1's Until I Lose

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hey what's up guys I planned on recording just two quick ones till I lose episode but as you can tell by the length of this video it's anything but quick I actually ended up going on one of the biggest win streaks I ever have in womb' ones and I hope me thinking out loud while playing helps you guys to understand why I'm making the decisions that I do I also want to quickly apologize for the stuttering that happens during this video I couldn't record with OBS I've been having some quality issues with it lately so I switched over to shadow play and it seems like the longer I recorded for the harder of a time it had keeping frames consistent I don't think it really ruins the entire video but there are some moments you might miss how I do something because of it and I also start out a little bit tired but as the streak continues I think you guys will see and hear me warm up a little bit and get more energy from the winds but enough of that let's jump into it alright well here we go we'll start now once it's really tough I'm not expecting to do too great just because I don't play them often as I should or as often as I should takes kind of like a certain mentality to play ones I feel like I really give to be in a certain mindset of almost not really ball chasing but almost you know never leaving the ball just because you're the only person on the field you're the only person you can apply pressure so it's really really important to continue applying pressure the entire game so that's kind of what we're gonna try to do here keep these guys uncomfortable what we're playing it's really gonna really challenge for him didn't leave much time to set up anything on a dribble just gonna get it clear here I know he's going for my Bruce maybe he done was us take a quick shot you get to save but that gives us his boost now so hopefully as little star throw it up high make him work for it do it again oh that's not a good shot he'll score off of that that was a big mistake for me I'm not putting that shot on target was really really important for him to get that goal I think I should have just come in and maybe popped it up high again made him work for it a little bit more and keep taking his boos keep holding him in there but not a problem so you're gonna take this that's the pass to us we can shoot off of that's a pretty big mistake from him he touched that too hard into the wall and went for that boost and it gave us too much space to be able to swear that wait for his movement here how's it gonna flick I flipped the wrong way if I flipped a little bit earlier that way or if I flipped a different direction I think I saved that but that was really really quick flick from him here again prioritizing the ball I think he got that boost behind us throw a quick one he's gonna turn on this I don't think you can get a quick enough shot really interesting this guy's pretty hungry for boost so you should be able to catch him out a few times this way so like right there he's really aggressive we can score this I think he's stuck around for too long that bump really didn't do much for him it bombed me because I got the touch on the ball so it bumped me out in front of the ball if anything he's gonna get that boost I'm gonna fake this so he touches it and then I'll touch it that was a really good bump that time though could've got a better touch right here the end of landing right under me that was good expecting a high-scoring game just cuz I make a lot of mistakes in 1v1 not really too sure how to handle them well you got lucky there he probably could have saved that but maybe he just didn't have enough boosts to get to it I'm expecting some high-scoring games simply because I'm and I know I'm gonna make a lot of mistakes and so at the very least he's in a score lot and I'm gonna have to score a lot to keep up with it another decent kickoff he's gonna turn fast here I bet good little fake challenge from him really poor catch almost on gold but that gave me the boost this will take a high shot here good block from him he probably scores this okay we got lucky there he wasn't able to kind of pre flip into that and squirt I think that he could have but he ain't part of the free food goon you have a part of the brief flip game take a quick shot here cuz he's on the wall really good recovery from him I think he read what I was doing there and so he kind of started to move in the direction of my shop before I took it yeah he was going down the wall there that was really good he thought I was Us East I used to be I lived in Florida originally but now we're in Texas throw it up high he doesn't have much boost hopefully that makes him work for it use his boost here another really good bump but I think I can score this mm-hmm just missed it get the demo should be able to score here if he doesn't spawn on this side yep [Music] hopefully he watches this video just cuz I answered his question Holly I guess I answer it next time I get a chance to type but I used to be US East but naumann in the center of the US so I cube both both servers and I'm playing ranked us east and west so we did touch off the wall there that kind of gives us a bounce that we can control here quick change of direction on the shot he was sitting really really stagnant in that sitting still facing me and so that gave like a really big opening over on the left side of his net and so I just I pushed it close enough to him to force him to challenge and then from there when he came out to challenge I pushed it over to the left let's make him go for this he's gonna get the boost though that's a really good turn for him to get around the ball I was kind of hoping he would hit it right away instead of getting around it first not the best save you get a little lucky I could have shot that I was worried he was coming in for a shot and so I was just trying to get behind the ball as fast as I couldn't hit it definitely could have scored that as well I'm not gonna use too much boost here because I know he'll get that corner not me I'll pressure now cuz he dropped the ball he's gonna go up I want this boost you shouldn't really go into the air and once I'm not good enough on the ground so sometimes I go into the air when I shouldn't just get a challenge where we're driving you don't really want to commit to that one too hard because we're up against his back wall really smart to him to not shoot that that gave him a ton of space to work with here almost a good fake from him we still got oh what a good touch we still got below it on the the challenge we still stayed low enough to get on it but this turn right here you got a really good touch out to the side that I wasn't expecting and his name is unexpected so that was a little bit unexpected probably shoot up a power shot here but we're gonna go for an interval kind of bait him like we're going low and then take a high so what I did there is I kind of delayed my boost so that he would think I'm dropping the ball but then at the end there so like the right at the end I just held boost to try and keep it as high as I could after baiting him into that lower hit so I'm gonna try to install this ball and kind of give it to myself here off the wall we're in this corner take this boost just so he can't get it on a recovery and then we're gonna rip a shot so you can react to it so I haven't really taken any kind of power shots like that in this game that was the first one so I was kind of hoping to catch him off guard but it seems like we did so now we're gonna take this a little bit wide and go for another power shot we got a little bit more a little bit more space on the field there on that one than when we had the air dribble he landed a little bit further to the side so I felt a little bit more comfortable taking it wide for a power shot good patience from him wow that was really really stupid for me I shouldn't have gotten behind that ball like that but he had