How Good is Camping? Camp Skills Tier List: Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all shuffle back again with another tier list we're just going to keep pumping these out so we're out of ideas and yes there will be a tier list of tier lists at some point so this is the cam skills tier list so big shout out thank you to tatsu who's one of our fantastic discord mods she decided to help me and make this so i didn't have to because you do have to make your own stuff on tear maker sometimes so it's here and obviously before we get started if you are interested in joining discord link down below patreon if you want to support stuff twitch i'm there four days a week so come on through say hi all that awesome stuff and we will be ranking the skills here by class order alphabetical order so very easy to understand stuff and i don't think there's going to be you know maybe we can i didn't plan to do oops i didn't plan to do a top but we could we're gonna go through these pretty quickly if we can talk about the ones we need to talk about and yeah so starting off with the general skills we have encouraged this is a two points for 15 stress healing not bad at all wound care sometimes is actually really good you may not finding yours you may not find yourself pressing this too often but it does help when you do have to press it and then there's pep talk which is not quite as good it's it's okay honestly it could still be a i'm gonna leave it here so we're getting into abomination and we have anger management this is us because abomination can cure his own stress by using absolution so you takes uh 20 stress yourself with abomination then you heal 30 across the party and then you hit absolution like two or three times you're back to zero if you're you know from zero and that's awesome very good and this one here is what is this is this quickening oh this psycho okay so psycho i wanted to put this higher but like hyper carry a bomb just isn't great but like if you're going hyper carry i guess you bring jester or something so i guess it could be b like i'm sure someone thinks this is cause it's 25 damage on a character that has a massive damage stat already but it's just it's too dangerous in a lot of cases to hit i don't know like i guess you could hit this and then hit anger management right after then give yourself 40 stress like actually you give yourself 20 and then heal it off that's not too bad honestly i guess but that's six points i'm gonna leave it there for now quickening this is s more speed three points for four speed just fantastic and then we have eldritch blood right here is next and this is a bunch of resist for 20 stress sorry about that there was a dog attack not really dog attack just dogs barking yeah so eldritch blood is i'm going to put it in b you get a bunch of resists but a bomb already has really good blade resist so the other two aren't really gonna come into play most dungeons only give you blight or bleed so really in most cases this is three points for these three effects is that worth it to you i don't think it is i really don't there's like i think there's like ancestors handkerchief or whatever for three points you know obviously the effectiveness is flipped around a little bit that's okay i don't know i i would rather do other stuff with my cam points so now we're on an aquarium and anti is interesting because you have resupply most the time you will not press this in any dungeon in farmstead in farmstead this is like s or s plus in regular play this is like d because you won't be pressing this in most cases so i'm just gonna leave it i'm gonna meet it in the middle because where it's good it's incredible and then like where it's we know this trinket scrounge okay i got these backwards so this is the resupply right yeah okay so resupply is b trinkets ground is s it's two points to open a loot box and sometimes it hits big at worst it's 750 gold would you take a cam skill that for two points gives you 750 gold i would obviously you know mess with your inventory and stuff like that but it's it's solid strange powders this is really good compare this to like abomination stuff where three points you get only a couple more resists that are higher and get a massive stress gain on top whereas anti for two points can give someone plenty of resist across the board this is i always say another s very good can really help you keep certain heroes protected in fights where it's like okay there's a lot of bleed coming in i don't have my bandages anymore so let's just drop this on leopard something like that it's really good with levers specifically but just overall really solid this next one i forget the name of it is incantation curious incantation so minus 50 stress resist it's it's good what i like doing with this is actually if anti has the most stress on the team and i can't it's only 1.2 that's something that should be said you could argue this is potentially us just because it's one point and there are a lot of camps where you float one point so it could be just that alone is s but what i like doing is if anti has 20 or 30 stress so she has more than anyone else on the team when i camp i'll press this and then she becomes like a magnet for the targeting in the game because how it works is the characters with the most stress on the team are more likely to draw fire or like stress attacks because the game's trying to snowball you so this really hampers what they're doing so it's like yeah anti has 30 stress and then coal to switch hits you for 10 over and over if you let her and that's good like it's way better than someone else getting hit for 20 or 25 or whatever it is at that point uh so we're on arb going fast i thought field dressing i'm gonna put in b the heal potential for two points is awesome but it can fail that is why i don't like this you usually don't need the 50. it's very rare that you need the full 50. it's even more rare that you need the full 85 and you're not banking on the full 85 and then the removing bleeding is okay but if you really just need the bleed removal just use wound care so i wish this was like heal 30 percent like guaranteed he gets rid of this but it doesn't marching plan is those one of the best skills in the game just by far marching plan is nuts like it really helps you if you have a marked team that sets up r because she goes last so she can get her shots off which is the intended purpose of arb's cam skills which i kind of disagree with fundamentally like there's nothing wrong with marking something and then she shoots it next turn that's okay but giving your entire team an extra two speed really helps even slow teams like mark for death which is i think a cultist bounty hunter houndmaster arb that team isn't that fast it's like pretty average on speed and this fixes that so having