Deathblow is a Myth - Bloodmoon Part 5: Darkest Dungeon

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what am i doing i'm doing my life siren ooh ooh ooh can we do sermon you got another vestal i think off camera yeah i could take this one just have to try it ooh tuff yeah an aquarium on siren is a pretty interesting strap could it just be this i'm a little scared to use the klepto vestal wait do i not have the klepto is it not this one what are you doing cats i'm going to bed okay grab the man in arms from the stagecoach he was okay i'm not a huge fan of soft but he does have protection it's hard knocking that's actually really good estate the estate so there's no more space state the estate the estate the estate thiest afternoon silhouette you could take this guy who'd be dumped though guarding siren could suck but there's a pretty low chance of that happening actually he's got 30 d buffers she has to oh what the yo she could actually take man at arms wait oh this one that one's level zero that's why okay we take this one got eldritch slayer too this isn't bad let's think so who do i want i want a vessel probably this festival because she won't level out of two so that's pretty cool shield breaker we have high infestation shield breaker would actually do pretty well the shield breaker would also go to level three is this where i want to spend that and i kind of want to do the flesh with the shield breaker too we have co-scrounge we have a lot of reasons to take her here yeah it's almost parent time i want to get rid of bearings i want to stop dealing with this crap no we're not taking a occultist what's up melon chat ah man we gotta we're gonna heal this occultist peace through meditation please i just want a scroll wheel it's so slow a ball might be good a bomb would level out but this is a good fight for a bomb actually pretty damn good fight for a bomb and then nalion i like a bomb and helium a lot together i think it's a solid core it's steady compulsive kind of sucks this is not the best natural clotter clutter's okay only dd1 was made of duct tape true literal spaghetti code oh we got to take trinkets off all right get rid of your stuff the lord a bomb seems scary uh i know right it's a small chance she won't do it but i guess what can we do instead that's tough let's do a crusader well you just do a crusader it's your time reynold this team kind of sucks it's like we have beef and stuns but we have like no no great damage output oh yeah we do need blood i forgot that like three times yesterday and i really want to take that abomination but i probably can't he's wasting we really have to do this when it comes back up for a apprentice which is pretty crappy but i do i do be needing some blood we also have infestation it has to be shield breaker right it has to be i mean still use crusader but then i'm risking actually no fanatic can't show up on a boss mission right what's up moe so fnatic can't show up on a boss mission this team gets a lot better yeah puncture that's fine it's a little two yeah okay let's take this hopefully we camp later so we don't have to deal with snakes kind of want to use the sun ring i like the focus ring but i also kind of like the sun ring up ali i'm pretty sure fnatic can't show up on a boss mission because he gets a custom screen when he's showing up so i think that's the reason get some of this let me take juniors do i know juniors i got the other two heads game please [Music] and hmm extra pride that's not bad what are we doing here now we get sun ring and damage zone does crusader of holy lance of course what's up amber i'm good how you doing try not to take damage do you mean like not take damage like characters or just not take damage in general because i'd like to not take damage that is pretty good and this guy's all messed up what the hell is wrong with you oh he's wasting consider putting him in third vessel second to open with holy lands yeah this rainbow's pretty good we could open with holy lance it's not a bad idea yeah i have a lot of bonus damage here that's starting to look better yeah it makes more sense to start ranking with barristans too hmm okay yeah get this cauldron bro probably don't need max torches um probably any max food either but just in case yeah we're gonna take on siren and then we might do some man in arms guide planning later i think both of these which is kind of crappy one key with an aquarium we might get a secret room so what do we have i really don't think i need the max food i know i kind of got screwed by uh hunger checks last time yeah i mean occultists did have a place but like i think that occultist has torn rotator and i'd want sacrificial stab so many provisions with low money we got an aquarian it's fine it's fine yeah i'm pretty aggressive with this and also i'm planning in case snakes happen so hopefully we get to yeah hopefully we don't need all this food but is that it yes don't need this many torches all right let's give her some torches yeah i didn't think snakes showed up on boss missions for the longest time but i'm like 99 certain they do okay yeah that's a good point we don't need that many torches that's good what's up ghost my lofty position wasn't always accompanied by the fear of office and there was a time when i could insert notes or raise a glass loading emission concern for molestation nah man i've already been streaming for 12 minutes gotta play games waif made it her hobby to shadow my every errand it was charming then troublesome later the unfortunate little wave tell me wayne i always wondered what became of the unfortunate little whiff okay so one two three so she's what's the priority is it lower it's in one of these two i think it's this one oh no what a great start don't die homie oh at least we got the surprise we're gonna holy lance this one um he's already cursed it's not actually a bad start i know what did become of that little wave