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what is going on guys my name is john and welcome back to yet another video about four months ago i uploaded the fourth generation catch em all which was by far the hardest one out of the series that i ever had to take on just like last time you've all shown your support and ask that i take on the next region and boy do we have quite a task ahead of us today we're gonna find out how easily can catch every pokemon in pokemon black and white although this is the sixth video in the series we're still going to go over the rules that are set in place for this challenge if you haven't seen any of the videos on the other generations i have a playlist you can check out in the top right of your screen to better understand what this is all about the first rule is i have to play a copy of pokemon black and white this is unlike most of the other videos as we only have two games rather than three that we're going to have to play because i usually split the available time evenly between all the games each game is going to have 12 hours to catch everything that they can the second rule is that we have to obtain each individual pokemon and by the end of it there should be a complete living decks of all the pokemon available in uneva the third rule is that no glitches can be used this game is pretty limited on glitches so i think we'll be perfectly fine without them anyways but with all that out of the way let's just jump right into it so starting out i just want to say that this challenge is the most daunting one that i've ever had to take on these games contain more regional pokemon than currently any other game and some of them require quite a lot of work to add to the decks i usually name the rivals at the top comments for the video but since these games don't have that option i just want to give a shout out to the two top comments on the last video cecilia m and pathetic person now usually i try to assign special tasks to each game to make things easier but these games are very different and that there are a lot of pokemon that are only available in the post game there's definitely a lot to talk about but we'll cover each topic when the time comes so before you start the run it's best to set your ds's clock to a specific month in the year in these games seasons change different parts of the terrain in the overworld and it's best to set the time to any of the winter seasons i chose to play this game on my birthday but you can also play in the month of april or august and have the same effect after completing all the intro stuff our story begins in new vemma town when professor juniper drops off a package at our home we meet up with our soon to be rivals sharon and bianca and we're immediately able to choose our starter from the box on our desk because we only have two games for now we're forced to not use one of the three choices although you all really seem to love snivy superior is arguably one of the worst starters in the entire series solely because of its base stats it has a measly 75 attack and special attack compared to emboars 123 and 100 so it would be the hardest to use in this type of challenge i ended up choosing tepeg in black and oshawott in white just like the other videos we're not going to add these to the total until they've reached their fully evolved forms after picking our new companions bianca and sharon challenge us to a battle and we proceed to destroy our entire home we head downstairs and talk to our mother who gives us the cross transceiver and lets us head out to begin our journey after witnessing one of those awkward fights that your friend's parents have when you stay over we head to the research lab to meet professor juniper and receive the pokedex and she instructs that we should meet her on route 1 to learn how to catch pokemon she gives us some pokeballs to start and we're going to immediately put them to good use on this route black catches lillipup and in white we catch pat rat at the end of this route is a cumulator where we meet juniper again and she walks us through some more tutorial stuff upon leaving the pokemon center we join a crowd and listen to a guy who definitely doesn't look like they're important to the story at all when everyone leaves we meet a guy named n and are challenged to prove our love for our pokemon now it's time for a pop quiz what is n's real name is it a nick b nintendrew or c natural harmonia gropius i really wish i was kidding after defeating him we head to route 2 where our mom allows us to run and we battle bianca before eventually reaching striketon city home of our first gym leader before we start collecting any badges we're going to head east of here and enter the dream yard although we have to come back here soon if we take care of all the trainers we can talk to this woman at the end and she'll give us a pokemon that will help counter a upcoming battle in black we receive pan sage and white receives pan sear bringing the total to 4 pokemon heading into the trainer school we can defeat sharon again and head into our first gym this gym is very unique and that the leader you face always has the type advantage over your starter normally this would be a very big issue but because we have our guests from the dream yard this is a relatively easy fight after obtaining the badge and leaving the gym we're greeted by professor fennel she brings us to our lab and requests that we go to the dream yard to get her some dream mess to power her device that hasn't been online since 2013. we received the hm for cot and progressed to meet up