really good patience and it kind of baited me into pushing past it right there gonna be a little bit smarter with my decisions in those small ball scenarios a little bit more patient they're trying to shoot this really bad shot could have followed that if it a little bit better so he's gonna go for that middle boost then I have to take this corner and get back around the ball take this from and see if I can bump them maybe that's gonna be a goal man I got a little bit greedy for that did he miss okay I got a little bit greedy for that shot I should have just taken it to the corner once I realized I overshot the net but I thought maybe a backflip flick would throw it in the net but there was no need to score that I'm a head so I should just be prioritizing possession and kind of killing time that's in really good shot I tried to push early and kind of scare him but he did you did well to take a quick shot on that might be able to score this you got back in time pop it around to the left I saw his turn was just a little bit wide like I said this is a high scoring game I'm making way too many mistakes and he's scoring off him and then fortunately for us he's making just about as many mistakes as us right now it's gonna go up gonna kind of stall time here no need to really do anything with this baller then kind of hold on to it get a low 50 just kill some more time again we're ahead here so he's gonna have to be quick he's gonna be gone for everything really early so we're just gonna hold possession as much as we can and keep him away from the ball so he's gonna turn on that will wait back pressure this make him go for this and then we'll wait back so like I said he's feeling really really pressured there I'm sinful now he was feeling really really pressured there and so he had to go for the ball bunch with no time so we just kind of made him think we were going for it so you could beat us quote-unquote so he could think he could beat us I guess but then just waiting back the whole time all right we're up against Boyd on Neo Tokyo actually a big fan of this map like this map a lot we're gonna stay on this ball because he kind of backed off get around it and go for a low 50 maybe backflip flick here let him touch this and then we'll go so I knew he was kind of in a panic state there I don't think he had any boost and if he did it wasn't much so we were just trying to make him do something that we could react to oh no that's just me having a bad kickoff consistency double jump there instead of a flip it's actually something I do more often than I'd like to take a touch here to get control but he's gonna be on me quick take a little 50 you might turn on this so we'll jump to bait him off quick flick catch this and turn take his boost low 50 again and we should be able to push this into his net so this is actually something I learned a lot from watching somebody like violent Panda he does a lot of these single jump low 50s that allow him to recover back onto the ball really quickly or recover back into position quickly here in ones it would have to be back onto the ball but and something like twos or threes it would allow you to recover back into your position a lot quicker so you took a quick shot there you got a really good save that was a domina saver and I throw it hot oh I was gonna throw it high there but then he rushed for the boost so I kind of messed it up I should have been able to score that get really pressure there might catch this for a dribble so he threw it to the wall we'll wait here on the ground no need to on the wall yet now we will just to dodge that bumping at the ball take possession here might go for a quick flick since he's sitting so far away on the side there we're pinched when I grab this boost and then catch this ball nice good catch so we had to recover he takes a really good shot we missed the catch and that's gonna be why he scores that we just have to catch that ball mechanical error not the best I'm gonna try to pre flip his shot briefly being so got space here I've ripped the shot you know a few times whoo pop it high asalaam challenging go around him and then take a shot so right there I just saw him pushing I really really close with a big boost rail and so I knew that he was coming in quick and he was supersonic so even if he did turn around it would be a slow turn so we just tried to pop it high and go around and dodge the demo I'm gonna close the distance here so he doesn't have cold never find a free angle on me I forgot I'm playing against indominus I can get a lot more power than an octane I left too big of a gap between me and the net there it's a good shot from him good recognition to see that I was too far last time I ripped a shot from here he was able to save it so we're gonna get some boost he might rush us here he is put way too much space between us in the ball on that one kind of didn't respect him enough in a sense I just didn't want to have to take that up the wall but I should have just pushed it to the wall and grabbed the boost so here I'm gonna grab this fuse it's gonna bounce down I'll turn around I'm gonna go up kind of for an air dribble here low 50 now that he's up he's gonna touch this ball kind of early challenge I saw him kind of setting up the flick let's grab this corner boost so you can't faking a jump and going low he's been early challenging me a lot and so I faked a shot there and just waited for him to hit it into me below him because he had to go higher than me if I was shooting that to block it I have to go for this corner boost here because he's gonna get the middle I'm gonna dodge this bump on the way around just gotta make sure I get in front of him here maybe even demo him a little unlucky that we don't get that demo but I see him backing off somewhat I want to keep this ball low because he likes the challenge early so I don't want to give him a chance to dunk it over me I think he went for my boost there so I'm just gonna kind of fake this 50 you might shoot this quick and score yeah I didn't get the quickest turnaround on my dribble there I kind of struggled to push the ball in front of me and get some speed on it and so that gave him time to catch up like I said 1p ones I'm gonna be making so many mistakes so we're gonna have to score a bunch in order to make up for I go for a demo here since he's sitting on the wall got kind of unlucky again we missed the Busan that one as well but I thought that I'd be able to demo him on that I think that if I demoed him it would have been a really good play but fortunate I wasn't able to get it let him waste his boost here he can't go for this anymore I should have been able to score that I should be putting that on that at the very least so really good patience from him there I don't really want to commit to that simply because I don't think I could beat him give us a little bit too much space on the flick [Music] just throw it over him under the crossbar and it goes in maybe he goes for this boost he does gonna play this off the water myself I knew that he cut there so I waited kind of back far enough to there he goes the demo yeah to catch whatever his cut was you have to play the wall and go for a doomsy dish he gets back in time to save it that was good here I'm gonna close the distance much faster that I have previously a time again thought I'd get a demo I just didn't we clipped him but not sure what happened I thought I came in at full speed I guess he must have turned just at the last second his kickoffs are really solid in this car closing the distance quick not giving him any space to do anything for free don't think he can score this it was really close though have to jump over that demo not the best first touch try to spin him out so we can get this ball and a fake I know he's giving me space get that touch to get it off the wall so I can catch this for a dribble notice how he's not giving me any space that's really really good it doesn't allow me to set anything up comfortably