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[Music] what is going on guys my name is jon and welcome back to yet another video earlier this week pokemon sword and shield was updated to include what is presumably the final expansion added before the next mainline games the crown tundra an expansive winter location home to some returning pokemon as well as some brand new faces naturally being the curious person that i am i wanted to see just how difficult it would be to catch every pokemon in one game today we're going to find out how easy you can complete professorworks challenge in pokemon sword and shields crown tundra dlc now if you've seen the one that i did in the isle of armor a few months back it's obviously not as difficult as the standard professor rooks challenge with the base game however i kind of now see these dlc challenges as a solo catch maul and as a result i try to use my very limited knowledge of the area at the moment to learn how to catch everything as fast as possible if you have no idea what a professor oak challenge is you can check out the playlist of my other videos in the top right of your screen to better understand what we're trying to achieve here regardless let's go over the rules the first rule is we would obtain every pokemon available before each gym badge like i said earlier because we've already completed the story when we did the base game this is more so just to catch them all but it's still a very lengthy challenge the second rule is that we can only use one copy of the gen 8 games this means that any trade evolutions or version exclusives won't be obtained but this is just so the challenge is consistent regardless of who chooses to attempt it the final rule is that no glitches can be used if you know by now there are basically zero glitches aside from the raid dens but it's still important to note in case that changes over time before we get into the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more content like this only about 30 of the viewers that watch my content are actually subscribed and if you don't like what i upload you can always change your mind down the road with all that out of the way let's just jump right into it so if you've caught up on our professor challenge for shield you know that we ended the isle of armor with a whopping 470 pokemon between the base game and the first dlc while the first game was branded around expanding with returning older pokemon this dlc was promoted as the area of exploration while that may come off as there being more story and less pokemon if i'm not mistaken there are actually more pokemon in this than the isle of armor so this will definitely still be quite a challenge unlike the previous challenges we're going to try and catch every new pokemon the crown tundra dax as fast as possible so a real challenge is going to be hoping our rng lock is better than it usually is to start our journey we had to watch her station and talk to the teller again to direct us to the crown tundra once we arrive we're greeted by the professor's assistant who upgrades our pokedex once again to contain another separate pokedex for this new area outside we meet peony and his daughter peonia and after watching them argue for a few minutes he challenges us to a battle after the dust settles we find that peonia has run off towards the max lair and he instructs us that we should follow along to try and find her at this point we're able to roam around the initial few areas but for now we can take care of a couple encounters within the slippery slope here we can catch smoochum jinx amora and cryogonal who will oddly be very useful later on inside the max layer we find peony arguing with the attendant and he heads straight into the dens to find his daughter to no surprise we have to chase after him which brings us straight into the biggest attraction to the dlc dynamaxx adventures in this game mode you fight waves of dynamax pokemon before fighting a final legendary pokemon at the end of the den during this time you're only allowed to use rental pokemon and thankfully they're significantly better than the computer players that you team up with in the base game i'm looking at you soulrock rock although there's some new pokemon here they're all actually not available in the base pokedex or even the crown tundra but we'll talk more about these special pokemon and the legendaries like suicune later on after clearing the den we have a quick conversation before never seeing her again and exit the den to check back on peony after finding out that he died we revive him and he tells us that since his daughter doesn't want to spend time with him we're forced to be his new son and go on an event tour which requires us to go around the region to solve the tundra's many mysteries from here we have to follow him to the next town and on the way i was able to catch audino bringing the total to 475 pokemon at the entrance to freezing 10 we meet the mayor of the town whose name is literally mayor and we're told about the area's history including the mysterious statue in the center of the town at peony's house he initiates us into the program and gives us three legendary clues that he wants us to investigate these tasks are essentially the core parts of the dlc and the best part is we can take these on in basically any order that we like however one of them is technically the main storyline so it's best to challenge that first in addition peony gives us a uniform as well as a master ball which is an enormous help if we need to catch all these legendaries in the clues after inspecting peony's pillow on his dining table we find that seems to be the top of the head for the statue in the town and we had there to try and fit it back into place once we restore the statue were greeted by the actual pokemon and followed into woods