with bianca to find what she's looking for we find amuna in the building as well as team plasma who use a very questionable strategy to get the dream miss we're looking for after defeating the grunts we find out the mysterious man's name is getsis and they all leave the scene we head back to fennel's lab and she gives us the sea gear which will be completely useless for the entire rest of the playthrough while black is heading to route 3 white is going to head to the dream yard one more time to catch muna as well as purloin on the following route black takes on charon and after the battle we find out that the grunts stole a little girl's pokemon we both head into the cave and clear at the grunts which allows us to continue to the rest of the story before we leave black caught 2 wubat and rogenrolla white quickly catches up and catches pit of before reaching the korean city with sharon before we take on more of the story if we go to the house on the left of the pokemon center we can grab some x items to help with our story as well as obtain the mystic water from the girl in the house over heading into the museum we're confronted by mr long name and have a pretty tough fight before receiving a tour inside the building in the far back is the entrance to the next gym which is going to be the first big roadblock for each game this gym is difficult no matter which starter you choose and that's mostly because it's built around the move workup which boosts your attack and special attack by one stage at this point in the game offensive boosting moves are pretty overpowered as you really don't have any options to counter it other than x items pig knight has the ability to learn the tm but white stuart has to really rely on luck to get through this easily funny enough it went the exact opposite as it only took me two tries to beat lenora while we wait for black to catch up let's take on more of the story after we receive the badge lenora's husband tells us that something is going on in the museum when we exit the gym we watch team plasma steal an entire dragonite head in 3 seconds which is pretty impressive considering that a live dragonite weighs almost 500 pounds we then head outside and meet our next gym leader berg who wants us to help him chase them down on the next route which leads to pinwheel forest this location contains a lot of trainers as well as a lot of pokemon that we have to obtain this is also our first encounter with a brand new mechanic to the series interactable spots if you walk around enough a patch of grass will start shaking which implies a special pokemon is hiding in the grass if you go to one we can catch autuno as well as catch two petal lil and sawatl on the regular grass bring the total to 12 pokemon at the end of the forest we find the grunt and he hands over the skull which we then give to lenora to return the museum in turn she gives us a moonstone that we'll put to good use later from here we can head north to the sky arrow bridge and take a nice stroll to castillia city at this point black is still deep in the forest but we did manage to catch tin pool outside of the forest as well as venipede cottony and whimsicott in the shaking grass which is pretty crazy to find in the wild upon reaching castelia city if we head to the first pier we can talk to this man who can give us a really useful item he gives us a stone depending on the pokemon we said we got from the woman in the dream yard this gives us a firestone that we can use to evolve another one later our next task requires us to go to burke's gym but we can't take him on just yet when we get there he tells us that he wants to meet us at the pier and we then find out that the grunts stole bianca's muna after tracking him down from across the gym we meet up with gatsas and the sages again and they give her pokemon back and protest more about liberating pokemon from here we can take on the gym which is oddly enough a pretty difficult gym for this game although this is a bug type gem a majority of the pokemon here are dual typed with grass so you definitely need to be prepared for this one black on the other hand is going to have a super easy time with this which gives a solid opportunity to catch up i grabbed the leaf stone from the man on the pier and proceeded to sweep through berg's team without a problem as we're exiting the gym we receive a call from bianca offering to give us some free xp at the route 4 gate after destroying our team we can head to route 4 to catch sandile and scraggy before taking on sharon and doing the same thing once we reach the gate on the other end of the route we meet up with professor juniper again who gives us some ultra balls to help with the rest of our journey on the other side of this gate we reached in boston city where we're immediately greeted with an event we catch some grunts harassing this old man and once we defeat all of them we're given a bike to get around the world a lot faster by this point in the run you should have a decent amount of money saved up which is super important for the rest of the run if you go into the pokemon center we can buy the tm for return which increases in power the higher the pokemon's happiness is considering that we're taking our starters through every battle this can help counter almost all the pokemon that we normally have trouble with it's also important to grab the sooth bell in the house above the pokemon center to make one of our future evolutions a lot more manageable if we head towards the east side of the city we'll have another encounter with n he basically forces us to go