we get the booster which is really good early flick just in case he challenges early maybe go for a demo he doesn't go for that boost so we'll back up fake a challenge make him rush you should be able to get the ball here and the boost we don't have a lot of time left so we kind of have to get going here I'm not sure what that was from him what he was expecting for me to flip there but I don't think that I was selling any kind of hit to the midfield with my movement I know he's gonna flip this way I can see it in his eyes take control here maybe even flick him if he challenges we go low 50 because he came in quicker than I thought could have gone behind that ball and shot it much earlier there I saw him challenging on that straight line so again push it forward a little bit kind of bait him in and then push it around in last second I'm gonna switch up my kick off now since we are not a lot of time left I just want to stay on the ball here kill as much time as possible go for a low 50 maybe even shoot this not the best 50 50 he's gonna score off of that definitely could have done better I could have saved that as well that sucks kind of panicked at the end there but I definitely could have done better on that fifty-fifty I shoulda just stayed behind it kind of went around it to make him think I was shooting but then he just challenged comes down to this my heart's actually kind of racing just a little bit I'm not used to such high-stress 1v1 situations it's like early I saw him kind of turning we want this mid boost I know that he's in a rush for it I'm gonna oh that's a really good fake challenge I was gonna take a low 50 with him but that's gonna be the game off of that demo he doesn't seem too happy about it yeah so that's the end of that game that was a really sloppy game but hopefully we can clean it up by the next game got kind of lucky in a few situations kind of unlucky as well with some of those missed demos but that guy was not happy about that game I wouldn't be either though granted if I were him I'd kind of be upset that I lost that way I feel like he did play that game a little bit more solid than me but we will cut to the next game [Music] alright we got a game see who it is who looking cat cools who look cool looking calf you guys just heard a hurricane in the background that was Bruno comes off the couch he's gonna be into this so I can't really apply pressure they're just gonna play it close to the wall so that any near post shot he gets I've got the angle covered really good touch from him the Dodgers a demo as well he misses got a bit lucky on that part but really good demos well I shouldn't have crossed him there I was kind of looking to cross him and keep him from getting that boost but I think he recognized that just caught me on my way over and demoed me and smart [Music] so he's gonna saw a kickoff I'm gonna make him go early here get a touch I had to use my boost towards the end of that to make sure I didn't get demoed kind of wanted to back off here so he does we're gonna set up a flick across fake it low I saw him coming to challenge take the boost let him hit this because he's gonna pass it to us maybe take this boost it doesn't spawn dodges sad demo as well we'll take a low 50 because he's rushing and a quick shot so he did well to go get that middle boost I think he knew that corner Bruce wouldn't want for me but I don't think he was expecting me to turn so quickly with no boost we just couldn't give him space there because the next available boost was the corner boost and I didn't really have a good position to pick up pads there tried to shoot that as far post as I could but definitely could have put it further than I did so I outrun him here think he's long so we'll take this up kind of get that 50 again go for this corner boost so here's enough an opportunity to get any taken early shot it's one thing I'm not really good at is taking those quick shots in those moments and like recognizing when I have the time to take that shot and then executing that shot perfectly to get it in that time frame so let him clear this maybe wave - here not the best recovery out of his side you might come to demo us he's definitely gonna kind of challenge that I'm gonna move in quick here I know he's gonna try to put it high maybe catch this and put it in nevermind we'll miss that we don't want to score that that's what that was it speed for him to get around me I'm just gonna make sure that he can't slow this down he slows it down will demo him and he can't score it if he keeps it as fast as he did [Music] good cut from him you might go early here so we look for just a touch that we can recover quickly on get that touch wide so he can't square it we're stuck on that crossbar not what I wanted there thought we'd go up the wall but we kind of inched in our wheels got caught on the inside of the crossbar there and it took us inside the net I don't think I can score the summer grab booties maybe let him get possession here and then early pressure can't really do much from this position no wait for this touch looks like he's gonna cut it really good low 50 from him I thought he was gonna shoot that early so I tried to block the high angle I should have been a little bit more patient or I should have challenged just a little bit earlier I'm gonna get behind this ball he can have the mid boost we're gonna get behind it so he doesn't go for the mid abuse which is kind of smart he's able to take that quick shot we'll look to take his boost here I don't think I can put this on that may be a demo now we can score this for free what a spawn you might be able to save this yeah that was a little fortunate on that spawn for him really good early flick but I don't think you can score that so I'm gonna go for this boost I have plenty of time maybe another demo bump into the sky at the very least now we should have an open net there's not really a risk going for that demo because we're in the corner and so if I miss it I can always just keep driving and go back to net before he gets a shot off his kickoffs are a little bit more consistent than mine he's able to get that positioning a lot better than me in the center of the ball we're going to close the distance quickly just so he doesn't have time make him feel pressured we've grabbed his boost here and kind of create some distance cuz he's got a better angle on this than us now that should be free so I don't really want to stop and turn in that corner just because I think that he's gonna have a better angle more speed to push through a 50/50 if he's able to get to it with us and if we beat him we can't really put that much power on it oh wait for this he's got the ball low really good speed there to speed that up like taking that one touch and kind of slowing it down baiting me to slow down and then taking that quick shot right after I slow down I just lost all my momentum so I can't really catch up to that I'm gonna grab this boost I don't think I can score off with this first shot but this can definitely go in didn't think I could put it in off that first shot so we just played a little bit closer to net waited until he was kind of on the back foot and then we flicked it so there was a really solid kick off we got good contact and placement rippin early shot since he's going for piece no way he can get to that another decent kick-off he does really well though on his as well stick around for a little 50 quick flick figured he might turn there she's not happy about that one I think he's upset that I stayed on the ball with no booster but it won't be once you kind of have to in certain situations decent kickoff again let him jump into it now we have control so now I can just kind of stall we just have a minute left he's gonna go quick here cuz he knows he doesn't have much time he might even turn on this I'm just gonna go for not very high-risk plays now all I have to do is keep possession and keep playing time you might get a goal off of this if he's