to battle after this the pokemon possesses peony and uses his body to talk through him to thank us for giving back his comically large head and he tells us that his name is calarax it explains that it was the king of this land however over time people have forgotten it and don't know the history of its impact on the tundra after being forced to remind literally everyone in town kalarex mentions that the horse portion of the statue is formerly its steed and we're tasked with figuring out how to track this pokemon down out of all the people it's best to assume that the mayor would know the most so we leave the town to try and track him down to find out where it could be as we're leaving freezington we meet up with sonia and talk to her about some special footprints that were found by the gate this is based around a completely different part of the story so we'll come back to that a little bit later now let's get some pokemon just like the isle of armor this location is loaded with brand new pokemon to sword and shield and a large portion can be encountered in the overworld which saves a lot of time having to grind them up here we can catch nidoran male nidorino nito king nidoran female nidorina needle queen as well as aerodactyl in the sky i kind of brushed over this earlier with amora but all of the fossil pokemon are available in the overworld in the crown tundra which is a pretty underrated addition for how cool it is to find them at the garden we find the mayor and he tells us to meet him back at his house in freezington to learn more about calorics and how the two are related after reading some of the books we remind calorics as steed loves crops most importantly carrots which is probably the key to tracking it down although crops don't grow here without calorix's powers the farmer of the town still has the seeds to the plants and if we trade him the dinette ore that we earned from the sweet raid from earlier we can trade those to get the carrot seeds that we need upon giving them the calorics it tells us that we have to plant the seeds in one of the two gardens within the tundra which results in which seed appears in the story this is one of the very few choice-based pokemon in this dlc and for a challenge like this it doesn't really matter which one you pick because they're both very powerful pokemon if you choose to use it because i ended up going with the ice garden in my personal playthrough i headed to the old cemetery to collect the opposite pokemon once we plant the seed kalorex grows the plant with the power of dance and conveniently we've attracted his snowball steed spectreer upon heading back to freezington we have an encounter with the pokemon and once we defeat it we collect a strand of its hair to bring to calirax in order for it to tame the horse again we bring that and a pedal to the mare and eventually peony to create a pair of rains we're told by calorax that with these two items we can head to the crown shrine at the top of the area to lure spectreer so we make our way there to finish the largest part of the story as we're heading there we obviously have a ton of new pokemon that we have to collect so let's take some time to go over those on the snow slide slope we can catch beldum magby magmar magmortar and auroris through a few weather changes which brings us to the tunnel connecting us to the beginning of the area in the tunnel to the top we can catch carbink zubat golbat gibble and finally absolve right outside the cave at the crown shrine we meet calorex and place the carrot in its old pen and wait out until it arrives after having a quick rodeo calorix is retained spectreer and as thanks kalorex allows us to take it on in its true form to add to the team for the first time in the history of my challenge videos we can catch two pokemon in one pokeball and also have an extremely strong pokemon that we can carry through the rest of the dlc after a few throws we can add both to the total now that we've completed this section of the story we can return to peony and start the second section of the event tour throughout every corner of the tundra there are temples that have been sealed off for centuries and it's up to us to figure out how to solve the puzzles to allow us to go inside the first one is located in the giant's bed right below freezington if we stand outside the front and whistle the door will open and allow us inside even looking at the outside it's pretty obvious that these are the reggies from hoenn but in comparison these are significantly more difficult to fight due to how much higher level they are than they've been in the past in this room we can encounter regis steel which brings a total of 495 pokemon heading back to the slippery slope we can head left to find the next ruined location this one says that it requires you to walk with the living crystal of snow this is referencing triagonal and thankfully they're literally all over the region so once we add it to the front of our party we can walk right in this allows us to catch regis who was the shortest encounter with only having to throw two dust balls the vol reggie is located on the opposite side of the giant's bed this puzzle requires your lead pokemon to hold the never changing stone which is actually the everstone inside we can capture regirock which completes this section of the story right well as a bonus to the dlc we can head to the east side of the map to catch another special pokemon but before we get there there is a bunch of new locations with a ton of pokemon to collect at the giant's foot we can catch swablu altaria and archen the virgin exclusive kabuto and kabutops in the roaring sea caves and tertuga spheel celio and walrain in the frigid sea which gives us over 500 pokemon available for this challenge at the final ruins it asks for each of the three regis to be present