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what's going on guys my name is John and welcome back to yet another video in February I made a video showing a pretty unknown challenge known as the Professor Oak run this video was without a doubt the most well received video I've ever made and by popular demand I'm going to take on the second generation today we're gonna find out how easily you can complete Professor Oak's challenge in pokemon gold and silver so I mentioned at the end of the previous installment that if that video hit 10,000 likes I take on the next generation I chose that number because I assumed that it would never happen because I knew way ahead of time how insanely difficult this is and to put it short it didn't get the 10,000 likes it got to 30,000 so I guess I shot myself in the foot on that one but as promised we're gonna take a look at gold and silver and see just how hard this game can be just a forewarning if you have no idea what I'm talking about you can check out my previous video in the top right of your screen I'd highly suggest checking that out because this video will make a whole lot more sense just like last time the rules are pretty straightforward we have to complete the pokédex as much as we can before each badge and glitches can't be used so let's just jump right into the game and figure out how easily we can pull this off if you're subscribed to the Professor Oak's subreddit you already know that this is an extremely daunting task if you watch the red and blue video and thought wow that looks extremely tedious to do you're in for a treat compared to those games gold and silver is a whole nother animal out of all the games available this is probably the second to last game that I'd recommend trying but if you're interested I'll put a link in the description for the spreadsheet that I made so the game starts out as it normally does with you picking your name and talking to your mother but once again we're greeted with our professor and have to choose the Pokemon that we're gonna carry through the game our choices are cyndaquil Chikorita and Totodile as I said last time choosing the pokemon that evolves to earliest is going to be the best choice koala evolves into Typhlosion at level 36 bayleaf evolves into Meganium at level 32 and crocodile evolves to Feraligatr at level 30 so total owl is going to be the best choice but once again we can't add to the total just gap professor all masses to meet up with mr. Pokemon at his house who has something important to show us as you progressed at that point you start to realize just how many Pokemon are available this early in the game I should have expected that considering there are two regions but hey I'm dumb enough to do this challenge so I'm not really surprised on that one when we meet up with mr. Pokemon we also meet the god of the challenge Professor Oak he forced us to take the Pokedex so even if we didn't want to do this challenge we have to now with this we can add Totodile to our decks total after giving back the mystery egg to Professor Elm we're ready to take on this beast of a challenge route 29 is not only the first route in the game but it's also the first location to find a cup of Pokemon we need here we can catch Piggy and Sentra for some reason there a higher level here than future routes so this is currently the best place to catch them if we head north of this route we can access a small area of route 46 this is a pretty easy place to miss but there are a couple Pokemon here that we can't obtained anywhere else Geodude spero and Jigglypuff can be caught here which brings the Dex total to six Pokemon moving ahead a little bit we reached route 31 I get a phone call from my mother about saving money which oddly enough is something pretty important that I'll get to later this rope contains a majority of the Pokemon that we need to catch before Faulkner mostly because this also leads to dark cave Caterpie Metapod and Bellsprout are here but there are also some more Pokemon available at different times of the day because this was a new feature at the time there are a ton of Pokemon that have to be caught specifically during the mourning day or night because waiting for these days to pass would be extremely boring there is a quick method to getting around this if you get the start menu and press down B and select you get access to a secret menu that asks for a code this code can be calculated online from your trainer ID name and current money which gives you the code to change the time because it would be really annoying to mention for every encounter if you see me catching a Pokemon that's only available during a specific time it's because I adjusted it through the menu option this allows us to catch hoot-hoot and spinarak this area is also the first encounter with version exclusives ledyba is available here in silver and technically wheedle and kikuna are exclusive but that's just because they're not available in this game at this current point this also means that Liam will also not be available at any point through this game thankfully though there aren't that many exclusives in these games the next area that we have to go to is dark cave the overly common Zubat and extremely rare Dunsparce are in this area which took a stupid amount of time to find because of its 1% encounter rate if you see my chen to catch them all you know these are pretty prevalent in these games so we'll see a lot more of that later just like my playthrough of red and blue this is about the point where I'm running low on money there are definitely more trainers than last time but once again they give out extremely small amounts which means we're barely scraping by to get them all this game does offer a rematch feature through the pokegear but it's not as simple as future games either way we technically have an unlimited supply of money if we have the time violet cities the location of our first gym leader but there's still quite a bit more that we can do before we head there in one of the houses near the Pokemon Center there's a person looking to make a trade I caught another Bellsprout while I was getting everything else which I use to trade for an Onix because we can't use another game to trade we can't get steelix at any point following the story we can head to sprout tower to take on the sage at the top of the building to obtain the HM for flash this is completely optional but this area contains some more Pokemon that we have to grab Rattata is available here as well as gastly higher up in the tower after collecting the hm from the sage we can move on if we head south of violet city we can reach around 32 which has some new Pokemon but we're blocked off from this area until we defeat the gym leader so this would seem like this is all we can catch although this area is guarded we can actually head west from here and head down to the ruins of alph where I have to basically rerecord my last upload this area is felt with a bunch of small shrines with puzzles to solve and at this point in the game we only have access to one of the puzzles if we solve the puzzle and reveal that scoubidou will drop down through the floor and enter the tunnels of the ruins of alph here we can now catch unknown and thankfully I don't need to catch another 25 of these this time with this we have reached a total of 17 Pokemon which is the maximum