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[Music] what is going on guys my name is John and welcome back to yet another video ever since I uploaded the first Professor Oak video at the beginning of this year you've all shown an insane amount of support on each video and continuously asked me to keep going through generations just like I do with the catch from all videos gold and silver was quite a mess of a challenge but I think it's time to take on the next generation today we're gonna find out how easily you can complete Professor Oak's challenge in pokemon ruby and sapphire so if you have no ideas of what I'm talking about I've linked the last two videos I've done in the top right of your screen I suggest watching one of these videos because you'll better understand this but like always I'll go over the very simple but difficult rules the first rules that we have to catch every pokemon that's obtainable before each badge the only other rule is that glitches can't be used it sounds pretty easy but you'll see how difficult this can really be so with that out of the way let's just jump right into it now if you've seen the gold and silver Professor Oak challenge this is nothing in comparison I'm pretty sure I said last time that those games are probably the second hardest out of the entire series and this generation isn't nearly as bad don't get that confused to me saying this is easy though pokemon ruby and sapphire added a bunch of new mechanics and concepts to the series and while some make the challenge easier there are quite a few that make this a whole lot more difficult so just like any other pokemon game we have to pick our name and escape the back of the truck that our mom was so nice to leave us in after taking care of the standard story intro stuff the first big thing that we have to do is collect our starter unlike the last two generations it really doesn't matter too much as to who you pick as all three starter lines have to be at level 36 to reach their final evolutions type effectiveness really won't speed up this process a whole lot so although Blaziken seems like the easiest choice once you get to a high enough level everyone has an easy time because I've used Treecko the least out of all my personal playthroughs I decided to use him through this challenge after saving professor birch from Poochyena he suggests that we should go embarrass his family a little more by defeating his daughter may this battle gives out a pretty solid amount of XP which is much needed in a challenge like this after we head back to littleroot town and meet back at the lab the professor gives us the Pokedex which means we can finally begin our journey to catching them all arrival give us some pokeballs as well which we can put to use right now route 101 is home to many lower level Pokemon but the only one we're going to get right now is the one we fought earlier Poochyena the other Pokemon here are available at higher levels so we'll grab those in a bit heading north of Odell town will reach route 103 where we can get wind gull as well as five Zigzagoon I know what you're thinking why would you ever need five Zigzagoon it only evolves once and while that may be true we're a lot more interested in its ability than anything else the pickup ability gives a pokemon a ten percent chance of getting an item after winning a battle and all Zigzagoon have that ability in this generation with this we can get stuff like super potions nuggets revives and if we're lucky rare candies unlike emerald and onwards pick up isn't determined by level most of the games require you to be around at least level 21 before you can get one so all we have to do is just catch them and we're good to go after getting more pokeballs from the Mart we head to route 102 to take care of a first task this route contains lotad and two really low encounter Pokemon Ralts and surskit with 4% and 1% encounter rates these can take quite a while to find so I spend a little bit of time grinding until each of them showed up it only took about 15 minutes to find both of them so with that we're we're now at 7 pokemon i don't select to note that seedot can be caught here in Ruby which means that entire line will be unobtainable in this playthrough after skipping most of the trainers on this route we head to petalburg city to meet our dad and help Wally catch a Ralts for himself heading west from here we reach to route 104 to catch Taillow and then head to the pedalboard woods to catch a big portion of Pokemon for this section here we can catch Wurmple Shroomish and slack off which was per usual really annoying to encounter although having access to silcoon and cascoon in this area sounds like a sweet deal they only know harden so we have to get a couple Wurmple to ensure that we have the right evolutions after completing the event with the Devon researcher we reach rustboro city although we've reached the first gym we still need to take care of quite a bit before we can take our first step inside heading east of here we can go to route 116 to catch the last Pokemon we need here we can catch Whismur nincada and skiddy bring the total to 14 Pokemon the last Pokemon that we need to obtain for the section is actually a trade if we catch another slakoth we can trade it to get makuhita when you're normally playing through the game this is a completely useless trade because you can essentially get one right after defeating roxanne but due to the nature of this challenge will be one of the very few people in existence that will actually take them up on it with this we've caught every pokemon available before the first gem but we're far from done with the section now we have to take care of all the evolutions for the pokemon we've collected so far once you've managed to defeat all the trainers before Roxanne there aren't any amazing locations for you to level up the large collection of Pokemon you've obtained a majority of the areas have Pokemon around the 4 to 5 level range which from past history is pretty standard but there is one location that goes a little bit farther than that the rest of tunnel contains only Whismur which is oddly the best source of experience at this point at best you can get 77 XP with the lowest being 48 which makes us arguably the best location to get started now looking at a list that seems like it's going to take longer than probably every other game that we've taken on but you'd be surprised so easily this can actually be because the logical thing to do in this challenge is to grind out one Pokemon at a time I always have those 5 Zigzagoon in my party and check for rare candies after every battle after every battle victory there's a 10% chance to get an item because you have a 10% chance to get a rare candy this means you have a 1% chance to get one after every Whismur we knock out this doesn't sound very good but you also to consider that we have 5 in the party at all times so your chances aren't exactly 5% but it's still pretty good to get them so with