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what is going on guys my name is John and welcome back to yet another video as many of you know pokemon sword and shield released a week ago which means there are tons of new challenges that I can try and take on because we're in a brand-new generation there were a whole bunch of new Pokemon that have been added to the Pokedex but what does it take to get them all today we're gonna find out how easily you can catch every pokemon named pokemon sword and shield now if you've watched the other videos i've made in the series you'd know that in most cases this challenge isn't an easy task and this generation is no exception if you haven't seen any of the catch small videos I've made before I have playlists so you can check out in the top right of your screen to better understand what this is all about regardless let's still go over the rules for this challenge the first rule is you need to play both copies of pokemon sword and shield this is obviously for entertainment purposes but it's also the best way to show off things like version exclusives and the best locations for each Pokemon this second rule is that we have to obtain each individual Pokemon and by the end of the challenge we should have a complete living decks of every single new Pokemon in the gala region the most important rule is that this all has to be done within a span of 24 hours this is definitely the most challenging part but I have a few tricks that can make this run a lot easier I also want to note as always that no glitches or exploits can be used but since this game has been out for about a week I don't think that'll be too much of an issue with all that out of the way let's find out this is possible because this game is so new this is your warning that there will obviously be heavy spoilers in this video if you haven't played the game and don't want to be shown any new content its chest checking out this video at a later time so if you're taking the time to beat these games already you'd know that this challenge is probably not going to be the easiest well the list of new pokemon isn't anything groundbreaking from the previous couple of generations this game is easily one of if not the longest storyline in the entire franchise and when you're on a time restraint that makes the game a lot more difficult this game also heavily punishes you for trying to rush through so you to be as prepared as possible for each big battle that you face because of that I've created a diverse team for both games that will cover basically every battle so if you notice that I'm catching duplicates or have non Gaillard Pokemon on my team just know that they're serving an important purpose our journey begins at our little home in post WIC where we meet a rival hop as well as start learning how to stay upright carrying our luggage sized backpack once we head to wedge Hurst we meet his older brother Leon who is not only the champion of the region but he's mostly known for never losing a Pokemon battle he takes us back to their house and were immediately able to pick the starter that we're going to use throughout the rest of the game now for the first time in a while all the stars in this game initially seemed pretty viable to run through the game granted this is the first week that this game has been out but considering that you're going to need a diverse team anyways it doesn't matter too much where you pick in sword I choose GRU key and in shield I chose score bunny because we're gonna evolve them into their final forms we won't add them to the total just yet from here we have our first battle with hop which is almost impossible to lose considering that he chooses the Pokemon week to yours but Leon takes the third option so once we get around to facing him we're going to be at a disadvantage upon heading back to our house we noticed that a Woola destroyed the gate outside and we team up to chase after it to rescue it from the eerie depths of the slumbering Weald once we get deeper into the area we're surrounded by a thick fog and meet up with the mysterious Pokemon that we can't deal any damage to after it puts us to sleep with its fog machine powers we meet up with Leon and return the woowoo now we can start catching some Pokemon route 1 is obviously our first stop and because we're in a new generation we have a ton of new mechanics to catch and evolve our Pokemon just like the let's go series the Pokemon appear in the overworld but in addition there are random encounters that are represented by an exclamation point in the grass the Pokemon available through each method usually vary by quite a lot so it can still be a little difficult to get every Pokemon that you need in sword I grab a squall VAT blip bug and Nick it and in shield I call whoo whoo and to Ruka d firm here we go back to wedge her stimming Sonia who was the professor's granddaughter she gives us the Pokedex and tells us to go meet her at her home at the end of route 2 once we breeze through the very short tutorials we have her first few battles on the route before meeting professor magnolia we battle hop again to provoke determination and Leon gives us an endorsement so he can take on the gym leaders of the region the ceremony to join the league is very far north in the region so we're going to take the tram and wedge hers to get to moto stoke all the way back to the town shield caches to tootle and Zigzagoon bring the total to six Pokemon while we're on our way there we're stopped because a herd of wool were blocking the rails to the city so now we have to cut through the wild area to get where we need to be after meeting up with Sonia and receiving the why