on an awkward ride on the ferris wheel and then after we have to challenge him like we usually do this is where i mess up now normally this battle is extremely easy especially for pig night but luck was definitely not on my side for this section i somehow didn't knock out a scraggy in one hit so he ran through the rest of my team when you lose this you have to do the whole cutscene over again i ended up losing to him twice because of a critical hit from a sigoleth's air cutter so we're going to focus on white for a little while before we reach an embossed city we finished off route 4 by catching dara maka as well as made sure to purchase the tm for return again after a normal battle with n we can immediately take on one of the hardest gyms for this game elise's gym this is the final roadblock for this game and it's for quite a lot of reasons the most obvious issue is that this gym is based around electric type pokemon almost every hit does at least half health so you either need to have a bunch of money or you need to go and heal after every few battles to add to that almost all the trainers of the gym are unavoidable and they either have thunder wave or the ability static so it's almost impossible to get through this without using at least a few paralyzed heels taking on elisa is a whole nother animal she has two amoga and some strika all of which are faster and have the move volt switch this move allows you to attack and then immediately switch out to another pokemon in your party this makes it impossible to use x items so the only way you can pull this off is if you knock out the rest of your team and only switch into duat when it's safe we both only had one pokemon and i risked it on a chance that her volt switch would get a low roll i lived on 2 hp it's almost impossible to win this on your first try but personally i was able to get the badge on the second after leaving the gym we meet up with bianca and pretend to care about costumes for three minutes before going outside to i'm sorry this music just gets me every time from here we can head west to battle cheren as well as me alder who wants us both to show our strength by teaming up to defeat children elise offered to lower the drawbridge at the end of the route for us but before we do that we have to grab a few pokemon on this route on route 5 we can catch two mincino trubish and solasis before catching ducklit on the driftwood drawbridge at the end we reach the east side of driftville city where we meet the next gym leader clay that needs us to help him with team plasma and the sages who are apparently in the cold storage in the southern section of the city before we enter the building we can catch timber bringing the total to 24 pokemon after sliding through a bunch of ice patches we reach the storage unit they're in and oh maybe we should check on black in the meantime at this point black defeated elisa and we made our way to route 5 to catch gothida and lypard before catching vanillite in the cold storage after clearing out team plasma we head to clay's gym to see that getz has freed all the grunts that we just captured once they all disappear clay offers to let us take on his gym which is probably the most scary gym for this game his gym focuses on ground type pokemon which is an immediate problem because we're weak to that typing but our starter is also very slow which means that most of our opponents here are going to move first after knocking out clay's croco rock i set up on his palpato which is a hundred percent necessary to get through this his ace is extra drill which is both fast and stupidly powerful i don't think it's possible to do this without x items at this level but fortunately i was able to beat this on my first try after the battle we received the badge but our pig knight also evolved into emboar right after this we're challenged by bianca on the route's edge and after defeating her for the 26th time we're given the hm for fly this isn't really necessary to have at the moment but we'll put to good use soon route 6 is a pretty short route as you can skip literally every trainer here but it's important to grab 2 karat blasts before leaving the area at the end of the route we reach what seems to be a dead end but clay uses his croc rock to let us access charge stone cave inside we find n as well as meet his ninja servants also known as the shadow triad as we follow him through the cave we meet up with bianca and professor juniper who give us a lucky egg which doubles the experience that you get per battle this is super helpful because we really don't need to hold the charcoal at this point and with this we can level up a lot faster for our starters as well as the pokemon that we have to grind later on after this i quickly caught two joltik bringing us to an even 30 pokemon as you probably expected white is still pretty far ahead but we're actually both in the charge stone cave at this point after battling bianca our duat evolved in the samurot and we managed to catch deerling on route 6 and also collected a shiny stone before entering the cave while i was fighting off all the grunts in the lower floors i managed to catch three clink two pharaoh seed and dynamo which is normally a two percent encounter but if you go to the lowest floor it's increased to eight percent i made sure to grab the thunderstorm between all the grunts and upon reaching the exit we find end on our challenge to another battle after the battle he takes out his anger on professor juniper and then heads through the exit this path leads us into stralton city where he meets cedric who is