I Played 10,000 Hours of Rocket League, Here's What I Learned...

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you yokas because gonna be a little bit different than we're used to seeing on the channel where I just play a game to talk to what I'm doing today I'm gonna be talking to you guys about my experience what I've learned throughout 10,000 hours of playing rock league so I played eight thousand eight hundred sixty nine hours on scheme I started off on ps4 for the first year almost two years of my career and on ps4 I played anywhere between two thousand two hundred or two thousand eight hundred hours it's impossible really to tell I kind of just took my games back then multiply that by about five minutes and saw whatever I got and that was the time I had played so I gave a big range because I don't know how many it was games or forfeits how many of those games were over times are long it's impossible to tell so I gave a really big range but it's definitely over ten thousand hours by now anyway like I said I'm gonna go through all my thoughts everything I've learned throughout my 10,000 hours of playing all my experience whether it be mental in-game but a lot of it will be mental because a lot of improving is mental is what I've learned throughout this 10,000 hour period so anyway before I do get into the video though I wanted to say thank you guys so much for all the support on the channel we're getting closer and closer 1 million subs every single day we're almost up to 800 K which is nuts you guys are not subscribed and you do want to help me along this road to 1 million subscribers you guys can do that right now if you're not subscribed press that big red button down below present subscribe button and if you do it make sure you let me know in the comments because every single brand new subscriber from this point on for the next week or two is gonna have a chance to be featured on my channel in a 1 B 7 1 B 5 1 before one of you 3 video so make sure you let me know when you do hit that subscribe button if you're brand new here so I know to answer you guys for a chance to play against me in a 1 V 7 1 B 6 won't be 5 only for over 3 type video but yeah guys gonna be all for the intros video I don't want to drag it on too long because it is a very long video but I hope you guys enjoy everything I have to say and yeah thank you for everything guys I appreciate it show it says straight into the video alright what I want to start this video off on is just saying I played 10,000 hours of this game but you guys have been a huge part of that seriously like everyone watching me right now everyone that's been watching me over the years on Twitch on YouTube anyone that's been supporting me for a very long time like you guys have been a huge part of that you've been a huge part of my motivation to keep playing this game for as long as I have even in times where you know I might not enjoy it as much as I should because sometimes you know the game doesn't get on enjoyable when you played it for a very long time there are days where you just don't want to but I'll be streaming and you guys will come into my chat and make it a good time for me and you know you guys on YouTube is a huge motivation for me as well seeing all the brain new people come in every single day this amazing community we've grown over here it's a huge motivation for me so I definitely wouldn't put it as much time as I have I feel like if I didn't have all of you guys there backing me up always I know you guys are always there and obviously throw all the tournaments out played you guys have always been there supporting me so thank you so much five major LAN wins throughout my 10,000 hours just a crazy crazy accomplishment to me in my head I never thought I'd win that many lands one of them being our LCS which you guys have been watching me for a long time you know that's always been my ultimate goal all sense is always something I've wanted to win I wanted to win it multiple times I want to win it more still I'm not done yet trust me I play 10,000 hours man but I'll play 10,000 more that's what it takes to win another all's yes I'll try my absolute best to win more trust me but anyway I just wanted to say that a huge thank you to you guys for being with me along this this massive journey of all these hours played we're getting close to 1 million subs too which is crazy to think about like when I started my youtube channel and rockin League I had 1,000 subs I don't want thousand subscribers so all you guys are from rocket League literally almost all are you so thank you so much for being a part of this I honestly just wanted us to dedicate a part of the video just saying thank you because when I look back at all those hours played you guys are massively massively part of that so I want to say is that mindset honestly is everything guys like it's hard to explain how important mindset truly is a good example would be when I first started playing this game I was 14 year old kid and I won't lie to you I was pretty dumb I was I was pretty dumb I was always a very competitive kid and in terms of any game I played alright and for whatever reason you know when I'd be losing I would get frustrated and it would make me play worse I wouldn't get frustrated necessarily on my teammates I would just get frustrated at myself for sucking right but what does that really gain you when you think about it what is getting frustrated at yourself really really gain you and in the long term nothing all it does is probably make you lose whatever game you're playing you're not gonna be able to come back from whatever deficit you know you're losing by and it's just gonna make you play worse so that was something that kind of stopped me from getting as good as I could have got very early on I am got top hundred in pre-season still and the preseason the game I still got top hundred plays I was actually in the top 30 of only one but I feel like back then I got frustrated very easily when I was losing and I felt like I could be playing so much better like it was always frustration at myself never anyone else which I I like I like that over being toxic you know me I liked it over the frustration out your teammates I think that's the worst kind of frustration the frustration yourself is a self-improvement type of frustration but it's useless to be honest you don't want to have that that's not something that you need but what I'm saying is I still got to a high rank in pre-season I was still one of the the better when we won players at a time even though I had just gotten the game I know I could have been a lot better if I had thought in a different way if I if I had approached the game in a different mentality if I had taken that frustration that I for some reason got and mid-game and I'm down four goals to a player that I know is better than me just take that opportunity to learn man why am I getting frustrated in a spot like that's so stupid it was so stupid like looking back at that it's dumb you gotta use the opportunity as a chance to learn like if you're losing to someone who's better than you clearly better than you even if someone's worse than you and you're losing to them what are you doing wrong don't get frustrated you know I mean realize that you're making mistakes somewhere if you're losing you're making mistakes you don't lose to nobody you lose to your own mistakes so you got to realize where you're going wrong take whatever frustration you're feeling and just try