that info out of the way going from easiest to hardest our first Pokemon is going to be warm poll because they're roughly one level away from evolving if you get them in the forest we can almost immediately find out if they'll be a silcoon or a cascoon I was very fortunate and got both in the first two Wurmple but even if I had an issue it only takes like two minutes to figure that out after about 10 minutes for each weren't bully volved into silcoon and then into beautifly and ii warp will evolved into cascoon and then into dustox next up is lotad because it's only attacking move is astonished until level 7 I took into a couple battles to help it learn absorb because this also heals this only took about 25 minutes before it evolved into lombre at level 14 because we don't have access to a water stone yet we'll have to finish this line later in the story Poochyena was next and this was also relatively easy to take care of for the majority of the grinding you're forced to use tackle but once you reach level 13 you learn bite which made this a whole lot easier after about 45 minutes Poochyena evolved into mightyena at level 18 the Zigzagoon was slightly harder than this one but because I was able to take advantage of a full six lots of Zigzagoon I was able to sneak in a couple more rare candies throughout the grinding learning headbutt is a really powerful stab at really any point in the game so in a little over an hour Zigzagoon evolved in the Linoone nincada took a decent amount of work mostly because it only learns tackle leech life and fury swipes until it evolves I took it through almost all the battles that were left but I still had to defeat quite a few Whismur before I was finished after about an hour and a half nincada a vault and ninjask but also into shedinja because I had an open slot available in the party this brings the total to 24 pokemon true much gets an immediate stab with absorb and mega drain at level 16 which made the battles go by extremely fast after over an hour and a half Shroomish evolved into Breloom Taillow and surskit took pretty much the same amount of time both of these pokemons start out with pack and bubble respectively and it didn't take too long before they were knocking out Whismur in one head I know you might be thinking there is no way a surskit can do that well I thought the same until I found out that it has 50 base special attack if you don't know that's the same amount that Mudkip has which is wild so after a hair over two hours Taillow evolved into swellow and surskit evolved in a masquerade like the others wind Ghul has acts as a stat move from the start but it also learned stabbed wing attack at level 13 which is a great backup when you're all out of power points on water gun after over two and a half hours window evolved into pelipper now is when things get a lot harder the remaining Pokemon are all unique in their own way as some of them have difficulty evolving not just because of their level Roth is annoying because it initially knows nothing ma cahuita stops listening after a while because it's a trade Pokemon slakoth has the true nobility and the others require leveling almost up to level 40 to finish off this section although normally we'd have to level all these up the zigzag UNS help out with this to the point where we're shaving off tens of hours of work at this point though i didn't have even close to enough to level them all up so I chose the level up all the Pokemon I had laughed until the time from level up started to dramatically increase this way I wasn't wasting my rare candies on easy levels and I was still able to make solid progress the main three Pokemon I really focused on retreat ko whismur and Ralts once it learned confusion in comparison these are essentially the easiest to level up on their own so I brought both of them up to level 30 and I brought well it's up to 15 because it takes a lot longer to level up than the others because of its experience Group aside from the constant early level healing they all went pretty smoothly if you haven't noticed once you get to around level 16 or so the whismur go down at one hit and they don't typically deal a ridiculous amount of damage even in the early level grinding Treecko and Whismur took over four hours each to get to level 30 and they obviously evolved in the process with this Treecko evolved into Grovyle and Whismur evolved into Loudred Ralts took about an hour to get to level 15 and by then I had more than enough candies to take care of the remaining Pokemon for this area with this I was able to evolve Grovyle two sceptile roth's to Kirlia Kirlia to Gardevoir Loudred to Exploud slakoth to Vigoroth Vigoroth to slacking and makuhita - Hariyama bringing the total to 37 pokemon as well as the maximum amount of pokemon you can obtain before the first match although the section did take quite a long time because of the sheer mass of Pokemon that had to evolve the rare candy shaved off 30 hours easily so if you happen to be following along the Zigzagoon party is definitely the easiest way to go nothing we're all done with this section it's time to take on the first gym leader in the Hoenn region Roxann it's pretty obvious that this won't be a tough battle because we're a little over level for this gym as well as probably every other one at this point after sweeping your team with a measly man Carine were given the badge and we're also know of the ability to use the HM for cut just like golden silvers challenge we really only beat the first Jim to gain access to more of the storyline so let's see how far we can go and what better way to do that than to immediately have an event in the place we've been grinding for for 20 hours after helping mr. brawny in the Devon researcher get back their belongings we meet the president of the company and receive a letter that we have to deliver as well as the pokénav which can be really useful for later on throughout the challenge from here we can head back through the petalburg woods and meet up with mr. briney again he offers his chauffeur us around to a couple islands which will really help us add to the total our first stop is dewford town well we have some of the storyline to take care of we still have a bunch of little side things that we can do before we take on the next gym leader if we talk to this fisherman he'll give us the old rod which we can start using right away here we can fish for Magikarp antennae cool bringing the total to 39 Pokemon our next stop is the granite cave where we have to deliver the letter to Steven this area contains a large chunk of Pokemon for this section here we can get Geodude on the first floor as well as Zubat abra iran and the version exclusive Sableye as we descend to the bottom of the cave Mawile is the exclusive for ruby which means that we can't catch one at any point throughout the run I know some of you might be wondering where I'm getting all these foci balls for you to remember that the Nuggets have the same chance of appearing a