amount of Pokemon you can catch in this area but that doesn't mean that we're done with the Pokedex just like the last video we have to evolve as many Pokemon as we can before we take on Falkner and this is a lot harder than red and blue so let's go over them from easiest to hardest now leveling of the Pokemon at this point is kind of interesting it's obviously you want to level up in the place that offers the most experience but in gold and silver there are two places that give out the best experience in my opinion the ruins of alph is nice because no matter what form you fight the experience payout is exactly the same this is effective if you want to really accurately calculate how long it would take to level up a specific Pokemon but there is another option sprout Tower offers Britannic which can give out about 40 XP maximum but if the time has shifted tonight gastly appears 85% of the time and gives out 40 XP minimum and as high as 81 because it's so easy to encounter gastly I chose to take care of most of my battles in this area there are a lot of Pokemon that we have to run through so the more XP the better in my opinion the only downside to this option is that quite a few Pokemon here don't have a move that's effective towards gastly so for those instances I just ran away and fought Rattata until I could as expected the canopy line is the easiest because of how few levels and needs to evolve I once again made the mistake of wasting pokeballs on getting Metapod because it doesn't know any attacking moves until it evolves into Butterfree after switching Caterpie back and forth for a bit we're able to evolve into Metapod and then into Butterfree Sentret was the second easiest to evolve but don't get that confused with me saying that it was easy Sentret evolves at level 15 which means it has to level up about twelve levels to evolve because it's only available in one area at this point this one took a little over an hour to evolve and defer it but there are much much more difficult Pokemon than on the horizon the next two pokemon or spear on hoot-hoot which both evolved at level 20 I would have to say that sparrow was easier because it instantly has access to Peck where hoot-hoot has to level up to 11 before that's an option I did plan ahead however and took him through quite a few battles which made it less of a struggle by the time we got to grinding spiro obviously finished a little faster but both finished in about two and a half hours this gives us fearow and Noctowl i also want to note that who who learns hypnosis which can come in handy later for catching other Pokemon Bellsprout was up next on this list and just like Spiro it has access to a stabbed move right when you get in vine whip makes easy work of everything in the tower and this one took about three hours total to evolve into weepinbell at level 21 we don't have access to evolution stones for quite a long time so we'll take care of that later on spinarak was surprisingly easy because it somehow learns nightshade at level 17 which is super effective against gastly getting to that point was a little rough because it only knows poison sting and constrict so it took about three and a half hours to get it to evolve into Aria dose at level 22 Ratana was one of the Pokemon that I took along most of the battles because it doesn't learn anything other than normal type moves through level up I ended up having to level it up outside a sprout tower because switch training wasn't going to be the fastest option this one took a little under four and a half hours to evolve in eradicate at level 20 here's a fun fact did you know that Rattata can learn thunderbolt and blizzard through TMS I found this out while I was looking up its moveset while grinding it's a weird thing that's in the same realm as why centric can learn surf like what part of this Pokemon can change the weather on command it's a wrap Zubin has a rough start because I only knows leech life for a while but once it learns bite at level 12 the rest is a breeze because we're in a new generation we also have new evolutions if we reach max friendship with the golbat and level it up it will evolve into crobat this really doesn't take as long as you think because it already earned a ton of happiness grinding so it only took another half an hour to get it to evolve although gastly is pretty easy I saved it to be one of the last Pokemon the grind just in case I found a shiny while I was grinding and I assumed correctly with the amount of grinding that you have to do it's almost expected to find one at some point and I'm very glad I found this one instead of the weather rat the first few levels were actually a little difficult because I would have to heal after almost every battle because both sides are dealing super effective damage it took about four and a half hours for gastly to evolve into haunter because we can't trade Gengar is unobtainable but then again it's shiny sucks so I don't really care do do it was a pretty tough one mostly because of the fact that it's once again one of those switch training Pokemon until it learns rock throw at level 11 this one took a little under six hours to evolve into gravel err but that's nothing compared to the last two so the next two are a lot higher in level but in a weird way they're technically easier than the others Totodile and Pidgey are both in a faster egg group than the others in this section each Pokemon in the game is registered in an XP group which influences how much XP it needs before it levels out so although both Pokemon require more XP in total per level they technically level up faster than the others now that really matters but that'll have more of an influence later on as we progress through the other gems what sort of I'll gained access to water gun at level 13 it was all uphill from there in total it took me about seven hours to evolve Totodile to crocodile and croc inada fur alligator that may sound unrealistic because it was only three levels lower than gravel err but keep in mind the difference between level 25 and level 30 is over 10000 XP which is about two-thirds of what gravel are earned to get to level 25 and now Pidgey Pidgey is once again the leader of the why did i willingly do this challenge Club it evolves at level 36 which means you have to earn roughly 40,000 XP to finish and that's about double what Feraligatr had again because PG earns gusts a lot faster it took about 15 hours to evolve PG - pidgeotto and Pidgeotto - Pidgeot i really want to say this is the hardest one in the game but there are much much more difficult ones on the horizon in total before the first gym leader we can get 32 Pokemon but there is one more that we can get one thing that a lot of people opt out of doing in these games is allowing your mom to save your money it's a pretty useless feature because if you need the money you have to fly to your house to retrieve it it's meant to be used so you don't spend all your money right when you get it but I feel like that's something that's almost impossible to do no matter what part of the game you're in this mechanic does have its incentives though once your bank reaches a specific amount your mom will automatically buy you things and put them in your PC they aren't random and they're given to you at specific increments among that list is the moonstone in order to get one you have to have at