just two extra speed helps quite a bit restring crossbow this this i want to put in a just off the bat it's us right it can't it cannot be a it's got too much upside for three points i really wanted to put in a because the accuracy really doesn't matter to arb she doesn't need it and then the two speed sucks but this is a lot of stats for three points if i just looked at those two alone and if i just said yeah i get eight crit and 20 damage for three points that's pretty freaking good you could argue a for sure and you might be right but i do like the idea of hyper carry arb and this really helps her do that that's probably why her damage like her base damage is so low because she has so many good ways to buff it through like trinkets and synergy and stuff triage is i want to say c the value's okay if you aren't running like another healer in the party if arb is solo healing then this is like potentially a i'm gonna put it in b just because i never i'm never in a situation where i find myself needing to hit this it's very rare like sometimes yes you get through a battle and your team just gets hit with a couple cleaves and then it's over and then you camp and then you have to use this and those are okay and it's also it's three points it's good value for three points honestly it's just the situations where you need it aren't that frequent because if you have arb on the team you are likely already on top of healing with her and so if you're patching people up in between the uh or i should say in the last couple rounds of the fight then you don't need this i'm gonna double check make sure i'm recording all right we are and one mic's working i test like four times but i'm just making sure it's always in my head so it's pretty good just wish uh i don't know wish the heel was like a little higher something like that and we have bounty hunter this move i don't even know what this graphic is like can you can someone tell me what this is is this like a a hand and a bag of like is this a coin purse i don't know i don't know what that is yeah this was two points for ten crit and eight accuracy this actually this is probably us i thought it was a at first just because it's like creating accuracy but then bounty hunter likes both of these things and his accuracies are kind of average so actually they're a little i think they're like five points below average so this actually puts them into a good bracket of accuracy very nice then was this tracking two points is actually pretty good i would have put this lower if it wasn't kind of wish the surprise chance was higher i wish it was like 15 and 15. then i i would feel better about this it's two points it's not it's like anti-surprise is not better than scouting sorry about that but yeah it's not better than scouting in a lot of cases so i don't like it that much it's just it's two points really hard to argue with two points honestly i'm just going to leave it i'm gonna leave it here like i i hit this sometimes but not all the time like i'd rather hit bandit sense for two more points i get to prevent ambush and all this other crazy stuff so planned takedown this is boss killer supreme four points is a bit steep but if you do hyper carry bounty hunter like he'll show up he will appear and kill the the freaking boss if you do this so really good move four points is expensive but it's definitely worth because a lot of the tougher boss enemies are two spaces or bigger i should clarify this one says size two it can be right here they even do it on the wiki thank you wiki this also applies to enemies larger than size two very cool then we have scout ahead this is a i'm gonna put grave robbers camp skill for scouting in s and you're gonna be like why is this a it's because the point value is different three points are very hard to plan around unless you have multiple things that cost three points or something that costs one and grave robbers is two points for 20 scouting so that's 10 points per point saying numbers quickly i got a comment recently that we were laughing about someone said that uh i say numbers quickly to sound intelligent so that was pretty funny and we have this here is about eight points or like eight scouting per camp point and that's kind of you know like the value starting to dip as you can see and i'd rather hit like houndmasters is okay too it's 30 scouting for four points but i don't know this i think a is fine like i'm sitting here trying to like i don't know pearl clutch over this not being an s anticipating the comments i'm gonna get but it's fine it's fine dude it's my tier list even though i've had my opinions swayed several times okay so we have crusader unshakable leader this is this isn't as good as you think it is like it's it's nice for two points but crusader's a stress healer so stress usually isn't an issue stand tall this removes mortality debuff that that alone is zestier the ability to get rid of a mortality debuff alone is freaking s that is such a powerful effect and only i think two characters have it vestal can interact with mortality debuffs but she can't cure them that is very good zealous speech i'm gonna give this s just because it's five points and it's it's unique in that regard and i do like the the theme of it and it hits the entire party which is very cool heals for 15 stress and has stress resist for four battles coming up and you're probably saying yourself the same thing that i said about unshakable leader where it's like yeah crusader can stress heal so why does he need something like this well this is still part of the stress healing kit and crusader is pretty good at stress healing he can only heal one person at a time and he's very slow compared to jester which means on average he's getting one turn less than everyone else on your team because he's so slow which means that's more stress healing he's losing gesture by comparison can always boost his speed with ballad so he can always go before you finish the enemy off and you can just stall until that happens which means jester's always getting more stress heals out especially compared to crusader so because he can only kill one person at a time it's less than jester he gets less turns at it than jester there are times where you fight a mini boss like shambler or collector or something else shows up thing from the stars which we all hate except for like two people y'all are nuts but it's okay you can like that boss and because those things happen zelda's speech gets a lot better so there are times you do need to press this especially in torchless it does help quite a lot with crusader then we have zealous vigil it heals 40 stress on him and prevents ambush this seems really powerful and i'm going to put it in b so the reason i'm going to leave it in b is because at best it's 25 stress healing and once you're