not to get frustrated just literally just think about what you're doing wrong ignore the frustration part of things don't say things like oh I'm just bad right now no you're not just bad right now you know you can't you can't think like that you got to realize what mistakes you're making save the replay you just lost the game don't leave instantly save the replay realize what did you do wrong if you're making the same mistakes every single time you see the same goals going in against you every single time save the replay wash it back realize where you're going wrong don't make the same excuses for yourself you'll never improve you'll be stuck in your ranking if you think you're stuck in your rank that's probably why you probably don't have the proper mindset to improve you're probably making excuses a lot for recess while you're getting scored on and it's just not a good mentality to have you never improve and Rockley like that you have to try to open your mind up and be positive about you know improving don't don't look at things in a negative light always don't don't feel like you're you're slumping don't feel like the way you're playing is unfixable because it's not it you could change how you're playing players change their play styles all the time in pro play there's been players that play a super defensive role that switch to another team and they have to learn to play a new role because they're on our new team that's just how it works if you ever want to get to the highest level in this game you have to have that adaptability you have to be able to you know realize where you're going wrong in games where you're down by a lot of goals try to pretty much what I'm saying is try to use that frustration as a positive thing try that instead of being frustrated realized really going wrong and don't just ignore the fact you're losing or don't make excuses for why you're losing try to realize where you're going wrong that's one of the the biggest things I can tell you guys right now off just strictly word advice that will help you seriously there's not many things in this game that strictly words can help you with like you have to watch people with doing certain mechanics it's a watch people positioning a certain way but strictly off words alone and mentality that'll boost your rank I'm telling you if you just think differently about the game if you if you try to realize really going wrong instead of just ignoring your mistakes that's a huge thing that I've learned throughout my 10,000 hours and that's something that I wasn't good at I've approved so much on that and I'm still bad at it I am still bad at it some days I'll get frustrated at myself I'm not perfect I'm by no means trying to tell you guys I'm perfect in this video trust me I'm far from perfect still and I know that trust me I have so much I can improve on and that's something that keeps me motivated to keep playing this game after 10,000 hours but yeah pretty much that's the main point that I wanted to start off with is that mentality is everything man and like like I said still happens to me those days where I'll get on I have a few bad ranked games and I'm just like man why do I suck today when instead I could just you know toss on the replay and realize why I suck today you know I mean it's normally just like little things little mistakes you make and that it's different than normal but it feels like you're just off but they're fixable things and I had I have recently done that way more if I feel like I'm in that mindset like why am i sucking why am i randomly sucking more than usual I'll watch back replays and I'll realize where I'm going wrong and it's all often like very clear what you're doing wrong so if you guys want me to like I said I'll make a video and I'll try to go through every little thing that I like to look for in my gameplay when I'm going in those like weird mindsets where I feel like I'm slumping I could do that if you guys want so let me know down below and I'll get around to it when I have a chance that'd be a nice nice video for you guys to watch as well in terms of learning but that's the first thing I want to go over is a mindset and now the next thing is you got to realize what you want out of the game that's something that I wasn't even sure of when I first started playing this game and it wasn't until I was sure what I wanted that I actually became a pro player honestly and there is a stroke of luck that's needed to become a pro I won't lie to you there is a lot of luck needed not a lot but you need to have connections with people that are also good you need to have some form of you know interaction with someone who can get you onto a good team right if no one knows who you are we've never talked to anyone you're not gonna be able to get onto a team you have to network in some sort of way so I'd say six man's if you guys have never played six man's you guys have seen six men's videos on my channel you got to work your way up to six men's ranks and once you get to like rank X or rank s you'll be able to go into an RL RS team or around our lowest level team maybe against ur all the rest and then you can get into our LCS that's the way to go there was never six men's but I was becoming a pro in this game so it came down to just being good to people thought was good and rank was everything now it's a little bit different but yeah that's a big thing is you have to try to like make connections if you want to become a pro but if you don't want to become a pro and you want to just have fun with the game that's something you have to establish I feel like early on because to me I wasn't sure when I first tired of playing this game the first 3,000 hours I was kind of just having fun going for some stupid stuff and ranked like I would have an empty net and I would do this instead like this this no be empty but I would go off the back and I'd go for something stupid instead of just like you know the norm will just all right I have an empty net let me just shoot this ball home I mean I'd make it as hard as possible because I just wanted to have fun with the game but in a way and help me become a better competitive player cuz I know how to do you know the cooler stuff now the harder stuff the stuff that people find harder to say because it's like mechanically more inclined right that kind of made me a better playing away that's that's why I have that like freestyler ask this to me I guess is the best way to explain it like that flashiest him yeah that came for me originally not being sure of me being wanting to be a competitive player because if you watch competitive players like Garrett he's a good example super solid competitive player he's not the flashiest player but he's one of the most solid players in a game kit up great example as well not a very flashy player but one of the most solid players in a game and that's just because they they knew they were always at the top level they knew they're always like they were ever in a state where they were not sure if they want to be like a freestyler or calm player they started playing the game and they're at the top right away so it's like they knew what they wanted on the game I didn't know I was very in between and that's okay if you don't know but I think it's something you need to establish if you start playing this game and you think it's something you want to you know pursue pro wise you have to you know really put in the time and really start changing your mind so like I mentioned