Doctors, What's The Worst Thing You Found Another Doctor Ignored? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories

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doctors have read it what was the worst thing you've seen for a patient that another doctor overlooked broken neck no really so this one guy was brought in with an ambulance for upper airway obstruction we diagnosed what looked like an advanced throat cancer and did a tracheostomy after the operation where you pull and push the neck like crazy we checked his neck x-ray and a junior asks when did he break his neck he had a brand new and stable neck fracture checking his initial x-ray we see that it was there prior to the operation after questioning the patient he said that on his way to the hospital the ambulance was in a car crash no one bothered mentioning it to us when he eventually came in he only thought he had some whiplash but he was a few millimeters away from permanent paraplegia unfortunately he passed away about two weeks later due to the cancer i work in ms we got a call for a female with leg pain when we arrive on scene this woman's leg is three times the size of her other one blue and purple and she has no pulse in her foot she fell on ice a few days prior and the urgent care didn't do any x-rays told her she had a sprain and gave her a walking boot in reality her tibia and fibula were both so badly fractured they were cutting the blood vessels and muscle tissue she lost her foot my husband had a weird dimpled spot on his back went to the dermatologist multiple times was brushed off and told not to worry about it dumb even burned off a nodule that was bothering him at his belt line but repeatedly said it was nothing and was visibly irritated with us for being anxious we waited for nearly 10 years before going to another dermatologist since our experience was so negative next derm immediately diagnosed what turned out to be a sarcoma which had 10 extra years to grow my husband now has a 48 inch scar snaking down his back from the removal of the tumor and the reshaping of his back i now have months of experience with wound drains tunneling bandages trigger in the laundry that comes with massive wound healing i would like to take that first dermatologist who was so ducking patronizing with our concerns and shove his face deeply into his own ass i suppose i have one for this as a resident doctor we saw a kid in the air murk for difficulty walking he had been slowly losing the ability to walk over months and also had random unexplained projectile vomiting episodes looking at his records he saw his doctor several times who x-rayed one hip then the other hip gave some zofran etc turns out on exam he is blatantly a toxic bad coordination and can't even stand failed all our bedside neurological examinations for cerebellum function it was obvious to me and i'm not even good at this yet did a ct scan big ass tumor in his cerebellum it was obstructing fluid drainage in his brain too raising his intracranial pressure and causing the vomiting had to call in the neurosurgeons overnight for emergency drain and he went to haiku later had more surgery for the tumor my supervisor got pretty emotional about it actually edit thanks everyone the history was that he really declined further over the last few days prompting the ed visit so he looked really bad for us but i'm not sure what he looked like before to any med students reading this one do an exam two it's okay to cry sometimes patient was lactating but not pregnant or breastfeeding previous doctor told her it was residual from her baby that had been mean for 14 months sent her immediately for a brain scan brain tumor she had surgery a week later to remove it and is doing very well now edit wow i didn't think anyone would even read this or i would have explained better tried to sound a bit more professional i did not do any of the follow-up care she left my office with a referral for an mri and a referral to an endocrinologist who took over care also please if you are concerned about your health in any way or are not happy with your doctor care obtain your medical records and bring them with you to a different doctor don't solicit medical advice from strangers on the internet that know nothing at all about your medical history that is very dangerous to your health i found an obvious huge rectal cancer on a patient who was previously told over and over again that she had hemorrhoids my best friend was in her late 20s and was feeling constant irritation in her stomach she went to see several doctors over the course of almost three years and they all dismissed her saying she had an irritable bowel she would try a new diet every few months but nothing helped one day she calls me and tells me she broke her ribs she didn't know how it happened but she started having horrible pain and her doctor said her ribs must be fractured long story short it wasn't fractured ribs at some point when the pain became too much to bear she went to the er and got her ct turns out she had stage four colon cancer with four inches tumors in her abdomen that were compressing her organs and causing the pain she died a few months later she'd been seeing doctors about her symptoms for three years if one of them had taken her seriously and sent her to get to colonoscopy she'd probably still be alive edit wow thank you everyone for the kind words and awards it's disturbing but sadly not surprising to see there are so many similar stories to this if you feel like something is off with your body trust your instincts and don't listen to doctors who try to tell you otherwise for the record this was not in the u.s i don't want to say where i'm from to protect my friend's identity small country and she has a sibling who used to be on reddit any doctor could have sent my friend to a colonoscopy but i guess it was easier to write her off