least $15,000 in your mom savings for her to buy one you can only get one of them which isn't the issue but getting that much money at this point in the game is probably harder than leveling up everything for this section by the time you finish all the available battles and save as much money as you possibly can you won't even be close to that amount because you can't rematch trainers at this point you have to farm berries in order to get enough money these take days to grow and although you can adjust a 3d Isis clock to advance stuff like this the payout is abysmal and as a result it can take days if not weeks to complete pretty much everyone the sub red has acknowledged that this is an extreme waste of time so technically I already failed this challenge but at that rate this video would have come out never so instead let's take on Falkner and move on to the next section so at this point you're probably thinking wow John you've spent like an entire week rounding for the first badge so it must get a lot easier now right no as I've mentioned in the last video because of our over level team there isn't a single battle that will be even slightly difficult plus we have counters for most types so even if that was an issue we'd still be fine after claiming the badge professor Elm gives us a call and says that he wants to go to the Pokemon Center in violet city one of the professor's assistants gives us the mystery egg and asked us to open it up and see what's inside now normally I'd crack one of these bad boys over a skillet but apparently that's not legal in this region so we'll have to walk around a lot until it's ready to come out this gun sucks because we don't have access to a bicycle yet but after some walking around Togepi hatches from the egg now that we've finished this event the man blocking our access to route 32 allows us to pass which opens up the area to a lot of new Pokemon on this route we can catch mareep hoppip and Wooper for right now this area also has another partial version exclusive as ekans is only available on this route and silver this also means that our Bock is not available but we'll get access to them later in the game before we enter the union cave if we stop in the Pokemon Center we can talk to this fisherman who will give us the old rod this requires a lot of backtracking to get new Pokemon but we'll get to that once we're finished with the catching for this section in union cave the only new Pokemon is sand true which brings the total to 37 Pokemon moving forward a bit upon reaching a Xillia time we meet up with Curt who wants us to help with the slowpoke well to defeat the reappearance of Team Rocket although we have to take on Team Rocket by ourselves because he broke his back this is also the location where we can get slowpoke which is the only place to get one at this point in the game after the section we can head to the eel X forest to grab Paris and oddish which are the last land Pokemon that we can catch at this point with only a Pokemon console far it shouldn't be much more right far from that actually like I mentioned earlier the old rod is a really important item to get at this point because there are a ton of water locations on every route that we've already visited if you go back to slowpoke well we can start off by catching gold Dean and Magikarp Magikarp is available on every route at this point but because the levels are going to be the same with the old rod no matter where we are the location where you get one doesn't really matter going in order the rest of them are tena cool on route 32 poliwag and violet city and crabby and cherry grove city the last one is definitely the easiest one that you can miss on route 32 there's an opponent on the bridge named Fischer Ralph if you exchanged phone numbers with him he can call you and let you know about swarm Pokemon that can appear because the chances of people calling you in these games is really infrequent it seems like this would be an annoying one but there is a way to increase your chances if you go back to your house and speak with your mom you can request to change the clock to daylight savings time because the game cards don't have the ability to do that automatically you have the option to turn to off and then on if you do that and wait for a minute it can trigger calls because you essentially reset the clock events this doesn't work all the time but I was able to get Ralph to call me on the third or fourth try he lets me know there's a swarm of qwilfish on route 32 and when we go there we can fish one up with the old rod now that we're done with that let's check out the evolutions that we need to get so when it comes to XP we don't really get a huge boost for wild battles but that again this is Gen 2 where the highest level battle on joto is like level 45 out of all the new locations the union caves seem to be the best choice the top floor is barely better than the sprout tower but the lower floor offers Pokemon about two levels higher which gives us an average of about a 100 XP per battle this is about double from last time but that's not really saying much the easiest pokemon in this section was Wooper having access to water gun at the get-go made easy work of almost every Pokemon in the cave after an hour and a half Wooper evolved into Quagsire at level 20 oddish was also just as easy for the exact same reasons at level 21 it evolved into gloom although Polliwog evolves a lot higher than many Pokemon here it's an a faster XP group which only took about two hours to evolve into Poliwhirl the rest of the list is much worse Sanchar was the first the few Pokemon that couldn't initially battle the Pokemon in the Union cave because it lacks any moves that are not very effective this took about three and a half hours to evolve miss and slash at level 20 to Paris is in the same boat as it only is access to scratch and leech life so this was also switch trained until it could this took about three hours to evolve into Paris act at level 24 hoppip also known as the floating Magikarp has only access to splash until level 10 so this was carried quite a bit through the slowpoke well battles after three hours devolved in a skip bloom and then into jumpluff while krabi has access to bubble it doesn't take away from the fact that it's still a terrible move after a while it just knocked out everything but around for hours crabby evolved into kingler at level 28 Magikarp was also kind of a pain because I had to be switch trained for five levels because the only new splash when I caught it trying to battle by itself was also not easy because it couldn't be done in union cave but after four hours and evolved into Gyarados mareep was easier than I expected because I just trained it in a slowpoke well for a little less experience per battle thundershock work great on Zubat and slowpoke so it took five hours for Murray to evolve into fluffy and then fluffy into Ampharos tizzy cool Uncle Dean weren't fun Pokemon to train mostly because their move sensor both garbage both took about seven hours apiece to evolve into ten accrual and seeking togepi evolved into togetic after training up the others but I don't have an exact time because it spent the entire time of grinding in the party but the worst of the group by a long shot is slowpoke DeVos the level 37 which means we have to gain about 50,000 XP to finish up this section