earlier to become what you want to become you know you can't you can't keep doing the same thing every single day but if you want to just have fun with the game by all means have fun man play however you want to and that's honestly I wouldn't even mind going back now if I just had fun with the game it kind of ran like a Jesu a Jesu ish you know type of channel where I'm just doing a lot of freestyle stuff and having fun I think we would've got a lot of cool goals that way and unranked but you know I would have missed playing in front of all you guys at LANs winning our LCS what I missed winning all the majors and stuff like that so there's good parts to both of it I think there's a lot of joy in content creation for being like a you know just a fun fun type of player like going for cool goals all the time there's a lot of joy and consecration for that and making montages one of my favorite things to do used to be at least and I promise you guys the 1 mil montage will be nuts like I promise you I have so much fun making that I have so many clips I want to make that like the best montage ever but I'm going on a tangent man like I'm going like all over the place with my topics right now but but my point was you got to realize what you want in this game you know if you think that you want to just be for fun player you know just freestyle and have fun with the game you don't have to stress about being really good or being at the highest level that's honestly a very fun way to play this game stress-free you know there's a lot of perks to that but if you want to be a pro takes a lot of time and there's a lot of perks that as well obviously you can get you can get paid from being a pro off contract salary you can you know when lands the feeling of competing with feelin a winning at a LAN is almost unmatched to be honestly it's an incredible feeling it's so it's such a nice feeling when you win a big line losing is terrible though the feeling of losing is so so bad man like losing out a big line and knowing you have to go home and you can't play anymore matches on stage is the worst feeling man it's it's it's hard to explain it's it's such a bad feeling though like the feeling of winning and the feeling of losing their to polar opposites like that they're suck so it's such a weird thing like when you win something massively you're so happy and for like you know multiple days sometimes weeks when you lose something you're the exact opposite way for sometimes weeks you know someplace it's the martyr it definitely had some harder when they're really close to winning as well so those are the things you gotta kind of like weigh your options you know do you want to be for fun freestyler type player do you want to just go pro and put in a lot of work a lot of time to get to where you want to get to so yeah that was my next point we're just trying to establish what you want early on I wasted 3,000 hours figured I was gonna become a freestyler but I don't think it was a waste because I started doing stuff like stealing shots pretty early on I started doing this like I figured I kind of put all my freestyler type of gameplay into high played competitively that's how stuff like you know stealing shots flip presets stuff like that all got it's a competitive play with players that also had like a similar monster to me you'd just like you know you don't have to waste these freestyler mechanics on just freestyling there's ways that in competitive play they can be used as well and that's why I thought this this save I always thought this had a lot of potential I actually saw a freestyler doing that way back and I remember who but they use it for a shot and I figured that would be like super Oh peepers saves in Grand Chamber I remember when I started doing that on the stream everyone does think it is so dumb for comp because people were doing in and freestyling already an unranked but I'm right try to put that into comp and people always said I was stupid for going out the back like that not everyone does like pros do it all the time so stuff like that like you could push boundaries if you're coming from freestyling maybe maybe you're like me and you weren't sure you're from freestyling and then you want it to go into competitive play you know if you're one of those people then that's good you can push the boundaries of the game that's a lot of the people that are super mechanically inclined they started as people who wanted to go for like cool goals a lot of time like me and they you know they just took that that same skill say it's a competitive play and that's that's okay it's okay to not be on a potential if I was saying it's better the earlier you know the better because you can sculpt to playstyle how you want to because you'll see those players that are a grand champ that don't have very good mechanics but they're very good positionally those are players that I think they know they want to go they want to try to go pro and they never really tried to push themselves outside of their comfort zone in terms of mechanics and one for cool stuff because you don't really need to go for cool stuff if you're a pro honestly there's a lot of players that don't a lot of players that can't to be honest and pro play but they're they're good enough positionally that doesn't really matter to be honest but yeah that was my my second thing so those two things to talk about so far was a mentality having a good mindset not blaming your teammates you know being a someone who tries to look to improve themselves more than blame others for whether they're doing badly and you know don't blame slumps try to look for what you're doing wrong that was my first one the second one is try to realize if you want to take the the pro route or just a casual ranks play route like what you just want to play ranked to try to see how high you can get and once you get kind of stuck in a rank you're just gonna have fun at it you know what I mean if you're one of those players that's fine that's a lot of fun that's honestly what I've done in like in csgo that's how I am in csgo I know I'm not gonna go pro in CS so I kind of just have fun with it I try to get better at you know aiming and just in general going for cool like one before when we before is when we threes when I have the chance to I don't really care too much about my rank I'm still decently high rank but you know it's not something I care about the deport where I'm trying to go pro so that I know I've established it siesta I don't want to go for obviously that's a good example though like I kind of just like got stuck it like LEM in cs:go and I'm just like you know trying to kill people for fun going for cool kills and stuff like that trying to practice my name that's the only thing I do in CS so if you want to be like that Oracle you just go for cool goals all the time you know just establish that early on so you're not wasting your time trying to be in-between or not sure what you're doing you know what I mean try to use what I'm trying to get to is make the most of your hours you know you don't need to play 10,000 hours like me you can play 5,000 hours and be a pro play if you use your time more wisely like I said a lot of the time that I have played is going for stupid stuff I practice going for so much dumb stuff that it's it's actually crazy I probably have like half my hours like 5k hours probably meet is going for like stupid goals you know I mean where it could have been me focused on my positioning