calm and Pokemon boxes we're able to explore to our hearts content the wild area is a very interesting place as it's the one location that contains many different smaller locations you can roam through each of these areas have completely different weather patterns each day which means that they'll almost always contain completely different Pokemon well this may sound like a big pain for a challenge like this a majority the encounters in this area are Pokemon from previous generations but there are definitely still quite a few that we're going to have to grab as we progress a decent portion of this area is blocked off for now so let's just work on more the story and then come back to this upon reaching moto stoke we meet up with Leon who gives us an item to boost our starter stab moves which is extremely useful consider we're probably going to be under levelled for a majority of the challenge if we take the lift we can go with the gym with hop meet a person who doesn't look very important to the story at all and register ourselves take on the gym challenge from here we have to rest up at the buddy drop in for the ceremony and once we go there we have our first encounter with team yell and marni after we defeat all of them were taken to the next day where we meet almost all the gym leaders of Galler at the ceremony as well as Rose who is the chairman of the Pokemon League as we're leaving the building one of his employees gives us the ability to use the core of a night taxi which means you can obtain the ability to fly before you even go to the first gym before we leave the city it's important to go to the tram station and grab the black glasses for an upcoming battle that we're going to take on if we head west of here we can battle hop again and finally reach route 3 the only new Pokemon that we have to collect for this section is gossip floor but each game gets one because shield is going to need it for later in the game we meet up with Sonya and she gives us the escape rope which may not seem too important but since it's now a key item we're able to skip a few walking sections of the game by just teleporting wherever we need to go up next is the gallery mine where sword grabs roll e---coli and a Diglett for later but we're meeting up with a person that we saw the ceremony bead I'm sure some people are going to say that's not how you say his name but I looked it up and I believe his name is based on an English monk with the same title his entire team is based around psychic types and thankfully each team has two members that have dark type moves although Zigzagoon and Nick it can deal some good damage I found that ruh Kitty is actually the best option for this battle because it knows powertrip once you catch it you can knock out everything if you set it up twice with home clause I forgot to grab Roo caddy and sword before this battle so while we take care of that let's focus on shield for a bit once we exit the mine we reach route 4 with the first gem in viewing distance before we go there it's important to grab the hidden rare candy and the sharp beak to boost Roo cadiz moves through the random encounters we can catch Mill Suri before meeting Milo and hop inter field we meet up with Sonya once again and talk about the meaning of the hill drawings as well as the history of Galler before going to take on the first gym of the region now the gyms in this region are a little bit different than the previous generations as the goal is to complete a specific task before reaching the stadium to fight the gym leader there usually puzzles like the older games but personally I think they were done in a way to make them feel a lot more entertaining in this gym we have to hurt all the wool ooh into the end of each area with a couple trainers thrown into the mix as you progress gabber will come out and scare the wool ooh to go in the opposite direction but for the most part this gym is very easy to get through at the end we can take on the gym battle with Milo which once again has a brand new mechanic Dyna maxing Dyna maxing is in a way a mix of mega evolution and sea moves from the last two generations before you attack you're able to choose if you'd like to Dynomax or not and if you do you receive an HP boost and all of your moves become stronger for three turns you can only do this once per battle and if your Pokemon is knocked out or switched out you lose all the benefits you earn from using it brew kadhi is by far the best Pokemon to use for this battle and if you Dynomax in the first or second turn you'll probably be able to run through the entire battle without too much of a problem now that we're all done with that it's time to take on the next gym during this time sword was able to catch the Emperor on route 4 before sweeping through Milo's gym before it leaves gym it's really important to talk to the weird ball guy in the lobby to receive the friend ball it may not seem that important now but we'll get back to that in the later half of the story if you follow the path on Route 5 we meet up with an old man and team yel who were trying to steal his bike once we defeat him the old man decides that he really doesn't want it anyways and gives it to us instead unlike the other games this bike is only one speed but since Rotom confused with it we get a small boost from it roughly every 10 seconds you can decrease the cooldown time through the wild area but this is enough to carry us through the whole game before we reach next city sword has to do some random encounters to catch a Doppler and Aplin bring the total to 12 Pokemon upon reaching Hall burry we meet up with bead rose and vice president old Liana who tells us to meet them