in the party and with that we can enter the split decision ruins with a name like that it's pretty obvious that we can only take one of the pokemon in this location and we select it by lighting the eyes based on which one that we prefer for this game i chose to catch regelecky and with a single quick ball we finished the second story for the game now that we can report this whole section to pne we can work on the third and final clue challenge that we receive from him this requires us to venture to the most southern area at balamir lake before we take care of the main quests let's grab a few more encounters here we can get tyron tyrantrum anariff relicanth and dratini in the water if we head to the enormous berry tree in the center of the lake we're confronted by the three gallerian birds who have a quick fight before leaving in all different directions peony tells us that these three pokemon are now roaming about in each of the three sections of this game the main land of galler the isle of armor and the crown tundra before we hunt those down let's finish up catching the last area of pokemon before heading in that direction in the lakeside cave we can catch aeron leyron and agron which brings a total to 515 pokemon so since we're already in the crown tundra let's just grab that bird first each of the birds will roam in sort of a pattern around the world and if you ride around for a bit you'll eventually come across it the catch though is that each one has some characteristic that makes it difficult to catch so you kind of have to plan for them to run into you rather than the other way around for articuno i found that it's best to fly the registeel ruins and head up towards freezington articuno will usually follow that path and end up right above you to set up the encounter thankfully unlike the other roamers in history's past they don't flee upon encountering them so they're more so just kind of annoying to track down after a few balls we can add articuno to the total next up is my personal favorite as you can tell by the thumbnail zapdos this one appears in the wild area and the goal is to chase it around and around until it gets tired and is slow enough to run into with your bike because that takes too long i found a way to almost encounter it instantly if you chase after it until it reaches the stairs leading to motostoke you can fly into that location and boost your bike to the right to immediately encounter it this can take a couple tries but if you're fast enough you can just fly back to the spot again before it leaves and keep trying until you get it this pokemon ended up being the longest to catch but it's well worth it for a pokemon this cool i mean come on look at it the final bird is located all around the isle of armor and this is by far the most difficult pokemon to track down not only is it extremely fast but the path it takes is really confusing but i found a super consistent method to track it down if you spot the station at the fields of honor and race to the hill by the dojo mole trace will literally fly right to you on my first time playing i originally tried to race it down across the region but this hasn't failed me yet so i definitely recommend giving this a shot with that we've completed every story in the dlc so we must be done right well not exactly after returning to peony we have a quick interaction with him and his daughter and are given a few rewards for completing his inventory as we try to leave we check out a note on the floor that peony dropped that we're supposed to return to him in the max layer before we do that let's finish up the rest of the encounters for the tundra decks although peony doesn't tell us to do this there is technically another legendary quest that we have to go on if you remember from earlier in the challenge sonia wants to observe a bunch of footprints that were scoured across the crown tundra and there are three different sets of tracks that we have to hunt down thankfully unlike the diglett from the isle of armor there isn't a finite amount of these so you don't need a guide to make sure you find each and every single one on the flip side the white tracks are by far the most difficult ones to find because of how well they blend in with the scenery the other two are brown and blue which is super easy to spot from a distance but personally you'll probably spend the most time hunting this specific color down during this grind i spend a little time catching the remaining pokemon that i missed so we can add ella kid electabuzz electavire lillip and crobat who evolve partway through catching these after finding 50 of each we can head back to sonia and she'll confirm that these tracks are related to the swords of justice who can now be found in specific locations in the overworld if we head to the frigid sea we can catch kobaleon to rakion and lakeside caves and finally verizon at the giant's bed as you know these have a catch rate of three so they're going to be just as difficult as every other legendary we've encountered so it's important to oh my god yeah so coincidentally the last pokemon that i had to catch for the decks happened to be a shiny and from what i've been told the odds aren't boosted for these pokemon at all so i found a full out shiny brizzy on him one encounter maybe my luck is finally turning around i kind of panic so i just use my master ball from peony which gives us a total of 526 pokemon now let's take care of the most important part the grinding section thankfully because sonya gives you a ton of exp candies for finishing that task this is pretty easy to do it's also important to note that basically every pokemon is obtainable in the overworld so the grinding for this section is almost non-existent with this we can evolve gibble took a bite goodbye to garchomp beldum to metang metang to metagross arch