pickup as rare candies do so let's just say that money isn't going to be an issue for this challenge after giving the letter to Steven we can now advance further in the story because Zubat is going to be a bit of a pain because a friendship I sacrificed a Zigzagoon slot to hopefully speed up the process at this point we've done everything on this little island so we just had to level up our caches and face a gym leader right well not exactly if we talk to mr. briney again he can take us back to petalburg or we can even go farther to Slateport City yeah hopefully this explains how large of a section this is before we go to sleep or we're actually going to backtrack to mr. briney Shack and fish and petalburg to catch a Goldeen after grabbing the exp share from the president in rustboro we're ready to sail to Slateport City for the time being this location doesn't offer a ton of stuff that we have to do but there is one important thing that can really help the run if you talk to this person in the pokémon fan club with a Pokemon that really like us they'll give us a sooth Bell which increases friendship on a Pokemon considering that literally almost every Pokemon has to have high if not max friendship from the last section we don't have put any effort into getting this after giving this a Zubat we can head to the dock to speak to doc who then tells us that we have to meet captain stern at the Museum to deliver the goods from earlier we're then attacked by Team Aqua only for them to realize that my team is around three times their level after being scolded by one of like two people with facial hair in this game ready to head up north to catch some more Pokemon on route 110 we can catch Plusle minun Electrike oddish and Gulpin which brings a total to an even 50 pokemon due to their colors and rarity a lot of people assume that Plusle minun our version exclusives but the color that matches your game has an encounter rate of 2% this brings us to probably the most infamous battle in this game battling may normally this is a really challenging battle but for obvious reasons we can quickly move ahead after skipping quite a few trainers will reach mauville city in this area we can collect the HM for rock smash as well as get the Mach bike which will help make the encounters faster than they already are our final catching location is going to be west of here on route 117 you can catch volbeat illumise Roselia and merrill which gives us a new total of 54 Pokemon this route also happens to be the location that we're going to be spending a long time grinding up at the Pokemon that we have left so in comparison the last section we have a lot less Pokemon that we need to level up and thankfully our max XP yield is almost four times as much as the rust or tunnel but that's mostly due to the fact of how open this area is at this point in the game honest route the main Pokemon you want to fight a Roselia volbeat and illumise they get between 280 to 300 experience per battle which is also insanely good because together they take up 49% of all the encounters on this route so as usual let's go over our catches from easiest to hardest although a burr only learns teleport until it evolves there's a huge list of trainers that we skipped at this point including the east side of route 103 that has plenty of trainers to use the exp share on it only took five trainer battles before a burr evolved into Kadabra because we can't trade Pokemon we can't get Alakazam up next is Merrill because Roselia basically walls us I resorted just fighting volbeat and illumise at level 15 it learns rollout which is super effective against both of them after about 20 minutes Merrill evolved into Zoomer L match crap was also a relatively easy pokémon to evolve although I learned tackle at level 15 it's still extremely weak so I exp Sheridan until devolved after about a half an hour it evolved into Gyarados oddish was a little tough because absorb is really its only defense against these Pokemon although poison powder is somewhat a viable option I chose to battle up mostly Merrill for less trips to the Pokemon Center after 45 minutes oddish evolved into gloom we don't have access to a leaf or a Sun stone yet so we'll come back to finish those lines out of all the Pokemon Zubat has arguably the worst moveset so while I was using the soothe Bell I switched trained it through pretty much all the story battles until we got to grinding conveniently it learns wing attack one level before it evolves so I was able to finish off that last level alone with the story it took somewhere around an hour to evolve in the goal BAM will come back to finish this one off in a bit Gulpin was also a little difficult to deal with although it gets access to sludge it's really the only viable move it learns until it evolves at level 26 because of getting knocked out in a lot of the initial battles this also took around an hour to evolve into swalot joo dudes training went the same way as Merrill's as i had to avoid Roselia until magnitude started doing enough to knock out having access to rock throw made easy work of volbeat and illumise after a little over an hour and a half Geodude evolved into gravel ER following that was Electrike because it doesn't learn any electric moves until level 20 it took quite a while before the battles really started to speed up after almost two hours Electric evolved into metric now comes a difficult Pokemon so because I knew that I had enough rare candies and not have to finish a lot of the final Pokemon I chose to work on the easiest XP groups Goldeen was definitely the easiest experience wise but it also has PEC when you catch it Rosalia was pretty annoying at the start but as we progressed they became extremely easy to deal with after two and a half hours Goldeen evolved into seeking after all this battling I used a rare candy I farmed to evolve golbat into crobat through friendship the last ones we need to take care of our errand and tentacle although Aran is by far the to level up it can handle battles a lot better because of moves like headbutt and metal claw because the XP payout is pretty solid I actually got pretty far before I could just use rare candies to finish it off during this time Aaron evolved into later on with the rare candies I evolved later on - Aggron and tentacle into Tentacruel this recent old 267 Pokemon and the most you can have with only one badge at this point in the run we have the choice of fighting either dewford or Marvel's gem because the objective during this challenge is to have the most Pokemon with the least amount of badges we're gonna take on Watson because the other Jim only unlocks a hmph or flash after destroying the entire gym with our metal Titan we're given the badge if we can now use the HM for rock smash this allows us to go up north but if we head back to dewford town we can grab one more pokemon in the lower floors of the granite cave there are a bunch of breakable rocks if we're lucky we can encounter nosepass which is