at the restaurant after we defeat the next gym leader Nessa's gym is located in the back of the city and the theme is based around water type Pokemon when you're running through the game this is probably one of the hardest gyms to take on if you're not prepared and it's almost entirely because of her final Pokemon the gym puzzle is pretty easy and once I defeated all the trainers shields gasa floor evolved into L degauss if you don't choose GRU ki as your starter it's almost mandatory to have this Pokemon if you want to get through this as fast as possible there is a static one that you can encounter on the bridge where we met team yel but since I already had gasa floor I just chose to level it up Nessa's team for the most part is pretty weak but the biggest issue is that the Pokemon she chooses to Dynomax dread nah not only is it surprisingly fast but it hits really hard too if you don't have speed it it will probably one-shot you and one of the only Pokemon that I found they can take a hit is LD Gauss because it's quad weak to grass you really only need to live one or two hits so this is probably the best choice aside from using your starter throw a key once we get the badge we can meet up with everyone at the restaurant and head south of the city to reach Galler mine number 2 creative name I know here we have another battle with bead and take on team yell but it's important to grab the soft sand in this corner for the Diglett I caught earlier in the game to help with our next gym when we exit the mine we reach the Moto Stoke outskirts and have essentially completed the first loop on the map it's important to catch hat neck here as this is probably the most convenient place to catch one in the entire game from here we can just fly back to moto Stoke and take on the first gym that we entered when we go back to the Badou drop in to rest we meet up with Marnie again and she challenges us to a battle after all that is taken care of we can finally challenge caboose gym this gym is one of the first extremely unique gyms in this game as it's more of a competition than a puzzle to gain access to the stadium in each patch of grass there's a Pokemon that you can encounter and you have to either catch or defeat the Pokemon before your opponent takes it out themselves for every one Pokemon that you knock out you were in one point but if you catch it you were in two points the goal is to earn five points before you can challenge Kabu but there is one little thing that is very important to do here in this gym you can catch Sizzla pede which is really good because you can only get it as a 1% Branum encounter on route 5 because it will even respond here if you knock it out you have quite a few opportunities to catch one I initially tried to grab it and shield but I spent about 20 minutes trying to catch it and it's straight up refused again the ball I gave it a try and soared and caught it in the first ball so let's just take a look at this game until we catch back up Cabo's team is pretty difficult to get around as his entire team consists of fully evolved Pokemon this also is the first time we get to see a gigantic max Pokemon which really doesn't impact anything aside from the appearance and one different move but that doesn't change the fact that sense of Scorch is very strong Diglett and corpus Squire can handle a lot of battles but since they all know will-o'-wisp it makes the battles take much longer because our attack is cut in half this battle took about ten minutes to complete but that's pretty on par with most gym leaders so overall this one wasn't too bad now that we have three badges were able to head to the upper half of the region but coincidentally once again we can't take the train to get there thankfully we're now able to access the second half of the wild area which means we now have potentially hundreds of Pokemon we can pick from to take on the rest of the leaders for now the only thing we're gonna have to grab here is the item for leftovers once we traverse through all the areas we reach the gates to hammerlock which is essentially the main or central area of the region we have a quick conversation with rose before being told to speak with Ryan at the west side of the city who happens to be the gym leader of hammerlock he tells us to go to the vault upstairs and talk to Sonya where we learn more about the darkest day and all that stuff about swords and shields although it seems like Ryan would be the next gym leader to face we're told that we're not allowed to face him until we have seven badges so we'll come back and take him on once we have that opportunity if we head west of hammerlock we reach route 6 once we defeat team yel near the bridge we meet opal who is a gym leader of Balan Lee for the most part we can skip all this route but it's important to get a couple things before we go through the random encounters we can catch silico bruh but the next one is a completely new encounter if we go over to this berry tree and shake it a pile of berries will drop down if we shake it enough times eventually a greetin twill pop out of the tree this is probably the best place to get one as it has a 100% encounter rate with this specific tree before we head to the next town we have to make sure to grab the first pair of fossils that are located in this hidden spot in the ground still inside is the next big stop as this is home at the fourth gym leader in the center of the town we have another battle with hop and collect the second set of fossils from the man in the Pokemon Center although this gym doesn't seem too special because it's just another fighting gym this is actually a version exclusive gym for Pokemon sword