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what is going on guys my name is John and welcome back to yet another video as many of you know Pokemon let's go Pikachu an Eevee released for the Nintendo switch a little over a week ago although these games removed quite a few elements from the regular main series titles these games also introduced a lot of new features that change the way that you catch and obtain Pokemon considering that the series has pretty much become the channel staple today were once again going to answer the question of how easily can you catch every pokemon and let's go Pikachu and Eevee as usual if you're unfamiliar with the series that I have I've uploaded three other videos you can check out at the top right of your screen these will give you a much better understanding of this video but if you don't want to watch them I'll go over the rules real quick the first rule is that we have to play both copies of let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee this makes it a lot more difficult and entertaining for you to watch but it also has an even greater purpose I initially want to upload these videos so you could play these with your friends but first Jen had glitches and second Jim was extremely hard but this time around I've included a complete guide in the description that contains a solid route that you can play with another person since the Nintendo switches saves are stored on console you can just make another user and start up a second save with a friend the second rules we have to catch each individual Pokemon and the decks this makes it so at the end of the run we'll have a full living decks which finally has a purpose unlike any of the other games the third rules that we can't use any glitches because this game is only been out for less than a month there aren't any glitches that I'm aware of so that won't be an issue the final rules that has to be completed in 24 hours this is the hardest part of it all but considering that these games are very close to remakes the yellow story wise will hopefully manage a quick time unlike the other videos we have two games instead of three so the max time for each game will be split to 12 hours each with that out of the way let's find out if this is possible I want to note here that this is your obvious warning that there will be spoilers in this if you played any of the cantle games the spoilers are very small things like what Pokemon appear where little story differences and revealing the overall look of the game if you don't want to be spoiled in the slightest I suggest checking this out when you're all done with the game as usual we start out with the original intro where we meet Professor Oak and learn about the world of Pokemon I said in the last video I was gonna name my third rival after whoever had the top comment but since I totally forgot you can't name your rival we're gonna choose the top two comments on the last video so for let's go Pikachu we're gonna name a rival doc who said they wanted noises in the video that show when Pokemon are caught from now on when I catch a Pokemon you'll hear a ding at the end alright and who's gonna be our second rival oh oh god no and I guess we'll name our 2nd rival retire unlike the other catch them all as I've done the past we're already adding Pokemon to our total after realizing that we have hands we leave our house and meet with Professor Oak and a wild Pikachu and Eevee come out of the grass these book1 have a 100% capture rate because we're gonna use these as our starters so after only a couple minutes and we're moving towards our goal we head back to lab to meet up with the rivals and we're almost ready to begin our journey just like previous canto games we have to grab a parcel from the Mart so while we're doing that I'll talk about the first change in this run the biggest difference of the entire game is wild Pokemon encounters although finding wild Pokemon is still percentage based they now all appear in the overworld very similar to the way the Pokemon appear in the Rumble series this makes it possible to see multiple Pokemon at once which does have quite a lot of benefits this mechanic makes it easier to find some rare Pokemon but they can now run away and there are still some hard Pokemon to catch that we'll talk about later because you can get pokeballs right at the start and Eevee I was able to catch three Pidgey and - Rattata in Pikachu we were also able to catch three oddish after bringing the parcel back we have our first battle with our rivals because the Pikachu and Eevee receive in the beginning the game can't evolve their stats were increased in these versions this does make the beginning of the game fairly easy but the difficulty does increase as we go on after defeating our rival both games head back to Viridian city to go to route 22 both hands have to catch neat Iran but Pikachu has to catch three of the males and Eevee has to catch three of the females at this point I make the first mistake in my run I forgot that if you walk too far on the round you'll to battle your rival again fortunately this wasn't much of a time waster as I feared because the only new Pokemon he has his Pidgey which Pikachu is a perfect counter for Pikachu was able to catch all the need to ram male so we