the only detour Pokemon that we have to grab heading back on the path we go north of mod Ville where there's a huge list of Pokemon that we have to obtain our first stop is gonna be the fiery path here we can catch Grimer coughing slugma and torkoal which are almost all really high level evolutions after decimating every mandatory battle will reach route 113 to catch Sandshrew Skarmory and spit no wait i already have that pattern spin de right after this we reach fall over town where we can grab a very unneeded nugget and stock up on more items before heading south of here route 114 allows us to catch swablu and the version exclusive Seviper this means that Ruby's exclusive zangoose will also be unobtainable before it reached some actual story content we reach meteor falls and catch another version exclusive lunatone slow rock is exclusive to the other game so once again that won't be included in the total as mansur the center of the falls we meet up again with Team Aqua only for team magma to show up and argue about why water isn't as cool as ground after attaining the meteorite they run off to mount chimney and it's our job to go after them before we do that though we have a couple of things to take care of if we head up here we can grab a moon stone to evolve one of our Pokemon and a bin if you're playing Ruby you can actually take this a step far while Solrock have a five percent chance of holding a Sunstone because they're not available for us we can save a bunch of time and avoid having to spend time doing that this means that Ruby's total b1 higher with bellossom until we're able to get one ourselves after exiting the southern section of meteor Falls we reach route 115 for now there isn't really anything that we can do here but we'll come back to grab a few more Pokemon heading back through the dreaded bruster tunnel we can break the rock to reunite the couple they can't step over a boulder half their size as well let's grab the HM for strength although we're not done catching pokémon it's advised to appoint at least one Pokemon dinner party you need to level up because of how many story battles were about to take on heading back to route 112 we can now go right on the mountain and take the cable car up to the top of mountain chimney after gloating through a few grunts we have to take on Archie this battle gives out a really solid amount of XP so I recommend using the exp share on a Pokemon you think you're going to have the most trouble with after another easy battle the gang clears out of the mountain and we can now head through the jagged pass to finish up our catches in this area we can catch spoink new mole and Machop before going to lavaridge town to get our final Pokemon this old woman will gift us an egg for us to hatch which will be really easy because slug miscibility haves the steps required to hatch them after cycling around for a bit the egg hatch into why not so now that we're done here it's time to level up our caches so after all the progress we've made in both the map and the story you'd assume that we'd have some really great grinding places right well you'd be wrong the best place once again is back on route 117 with all the Roselia volbeat and illumise places like the jagged pass aren't bad locations but they give around 40 XP less than what this route can offer before we get into our grinding we're going to use the moon stone we collected to evolve skiddy to delcatty the first Pokemon that we have to level up is the most recent one why not this Pokemon is like a glorified Magikarp so we have to use the exp share for us to make any progress because there are so quite a few trainers left this is really easy to take care of after about 30 minutes why not evolved into wobbuffet at level 15 sandshrew was also really easy because I had it hold the exp share through every battle up to meteor Falls and in the battles with Team Aqua I also carried it through the remaining trainer battles I had because I only know scratch until it evolves after about an hour of grinding Sandshrew evolved in the sand slash bringing the total to 85 pokemon at first I assumed that Machop is going to be a bit of trouble because almost everything resists fighting moves on that route but since it can learn strength I was able to have a relatively easy time grinding after just under an hour Machop evolved into much oak because we can't trade Machamp is unavailable spike was by far one of the smoothest grinding is out of the session psybeam is super effective against Rosalia and neutral to everything else and psywave is a great backup if you don't feel like going back to the Pokemon Center this one took a little over an hour to evolve into grumpig the rest of the list is really difficult in comparison despite this numerous battles went by really fast although it realistically only gets ember it's all it needs to get the job done in just under two hours numel evolved into camerupt during this grinding session I also managed to finest Chinese Zigzagoon which is probably the worst shiny I could have got on this route new most cooler cousins slugma had just an easy of a time it also gains access to flamethrower as well as rock throw which only has 90 accuracy but it can be a decent backup after a little over two hours slugma evolved in mcCargo because swablu has access to Peck from the get-go it sweeps pretty much everything in this area although only needs to get to level 35 it's in the worst experienced group so this took quite a while after about three hours swablu evolved into Altaria bring the total to 90 pokemon the last two pokemon for this section are Grimer and mach which i intentionally saved for last because of how long they'll take to evolve I was really lucky during this section and managed to get 51 rare candies which is a much better ratio than the previous grinding sessions after using all them I still had some left over which definitely won't go to waste later on this made possible for Grammer to evolve into muck and coughing to evolve into wheezing this means the total 292 Pokemon which is pretty much half of the Hoenn pokedex as well as the most you can have for this section [Music] now they're all finished it's time to take on the gym leader a lavaridge town Flannery this took no time at all concerning that you can skip every single trainer in the gym so after about five minutes we've got ourselves another badge this gym allows us to use the HM strength but that's not exactly why we beat the gym as we're leaving the town our Rawal stops us and gives us the go goggles which allows us to enter the desert on route 111 before we stop there we can go back into the fiery path and move the boulders to grab a fire stone for later this desert contains all the Pokemon that we have to catch for this section so this is by far one of the shortest bits out of the entire challenge here we can catch Cacnea baltoy and trap hinge the last thing we can do here is go up to the top right of the area and pick a fossil just like every other