professor juniper's dad and skyler the mistralton city gym leader she asks us for help with celestic tower at the end of the next round which is another opportunity to add more pokemon to our total after skipping everything on the route we reached a tower and catch elgin as well as litwick i made sure to catch one with the ability flame body which will help speed up the breeding process later on once we run through a few trainers we reach the top of the tower with skyla and then ring the bell she suggests that we should take on our gym which is around the time that black is heading up to the top of the tower i made sure to grab another 3 litwick here before ringing the bell and also heading to take on skyla her gym is centered around flying type pokemon which you'd think would be pretty tough considering our typing but like i said earlier the hard sections of the game are pretty much all in the first half of the story having access to return in flamethrower on embroider made this gem a breeze on top of using a couple x items after claiming the badge we meet n outside and head north again to progress to the next town on route 7 we can grab some strika and kupchu before taking on sharon at the end of the round after the fight we watch alder make an extremely inhuman jump for a 50 year old and then give us a hm for surf just like a lot of the other hms in this game this really doesn't have any use in the main story but at least we can teach just a samurai for some powerful stab right above here is the entrance to twist mountain normally this mountain has a bunch of different levels that you have to traverse through to make it to the exit but because we set the game to the winter season we can skip all of it i'm not exactly sure how much time this saves but you pass about 10 potential trainers so i'm sure you're turning a 20 minute trip into about a minute and a half before we exit the area we're going to catch two boulder and drilbur through the dust clouds right before white enters the mountain we caught watch hog before following the same path to the exit i forgot to mention that the center of the mountain also has a rare candy which is always a welcome addition to our bag after we exit the mountain we talk to cedric again and reach icarus city there are a bunch of things that we have to do here but the most important thing for now is to take on the gym bryson is the ice type leader in these games and his gym is just as easy as the rest of the ice type gym leaders the layout for this area is pretty straightforward but there is one weird thing that i want to know for some reason this rock doesn't have any collision data so you can pass right through it this lets you skip a trainer so technically it's a glitch but i figured that we were on the same page that an actual glitch that would break the rules would be a lot more impactful than letting you just skip a trainer after destroying his team we received the seventh badge and meet up with sharon and bianca outside bryson comes outside and does some kind of sixth sense thing and the shadow triad appears they mention that they're going to the dragon spiral tower north of here where their plans will be completed before we head inside we're going to hunt in the snow above the gym and catch sawsbuck before talking to cedric and bianca and going inside [Music] on the bottom floor of the tower we can catch two golett and dread again before starting to fight off the hordes of team plasma members [Music] look guys i get you're into the whole hugging thing but i'm not the one black is slightly behind as we also had to stop on top of the gym to catch myeonfoo to vanillish and beartick after clearing through all the grunts we reach the top and find out that n has successfully summoned the legendary pokemon and we meet up with alder who says he's heading to the relic castle to stop them from finalizing their plans from here we fly in in bosto city and head back to route 4 to enter the desert resort we can skip this whole section for the time being and enter the relic castle to hunt down team plasma if we talk to this person we can receive the plume fossil which we'll revive later on as we progress through the floors we can catch the mask kapha gregas and crocoroc this brings us to roughly one third of all the unifo pokemon yikes as white heads to the relic castle we're able to catch maractus and obtain the cover fossil before dropping down to confront guesses with alder and charon he tells us that it's already too late to stop n so we exit the area to work on our game plan as we're leaving the castle professor juniper screams in our ear that she wants us to meet her in the crane city with everyone else upon arriving there we're entrusted with the dark stone that contains the other legendary pokemon we all then realize that we have no idea how to get him out of the stone but all there suggests that the gym leader of appaloosa city might be able to help us from here we flew to icarus city and because it's winter we can skip all the encounters and trainers on route 8. at the end of the route we can take on bianca and show her that she's really as bad as she thinks she is after this we head to the bridge and confronted by gets us in the shadow triad and he spits his usual evil stuff before saying that he's also heading to oppalucid city after skipping through route 9 we reached the city and meet up with alder to watch gatsas's ted talk on releasing pokemon when the crowd disappears we meet up with drayden and iris who are the two gym leaders of appaloosa city they bring us to their house and tell us the