needed but Eevee is finding literally everything but that so we'll catch up a bit later we had an over to Viridian Forest where both games need to catch quite a lot of Pokemon this area spawns more Pokemon at once and pretty much anywhere else in the entire game so finding what we need isn't going to be a problem I plan on catching three Caterpie in this area but I also ended up finding Metapod really easily which helps save a few minutes of grinding the only other Pokemon that we need in this area is Bulbasaur this Pokemon like many others are considered special spawns in this game they appear randomly in the area but much less than the regular spawns in the game we weren't lucky enough to have one randomly spawned so in order to guarantee one we need to create a catch combo if we catch 11 of the same Pokemon in a row it will increase the wreath that special Pokemon spawn this is the easiest location to do it because of how many Pokemon spawn and because we've already caught - Caterpie in a row it saves us a little time getting there in Eevee we obtain all the need around females that we need and head to Viridian Forest to try and catch up here we catch three Bellsprout to wheedle kikuna and pikachu on our way through which is really good considering that Pikachu's a 5% encounter as we're finishing our last battle before the gate Eevee grabs a Bulbasaur that we've been looking for we're gonna be evolving this one so our total is going to stay premier we head to pewter city to meet up with a rival again but more importantly to take on our first gym a new feature added to these titles is that there are now requirements for entering gyms which makes they're harder to speedrun but it also motivates you to explore more in the game thankfully the only requirement for this gym is to show a counter for Brock's rock-type pokémon because we already caught oddish Bellsprout and Bulbasaur we have no trouble getting in just like the original games we can skip everyone and go straight to Brock normally this would be a difficult time considering your obvious type of disadvantages but in these games both Pokemon learned double kick at level-9 and level-10 which makes this gym extremely easy after obtaining the boulder badge both games start to separate quite a bit in Eevee we have to catch quite a few Pokemon on route 3 including a special spawn Pikachu on the other hand is going to avoid basically everything on this route and head straight to mount moon before heading in we stop at the pokémon center to heal as well as purchase a Magikarp from a man for $500 well it's an easy Pokemon to catch having a guaranteed way to obtain it is always a better option in my opinion an Eevee you managed to catch - ekans a spear oh and while I was halfway through my catch combo a Charmander spawned this have quite a lot of time and thankfully it was an easy catch with these Pokemon were over ten percent to our goal before we head into mount moon we also grabbed a Magikarp which will evolve later in Pikachu we've already made quite a bit of progress through mount moon we met Jessie and James are starting to battle Team Rocket before we got there we grabbed a hidden moonstone which is extremely important to grab because of how few there are in the game after taking a few grunts down we caught two Parris and two cool fairy because Eevee doesn't need to get anything aside from the moonstone we quickly catch up and take on the fossil maniac after defeating him we're able to choose what fossil we'd like to have it really doesn't matter which one we choose but in this game I chose the dome fossil just barely behind Pikachu takes him on and grabs the helix fossile to then be challenged by Team Rocket once again this battle doesn't really take too much effort we don't have any good counters like ground moves but like I said at this point this game is still pretty easy with our buff stats after the battle we encountered one of the rarest pawns in the game clefable there are quite a few 1% encounter rate Pokemon in the game but this one is arguably one of the most coveted because it needs to evolve with a moonstone this saves quite a lot of time so it's a very welcome addition to where at X count right after catching it our second Metapod also evolved into Butterfree I forgot to mention when Caterpie evolved but it was part way through the Viridian Forest during all this Eevee already exited mount moon and reaches Cerulean City where we can do a lot of different things if you go to the first house that we see we meet a woman who gives us a Bulbasaur after we've caught 30 Pokemon we're gonna evolve this one later so the dex total will stay the same after that we head to the Pokemon sire to meet up with a move tutor in these games Pikachu and Eve you receive special moves to compensate for not evolving an Eevee it can learn a move from every type it evolves into in the beginning of the game you only start out with a few extra moves but you add more as you progress the game here we learn buzzy buzz bouncy bubble and sizzly slide are the names cute in a weird way I guess did they decimate every enemy in your path absolutely yeah I think that having bass 90 power for almost every move was a bit overkill for the early on but it definitely makes the process a lot faster for us as speaks you