I probably be a better positioning player right now but you know I don't regret it because I'm happy with my place so I'm happy with you know the way the way that I think I play in the way that the flow of my game looks I think I think my gameplay is fun to play for me so I think it would be fun to watch for you guys that's how I think if I was bored playing the game with my like style of gameplay then I would have been happy that's why I'm satisfied with how I play I'm not I don't regret any of the time that I spent putting it to certain things but I'm just saying if you guys want to go pro put your time into better things use use your time more wisely it's not about quantity it's about the quality of your hours so you can have like I said 5,000 hours and still be a pro because you've used your hours in a different way than I have whereas I've had a ten thousand eleven thousand hours and I've used in a very different way than you probably half my hours position positionally focused and half my hours it's you know mechanically focused or little over half my hours and mechanically focused so you know all depends on how you use your play time you can even try to mix two of those in one you don't need to you know have a specific play style it all comes down to how you feel comfortable playing the game so just use your time wisely and don't waste any time don't play the game for no reason if you're trying to go pro if you're having fun with the game like I said but the game for no reason that's why establishing what you wanted the game is a huge thing that's a huge thing that I wish I had known a little bit earlier on so I'm telling you guys that right now that's something I've learned for my 10,000 hours of experience so another thing that I will say is mechanics aren't everything that kind of stems in with the previous thing mechanics are not everything guys like you don't need 10,000 hours to be a pro player like I said because you could just be better at different things everyone's better at different things you don't need to waste all your hours putting it into flip presents you don't need to waste all your arts putting it into air dribbles or stealing shots or double taps practice like the things that you need to improve your gameplay you don't you don't need some of the unnecessary stuff like you don't need to know how to do a a wall chain - like you don't need to know how to do that it's it's so unnecessary I learned because it's cool when it's fun to do you know I mean and I can't like go for some weird fake where I like go up the wall like this and I wave passing the wall and they think I'm jumping that's just me personally you don't need to do that don't waste your time with mechanics that are dumb if you're trying to just improve because all I think the day you can improve by you know just playing smart like this ball I need to do in a game is probably just do a normal flick but me being the dummy that I am you know you don't need to copy me and everything I do I'd probably go for something stupid and miss you know I mean it's like there's no that's how I play right if I'm playing in our LCS or something I've obviously just go for like a normal flick I just try to shoot it but you don't have to go for the stupid stuff you don't have to practice the stupid stuff yes it makes the game more fun sure but you know just focus on the the fundamentals if you are trying to get a pro most of the video will be talking about you know trying to become a pro player my journey to trying to become a pro player and things I've learned it's not gonna be about becoming a freestyle or anything freestyle related so if that is what you want out of the video you can still watch of course but don't take any of the tips I'm saying like this tip of me like saying you don't need to practice all these mechanics it's not it's not so that you guys don't practice of mechanics it's just I'm just saying if you're trying to become a pro player you don't need it right but if you're becoming a freestyler you want to just have fun with the game of course by all means that's the most fun thing to do in this game to be honest is practice mechanics but in terms of just improvement you don't need that it's my big point so if you're playing in a ranked game and you run into someone that has you know insane mechanics but they can't the ball don't roast them for it because they're just having fun with the game you don't mean like you don't have to roast everyone you're funny I've played so many people played against people that like they're roasting their teammates because their teammates can flip reset but they don't know how to position maybe they're just having fun with the game yeah I mean like it is what it is man you don't have to roast people for just to join them so the end of the day it's ranked everyone's trying to improve everyone's trying to have a good time at the game at the end of the day so you know try to keep that in mind if you're ever someone who's a keyboard warrior so you're the type of person to like be toxic yet I mean keep that in mind alright this is another big one that I've learned throughout my 10,000 hours and it's settings related you guys asked pros for those settings all the time ok and here are my settings there we go but the thing is it doesn't matter what my settings are the end of the day if I have my settings at this and I could play good you shouldn't you shouldn't copy me because these are my settings yeah I mean it's because I use these stupid-looking settings and I'm good with them doesn't mean you will be ok and whatever settings you use if it's just a pro player settings doesn't mean you're gonna be pro level yeah I mean it settings has nothing to do with it my point is I would say if you're someone who doesn't know what settings to use don't just copy it Pro settings our pro settings are a good baseline sure but mess with stuff so what I would do is you know set your field of view to 110 that's a really good baseline set your distance to like 260 try to 60 to 70 to 80 and 290 between 260 and 290 is your sweet spot for camera settings honestly 90 to 110 your sweet spot for height angle I would say negative 5 to negative 3 and sickness 35 to 70 it's probably your sweet spot so mess with all those and just find your favorite settings and there you go don't use the pro settings don't use the pro setting just because it's the pro settings find your own for sensitivity and dead zone dude gimmick uses 3.5 sensitivity 3.5 steering you don't want to use that like if you're someone who's never used Hisense don't use it just because gimmick is using it don't use it just because a pro is using Hisense use the sense that feels good to you for me I would do the same thing if a pro is playing really well in a certain sense I would try it out when I was coming up as a pro I would do that all the time I would see a pro you know on a certain sensitivity and I'd be like okay let me try it let me just see how it feels and that's just not a good thing to do okay because everyone has a different fuel for their controller everyone moves their stick in a certain way certain like you know hardness to how they push their stick I don't know the right way to explain that but you know to me like as far as you push your stick is different for everyone right so I would say for your sense as well just try to find what you want to use your point zero five is a really good baseline to have it control dead zone you should have that