it doesn't learn a water move until level 15 so having to tackle our way to that point is just as tedious as the rest of this section after over nine hours and evolved in the Slowbro so thankfully we can move on to no no no no no no no please tell me I'm imagining things well a ton of Pokemon can learn headbutt through the guy in the LX forest slowpoke is one of the very few that can learn it through level up since we don't have access to that guy because it's locked behind that cut tree you'd imagine it wouldn't work right unfortunately that's not the case it doesn't work the same way as HM so if you get the move you can use it immediately so let's go bash some trees and see what we get if you don't know anything about these games headbutt trees come in two forms regular and rare trees they look exactly the same and it's up to you to figure out which is which unlike the gen to catch them all video I did I'm not gonna blindly hit trees until I find the Pokemon that I want so I'll use this tool online that maps up which trees contain which Pokemon this made it possible to get execute pineco a palm and air cross bringing the total to 65 Pokemon pineco is not a fun pokémon to evolve mostly because half of its moves kill itself but at least we don't to get any rivets on it this time after six hours devolved into fortress would you be surprised if I said there was one more Pokemon by this point if you're really frugal with your money you can get your mom to buy you a moonstone with this we can involve Jigglypuff two Wigglytuff which gives us 67 pokemon and the maximum amount that we can have at one badge finally now that we drained all our money into our savings it's time to get more after taking on Bugsy and everyone else in the gym we can finally push towards elix forest and head to Goldenrod City before we go to the big city we have to stop on route 34 to catch quite a few Pokemon drowsy Abra and ditto are here and did it was a really important one for a lot of breeding that we have to take care of throughout the rest of the challenge after quickly stopping to grab the bicycle and goldenrod city we head north throughout 35 to catch neither an male need a ran female and yanma bringing the total of 73 Pokemon this route is also home to the nightmare that's a national park I've said it once and I'll definitely say it again the bug catching contest is without a doubt the most annoying part of the generation 2 games mostly because of how unlikely it is that you'll win to make a long story short due to bad coding your chance of coming in first place is extremely hard unless you know the mechanics of the game when the game determines the winner it calculates a total of all the stats for the Pokemon you caught due to an oversight if you damage the Pokemon it will calculate its current HP in the total rather than the total HP it can have there's also a trainer that's coded to catch either a Scyther or a pincer which are the best Pokemon to get in the contests so 90% of the time if you play against them you'll lose once again we need to win this contest twice because the first-place prize is a Sunstone thankfully this area contains a massive amount of new pokemons so our attempts will completely go to waste in this area we can catch wheedle Kakuna Beedrill then a gnat pincer and Scyther this is pretty annoying because you have to reset the clock for every completed attempt but overall this didn't take too long during the day we can also catch sunkern which will evolve later on issa this area's route 36 which is only partially available because of a weird dancing tree that's blocking the path this is the dead end for this section but it doesn't mean we're done filling up the decks on this route we can still catch growlithe and Stantler Vulpix is a version exclusive here so nine tails will also not be available in this playthrough heading back to Goldenrod City we can visit the game corner to get prizes that you see at any casino live animals just like last time there's a special prize Pokemon that we have to collect and they definitely aren't cheap we definitely don't have the money to just buy them outright so I resorted testing my luck in now we're broke the best option at this point is to buy a small amount of coins spend them until you hit the lucky jackpot for 300 coins save and then reset after you spend about 50 coins worth without getting the jackpot again for the most part this is pure luck but there is one slot machine that gives higher odds which barely helps but obviously I'm gonna take the better chances eventually I got enough money to buy Ekans and dratini yeah we have to evolve that after that if we head to the goldenrod department store we can trade a drowsy for a Machop this is the only location we can get one for now so this is an easy one to skip the last Pokemon that we need to get before training is at the daycare if we breed ditto and Wigglytuff and collect the egg it will eventually hatch and become a niggly buff we'll have to do this quite a lot more but for now we're all set to begin the grind starting out with the easiest ones we can use Tucson stones that we won to evolve gloom to blossom and sunkern to sunflora aside from that the easiest ones were definitely need a ran male and female route 35 is the best route to train because drowsy yields at most 200 XP so after an hour I was able to get both neat arena and knee torino although a burr only knows teleport until it evolves it was pretty easy to evolve because I carried it through every battle that I could this one also took about half an hour to evolve into Kadabra Ekans was next in although it doesn't get access to bite from the start it was pretty easy for the most part it took about two hours to evolve into arbok bringing the total to 92 pokemon our trade Machop was also pretty easy because it can know karate chop depending on the level that you trade you're drowsy at at first I had to avoid drives because of the weaknesses but when it got to the later levels it wasn't that bad after two and a half hours Machop evolved into much oak because we can't trade we can't get Machamp drazi was a little bit of a pain because the only new pound at first but once it learned stab confusion it was a lot easier to win battles it only took three hours to evolve drowsy to hypno then a net was in the same position because the only new tackle but since it was a higher level the hypno it took about four hours to evolve into venomoth alright seems like this section wasn't really that bad huh you must have forgot about your teeny if you ever wind about any Pokemon brownie before this point you should probably give up now remember how unreal it was at Pidgeot had 40,000 XP to level up yeah well how about a billion XP this is the ultimate challenge the impossible grind what was that it's not a billion it's only two hundred thousand yeah that's still a lot while dratini may be cute he sucks a lot the one you can get from the game corner is only level 10 which means that it only has access to rap which is not as good as it was in Gen 1 once you get dragon rage at level 22 it's a whole lot easier but it only has 10 PP soo be going to the PC a lot to heal so if you're gonna take a guess as to how long this took what would you say 10 hours 20 hours how about 31 yeah there was definitely some idle time thrown in there but for the most part that time was