lose the mountain we stop right outside cerulean city doesn't catch some more Pokemon on this side of Route 4 we catch two Sandshrew and too manky although we have everything we need we still need to catch enough Pokemon for another Bulbasaur so we'll check back on that later at this point Eevee is taking on the cerulean gym the requirement for getting in here just have a Pokemon at level 15 we're already well past that so we can head him without a problem this gym is similar to Brock's is we can skip mostly every trainer and we have the right counters for her Pokemon with our new move set misty starmie gave a little bit of trouble like it has in the previous games but with buzzy buzz we collect the badge and then move on as we have to route 24 Pikachu catches the 30 Pokemon that we need but also evolves Bulbasaur too Ivysaur need a ran to need a reno which we immediately volved to need Oh King to make room in our party we can now head over and grab the Bulbasaur which brings our total to 24 Pokemon as we take on misty Eevee fights arrival clear sue the Nugget bridge and is currently hunting for a specific Pokemon now although we technically only need two I'm going to catch five which will oddly be very useful in a little bit during this process I was able to have both Neeta ran evolving to need arena and then I used a moonstone involved one and Anita Queen continuing down the path we meet up with Bill at his cottage receive the SS tickets and take on the rocket grunt outside the house in cerulean city because of our type advantages Pikachu was able to catch up and is heading to route 5 to catch five growlithe these will serve the same purpose as the Meowth after that we head to the underground where our rival creepily pulls some revives out from behind our ear it would've been okay if they did the animation but the way slowly walks up to you makes it really odd wait why are you getting closer why's everything getting dark oh god no meanwhile and Eve you were right above that event and catch ourselves to Vulpix and to Jigglypuff after going through the underground we also obtained a side duct which took way longer than it should have once again I was able to level up my party quite a bit and evolve both pidgeys - pidgeotto and kikuna - Beedrill as we're leaving the route pikachu finds Abra I like the other games a ver is actually pretty easy to catch because it can't teleport in battle it'll only teleport if you run in front of it when you're trying to encounter we're gonna need two more so we'll check back when the time comes once we enter vermilion City Evie heads to talk to this woman who asked us if we prefer growlithe or Meowth Joo then gives us a task of catching five of that Pokemon because we've already done that she'll immediately gift us an Arcanine although this obviously adds to the dex counter this arcanine will help speed up the game a lot every book one the game can follow you but there a specific Pokemon that you can ride organize one the fastest Pokemon that you can ride in the game which makes this a super easy way to get around in the overworld before we take on the SS and we go to the right of Vermillion city and catch too drowsy as well as mr. mime this one is a five-percent encounter but thankfully I found it right after I caught my second drowsy after catching the final Abra that we need our honesty valves in the gloom we then had to complete the five Pokemon quests and receive a Persian this one saves quite a bit of time considering how long it takes to level up Meowth both games end up boarding the SSM within a minute of each other and take on arrivals again although there are a ton of trainers on the ship we only need to reach the captain and obtain cut so we're just gonna skip all of that for Eevee we're only on the ship for about three minutes which isn't a bad time at all Pikachu is caught up with our rival so we'll focus on Eevee for a little bit right now the next task is that we have to take on the gym if you remember when I did red blue and yellow the switches for the gym were pretty much random aside from which trash cans they can be inside in this game however they're set to a specific location from the four times that I played through it this helps save a ton of time as we're frying lieutenant cirrage we don't have a problem at all Sicily Slide guarantees a burn which destroys his Magnemite and takes down right you a lot easier because Pikachu can learn the TM dig that we received in cerulean we can catch up and beat lieutenant Serge very easily we also managed to get one of our APRA's to evolve into Kadabra believe it or not this is going to be the last gym that Pikachu has to get a badge from so they're slowly starting to take their separate ways both games then had to dig let's cave but Pikachu is going to stay there to catch Diglett as well as Dugtrio on the weight at the end because we didn't have to stop eviler and light up through one of our Professor Oak's aides this is something that didn't really need to be done but we need to catch a lot of Pokemon in Rock Tunnel so the better that we can see them the faster that we can finish from here we meet our rival and that are given the opportunity to fast travel to cerulean city this option saves a bunch of time make your way back and thankfully this