well apparently she's i didn't see this interaction oh this is bad okay we gotta f alright we gotta switch this around i got a pierce turn one at least she got her openings done a lot of stress coming in here that's why mark tanking sucks what's up pansy man i am throwing on turn one i just wanted to give the i just wanted to give the you know the enemies a chance to to win you know that's all the crit for eights this is bad this is let's kill the one that's less likely or more likely the third i know man i've been streaming two days i'm already thrown for content we're trying to play better oh look at look how good i played right there he's zapped surges as the enemy crumbles crusader please please crusader that stuns i forgot about that continually destroy them all we will leave the team in this order another mariner another misfortune can't afford that situation again someone impale on turn one put our damage up here hmm it takes three six we have to do just four you just zap now we stuck yeah oh no give them no quarter it's like week 15 i think we've been pretty lucky with trinkets hey my stun got resisted all right that's fine i don't care if it guards those things because impales got like the most effective damage on turn one it gets much much worse unlike turn two plus there's no like stress caster specifically to nuke their formation is broken maintain the offensive that courtyard fight too was a an example and the panic of when it sucks to get surprised because we got a big fat surprise against three enemies with 10 speed we weren't able to kill any of them so they just got like seven turns back to back that was just pretty not the business we've done this let me do this sir my healing i really want to inspire you cry yes i do that come on dude game please just guard break this all right perfect what's up ready thanks for joining first time i respect that i appreciate it it's a two-point bleed [Music] stuck on the countess fight um flatulent just brain flight yeah vessel got cursed unforeseen unforgiving do i care about your damage slightly i care about this thing i should have stunned that's a good sun turn i can stand next door oh yeah the space space drugs i've seen countess done quite a few ways i've seen uh like double and aquarium man in arms and like space meth bolster i've seen that it's just stunned oh that group he was just too usey all right hit me i'm blocking okay dude okay dude all right we resisted we need to finish them this does one damage all right it's dead and do this to get our speed up in case there's a hallway fight [Music] then keep doing this as the light gains purchase spirits there's a case of stuff there that purpose is made clear all right this speed up should it probably won't last in there we'll get it for one turn i think stun stone a little afraid to get loot right now because there's just a lot of stuff i might need no decidedly no yeah i think it's too soon for the claim i got a better chance of killing this dude let's see he'd zap him yeah i think he's zap [Music] fight the mini boss to kill my party hell yeah dude now we got this decidedly not shambler team all right that's not quite enough momentary abatement that's all right i mean look at what this party's staring down right now potential snakes definite boss there's no room for shambler it's just not the schedule i don't care what you tell me doesn't matter what i move around doesn't matter if i golf tomorrow instead there's no shambling this these backliners are going to get another set of turns yeah does anyone try to make sense of what he says genuine question it sounds like gibberish but i'm sure it's like an actual line that's just distorted all right that changes up what i wanted to do can you guys stop getting turns is that okay with you it kind of sounds like a turtle screams i could see that we're stunning this dude so we killing this one just wear out that buff just telling you to get off his lawn yes this is how it is taken what's up shmoop hey how's it going you can kill this one as the fiend faint hope i think we group heal and stress heal i might single target no no we grip you something ant i need a one hit point yeah one to two now someone's gonna high-roll this dude he's not going first jesus thick that's kind of how the ads feel though oh we got the one damage my turn yes okay there's no way there's no way i just take the stress damage the stress heal potentially be wary oh i kind of want to get rid of the stun stone this gold sack's going to be worth more at some point yeah sometimes you get those 5050s man i got rid of the holy water this idol never shows up this is poo poo let me try and stun this guy twice okay i guess i stunned this one here man why is he oh i was like why is he hitting so hard i forgot he's got like plus six thousand percent damage let me kill your friend you're gonna be okay you're not though you're actually dead more words of fist of the north star dude i tried to get into fist of the north star and it's just like two like late 80s anime for me i watched like the first two episodes i was like all right man i respect the legacy but i'm out of here okay he's gonna blow up so i'm pretty close to overkilling this i don't think i have to be that worried though insecure about the countess see all right playing with our food the light the promise of safety let's stab this guy yeah speed's a dice roll of one to eight then they have the speed modifier everyone's so fast and [ __ ] um oh man i'm so happy so happy i got that blade on because otherwise is the deed appropriate i think it's good enough i i think it's a good number it allows just enough variance i'm taking one damage maybe we'll get lucky and he'll just kidding that stunt was not worth let me stand here so i think a d6 is not not enough i know why isn't it a d20 for initiatives on its own come on red hook yeah too much there's too much variance because if