afflicted this has a chance to fail so if you never dealt with this yet if you have an afflicted teammate and you tell them to use a camp skill they can tell you no not use it and then drain the points so you drain four points off this and you don't heal the stress that is scary you can make the same argument for zell's speech and i honestly would not press zealous if crusaders afflicted i do not press these i am too afraid to press those in most cases unless i have no other ambush prevention then i'll try it but most the time it's pretty scary so try to not let crusader get afflicted it's the moral of the story run flag already going so fast okay these are a little bit backwards here so you have lashes kiss three speed bunch of cures this is i'm gonna put this in i wanna put it in b i'm gonna put it in b and here's why this skill reads to me as plus three speed and that's it because flag already has very strong bleed resist so if you're not using shard of glass this doesn't matter blight he can tank it it's fine healing 33 i would rather leave fledge under 40 percent life and go into the next battle and hit exsanguinate i would not spend three points on this i would rather self heal him with exsanguinate so really in those cases this is just three speed which is pretty nice but fledge is already a fast dude his assist speed is nine that's one of the highest in the game that's tied for second highest behind grave robber who's a 10. very fast character also gets faster i think when he gets hurt he has a speed buff somewhere yeah so when he hits death story gets two speed he also has heart burst hood he has so many ways to get extra speed that this is interesting but not strong enough that doesn't mean it's worthless i'm just putting it in b i just don't find myself pressing it that often i think this is the cure one yeah this is us anyone that can cure disease s spoilers going forward instant s it's so good and diseases are more debilitating than afflictions in a lot of cases and even some negative quirks so being able to cure that yourself especially for two points there's actually some bias here pds costs one if i remember correctly so the fact this cost two is a little upsetting what's up with that red hook more plague doctor bias this is lashes cure or no solace solace that's right so minus 50 stress this is s because rapturous as strong as it can be it's still an affliction we were talking about that today on stream it's still an affliction i would rather not be afflicted if i can help it and what am i looking like in the light right now all right i turned on some lamps besides my ring lighting here i turned on my bedroom lamp over there so just to look a little bit cleaner yeah so we have um oh this curing 50 stress for three points fantastic sign me the heck up also helps if you're on endure if you want to run that type of combo this really just brings it back like if you rotate suffer for the stress resist or if you have like aria box or something and you hit endure all the time as a stress healer this fixes you in one camp it's really good very strong then we have lashes solace this is if you want to shove yourself into raptures that's why it's here it's one point if it was free i would still not press it straight up i do not want to take 40 stress i don't care about the rapturous buff that much if it happens it happens because anytime i see this rapturous is like the affliction barks can stress the rest of the team out and they can start domino affecting each other which is horrible and that just puts flash close to the heart attack which will kill him it doesn't matter how high his deathblow gets he will die to a heart attack very bad grave robber so snuff box curing one disease is rds curing two how could that not be better gallows humor only [Music] two characters okay so it's over here so for both of them it's gonna be us highwayman gets this as well so if you don't know the lore um i think grave robber was modeled after the artist's wife chris brassa his wife was modeled after grave robber and i'm thinking that maybe if i'm reading way too much into it the two of them probably have a dark sense of humor so it's no secret that highwayman the self-insert and the wife insert of grave robber both have gallows humor that's my head cannon no i won't change my mind and that's where i'm going with it knight moves this is s because it's two points much easier to fit in than i was at bounty hunters and for the crap that people talk about grave robber as a character premium camp skills very good then she has pilfer which is the same thing anti has and i'm going to put it in the same spot it's b grave robber definitely not nearly as good as anti and farmstead because anti has i think she can resupply three times i think rave robert can only do it once or can she do it multiple times i can't remember offhand either way you have the dodge vapor spam and protect me there's a lot more utility that anti brings to a farmstead team than grave robber besides damage you can find damage in a lot of characters so i think that for grave robber this is less applicable but i it would look weird if i put this in c so i'm just gonna leave it there hellion a growing favorite of mine and a favorite in the community hellions of battle trance this is 25 damage on the front and minus 25 if you're not in the front you can use a medicinal herb to get rid of this which is very cool i think that was an oversight it's giga damage it's hyper carry helen she's here it's three points like if i put this in s already and all it has is accuracy in a condition this is another conditional that you can get rid of and it's just 25 damage actually no it's only half a conditional you get rid of it's good revel also s want to get drunk after the mission here it is so this is like the best time to hit this is if you finish a mission and you don't need to camp before then this is the party afterwards so you have to worry about these debuffs which i think you can cleanse anyway so who cares and it's healing your entire party for 20 stress that's 80 stress cured across your whole party that's freaking good we have reject the gods this i'm going to put in b it's two points it's quite a lot of stress healing for two points it stresses out the religious characters which you know good luck taking vessel and it's kind of nice in that regard that it is two points for thirty but helene as a character already has very high crit rates and she's a damage dealer so she's always critting so she's probably keeping her stress very low and she's also in rank one which is probably the spot in the game they get hit that gets hit the least it's either that or four but two and three get hit a lot one and four not so much especially in stress attacks so i think hellion doesn't need this as often as you would