isn't the only time that we can do this as we're progressing towards Rock Tunnel Pikachu grabs flash as well but it's going to make a quick stop and catch more Pokemon to increase our total this will help us grab another starter so we'll check back in a second right before Rock Tunnel Eevee catches a furo adding another to the total after taking on Team Rocket with Lorelai we can start one of the more time-intensive parts of the run Rock Tunnel like I said earlier there are quite a few Pokemon that have an encounter rate of 1% instead of just waiting around for one Pokemon to appear I made it so I have to catch quite a few Pokemon considering I'll probably be in the area for a while while I was in The Rock Tunnel I was able to catch Zubat golbat 3 Machop Geodude Onix 2 cubone and 2 gravel ER all i need to do now is encounter that 1% kangaskhan and you've got to be kidding after catching 60 Pokemon Pikachu heads past the Nugget bridge and collects the Charmander we're gonna evolve this one to a Charizard later to my suprise kangaskhan didn't run away after that battle so we can add this one as well as her newly evolved Radek 8 and weepinbell which brings us to over a third of the total Pokemon that we need moving forward quite a bit both games make their way out of Rock Tunnel and Eevee took quite a strong lead we went to sell it on city and learn Eevee signature dark type move battled our rival the pokemon tower and are now taking on gym leader Erika in Pikachu I tried to see if these games were like yellow where you can take on the game corner before you go to the pokemon tower but unfortunately you can't do that which wasted a little bit of time considering though that we have to do things here anyways I just stopped at the department store to grab the evolution stones that I needed later on like usual defeating our rival of the pokémon tower wasn't very hard with our type advantages but this is around the point where the game picks up in difficulty there was a super easy way to get around this which would have saved a lot of time but we'll get to that later on as we're heading to the game corner Eevee defeats Erica and we gained two more evolutions our second Bellsprout to weepinbell and Ekans - arbok one of the many differences in these games is the floor layout of the underground section of the game corner while some things like spinning puzzles and the number of floors are the same some of the floor layouts battles and the way that we obtain the lift key are much different thankfully the game basically spells out where to do everything which helps both games get to one of the more challenging parts to the playthrough when we head to the bottom floor we have to take on three major battles the first one is a double battle with Jesse and James the big issue with the battles at this point is that I don't really have any backups to help me battle because I immediately swap Pokemon out of the party once they evolve I basically have to rely on just my starters to get through the battle the easiest solution for these is to use battle items because like usual they make a dramatic difference in the damage that you're dealing after that we have our battle with Archer which was a rollercoaster for Evie yeah I'm not winning this one I'll just reset god what a lotus and then we head to our final battle against Giovanni I underestimated the amount of X items I thought I would need to make this section of the game go smoothly so I had some trouble with this battle for both games after he finished this we received the soap scope and head back to the pokemon tower to finish off this section because of the way most of the trainers are coated and placed in the game we can skip a majority of the channelers in here and head straight to the ghost section one thing that I didn't mention the beginning of the game is that there's a setting to skip cutscenes in the game which has potential to save a decent chunk of time throughout the entire run Game Freak however has a completely different definition of cutscene than I do this section right here not a cutscene the section right after definitely a skippable cutscene cutscene are you crazy cutscene absolutely not cutscene oh god no not again at the top of the tower we have to fight off Team Rocket which is literally the same battle we had two minutes ago after this battle or Charmander evolves into Charmeleon and Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur as Pikachu makes her way up the tower we catch three gastly bringing our total to 57 after receiving the poké flute from Mount Fuji we had to the left to celadon City to wake up the sleeping Snorlax in these games static encounters have to be defeated before he can catch them although Snorlax is pretty bulky we're able to take it down for an easy capture at this point I need to reach a total of 50 species registered in the Pokedex take on kogas gym in fuchsia city so I made some of the evolution stones I have to get pikachu to Raichu Vulpix and ninetails and we've been bailed the victory bow in addition I use the fly technique that we learned after defeating Giovanni to fly to pick up our Charmander and squirtle which will evolve later after pikachu defeats Team Rocket our second Odyssey Vols into gloom and Paras evolves into Paris act now this battle