there I'd say and then you know dodge said zoom and air between point 50 and like point 75 is good I ganas - anywhere between there but you got to find what feels good to you for area on steering same thing just slowly raise it raise it by you know point five every time and this you it feels good - you don't use someone settings because it's their settings like going a training pack try a setting you know if you can't roll as much as you'd want to or you can't like control your car the way you want to then switch it like try something different try something a little bit higher maybe maybe you don't have the control you want yet so keep practicing with that but how many points four settings don't use settings just cuz the pro uses it the only settings that will say you're okay to use because it Pro uses it is like maybe the nameplate scale because you see people's name plates in this on the field bigger and it doesn't really affect you too much it just helps you have a better awareness of the game nameplate scale is a good thing to copy pros on I think that's the only thing the only thing that I would say is a good thing to copy pros on but even then it is preference if you do want smaller name skills you can have literally the name skills so tiny that you just see the car is pretty much you can have the name plate scale is so big that you pretty much only see the name play you barely even see the car so it's literally all up to you it's all preference but that's something that I actually copied someone on it that's the reason why I changed originally I had it on default I copied someone like when I was getting better at the game I remember who it was though but I don't 140 now if you guys want to copy that but you can just try to find your preference for all these settings that's what I would say and the camera and the you know the steering sense and deadzone those are two big ones that you need to find your preference man you don't copy a produce because it's their settings trust me that's not the way to go and I say this with confidence because I'm someone who has changed my settings thousands of times like throughout my ten thousand hours I've changed by setting so many times I've tried every variation of 260 to 280 90 to 110 negative 5 to negative 3 and 35 to 70 I've tried every single variation not even kidding like I've 110 and all those settings the the gaps between I've literally tried every single one I've tried every single one between my ten thousand hours of gameplay so Jesse I know when I say that with confidence that you know you have to choose your camera settings based off your preferences it's nothing to do with other people are using that's a huge huge tip that'll help you gameplay wise that's gonna make you feel much more comfortable when you're playing the game even if your settings are really weird if they have to look really weird you have to use like really zoomed out settings you know they're our grand champs with really zoomed out settings because they use that that advice I guess they figured out along the way that they need to use their own their own settings so I got this question a lot because I played so many hours people always ask me you've played so many hours how do you stay interested in the game how do you still enjoy this game after playing all these hours for me it's just keeping the game fresh so I try to learn new things all the time so when I see someone do something new I try practices so double flip resets like that it's something that I've tried to sing for you know probably like a month now that's something new that you know I can get on every day and try to focus on improving it and I have gotten way better if you guys have been watching me on Twitch he you would have seen when I started practicing them and you were to see how much better I've been getting at them like I can get that much more consistent than I used to and that's something that you know keeps the game super fresh just going for new mechanics trying to keep the game feeling new you know if you do the same thing every single day you don't push yourself to improve you don't try anything new you're not gonna get that much better and you're not gonna enjoy the game at the same time so that's like a huge thing that I think helps a lot in terms of playing a long time and trying to still enjoy what you're doing you know what I mean cuz yeah of course the game at some points does feel boring I won't lie to you it's gonna come with anything that you have a lot of time played in or anything that you've done for a very long time if you're working a job for you know 20 years you're bound to feel bored sometimes you know it's just how it is I haven't done this with 20 years obviously but the same thing applies you you're bound to feel bored you got to do something to keep it fresh so same thing applies for this if you played it for a long time or you're you're looking to be a pro and look at the play for a long time keep the game fresh keep the game new for yourself that's the best way to enjoy it so that's a huge thing that people always always ask me how do you not get bored you have all these hours I did not get bored also it does help in a way that you know I have lands to look forward to you like the competitive motivation of it wanting to still win stuff that's a huge help if I didn't have that obviously they have less motivation to play the game as often I won't lie to you but at the same time there's always you guys as well that's a huge motivation for me so you got to find motivation somewhere in the game or that it just be you know to have fun or if you want to be a streamer you want to try to become a pro find motivation somewhere and it'll make the game never feel boring to you because you'll always have somebody to you know look forward to you have somebody to try to kind of work toward that's why I think those players that like go for those like infinitely long air dribbles or you know the hundreds of flip presets in a row whatever they do you know they keep the game really fun for themselves cuz they're always trying to push themselves to do more you know what I mean that'll never get boring if you do that all the time if you just try to improve that you kind of push the ceiling of what you're capable that's a really fun thing to do you know I mean that's probably something I would want to do after I'm done Pro play just try to push the ceiling for what I'm capable of or maybe even when I'm still pro so try to keep pushing the ceiling obviously I'm still trying to push the ceiling of what I'm capable of but you know what I mean I'll have more time to literally just focus on the dumb stuff that's not necessary in pro play because you can't air dribble the ball for 100 seconds in pro play you just can't you know I mean it's not worth even practicing that I know what I hear dribble the ball for the maximum amount of boost usage for a hundred boost which would just be like probably probably use like 30 so far that's 100 yeah I mean like you don't have much you don't have much boost to use in a real game so you don't even know how to do much besides like the default irrigable so I've never really pushed myself to learn how to do the like infinitely long one but I'm just saying keeping the game fresh is massively important trying to keep you know new mechanics coming in as frequently as possible into your gameplay just try to like slowly implement them when you can keeps the game super fresh and super fun