story of the two legendary pokemon and then challenge us to take on the final gym of the region this gym is focused around dragon type pokemon and this really isn't as difficult as you'd think it is however by far the longest one as you can't skip any of the trainers and the dragon animations take forever but having access to return on both pokemon makes us a breeze after defeating iris and white we're given the final badge and can finally take on the pokemon league as we're exiting the building we meet up with professor juniper who congratulates us on somehow conquering the region in like five hours and then gives us the master ball as usual this will be extremely useful later on heading north of the city we reach route 10. here we can catch fungus and throw before taking on sharon at the end of the bridge to determine who will fight n at the pokemon league after mopping his team we can head through the gates and catch rufflet before heading into victory road compared to a lot of the other games this area is actually really easy to traverse but we're going to stay here for a bit to catch durant inside as well as heat more and to fracture outside this brings a total to 58 pokemon after black defeats drayden and claims the final badge we also received the master ball and head to route 10 to catch most of the pokemon that white didn't here we can catch bouffalon sock vullaby and two hertier it's also important to grab the dust stone from the man nearly dark grass for a later revolution when we reach victory road we take a decent amount of time to catch three dino and excadrill yeah that's gonna be a fun one by the time we reach the entrance to the pokemon league at the top of the mountain white has already beat all the elite four members because our samurai is such a high level at this point it's almost impossible to lose if you make the right plays the hardest member by far is chantal pokemon like jealousy completely wall samurai and we literally have to spam not effective moves until they finally knock out once all the members are defeated we can head up to the stairs the champions hall to take on n when we get there though we find out that alder lost to him making end the champion of the region he then on command mind you makes an entire mansion rise out of the ground and surround the entire pokemon league with stairs connecting to the building not exactly the best design choice in my opinion but i'd like his creativity he then escapes into his castle and now it's our chance to take him on once we climb to the top floor we meet up with gatsas who tells us that their plans of delivering all the pokemon are in effect when we head inside we confront end and he summons reshiram and proves that he really doesn't care too much about what this place looks like suddenly the dark stone in our pocket opens up and we somehow summon the other legendary pokemon zekrom now is our opportunity to take him on ever since generation 4 the box legendaries for each game have been progressively easier to catch and these two aren't exempt from that its catch rate is so high that you almost have a 12 percent chance to catch it at full health with a pokeball i feel like this kind of eliminates the legendary aspect of it but after four dust balls we were able to add it to the total now that we each have a legendary pokemon and challenges us to our final battle this is actually a pretty tough fight because of how diverse his team is but if you use the legendary you get you can knock out a couple members of his team before having your starters sweep the rest after defeating him getz arrives and disowns zen but also reveals that the liberation thing was just a trick and he only wanted that so he could be unstoppable and rule the region with just his pokemon he challenges us to an even more difficult battle and we get to enjoy the most intense music out of the entire game after we defeat him we're basically done with the main story alder and sharon take gets us away and we have a heart-to-heart talk with anne about our love for pokemon he sends out his pokemon and then rockets off into the sunset from here we're ready to take on the massive post game but before we do that let's finish off black's side of the game after defeating all the elite 4 members we follow the same path and summon the opposite pokemon for this game reshiram after throwing a single duskball we've captured a total of 66 pokemon but there are many many more that we have to collect in the post game if you didn't know the main story pretty much only covers the left side of the region which leaves us with the other side as well as some other little extensions we have to run through to obtain the rest if you also haven't noticed at this point in the game it's rolled over to night time which i plan to make catching pokemon a lot easier this is definitely the most optimal way to do this but it's still not an easy task when we start the game again we're back in our bedroom and we meet up with our mom and looker who tells us about some side quests that we're definitely not going to take part in we have a quick chat with sharon and bianca before we're completely free to roam the region as we please the first thing we're going to do is catch all the pokemon that i missed on my way through the story on route 3 we can catch blitzel in the pinwheel forest we can catch pampore in the shaking grass but i also managed to catch another pan sage which helps save a ton of time later on heading back to twist mountain we can grab cryogenol who is normally a one percent encounter but if it's winter it's boosted