is finished we were completely done with every major battle in Pikachu because only one Pokemon is required to be caught in the postgame we're going to make only one game beat the Elite Four to reach fuchsia city the fastest both games take route 17 which used to be the bike path in the original games and just like those games we can basically avoid everything in sight I stuck around a bit though to add more pokemon for the gym and I really said Pidgeotto in this route were much higher level than I thought so I grabbed this one to evolve instead I was also able to evolve our gift Magikarp to Gyarados bringing our total of 63 pokemon after cleaning the Snorlax Pikachu stays on route 16 to catch doduo and dodrio and our Charmander evolves into Charmeleon because I have to catch pretty much everything on this route and Pikachu I assumed it would be a tedious task but I somehow managed to encounter three Eevee within 5 minutes considering that they're only a 5% encounter I think that's a pretty solid time we also managed to catch Ponyta rapid ash and evolve two of the gastly Haunter after having 50 species in the Dex we had to fuchsia City and make arguably the dumbest decision I could have made so when it wrote out the guide for this video I based a lot of my logic on what I did in red blue and yellow one thing that didn't pay attention to was the fact that the level for the fossil Pokemon were extremely bopped instead of receiving them at level 20 you now receive them at level 44 considering that you learned surf right when you get to fuchsia City you can just fly to Pallet Town and revive the fossils and have really strong Pokemon for the rest of the game doing this would have saved an astronomical amount of time but to be fair I didn't pay attention to that because almost every one that you receiving a gift barely changed levels from the previous generations this is currently the best known speedrun strat for the game but I did change that information the guy I put in the description I went to the Pokemon Center and taught Eevee its signature psychic move glitzy glow which destroys Coca's gym this also made it possible to evolve our squirtle into Wartortle after learning strength from the warden of the safari that's no longer around we had bright to take on the cousin of rock tunnel route 15 on this route a lot of Pokemon spawn and while Pikachu is the one that has to do almost all the catching here we sold to catch our version exclusive pincer with a 1% encounter rate I don't think I've ever been trolled in the game as much as this part of the game trolled me pincer took almost 15 minutes to spawn this is one of those things where there's almost nothing you can do to improve your chances lures are a big help but catch combos only improve your chances of seeing the same Pokemon that you're comboing as well as special spawns like the starters we caught earlier the best mechanics so far is to go in and out of the gate to let new Pokemon spawn and if you don't find your Pokemon just do it again in the process of finding pincer I found 15 that's right 15 Toros there are a 5% encounter rate I really felt like someone was pulling some sick prank on me I totally expected to find a few during that process but the fact that they were appearing literally every time I entered the route made me so angry but of course the moment I put my controller down to give up its bonds thankfully it was a really easy catch which brings our total to an even 70 meanwhile in Pikachu we learned surf and immediately flew to cerulean city to go outside the power plant and surf for a few pokemon here we catch tena cool and to dratini you have a 1% chance of a dragon err spawning which can save quite a bit of level up time but that didn't happen this is arguably one of the most important Pokemon to catch as early as possible because of how long it takes for it to level up an Eevee we head back to fuchsia city to learn the exclusive fairy move and then move south to hit the water to grab to star you as we head to saffron city to take care of some business Pikachu goes south of lavender town to work on quite a lot of Pokemon here we get to horsie and then head south to catch Tentacruel which puts us at a halfway mark to completion don't worry though that'll change right now heading on to the grass on route 12 we catch far-fetched Krabby and King wonder during that time though we also a managed to evolve man kita primeape san screw the sand slash and Ivysaur de venus or just let the other game we have to catch our version exclusive for route 15 which is going to B Scyther but while that's going on we'll stick with Pikachu for a bit we reached a fron city and head to the copycats house if we go up to a Rome we can be a terrible person and steal their moonstone from the end of her bed to be fair she really likes Clefairy so I don't think she planned on using it anytime soon this is the only other place that you can obtain a moonstone aside from the responding one and mount moon but since we're already here it saves a bit of time after that we head to the self CO to meet up with her rival as well as battle blue he has two Pokemon that are fully evolved in high level but that didn't matter at all because his Charizard was paralyzed four turns in a row after the battle our Drowsy