think sharpen spear there's another s i think pansy did the math and this came out to be better than battle trans which i found interesting but it makes sense again compounding the idea that you don't need reject the gods if you just crit all the damn time we have houndmaster and then highwayman okay so how master first hounds watch the zest just camping anti-surprise what more could you want then we have man's best friend those minus 20 stress on yourself for two points another conditional thing it's not bad hey on a stress healer i think so because i'm going to put this here and this is just better in courage that you can use on yourself that's not bad therapy dog i like quite a lot actually like if this was four points and hit the party i would hit it no joke it's just it's like baby zealous speech i think it's pretty good release the hound i think i'm gonna put this in a as well i kind of want to put it in s but four points is a lot to ask for that's why like i keep saying i can put grave robbers in s because two points yeah i can spare two points four points that's starting to limit my options especially if i need hounds watch that's already eight of my points gone what else am i doing after that let's see highwayman highwayman so we did gala's humor that was s and did we even talk about it i just slapped it and asked right like it already guaranteed heals 25 on the person doing it very high chance to heal 20 on the other people and then i think you can get both of these and like net minus 10 stress which is fine i remember how the interaction plays out but 10 stress like at most this hits one person it's very rare that this hits two it can but it's it's pretty rare so it has a lot of good upsides i like it quite a lot unparalleled finesse i believe this buffs were post because sorry about that dogs once more so in parallel finesse i believe this applies for posts which makes it much better this is a lot of stats that's a lot of stats for four points but they're good this is like this is this neckerchief a second time i don't know i can't say anything more than that dude it's so ridiculous clean guns the value the value's there the value is there for camp skills like in terms of points accuracy his accuracy is not as high as our blessed so the accuracy very helpful the damage very good this makes i believe pistol shot a positive modifier it's normally minus 15. it's always minus 15 so this puts it to plus five that's an extra point the game rounds up for you really good and then crit who doesn't like crit like this actually enables grape shots spam this in the gunslingers buckle really really helps with grapeshot spam if you want to go that way that's freaking hot so what's that that's 20 40. and then what's grape shots modifier minus 50 so you're only minus 10 at that point that's good you can also use the crystal and gunpowder nice banded sense i think it's funny it's called a sense when it just bells on a string so that is s it's just so good like if you haven't noticed the criteria for the s skills are just things i find myself pressing every time i can they're really good i don't know jester turn back time so this is three points for potential 45 stress if they're afflicted which is pretty nice i think it's i'd say it's good enough it's pretty good every rose this is just stronger [Music] therapy dog like is power creep therapy dog but still like middle child zealous speech that just tells you that zel's speech hitting crusader himself is also worth two points by itself which is it's uh i guess that's the other thing so like the argument that i would make for these is like zell's speech is eight points of camp value it's giving your entire team pep talk and encourage for five points this is giving three people these two which is six points but they do it for three so what's the you still save three points like the the effective value is still three points that's interesting i think it's fine there like you can almost argue s potentially you might be right tigers i remember that broken camp skill that a bounty hunter has well from one point more everyone gets it cool mockery this thing is actually interesting because you can do stuff like pass around stress resist trinkets or use other stressors as buffs or hit abomination with this for instance who can heal his own stress and then cure everyone else it's a pretty powerful effect i just don't i don't find myself hitting it that much like jester has three other buttons that are pretty good so it's it might be c it's weird huh is it c i know people are going to come after me if i put it in c i'm going to put in c why press mockery when you can press this that's the question why press mockery when this exists this is this is just better it this is two points okay okay crisis averted it's two points that's pretty cheap i'm still not doing it you can sacrifice one point do it do it leper so i don't like let the mask down it's interesting but leopard has solemnity why why on a class that has solemnity would you be pressing this it's one point that helps it quite a bit i i don't like it enough though like one point to put like it's a net 10 stress because you heal 25 and give everyone else um five so that's 15 while you heal 25 so it's a net gain of 10. you could argue it's b it might be b just because it's one point i think so bloody shroud i think this is put this in a rs i think this is s because it gives the move resist like that for two points is it two points or three it's two points it's a lot of good upside right there and leopard has very bad bleed resist so this helps them fix it a little bit and there are some fights that are movement heavy and this helps quite a bit in those regards reflection also s if you haven't seen the stats like minus 20 stress sure that it could just be these it could be the bounty hunter skill for three points and i would hit it like no qualms i don't care if it's if bounty hunters is a power creep version but 20 stress on top sign me up like i hit this almost every single leper camp especially if you have bonfire gets a lot better quarantine now where this isn't that good quarantine sorry about that i dream of a world where the neighborhood dogs don't exist but anyway so quarantine on someone that has solemnity this idea just keeps coming up right solemnity is such a powerful move that sure i will take 20 damage for three points to most likely hit one of these it can break entirely which kind of sucks but it can also have a very strong upside i think leopard has some camp like stress healing stuff like was a tin flute just makes it better i don't know i i think this is this is at least b i'm gonna put it in there it's really good like even if it breaks it's still if it breaks on one person it's not the end of the world as long as it wasn't the one person