it was like a d20 or a d12 or even a d10 at that point it's like okay i wanted to stall but sure go off queen a brilliant confluence of skill give mud no sir or madam um i don't need the light my goodness yeah i should have used them pale chip them down just a little bit kind of what the sensor sensor over the portrait i need the portraits for the bank i guess we just leave behind oh it's shade let's see all right enjoy your sword uh yeah cool the hunger check no hunger checks this is what we want to see all right anti dude thing girl it's time yeah okay who can disarm traps here shield breaker yep pretty good glittering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood it's a very long hallway a fight i don't have to deal with and then a fight i have to deal with shield breaker wait yeah disarming traps with one arm hmm i mean she's got a spear though if you ever played like d and d especially the older versions or if you have a very hostile dm you know the thing to do is to go through like the hallway with a 10-foot pole and just jab through it to set off all the traps i'm assuming that's what she's doing [Music] also here's the sin she'll breaker throws her spear for impale but she always has one on hand let's give me this heyd get out of here there's no fakeo it's gone get over it i think you just want to kill this i stun it or kill it i know the spear just teleports back she's got like a a weapon cord on it you almost quit d because of what they co it's one of the things i hate about playing like older like crpgs because i love baldur's gate too and like icewindale and they run on like fakeo and thayco sucks oh yeah admd in general don't you do it i don't know what you're doing but don't do it all right you did it i do want to stab this guy but i want to take this turn off the board this is actually perfect because now he bleeds out so there's no corpse and he's just left with a ceremonial cut playing games for the entertainment of others all right we're camping in the next room so we're gonna we're not stuffing let's see what happens impale is fight for five he's dead i have like the same chance to kill him i actually have a more a slightly higher chance with uh with puncture okay good b how are you okay that's perfect but never hidden why the shaved head my uh the last time i got a haircut was july and then my girlfriend kept going you know if you're gonna like keep growing your hair out i don't want to see you so we bought some 30 clippers and i had her just buzz me so it's not an aesthetic choice it's more of a a necessity go heal what a simp true don't tell audrey all right we're gonna get this killer let's get those bread gamers remind yourself that overconfident species feces mangler thanks for joining glad to have you okay no scouting feels bad man there's so much food a spark without kindling snakes without hope yep um the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it my turn performance whoa unbalanced let's not doesn't mean kind of sketch actually this is actually me kind of sketch i'm gonna bop this dude though can you guys stop audrey please dodge yes no it's unfortunate oh don't okay it's like i don't want her to lose her turn or something like that crit four yeah that was a good blood it was worth this proc coming in handy there you go just want that repost slowed down up time is 36 minutes okay i'm sorry no buts soon both that was done flash powder is not going to set off her post right we should run no we should not coward this puncture is very good but this pierce is also very good hmm what do i do i puncture by puncture what's happening i'm just punching it i'm not gonna roll speed most likely and go for a stun beautifully executed all right that's pretty good it's up to you vessel chan pass the turn to assert dominance true it'll take the streamer like man yeah i think the nightmares still happen if you do that probably case to puncture again [Music] i did not know they had this move man what an easy turn uh yeah i guess we finished this yeah i gotta get out of here this is not good hmm poison the the poison to sink yes yes yes yeah vessel's doing work right now man that is a long fight if i tank the entire horror bar what's up cucumber well seize this momentum push on every difference and zomtronic thank you for the kind words thanks for joining do you have any favorite skin mods um i like a lot of the like souped up days full crusader skins and i like like the uh the dark souls 2 vessel is pretty cool i can throw out the shield breaker trinket really bismuth is the best skin yes okay is the boss on the top of the bottom i think it's the bottom why not stall on the snake i probably should have if you want my honest answer i probably should have it is in the bottom okay oh that's not good wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy this is a very scary fight yeah we have some skills for protection may we find victory in case something happens unfortunately we only got like the one uh portrait the aquatic devils have remade the poor girl the shield breaker's gonna afflict i didn't change my skills i don't need puncture and their slave stabber it's like a case too if i use protect me will it try and dominate uh crusader instead that's pretty funny i don't want to give her a crusader stay with me vestal don't give in to your horny temptations don't you dare i know vessel's a keeper social breaker oh vessel's an honest girl all right that kind of sucked all right that's my taker and this is the anti-horny squad okay dude okay dude stuns at least are helping out don't stun me vestal i could lower her accuracy five-head stuff mcqueen she healed herself yes perfect it's crusader he's low-key really strong i'm not gonna lie i'm getting super lucky i mean that happened but what the [ __ ] excuse you the ground quake the shield breaker is just a roller coaster of emotions i'm i'm stopping the luck that's weird