spent grinding as far as I can tell this is the hardest pokémon to evolve in probably any of the games that have this challenge the pseudos are always a pain but since you're wild battles aren't even level 15 it takes an insane amount of time to do but after 31 hours dratini evolved into dragon air and then into Dragon Knight this leaves us with 97 Pokemon and the maximum amount that you can have at this point after beating Whitney so bad it made sense as she cried this time we can head to the flower shop and grab the squirt bottle when we water the tree we realized that it's actually a sudowoodo and that it was definitely thin enough to walk around to get to the next area if we talk to the guy east of that event he'll give us a hm4 rock smash which will put to good use later on a critique city is really interesting because no matter what direction you go from here there are plenty of Pokemon to catch if you go into the Pokemon Center we can meet up with Bill and they'll thank us for using the PC system he created if we head back to Goldenrod City and go by his house he'll give us an Eevee as thanks right after this I brought to the daycare to grab another Eevee for later to start the section we're gonna go west of a critique to route 38 here we can get Magnemite far fetch miltank tauros and snubbull this is also the location where you can find the silver exclusive mouth which means a Persian is also not going to be available all the vine City is the next stop where we can do quite a few things we can meet a rival for another edgy quote but we can also talk to this fisherman to receive the good rod next to the Pokemon Center we can also get the HM for strength as well as begin the event with the Ampharos at the top of the lighthouse with our new good rod we can actually take care of all of our new fishing encounters in just this area in the main area we can fish for corsola and Staryu but in the harbor we can get chinchou and shelter all of one city also has another trade that we can do crabby can be treated for Voltorb which is helpful because we can't get those until we have access to surf the last thing we can do here is go west around 40 because we don't have surf this is a dead end for now but if we break the rocks we have a 10 percent chance of encountering Shuckle until I made this video I had no idea was available outside of the gift one that you get but with that we're now at 110 Pokemon heading back to ecruteak city if we go to the burn tower we can take on a rival and catch some new Pokemon all we have to do is drop down this hole here and oh no yep the roaming beasts are available this early in the game which means that we have to get all three of them to advance I think you know the catchphrase by now in the basement of this area we can also catch coughing and Mak Mar heading east of a critique we can go a lot farther than you think a lot of Mount mortar is blocked off because of surf and waterfall but you can still walk all the way to the other side of the water at the far exit before we leave the mountain we have to catch Merrill before going outside to catch manky mahogany town doesn't have anything going on right now but if we head towards the lake of rage we can catch two RAF reg before being blocked off by surf for the next event after this I went back to the daycare to breed magmar to obtain Magby and now the beasts Raikou ante and suicune will roam around the map and if you're lucky enough you'll both end up on the same route the catch though is that if you find one it'll most likely run away before you can hurt it enough hunting them takes an insane amount of luck and you'll definitely waste a lot of time in the process thankfully the creator of this challenge also created a guide to finding them faster through trial and error he was able to roughly find out their patterns and with this map you can calculate exactly where they should pier this doesn't work 100% of the time but you have a pretty good chance of it working in your favor but catching them is an entirely different issue a lot of mechanics are broken in these games especially related to hunting the legendary beasts like I said if you encounter them and try to attack they'll most likely run away so you have to spend another 10 minutes hunting them down but I know what you're thinking use honnor he has access to mean look well the issue here is that we use mean look and we're slower than them they run away before we can attack so the obvious fix for that would it be to grind up hunter until is the right level to outspeed the next issue is that all of them have the Move roar you think it wouldn't affect those types because it's a normal type move but unfortunately it does land and they use it on the first turn almost every time that I tried so what's the best option well there really isn't one if you use a pokeball you have a point seven eight percent chance of catching it without damaging it every Status move except sleep and freeze don't increase catch rate so realistically our only option is to put them to sleep so if you're dumb enough to try this you have to one encounter one to make sure your hunter can out speed three land hypnosis which has 55 percent accuracy and four throw pokeballs while it's sleeping and hope that five percent catch rate comes through considering that you have as many as five chances in one encounter it's really more difficult just to find them but trying to figure out how to make this work without any help was unbelievably difficult between evolving hunter figure out the best method and catching them it took about ten hours to do which doesn't sound that bad in comparison but watching a suicune break out of a triple jiggle and run is a feeling of failure that I don't think I've ever felt before but after all the struggle we can add Raikou ante and suicune to the decks total now let's look at the evolutions for this section route 38 is without a doubt the best route to train every Pokemon except Ratana gives out over 200 XP and miltank and Toros double that we also have access to the kimono girls which can give us some nice experience pretty much every Pokemon was easy in comparison to what we've dealt with in the previous sections Meryl was by far the easiest and probably the easiest in the game you can catch it at level 15 and evolves at level 18 so it took like 20 minutes for it to evolve into azumarill snubbull and chinchou were also really easy to take care of snubbull doesn't have a lot of great moves but it also doesn't need a lot of XP to evolve chinchou has access to water and electric moves which are both stab both of these took about an hour apiece which got snuggled a granbull and chinchou to lantern Mickey gets karai chop from the start which is great because almost every Pokemon on route 38 are a normal or a steel type in about an hour-and-a-half manky evolved into primate Magnemite and Voltorb were just as easy bolt or doesn't learning electric moves through level up but it does have sonic boom and rollout right before it evolves Magnemite stab thundershock is really all that it has but it still got the job done after an hour and a half for both Magnemite evolved into Magneton and Voltorb evolved into electrode coughing was the worst but that's only because it evolves at level 35 once again access to stab sludge it takes care of pretty much any wild Pokemon that we find it took