that's pretty clean also guys I know this video isn't very well organized I just wanted to talk to you about everything like that I've kind of learned throughout my time it's not like and I have an organized list or anything I'm just trying to just have a conversation with you guys in a way where you guys don't respond to me because I'm talking to myself but you know what I mean like you guys are all listening you can kind of take in the bits and pieces information that you want to take in I refined as few as much information as possible from my experience and hopefully helps you guys in some way you know a lot of you guys do ask me what it takes to become a pro you want to go pro how do I do it you know I'm trying to give you as many tips as possible now you guys always asked me because I've plenty 10,000 hours that I have like a advanced sense of the game like do I know where everyone is gonna be always do I have like a mini like radar in my head as to where everyone is on the map like I got that question a lot for whatever reason and the answer is yes in a way like I know where everyone will be on the field most of the time like I know there's somewhat where they're at but at the same time you know there are people that play a little bit unconventionally and it can throw you off because you know you haven't seen even though I played 10,000 hours there's new play styles coming out I haven't seen every single type of play style so it's hard to you know kind of expect the way new players are gonna play I probably should have asked you guys to ask me questions so I wouldn't just like go off in a bunch of rants in this video not really rants but you didn't mean like just keep talking about stuff that I'm thinking of as they come up but I should have just asked you guys questions so you guys could have asked me whatever you wanted to in terms of you know what I've learned throughout my time but I wanted to talk more about the mentality part of things rather than the gameplay part of things cuz out of ten thousand hours of gameplay alone obviously my mechanics are really solid I still miss a lot though I won't I won't like lie to you guys no matter how good you are mechanically this game you're gonna make mistakes it's gonna be days where you do you do miss reads you know what I mean they're obviously like you can improve that and you can get more and more consistent at it and obviously I've tried to but there are days you're still gonna miss reads your nobody got to the point where you never miss you know I mean you're always gonna you're always gonna make mistakes sometimes so that's never something you can fully rule out of your game play no matter how much time you have played you're always gonna make some form mistakes yeah throw 10,000 hours obviously mechanics very solid I don't really make crazy amount of mistakes I got a Miss very often obviously happen sometimes I miss very often in terms of consistency though I can still get way better oh this is a huge one that I really want to talk to you guys about as well cuz all you guys always asked me how do you deal with toxic play you're squishy the scheme so toxic I always get these questions right the truth of it is rocket League it's really not that toxic like I've seen the lower rank toxicity I've done Road to grand champs with with random names I've done Road aggressions where I can't score so people do get toxic and I see it but if you're someone who's played csgo if you're someone who's played League of Legends you'll know that rocket League is nowhere near that point of toxicity like it's bad but every game is bad every single game is bad Rock League is not that toxic to be honest and there's a lot of features in Rock Lee that can help you with toxic players honestly if you're playing with someone as toxic or against someone as toxic as soon as you see them saying anything stupid just mute them you know you don't need that in your life you don't need the negativity don't don't even entertain what they're saying the other day they probably want attention you know what I mean there's no reason to entertain that just mute him play your game beat their asses you know what I mean that's the the best kind of trash talk back to someone who's trash-talking you is don't say a word and just win that's the best the best trash talk back trust me you don't need to spread negativity the same way they are just win just beat them show them you're better and then move on yeah I mean there's no there's no reason to to worry about it or get hung up on someone as being being rude to you in rank it doesn't really matter at the end of the day right just ignore them move on with your day they might be having a bad day you know I mean I might be just having a bad day getting frustrated so just mute him let me talk to themselves let them vent to themselves you know anything that's how I deal with that at the end of the day it doesn't matter too much you know you're gonna run into people that are gonna be toxic you know runts people are gonna be rude to you but you know you gotta try to look past that and just focus on yourself focus on your own gameplay don't be tossing back it's worst thing you do if your teammates playing bad don't be toxic if you're someone who's naturally someone who likes to type and say rude things maybe that's something you gotta try to look to yourself to change but don't say anything bad to your teammate if your teammates having a rough game you're like and you type in chat what are you doing man like if you type in chat like that or you type something toxic or passive-aggressive at the end of the day it's only gonna make them play way worse lot like why would you ever type that someone's having a really bad game don't type dumb stuff like it's never gonna make them play better and there's no world we're saying you're so bad or you're trash you're gonna make someone playing bad play better there's no world where that say something like if they say you know if they see like my bad or something or just a story and be like it's all good like just be nice just be nice to people trust me it comes back around you know how people being nice to you when you're having an off game instead of someone saying you're trash right here and you're making mistakes so everyone could be nicer the whole community can be nicer every game obviously and you can't really control all of that I'm just saying in general don't get hung up on the few people that are root try to think about the people that are being positive because there are people that are really nice in this game people tend to always look at the negatives and I'm the same way when I see comments and I read comment sections the negatives always stick out to you positives kind of just rolled by because their positives but the negatives always kind of just stick out more than the positives for whatever reason it's how the brain works I guess that's a big thing in terms of toxicity you know probably asking about a lot of time how do you deal with it ignore it man it's a hard thing to do for some people I understand that but in the day you're just playing a game you trying to have fun you know don't let anyone ruin that experience for you if you're having a bad day don't put that pressure on yourself to to you know perform just just have fun and don't don't care what anyone thinks and ranked it shouldn't matter just enjoy yourself end of the day and yeah but anyone's just talking down on you in the game like I said