reynolds feed just got stuck in a sinkhole or something oh my god the cove leper he's here this damage is so enticing the max roll hit my own team to assert dominance ooh these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten they're used for the keys sadness all right let's see the match is struck a blazing star is born rank one vessel is not not good dude rank two maybe rank one no oh weird but on guard off guard you answered the letter now 100 shards or double shards this week you are a part of this place does anyone else need this no i gotta start leveling i gotta start leveling oh what has the dazzling mirror oh i don't wanna do the crew yet though let's see who we get no at least you're consistent [Music] it's kind of bad a hard time in your modded playthrough what's giving you trouble feral cucumber i know just draft llama a thousand of them what are we doing i guess we're doing farmstead i guess might just have too many gnarly monster mods on i need 50 portraits i do have a hundred crests though can i get oh my god the exchange rate is so bad i get 17. hmm i kind of want to do this too it has to be this wait why does it have to be this i don't care about this it's double shards but it's like 24 i can't buy anything i can't even buy petrified skull i can almost buy broken key though i could almost buy broken key can i want to do this just do an easy mission to level some people up we do need blood we do be needing some blood though i know these are all tempting because like i could get the broken key and that would be just incredible i do need blood does this one give xp this is a normal mission right that's how it's treated let's treat it as one normal mission use two xp okay and take that vessel the starting husk dudes aren't too threatening you can take renal and push them to three i could i don't know if i want to take him to this or if i want to take him to uh another boss mission i don't know like how many bosses are we we're trying to clear everything right yeah we're gonna save him for a boss i like this idea seems kind of jank this team is kind of jank though okay um no leopard said yeah rip lepers farewell amber no it's saying okay this is looking better it's not amazing but it's looking better yeah kind of slice off no i mean harvest all right do we get all trains off i think we did it's an okay setup right now snake oil and there's something defensive yeah we fought one shambler we did not get lucky it kind of sucks i don't know someone said this was good on gestures let's try it minus one speed um see him some extra dimage you know let's try this i would actually not try this normally let's try it what's up clincher monday's been good how's yours i hope it's been well you could sell that bottle later yes please research all the vessel let me know how she goes this looks okay this looks okay yes we killed the siren actually went pretty well shield breaker fired off like two or three crits there's no brawler's gloves do i need anything do i honestly need anything i feel like i don't need anything london you like two londons yeah just in case there's some of those blades just take a couple of everything okay just in case blight had struck the harvest again that year and the miller was desperate he came to me had clutched tightly in filthy fingers thinking of sweat and manure seated comfortably in my observatory surrounded by telescopes and other delicate apparatus i recognized his misfortune as an opportunity and i agreed to lend him my expertise expertise let's go poggies stealth enemies just pop antsy venom true i think we go for the opening stun oh man the blade is so usey man these dudes are brittle on apprentice [Music] all right dude nice talking to you what is your problem sir that's better i guess we stun this one what's up frog frog juice every double blade [Music] i don't know if getting vomited on is like a a dab moment but you know i go off they are human for some reason i just didn't think they had the human subtype let me zap this just shut them down okay now i can't do anything can i get this turn come on man i nuked my speed for this i'm still fast we just have to waste our turn confidence surges as the enemy crumbles it's going to bleed out the corpse that's pretty cool okay the abyss returns not a crit one yes it is good calling the laden guys just sometimes that crap happens um their formation is broken the offensive where's my music another one falls yeah the crystals i feel the same way i always feel like i'm trying to make sure they get rid of or they're gone oh we got the stealth horse i definitely should have used last turn that's a mistake we yes we are stunning this horse get out of my face horse precision and power and it really is the horse oh i know it's got plus 50. let's say i didn't realize that it's so much time is this there's a case of zap this and it was pretty compelling who dodged okay that's five the reason i feel that arboles is bad in farmstead is uh it's it's hard to get enough recovery out of your team because usually you want these two together uh western vestal and jester you want them together for like most teams i mean you can still you don't have to take them but a lot of teams that go deep have these two and with our bless you make sure you can't really use one of them but also the horse can scramble your party and uh like there's mark or mark's not as good because you have to have like the whole team so you like sacrifice control and stuff like that no the ship name is jestel okay it's jaisal i know the investor you'll see flaglin can activate a little bit of death by inches why not squeeze the stress healing stun this man come on dude he's dead next turn but come on all right perfect it's my time i don't want to waste this on him now whatever the stuns come on it's another horse the slow death unforeseen opening style unforgiving so one thing i don't like in farmstead is like having