you needed and we have mannered arms how are we doing on this video 37 minutes should i show my elbow you sit at the computer for like 10 hours a day working on stuff the health of your joints becomes an issue so you always have to make sure to stretch and walk around make sure you walk around specifically because who wants blood clots especially in your 30s not me so man at arms is a character that gets much better if he gets to camp so we're looking at these skills i don't think maintain is first no it's not his last one so we have weapons practice 10 damage for eight crit that has a chance to miss which kind of sucks this i'm going to put an a might be saying it's it's a shuffle but how many people are usually damage dealers on your team at this point it's still probably yes right if the crit was guaranteed i'd put in s i'm still putting in that screw it it's good enough because i was gonna say like how many people on your team are dedicated damage dealers but that 10 and the extra crit just it always helps like if you have vestal and she's stunning the crit helps the damage helps a little bit if you have a cultist who's already a crit monster eight percent more fine give it to him for hands of the abyss your damage dealers want all this it's good enough and it doesn't hit mana arms which kind of sucks but i understand does tactics at the party it does oh my god oh tactics we're not there yet though instruction 10 accuracy three speed these are the two most most important stats in the game usually if you bring man in arms you already have an answer to like like you already have bellow and stuff for speed you don't you have command to answer accuracy it's only it's one person and the hyper carry effect is not nearly as strong as some of the other skills we were looking at like reflection or whatever oops now come back okay so i'm i'm gonna leave it there tactics though holy hell is this move busted 10 dodge across your entire team this matters this matters quite a bit actually like you'll have this and all of a sudden like you will notice that you dodge a little bit more often he feels like it's more than plus 10 it feels like it's plus 20 but i'll take it then five percent crate guaranteed yeah hits the party too if this hit all companions i wouldn't like it as much but man in arms who is trying to repost and guard both of these help quite a bit maintain equipment i'm gonna put this in b it's four points this might be c so i'm gonna i'm gonna put in c and here's why because i know there are people that like this skill it's four points for a character that is not a dedicated damage dealer i think this brings him to his damage i need i have to remember my cameras on the bottom i remember this time but i think it brings him to either 9 or 10 to like 16 which is it is good but he's not a damage dealer and he has to spend a lot of turns like doing his other stuff like guarding and keeping retribution up so it kind of feels like it loses some effectiveness and then the 15 prod just doesn't matter because you already have guard save defender you can already stack your prod very high like you press this once and you have enough prop for the fight it doesn't matter hit it twice you're freaking supercharged and the pride cap i believe is 80 so you press defender twice to stack prot and then you have maintained equipment on top of it you have 75 damage resist that's that's good but like how many tree branches do you need to block to assert dominance idk so we're skipping musk because she already she shares with our blessed and we have occultist i don't like abandoned hope that much it's been growing on me as a skill i like the graphic kind of looks like a a certain mini boss portal talking about you mr burrito for one point and a chance to get both of these which is nice it is a lot of stress healing but occultist is already a crit machine if you use hands from the abyss or even if he uses other attacks stack stab has a lot of crit on it i believe like hands already has what plus nine geez louise plus nine plus five plus five five ru spaghetti why is this move so terrible it's so bad but occult is crits all the time then you give him the demons cauldron and he gets more crit so he's already stress healing himself in a lot of cases but it is nice to have this this gets better in conjunction with his other camp skills i should yeah i think these i think dark ritual applies to him yeah it does yeah so if you use one of these then this gets better and i think these were designed with using this afterwards in mind yeah okay so curing mortality debuff s like it has this on top of it too that's so powerful it's so good you almost never need this if you're not playing like farm set or something or you know maybe you do play a mission like you're doing a boss mission and something happens and you need both of this it's really good very powerful all right what's next dark strength there's another s now you can make every character a hyper carry so you lose you get 15 stress for two points they get 20 damage i'll take that trade anytime commune there's another b it's three points which is nice so that's pretty cool i don't think that stresses your whole team out like seven doesn't seem like much but if you play torchless and stuff it starts that up not a fan like i i hit this if i need to this is not my first choice i even if i have a cultist on the team i will bring someone else that can prevent ambush if possible and i will press that instead know i do press this quite frequently petey chan experimental vapors you probably don't hit this that often because most people are running some kind of like main healer such as arbolest or vestal or even a cultist he's not like a dedicated main healer because he's just too unreliable but you know he can hit fat heals sometimes so you just don't need this as much it's only four points i shouldn't say only it is four points but it is good like you heal 50 which is strong and then the healing received this helps every other healer this helps food healing quite a bit i want to put this an s i don't think i can justify it though four points is a bit steep this gets better if you have like a guard so you can just like dump all of your defensive stuff and this on man arms but as i've always been saying in like all my videos for a long time now man in arms doesn't die to damage he dies to stress so this doesn't this isn't that's good when you hit this it feels amazing oh my god i just made a joke about hitting something with a vaporizer geez louise i've become everything i've ever i don't know i don't want to hate it cause i don't hate the vape crowd far from it all right i'm starting to spiral out of control saving save me leeches leeches is this it cures disease who saw that coming the cure one point it cures disease that's us