to five percent this is actually the last thing you get as a benefit from the winter season so we need to change it to any other season than this one to collect more pokemon heading north of icarus city we can catch two palpatoed and stunfisk before heading back to the pinwheel forest to catch two whirlpee in the new extension this brings a total to 72 pokemon now let's check out the newer routes if we head all the way back to route 1 we can serve west of here and catch masculine but we also have access to route 18 and 19 past the gate in the water we can catch two frilish and alamomola before going to the top of this cliff to receive a special pokemon the ranger in this building here will give us an egg which saves us a decent amount of time than actually breeding for it if we maneuver around the current we can reach a special grass area where we can finish off the pokemon for this area between the dark and regular grass we can catch another scraggy crustal and dwell before heading to driftville city to collect a waterstone for later at this point i realized that i missed another pokemon so i went back to route 9 to catch two gotharita which pretty much completes all the left side of the region the only two pokemon that this game has to worry about on the opposite side is mandibuzz on route 11 and mian xiao on route 14. our last new location is going to be all the way back at the relic castle if you entered the doorway next to where we previously spoke with getsus we can enter a small maze of the relic castle after we meet one of the sages we can enter the small room and encounter volcarona this is another one of those not legendary legendary pokemon so as long as you can live a couple attacks from a level 70 pokemon this shouldn't be too tough to take on after leaving the maze i managed to catch another high-level crocoroc but at this point i realized that i'm running really short on time i decided to add a couple more tasks to the other version but we'll talk more about that later after this we can head to route 7 and see if there's a huge storm going on in this house we can meet a woman who tells us about a pokemon that's causing the big storm and after we leave we come to face to face with it tornados is one of the roaming pokemon for this region and although we don't have a radar to find them like you could in gen 4 they're actually pretty easy to find if you read the message board and the route skates they'll tell you exactly what route the pokemon is on sometimes they move by the time that you get there but if you do the classic trick where you go in and out of the routes you'll eventually find it in the area because we still have our master ball we can quickly add tornados to the total our final stop is going to be the giant chasm the only reason that this game goes here is to catch a ditto for breeding but we'll come back to the area later to finish it off before we do this next part it's important to go into korean cities museum and revive the fossil that we received to get archin the breeding section for this game is relatively short as we ended up catching some of the pokemon that we needed to breed on our way here after biking around for quite a bit our eggs hatch into another archen tepig our second pan pour and the egg we received on route 18 turned into larvesta all we have to do from here is grind out the rest so let's check out the post game for white after going through the same dialogue in new verma town we begin covering the pokemon that we missed by going to the dream yard to catch another muna imoga on route 6 garbador and 2 duosian on route 9 and a mungus on route 10 before changing the season to autumn to collect the rest this makes it possible to catch two shellmet on route 8 and 2 tranquil at the dragon spiral tower we also head to the extension on the pinwheel forest to get to swat loon as well as 2 girder on the twist mountain our last repeated location is going to be at the desert resort in the sand we can catch segaliff before reaching the relic castle and meet up with professor juniper she mentions that the statues we're surrounded by are actually pokemon and she gives us a rage candy bar to wake one of them up this helps add darmanitan to the total bringing the count to 95 pokemon before we can grab the new rail pokemon it's important to grab the hm for waterfall on route 19 as both games can't access a version exclusive without it if we had east of an imbasa city we can eventually reach the marvelous bridge this is a great place to grind out feathers for money but it's also the only location where you can catch swanna after reaching the white forest we went east to oppalucid to route 15. in the dark grass we can catch braviari and bisharp who was a 5 encounter i imagine i was going to have to level up to get one but i managed to find one in under 5 minutes because of this i went back to route 9 to catch its pre-evolution pony yard bringing the toll to 99 pokemon after this i caught bkm on route 14 before following the path to miss strawton cave for some special events in here we can catch axio on any floor but if we reach the top floor we'll meet an old man who tells us his journey to hunt down the legendary trio for this region he says that he found one of them hidden in this cave and being the people that we are we're going to steal all of his hard work and take it for ourselves the first one we meet is kobaleon this pokemon is as difficult to catch as the rest of the legendaries in these games but because of all the dust balls we have roughly a 10 chance on every throw after a couple minutes we