fast enough you had to shoot it right away I think they're just because of how much time is left a little bit lucky that we land better than him but again I'm just going to stay behind this ball maybe even flick it figured he might stop early to challenge their will keep spinning him out it's a good demo with only 30 seconds left I think I can get this on spawn and keep it close to me throw it really high there again he has to challenge this just because the amount of time that's left so we're just gonna bait him in and throw it as high as we can not necessarily to score but just to go around him because we know that he has to rush there really solid kickoff that's pretty much the game here so we'll just take it up the wall he almost got me on the bump coming off the wall there but we got off quick enough to dodge it another solid kickoff now we're just gonna hold a ball and kill time this games really over already so so I backflip there to try and block any kind of clear I said nice shot really not the happiest boy right now do that balance didn't say GG I take that as disrespect [Music] but yeah I'll let you guys know when I'm in the next game [Music] there we go you got our next game [Music] we got a rematch against this guy okay [Music] doesn't seem like he's gonna play which kind of stinks I think you might just try to sit here and make me forfeit if that's what he's gonna do I'm just gonna cut past this game and skip ahead to the next one for you guys so we will see [Music] oh never mind he's playing so we'll stick with it should be able to score that off the kick off not sure why he was afk there in the beginning maybe he didn't realize he under a game maybe just tapped out so he got a really solid kick off from him we've got block got stuck on the post I was fortunate for him he might be able to turn this quick so we'll dive early get the height double jump there to get out off the wall Griff not the best flick though tried to bump him read the demo him but he didn't jump I gave him more credit than he deserved there I thought that he would read my thumb low 50 he has more producing me so I kinda have to be quick here that was a little weird note for this air dribble now and you don't flip reset no no no flip reset but we'll leave - to catch it I think that if he kind of hung around for that bounce afterwards I just got to closer oh no boos I think if he hung around for the bounce afterwards instead of going for that boost he could have taken a shot on that maybe but he went for that mid boost instead and actually ended up working out for him because I had zero boost and then in that position [Music] so he was able to just blast it over me this is going to my corner I'm just gonna make sure I get possession off of this not him really early challenge so smart I couldn't see him luckily wide I think he might go for a demo I think he's gonna try to steal that corner boost so we're gonna go the other way smart turn from him early challenge for a demo then we'll get this corner boost maybe he spawns here though we spawn on the far side which is good for us now we can fake a flick to the near post and go far post whenever somebody spawns in the opposite side like that if they're close enough to make a save it's usually best to try and fake it and go to the far post because they're gonna have momentum coming in trying to make that save we got to get up for this quick he just beats us to is a good kickoff but yeah playing that far post sometimes they'll just over shoot you makes it a little bit easier to score decent kickoff we should get possession and boost he's gonna go early so we'll ship it in field you get bumped for it but that's okay he's gonna go high here oh really smart smart for him to stay low he's been going high on those every time so it kind of baited us into block too high but I should have been a little bit more patient knowing he had no boost I think he's picking and choosing which replays to watch so that he can try and tilt me but really winning or losing doesn't matter as long as you're trying to focus on playing your best I don't really find myself getting tilted too often so that was another pre flip just to get in front of it because I knew he was gonna shoot it there really early that one he definitely could have saved I didn't get it as wide as I wanted to but when he backs up that much he gives me tons of space right here to just set up a quick chip to the side and he just flips out from behind it I think he gonna saved that one for sure we didn't get enough sideways direction behind that ball might be able to score off of this nope put it way too high he might shoot it right here should play this a little bit more passively so I don't just give the ball away looking for him here good Bob now I can get this Bruce he's gonna come for a demo we'll play it quick off the wall quick flick the problem so when I'm getting that booster I know he's coming for the demo so as soon as I get it I have to keep boosting away from the ball for a second just so that he can't catch up to me here I'm gonna get a touch if I can wasn't able to I want to touch that up the wall to buy myself some more time then I'm playing the wall cuz I read his high shot this should be an open net we read his high shot look that's unfortunate we read his high shot there so playing that wall puts me in line with the ball when he shoots it so all I have to do is worry about getting out to the ball and not up to it quick pre flip challenge that's fortunate that it goes in but I think that the challenge itself was really smart I would have gotten possession off of that challenge either way you kickoff we're gonna go for his corner because he's clearly going for that side boost I don't know if you guys heard it but that was a quick little jump off the wall to try and dodge whatever demo attempt he had speed this up to the corner cuz he's gonna try and demo me he didn't that time so maybe he's kind of figuring out that I'm under mobile take the quick shot he can't catch up to it if he's so upset nice like there's really no luck in this game there's like unlucky circumstance or unlucky outcomes but the circumstance leading to that outcome is all involved in your decisions and your execution and so that pinch that went straight into his net sure that it's lucky that it goes straight into his net however the challenge itself was smart it was good positioning for me and poor positioning from him that resulted in that ball that just went straight into his net so if you're somebody who gets frustrated you feel like there's a lot of luck involved in this game and that kind of frustrates you just try to be a little bit more open-minded to the fact that everything in this game is gonna happen for a reason there's not just blind luck there's always something you could have done to change the outcome of that situation whether it be right then and there like there I could have gotten a better challenge or something that I could have done earlier to not put myself in that position to need the challenge there's always something you can do migrant I grab this boost on the side because you need a little bit extra to get up for that trying to get under it wasn't able to have a really awkward shot there I'll let him bang this because now we get possession was free he's in a challenge so we're just gonna possession here make sure you can't score that's all we're really worried about is not getting scored on here quick shot didn't get the flip that I wanted oh really good positioning from him to play that so wide I think I just hold there yeah so I had to touch that so you couldn't shoot it but he damn with me so that I own gold it I couldn't follow up that shot but he played that position really wide which was smart I put him in a great spot to receive the touch that I was gonna get so I think he's gonna go for them it'll do so we're gonna go quick here just so he can't get possession he missed the boost which is really good for us