fossil they all evolved at the same level so it really doesn't matter who you pick but in my opinion I would suggest going for an arrhythmia has access to metal claw and water gun for some reason after taking a hike back to rustboro city we can revive our fossil and start grinding in my opinion grinding in the desert is the best option specifically for most of these pokemon for their move type advantages the only real exception here is baltoy but I'll get to that in a bit Cacnea was by far the easiest one to do stabs or did pretty good damage but it also keep its health in order after an hour and a half Cacnea evolved in a Cacturne because baltoy has access to the stabbed psybeam it's able to do really well against Rosalia as well as the rest of route 117 after about two hours Balto evolved into clay doll and rythme is 20 levels to evolve and it's another one of those Pokemon that requires a ton of XP to level up early on water gun isn't stabbed but it does a pretty good job later on throughout its levels after three hours I had enough candy to finish its evolution as well as trapinch completely with this and Ruthie vault into armaldo trap in chi vault into vibe raava and then into Flygon bring the toll to 101 pokemon and the max for this section [Music] so this next section is by far the shortest side of the entire game but that's because we've already done everything we can without having access to serve our dad Norman is the gatekeeper to that HM which means that you be our next gym leader that is if we beat the dewford gym we're not allowed to take him on until we have at least four batches which means that broadly is going to have to be defeated first if you skip this gym in a normal playthrough I'd imagine this would be just as easy as doing it in this challenge the level gap is so high that it's not even slightly challenging to beat him but with this badge we can now take on Norman after showing our dad who the real trainer is we can collect cert from Wally's family and now we're in the real part of the challenge do you remember when i GN review the remasters and said they had too much water I think that phrase perfectly sums up what's about to go down because we can surf we basically have access to just about everywhere before we have to take on the next gym so let's take on the longest portion of this challenge before we move into new areas of the game let's do a little backtracking if we head back to rustboro city and go north we can access all the areas on route 115 that we couldn't surf to before in this area we can catch a female Jigglypuff but we're going to have to put in a little extra work to get ourselves its evolution because you can't buy moon stones in these games our only option is to try and take them from wild Pokemon in the slave port Museum you can get the TM for thief which like a third of the Pokedex can learn I taught it to my weezing but pokemon like muck Altaria Gardevoir and crowbar probably worked just as well loon tone have a 5% chance to have one which is a pretty big pain to deal with I know some people might mention to use the compound eyes ability but it's out of battle effect didn't start working until emerald after about 15 minutes of thieving I managed to get one with this we can evolve Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff since lunatone is the only pokemon that can have a moonstone in these games ruby is unable to get one at any point to finish off this line if we take it to the breeder we can get its pre evolution did it wasn't available in these games so I bred it with my male Breloom and it worked perfectly fine after a little bit of biking the egg hatched into a glee buff whoa Iram mauville city we can take care of a little side mission as well if we talk to Watson he'll give us the key to nuuma Ville on the water in this building we can catch Magnemite and volt tour which will evolve both later on it's also important to grab the thunder stone in here for later too if we serve east of mauville we can talk to this fisherman and receive the good rod which opens up a few more encounters we have to backtrack to get on route 102 we can fish fork or fish route 103 for wailmer route 111 for bar boat and back on route 118 for carvanha the highest level you can catch them is a level 30 which I'd highly suggest doing to save a ridiculous amount of time grinding we then meet up with Sivan again who doesn't really have anything important to say but now we can go to route 119 to catch some new Pokemon here we can get Tropius bring the total to 111 Pokemon our next objective is the weather Institute this is a fairly quick event with Team Aqua but at the end were gifted to Castform which you can't get anywhere else and now is the fun part catching fee bass I feel like I don't really have to explain super in-depth on how annoying this is because most of you know what it takes to find one of these out of all the fishing tiles on this route only six have a chance to have fee bass it can take two minutes or two days to find one it's pretty much entirely chance I went to basically the bottom of the route until I found one which took roughly two hours to do thankfully this isn't a tough Pokemon to catch so we can somewhat easily add this to the total it's evolution is a whole different story we'll get to that later on in the section heading to the bottom of stream we can also grab a leaf stone for later continue on the path to the next city we have to fight a rival again after defeating her were given the H M for fly which really isn't all that useful considering that we've caught about 70% of the map upon reaching for tree city we have yet another gym that we aren't forced to immediately take on to me this game is very similar to Kantos Gym style where basically half of the gym leaders can be defeated out of the order that they're intended to be on route 120 we have an important event to do but before that we have to catch apps all in the grass bring the total to 114 pokemon on the bridge Steven gives us the Devon scope which allows us to enter the gym but we can also immediately catch a kecleon after avoiding as many trainers as we could we reach route 121 here we can catch another gloom for its second evolution but now we have a bunch of things we can do in each direction it doesn't really matter which way you go so I decided to go to the place that I think most people forget exist in these games the Safari Zone this area contains Pokemon in all different sections of the map and some require a specific bike just to reach them starting the entrance we can catch doduo girafarig not - and Pikachu the northern areas are where things get pretty annoying in the northwest section we can surf for a weird-lookin sie doch and catch Rhyhorn but pincer Golduck and dodrio are also 5% encounters here so it's just as annoying to catch as any of the other Safari games finally the northeastern section of the Safari requires you to have the acro bike to hop across a little bridge this location