mute them move on it's the best thing you can possibly do oh this is another big one that I just thought of people asked me how do you break out of a slump and you feel like you're slumping you know I kind of touched upon that topic earlier right I don't think slumps are a thing I feel like it's just like some days you feel like you're playing worse than usual then you think you're slumping so it makes me play even worse when really you should look at what you're doing wrong instead that's how I feel but if you are someone who feels like you're genuinely just playing really bad I think the best way to break out of that to be fully honest with you is like a two day break reset come back with a fresh mindset forget about you know the bad games you may have had or the losses and rank that you may have you know just just lost forget about the bad games that you might have you might have had you know a couple days ago come back with a brand new fresh mindset I'm telling you it works wonders something about it coming back fresh you'll have a new motivation to play the game you won't feel like you're playing bad and it'll help you it's on so that's a huge thing I I think that helps a lot with when you just think you're slumping personally like I said I think if you are in that mindset you can fix it by that are just watching replays and realizing where you're going wrong and trying to change your mindset but you know like I said some people can't just flick off their mindset like that some people you know they feel as if they're not playing well and that's okay you know that's okay to feel like you're just not playing well for a couple days or you just add a Down point in your your current form that's fine let's take a break and that's your your best way to come back with the fresh mindset every new sense of wanting to play the game and you're gonna gonna play better because of it trust me and one of the last things I will say if those of you trying to get to grand champ if you're stuck in a rank or those of you that are just starting to play right now focus heavily on the fundamentals that's something that I'll get you very far just are you gonna hit the ball hard hit the ball fast where you want it to go those are very very important things that'll get you so far in this game like ridiculously far you could literally get two grand champ just off of being able to hit the ball hard like forward or on targets all you need really you'll get the grand champ off of that if you watch another grand champ series which I will be doing another one soon with a special guest that won't say who it is yet but it's a pro player a very very well-known very popular pro player that is a very good friend of mine I will be doing a rather grand shape with him pretty soon so it's a special guest announcement that will be will be coming soon whenever I do record with him but yeah you guys can watch that in my other road the grand champs in the lower ranks if you could just bang a shot on target with power from anywhere in the field it'll go in the bar and it's consistent and saving the ball so that's something you should learn early on that's something that with 10,000 hours of experience when I first started playing if I had known how deadly if I had known how deadly just banging the ball on target is learning how to hit the ball like with power off of a bounce if I had known how deadly that was I would have practiced that and only that like for the first like hundred hours of my game and I would I got so much better so quickly trust me that's like a huge thing to practice that it's not hard at all to practice but it's something that people wouldn't think is as important as it is I feel like people now they get the game they see pros doing wavedashes doing shots stuff like that and they're just like let me try that but you don't know how to save your boost properly you don't know how to like you know do the fundamentals yet you got to learn the fundamentals before you can do that yeah I mean what's what's this thing you know like you know what before you could run type thing you got to learn how to do the fundamentals before you can do those hard things that's that's what I think so learn how to do like good power shots fire up on target from anywhere in the field that's a massive skill that I help you so so much always throw it the entire day be rocket league career whenever you have that empty net or you know if you're just in a spot where you could just clear the ball on target from your side of the field just to make it awkward for the other team that works in in my rank that works in pro game still just clearing the ball high up forcing out a bad touch that still works so just learn how to hit the ball hard on bounces that's something that with 10,000 hours is one of the most valuable skills this for example I know it's not supposed to be like this like there's nothing being clear but learning how to clear the ball like this off of a wall off the bounce same concept massively useful this is a fundamental that's like way better than slingshots way better than slippery testers because it's like invaluable in a game like this can help you in so many situations that the game is learning how to do this also learning how to just control the ball like this then trying to just stay with they got a 50/50 out very useful very useful in all these situations so that was my main point about this just learn the fundamentals of the game I'm gonna help you more - anything else trust me fundamentals will help you more than any ceiling shot any flip preset just because I do it just because other pros do it doesn't mean that you should start off early on in the game learning how to do this stuff because you're not gonna be ready to do it trust me and a huge thing if you are someone who is good enough high enough rank to go for some shot so presets edibles make sure you have the boosts to do so don't use your boo stupidly that's something that I still do this is one of the best tips in this video to be honest this whole video in terms of gameplay don't use your boost stupidly is something that I still do in a way something a lot of pro still do in a way something that I used to do really badly was just wasting my boost in spots I didn't need you when I became a pro I got way better at it as soon as I get a boost I'd hold onto until it absolutely needs to use because if you if you halter 100 boots and a ball comes toward you there's so much more you can do with it than if you only had 12 when you have 12 you can only do this and that's it the ball is gone if you have 100 you can fake this go middle and now you have a free goal if when you have 12 look I can't I can barely even reach this ball but I can't reach it see it means the other manager boost properly that's a huge huge tip that's probably the most important tip I can give you to be honest in terms of gameplay is boost management you can learn how to manage your boost properly that's something that'll help you forever in this game literally forever every single rank that's huge if someone trying to boost our view and you can't hold on it's like you know the extra boost that you do have and you're in your tank that's perfect if you know how to do that and maintain your extra boost it's literally gonna help you in endless scenarios like it's crazy to me how important boost usage is in this game especially these days the way people boost our because we try to bump you all the time so describe with your