maybe we can score this good patience thought I could catch him with a low 50 he misses that so here I'm gonna fake that I'm gonna go to the side and come back to this one just to kill some more time he goes for the demo gets me on the landing which is okay you have to be quick here so we're gonna take a quick shot make them work for it this could be really bad I'm surprised he left for boost they're not the ball Oh actually a really good position right there I should have went straight back so I thought the ball stayed on the wall so I tried to cut it off right here but I couldn't see that it came off the wall because I was looking at him there not the ball he's still watching every replay that he scores but skipping all the ones I do that's a clear sign in my opinion it's a clear sign of somebody who's tilted and trying to tilt you so he's tilted maybe maybe we can do something to upset him here maybe get a demo and score not the best setup for the kickoff we did a little bit fortunate on the outcome there ended up working out so he went early we got the touch around his pies it's time to respawn grab some grease and hopefully close some distance here I'm gonna shadow at the far post so that any shot he takes was in front of me we didn't do very good at managing our base there so we used all of our boost on that save definitely upset he's not happy we'll give him another GG see what he does he's just gonna probably trash tacos here yeah nice look again it's okay now we're on a roll now huh I don't think I've ever won this many 1v1 games in a row maybe talking while I'm playing is the key this is kind of actually keeping my decisions consistent I think thinking out loud like this something that I don't normally do usually an internal thinker Angelotti never played them before either running into a lot of people I've never played before really solid 50/50 on my kickoff get a touch in field maybe rip a shot repositioning from him I should have put the shot in the air post but I put it far we gave a lot of space to shoot there I think he could have scored off of that shot Mike score Oh we own bullet that sucks I think you missed it I'm pretty sure off of the bounce and then we unrolled it so sure that was unlucky but I definitely could have done something to change the outcome nice really solid 5050 from him keep himself low we don't want to just back off her boosts right here we don't want to give him space to get comfortable and pick that ball up and do whatever he wants so we slowly back off and we grab the boost as we pass it that's all we really need to do quick flick here could challenge from him maybe boom so he went back with that I was expecting him to try and turn and get a hit he's in front of net so I want to make him feel really pressured here demo possibly we're gonna get a touch here just to buy ourselves time to get this boost then we can turn a fake challenge this really good fake from him kind of pulled me off of my aerial that I was going to go for quick flick I knew he'd challenge that early just by the way he landed and was facing he was facing me and I think he was somewhat long boost so he wanted to get that out quickly it's just a quick flick pop it over him not the best 50 will try to get a touch and then the boost we could have paths for that hit much much better maybe a demo here should be able to score this if he doesn't spawn this side he does fall on this side but we still get the ball solid kickoff grab the Boomer he gets behind the ball I'm always checking behind me on those kickoffs to see what my opponents doing it's really really important to check and see if he's doing there so that I know whether or not I have time to get the boost and I have to quickly hit the ball or I can get the boost and settle it we're gonna play the pads here because he's got leverage on that corner really good single jump from him I was going for a demo there probably should have been a little bit more patient but that single jump not only popped the ball middle but it also popped him off the wall so I couldn't demo him that was really really good [Music] I'm gonna back up so I stay in front of the ball here get that challenge so you can't shoot again check him for him searing seeing where he's at it's making sure that I've got time to do what I want to do not the best position for him he kind of passed that out to me I was I wasn't sure what he was doing there I couldn't quite get the ball down and in front of me comfortably where I felt like I could pick the ball up without him challenging me so I just played it into the wall hoping he would be a little bit more uncomfortable than I was I'm gonna fake the ball here and go for boost so that he backs up for a boost and gives me space he's gonna get that touch so I'm gonna back off just a stall touch here I want to stay near the ball in that situation I don't want to just throw it across the net right away with no booster cuz then he can follow it better than I can faking that touch so I can get this boost I wanted to fake in there but it was really really smart and going for that you didn't quite fall for it not the best of flicks the place the wall maybe follow but he might beat me so I'm gonna be wary of that maybe he gets a flip reset so we want to push this midfield and go for this quickly I don't think he can beat me to this boost oh that's unfortunate I don't think he has boosts to score here yeah really good low 50 from him you got to try to be quick here so I was trying to be quick in that situation just so that he didn't have time to get that boost comfortably I wanted him to get that base I'm gonna stay on the outside him here I wanted to get that boost so that we could take that shot so I wanted him to go out I'd like that so that I could have the space but I had to be quick with it grab this corner boost we don't have any you might challenge this this will back off I'm gonna fake a challenge here so the heat kind of panics a little bit another one now we can turn with it he's giving us tons of space here kind of settle this fake really good patience again I'm gonna play this away from him we've got plenty of time fake a challenge make him chump fake challenges seem to be really really effective against this guy so I'm gonna go for a shot here we hit the crossbar you might score off of that he will score off that actually again really really crucial that you put your shots on target and one of you ones especially if you're gonna take a really really hard committed shot like a flick and right there we should we see why it has to be on target it's a better kickoff than me but we're gonna close the distance he's probably gonna touch here I'll play the wall we'll stay low actually because he doesn't take it right thought he would grab this boost so he can't now it's about stalling time again I'm up want to make sure that he can't get a free shot on that like this right here actually Oh God okay we just wanna make sure you can't get that free shot on that but what I make him work for anything he's gonna do quick flick let's good save I'm grab this boost now will pressure this cuz he's kind of in a weird spot pressured again quick shot maybe goes in it does so that's probably gonna be the game unless he's able to score okay he just left to say unless he scrolled off the kickoff of it yeah I think this talking while I'm playing thing is actually really helping me I'm not very good at ones I kind of get frustrated with the decisions I make and I think talking through them out loud well we have to mode it to unranked unlucky I think talking through them out loud is really helping me kind of keep them consistent I've never been on a ones win streak this big so this is actually really funny that this is the first one slightly series and it's go it's like what's like an hour now almost this is crazy I normally get beat on the first game in once so we're doing pretty good so far you're gonna get this game probably not yeah it looks like it