about three hours to evolve coughing into wheezing the last two Pokemon for this section are the evolutions it's pretty obvious that the section is insanely short when you look at the big picture so both of the Eevee were not even close to the friendship level for evolution the best way to raise happiness at this point is just to walk around and level them up each one of these took about four hours to do which is a long time when you have no idea of that you're closer or not this evolves av2 Umbreon and Eevee 2's beyond this brings the total to 128 Pokemon which is the maximum amount for three badges after sweeping more tea we can access a few more spots on the map if you go back to the union cave we can access quite a few new Pokemon in the basement area we can surf across the water and access not only another floor but a couple more exits if we take the eggs that we end up in the secret area of the ruins of alph thankfully we don't have to do any more puzzles but we can get not to as well as smeargle heading back into the cave if we go to the lowest floor and surf to the end there will be a large body of water if it's Friday there'll be a static Lapras that you can encounter this is another one of those things you can just reset the clock for our next stop is gonna be around 35 here we can surf on the water for Psyduck and go dock which is nice because that saves a lot of level of time at this point we only have one more Pokemon to catch which is Mantine on route 41 in this section gold is the only one with an exclusive Pokemon which means that the total amount for this section will be one last if you're playing silver the only Pokemon that we have to level up at this point is not - you can catch it at level 24 and if he falls at level 25 so it took like maybe 10 minutes to evolve into Zhou - the last thing we can do for this section is head all the way to new bark town if we serve east of here we can take our first step in the Kanto or blocked off from going there because we don't have access to waterfall but if we go to this small section the tojo falls we can grab another moonstone it doesn't really matter what you use this on so I evolved knee torino into knee toe king this gives us a total of 36 Pokemon in gold and 35 if I was playing it's over at this point in the challenge the gym leaders can be defeated in any order that you want but since we're trying to get the most Pokemon with the least badges we're going to work our way to prices Jim and mahogany town heading to the lake of rage I can knock out a free shiny as well as help lands take on the rocket hideout with that out of the way we can take on price and use our new HM for Whirlpool that Lance just gave us this opens up the world islands where we can get all the Pokemon for this section seals available on every floor but if we go into the cave where lugia is supposed to be we can catch horsey and Sidra this means that the only Pokemon that we have to evolve is seal it doesn't gain any stat moves through leveling but we can teach it the surf move that I got from the a critique dance theater which made the process a lot easier after about two hours seal evolved into dugong this finishes off the section with 140 Pokemon for gold and one is the 39 for silver during this section we can take on Chuck or Jasmine because they make zero impact on what we can or can't catch at this point in time I chose the battle chuck so I could finally have access to fly as well let's grab the secret potion to finish up the lighthouse event after that we can take on jasmine and open up the east exit of mahogany town route 44 contains a couple more Pokemon that we can add to the total here we can catch Tangela and lick a tongue before we enter the ice path to catch some more Pokemon for the DAX this area contains swine up and jinx but it also has delivered as a silver exclusive this brings the total to 144 Pokemon before we leave the area it's important to not forget about the HM for waterfowl as we'll definitely need that later on when we exit the area we reach black thorn city but there isn't much that we can do right now so we'll come back when we're ready to take on Claire south of the city is route 45 where a majority of a remaining Pokemon are located in gold we can catch gligar and teddiursa and in silver you can get Skarmory phanpy and donphan silver has the advantage that vamp ease evolution is here which means that we have to spend more time leveling up teddiursa route 45 also has access to the north side of dark cave which is the only place where you can catch Wobbuffet before we level up our Pokemon and take on the story there's actually one more thing that we can do once you collect 7 gym badges professor elm will call you and let you know that something's going down in goldenrod city if you go to the radio tower you'll find out the Team Rocket has taken over again and it's your job to clear them out after fighting the fake director at the top he'll give you the basement key to find him in the goldenrod underground after we rescue him and clear out Team Rocket the director would give us the rainbow wing in gold and the silver wing and silver and yes that means we can also catch ho-oh in this section unfortunately this is just as hard as catching any other legendary as we don't have access to the master ball until we defeat all eight Johto gems although it's catch rate has gone off well we do have a bunch of Pokemon that can put it to sleep which makes this much much easier after about 30 minutes of throwing balls we've got hoo the last Pokemon that we need to grab is actually an in-game trade if you go to Blackthorne city there's a trainer that's looking to trade a ride on in order to get it we have to trade her not just a dragon heir but a female one you're probably thinking well great now you have to gamble all that money just to grind again because you can't access the Dragons Den yet actually no I start from the Dragons down there is one more place that we can get them route 45 if you fish on the water we have a 10% chance of finding true tini at level 10 it may be the same level as the one we trained earlier but at least we don't have to waste the money that we're definitely going to need later after we get another dragon err we can trade to get right on this also means that Rhyhorn is available too while we can't catch one we can surely breed one while we're in this area anyways we also can breed jinx to get another baby Pokemon this gives us Rhyhorn and Smoochum now it's time to do some grinding it's why nippon teddiursa are both very easy to do mostly because i took them through Team Rocket's storyline to take advantage of the free experience both of them were close to evolving but I spent an additional hour to get both of them to evolve after that this gives us piloswine and Ursaring bring the total to max out at 153 pokemon after defeating claire improving our worth in the dragon stand we're given the 8th gym badge which is the final thing that we need to open up the entire map well kinda the first thing our list is to go back to mount mortar now that we can use waterfall we can traverse through the rest of the mountain and battle the karate king at the deepest part of the cave after we defeat him he'll gift us a Thai rogue this means we have to take care of all of its evolutions and this is probably the most annoying thing that we