contains phanpy hair cross and za - bring the tool to 127 Pokemon for the most part a lot of the Pokemon here are relatively easy to catch but the lower percentage encounters make this take about two hours before I can get them all after exiting the Safari zone we can head south to mount pyre the entire tower aspect can normally be skeptic as en sense for breeding later on our way up to the top of the outside we can catch shop it meta tight and Vulpix before we watch our cheese steal the wrong or because you forgot what color Kyogre is we're given the other orb and can now move farther into the story before we do that we can catch a couple more Pokemon up here here we can catch Duskull and Chimecho which is a two-percent encounter so best believe I had to sit here for a bit the next event takes place in Slateport which means that we have to walk all the way back there because we can't use fly yet considering that we have to pass through mauville I chose to free it up a couple of Pokemon because they didn't take too long do Pikachu and Merrill are in the ferry group so we can still use the same pokemon from last time to replace ditto with this we can hatch Picchu and Azurill if Merrill is holding the CN sense heading down to the docks again we watch Archie and his grunts steal the submarine and say that they're heading to their hideout at this point we have to walk all the way back to lilycove city and go into the very not hidden hideout the Team Aqua made every Greg can be avoided in this section and the only requirement is to take on the team admin this is also location of the master ball which will obviously be extremely helpful later on so we should be done now right no the barricades that were up in lilycove are now gone because we completed that event which means that we can serve anywhere on the map now this still restricts a few key locations but for the most part we can check out pretty much everything after surfing halfway across the map we reach mossdeep city in Stephens house we can grab the hm4 dive a Sunstone from the Space Center and the super rod from the fishermen before we put this to good use we have one more location we can go to north of Moscow is the shoal cave as many of you know this is a time based event I should have mentioned this earlier but if your cartridge has a dry battery this is one of the timed events that will no longer work until you replace it thankfully I planned ahead on this one but I still had to wait for the tide to go down before I could catch the most important one in the area I still stayed around when the time was high to grab myself a spheal when the area is in low tide you can go and get snow run bring the total to 136 pokemon the last catches for the section are going to be with a super rod every search south of mossdeep will reach Evergrande city's waterfall here we can fish for corsola Luvdisc and a higher level wailmer for later heading west of here we can pass by the uneventful pacifidlog town and fish for horsey and Sharpedo on route 132 lastly all the way back in lilycove city we can fish for Staryu which gives us a total of 141 pokemon now is the time to grind out our list finally we don't have to fight on that breeding route anymore believe it or not although we caught a ton of Pokemon in this section there are actually less Pokemon that we have to evolved in the first section and considering we have quite a few rare candies laying around from the story a good chunk of this should be very easy the first Pokemon we're gonna take care of are the stone evolutions with what we collected we can evolve gloom into vileplume with the leaf stone our second gloom into blossom with the Sun stone Vulpix into ninetails with the fire stone and Pikachu into Raichu with the Thunder stone when it came to grinding I was able to finish off a ton of them really easily with the rare candies because there are one level away from evolving when I caught them with this way lore evolved into way Lord Corphish evolved into crawdaunt Barbeau chi volved in a wish cash and phanpy evolved into the donphan bringing the total to 149 pokémon now let's focus on the more tedious aspect the spot I chose for grinding was the summit of Mount pyre although you can get more XP fishing with a super rod the encounters take too much time so here we can get between 350 to 400 XP and a few the Chimecho can give quite a lot more the easiest by far was horsey any pokemon that could learn surf was given the HM and with the addition of stab swept everything I encountered after a little under 30 minutes horsey evolved in the Sidra the next two were Voltorb and Magnemite both of them get acts as a spark which did a really solid job you can counter them pretty close to evolving so this was also a really easy one to finish after 45 minutes for each volt or evolved into electrode and Magnemite evolved into Magneton Duskull and shepard were pretty interesting to evolve I decided to take advantage of all the battles I missed in the tower just so I could get a little bit of an advantage over the other while Shuppet and Duskull that I had to fight Shep it lacked any good moves over nightshade so I taught at the TM for Shadow Ball which made this a whole lot easier after an hour for each Duskull evolved into dusclops and shopping evolved into banette because meditite was going to have a terrible time on mount pyre I took it to bowel the trainer's that I hadn't taken on yet considering that's about five land routes and all the ocean trainers it evolved long before I finished battling everyone after about an hour meditite evolved into medicham bring the total to 155 Pokemon believe it or not snorunt was actually a really easy Pokemon to level up if you get it at the right level it will no crunch and icy wind as well as ice beam when it hits level 34 having three really good moves decrease the amount of times I had to recline the mountain so this was a pretty smooth ride session for the most part this one took about two hours for snow rod to evolve into Glalie because Fela slower than everything this one took a pretty long time to get done having a roar beam and surf at the start as well as evolving one level after catching it kind of weighed out the bad parts of the grind by the time it reached level 42 I was able to use rare candies to finish the job after two and a half hours feel evolved into sealeo and then into wall rain with the remaining candies I evolved Rhyhorn into ride on which is a huge deal because it didn't really have any access to any good moves our final challenge is evolving feeb ass to be honest it really isn't as bad as you think the hardest part by far is just fishing one up the usual quick strategy for getting Milotic is to talk to the berry masters wife and if use the right coach she'll give you a pam tree berry unfortunately that's a post-game only option but there is still a super easy way to do it if we go back to route 115 where we caught Jigglypuff there should be three kelp sea berry trees if we pick them