which is the first of its kind for this series granted the layouts for this challenge are almost completely identical but the leader and trainers pokémon are completely different this gym is based around the fighting type and since we have Corvis choir this shouldn't be too difficult to get through if we're stocked up on potions through the trainer battles sizzle appeal evolved into set to scorch I know I already counted its pre evolution but we're going to breed it later anyways so I'll point that out when the time comes B is the gym leader for this game and overall her team isn't too difficult to take on but I Dynomax too early and got destroyed by her Machamp at the end of the battle because of that time lost she'll was able to catch back up again during all that time toodle evolved into dread na and we made her way to hammer lock to take care of the story once again I made sure to grab the strawberry sweet and the rare candy there next to the castle as these will help out a ton with future evolutions on our way through route 6 and snowin side I was able to get the other two fossils we need as well as catch goal area mask for later the fort's gym leader for this game is Alistar who specializes in ghost-type pokémon Linoone was able to put in a lot of work but when it came time to battle his Giganta max Gengar I decided to use Dugtrio because of how frail it is not the roll evened out let's move on with the story we meet up with Sony outside and hear a loud explosion at the top of stairs when we head up we see be trying to destroy an old rock painting to get a wishing star after we battle limb rosa no Liana catch him in the act and disqualify him from continuing the lead challenge the wall then collapses and somehow behind all this rock was a giant statue that depicted the two legendary Pokemon after swords collects the crackpot we can head north of Stowe inside to get to Glenwood tangle thankfully we don't to watch a dashcam with this force for 24 hours again and can just catch all the pokemon that we need in here we can catch hatch room in DD mordrem and since tea and sword while shield caught another hatch room for their own team once we exit the forest we reach Balon Lee this were opals gym is and her team is focused around fairy-type pokémon the challenge for this gym is presented as a play and we have to answer random questions after a few turns if we get it right one of our stats are boosted but if it's wrong one is dropped the answers are the same no matter which version you play so as long as you remember them this shouldn't be too tough by the time we could enter the stadium I used all the rare candies I've collected so far to evolve both Corvis choir into korva night because it learned steel wing when it evolves I was able to breeze through this gym without a single problem after the battle rabu evolved into cinder race and opal brings us back to hammer lock and take speed under her wing because he's the color pink if we head to the east side of the city we can now access route 7 we have another battle with hop on the bridge but at this point your team should be covered for just about anything you throw zu this is one the shortest routes in the game but there are many new Pokemon that are hidden in the grass in store we can catch Berserker fievel and to talk soul and his shield we can catch more Pico after one of the battles wacky evolved into Rilla boom which gives us an even 30 Pokemon route eight immediately follows this and because I chose for sword to catch all the pokemon in this area we're going to take a look at shield until we're even again as I made my way through I made sure to grab the pixie plate for hatch room which isn't completely necessary but it wasn't holding an item anyways so it's definitely a big help once we reach sir Chester we can immediately take on the gym and this is the second and final version exclusive gym that we have to take on this is a nice type gym and because we have sinned a race the battles are extremely easy but the biggest problem is actually the puzzle at the beginning of the gym you're given an item that looks like the item finder that detects when you're too close to a pit in the ground the objective is to reach the end without falling through and they become progressively harder as you progress I didn't practice the pattern beforehand but for the most part this didn't take too long to get through Melanie's team is very easy to defeat except for the Giganta max Lapras at the end I just waited again for it to shrink back down so I can avoid that extra HP and after about five minutes the batteries hours from here redo the events in the restaurant and battle hop in the middle of the town before heading south on the right side to access route 9 the only Pokemon that we're going to grab here is pincher tchen who is a five-percent encounter in the random grass we then meet up with Team yellow and the old man again and after we defeat him he'll upgrade a Rotom bike to now be able to surf on water this not only allows us to access new areas but it will also help with a cool trick that I'll talk about in just a bit in the water we can find grap locks if we reach the grass on the other side we can catch his pre evolution Club of us this route leads directly to spike myth where marnie challenges to a battle in order to enter the city we found out this is the hideout for Team yel but it's also the location of the unknown seventh gym leader this room is pretty much a generic gym from the old games but that was the intention because of the leaders character we find out that Pierce's Marni's older brother the leader of team yel and also the gym leader that we have to face because