the cancer may have killed her but the reason for her death was apathy md here recently was called over by a nurse who told me a patient's bandages were wet as they were bleeding a little patient had recently had his leg amputated we pulled his bandages off and found a spurting femoral artery at this point the patient passed out patient was sent to theaters for an emergency operation close call for sure once when i was a medical student on surgery rotation in trauma we had a patient come in after he fell on the street and bonked his head while apparently he had fallen once earlier that day and was discharged when the trauma woke up at the other hospital was negative for injuries we examined him and noticed his eyes were kinda yellow so as part of our trauma workup given that he couldn't give a great story and we couldn't be sure what happened we ct scanned his abdomen and saw his common bile duct was like three times normal size could drive a truck through it about the time next set of vitals his temp was 103 f guy was floridly septic from ascending cholangitis which is why he was falling down big miss and that is an emergency not a doctor but a friend of my moms went to an ophthalmologist for an eye problem during his exam he asked her so how long have you had ms that was the first she was diagnosed she had been battling various ms symptoms for a couple of decades without a diagnosis there was a story pretty recently in the hospital i work for where a cardiologist in the er was doing a rather difficult night shift and started feeling light-headed dizzy and fatigued given how intense those shifts are 26 plus plus hours sometimes multiple times a week nobody thought much of it and the doctor in question went to catch a quick nap in the staff room people just passed by him in the staff room every once in a while but they just assumed the poor guy was exhausted and let him rest he was dead for several hours by the time someone realized something wasn't right young student from i think pakistan he was complaining about his neck feeling stiff he went to a doctor some days before and he was told he was having joint pains that would pass with some common anti-inflammatory drugs when i visited him i saw many of the lymph nodes in his neck were swollen which probably caused the stiffness and not painful not a good sign sent him right away to have a chest x-ray that showed a huge mediastinical mass suggestive of lymphoma sadly i don't know what happened to him in residency i saw a cardiologist miss a steamy heart attack by the time the patient came to us some of the muscles supporting one of his heart valves had completely died and he was in cardiogenic shock basically his heart function was so bad that it wasn't circulating the blood in his body enough to support life it was awful happily he made it through though one that comes to mind is when i was a resident the ed doctor wanted to admit a mild septic patient with a ut i review her labs and knowing that she is a diabetic it was obvious florid dka diabetic ketoacidosis that kind of admission typically goes straight to the iq to get insulin via a drip and aggressive iv fluid rehydration she was just in the ed hallway with no medications at all looking like crap speaking as a patient when i was a kid my eyes were hurting and my dad kept taking me back to the same eye doctor who insisted that the problem was that i wasn't cleaning my contacts properly and just kept giving me harsher and harsher chemicals to wash them in got to the point where i couldn't open my eyes fully in a room with the lights on and i hadn't worn contacts for months finally after a year my mom forced my dad to take me to a different doctor literally he met me in the waiting room looked at me with his naked eye and said you have a raging eye infection a month of medicine and the infection was gone but there was so much scarring and damage it was 20 years before i could wear contacts again edit getting this question a lot i was a kid at the time i didn't know the difference between an optometrist and an ophthalmologist and it was over two decades ago i do not remember if i ever knew sorry i can't tell you a lot of people are saying that optometrists are basically just for routine checkups and getting glasses or contacts and if something is actually wrong and you need a diagnosis go to an ophthalmologist update i'm now getting pushback on this two apparently the distinction between optometrist and ophthalmologist is less drastic than some of the earlier people implied again the only thing i personally recommend is that you do your own research and come to your own conclusions i don't personally know if that's true or not but feel free to do some research it's a thing several people have said now i've only gotten the one troll so far showing up to tell me he is 100 sure i'm lying because that's clearly what people do for fake internet points and he will not have it which seems low for her i did post so i'll take that as my good fortune of the day neurologist sent patients to red without informing her that imaging showed a glioblastoma assuring her impending death he didn't overlook the disease he overlooked the communication life pro tip when seeking a second opinion don't tell them it's a second opinion you want a second first opinion not a confirmation of the first opinion i have been to multiple doctors who would not contradict the diagnosis of another doctor even with test results that ruled out the initial diagnosis or confirmed a contrary diagnosis i'm not a doctor i'm a nurse but not in medserg my sister had her gallbladder out routine surgery and two days later woke up at 4 00 am in searing pain went to the er by ambulance i met her there the er docs were all apparently convinced she was a drug seeker and did not even conduct a physical exam beyond taking her vitals they snowed her to shut her up because