we can use these evolve it with pokey blocks Pokemon can only be fed 12 pokey blocks and each tree gives out 2 to 6 berries but if you manage to not get them all just replant one and come back to the game when they're ready to harvest if you go to the berry blender in the lilycove contest hall you can make pokéblock side of the berries I ended up only needing 11 before I could evolve it but it never hurts to make extras just in case some nature's dislike specific pokey blocks so I'd make sure to save after making them so you don't mess up too badly but after 10 minutes of blending pheeba evolved into Milotic this brings the total to 160 pokemon as well as the highest amount of pokemon you can have with only 5 badges considering that they're only 200 - pokémon in the Hoenn dex it's pretty ridiculous that you can get this far but we still have quite a few more Pokemon that we can obtain so let's move on to the next section now that we've caught every pokemon available on the land and water in almost every area there must not be much left right believe it or not we still have quite a few more Pokemon to take care of because getting fly from Winona isn't necessary at all we're going to take on Tate and Liza instead once again a super easy gym battle but now with this badge we can use the HM for dive the list of Pokemon you can only get under water is pretty slim and thankfully you can find them all in the same location if you go to route 126 and go underwater we can catch chinchou Clamperl and relicanth which now adds another quest that we can take care of before we start that there is another thing we can do if you go west of mossdeep city we can talk to this guy who will treat us evolution stones in exchange for coloured shards each of the underwater Pokemon have a 5% chance of holding each respective color but the shards are also located above and below the water which is a much faster option in my opinion if we trade the man to blue shards he'll give us two water stones that we need for the Pokemon we caught earlier if you're playing Ruby you'll need a green chard and a blue shard instead with these stones we can involve star you to star me and lombre to Ludicolo now it's time to take care of some special Pokemon if we surf past specific log town again and dive in the spot we can take this long path into a huge cavern if we have relicanth in Wailord place correctly in our party the ground will shake and the sound of three doors will open in the distance this unlocks all the caves to access the three Reggie's kinda if we head back to the desert and use strength in a specific spot a door open and allow us to battle Regirock unlike the catch small videos we have all the time in the world to take this on our team is strong enough to fight against all of them so the only thing we have to worry about is running out of pokeballs after 20 minutes I managed to catch this one the next one we can access is north of dewford town this puzzle requires that you stand still for two minutes well I didn't plan a script for this part so since we've got the time the how about a joke why couldn't the electric pokemon eat any ice cream because he was Zapdos intolerant get it it's funny because Zapdos sounds like you know it sounds like lactose and battling regice was a lot easier than Regirock there is really anything that we can do to drastically improve our chances so I just happened to get lucky on this one after about five minutes I was able to add regice to the total the final pokemon of the trio requires that we have fly to complete the puzzles so we'll have to do that in a later section now that we've avoided the storyline long enough let's finish that up if we had to route 128 and dive under water we can find captain stern stolen submarine as well as a team aqua hideout after finding Kyogre at the N were confronted by Archie who we completely destroyed Kyogre watched the whole entire thing and was so blown away by her six skills that he literally rocketed into the sky now it's our job to track him down and put a stop to all this if we go to the topless city we can meet up with Steven and Wallace who guides us to the cave of origin after running through the dark paths we can grab the hm4 waterfall and then take on Kyogre this battle is significantly easier than battling Groudon and ruby netball's bring its catch rate up to over 5% in the red and with Santa's moves it can go up to around 12% this battle took all of four minutes to catch this beast now that we've saved the world from rain for a thousand years we've also caught every pokemon available for this section this means that all we have left to do was evolve our caches the only Pokemon the list is chinchou because it was a love away from evolving I used a rare candy to evolve into Lantern this brings the total to 169 pokemon and the most you can have with 6 badges at this point we have two badges left Winona and Wallace the technical 8th badge gives us waterfowl so we're going to do this one instead because we can catch more Pokemon after running through his team with our new water beasts we unlock the use of waterfall which allows us to access every area of the game if we head all the way back to meteor Falls and go into the small area we can catch a while Bagon I start sketching it at the highest level you can because this is going to take a long time to evolve because it learns that level 49 I'd suggest grabbing the TM for Dragon Claw while you're in here because that will help speed this up dramatically the upside to all this is that because we can use waterfall we can go to Victory Road to Train pokémon like golbat and Hariyama give out around a thousand XP per battle and we also have access to all the battles inside plus our last battle with Wally I'd use the exp share a bit before Bagon could battle on its own but dragon claw and even headbutt works well on almost everything except the heir online this doesn't change the fact that it still took a long time because of how much XP it needs to evolve after about three hours bagon evolved into shelgon and then in dis elements bring the total to 172 pokemon for this section the only thing that we have left to do before we can beat the game is take on the final gym leader all the way in for tree city after playing duck hunt with Wynonna's gym we're given the final 5th badge and can now use fly if we had to route 120 and Gordon to this cave and use fly we can enter the final room and take on registeel once again there aren't any good tricks to this and it went just about as well as Regirock did after around 25 minutes we're able to add it to the total this is the only Pokemon for this section so now is the time to take on the elite for this one in the same fashion is all the other games because we didn't use one specific Pokemon the entire playthrough we're pretty much on par with our opponents on the flip side we have a team of pseudos and legendaries so the team did a pretty solid job standing on its own i had to revive quite a few