evolved in the hypno with that out of the way we can now tackle the rest of the building the layout for the cilco is a lot easier than it was in the previous games in my opinion they don't exactly tell you specifically where to go but once you learn the path it doesn't take long to finish heading up to the fifth floor we have a double battle with a rival against Archer level wise we're pretty even but since a rival has cubone it makes a battle a breeze after the battle Machop evolves into match oak and Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot bring your total to 84 once we receive the drop card key we take a quick stop on the seventh floor to talk to one of the employees he thanks us for saving him and gifts us a Lapras the rest of the cilco is pretty much what we've been dealing with in the earlier parts of the run we fight Jessie and James Giovanni and free whoever they were holding hostage this time however were given the most useful item in the game the master ball we'll be putting this to good use and definitely won't be screwing it up when we exit the building there would be a sylph co-employee next to the Pokemon Center when we talk to him he'll thank us for defeating Team Rocket and give us his porygon the last thing that we need to do in Saffron for the time being is grab the marsh badge from Sabrina's gym her team is surprisingly really strong which did make the battle a little challenging but to compensate for that her team's movesets didn't make any sense mr. mime and slow burrows were fine but why does alakazam arguably her strongest Pokemon only two moves Jake's also doesn't have a fourth move which is so strange because Sabrina's whole team is in the mid-40s I'm not gonna argue with having an easier time when trying to play the game as fast as I can but it feels like they forgot to just add them in but with this battle the way we can check on Pikachu and see where we're at I'm ruff 15 we captured two vennen at tauros and surprisingly sight there really quick from here we head to Palo Town and surf down to Cinnabar Island to take care of our helix fossile we grabbed at the beginning of the game when we revived it it becomes ammonite because it will be a big help in the next section I use a rare candy to immediately evolve it into omastar our next big task is to take on the sea foam islands this part is one of the largest sections for the game while working on the strengths puzzles we caught slowpoke Slowbro to seal shelter and jinx the biggest challenge in this area however is catching our first legendary bird Articuno as we went over earlier static encounters have to be defeated before they can be caught this was actually not too hard by catching it was a completely different story in general the catching aspect in the game is pretty hard for quite a few reasons the catch rate for a lot of these static Pokemon are extremely low and there isn't a way to figure out exactly what their capture rate is because of how new the game is what I found out from previous playthroughs of the game is that just like gold and silver using anything higher than pokeball is a waste of money they're going to break out a lot and landing excellent throws are pretty difficult considering they're flying all around the screen it's also important to mention that static Pokemon can flee which means you just have to keep throwing pokeballs until the thing goes in after about seven minutes of flailing my arm I was able to capture it but we're still not done here squirtle is a special spawn here so while I'm combo need to increase its spawn let's see what Eevee is up to right now during that catching spree we went back to pewter city and collected the old amber from the Museum flew to Pallet Town and surf towards Cinnabar Island to get it revived we made a quick stop to catch tangas this is the only place you can get it we reach Cinnabar Island we immediately revive the old amber as well as a dome fossil this gives us Kabuto and Aerodactyl we're not going to count Kabuto just yet but we'll take care of that in a bit as we're quickly approaching the end of the game we have to head to the pokémon mansion to grab the secret key to gain access to the gym the layout for this area is identical to the original so it only takes a few minutes to get through before reaching the basement we captured coughing wheezing and magmar who is way easier to catch in these games because they all give out a lot of XP we evolved our second Machop - Machop and cubone - marowak we then take the key to Cinnabar Island Gym to claim our seventh badge LAN stream is arguably one of the easiest out of them all because we're able to revive our fossils for it both ammonite and Kabuto are rock water types which means they resist pretty much all of his pokemon moves and deal super effective damage Aquajet has priority which sweeps his whole team and after the battle our Kabuto evolves into Kabutops before we head to the last gym we take a quick stop at route 6 to capture two more Pokemon we couldn't before here we catch Goldeen and seeking the amount of pokémon that can spawn in the water is pretty limited in mostly every area so I spent quite a while there waiting for it to spawn but right as I opened the many to fly away it appeared this is the only place you can catch these