she was just yelling help me help me i'm dying they did eventually do an mri but said it was negative and sent her home she didn't want to leave insisted something was terribly wrong but they said they would call security and have her thrown out at this point i'd like to mention that she had no history of drug or alcohol abuse she continued to get worse at home and the next day went to a different hospital they did the work up and found that the metal clip that closed off the bile duct had cut right through the tissue and she had a large bile leak that was literally burning all her abdominal organs she had to have three surgeries to fix it and was hospitalized for nine days left with chronic pain from adhesions and chemical burns when the new hospital finally acquired the mri from the original er visit she was told that the leak was small but clearly visible in that image not a doctor but actually the patient i had a doctor prescribed me birth control while in line to pay for it and reading the paperwork that comes with it and learn that another medication i am on permanently and every day completely voids out any effect the bc would have i went back to the pharmacist and asked about interactions and he says i may have side effects i ask which ones and he says pregnancy pregnancy is not a side effect it is a lifelong commitment then i call the doctor and ask why they would prescribe something they knew wouldn't work and she said but i asked for bc like yeah i did but i wanted some that would work silly me for not specifying that patient getting anxious about numbness in his hand it's getting more frequent and i don't want to live like this it gets me freaked out like my hands not there they assumed the person was suicidal and having symptoms of panic attack elevated breathing rate more than tingling numbness in hands they did a ct because i requested it there was a lesion they blew it off mri showed it was glioblastoma malta for me edit clarifying it was missed by the er physician assistant the md supervising them never spoke to me not even sure if they reviewed the case a doctor but the patient when i was born i was my dad's third child two from a previous marriage he knew something was wrong with me because of the way i was breathing very rapid short breaths when i was three months old they noticed there really wasn't a change the first hospital he and my mom took me to they said that there was nothing to worry about and babies just breathe like that he was 100 certain they were wrong they took me to a second hospital and they said there's definitely something wrong but they didn't have the technology to help 1986 they recommended us to a third hospital which was a couple hours away finally the third hospital took me right in and performed surgery that day turns out i had five holes in my heart they tried to go through my ribcage but it didn't work they had to crack my sternum and go directly through my chest they took my heart out of its body and patched the holes i'm doing wonderfully medically today and i'm forever in their debt not financially thank you ronald mcdonald house probably the worst story one can hear my wife found a lump under her breast that was really concerning it took her about two months to get a proper appointment to have it looked at doc diagnosed it as a cyst and fibroadenoma she drained the lump and it was fine grew back a week later and was bigger finally after being in pain four weeks on end the doctor said this is clearly not working so we will do surgery and remove it upon going in for the checkup thinking thied take a look at the scar and healing it turns out that she had stage two a triple negative breast cancer the surgeon was absolutely flawed the most upsetting thing was that while her main surgeon gino who was fantastic was on holiday another male doctor told her any surgery would be merely cosmetic and it clearly didn't bother her because he could touch the lump i almost laid that doctor out in the office when she got the diagnosis he apologized to both of us for being an [ __ ] unfortunately this story didn't end well despite doing eight months of therapy chemo and radio her cancer returned seven months later and ultimately led to her death after it spread to her brain and spinal fluid so many people told me our breast cancer that's one of the easy ones my insert relative nobody ducking cares about here had it she switched genus twice because they won't take it seriously it's been six months now and not a day goes by where i wish i could have taken her cancer away she was ducking 27 years old did it first of all i'd like to thank everyone for their outreach and warm loving comments and concerns i've been using reddit which was my wife's favorite online past time haha to help process everything and the support has been immense so thank you all to anyone facing a cancer diagnosis or even a triple negative diagnosis do not be deterred by this story it is not your story keep fighting and live for yourself for my wife duck cancer i did too to everyone wondering how i am doing it's been six months since she passed though i have been grieving for a while longer anticipatory grief they call it and so considering everything i am doing well it was her birthday on the 28th of february and she would have been 28 so the week was quite solemn but other than that i have found ways to move forward with her not from her whenever i have a moment i let it happen and then continue you do have ptsd from her time in the hospital but i am learning to deal with it and when covet calms down i will go to therapy all in all i am doing well enjoying life as much as covered allows and just processing all my feelings i miss her every day and will for the rest of my life edit three i've had a few people tell me to sue the doctor especially considering the cost of treatment i live in berlin germany and despite