he doesn't believe in Dynomax see we have to face him like a regular battle which makes this much less difficult to get through if you know the order he sends his Pokemon out now that we only have one more badge it's time to do something that we're probably not supposed to do as you know by now the wild area contains a wide range of Pokemon that's severely different levels and you're restricted from getting them until you collect a certain amount of Maja's because we've collected seven badges we're able to catch pokemon as high as level 55 this is obviously not new news to most of you but that technically means that we can access every area of the wilds and get wherever we want if you go back to the wilds and surf to the lake of outrage we'll be surrounded by a ton of extremely powerful Pokemon well an overwhelming majority of them are nearing level 60 they can all be caught at level 55 which means that you can just encounter a bunch of Pokemon and eventually there will be one that you can add to your team this essentially gives you over a 10 level advantage and if you're ever in a pinch you can just toss out this Pokemon and deal massive amounts of damage I found that the only Pokemon that you really need is golurk but I took the time to look around for a couple more Pokemon well I'm taking care of that let's check back on how sword is doing in the sand area of route 8 I managed to catch Santa Conda and felling's when the snow section of the route I caught two snom it's important to catch one of these with the friend ball that we obtained at Milo's gym as this pokémon evolves by happiness this ball sets his friendship to 200 which means that it only needs to hang in the party for a while until it eventually evolves I have to take you on the rock type leader gordy we head to round 9 to catch Kramer and before making our way to peers and collecting the second-to-last badge at the lake of outrage I managed to catch golurk and after the battles snom evolved into frosmo off during all those events she was able to catch two Drac Lok as well as evolve Linoone into obstacle and hatch him into Hatter in this recent old 241 Pokemon and over half of the new Pokemon in the gala region it doesn't sound like too much but we've caught a lot more than you think from here we meet up with everyone at hammerlock and we're told that we can now take on the final gym leader the gala region Rahan because we have golurk the initial battles are very easy to do and even the gym leader was pretty straightforward this is the hardest gym in my opinion because of Giganta max Pteranodon but if you Dynomax cooler it makes it really hard to take down without any boosts now that we've conquered the entire region it's time to ride the tram to take on the pokemon the tournament at the top of the map route 10 is the last new route that we haven't visited and there are only a couple new ones that have to be obtained gallery' mr. Maya is an important one to grab but Darrell Adan is a 1% encounter at the ground so you had to be really quick or else it could disappear and fortunately another one spawned like a minute later so thankfully we can add this one to the total she'll doesn't have to catch anything here so after fighting through a bunch of mandatory trainers we reach windin the only thing that we have to do at this point is take on the championship league at windin Stadium the first battle that we have to take on is against Marnie her team is pretty easy to take on now that we have golurk but how to Ren and Cora night we're also able to make quick work of her team our semi-final matches against ha considering that we know the ins and outs of his team by now this was also extremely easy to take care of once we conferred to play in the gym leader Finals we meet up with Leon and head back to the hotel to rest up for the final matches when Leon doesn't come back in time we meet up with piers and Marnie to figure out what's going on old Liana tells us that he's in a meeting with rose and she tells us that we're not allowed to visit him because we're kids and we don't care about Authority we battle some of the members of their company macros cosmos and gay next the tram that takes us to the battle tower once we get there we battle all the trainer's on the elevator to the top and somehow Oh Leon has already beat us to rows she challenges us to probably one of the least difficult fights in the game before giving up and letting us check on Leon we find out that Rose wants to initiate his big plans but Leon refuses to help him until the championship matches have been completed we take him back to the hotel and we can finally continue with conquering the league the second half of the championship requires that you face off against the gym leaders in bracket format before a first battle beat shows up on the field and demands that we battle him now now that he's been trained by opal he apparently through all of his psyche types in the trash because he's now only using fairy types for this entire battle after he embarrassed him for the final time we can now take on the actual Gym Leaders once we defeat Nessa Alistair and B and Rai hon raid to finally take on the final battle in the game rent we're about to start our battle with Leon Rose comes on the screen and summons a Dynomax beam in the middle of the stadium oh wow no way this isn't the end of the game that's crazy I wouldn't have expected Rose to be the bad guy after everyone leaves the stadium top tells us that we should go back to the slumbering Weald to get help from the pokemon that we saw in the beginning of the game as we make our way through the extended area the forest shield was able to catch or