self medicates pd doesn't need the accuracy three points if this was two points it'd probably be a or s i'm gonna put this in b i can hear nick yelling at me because i put in b but i like the blatant bleed cure you have petey who can cure two people at the same time with medicine so she's probably cured she's in the back so she's not taking that much in terms of direct damage like if she's in rank four so the healing twenty percent doesn't matter it it's still good minus ten stress screw it dude i'm doing it let's say let's say it's got a lot of upsides three points a little hard to use though snake eyes for sb chan i almost want to make this s but i don't think i can for the same reason that you don't bring like a team of four damage dealers you have people that can do damage vessel can do damage like she can help out with damage with judgment and stuff but you're not bringing i don't know you don't bring shield breaker and like three hellions to spam breakthrough and stuff you just don't do that so this only affects like one or two people besides her and it's three points so like usually if you run the uh like one of those pretty metaphor set teams like shield breaker leper and jester vestal then this really only affects leper more than anyone which is pretty nice for him it's nice for helen but hellion and shielbreaker don't play well together in most cases so i don't like that team um highwayman it's okay i i think a is still fair i i can't justify s like 15 15 armor pin just isn't enough it was like 25 i'd probably bump it up snake skin i like this a lot this is more helpful in the earlier levels when shield breaker is very brittle but once you get to like rank four and you have cuboli and stuff like that this starts to not be as important but then it's still really good with curboli because stacking prod on top of a my phone just got a text but stacking prod on top of max hp just it compounds the effects so the more pride you have with max hp the more effective hp you have i like that a lot sandstorm this is just bad like the only time this was really good is something thick was telling me about where there are certain fights i gotta remember i can't spoil but there are certain fights and one boss fight that i can remember where mark is a mechanic you have to be aware of and having something like suffer flatulent who normally marks himself with sandstorm so he can't be marked is pretty interesting it's a fun interaction even at two points it's only one person so i'd rather this before my whole party can't be marked but that'd be kind of busted so i don't know if i can put it higher and we have adders embrace two points is nice it kind of fixes sb's really terrible bite resist just a little bit it's two points i think it's okay i mean plus we get the cute snake too right look look at this little thing look at this little thing it's like yes nice let's go to the hall of fame chef just kidding vassal camp skills vessel's got some weird camp skills like they if you have a religious party they get a lot of mileage but the religious characters are her crusader flagellance leper not a great team out of those four so it's like are you running double crusader double vestal double leper you can't run double flag um i don't really see flange and lapper working together with vestal that's just that's just too much there's too much healing in that team already because flash can heal uh leper has solemnity which is already busted vessel has strong healing outputs so like you just don't run these characters together i think if god fearing works because i i heard that it does i heard the god fearing makes your charac like the quark makes your characters religious i don't know if that's true or not but something i heard i've been digressing too long about bestial so we have bless for 10 accuracy and 10 dodge it's okay it's just okay this isn't a hyper carry move this is like this weird middle ground of move where you get some accuracy which is very helpful for you know killing stuff because you're doing more damage because you're hitting consistently then you have dodge on top the 10 dodge is nice but it's like three points i don't know it's like do i need a mix of a little bit of avoidance plus a little bit of accuracy i'd rather hit dark strength if i want some hyper carry stuff or i have the tiger not dodge chance so much of stress healing for three points on one person so you can't even look at this like because if you don't hit the religious part of it then it just sucks it's honestly bad if you don't hit the religious part this is just worse than encourage or pep talk and both those are two points so for three points is it as good as pep talk and encourage yeah you technically save one point of value you get five percent more stressed with this but who cares that's turns out the dogs didn't stop according to the narrator say yeah i can't long story short i can't justify this being higher it's i never press this because this rarely comes into play because like you said you have fledge who has lashes uh solace you have crusader who's a stress healer flag also stress heals and then you have leprosy what religious character is getting hit by this none so you have to look at it this way would you pay three points for 10 stress resist and minus five stress no you wouldn't you just don't do that so it's it's probably one of the worst skills it might be the worst skill i'm not sure because i mean at least lash's anger has a justifiable upside this thing just i don't understand why does vessel have like the worst skill in the game and then like probably the worst camp skill what happened this is prayer or is a sanctuary this sink okay now where this feels kind of bad oh it is it is prey so this feels kind of bad because of these things prey is interesting because yeah you get the minus five stress but the prod on leper pretty cool the prod on crusader pretty cool the prod on uh who's illin flange pretty cool other vessels sign me up the five prod on characters who aren't religious still i think shaves off like one damage for certain attacks so like you get hit with stressful incantation instead of doing one damage it does zero which also means it doesn't check death blow which is very cool so this does have some marginal upsides and then the other upside for having religious characters much easier to hit and much easier to justify than chance so yeah that means i mean i think i'm gonna put this today like when this hits it hits good i'll say it that way sanctuary is very interesting because with without this mortality debuff thing like no joke without the mortality part it's here just straight like straight up it's probably it might be the worst no it still prevents ambush so it it's probably here without the mortality thing with one person that has mortality