Sweaty VS Chill Rocket League Players | Who's Better?

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there's really two types of rocket league players this don't be so aggressive 21 don't be so aggressive you're third right i called mid respect it forced back for source first back for source babysit him deep deeper third good job and this it just kind of confused me oh [Applause] my god do you identify with one i decided to test which mindset is best when it comes to rocket league i placed tryhards against casual players in a 2v2 match across several ranks to see which is the best i even made 100 prize for the ssl match to see which players could handle added pressure so stick around till the end to pay for that is today's sponsor expressvpn whether you're looking at puppies or being a gamer your privacy is important online expressvpn keeps your personal information more private and secure so you can go online safely one of my favorite ways to use expressvpn is to connect to another region where i can watch shows that aren't available in the united states for instance one of my 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seem to be rotating good turn there look at you oh is that between them what's going on here the answer is miscommunication that was a huge whiff let's talk to the tryhards about it guys what just happened there we both thought the other one was going for it that was a lack of communication i thought you guys were intense supposed to have insane comms okay okay okay i'll give you credit you're both spacing out but you seem a little bit on top of each other but hey it worked out that that was the goal explosion name for jane why do you think that you're an intense player i just take my mechanics with uh pretty seriously right now i take the gameplay a really competitive player dang that's insane apollo what about you why are you so competitive um i don't know i play a lot of sports is rocket league your favorite game or do you have other ones that you're more competitive in um i'm devalorant right now but i suck at it same honestly yeah yeah i run 200 hours in the game 200 hours okay and you're gold what uh gold three and ones all right here we go it's 1-1 this is actually a close game you kind of cut off your teammate there that was unfortunate unlocked unlucky all right we've got apollo on the move nice oh so the trihards definitely had more comms and we're taking this game a bit more seriously are you guys just vibing over here you're a little stressed like like how you feeling [Music] all right come on dusty let's see let's see it make some moves ceiling shot oh good try oh my god all right sirian let's let's get it easy save i can't oh my gosh just try do a try great effort on that ball right there nice i like that y'all are communicating it's good to see oh let's go for the aerial nice nice try and that's right i'm liking the red cars did you guys do that on purpose no i don't know we had never even talked damn no way that's insane it's like very very red i like it my bad my bad no it's tied up this is actually a super close game it's insane might be able to get touched nice demo demo huge huge open pass that take it oh no after all that guys ten seconds on the clock don't let this go to ot focus here focus so that was a huge whiff and this games didn't get an ot i honestly don't know who's going to win at this point oh no again all right apollo come on doozy dish oh my gosh all right dusty's on the prowl here cute no he moved bro these gold matches are oh no i don't know how y'all do this every day yeah it's a roller coaster no oh my god this is the craziest match i've ever i've ever watched [Music] this actually is super intense holy cow it's like crazy no one can store it come on this is your moment you guys are the intense players so the tryhards take away the first round in a crazy ot match up next we have diamonds also i'll be doing more series like this so get subscribed so you don't miss them all right all right we got arc and we got jaser but but not but not like the uh jaser we all know like like walmart third party chaser all right here we go ark boom oh dude that was a sick jump though it looked stylish that's all that's keyboard mouse for the win why do you take rocky league casually why why don't you try hard rock people i just pref that's just fun i just prefer having fun like throwing some music on in the background and just kind of like still try freestyling casual i think like i can already tell that our casual players are just going for clips and having fun all right here we go it's fine all right intense players how are you feeling you already have one goal that's i'm playing trash right now you're playing you're up dude are you the type of player who is winning and still thinks that they're playing bad i did some weird awkward arrow you guys can like hard calm are you just gonna oh looks like the casual players just just got a w right there why did you guys decide to take rocket league seriously uh because video games are meant to be taken seriously bro what do you mean all right llama i see you i see you challenge that ball good effort good effort bang all right fosword okay i was actually these trihards were more negative and sweaty all right oh that was some sick flips though and spins i saw you yeah like like again let's go it was interesting to me that our casual players actually had better mechanics here we go here we go oh yo he's kind of cracked he's going oh my gosh i gotta watch this i'd put what he did i want to see what he did so while the casuals were just laughing the tryhards were hard common i gotta go 15. nice all right keep it up llama i i like the heart toms i hear you guys sweating i can actually feel your sweat i'm dripping right now it's dripping all you gotta do is hold on to the sleep oh he's goaded on the sticks that's all he got that's those diamond mechanics right there it's a chaser that's like 100 diamond diamond all right jason this