My Worst Run in Darkest Dungeon: A Lesson in Overconfidence

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what's up y'all shuffle this is a commentary review of a run I just did I was recording footage for my flatulent guide which I'm still working on and one of the runs they're not runs the builds I wanted to try was a flagellants with the martyr set up that way you activate all this low HP and high stress abilities so I was using the eternities caller and the martyr seal even though you only get an extra like 2% death blow because of its I was using those to make sure that I got the maximum benefit and I used an Aquarian to force people to hit the flagellants and I also played on darkness because I wanted to try the occultist with a crimson court set in a low light setting because that is something I've very limited experience with so I decided this should all be good now this run ends horribly spoilers but the idea behind the team was I have two guards and even though I have a bunch of low hit point people the two guards and the dodge spam that I'm enabling with the antiquarian and mainly the antiquarian and the occultist crimson court set then also the dodge guard from the Hound master I was thinking okay so this team will be very very good at avoiding stuff and the flagellants the only one that should be getting hit consistently and if that's the case then I'm not really sweating it too much so I got lucky I packed a bunch of scouting on the team it has like base 75 scouting I pride I prioritized I tried to prioritize speed so that way the team could go first and sometimes it kind of didn't go my way I also didn't notice that my what-you-call-it my uh my hound master has minus two speed and low torch I should have pay attention to that so I missed that one and also the occultist getting rabies here was not it mattered quite a bit because he misses a couple times later on so that's something I also forgot about it's mostly you know the the in-game stress was creeping up and then my in real life stress started creeping and I stopped I stopped paying attention to things that I should have been paying attention to that I normally do so this is mostly in example of why Creed is bad and also kind of a lesson to try and be as mindful as possible you know it's a turn-based game since it's a turn-based game always always always take as much time as you need think things through you know I played so much darkest engine that I felt that was on autopilot in a lot of cases so me plea or playing playing a new team with there's the alter we're coming back for it I threw my torches away but me playing a new team alongside what you call it the darkness and the things that started going wrong it just it made a lot of things I stopped paying attention to or just create a lot of circumstances where I miss played horrific aliso kind of sucked but we're about to get to the more interesting parts of the what is it the the video like the point of the video here so the team looks good right now doesn't it you know it's like darkness it got through pretty easily like the team feels rather effective like this ends horribly but for all things considered I was liking the occults of stun I was liking the antiquarian synergy it's just kind of brittle with its hit point values so also obviously makes some pretty horrific Mis plays I think that's see an experience because I usually don't run teams like this so you know I just had to learn how to do it and I think if I do it again I'll be much better at it and I won't greedy kill some shamblers here so here we go this is a precautionary measure the Sham blur always Auto scrambles your team so one way to counter it is to try and scramble it beforehand and hope that he scrambles it back into order which that has that works I like I've had it on video where it successfully happens so we do it here and we get a pretty favorable setup here the occultus is where he's supposed to be he gets an early stun which was very lucky he only had like a 30% chance there so we set up we have the stun so I decide to go for the invigorating vapors because that's a free turn of buffing everyone flageolet goes back up front cause he's supposed to this is the first major mistake that arguably costs the run I know it's a simple one but I should have recognized the stun chance because he Colts us is not gonna get another Sun off like he gets I think one more off but he's not gonna get one on the shamblers so it would have been better to just take the turn to attack or guard or just set up my team a little bit better and I chose not to and that extra turn of damage is gonna kind of snowball going forward so we buff up we hit our attacks here we're getting the mark synergy the Sham blur bleeds when I say bleeds I mean actually just like dies very quickly so here's the first set of the clapper claws this stun I should not have went for 30% chance not worth it I was trying to bank on some crits to to get the extra stun chance but it just wasn't happening I should have been stunning the tentacles here and I chose not to so we're just buffing up we don't get as many dodges as we're home for either and then they get dodges the the missus do hinder us quite a bit the hound master is hitting pretty consistently for high damage if you notice this tooltip it's like 13 at 24 something like that but he's not getting crits so it kind of is we get good consistent damage but not good burst damage that's another sign I should should not have went for we're just like okay what do we do here we just keep keep dodging keep dodging right so we keep dodging we get some okay turns here like high-stress is what you're gonna encounter with the shamblers like what