have to deal with in this section for those who don't know Thai rogues evolution depends entirely on its attack and defense stats now there isn't exactly a perfect way to guarantee which one you'll get but my best method is to get each of them was the level up Thai rogue right before I hit level 20 and saved the game I love a lit-up to see what it evolved into and if it wasn't what I wanted I gave it stat boosting items to get the correct numbers that I wanted with a higher attack we get Hitmonlee higher defenses Hitmonchan and equal attack and defenses hitmontop with that out of the way we can now head towards the Elite Four after crossing over the waterfall in the Tojo falls we reached route 26 and 27 both of these have roughly the same Pokemon so it doesn't really matter where you catch these next Pokemon here we can catch doduo dodrio and ponyta this is all that we can get for this section which means that ponyta is the only Pokemon that we need to evolve at this point this is really easy because there's a decent amount of trainers that we can fight before the indigo plateau after clearing through the routes and we fight arrival at Victory Road we're pretty close to evolving after about 30 minutes Ponyta evolved into rapid ash this gives us 61 which is technically the most you can get at 8 badges but I'll get back to that in a sec the elite for 20 min because I didn't dedicate time to evolving a specific Pokemon my levels were pretty much everywhere but I brought along a team full of Legendary's so that didn't really matter at all after defeating the Elite Four we've completed the johto side the challenge but were definitely not done with the challenge we sold to take on Kanto so when I said that I collected all the Pokemon for 8 badges that wasn't exactly the truth they're a ton of Pokemon that we can get now that we have access to Kanto and the best part is that almost none of them are hidden behind a gym badge so let's get started upon reaching for a million city we can head north because the Snorlax is blocking the path if we head all the way up to cerulean city we can head east to the power plan there aren't any Pokemon inside anymore but there is a side quest that we have to complete to open up all of Kanto if we talk to the head of the power plan he'll say this machine part was stolen if you go to the Cerulean City Gym we can meet up with a rocket grunt that stole it and retrieve the part after returning out if we head to lavender town we can receive the expansion card which gives us the poké flute radio channel after that we can head back to vermilion City and use it to wake up Snorlax and add it to the decks total at this point I didn't really have a structure as to where I'd go from here so I just followed the guy that I made for myself if you go through diglettz cave we can catch Diglett Dugtrio and then grab Pikachu on route 2 the next stop is gonna be pewter city if we talk to this random guy he'll give us the second wing that's in the opposite version of these games what why do you have this if you go east of here we can reach Mount moon which is the place where we can fight our rival again but also catch Clefairy if we take the ladder we can also access a small area that has a field and a small shop if it's nighttime on Monday there'll be a few Clefairy dancing around the pond when they notice you they'll drop a rock that you can smash this will give us another moon stone and this can be repeated every Monday that's pretty much all we have to do in this corner of the map so let's head over to cerulean city and add some more to our total if we head back to route 10 we can catch electabuzz before heading into the rock tunnel in here we can catch cubone marowak and Kangaskhan which is really nice because all the old Safari Pokemon are extremely easy to catch now after reaching lavender town we can work our way down to fuchsia City and catch Chauncey as well as obtain the super rod from the fishing house we actually need two of these because of a trade which is a little bit of a pain because they have a 1% chance of spawning if we talked to this person on route 14 we can treat one of them for an Aerodactyl for some reason this is the only fossil Pokemon that you can get in these games so the ammonite and Kabuto lines aren't available in this challenge to finish up our catches for the Kanto side we stopped at route 7 for murkrow and Hound our route 16 for Grimer and muck route 17 for slugma and route 22 for mr. mime bringing the total to 178 Pokemon before we leave to go back to Johto there are still quite a few more things that we can do if we head north of cerulean city we can go to bill's old cottage and speak with his grandfather if you show them specific Pokemon that a request he'll give us the evolution stones unfortunately due to some really poor gameplay decisions he'll only give you one of the leaf stone thunder stone fire stone and water stone these are the only ways you can get them in these games which means there are quite a large amount of Pokemon that we now can't get it doesn't matter who you pick to evolve so I'll cover who I chose in a bit there is one more thing that we can do in chotto but it's best to wait until we're completely done grinding after completing the Clefairy doll event in saffron city we can use the rail pass to ride back to Kanto because we arrive in the goldenrod city i went south to breed the rest of the baby Pokemon that we need with this we can add Pichu cleffa and elekid I also bred another Eevee for a future stone evolution the only Pokemon that we need to get with the super rod is remoraid which you can find very easily on route 44 the last thing that we can do is take on Luo Kia and the world islands thankfully this is insanely easy because we obtained the master ball from professor elm so with lugia we now have 183 Pokemon now we can head back to Kanto and finish up the rest of the Pokemon for this section to start off we used a bunch of stones to evolve all the Pokemon weekend with the last two moon stones that I needed I needed Rita to need a queen and Clefairy a tickle fable as for the ones we only had one of I use the Thunder stone to evolve Pikachu to ride shoo the leaf stone to evolve gloom to vileplume the fire stone to evolve Eevee to Flareon and the water stone devolved Poliwhirl to polygraph now it's time to level up our caches thankfully we have a very small list and they were all easy to do because of how many trainers we could battle in Kanto I took the time to battle just about everyone I possibly could so in total for all these it took about three hours this made it possible to get slugma to mcCargo remoraid talk Tillery and hound our houndoom the last one that has to evolve is chancy which was a little bit of a pain as I realized I forgot to catch one in a friend ball so I caught another one and after about two hours chancy evolved into Blissey the last thing that we can do for this section is head to the celadon City game corner I saved this for last because once again we need to buy another Pokemon if you've been somehow keeping track of the DAX you know the one that I'm missing porygon is only available through the game corner and as usual it's stupidly expensive in order to get one you need 9999 coins this is the same amount regardless if you choose gold or silver but in crystal it's only 5555 coins since we bow pretty