that unfortunate initial diagnosis her treatment and care have a big breeze afterwards she received care from the chair at registered sign berlin one of the finest medical institutions in the world and because of our health care system we haven't paid a dime for any of her treatment it's been a while and i am at peace with it all i am not going to go down the litigation path and sue a doctor for something that happened in 2019 though i do understand your concerns thank you all i'm the patient in the story when i was a toddler and started walking my extended family noticed that i would waddle a lot my parents didn't really notice it because they grew used to my funny walking but my grandma and my aunts that saw me so much less often insisted that i had a limp so my mother asked our pediatrician about it and he reassured that it was nothing and would fix itself when growing one year passed and it didn't fix itself got more noticeable my mother asked again to my doctor she asked for an x-ray to make sure everything was fine and the doctor bite her head off for wanting to expose me to the raise he insisted it was nothing but referred us to a specialist anyway the specialist suggested my parents put some wool around my leg that had the limp because wool would warm it up and speed up the growing process right my dad finally had enough it was summer and my regular pediatrician was on holiday his partner visited me because meanwhile the limping became really bad and my parents wanted another opinion the new doc measured my legs there was a four or five centimeters difference between the two legs they sent me to a specialistic children hospital to get it fixed right away i had severe dysplasia so severe my right hip didn't have a socket for the femur bone three years and three surgeries later months of physiotherapy to learn to walk again i was normal if the second doc didn't catch it i would have grown up disabled he split up with his work partner the first doctor second doc is now my daughter's pediatrician not a doctor not even a nurse while working as a cna on an iq step down unit i noticed my patient was acting strange asked her a few questions got some questionable answers thought it might be weird as she couldn't really answer questions other than hunderhart her gate was weird like a trot rather than a normal walk plus she was leaning i was training another cna and i was like no matter what you do if you see something notify the nurse and chart that you notified her the patient was having a major stroke and the nurse was too far up her own ass and her own phone to do an assessment the woman had to go to rehab and was not a candidate for any stroke reversing drips as i had charted that she seemed off eight hours before the only reason anyone caught it was because the night shift nurse insisted on bedside report the nurse i had been working with yelled at me stroke like i hadn't been notifying her of symptoms all day did thanks for all the kind comments just remember to be kind to your local cnas and try to answer some of those call lights you'll never know how much we will appreciate and respect you for helping with the basics i'd also like to add that in theory anyone can call a rapid but not every institution supports the policies they make as i commented below at this same institution i had a patient with a blood sugar in the 30s could not get a hold of the patient's nurse or the charge nurse called the rapid got scolded for not giving the primary nurse the opportunity to treat the patient first i saw this type of scolding happen at least four times before this instance so the message was that if a nurse doesn't call it then you'll be pulled aside and reprimanded for doing so it's a pretty itty hospital and i no longer work there medical student here will be doctor in may working a needy shift we found what was probably a miss testicular torsion previous doctor told patient he probably had cancer when he showed up at our ed what he had was probably a dead test dismissed at initial presentation weeks prior people with testes especially young men if you have sudden onset excruciating pain sometimes without activity often after during activity go to the ed immediately it's one of the few things that would make a urologist lounging at home on the weekend turn on his tesla ludicrous mode and go plaid to get to the hospital edit much love to urology edit too my patient experience was with a male but indeed ovarian torsion is a similar emergency they told him go home it's nothing to you when he came to me we barely saved him he had a ruptured appendix not a doctor but i've been dealing with abdominal pain since a child countless ultrasounds doctor appointments a visit i was always told it was in my head recently had surgery for something unrelated during the surgery that had to free my appendix that was stuck to my abdomen wall and just the tip is healthy at this point i've been suffering for years with a mild case of appendicitis and my body was pretty much just absorbing my appendix i will have to go back to get it removed at a later surgery because it was so stuck all they could do was free it and they didn't want to risk it at that point because it was going to cause more pain so that was cool to find out 2 i've got a good one albeit sad i was working nights and a patient came in for a nail bed repair under general anesthesia it was a slow night as they're anesthetizing him he aspirates so we do a chest x-ray to see if he's got any spit blood in his lungs what we didn't know is that prior to this emergency surgery he'd been going to his gp for over six months complaining about chest tightness they'd put him on various different asthma medications but none had any effect on him the x-ray showed a massive dark mass in his left lung we kept him asleep and transferred him to haiku his wife and three-year-old daughter were