to babysit the spawns it's usually better to kill like it's usually better to kill like two of them maybe three but you don't want to clear like the whole enemy team on the same turn that's something you don't want to do and i punish it in kind of hard even though we have his torn rotator is there any difference between green and blue farmstead i think just the miller three to five small no no chance of double stone absolutely none the double swinotar yes i've met them yeah farmstead's endless this mission is not endless but farmstead is usually endless i think i need to heal this i can zap this what are we doing for what double giant's the worst like i fought double uka crab not the end of the world double giant though i didn't ask for this okay good yeah the corpse eaters are terrifying that's fine you're free to ask questions we will try to answer i had her at like 29 stress what happened steering the rail monster's size has no intrinsic merit unless inordinate exsanguination be considered so many things have pride why does the horse have prod yes he said the line ding this man minus speed i think we have to do this again no not till next turn they are everything dabs in here all of them this kind of sucks was this 11 damage i have a pretty good i'm pretty much gonna kill him i think i kill him if i hit him collector's showing up summoning all of his homies he's like hey i'm super protected back here and then helene's like about to end this man's whole career i want an emailed picture of chris barassa dabbing please that sounds amazing what excuse you excuse you sir warm adam all right we need a reign of sorrows here i need this reign of sorrows so bad please six okay then two turns it's worth letting them just bleed out i do not have a combat speed mod i probably should put one on honestly i probably should maybe next time how do you just keep getting stressed when is this happening yeah like i usually don't have speed mods for my recorded videos like the youtube stuff but since this is a slightly different case then [Music] i don't want to spend the flag on skills too soon here my two hour wheel dungeons bruh a breakthrough is always like a bad feeling on helium oh oh oh oh okay oop again come back hold up i got you scared all right it's me there's your progress bar you know what actually can i put this somewhere else where will this be best at here here where am i supposed to be it's like right under this okay you know what i'm gonna heal screw you guys like the one place i can't have the camera in the top right everywhere else in the game is completely fine even encouraged maybe i can't fit in the bottom right i don't know what's the fiend falls a faint hope blossoms let's see if i move it i'm gonna push myself off screen here a little bit that's so hard because like in the way i can't mouse over both at the same time is this covering the it's not right i don't want to cover their move list not that it's a big deal i think it's okay [Music] lost a vessel with three corpse munchers and a mark swine seems fine thank you okay two rounds all right let's just try and speed this up these guys are just dead right almost disadvantage barf on corpse when right now right now don't tempt me [Music] i sacrificed the stun for that i threw away a stun for content [Music] doggo a bomb when not here not here he said the line transform and walk yo where are my butcher circus homies at it was so weird because the transform and walk thing happen like three times in an hour okay he's still alive which means i can i actually want to leave him alive to chain the reign of sorrows back there and i'm afraid that jester with his eight crit will actually do it to me that's what i'm afraid of just figured i'd be greedy with the stress heal oh [ __ ] from becoming unwound oh come on dude come on dude oh come on dude i can't afford that on this mode i cannot afford that right now that's two deaths the ground quake to be fair jester did crit the person i was afraid he would crit so at least we got that oh that physically hurt me dude oh this is not good whatever let's charge up rake let's charge up this rake it would suck to have to restart this file because it's been pretty good in the trinket luck got a long way to go here you play with my food so much i don't know no our flagellant died to the first death blow check that's exactly what happened to us yeah we should finale this horse so we can just spam stressful after this another abomination cleansed from our lands actually we're almost out here we're almost out here can be healed but never hidden yeah i think we're gonna make it we just don't want to afflict i need that accuracy hold the speed next turn that's 15 stress pardon me 15. fifteen like one five one five god almighty this is not okay i wanted that flagellin dude what is this this targeting the game is like it's so mad at me that probably wasn't even the right move inspiration and improvement i can't even say that well this hurts me the rescued flatulent i mean i got the one the game gave me okay good deceptive dodge one more vestal chan nice i have to kill this horse now now we haven't done the uh remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer there is no overconfidence there ancestor 24. he's dead he's dead he's gone and crumbling they have these masonry fares no better than the faith of its congregation yes we have two yeah we gotta kill a chamber though i kind of want this vessel for now a sister of battle pious and unrelenting wait what i got scammed you're right what the hell game game please
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 4,856
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, admiral bahroo, pvp, butcher's circus, butchers circus
Id: nNAByNBhAl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 43sec (4363 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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