times but i was able to defeat the elite 4 and steven in one try at this point we've completed the game but believe it or not there are a few more pokemon we have to catch now it's time to take on the post game ruby and sapphire don't have a lot of postgame content so only a couple new areas are available now that we're champion as we're heading downstairs the TV will report about a pokemon flying around the region before we go deal with that if we fly to mossdeep city and go to Stevens house we can click the beldam that's on his desk this is the only Pokemon we have to level up but it's definitely not an easy one now let's focus on the roaming Pokemon there are a few ways that you can do this but the best way in my opinion is to go north of Slateport City if we bike in and out of the route and have a repel trick that's above the wild encounters but below level 41 we'll eventually encounter the wild rumor for this game Latios this one took me about 30 minutes to find but because we have a master ball we can quickly scoop this one up and move on to the final location the sky pillar if we spend like 10 minutes trying to buy correctly and reach the top of the tower we can take on brick ways ax although we have a pretty solid team this is a really tough battle because of how strong and high-level it is there isn't a surefire way to make this go quick best-case scenario we have about a 5 percent chance but it's usually around 2 I had to reset a couple times to make this happen but eventually we were able to add this to the team now all we have to do is level a beldam because requ is is insanely strong i was able to run through the elite 4 over and over with the experience share attached to bail them I managed to get one rare candy a quarter of the way through which did actually help quite a lot after 5 runs through the elite 4 beldam evolved in a batang and then into Metagross this brings the total to 178 pokemon and with that we've completed Professor Oak's challenge and pokemon ruby and sapphire but how did I do so let's review I was actually in the middle of the 6 run through the elite 4 when Metagross evolves but at that point in time I technically finished with a time of 85 hours and 9 minutes I finished up the rest of the league so it ended up being a little bit higher than that but regardless I completed the challenge a lot faster than I expected it was going to take considering how many Pokemon there are I initially figured it would have taken at least half as long as gold and silver but the Zigzagoon rare candy saved probably a hundred hours of work so with a hundred and seventy-eight catchable pokemon and one copy the remaining pokemon from the Hoenn decks are the other two starters all the version exclusives the second fossil the tree evolutions and the mythical x' leaving us with only 24 pokemon we can't collect without any other game which is pretty good if you ask me it's really hard to guess how quickly you could actually pull this off though the rare candies are complete locks so it's not very easy to accurately give a straight number I will say this can be done much faster though the creator of the challenge is speedrunning this game and they're currently at 34 hours with two badges my time at that point was nearing 50 hours so there's a possibility that this could be completed in under 55 to 60 hours which is insane I want to thank all of you for your continuous support on this series the fact that both videos have over 35,000 likes is more insane than this challenge so I appreciate all of you who enjoy the series as usual I don't have a like or anything for the next generation but I'd really appreciate it if you liked the video if you'd like me to continue doing this challenge I want to give a shout out to mu Lacs 84 for creating guys for basically every single game that's come out there are small things like the shards that I wouldn't have thought about on my own so if you're interested in taking the challenge I've linked their guide in the description below as always please subscribe to the Professor Oak subreddit and give the challenge ago if we can get that subreddit to 4,000 followers I'd really appreciate it and that's gonna do it for today's video if you like the video leave a like and consider subscribing is I'll be making more videos soon if you have suggestions or challenges that you'd like me to do leave a comment below I put a lot of work into this video so I'd really appreciate it if you share this video with a friend follow me on Twitter to keep updated with new videos as they come out other than that like to thank you all for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 916,815
Rating: 4.945003 out of 5
Keywords: johnstone, pokemon ruby and sapphire, pokemon ruby and sapphire catch em all, professor oak's challenge, professor oak pokemon ruby, professor oak pokemon sapphire, catching every pokemon in ruby and sapphire, johnstonepokemon, catch em all pokemon, pokemon ruby, pokemon sapphire, how to catch every pokemon in ruby and sapphire, catch em all gen 3, pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
Reddit Comments

Just watched it, only problem is with the Shoal Cave, if you set the clock to the right time with a dry battery, you can get all the encounters when it's at low tide. Loved it tho, hopefully my comment makes top comment and I get to do a VS Prof. Oak's Challenge with him through Generation 4!

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Tyranit 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

This guy is making some of the absolute best Pokemon content on YouTube. Keep it up!

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/craggycoastfetish7 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yes! I got a shout out!!!!!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mewlax84 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dude, Johnstone’s videos got me back into Pokémon after years of not playing. He is far and away the best Pokémon you tuber in the game today. Keep up the quality content!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Shinny-Donphan 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

His vids are great! :D

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Aurora_BoreaIis 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nicely done, keep the good work!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/samuelsarria 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

He has finally done it! Been a while coming, Johnstone!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Blazkowicz6082 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

This got me into poc

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xXPyroTimeXx 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Loved the video. Looking forward to a gen4 vid

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/andyfromtexas 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
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