much every trainer in the Kanto region we can just buy one outright in order to get this you need just a $200,000 to buy one it's totally not worth the price but you should definitely have enough money by now or at least enough items to sell this brings us to a total of 194 Pokemon which is the real maximum amount that you can have with eight badges so now that we've caught every pokemon that's available we should be done right well there are actually a few more Pokemon that we can collect as I said earlier almost every Pokemon in the Kanto region doesn't require you to beat any gym leaders but the last ones we need are located in mount silver which if we want to get access there we have to collect all 16 gym badges so with my super team a Legendary's we're able to destroy misty lieutenant Serge Erica Sabrina Janine Blaine and blue without a single problem if we head to the reception gate we can now access route 28 but more importantly Mount Silver this location has a bunch of different areas with different pokemons so outside we can catch Sneasel inside we can catch misdreavus and in the deepest section we can catch larvae thar those are the last Pokemon that we need to catch which means that larvae thar is the only Pokemon we have to evolve in terms of XP this is almost exactly the same amount of Dragonite as we need to get about 200,000 experience to evolve business we have access to much higher levels this isn't even as half as hard as it was before mount Silver's deepest section seems like it would be the best option for training but personally I think the outside is easier especially since you're literally next to a Pokemon Center the XP yield on average is higher here anyways because of wild rapid ash so realistically this is the better option anyways after grinding for about five hours larva Tarr evolved into pupitar and then into Tyranitar this is the maximum amount of Pokemon that you can catch on one copy of gold or silver but we still have one more thing that we can do if we head back into the deepest section two mounts over we can take on bread believe it or not this was actually a tough challenge his whole team is over level 70 and the only Pokemon that we have that's even close to that is lugia even though it was technically way under leveled type reinterpreting the most work against his team with moves like rockslide and dynamic punch the only Pokemon that can actually live quite a few hits was lugia it's super bulky and has decent coverage for his team but I had to revive it quite a few times as backup if the rest fainted after a 12 minute battle to end all battles we defeated red and with that we successfully completed the Professor Oak challenge at pokemon gold and silver but how did I do so let's review after defeating red we finished with a time of 253 hours and 48 minutes which is about four times as long as it took to defeat red and blue like I said the highest amount of Pokemon you can get without trading is 199 which excludes the Kanto starters the legendary birds the fossils except pterodactyl Mewtwo the mythical z' the other stone evolutions we couldn't get all the trade evolutions the opposite games version exclusives and the other Johto starters this comes out to just barely under 80% of the dax which to me sounds a lot worse than it actually is a lot of these exclusions were probably because the games were put on the same carts as red and blue and they had to cut content like the cerulean cave Viridian Forest and the Safari Zone this is without doubt the longest amount of time I put in a video to date between playing the game to making the guide to editing so I'm thankful I'm done even though I had a ton of fun doing it I feel like I was pretty on point this entire challenge but I'm sure you could finish this around 200 hours if you never messed up but I'm not willing to do this ever again I want to thank you all for getting the last video to over 30,000 likes which is something I thought I would never see on any of my videos I don't have a light goal for doing generation 3 but I'd really appreciate it if you did like it just so I know if you all really want me to continue this as a series personally I would not recommend this to anyone but if you're interested in the challenge I put a guide for these games in the description below once again subscribe to the Professor Oak subreddit check out guides for basically every game that's out there if we could get that stuff to 2000 members that really mean a lot to me and that's gonna do it for today's video if you liked the video leave a like and consider subscribing as I'll be making more videos soon if you have suggestions for challenges that you'd like me to do leave a comment below follow me on Twitter to keep updated with new videos as they come out other than that like to thank you all for watching and I'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 1,132,858
Rating: 4.9604855 out of 5
Keywords: johnstone, pokemon gold and silver, pokemon gold and silver catch em all, professor oak's challenge, professor oak pokemon gold, professor oak pokemon silver, catching every pokemon in gold and silver, johnstonepokemon, catch em all pokemon, pokemon gold, pokemon silver, pikachu, pokemon game boy, pokemon game boy color, how to catch every pokemon in gold and silver, catch em all gen 2, pokemon
Id: vTx_YvetLUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
Reddit Comments

Actually his gen one video introduced me to the professor oak channel

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/RATIONAL_27 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Time for gen 3

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/CosmicTiger0912 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

That is absolutely insane.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/bonez656 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I feel so sorry that he didn't realize Headbutt was available before the 2nd badge. For some Pokemon that's the best way to level them up. Would have saved him some sanity.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Citizen51 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mad respect for his Dratini grind. Everything here is impressive but if nothing else, Dratini would have made me quit.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Drivenfar 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Didn't he skip grinding for the stones? Like aren't there a few trainers you can get their numbers, and they have a chance of giving you a fire/water/leaf stone?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Yayorange95 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Watched this earlier today! His videos are always so enjoyable and informative!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Turbowuff 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have a link for the guide on the roaming legendary beasts he mentioned here?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DabuSurvivor 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

He's what inspired me to give into my ridiculous urge to grind up to stupid levels before each gym XD kudos to him for sticking with it!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MadMagIsBadAtReddit 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
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