debuff it's here more than one it's like it's up here so i usually don't like to use the difficulty argument where like you say okay well this i do this in torchless so it works for everything and that's that's the thing that's like that that is true that is i understand the logic there that is sound reasoning but the game isn't meant to be played in torchless so the way i'm trying to think of it now is because i've hit sanctuary and torchless and it has saved my ass very awesome when it does that because i've had people just sitting at mortality debuffs or something like that just because you get hit way harder and more frequently and the stress is a big deal so it's really good in those situations but then i thought about it too like i said i don't i don't shame anyone here that's not that's never been the goal of my content but i'm thinking also about some of the newer players or just the less experienced ones where they get beat up a little more frequently in their teams you know just because of how they build them and stuff and so they bring vestal and people at death store that just it happens right you have like just however you end up with your team sometimes it just happens or there's some road crits out there and stuff like that so in those situations they probably like sanctuary also because of these effects because this does happen to them so when i start thinking about it like that not bad so if you get no mortality debuffs it's just down here if you have mortality debuffs it goes up to here so i think i'm going to put it like right here because at the end of the day it still prevents ambush and that's pretty nice so i'm going to take a second here and i'm going to look through these and put some i'm going to make a top 10 in the bottom 10. so i'll see you in a sec that took like 15 minutes my goodness so i probably as i was looking at this i was like i could have done without these two bottom tiers maybe the c tier but i felt that i really needed something to differentiate the just the power level of these and i do feel that i think everything i put in here is deserving of s and i think everything else is pretty solid where it's at you can argue some things are up and down and you're probably like well why is the s here so bloated that's why we have a top ten so this way we can separate the wheat from the chaff or whatever that's saying is and we're gonna do the bottom ten first then we'll do the top ten honorable mentions all that crap and to start no surprise these are all just in the bottom there at the bottom of this list already so they're at the bottom of this but the drama comes in trying to decide what the rest of these are so i think the first one is maintain you i'm gonna put the grave robbers pilfer in here just like i said she's not great and torchless so this it's nice like i'm sure everyone's hit it and it's just been nutty and it worked and all that but just really not like i get torches and crap most of the time so just not worth in most things bless i kind of have second thoughts about this but i'm not sure what else is worse than this for me to put in here like the 10 accuracy is nice i don't think i can put this in the bottom there's no way i'm about to find something else or maybe we just go with nine i don't know um what else do we have though so reject the gods i think was one of them the reason being that the vestal camp skills that impact religious characters are a little harder to weave in reject the gods feels like it hits people quite frequently and it's two points all that but it's on a class that has no joke can get up to 40 crit rate pretty easily in most cases and she's always killing stuff so she's just working stress off all the time so the fact that she will need 20 stress reduction at some point at the cost of hitting the rest of your team of stress is not likely someone leave it down there unshakeable leader there's just like pep talk for a person that can heal themselves one two three four five six seven eight you can not use this and just hit pep talk on someone and you'll be fine okay eldritch blood this is really bad just the more i think about this i i don't like this move i'd rather just put a bleed charm on or like flesh heart and that's a i don't have to worry about the rest of the stuff too many downsides for like marginal upsides like i said it comes down to the bleed disease and the stress so just pop holy water why not is that nine one two three four five six seven eight nine we have to pick one chef we have to pick one i'm gonna pick the bounty hunter one this was always in the back of my head i'm sure someone's gonna come at me over it but hear me out bounty hunter already has scouting for one extra point and scouting is much better than this and if you really need to there are other ways to get surprise chance and scouting and all that so it's better to just stack scouting than it is for this it is two points this shouldn't probably be in the bottom 10 but i literally can't think of something else i want to put in here before i keep going i have to make this distinction so people are gonna see that this gives you three speed a bunch of stuff for three points and it's in b and this gives you four speed nothing else and it's an a or s and you'd be like why is that that seems very inconsistent so the first thing is fledge has no stun besides him dying and stunning the entire party or the entire enemy team so the speed on a bomb becomes much more important at that point the other thing is that flag has other ways to manipulate his speed a bomb gets one trinkets flange gets one trinket flash also has his death store effect that gives him speed so he can do other stuff about that a bomb just gets this so it's and plus this is more speed this is four points and the other things that happen in whatever the skill is called i can't remember what it's called it uh the other stuff that happens like the cure and the bleed and the blade as i've been saying the the bleed isn't that important and the blight sure but you can tank that in most cases and then there is the heal effect which if flash is low hp i would rather let him stay low hp use this huge speed to go first or very early in the next round for the next fight and then just hit exsanguinate so i don't feel like the other stuff is very relevant considering the rest of the flagellate kit however the quickening does complement the rest of the abomination kit very well so that's my reasoning i hope it makes sense um yeah the anti-thing doesn't belong in here either just because like i said it's nuts and farmstead the damage for stress thing this is probably the next contender or then let the mask down if this wasn't one point i'd throw it in here with like no questions it's one point though and that's not bad anyway that's our bottom ten