and it would take a while evolve Goldeen at this level so it was a pretty close call alright so I chained up eleven shelter to get this squirtle to spawn all I need now is use some raspberries to make it easier to kick when we reach Viridian city to take on the final gym we meet up with a rival and find out that it's still closed we go to Professor Oak and magically within that three minute time frame the gym leader is back the requirement for entering this gym is to have seven badges which we obviously have in this gym you pretty much have to fight all but one trainer which is a little bit consuming but overall there isn't a problem for us during all these battles I evolved my star you to star me to have a much better type advantage once we reach the end oh wow what a surprise it's Giovanni this gym goes the same way at Blaine's did his Pokemon are a bit more bulky but Aquajet and waterfall destroy his whole team and now that we've defeated the Mafia for the third time in this series we could take on the Elite Four and finish this challenge after what felt like an eternity I finally caught the squirtle which will evolve later during the chaining dratini evolved into dragon air bringing our total up to 107 up next is our final big task taking on the power plant we have just as many Pokemon to catch here as the seafoam islands so this will take a big chunk off of our total thankfully a lot of Pokemon we needed spawned right when we walked in we were able to grab - Magnemite Grimer MOC - Voltorb and electabuzz before taking on the second bird Zapdos like I said before this is basically a waiting game until you get it because of how low the catch rate is but thankfully we caught it in under five minutes next we head all the way back to route 22 to surf for the poliwag and to poly world that we couldn't catch her leer before we go back to V's progress we'll finish up the last task for Pikachu if you fly to saffron city we can take on the dojo after we defeat every member in the leader we have a choice of two fighting pokémon for this game I'll choose Hitmonlee as we progress the elite for Eevee stops and catches to execute before heading to victory Road aside from just getting through this section we also to take on the final bird in the game Moltres this battle was actually more annoying than the other three because of how many times a triple jiggled and broke out I'm pretty sure I used at least 70 pokeballs to try and catch it but thankfully we won't need any more after this battle after about 10 minutes we're able to add this one bringing the total to 118 Pokemon and now ladies and gentlemen the elite 4 out of the many times I've battled this section of the game I don't think I've ever taken this long to defeat all of them if getting the fossils revived late wasted time this wasted even more time I'm not exactly sure where I went wrong to get punished as hard as I did but almost every battle was a nightmare this took a wild amount of time so in the meantime we'll finish up with Pikachu's side now that we've taken care of pretty much everything that we need to do let's evolve the duplicates we've caught four level of Pokemon we evolved horsie to Sidra Charmeleon to Charizard Ventana - venomoth sealed the dugong Magnemite - Magneton Voltorb - electrode and need a ram male to need arena for the evolution stone Pokemon we evolved shelter to cloister Eevee to Vaporeon Eevee to flareon evita Jolteon gloomed a vileplume and poly world to Poliwrath this brings are told to 131 Pokemon I realize I completely forgot to grab the gift squirtle which adds to our total to 132 but I also didn't evolve the one we caught in seafoam Islands thankfully I still had two rare candies left to bump him up to Blastoise now that we're basically done with Pikachu let's finish Eevee after an embarrassingly long time in the Elite Four we defeat every leader as well as a rival who took the longest and became the champion as many of you probably guessed I saved a lot of the final few Pokemon for one section of the game the cerulean cave this area is home to a lot of Pokemon especially ones that are much better to catch here than anywhere else if we go to the second floor we can catch Golduck lick a tongue Rhyhorn ride on and ditto another Pokemon I picked for this area is Chauncey although you can catch Chauncey and literally almost every area in the game this is the only location where chancy's percentage base as the rest or special spawns and I'm not dealing with another squirtle aside from Pokemon the second floor is home to a lot of really great items golden berries max revives and even master balls can be found here if you're really lucky but if we go into the front of the crystal in the center of the room we have a chance to get our another fossil these items are completely random so if you save in front of it you can reset until you get what you want the fossils only spawn once per day so if you just set your switches clocks forward you can pick up the other one that you need this one very quick and will revive both of these in just a second and that was the final challenge the rarest Pokemon that isn't stuck behind a $50 pay wall mu2 this battle is pretty tough when you're running through the game I won't lie that I had to reset quite a few times to take down Mewtwo