can add it to our party the old man talks to us after and says that the rest of the trio is probably waiting for us somewhere so let's just ruin his entire career and take them on too if we fly the pokemon league and take the left path in victory road we can catch tarakion and in the deepest part of the pinwheel forest extension we can catch varision i wish i had more to say here but this took me all 15 minutes to do so there really isn't a lot that's challenging about this the last pokemon that we have to collect for now is going to be the roamer for this game after going through routes for only a minute we're able to find thunderous and use our final master ball to finish off this section [Music] now it's time to breed some pokemon at this point you probably realized wait a second you only have two of the starters and you're right because there are only two games in the series we're going to just have to trade over another one from a fresh save file this is gonna be a trend for pretty much all the future videos for this series but we did the same thing about four times in generation one so it's really not anything out of the ordinary because we weren't very lucky with encountering a couple pokemon throughout the main story the breeding section took a little bit longer than i would have liked obviously before this i revived the cover fossil to get tertuga but with the eggs i was able to get two more snivy two more oshawa pan sear another tertuga and two more dynamo bringing the total to 108 pokemon before we hop into all the grinding we're going to take care of those little extra things i mentioned earlier if we head all the way back to the giant chasm where we caught ditto there's a giant forest maze that we can go through in the center is a small pond and when we get near it we hear a cry and the area becomes completely covered in snow if we go to the back of the snow area we can enter the small cavern and take on the legendary pokemon kiram this one took the longest out of all the legendaries but after only five minutes we can add this one to the total the final pokemon that we need to get requires a little bit of work from both games if we trade the tornados from black and put thundurus in the party with us we can unlock the final event on rail 14 there's a large waterfall that lets us access an area called the abundant shrine in the far back there are a group of kids talking about how there are stories of a legendary pokemon in this area we then proceed to do a magic trick and landorus falls down from the sky this is by far the most challenging pokemon that we have to catch as this is the highest level wild pokemon and it also has the same catch rate as the rest of the legendaries in this game after chucking a few dust balls we can obtain the final pokemon which brings our total to 110 pokemon now it's time to grind out our catches after knocking out about 1500 audino we were able to evolve tepig to pig knight herdier to stoutland palpitoe to seismatode to scolipede frilish to jealousyn scraggydysgrafty crocoroctor crocodile arch into archaeops gotharia the gothitel vanillas to vanillex joltik to galvantula 2 litwick to lampan two dino des willis and zwilis to hydragon as with the other evolutions i evolved lamp into chandelure with the firestone pam poured a semi-pour with the water stone pan sage to semi sage with the leaf stone and wubat to swoobat through friendship this brings a total to 128 pokemon as for white version i evolved to snivy to cervine cervinda superior oshawa to duwat tranquil the unpheasant tortuga duosian to reuniculus pharisee to ferrothorn to clink into clang clang in the cling clang two dynamo into electric fracture to haxaris and goulet into golurk for the other evolutions i evolved muna to musharna with the moonstone pants here to simiseer with the firestone mincino to sinchino with the shiny stone pedal little to liligant with the sunstone electric to electros for the thunderstone and swadloon to liavanny through friendship to finish our decks we can trade girder and boldore to get konkelder and gigolith as well as trade shelmet and keroblast at the same time to get a selgore and a scavalier this brings a total to 150 pokemon as well as all the main pokemon that are available in the universe region but there are technically still a couple more that we can get just like generation 4 there are quite a few event-only pokemon that we can collect if we head to the pokemon transfer lab we can bring over some special event pokemon from generation 4 which have additional features in the post game of black and white i used an actual event cartridge that i bought so i could get these events and one of these is actually an unreleased event i made a video on this a while back so if you want to learn more about how i did this there's a link in the top right corner that you can check out after the video after transferring over a celebi and a shiny sweet we can take care of two very special pokemon if we take celebi to castelia city we can enter this building and see two people talking if we talk to the girl she'll explain that the boy doesn't want to be talked to but celebi will break out of the pokeball and interact with the person the boy ends up turning into the pokemon zoroa and we can add it to our party i'm still a little concerned about how unphased this girl was that she wasn't even talking to a person after this we can head east of nimbasa city to get to route 16 and if we go north of here we can access a small area called the lost lauren forest when we walk into the clearing we'll find a camper as well