boosters just practice learning mentally the timings of your boost so if you guys don't know the the big boost pads are 10 seconds and a little boost pads I believe are 4 seconds let me just check out quick I'm pretty sure the little ones yeah I'm like 99% sure the little ones are 4 seconds and the big ones are 10 I know the big words are 10 for sure those are two things that mentally you really need to keep track of because if someone's boosting you hard you could take this one one two three four and take it again two three four and back again there you go I got you know 30 boost 36 boost off of that when someone's just coming toward me with the dribble just by taking the same one you know I could fake challenge this way turn back around get that boost pad I mean you use your fake challenges wisely or you can get the pad again every time and then for the big boost pad something I like to keep track of in the game if I take one it's gonna be ten seconds till it comes back so I kind of have a mental note of how long 10 seconds is even I'm talking right now now it's gonna come back up right about now so I can be back around the boost and then go back toward the ball so it's like something that you have to keep a mental note up I don't even need to count it anymore I kind of take it and then keep track of when it's gonna come back I know how long it takes to get to one side of the field to the other they know that this one's about to come back right now just get back to it and then this was gonna come back a second later so ya gotta have a mental track of how long it takes to get to like one side of the field on this side how long it takes to rotate around I have an idea of it's about 8 seconds to get from I time this a while back so if I'm moving forward here so at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7:8 to go back to the corner boost I've timed that before it's a very useful thing to know moving forward because say I just rotated back to net I grabbed this boost and this ball gets it here I decided to just take their boost and the rotate back about time I rotate all the way back here if I wanted to I could secure our back boost again because that would be the exact same timing I know the timings of like all the boosts and how long it takes to get it across the field that's something that I definitely learned because I have so many hours in this game it takes a lot of time to get a feel for cuz you know if you're just playing the game and you're kind of just going toward the ball and ball chasing a lot you won't have a very good flow of the game you gotta try to flow with what's happening in the game that's oh yeah that's like a huge thing that's super important to learn just the timings of the boost so four seconds four small pads two three four it's back up and then ten seconds for the back ones those are the two two main things for boost and then you just got to manage your boost so when you're full speed you know don't boost beyond that you'll always be full speed if you just hold our two you can even turn a little bit pretty much I could turn just a little bit either way but you'll lose it if you turn a lot so just stay in one one steady line you'll be full speed the whole time so I like to do is if I want to save boost I like this ball off the wall I'll boost the full speed and then if I want to turn out as boost when I'm turning like much because I still have I've been forced to be that whole time and I have so much boost though so I thought all the pros do you'll see every pro doing that when they they can go supersonic they don't waste their boost let's - absolutely need to let's pretty much everything I want to talk about in this video the main things boost management was a huge thing I want to talk about gameplay wise it's one of the biggest things out of my 10,000 hours I've learned the boost management's probably the most important skill in this game to be honest obviously resting on teammates is huge usually important but if you don't have the boost to help out your teammates or a system with what they need then there's no point you know I mean you can rotate perfectly but having that boost boost management is the most important thing I'd say in this games learn the timings of big boost small boost learn how to rotate around your team of course by watching replays that's replay related I talked about that earlier I feel like I covered everything all the main things that I wanted to talk about I've learned a lot through my 10,000 hours but the end of the day I've enjoyed every minute of it and seriously I wouldn't take back any of it I don't regret any time I've played in this game I'd still play another 10,000 hours if that's if that's what this games gonna leave me to another 10,000 hours if I'm still gonna be playing competitively if I'm still gonna be a pro I'm down for it honestly and I make another one every 20,000 hours I'll let you guys know whatever but I'm sorry but these are all the main things and I hope you guys learned a lot in this video if you guys did enjoy this video please let me know down below I'm sorry if it was just a lot of rambling but I feel like it was a lot of fun to be honest I talk about everything with you guys talk about everything that I've learned I hope you guys learned something if you guys did let me know down below like I said yeah thank you guys for watching as always I appreciate sure if you watch all the way to the end let me know down below I'm curious to see how many you guys actually watched almost like 40 minutes 50 minutes of someone just talking about their experience playing the game like a like a boomer like an old boomer but yeah thank you guys for stopping by like I said I love you guys thank you so much for the support if you're not sub like I said in the beginning of the video hit that subscribe button so you can get a chance at being in one of my future videos in the next probably a couple weeks probably I say like next 1 to 2 weeks I'll be recording those so I'll be picking people for the next couple of videos that I do so make sure that if you're not subbed you hit that sub button so I can pick one of you guys you guys can be featured in one of my new videos before I do get off the I'll show you guys it's real quick it's not 100% accurate because all my stats got reset about two years ago so the play time obviously isn't accurate and the games plate isn't accurate I probably have double triple dish something like that also I have a lot of free play hours a lot of my hours are free play but this is not fully accurate but this is within the last you know 70 days of play time these are my stats so that's what you guys have been asking for in a couple videos can I see stats can I see stats there you go this is my stats if you guys wanted to see it but yeah not fully accurate like I said I probably have sixty thousand inch games played total if you got any ps4 games as well so yeah I better like I said have a good one I see us all in the next I love y'all peace you
Channel: SquishyMuffinz
Views: 1,128,509
Rating: 4.9358792 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Gameplay, Professional Rocket League, Squishy, C9 Squishy, Rocket League Analysis, Mechanical Player, Mechanical Plays, SquishyMuffinz, Smart Game Play, Rocket League Champion Series, RLCS World Champion, Rocket League Training, Professional Game Play Analysis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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