beetle which gives us a total of 43 Pokemon in the fog we find both sashan and zama senta and retrieve the rusted sword and shield from the shrine at the pond we're told that roses unleashing the darkest day upon the gala region and forcing Pokemon the Dynomax through the power plant located in hammerlock once we get there old Liana act surprised that roses nice and we hadn't decide to take him on roses entire team consists of steel types so as long as you use any fire or ground moves the battle should take all three minutes to finish if you Dynomax is the best time after the battle he tells us that if we want to truly stop him we should go to the roof and meet up with Leon we find out that roses summit eterna tests who is the darkest day and Leon tells us that he has defeated it and only needs to catch it for us to be safe he then decides to throw a single pokeball and act surprised that this giant creature didn't stay in now that we found out he's completely useless we have to take care of the dirty work after we defeat aterna tests he Giganta maxes and were unable to do any sort of damage to it when we take out the sword and shield that we found in the slumbering Weald we summons a Chien and Salma Zenta and have to defeat it in a raid battle for the most part this is pretty easy because they do all the work for you but it's important to keep your team alive as long as you can or else you'll have to start all over once the raid is completed we can throw a Pokeball and add the legendary eterna tests to the total now it's time to finish the game the final thing we have to do for the main story is take on Leon and now that we have eternity this shouldn't be too much of a problem although he turned his can't Dynomax it has coverage for just about every single Pokemon that Leon can throw at you there's still potential that you could screw this up but after a dominating victory we've completed both the games with only a 15 minute time difference but we're definitely not done catching all the Pokemon we stopped to do the postgame just like the previous catch them all videos I've done there are a lot of pokémon that are only obtainable in the postgame and that definitely applies with these games if you haven't noticed we haven't even caught the Box Legendary's yet but there are still a ton of other Pokemon that you'll probably want to wait to get in the postgame the day/night cycle is actually set in every area except the wilds before you beat the main story and that's why pokémon like Linoone took much longer than they were supposed to we do evolve now the clock time actually matches our switches items like dust balls will serve a much better purpose because she'll finish the game first let's go over the rest of it sketches after a battle with Leon our Drac Loki balton to track a pole after the credits roll we bia with Magnolia at her house and she gives us the master ball for becoming the champion of the region this is the part where we can start the postgame story and rather than doing a long-winded explanation I'll just give a brief summary of what went down we meet up with hop at the slumbering Weald and returned the sword and shield back to the shrine only for two guys just take them back themselves sword warden chill bird are the new threats in the postgame and they have the same intentions as chairman Rose to overrun the world with Dynomax Pokemon we meet up with Sonya and her new assistant to find out that Pokemon are roaming out of control at the gyms in the region the main chunk of the postgame is doing raid battles and defeating all seven of the Dynomax pokemon in the stadiums and once we complete that we have to battle them once again in the same location that we took on Rose once we took the elevator to the roof we find out they have summons a Shion and ultimately lose control of the Pokemon because we stole the rusted shield zama Zinta comes to our rescue and stops - Ian from literally killing all of us once we calm them down we're able to finally catch the legendary Pokemon since I really don't have a better use for the master ball I was able to catch Tom's enta in less than a minute from here we can go back to the shrine and battle hop to finish off the postgame but since we gain nothing from that interaction we're just going to leave him waiting until my switch stops working thirty years down the road it may seem like this is a pretty boring story line but in my opinion it was pretty entertaining to go through all the gyms again but now let's finish up our caches if we had all the way back to Professor magnolias house we can use the Rotom bike to surf on the water this lake is filled with a bunch of fish so we can easily catch Eric CUDA and its evolution Barracuda I quickly stopped at brow 5 and gloom would tangle to catch another Appling for later and Hachem because i evolved my other one but the last group of catches are all going to be in the wild area because a lot of these encounters are weather based you can just change your switches clock to the next day until you get the specific weather that you're looking for with this in mind I was able to catch Corvis choir dub wool and Bolton around the most oak outskirts Impa DIMP in the stony wilderness and copper Raja Ice Cube Grimm snarl and ditto at the lake of outrage blast wild Pokemon for this game is going to be cool Aryan corsola at Giants mirror before really the wild it's important to go to ax use I in the lower half of the area to grab the sweet apple from the tree on the island now let's take care of the breeding this game has by far the fastest breeding process out of every game to make it more competitive friendly so it took only about 15 minutes to