canceled so I Riku maybe this is superstition but I feel like when I Riku after getting a canceled queue it Keys faster when I get a cancel it almost feels like I never get a queue afterwards so we got him again we're getting this guy again see what we can do so not going to take this shot cuz he's in a position to block it the whole time gonna kind of mess him up there so we have time to line this shot up a little bit too high though wasn't able to get back up to it touch with my tail to control flick since he's close he's going for it damn I should have recognized it it looked like he was gonna back off and so I sheet it up to fool catch up to the ball they're thinking he's backing off but he did well to kind of fake back into it I have to pre flip here I think because I messed that touch up get one touch here you might flick this early so we'll go high early he's looking for that demo again far post is open a little bit aggressive with his bump attempts I think you might be going for them just a little too much low 50 here we should be able to get this boost and we should be able to score here because he doesn't have any good on backflip from him I'm trying to trip him up so I can get a shot off but good touch from him really bad touch from us now we have to play the net with no boost not the shot I was looking for at all he's gonna get this corner view so imma play pads just making sure I'm not taking myself out of the play by having zero boosts we'll get this corner now just make sure we grab it I saw the quick turn I just didn't get the flick I wanted if I did get that flick I think that we beat him and had an open net you can't really turn on this he's in a bad spot too so we're gonna push it upfield quickly make him hit this may be a hard cut we didn't get the cut we wanted still not getting the cut we want not as much control in that play that I wanted that I would have liked just gonna hit this at him again make him keep coming off the wall keep it awkward for him I don't want to give him time to set up a comfortable dribble and hold on to the ball and take possession from me so we're just gonna keep throwing it at him when he's on the wall like that even though we're low on boost because he's kind of backwards he kinda has to just sit still to get the touch not the best take off we're gonna go for a bump you get the bump but he was actually a lot quicker than I thought to get up for that I'm gonna fake this so he passes to me and I were just gonna hold possession for a little bit kill over at a time again checking behind me see how close he is so I know how much time I have he's been doing that early challenge and it works so we're gonna catch him off guard this time when it's not a catch him off guard making him think it's gonna work and go in for that quick flick so something works when somebody does it against you they're probably gonna exploit it and try to keep doing it so you're gonna be able to anticipate that quick shot here might go in might save it actually really really close to going in let me go touch off the wall so I can turn and shoot this not the best shot at all he's gonna score off of that again another shot that is really really that I have to score in a situation where I'm not behind I don't have to actually have to score it the moment I take the shot I have to score that but in that situation it's not like that goal is gonna change the outcome of the game so I didn't need to take that shot we're gonna go for a side flip flick here you want to get it over them I tried to save a little bit of boost I trying to save about 10 on the kicker off sometimes we're not able to keeping that high because I know he's low on boost because I got this middle boost and he didn't we both came off the kickoff I knew he had none if I just kept that high I'd be really difficult for me to get to it they get a touch here that kind of allows me to get the boost and ball he's gonna come for this early because of how high it is really good decision to play a slow there another one of those situations where I should be able to react to that and continue carry my momentum but that wiggling motion he does right here is really really difficult for me at least to kind of read whether or not he's gonna hit it sooner late and I'm really really terrified of getting faked I hate getting faked so I would I guess I would rather get scored on than get scored on by a shop and get faked and scored on looking for a demo here again just trying to waste some time let this ball bounce around let him come to me I think we could have done better to keep possession there might try to shoot this ok backs off for us quick flick so that was a really good control landing that we did there we jumped to make sure he wouldn't jump and then when he doesn't jump we just get one touch and then the catch and because that because of that first touch we kind of killed all the momentum on the ball coming down so we were able to catch him flick it without having to settle the ball first because the ball pretty much landed on a settle I shouldn't have jumped here I was just worried he was on the backboard trying to follow me like try to get a 50/50 his was a bit better than mine really really fortunate bounce for me but oh no he is not happy another quick flick because he's going to turn in challenge he's really upset about that I would be too looking for a demo here good jump from him but we got both the boosts so I think we can get that shot off get a demo here just kill some time go early kill some more time and then we'll put it in so if you beat somebody really badly like that and you're in the lead slowing this fall down and then taking a oh my god and people get upset in 1v ones but ya slowing that ball down when he flies way past it is gonna most likely cut off another two or three seconds and that's two or three seconds you have to worry about him coming back and I'm really surprised that we haven't lost yet this is nuts one thing I like to do to people who who flame me like that is I like to sign their profile I think it's like kind of like the I get the last laugh there because I don't do anything like toxic to where I'm insulting him I'm just kind of saying like hey you know you're talking crap to me here's a signature on your profile and I don't think people really see that signature until they get off the game because you don't get a notification for it it just shows I mean you get a notification but there's no pop up for it I don't think on Steam and you get like a little message number in the top of your Steam client when you close the game saying that you have a comment if you've either that happy so I think he's gonna play a little bit more aggressive this game so there's that pre flip again just trying to make sure he can't get a touch I'm gonna play this to the corner because I did miss that corner boost with that pre flip I'm gonna go for an early flick here that was a little fortunate getting that touch on the other side of the flip not the best catch I'm gonna fake this so he backs off we can get this corner boost he's kind of lingering around that middle boost gonna early jump from him but it does pull him out from getting that boosts we're gonna slow this ball down and cut it not the cut I was looking for but we do kind of recover out of it so that he doesn't get possession at the very least he's gonna go for this ball we didn't get enough of a clear I know that he's trying to demo there so I want to be able to come off the wall with that jump he's going for another demo seems like that back that was very bad fortunate for us that he doesn't score they're gonna get this corner boost he's able to get at first though good patience on that challenge from him throw this ball back grab a boost make sure he's not demoing now we get one I would rip a shot on that right away if I thought I had time to score but I don't think I do Bart down we left that boost on accident luckily he doesn't get it but he does there