker asked me to go with her to her gym to cancel her membership i'm more assertive como i really didn't want to because i had a final project due the next day but i went she promised it would be quick we stopped at walgreens on the way so i could grab some supplies for the project almost 10 years later i'm now married to the cashier from that day got wasted with friends and walk down the road to wendy's got locked out of my friend's apartment upon returning and everyone inside was passed out drove home drunk so i didn't freeze to death and got arrested after flipping my car as a result i dropped out of college to pay dui fines and met my best friend at my new job proceeded to meet my current friend group through him best friend's brother found a puppy on the side of the road got myself a dog best friend got married i was best man banged one of the bride's maids got myself a girlfriend a year later she moves out of state and i go with her got myself a nice job and apartment probs going to marry her and now i'm no longer an alcoholic disaster feels good man tldr drove home drunk ruined my life pulled a reversal results may vary showed up late to the first day of a class and the only available seat was on the opposite side of the room from everyone i knew ended up becoming best friends with the people sitting around me and we have been best friends for over 15 plus years roommates and bridesmaids i don't even talk to the other people that i knew before in that class crazy years ago while playing second life don't judge lol i taught myself [ __ ] then photoshop so i could create my own clothes later on i was allowed to teach one class of photoshop along with my science classes when the computer teacher at my school retired i was asked to take over and now i'm teaching animation mos and maybe next year 3d art or game design can't decide dart a geeky little hobby has led to having the funnest most satisfying job failed an exam in final year uni by a couple marks meant i failed the module i was originally doing a four-year integrated masters but because of the fail they made me gradual third year with a bachelor's but would allow me to do a separate year-long masters because of that i was the only person free in a uni group to be sent to the us from the uk for four days to do a five-minute presentation and ended up applying to jobs later in the year which is also when my ideal job became available which i got broke up with my boyfriend after a turbulent on and off-again relationship felt the need to rebound a bit and have some casual hookups overheard my co-workers talking about tinder and decided to download it on a whim swiped right on a cute guy who i ended up going on a date with six years later we are still together and got married last year colin close bracket i wrote a really bad doctor who manga crossover fan fiction in sixth grade that starred my friends and i in our middle school building i've now published my first book and i'm working on my second door i was going to order 80 physical bits coins from a coinmaker back when they were only a couple of bucks but he only accepted shipping payment in cash i was like two dollars short and didn't want to overdraft so i ended up not buying them instead they were stolen off the website i was storing them on cue the people who are going to lecture me on not your keys not your coins i know guys i know decided to talk to a random lady in line of tj maxx found out we both had tube feeding tube kids she told me how to use gravity to feed my kid in five minutes than an hour with a pump changed our lives allowed us more freedom and led to my daughter getting hungry which led to her having her tube removed last week [Music] back in 2012 i was on occupant and set my search radius to local matches only a cute guy popped up and i shot off a message before i realized that there was a glitch that put him in my approved radius when in reality he was in a different state i'd never had that happen before and it never happened again after that one time anyway we're married now my boyfriend and i met on tinder the first time we started talking i stopped talking to him pretty quickly because i thought something he said was kind of rude i read the tone wrong and ghosted him a few weeks later he messaged me again to start over i was gonna ignore him but something told me i should give him a shot we went on the best first date of my life we fell in love moved in together and are planning on getting married best decision i ever made i covered a shift for someone in a shitty retail job met a random dude and started helping him as an assistant he taught me a lot ended up continuing in that industry and have been in for 15 plus years now i'm in a senior role at a large company with a pretty awesome life decided not to jump off a cliff near my house when i was jobless and living at home six months later i had two jobs and my first apartment 2020 may suck but i'm glad i didn't miss it i was hungry one year in my dorm and went to a different floor student lounge to get some unclaimed food from the community fridges the only girl in the lounge invited me to sit with her and chill we've been married for six years colon close bracket four years ago in the summer i was 17 and needed a summer job got one and it introduced me to acting and some of my best friends i've now been in six or seven short films and have all i need to launch the career i never knew i wanted [Music] just graduated college and could not find a job to save my life criminology and sociology went to the local college in my area to inquire about an entirely different degree that would guarantee employment nursing guidance counselor told me it would be another three years to obtain down and out he asked me what it was that i wanted to do i told him investigate internal fraud turns out his wife was vp of a bsa department at a local bank started working as an analyst and worked my way up to making more money than i could ever imagine and loving what i do in compliance my first boss is still one of my best [Music] friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 120,740
Rating: 4.8718977 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: F71yrqzOyUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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