is to be expected the high damage is also there this is very meaningful that crit was super helpful but this even we get the dodges right like it looks so good this this claw this clapper clock getting away at one hit point that is the back breaking moment in the fight because it gets that crit it causes this affliction send off that stress like if it didn't crit I wouldn't have got the affliction I think and I'm gonna take all that damage and that really set me behind me missing it gives it another turn of being buffed up and so at this point I'm like okay I need to start saving people so I get a good occultus heal you know it's not the 70 health crate we're looking for but it's good I remember in this run I think only one reclaim didn't bleed me I was pretty upset but the reclaim was good I might have I probably should have went for the the attack here is that one's kind of debatable with the flashing line and then we start getting hit which is not good the Dodge is starting to fail us a lot of crits off The Clapper claws I mean this is just what's gonna happen I should have thought more about how I'm gonna kill these like I should have given my occultist sacrificial stab I should have given my hound master pounds Harry instead of my stress heal because there's no way in hell I was going to be hitting stress heal on a fight like this like a a random like a high chance but a random chance stress heal for your party that doesn't heal too much on a single target is probably one of the least useful things I could have had because I don't even hit it so there was a couple times where if I had hounds Harry I would have hit it but I didn't so right here this should have been redeemed like that it was good that it crit it was good that it helped kill this thing and you know since it crate you can say that it turned out pretty good but I think that should been redeemed also my my cat's knocking things off the desk so I apologize for any background noise yeah so it's it's looking okay at this point I'm like okay I'm probably gonna get out of this though because I think even the hound master dodged that attack so it was really just the flatulent that got smacked he summons another tentacle which I think I had too much of a split decision here so if I had attacked like if I tried to burn down the shandler quicker it wouldn't to summon another tentacle and if I try to kill the tentacles that miss see that's rabies that's mostly rabies screwing us right there but yeah and I focused on one or the other I probably did okay the other thing I forgot about what the hound masters I forgot to rebuff with the dog treat on the appropriate turn so I went like two or three turns without having the dog tree damage which again that would the shamble would be dead on this turn like you would have been dead last turn and it might not have summoned a tentacle I might have got another crit right there's a lot of things I messed up there was bleed getting resistance sucked my bleep chances aren't mega high but they did suck this crit again like you can see all of the things that happened like if I didn't move the Hound master on turn one I would have got another attack if I would have used the dog treat I would have got more damage out of it which would have helped kill the Sham blur faster and if I killed the Sham blur faster it wouldn't have summon the second tentacle so the tentacle that's at full health wouldn't be existing right now and since everyone's just getting crit to zero hit points with death's door and then getting afflicted these things are landing and we're just outright dying which kind of sucks and the other thing too oh and then the flatulent I forgot just kills the occultist takes us no you didn't take a stair he made a taking I can't remember I wasn't really paying attention the order there but like I like I'm so mind frazzled at this point like I lost the the deathblow chance on the occultist the rapture has killed him and then this year it's it's looking like a party wipe at this point if I stay in it so at this point I'm like okay my next my next turn I'm probably out here do I attack I go for reclaim I don't know I should have ran this was the turn to get out of here I was thinking you know the occultist all this was thinking I have protect me right and the flatulent has just massive death law resist so I I could probably win this like I just need to hit two punishes and I'm out here you know and I didn't instead I just do this and I just eat the two clapper claws because I forget everything that's happening and then we died so this is a good lesson in greed and what not to do in darkest dungeon it's safe to say that I am NOT a fan of the martyr set up for flatulent the entire run he basically just didn't get hit too much even with protect me and all that so I'll explore it more but I lost a couple good heroes and the video is gonna run out here so yeah it sucks I'm not even men it's a little weird it was just more like wow I miss played horribly like that's probably the worst I've ever played this game so anyway I'm working on the flatulent guide so enjoy that thanks for watching it should be up in a few days maybe a week hopefully I'm trying to get it out this week and this happened I just happen to have the camera on and I was thinking this might be good content to watch someone horribly play this game anyway thanks watching I'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 44,776
Rating: 4.9362187 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, bloodmoon, torchless, no light, black as pitch, hidden squidz, shambler
Id: VbDvzltPs6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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