we could have been in a position where the no boost here fortunately we don't need it he for some reason faced me on the challenge there and then decided to back up instead of just challenging not sure what that thought process was he's gonna come from me here so I can get this boost those bumps on me actually helped me more than they helped him I think they slowed him down and he didn't have any boost to get momentum to catch up and I just got a full boost touch this across we can get this corner boost he's just continuing to apply pressure which is good should have a little bit quicker to that but that's not very threatening we're not to worry too much about it he's gonna stay near the ball here get that single jump challenge it allows us to recover quickly oh no I messed up my wave - there little unlucky I don't think I needed to wait - to be honest if I had jumped there I might have won that challenge but yeah that should have been a - OH but because I messed up the wave - I shouldn't have wave - it's okay gotta get back quickly here he's gonna rip the shot I don't have the boost to get to that it was a really good shot yeah I see this guy's being really toxic this is something you don't want to do if you're playing one of you ones don't beat this guy this guy is like angry at himself he's mad that he's making mistakes and he's projecting it to me so that every time I make a mistake he's gonna call it out and like really point out the fact that I made a mistake just so that I feel as low as he does which it's not gonna affect me because I'm aware of what he's doing but there's a lot of people that this is really gonna upset and this is just a game and we're just playing a game for fun and the fact that people are out there just trying to piss you off like this is really really sad to me right although with this kind of fake the power shot there we're not gonna stoop to his level we're not gonna do it back to him just because it's not worth it like there's really nothing that we gain out of it by being as toxic as he's being it's already no clear that he's upset he's sad there's nothing that we should kind of do to amplify that if I've gotten a better flick there I think that'd have been a goal we're gonna go for this middle boost but he might rip a shot early stay outside in here I don't think that's on target he backed up really well to cover my clear I'm gonna fake this so that he takes it and waste its boost and I'll get this corner you didn't get a touch you missed okay I wanted that time to go for boost here so I'm gonna be quick a little bit fortunate that he was able to get up to me and let me demo him on that double jump just keep nice steady control your missed abuse though which gives possession away and kind of stinks we're gonna take an early challenge here now he's gonna flick it high I can tell he's going for the demo there is tough because I had to go early for that ball because it was on target pretty high so it was a good demo from him he's owned me out very well from getting to that flick I have to play pads on my way back here because he could doom as he dished this let him miss that early shot we have this not a lot but we have enough have enough that's all we need you don't need a hundred boosts a lot of people really rely on those hundred pads but right there I just did that with 12 boost just carried the ball without using any boost picked up a pad or two on the way up field not the best flip right there picked up a pad or two on the way up field and was able to get a good power shot off of that ball because of it I let him flick this it looks like that's what he's gonna do these are play that corner miss this touch which is really good for us I think he's kind of just panicking because he wants to be the Alpha in this game which clearly he's not I'm the alpha so we're just gonna show them through the bosses and that's me baby I'm the boss so we're gonna go actually around this way because I've been going to that corner for just a lot I'm gonna take a near post shot here hopefully this comes right down to me really good of him to get in front of that I didn't think he was gonna be able to that quickly I don't know if he okay so he got that blue stain cut across field right away I thought he'd cut back does a little fortunate to that fifty-fifty went right up into his crossbar they're not crossbar at the crease of the ceiling so that came straight down so now we have a two goal lead this is where we just kind of lightly said park the bus and just play defense wasting time let's see what message we're gonna get from him now oh he's just gonna go for hash here we go make a social life please there we go [Music] I don't know what that is sorry guys I don't have a social life simply because this guy said so mm-hmm how interesting I thought he was champion 3 the last game that we just played against him and the game ended if this is going on for a long time this is a very long episode this is the first episode shout out again to to musty for kind of reviving this series and kempert four originating it I I'm gonna be honest it's something that I've wanted to do for a while but I was always afraid simply because I respect Kemper so much that he would kind of see it as me stealing his idea but once I saw Musti do it and I kind of saw that there was no real like negative reaction whatsoever I'm not sure if he's you know he reacted to it at all but there wasn't any kind of like negative reaction where he felt like we were he was stealing any kind of ideas or anything especially because Kemper had stopped putting out videos for a really long time but yeah once I saw Musti doing it I saw you know how much people could benefit from this and I'm not the best won't be one player by any means you're probably better off watching somebody like Musti do this but I figured you know why not give my perspective on something like this and hopefully this will help some of you guys but yeah I'll probably just cut it again to go to the next game oh and other thing I wanted to add is I also didn't do this series because I always figured like when I would see Kemper and musty upload these they would be like 30 40 minutes long and I was like man these guys are winning one games for a good streak and I don't think I'll ever be able to do that but I just figure you know what screw it if we uh if we lose the first game that's cool we'll just go for a replay of that game and kind of make it a ones till we lose plus a replay of that ones or something like that but it's working out alright were up against Robin somebody we haven't played yet getting a lot of people in a row earlier so we've got a new playstyle that we have to adapt to kind of spend some time figuring him out seeing what he likes to do he's in a challenges early looks go for that demo so he's already really really aggressive on the bumping plays I jumped that second time just so that I'm gonna go earlier a really good recognition from him to see me going early and take that low 50 but you saw me jump a second time and it's actually because I was worried about that second bump attempt but as soon as I jumped a second time and didn't see him fly by me I was thinking I was in the clear but it was lurking good kickoff that should be a goal for him this might be the end of the video boys already were 30 seconds in and it's over just gonna keep our composure this is two goals definitely can come back in four minutes and thirty seconds so fake kickoff from him will have to keep an eye out for for those for the rest of the game now we'll go really early so he's going for those low single jump challenges a lot I might fake high challenges and start playing into a low challenge wanted to get that shot off as quick as possible I didn't get the power I was looking for but we did get a shot on net so here he's playing this near post really good early challenge as soon as I got lost behind the ball or as soon as he saw that I was behind the ball I think he