get all the Pokemon that I needed before I started hatching I traded sample from another game to this save as there isn't any other way to get one with only two games I mentioned this in the black and white catch them all but I still felt like I should mention anyways after biking around for a bit I was able to get mill Surrey to score brawny to Sabo and droopy now all we have to do is evolve our caches starting with the unique ones if we use the sweet apple on appling it will evolve into Appleton if we give Mill Surrey the strawberry sweet and spin around for a bit it will immediately volve an alchemy the final special one requires a little bit of setup if we heal up your mask and give it a focus sash we can get this done on the first try if you battle a high level Pokemon in the wild and let it knock us down to our sash we can use a pokey doll and leave the battle from here if you go under the rock overhang in the dusty Bowl your mask will evolve into rune Erika's don't ask me why because I don't know either for this game we have a pretty small list of remaining evolutions and the best place to train is probably the lake of outrage there are ton of spawns and almost all of them give over 2,000 experience per battle after less than 20 minutes of grinding Jose would evolve course Allah to curse Allah score bunny to rabu to Sabo into drizzle and drizzle into antalya on giving us a total of 65 Pokemon now let's checkout sword after going through the same post game we're able to catch da Chien with the master ball and proceed with the finishing caches on route 5 we can catch clear in far fetch but it's also important to steal a leak from a while 1 if yours wasn't already holding one as for wild area catches we can catch two car coal at Giants cap Q fan at Bridge field and ditto and staunch owner at the lake of outrage the last item that we have to grab is going to be the tart apple a tax use I threw some quick breeding we can hatch Cinna stealin Sizzla peed and grew key now let's level everyone up Farfetch'd evolution is probably one of the hardest as you need to land three critical hits in a single battle but I found a pretty easy way to do it if you talked to this man in moto stoke he'll give you the tr4 focus energy if you teach you too far-fetched and let it hold the leak you're extremely likely to land critical hits just for reference I fought the trainer right below the breeding house and literally every single hit was a crit so if you happen to be stuck evolving one I suggest trying out this new method after the battle Farfetch'd evolve 'no sir fetched next if we use the tart apple on appling it will evolve in a flap all the final weird evolution is gonna be synesthesia crackpot on it it will climb inside and evolve into poltergeist I'm not sure if I'd consider that an evolution after grinding up in the lake of outrage for a whopping 10 minutes I was able to evolve car coal to colossal grew key tooth wacky talk soul to tox tricity and mr. mime into mr. rhyme the final pokemon that we have to add to our total are going to be the fossil evolutions if we trade over all of them to one game and visit the scientist on route 6 she can restore the fossils for us but not the way that you think because she collects them in halves she offers to fuse the pieces together to create new pokemon it's just looking away if you don't like ugly things with this we can get arctas ol Drac a fish Drac a soul and ark to fish sorry you had to see all that and with that we've successfully caught every new Pokemon available in the gallery pokedex but how did I do so let's review considering that this game came out literally a week ago I think I did a pretty good job piecing together the best places to find all the Pokemon I'm sure that will change over the coming months but for the most part they seem pretty accurate in Pokemon story I finished with the time of 10 hours and 26 minutes I honestly think the most surprising thing is that I was able to even beat the story that fast like I mentioned the beginning this game is extremely long but I think a large portion of my time save was getting golurk at the lake of outrage in shield I finished with a time of 10 hours and 54 minutes and I honestly assumed that this was going to take a lot more time I intended for one game to heavily focus on catching in the main story and another to focus on the postgame and I think I found a really great way to evenly do that overall I'm really satisfied with these times and for the first time ever I wouldn't be opposed to doing this again if you haven't counted all the Pokemon yet I think this would be a really super fun way to do it and if you're interested in giving a shot I've linked both of the guides I've made in the description below if you do it alone or with a friend tweet me your times at John Stone YT other than that that's all there is to say about catching every gal or Pokemon in Pokemon sword and shield and that's gonna do for today's video if you liked the video leave a like and subscribing as I'll be uploading new videos like this very soon if you have any other suggestions for videos that you'd like to see leave a comment below follow me on Twitter to keep updated with new videos as they come out other than that I like thank you all for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 1,075,884
Rating: 4.8608141 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, catch every pokemon in sword and shield, johnstone, johnstone pokemon, how to catch every pokemon in sword and shield, catch em all pokemon, catch em all gen 8
Id: S7fgeSBvfTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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