he basically one-shots your entire team the best option is to just burn it or poison it and keep reviving Pokemon until a faints if he can't deal a lot of damage to it when it came to the caching portion I knew I had my master bowl but I threw a pokeball just for the laughs and yeah so Moltres would have been a lot easier if I knew that I had no idea what the chances are for this to happen but I know that it's a lowest chance for any catch in the game so I guess I'll just hold on to this for the next video or something when we exit the cave we head straight to brought one to chain Ratana 211 because we finished a story we're now able to fly above cities which means we can also catch special spawns in the sky once we finish that I fly the next route and encountered a wild dragon knight not only is this way faster than leveling up they can also be really easy to catch because they range from level 56 to as low as level 3 this brings our total to 141 Pokemon our final challenge is to take on the saffron dojo with our new super team we breeze through this and claim our Hitmonchan to finish off our decks we fly to Cinnabar Island to revive Kabuto and ammonite and then use our last two stones to evolve execute two eggs egg eater and Jigglypuff two Wigglytuff the only thing that we have left to take care of is to do the trade evolutions with this we evolve much oak to Machamp concert a gang gar Kadabra - Alakazam and gravel er - golem I know what you're thinking but John you didn't get them you so technically you didn't finish the challenge and you're right I didn't but to be fair the pokeball plus is $50 if you don't get the bundle there are very few people who would just buy that G us to obtain Mew you'd have to be pretty stupid to blow that much money on something that really doesn't so if we take the pokeball + out of the box it came in and connect it with our switch it'll add an event to our mystery gifts if we activate it it has Mewtwo our Pokemon storage and with that we've obtained every Pokemon and let's go Pikachu an Eevee but we're not done yet so let's review did we complete the challenge yes but how fast did we do it well if we take a look at our game times we finished let's go Pikachu with a time of 7 hours and 29 minutes this run could have gone a lot better than I wanted it to but honestly the time that was wasted on was only on things I knew we're going to take a long time I actually finished the story sections relatively quick but fighting Giovanni and Archer took way more time than I wanted it to some of the encounters like dratini squirtle and Scyther took a very long time but they have as low as a 1% chance of spawning which is entirely based on chance so I really couldn't control that if I wanted to because our partner Pikachu didn't have access to as many moves as Eevee does I think that with this route it can be done in around 5 hours if you do everything correct and the spawns work really well in your favor our copy of let's go Eevee is another story in this game we finished with a time of 9 hours and three minutes which I will admit is a pretty awful time although we had to complete the entire story a lot of things didn't go the way I planned if I knew about how overpowered Kabutops and Aerodactyl were it would have shaved off two hours easily they counter pretty much every gym they have left to take on and the only four would have been a cakewalk if they were higher level I made sure to update when to revive them and the guys I put in the description other things like the Elite Four and the champion catching pincer and not even using my master led to a time as high as this considering everything that went wrong my guess is that this game can be finished in around six hours or even less I think that both games are pretty even in terms of work because I gave Pikachu a majority of the higher-level evolutions to compensate for Eevee having to play the whole story overall I think for the fact that I made this guide during the first week of games release it's really not that bad like I said earlier if you're interested in playing this with a friend set up a second profile on your switch and download the guides I put in the description below if you record it send me a link on discord and I'll check it out and that's gonna do it for today's video if you liked the video leave a like as we'll be making more videos like this soon this video took quite a while to put together so please consider subscribing if you haven't already if you have any suggestions for videos that you'd like to see leave a comment below other than that like thank you all for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 1,428,951
Rating: 4.9115658 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, Pokemon Glitches, pokemon cheats, pokemon let's go pikachu, pokemon let's go eevee, catch every pokemon in let's go, johnstone, pokemon hack, pokemon go, pokemon hacks, johnstone pokemon, transferring pokemon, jrose11, pikasprey yellow, how to catch every pokemon in let's go pikachu and eevee, catch em all pokemon, scykoh, Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Switch, Nintendo Switch, catch em all let's go, catch em all
Id: AOVQe1pguoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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