as a woman who then proceeds to attack us who came up with these events the woman then becomes a raikou and then after damaging it it shows its true identity zoroark after quickly capturing it the area completely changes and a man tells us the pokemon made an illusion for the entire area this brings a total to 152 pokemon the final few pokemon require a lot more effort if you remember at the end of generation 4 i used a dns exploit to grab the last mythical pokemon that we need this method also works in this generation which means that we can obtain the events for keldeo and melowetta but janusex seems to be the only pokemon that's unobtainable i did some research and found out that it was only available in stores for the game sequels and i believe that the server that runs this doesn't have access to any of the wi-fi events that used to be available i could have just been unlucky but i spent about 30 minutes searching for it so i think it's just not obtainable at this time the last thing that we can get from this is an event item the library pass if you pick up the item from the pokemon center and head to the far left pier of castilia city we can take a boat to liberty garden this area contains a bunch of tourists but it also has the remnants of team plasma which is super funny once you actually beat the game because this event was primarily designed to be unlocked right when you got to castilia city after letting them know that their group doesn't really exist anymore we can head into the bottom of the lighthouse and battle the mythical pokemon victini although it's only level 15 it has the same catch rate as legendary so it definitely took quite a bit to add it to our team with this we've captured 155 pokemon as well as pretty much every regional pokemon that's available in pokemon black and white but how did i do so let's review if you weren't paying attention to the post half of the game it's pretty obvious that this was an extremely tough challenge the amount of preparation that went into making this video happen was actually worse than generation 4 and that's entirely because of the amount of things you have to go out of your way to get to make this easier in the long run in pokemon white i finished with a time of 11 hours and 55 minutes i actually finished at around 11 35 but because i had to help out with kirum and landorus i just barely completed it obviously the events took an additional 30-ish minutes of in-game time but i never counted those because you're not really intended to get them after the servers were shut down it took me about 4 tries to get this run down and i'm pretty proud of it oshawan has a pretty rough time in the beginning but i lucked out through pretty much all the gym leaders and now for the disappointing part in pokemon black i finished with a time of 12 hours and 53 minutes which means i failed the challenge a lot of you might be disappointed or upset that i wasn't able to complete this in 24 hours but let me explain why for the people that don't understand there is no denying that this is by far the hardest game to take on generation 4's games were definitely hard too but the only thing that really made it difficult were the honey trees getting to that point takes only about 3-4 hours where in this game it takes minimum 5 hours to just beat the story between both games there were roughly 30 pokemon that had to be evolved and considering that 10 of them took more than 30 to 45 minutes to do it adds up very quickly no matter how fast you run through the game i know some of you might mention that i could have used past powers to increase the amount of experience i got in battles but those powers don't last very long and it would probably take longer to get enough passwords to complete that i reached the grinding section of black four times and no matter how quickly i finished the main story there were just wasn't enough time to take care of everything evolving dino to hydragon took 45 minutes in itself so hopefully that paints a little bit of a picture of the post game it took about five hours to evolve all the pokemon so black only had about two hours to take care of all the pre-grinding post game that sounds like a decent amount of time but you'd have to know this game on an active speed owner level to finish it in time all things considered though i think this really isn't a terrible run nobody wants to admit they can't do something and i'm extremely stubborn about those things but hopefully you can all understand where i'm coming from on the upside there is a sequel to this game and a lot of the pokemon i grinded are catchable in the wild so i promise that i will redeem myself when the time comes other than that that's all there is to say about catching every pokemon in black and white and that's going to do for today's video if you liked the video leave a like and consider subscribing as we'll be uploading more videos like these very soon if you have any suggestions for videos that you'd like to see leave a comment below follow me on twitter to keep updated with new videos as they come out other than that like thank you all for watching and i'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 1,660,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, Pokemon Black and White, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, catching every pokemon in black and white, johnstone, johnstone pokemon, how to catch every pokemon in black and white, catch em all pokemon, catch em all gen 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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