realized I couldn't see him and that's when he decided to take that challenge when I was out of his sight so this jump right here that I do up onto the wall to touch this ball is to get this off the wall I don't want this ball rolling on the wall I want it to be some kind of bounce so I jump up to the wall and meet the ball on that roll so it creates kind of like a chip off the wall not the best kickoff you might be able to score this I don't like how high this is yeah really good patience from him to wait for that touch because he knew I was long boost and he knew there was not much else I could do other than just get this touch I think the only thing I could have done differently there has gone up the back of the net and maybe cleared that ball out with a flip so he's pretty quick to this ball I'm gonna have to maybe jump a little bit earlier on the kickoffs really good shot to go wide there I thought if he was gonna go for that shot that he would go near post but playing that wide was really good from him I don't want to get that boost because I know that it sacrifice his possession get that low 50 that he's been doing to us get back behind the ball really good patience he kind of faked that he was gonna push that forward so I stopped and lost all my momentum and didn't have any kind of boost to recover it right here he goes for that kind of fake hit which is again really smart so I'm gonna go for pre flips that I can get a touch here I was hoping he would go for a touch and that would allow me to kind of flip past him and get the boost there we go so just trying to be a little bit more patient than he is because he seems to be really really reactive he likes to wait to see what I do and try to outplay what I'm doing so I'm gonna just try and be a little bit more patient than him and see if that catches him kind of off guard so that's the the fake kickoff we went for a shot there didn't get the power he wanted I don't think I recognized the kickoff as early as I wanted to really good low challenge from him again I was thinking he was gonna flip cuz I thought I could beat him on that challenge if I flipped but again he's just keeping his nose on the ball and staying behind it's really good from him looked a little bit earlier that I wanted to there so he's able to get possession off of that kick off please slow here see if you can kind of outplay us and if not we'll just take possession get this challenge maybe go for a quick shot should be in so in that situation I haven't really given him many opportunities to just take a shot and so I want to see if he's capable of it because he's doing a lot of these low 50s where he's trying to beat me in the midfield instead of taking a shot on my net and so I feel like it's because he may not have the best shots so there we recognize that low or sorry that fake kickoff good pop really good bump I should be able to recover and shoot this so we recognized the fake kickoff and so I chipped it up high so that I would have time to go get his boost and if he didn't give me time to go get his boost the ball was in a position where I could potentially shoot it still and so we kind of forced him to get that catch [Music] really lucky that he didn't you know just go for a shot right away there I think maybe bump him here really good single jump to get over our bump you might cut this so I have to touch it and look out for that bump if I just went straight for the boost there I think that he would have been we didn't flip there not what I wanted I wanted to be able to side flip into that I have to close the distance at this wall quickly and kind of pre jump the shot because he's got a really close eye on net that he can beat me when she's still able to but I went to side flip to that shot and that's why you see me kind of a rollover instead of side flipping I did a single jump so wonderfully pass them here and get this boost but we miss it which really sucks let me end up backing up for whatever reason so I just have to stay little here and get a good challenge so that I can stand the possession side of this wasn't anybody get the flick off fast enough I think he knew that he could beat me on that well let him go for this and I make him go for it so he went for another demo there which we played it pretty well to get away from really close we almost sniped that near post top corner so here I'm just gonna try and lob this back at the net make him work for it so I can steal his boost and still keep the ball quick turn here bump was not intentional we missed the shot where Saudia the bump wasn't intentional I think that if I made that quick turn and didn't bump him if I had the control I would have been able to rocks I think the bump is what threw me off is much there for that shot but I think that if we didn't bump him we were still able to score there man he was getting those kind of kickoffs on me a lot where he's able to bang it out to the side there and kind of land where it's gonna bounce since see what he's doing he's getting behind that ball and then flipping through it to the other side so we'll try and do something to counter that next time if he doesn't go for a fika go his kickoffs are really really solid and I think he's gonna win the game because of that not not to say that he couldn't win the game against me if he wasn't scoring kickoff goals that's not what I mean at all but I think that the kickoff goals are gonna be big enough difference for him because that means when I score a ball or what I score a shot we have to go to a kickoff and if he's winning the kickoffs he has a higher percentage chance to score off of it and just make up for that goal that I just scored so it's not that you know he's beating me just because of kick-ass that's not what I meant when I said that I was just trying to iterate that his kickoff wins are much more consistent than mine giving him a higher chance really good little fake touch there to back off and then bait me in and then ship it over me it's really smart looking like this is gonna be the end of the series five goals is not impossible at this much time left but again with him winning the kickoffs as consistently as he is and me missing my kickoff opportunities like that it's definitely gonna be the game here good patience to wait wide there so now we're just playing for formality kind of a little bit of respect I guess see if we can score another one maybe we get this after it bounces down pre flip oh we missed it on the pre flip well played so that's gonna be the end of the video guide playing till we lose did not think it would go this far so thank you guys so much for watching I hope this helped out with your ones plays or maybe even understanding some situations in one-on-one situations throughout all these different games different game modes but thank you guys so much for watching make sure you subscribe to the channel if you want to get more content like this in the future comment down below you know a video that you want to see next I'm still trying to figure out what you guys exactly want to see I always I'm gonna continue doing tutorials and educational content but other stuff like this gameplay and all that is definitely I can do more of but again thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] it's
Channel: Virge
Views: 457,149
Rating: 4.8352766 out of 5
Keywords: 1v1, Virge, 1s until I lose, 1v1 until i lose, 1s til i lose, 1v1 til I lose, 1s till i lose kevpert, VirgeRL, tutorial, how to rocket league, rl how to, rl tutorial, rocket league tutorial, ones until I lose, top 100, top 100 rocket league, rocket league top 10, rocket league 1v1, rocket league tips, rocket league gameplay, rocket league, 1's till i lose, 1's until I lose virge, 1s till I lose virge, ones until i lose, Longest win streak ever, positive
Id: 922N71ZYWj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 21sec (4281 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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