into archaeops tortuga to karacosta and a rift to armaldo lillyp to credilly dratini to dragonair and dragonair to dragonite with that we've successfully completed the works challenge for crown tundra but there is still technically more that we can do here now this is part of the challenge where it's kind of a gray area at the end of the day the main goal is to complete your pokedex before each gym and the pokemon that we're going to take a look at are catchable but they don't appear within any of the pokedexes in the game if you've looked into sun and moons professor oak it's the same issue with the island scan pokemon and the ultra wormholes as far as i know these aren't counted for the challenge but i still think that it's important to know because of how much they're related to the dlc before we jump into that let's talk about two specific pokemon if we head back into the roaring sea caves we can talk to this woman who will weave galerica twigs to give us the evolution for the other pokemon the galerian slowpoke line although this isn't the crown tundra dex this is actually in the isle of armor for some reason so i guess this is part of the challenge finally if you explore the map online and talk to 32 different people while you're in the crown tundra and head back to the balamir lake you can encounter spirit tomb the only reason i didn't do this is because technically you're using other games to obtain this and the premise of this challenge is to do it offline without any other games so this is once again a pokemon that i'm not sure if it belongs in the challenge or not now let's talk about the max layer if we have back there we can return the letter to pne which will unlock the last expansion for the crown tundra since we've technically completed the dlc story when we now attempt dynamax adventures you have a chance to encounter ultrabeast in addition to the legendaries which expands the list by another 10 pokemon as you're making your way through the raids you can encounter every legendary pokemon in the series history excluding a few that can be obtained in different areas of the crown tundra in total there are 47 different legendaries that you can fight however there are some version exclusives that only allow you to catch 40 which is a lot of work anyways if you want to complete this section in addition all the hoenn starters are catchable which adds another nine pokemon to the total after breeding them finally if you complete enough raids you can be given poiple which you can then evolve into naganodel which will give you a total of 589 pokemon the next pokemon is actually kind of an easter egg which involves you going back to sonia to report on capturing all the swords of justice if we head back to baltimore lake and surf to the island we can find a set of footprints next to this pop behind the tree if we cook some curry through the pokemon camp once we exit we can encounter a wild keldeo this is the only time this pokemon has been catchable in the series history so this is by far one of the coolest additions in this dlc the final pokemon that we can take a look at is back in freezington if we talk to the cosmog that's in the corner of this house the woman will offer to us and after training it up we can also evolve it into cosmoem with all these pokemon we have a new technical total of 592 pokemon and all the pokemon that are available within the crown tundra and with that we've successfully completed professorworks challenge in the second sword and shield dlc but how did i do so let's review like i said earlier my goal was to try and do this as fast as possible and i think i did a pretty decent job into all this expansion took me around four and a half hours to complete the crown tundra dax but with some more optimization i'm sure you could do this in three hours or less for those who are interested in trying this out for themselves i've included some links in the description and i'll also be updating my pokemon home guide soon to add all these pokemon if you're also trying to finish that living decks i know this is unrelated to the challenge but i genuinely feel this is one of the best things that pokemon has done in a while i really love the base game for sword and shield but this expansion really built on what was good and bad about gen8 and i think this is a fantastic ending to this part of the generation if you're on the fence about it i can confidently say that this alone is worth the 30 dollars so if you're on the fence about isle of armor this definitely seals the deal for me other than that that's all there is to say about completing professor oak's challenge and pokemon sword and shield's crown tundra dlc and that's gonna do for today's video if you liked the video leave a like and consider subscribing as i'll be making more content like this very soon if you have any other suggestions for videos that you'd like to see leave a comment below follow me on twitter to keep updated with new videos as they come out if you're interested in watching me take on challenges live i've been streaming a lot over my twitch account that you can find in the description other than that like thank you all for watching and i'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 846,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnstone, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield catch em all, professor oak's challenge, professor oak pokemon sword, professor oak pokemon shield, catch every pokemon in sword and shield, johnstonepokemon, catch em all pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, how to catch every pokemon in sword and shield, catch em all gen 8, pokemon, Pokemon Sword DLC, Pokemon Crown Tundra, Crown Tundra DLC
Id: b771Lb8AYmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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