you can go ahead and fight me on it and then our top 10. oh the worst skill chance the worst skill in the game there you go chant is definitely the worst camp skill it's hot trash so we have the top 10 now so i'm just going to throw them in here and we'll talk about them afterwards so not the quickening you said it was really good chef yep i did uh what's our first one marching plan and then snuff box i didn't write these in the right order tactics i did write tactics next what am i doing what am i doing are the tiger like i said i want to put blessing here too but 10 accuracy and 10 dodge it's still it's still a good upside very hard to argue against that uh hounds watch and bandit sense these are the same skill i'm just going to put one of them up here so it doesn't matter they're both the exact same thing the same effectiveness just really powerful overall reflection there's reflection this thing is nutty and we have trinket scrounge surprisingly might be thinking yourself it's just two points for stuff like yeah yeah it is night moves best scouting per camp point in the game and then we have sharpen spear hyper carry hellion there she is and then finally dark strength it was much harder to pick the top 10 than the bottom 10 because the bottom 10 like the other video we did was at the skills tier list the bottom 10 i just took out the the bottom skills then i'd like think about one or two and the same thing happened with this bottom ten i already had five and then i had to think about these and i already knew three out of the five and then i just had to really think about the last two so it wasn't that difficult but the top ten did take a minute it took the majority of the the time that i spent there and there are a lot of good contenders like my honorable mentions which i probably should did first so i'm sure people clicked out of this video already but it would be like gallows humor probably lashes cure leeches um dark ritual and if i had to pick a fifth maybe revel might be my honorable mentions those are all just pretty good overall or maybe stand tall over rebel i think it'd be stan tall sorry to say but as for everything up here i'm very confident with this this list here trinket scratch may seem weird because it's just you know loot box but like i said it's two points for 100 or 750 gold minimum it has a chance to hyrule so if you haven't seen the percentages yet the wiki is very awesome place go check it out so trinket scrounge is 68 chance so about two-thirds chance to get a common trinket so a white trinket and then that means you have a one and three to get something actually pretty solid so if you hit some of the very rare trinkets that's a very that's a pretty small pool overall uh the rare trinkets the blue triangles are pretty big that's a big pool of stuff and then green trinkets there are a lot of good green trinkets out there too like surgical gloves bleed amulets uh book relax book of relaxation's okay blood charm a lot of good contenders out there um really good blue train gets feather crystal off the top my head it's the first one i can remember i can't think of anything else it's been a long day and then very rare there's focus ring or cleansing crystal i don't know if you can get garlic off this that'd be sick so a lot of good things to get from this i wonder it can you get garlic does it say i'm not sure i was gonna say if you could get garlic could you do a mission where garlic is the like the odds are astronomical could you do a mission where garlic is the reward and then camp and then hit garlic and then get two garlics i don't think you can there's no way that'd be interesting anyway back to this so at minimum it's 750 gold which is really good and then it can high roll and get you something pretty freaking awesome it can the reason that's good is because it can jump your power level from where you're at so if you camp at level zero and hit like an orange trinket like a focus ring wow that's incredible so it's pretty fun it's a fun button to press it can be effective i like it quite a bit the other stuff dark strength just very powerful sharpen spear is amazing i talked about the rest these uh reflection was honestly a contender surprisingly the the list for this came down to marching plans snuffbox tactics and reflection those are the four things i was considering for best skill and i'm gonna end with marching plan i think marching plan is probably the best camp skill in the game tactics is the runner-up i'm sorry man in arms enthusiast for as much as i dunk on our marching plan is gross or just two-speed your whole team like that that prevents so much damage over the four battles that really helps you get more stress healing and regular healing out for your other characters and it controls battles it's that thing about action economy that i talked about and i just made the video on i can't say enough good tactics it's between the syntactics i'm very confident it's these two the more i look at this list this is probably third actually i forgot about this um but the reason it couldn't be reflection is because that affects one character these affect other people and then stuff box can save you like two thousand gold every time you press it minimum like the oh my nose is itchy i'm sorry i got like cat hair and stuff going on but uh you know if grave robber has a disease and the other person has one you're curing too that's like between 1500 to 2000 gold if they have multiple diseases value just goes off the charts so kind of think of it think of it like about 800 gold to a thousand depending on where you're at in the game and what levels you have per disease so this can save you between like i said 800 to like 2400 gold or 3000 depending on upgrades and stuff very reliably very easily too nice all right so that's it right that's it okay we're done that's the cam skill steerless thank you tatsu for making this so i could use it very fun uh check out discord if you haven't patreon all that other stuff twitch streaming blah blah blah next video i don't know what the next year list is this i'm kind of out of ideas right now i have to think about it people ask me stuff like ancestor voice lines no there are too many voice lines and otherwise the antiquarian guide i will try to finish this weekend it won't be out to like next week probably like next saturday i'll hold it because it's a big release i want to say for the weekend um plus i gotta talk to thick i'm bouncing all the ideas off him so i want to talk to him okay i'm done i'm getting dinner thanks for watching i'm out of here peace
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 8,721
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion
Id: Z2veapsEEqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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