waiting for him on the ward we had to tell them where he'd gone why he'd gone there and what was going to happen he died from lung cancer within the month edit a general anaesthetic is absolutely ridiculous for a nail bed repair but he refused to have it done under local a commenter below rightfully corrected me and after talking with a colleague the dark space in his lungs was the normal lung and the rest was whited out because they were riddled with tumors this man was in his late twenties a non-smoker and i couldn't move past the situation for months after it [Music] i'm a dentist in the uk while i was working as a locum in an emergency clinic had a man present with a mouth of infections he had wanted implants went to a private uk dentist who refused to do them due to the patient's heavy smoking and poor oral hygiene which would mean the chance of success and good healing would be limited the patient didn't accept this went online and found he could go to hungary and get the implants done for half the price and have a holiday came back and within a few weeks most of the implants are infected and he's sat in my chair we gave him antibiotics to clear up the infection but then had to inform him that the implants would need to come out and he would need to find a specialist dentist with the necessary equipment to get that done he was not happy spent all that money only to have to pay again to have them all removed no better off and at least 10 g down should have listened when the first person told him no i'm not a doctor but rrn this happened to me but isn't nearly as bad as most of the stories on here when i was in college i got to where i couldn't swallow it started with difficulty swallowing progressed to me having to swallow bites of food multiple times regurgitating it and then got to where all i could swallow was broths and mashed potatoes with no chunks i went to the doctor multiple times and was told every time it was acid reflux and part of my anxiety disorder i lost 30 pounds was only 120 when this started and was just generally miserable finally my grandma was tired of watching me be sick all the time so she called the gi doctor herself they said we needed a referral but she explained the situation and they got me in the next day did an endoscopy and my esophagus was 95 occluded that the gastroesophageal sphincter for some reason some of my primary doctors notes ended up in my discharge paperwork i guess they had to contact her to get my information and she had told them it was acid reflux and basically i was being over dramatic she stated she did not recommend them to do the procedure needless to say i switched doctors duck that's vantage was not a fun year i'm the patient in this story but i still think it's worth saying i started having horrible ankle pain when i would walk in grade school and my doctor always attributed it to growing pains i knew that was bullet and so i kept annoying him about it after multiple attempts at diagnosis everything from knock knees to pigeon toe to just being weak i finally went to a specialist he asked me to flex my ankle and so i do know all the way he said even though i was flexing as hard as i could i could only flex my foot maybe an inch from its resting position turns out i had incredibly decreased mobility of that joint due to shortened tendons he diagnosed me within five minutes after years of my doctors brushing me off after a few months of physiotherapy and a shoe insert my pain decreased by a lot obligatory not a doctor i'm working as a carer while i study nursing discovered a 90-plus year old woman had a broken hip that the nurse who assessed her after a fall completely missed most elderly people who break a hip will die within a year fast treatment is crucial and it's a pretty ducking big thing to have missed yet another not a doctor but my grandmother had a lump on her tongue and when she went to the doctors the person who examined her said it looked benign but didn't feel comfortable so said she should go to an expert lest it become malignant a more senior doctor decided against that and blocked the proposition a couple months later it is malignant and she needs half hard tongue cut out plus tonsils i'm a dental assistant and a patient came in and his color was off his jaw hurt and a tooth he'd just come from the dr who told him to see us i was suspicious of heart attack i put the pulse ox on him and almost fainted myself 82 i grabbed our emergency high flow and yelled for the eden 911 the guy was having a heart attack the guy lived and brought me a big old heart-shaped box of chocolate at valentine's i've never been so scared or angry for another person the dentist i worked for called the md and said my 25 year old assistant just saved your patients life another not a doctor but my mill had all the signs of stroke severe headache vomiting vertigo vision problems partial paralysis but was sent home from the er and told it was an inner ear condition that would resolve on its own when it did not get better she saw her gp who upon merely looking at her asked when she had had the stroke when he realized it was still untreated he immediately sent her back to the hospital there they finally recognized that she had had a major stroke she could easily have died and was in rehab for weeks they then claimed that it must have happened after she was there the first time because and this is really unbelievable her chart from that visit did not say that she had had a stroke so much wrong with that statement that i don't even know where to begin [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 10,357
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, askreddit new, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/, Worst Thing You Found, Doctors
Id: A3moh7dSqyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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