is your opportunity double flip reset right here oh oh oh oh no bang that in let's go all right you guys played super well you took home the w so despite going for crazy shots the casual players took away round two up next we have gcs let's see what they can do all right disa i'm spectating you with the kickoff right now the huge kickoff oh dude that's so nerve-racking it can't be nerve-wracking it's you're literally casual players you're supposed to just fight yeah choo-choo choo-choo all right dang this is already an intense panicking everyone's rotating really well there it is he faked feels bad oh good so why do you guys take the game not so seriously uh probably because i mean i just like to have fun playing the game to be honest yeah exactly are you that way with every game or just probably just rocky like honestly like i swept so hard and like well not really but like fps games definitely is a lot more sweaty all right intense team how are we going up here we're already down one goal that's one of it's winnable winnable okay that's all we need to hear it's winnable carter's on the move we got cool he's fighting just gonna wait for his touch i'll go mid nice i'm how many how many hours do you have in the game uh i'm i think i checked like the other day i think i'm like 990. you only have nine that's actually not bad at all for reference 990 hours for gc is incredibly low i got there around 2 000 hours i mean this guy has been grinding what made you decide to take rocky league seriously yeah i'm relatively new by my title but uh basically because four and i got boring being yourself improved is so much fun nice play thanks dude sick let's go bring it back let's get back to our casual players who are just having a good time oh bang bang come on ball em big 1v1 situation oh dude oh hold on one player holy are y'all feeling the pressure or do you feel pretty chill right now yeah we're filming right now i'm just chilling in cedar rapids get that ball i'll imagine i got it oh big demo that's actually a huge symbol yeah it's open oh unlucky oh my god oh that would have been crazy i want to watch this from your perspective you recovered and then came oh my gosh you almost had it that was insane that was a good pre-flight he had a sloppy touch this is close this is a fun game i like it oh he misplayed all right cool come on get up there challenge that boy done oh my gosh that was a thousand gasps i'll try and pinch watch out pinch for 50. you guys are taking this game away i love to see it you love to see it the casual players finally taking a dub hey ggs you all played super well looks like the casual players take another dub today you'd love to see that you'd love to see it bro let's go baby so the casual players have a lead on the try-hards now who was gonna win in this final match with the ssls with a hundred dollars on the line so there's also added pressure to see who performs best under pressure and if you want to be in videos like this join my discord oh yeah we're ready to rumble let's get it all right we have 100 cacharoonie on the line all right since where do you want to bud um and then that preferably but i'll cheat in the net all right here we go landed here we go big w right here maybe the most casual player i've ever met bang all right london bang wait right right oh nice poppage okay here we go with the shot a little bit off you try to try how many hours do you actually have in the game uh just over the four thousand i think holy you started 2018 that's insane all right intense players how are we feeling over here pretty good right now are you guys like heart calming hard sweating just generally intense how does the uh hundred dollars feel on the line does that help you or make you feel more sweaty i i completely forgot about it actually that's why i thought i'd remind you of it just to say no yeah [Music] that's bang bang yeah so the tryhards were more quiet and mainly focused on comms you could tell they were taking this seriously i like them back so far he's got that he's got the tornado spin actually i need to pass it nice you guys are rotating well yeah on beyond oh that was almost serious so why do you describe yourself as an intense player why did you decide rocket league is something you wanted to take seriously um well ever since i hit gc at 13 years old i realized how young i was compared to many other players so i really took a passion into playing the game and this isn't a tennis game it's almost over and no one has even stored this is like very very serious all right guys we gotta put one on the board here okay it's um we only have a minute left and no one's even scored come on landon there you go okay good see because i said that you scored instantly so that was perfect let's go try it nice clutch your car looking i'm stressed right now with the blaster yeah i know it's kind of cool yeah we need to see landon out of land get it yeah london or in london that's that's cool too that maybe yeah yeah so at ssl even the casual players are forced to come you can tell they are just a little bit more lighthearted and having fun with it yeah here we go let's check back nothing oh good job just kidding nice let's go the casual ssls walk away with 100 and have secured the win for the casual players overall i found that most of the casual teams had more hours in the game for their rank but honestly seem to enjoy playing more so from now on before you start playing rocky league give yourself a vibe check
Channel: Striped
Views: 439,657
Rating: 4.9446139 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play, Tryhard, try hard, casual, chill, chill rocket league player, chill vs, chill diamonds vs champs under tons of pressure, rank battle, who will win, which is better, funny moments, rocket league moment, rocket league science, rocket league highlights, helical, cbell, try hard vs casual
Id: FxYl1a-LZhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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